HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-12-07, Page 1The ClintonNew Era, the best local pape in the County of Huron, to the auci of next year, to new subscribers, for $1 cash. Subscribe new "litr"4"44144414"4314444" tcleflettltiOnd thoe lgoW Aro t� VITO* Ildfaldlo. , ititat neatraltrankWielither . • 0 INT atanthig at the eplendid table end asidorlitive ohms that Ocist much lest beee than eleewhere. * No deamittione me 'Win the teity 'honeekeeper es. on these bright sthiry .00lorel wares Ail emit as ir eye' fall upon them. • - . , Orlialt"Binag New pieces ere added Its rept& ly as we on gee them rely for But far duelicates end ; the late plasma • sr a deeitehle as the first' lot shown, • " Our Window r- , -Ohlybeide simile Of the tilanY pretty and neefoi thinge rn Omit • = - for Xtriers. • d'oine In and See RII ' It moo ype nothing t� loolt anti we are 01217 too visaged to show yoe.through. • • . 'When will You be in... P. B. CREWS Expert Wateit Repairer Jeweler And Optician 4\ . . . k Sonodx, REPORT.- The following is 1. there is an average attendance of sixty- Ttiekersmith, the standing of the pupils of S. S. No, five, and their teacher, Mr Weir, hay- •, 2, for the month of November; the in g such a school to be proud of, deter- .Dtteeriar...DO Wednesday of last week names are givenin order ofeterin-Sr. mined to bold a public examination on - lare Hugh' McKay amed-away to her IV -Ida P.Osornish; Jr,IV-Iiiva Miller, Friday, Isloy. Mb, to vvhich everper- inton rat. CLINTON, ONTARIO; DE °EMBER 71 1,900; alknon 1************************* ,,..• OennarioN.-A few daye inee Ur * - E. Manning. underwebt an operation oriticel ae the operation was eavere,but * i The News of thp Neigriborhoocl . . for rupture. For a time his cage was hie minor Mends will be glad to k , now Ir. 1 be is new getting hatter. *. - ;-•-•. . . I/4 ANKrig)304/er.-..;14Ohdt$Y : . Supplied by the New Era', wideiewalte and reliable corresPendents l•litet ittlthGe 50th weddin annivarsar ' ." . . '', of Mr and Mrs Geo. Snigl, of the 84, . , il-Wit***Pialtalanate*-ItatettoPfalasaltreliietatY-V-itaat.WitaaistIPallatetat con. They are Montt the moet highly • • '• tioilmance ' Sumnierhilt A respected residente of the township,be- tiOderichTownship . PUBLIC Smoot, Esrattneamotte-As Otrotton.-aRev. E. B. Smith preach Sonertmn itus FOOT., -.Tail. Connolly ing early eettleretaud with their inter- is perhaps known to many, the Vete* aid a gtand serniottlest Suridey even- is suffering with A sprained foot, tin eating farnily„ enjoying tbe confidence and good -will of all; We hope both may payers of S. el. No. 8, klullett (generally in from the subject "The day spring result ofjainping over a Reece; it doet live to ellioy many more anniversaries. known ae in urn school) haYe durinti a life." The -Sacrament of Holy Corn. net prevent, him Moving around, hir Dieltaie.-Mre N. O. Entlisb died in house erected. Thhibuilding is a /40d. of the service. The yegular meeting of o- egitAINneD.-While Nelson Yeo, o McBrien s en Thursday afternoon at 2 P.M It Will, indeed.be A severe i0Sa to the parish, should Mr Smith choose to. the past (summer had a. new echo° niunion wag...administered at the clefs° gonsewhat hampers locomotion. London, on Monday, her emise Dein et, and is concededly all 'who have vet the Wonaen's A.uxibarn met at Mrs H. th due to 0111,8ge. She was the relict of 'welted it, to be the finest onerooin the late Thos. English, formerly a wen- school to be seen. The clase•room has tom* residene of North Dorchester a ;mating capacity for ninety pupils, he latest styles of desks for both teacher and. pupils. Underneath the class -room is a base- ment built entirely of concrete, and, used by the pupils as a play -room. One .end of the basement is occupied by the furnace and wood house. The trustees • who had supervision of the building of the school were John Britton, cheir- man of the board, Hutch Campbell and Wm. Clark, ana too moth praise can- not be given these men for the Vole and labor which they expended in see- ing that the Bectiod reeelyed full value for its money. The contractor was S. S. Cooper, of Clinton, Amore usually known as "Your Own Sam.") and he atm is worthy of mention for the efil- flflflw and flflflfl. neness of has o and wage Woman heldin the ver high! end is furnished with t est esteem. She was the mother of Mr e Adam Wein of this township, and of Miss English, who has been tinting witri Mrs Weir, both of whom went to London WOW. • WEDDING.- A very happy event took place at the home of B. Churchill on Wednesday evening, when hie 00nd eldest daughter, Mies Lizzie, be- came the wife of David Livermore, of Clinton, the ceremony being perforate ed by Rev.hir Murduck. Mies A. Liver- more Was brichemaid, while the duties of groOinsmen were performed by J.G. Churchill. Mr Livermore is a steady, Industrious young man, and Mies Churchill is a popular young lady, and they start married life with the good •whIch is exemplified in the bulidingiis wishes of allavho know thero, it DOW stands. The pupils, of whom • wt - long home, ahey a long and severe ill- clam Biggin, R. Churchill, T. East; Sr. son would be vvelcoined. Accordingly nem florae with Christian.fortituae, at III -Flora McNeil. J. (New, L. Brown, the walls were decorated with a few • the age of 61. Her Wetland died a few w B; D Churchill- Jr G suitable loictures, flowers were placed years IWO. She leavesta fartillY of nine; Cornish. 1:Miller, A.. YanegMond, F. makehat andlifavgiede the homestead; Tyndall, L. Reid; Sr. IF -1. Brown M. ' Alifre Scam Walker and Mrs ,Sproat, of " 'Tuckeremithallre PacKaY,F • Taeladv A Glew, J McNeil- Jr Iti M blladelPhic• Brown, IT A. A. Colcleug'h '0 F-ar-• • Mrs 11. Mason, Brow:1011e; Wm. Mc- 311tagr,'W.. Farliaha'r'; P. Ir-V..Tyn- attlYi Klondike; WA; and _ . TOliereinith. She Wag it ineararnbeesr' of j4 teanol'hije'r. Hearer.. ' McNeil' '• . T. Mewl! i '• Ifteceffeld Presbyterian charch,having . ' . ' .itorinerla been a Member of the late Noans:--We are told that there WIWI - 'again Boss' cougregation. A largenum- truth in the rumor that T. McMillen ''' bei -attended the funeral on Friday to intended to run for the County Court , C :Ballans•cemetery. : • oil.- The school award made some ANNI*ERBAET.-011 Thursday,. Nov. Nine ago, creating a union from God- • erich township, does not gb into effect Zlth, Mrs Appleton Etcoat, er., why Makes her home with her son, Apple- until the25th inst., therefore no pro- ton, reaehad _her 80th hirthday,and the vision has yet been made for a school . event was Wily observed *by a gather- board or, school. building, and the par-, ing of the members of her family and elite who Want to start the new section .0ther friends, a very handsome ess/ at January hardly know what to do. •chair being presented herby. her chif- Thos, McKenzie has about completed advent'. these are Mrs w. Stanley, the fine brick house of Geo. Scales, 9th Holniesvil ...,16 Mrs Hugh Alexahder, COM • Albert Vothlen, of the 8th con, Mattit011asArs JaaStiell. Huliett:Whs: • lost a Valuable cow from milk fever.— andAppleton Elcoat,Tutkeremith,and Millie Govier, son of John Elsevier, of - .Devid. of California. Mrs Bieoat, has the Ilth con., got his arm broke by a Inlet been a resident of this township kick from a home; he is getting along onsing into it -when nicely and expects to be able to work howling wilderness, .- in about a month. et days doing her „EARN Crattenes.W.-Ifiller is going acing . the hardens of back on the farm, on the base ime, re- tfor over 130 year at was literally ,...„And in the p 4s -hare towards life, which, h evert have not told cently occupied by W. Hardy. II. -heavily on her, she being as active and Woodyard, who has been on the Wal. fresh as many pepon at eel She re-. lace farm, Me rented Mrs McBrien's tains possession of all her faculties. efi. 100 acre farm on the Oth con. Mrs joys fairly good health, and under div -• Wallace, who has been living in Olin - me blessing expects to spend many a ton, has gone back to her own farm on ably yet among those shehoIde dear, g. the 7th con., which will be worked by Wish that la ill be re-echoed by. the her sons. S. Appleby hats bought j. . any anquaintances she numbers all Wagner's farm, on the gravel road; ..over this section. near Londesboro. paying therefor the 0frisoteosass-s?, • Porter's Bill. tier has purchased a 200 acre farm in Nos. -Mrs Wm. .Tohnston is very West Wawanosh from Mr Washing - low from heart disease. John Beacom ton. James Cartwright, of the Oth, as very poorly. te. Newton it iniproy- has bought the 100 acre farm of his Mg. Meseta H. and O. Newton, of brother John, at a good figure. E. •Goderieh,were out to see their nephew Orawford,of the 18th con, has puicluts- . on Sunday. Mr McPhail is having a ed s farm on the same con. from Elena maw furnace put in. The blacksmith's Livingstone, of Blyth, better known as •Iblitok and whit ef dog died one the Ounninghatne property, the price alse.ttast week, and received a decent paid was $8175. Jas. McConnel, of the shae•gy. coat. Miss 18th con., is offering his 200 litre farm Annie 'McPhail is visiting at home. fonsale, as he is not able to work it *Our village store is undergoing repairs. himself 44314-11-4444444444441444******* Varna . Greig at McDonald CONCERZ-A. concert with South Af- rican war scenes, will be held in the • Temperance hall on Monday evening, The Big 0001111g POOliktt . the 10th inst This promises to be a high-class entertainment, and we pre- dict for Mr Whitely, the genial man- . • • .. ' earn of $5,203; it is mud that. Mr Wag. Seaforth, ent. a,ger a good crOwded house, is at present visiting at Mrs J. 'Wan - NOTES. -Mrs W. Cowan, Stratford, Owing to the mildness of the season 2 • les' she came to em Mr and MrsStin- end &note the strange fact that Bo many MOW Atli buying for watts, where tor . son before thel,return to -Oregon. Mr thetwonld In times past have bought a and Mrs John earson, of the 2nd con. olot eoat, the heavy frieze aidbah )0. of Stanley, were the guests of Mrs Jae. coats have not sold al vrell lie in f riser osseous, and we find ottnielves with far Armstrong on Tuesday last The Misses tooheavy a stook of mons winter over - abate ; for these reasons- then we are si 1 th Wheatley, of Clinton were the guests of Miss Hannah Ward this week,. On Tuesday event's a social was given to m the windows, a few of the neighbor- ing teachers Were inyited, and the par- ents a the children were asked. to bring eatables' and have dinner in the basement. Everything andeverybody maned to work in unison and hal monY. ,Even Dame Nature assisted; by spread- ing a white maptle of snow, to add cleanliness es her share. The ample Ious morning dawned bright and Clear, ond seemed to be reflected in the faces kt all present. The visiting tettchers-- MissIDorrance, Winthrop; MissBeattie, No. 2, McKillop; Afr•Forsyth. Kipper); Mr Atcheson, Roxboro; Mr Hamilton, Harlock; and Mr Lennox, Bandon - were Punctual ttalle. hour and arrived early in the forenoon.. During the day each of the visiting teachers was called upon to teach allesson, and each promptly responded and gave ample evidence of their ability. Just here space might be -taken to congratulate the different Sections upon having in their employ, such able and energetic teachers* Long before the time for dinner arrived the benches and tables In the -basement were. coveted -witb baskets filled to overflowing, and in the °less -room upwards of seventy-five visitors nadigathered. Shall) tethe minute all descended, , and a vigorous assault was made upon the, baskets. The kind-hearted ladies who brought them must have felt highly flattered indeed as they saw with whakrelish the good things they had provided were eaten. After dinner was over ana the people had been given a short time for social chat, the teacher's bell again sounded and all repaired to the class -room. Again the teaching born- inenced, and Dr. Hothans, our Village physician, favored us with •a lessen on "Digestion," taken , with the fctirth classes. This lesson, as well as the Ohara, was highly interesting, and the• answers given by all the pupils in all the classes show clearly that the child- ren in this Section muet be of more than the average intelligence, and that their teacher, Me Weir, must be thor- oughly in sympathy: vvith his work and with his pupils to give them such clear Ideas upon all the subjects taught. The teaching was finished about 2.80 p.m., and then all !got ready to enjoy the program which had been prepared. During the afternoon a large number from Harlock Section, vvbet Mr Weir had previously taught, showed their esteem for him by attending the exam- ination. and when the program com- noenced the 'visitors numbered about 200 The program, which consisted of several good sow, all of which were Well rendered, several recitations given In splendid. style and reading, which was thoroughly 'enjoyed, two violin selections, each of which was encored. and a few short soeeches-was enjoyed by all. No especial mention need be made of any person; suffice it to say I.. Mid the Sabbath, School tha,'' all who took pare, both grown the wayof making such prices in this t e C department that some sales are sure to people and pupils did excellently* follow, we win sells frieze overcoat v. Beatty Bros. are moving into their la t h been bel t Th b con no ave nter. e for 114 pitied formerly at $0. * 'IOW store this tveek. Mies Maud Rob- le intim) at ,Brucelleld Is visitind her ram, Mr Britton, filled hie poeitioti in . A coat thm sole for #11 at 116, and an- v. ' - a very creditable OtaltrfiEft iardthe ex - ether lino that was SOU fot vo win *, aunt, ears Purcay. x.eague met as usual . MO vv mein otter which prevailed shotved hd Wd d we nave coail on 012 7 meet se this wilitirOVV* senile that 1 , this good sense of those who were pees- 4a(16t in ilelear 'eali" c'il th6rIal till° lit"e of Chatham is visiting . I his, 'mother .1' fillinkii of 'Awing an overcoat. We car- ry the utreeet stook (amens end ladies fat &Ate iii the Wed, twofer YOnrsolf. will a big earritur to the man who OREM &MCDONALD On the wrong rdde of the street SWOng'111110olt, Seatortho ante 1 HA 1 nit, as well as the respect which they Wattles& inv. I.W. Andrews and'his .had for the chairman. „After the den Mere, Missies Mend and May, at...443 pro - tended the Sunday School convention I g ii t t the Oueen,'? and then they descenGod ded In Ktppen on Tuesday. to the basement; where enough eat- . ANNIVERSARY SineVIonst-The lord. ablest were still left to give ail a good vemary serelees were held in the Pres- . lunch. Then all dispersed to their bvieriatt church On Sunday litet, Rev. eloquent and practical sentient; both e P toe e e lila ono en Mr Martin, of Exeter, preached very ten tbeeerZitt`.11111),111: art extra Me Weir, who IS 1,_13 such arnintly with Morning and evening. The tea -Meet- tne childrert and has advanced them so 'fig on Monday tiveninilk was a grand very succeesfully in their studieit.-A telecasts. The foWlsuppee was A 1 and Vlarriatt, . iter ample justice had been done to Ine goodthings provided by the le.dies Of the eonaregation, an ekcellent pro- , . lellee • ram Conteeting of ehore addresses by , OoNtetate-A.`concert Iii cOnnection go to lifanitoba. Wm. -Don't forget the school con- cert to be held in the L. O. L. hall on Friday, Dec. 7th, commencing at 8 o'clock, mown& of a high order. Mr and Mrs T. J, Lindsay attended so- cial gathering at W.Jankinte,Maitland con one ev riirt 0 Bayfield line, was patching th roof of the hero, he happened to elid. otand consequently sprnined his ankle, which confined him to the house for a few days, • Onitunete.-The annual me eting was held in Qole's chiirch last Wednesdays evening for the purposeat electing of- ficers for the ensuing year. The old teachers were all reelected with the exception of the Bible class teacher. (and we may lastsaygintpervfieneekn't oTrileaeraPrea SUDDEN Dna' TEL -Moses Marion, of on the move; they should be midst° the 5th con,, who made his home with tnove faster or sent down for a while, W. Johnston, died suddenly on Friday The Misses Wallace, of Clinton, were last, at the age of 70 years. The re- viiiitors • here over Sunday. Mrs roams Wete interred in Goderich genie - Brownlee, of Seaforth." called in the tery on Sunday, Bets. Mr Smith oftten village one dal, lase week. Mr Hanna, citing, of Winthrop, s the g nest of IBullard. Mrs Bingham, who Is on the sick list, bluzetieraL.-We are told iltet there is not ly to be ay contest here for is iinproving, as is also Mrs S. Lowery. the Reeveehip, Mr Churchill having of the 10th con. J.Mair s sale was well attended en ruesday. SCHOOL Harem.* The followlna is the report of S. 'S. No. 4, Goderich township, for -November, based on punctuality,good deportment and gen- eral proficiency :-Jr. . Pt, I - James Lovett, Mary Smith, Calvin Lovett, Myrtle Maw, 011ie Lobb, %Mild Barr; Sr.PLI-Asa Mair,Annie Ball,Howard Hill, 'Stanley Challenger,Hovvard Far- quhar, Nettie Sluclitir, Myrtle BeacoixEIsie. 'having secured a sceool. at her hotaie h ton, h near Tharnesford. Miss 0ourtice, Olin - Pt. Ir --Earl Mason, Fred Lobb, Obb; Jr. Sinclair Kennet has been engaged for next year at Mr, Erma Jordan, Grant Archer, El- Na. d school. • - Jen Belmont. Murray Draper; Sr. II. ...PLOWING MATCHES. - NOtiCji3g an Bella Ball, Edina Farquhar, Gertie teeth in Colborne news last week con - Oakes; - John Have% Ede& owning plowing matches; We woultibe Ilardy, Annie Challenger,Ida Colburn, • much pleased if they were More fash. Clifford Lobb, Lena Jordan:. Sr. III - iotiable.,; The boys in our locality are Caryl Draper, Bert Lobb, ,Lottie Sin- open"fcirchallenge any tinie they are clair,EarneetChallenger,Pead Wright; caltenfor,as we have some pretty good Jr. IV- Russel MeV Hoary Hayes, Goldie Hill, Knox Maw, Ethel Smith, Ethel Lovett, Alva Beacom, Melvin Hill; Sr. IV-0harlotte Oolburit, Eddie Ball -Pt. Jr. Leaving- Jennie Mak, Ethel Huck. • given general satisfaction. It is said, however, that in addition to the pres- ent members of the council, Robt. BeACOM will present himself for sup- port. &mom MATTERS.-Idiset Margaret Olivant, who has been filling out the unexpired term of L. Naftel S. S. No. 8, had the .-offer of the school for next year, but decided not to accept. Lonlieshoroe ispeete.--so Sheets cream NV0Vo_L. ralectilloto paper and50 envelopes for 15e. we Wens:any quantity of nice. fresh butter in pound rolls, eggs madded apples. W. L. OUINETTE. services will he held in connection with the Methodist church Sabbath School on Sunday morning next, when Rev. Dr. Gifford, of Clinton, will preach at 1030. The sum of 040 is required to meet the running expenses of the school, and the congregation will be waked to place that amount on the col- lection plate The school not only de- serves the good•will, but the Practical empathy of and there should be no difficulty in obtaining the desired ainouttt. • . e NOTES.—The members of the Home Circle intend holding a public enter. tainrnerit on Christmati night; an excel- lent program is being arranged for the occasion. Vied. Gibbs returned home last week from the neighborhood of Pike Lake, where he 'spent thamOst of the summer. On • Monday morning John Weymouth mut Those W. Rebel. - ton left here, to make square timber in the Walkerton district. Howard W. Adams, having received an appoint- ment as clerk in the Molson's Bank in Norwicb, Norfolk county, left here on Monday morning for that place. R. G. Webb is busy this week teaming flour to the station, but he finds a difficulty in getting a car when he wants one. John Denhohn, Blyth, is shipping hay from this station this week; he purch- ased quiteta, quantity fromA.Jamieson. Frank Gibbs had the misfortune to fall off the roof of John Lashara's stable 012 Monday morning, when he and soine others were shingling; he is consider- ably hurt, but not iterionely. Matthew Mains went to WIngbam Wednesday to attend the meeting of the County Council on behalf of the school question. On page 230? the Cihristmas Globe is a photobyRev T.Coupland. of this place. El. S. ANNiventtanv, Anniversar Seilf01111. FOOTBALL. -The Goderich and Sea - forth clubs played an exciting League game here on Satutday. The Seaforth club has held the cup for the last 14 1 home of James Walhe lest Friday. If years, and made a determined effort to one Yoltlig Men of thie vicinity who in - retain it. but Goderich was too man? dulges vo long tramps, especially on for them, and soceeded in carryleg t Stg!dar eYeninge. Would walk "Leann would tie a greateaving on shoe leather. professional plovers'. Probably an es- say will appear shortly in this period- Dempsey, Arthur Sturdy;Sr.II-- Fran- icala . • , eels Potter, Clarice Badour, Howard Ida Huller, Luta 111101hol- REPORT or S. S. No. 2. -The follow. • Trewarrha* log gives the standing of the puling of land, Minnie Sturdy. Edith Lavie; Pt. S. S. -No. 2 for November based on II-Elorace Towillt Sr. Pt. I- Clarence punctuality, good deportment and gen., eral proficiency: -Jr. 1 -David Fromm, GarfleldIVIcOullagh, Frankie tehanabers; Sr. 1 -Wesley Monk; Jr Pt. 2. -Nina Walters, Ruthie Thompson, Gordon White; Jr. 2 -Myrtle Prowls', Winnie Johneton, Jenny Yuill; 2-rrene Hick,McKee Johnstori,Meredith Clarke Jr. 3-Gertie Sturdy Arthur Willson. • Roy Chambers; Sr. 3 -Mamie Yuill, Alicelliek, Mabel .Prouget Se. 4Alicir Joianston,Pearl Willson, Howard Stut- dyar. Leaving -Mattie Johnston, Lin- da Sturdy„ -F. J. Lawsztunt, Teacher. Sedertett Township. filt0701talt- A lecture on Ireland. England and Scotland will be given in Middletonte church Sundae. School on Tuesthay evening next. Dec. llth, by Rev. Wm. Lowe, of Wingharn. (loiter and mandolin music by the Hensel' or- cheetre.„ songs,dtc. Come and laugh at (Igor:111rib wit, Admission 15e., chil. Dalian -We are very sorry indeed to an. gounoe the death of Williametelter Baker, only son of Richard Baker,15th Concession which marred yeeterday. He WAS just entering matee Watt, and gave promise of a metal future, but a critical operation be onderwent a few days ago, WAS mere than. lie system meld mend. The bereaved pa. 'onto have the sympathy of all. The Aloe. sal takes place oe Saturday, at 2 pan. floimesville CoNonnr.---The Forreeters are Mak. ing arrangements for a grand concert to take place about the last of Decem. = bor. Look out for It. very interesting program next Monday night, in the shape of the very popular lecture "The Mammoth (ewe" by Dr. Gifford,Olinton. Thg lecture is spoken of as of high order,and a good audience will di:mistime grasp the opportunity of hearing it. A small admission fee of 10 cents will be charged.. The beat advortishig MAWS* la thia sectielie Slyer year in same* 41.50 witeK,not so psi& talte***-VatattalatV-114.141-tnitAPP144401311t 1 Laorrinist„all'he League a having a PERSONAL.- E, and P. Denomme spent a few days visitingatA.Badour'e. Mies Lizzie Ford, who has been on the sick list, is improving. Mr Hick is un- der the doctor's care.. Geo. Huller has been confined to the house, but is geld- ing strength, Miss Tilly McCartney returned from the West lase week loot- ing as if Western life agreed with her. SCHOOL REPORT. -The following is the report of the pupils of S. S. No. 8, based on punctuality, good deportment and general proficiency : -V Saida* .0antelon; Sr. 1V - Mabel 'Piekard, Henry Baddur, Teresa& Croats, Roy Pickard, Fred Potter, Blanche Teb- buttiEdith bittilhollaud,Birdiel Willson; Jr, IV -Gordon Amen, Olive StUrd3", Howard Williams, Mabel Munning, Myrtle Levis, Robert Sth ling; Sant -- Eyeless. McCartney, Wilfred Gol- doni', Stanley Ames% May Proctor, Permilla Halstead, Daisy 'Williams, Herbert Halstead; Jr.M-George 001 - dough, Edgy Willson, Florence Levis, Albert Pickard, Oscar Tebbiitt, John Ramer on S. No. 8. -Following is the standing of the pupils of S. S. No. 8, Goderich township, for Novem- bele-Fifth class -Lottie Stirling, Della Harrison, Sandy' Stirling; Sr. 4 -Anna Rutledge, Lulu Green, Alma Jennings; jr. 4 -Ellie Metinire, percy Weston, Ruby Aldswortb; Sr. 0.-Abble Greett, Albert Harrison; Jr. 8 -Maggie Mc- Guire, Lulu Weston, Clifford Weston, Lloyde Aldsworth. Samuel Young; sr. 2nd. -Matthew Woods, Flossie Hard - son; Jr. 2 -Ellie Weston, Clarence Mc- Lennan; Sr. Pt. 2 -Clara , McLellan, James Young, Jessie Weston; middle Pt. 11 -Pearl Aldeworth, Minnie West- on; jr. Pt. 2 -Viola Woods; Pt. 1 -Lily Thornton, Bessie Weston, Eva Weste• on.-*--MAnctAnwr E. Otietater. Teacher, Noarts.-P. Cole and his scn J. P. were in Seaforth on Monday transact- ingbuebees. Mater Percy Shueztur, of Detroit, is visiting relatives in this localit . Tom Ooo er. ot the Oth con., Potter, John Sturdy. Graeme -Myrtle Trewartha; Jr. Pt. Clifford McCartney, Charlie Levis. ErnestHul- ler, Stirling Dempsey, Willie Towill. No. on roll, 52; average 48 N. W.TRIE- WAIITEIA, teacher. ' Weattleld. outmou.-lievival services arestill being continued, with blessed results, the pastor, Rev J. Kennedy, conduct- ing them with unfailing energy:cottage prayer meetings are being held at sev- eral homes in the neighborhood. • MIMIC. -Prof W. Glen Campbell, of Goderich, has made arrangements to practise the choir every week during the winter. He is a teacher of excel- lent talent, and promises to give,geod satiefaction. also has a mieneal class in the neighborhood. NOTES. -R. Tunny. . has again been awarded the contract of caretaker of the church for another year, James Noble is now able to be up for a while each day. after his long and painful illness. Miss Rachel Walden. 131.yth, was the guest of her friend, Miss Clara McDowell,. last week. James Black and wife, Flint, Mich„ are bete mak- ing a visit with old Iriende. James Tunny and John Cook intend building new barns nett summer. Mrs S. Marne. Blyth, was the guest of her sister, Mrs R. Buchanan, for a few days last week. Mies Etta McDotvell, who has been in Goderich for a couple of rnooths study- ing music, is home again. Mrs George Henry, who bait lately Undergone an s ent est week m arlock rusticating, , operation for the removal of cataract ehorning cattle is quite fashionable. Bill Elliott, of the Bayfield Mad, in- tends to leave for Philadelphia shortly, and will reinein on the Yankee eider all win tertwe wish him aplemant and pro- fitable sojourn inUncleSara's domains. The people on the first concession are on the lookout for those persona who are in the , habit of roaming around during,the wee small ,hours of the morning in quest of feathered bipede Lewis Aldtvorth has been under the doctoral care the VOA week. The Misses Yelland, Bayfield, visited at the OANAmorom.... Colliorne. CotatorLE-Council met Dec, 3rd pur- suant to adjournment. Members -all present. Minutes of litet meeting read and passed. Moved by John Middleton, seconded by,J. 0. Woods that by-law No, 8 now read, bewailed. Moved by Jae. Johnson seconded by O. W. limns that the following accounts be paid, viz, •,-For 'ravel, I Burns $7.20; D. A. Johnston $83.00. Win. MurneY $16.92.T.Itivett $5.40,3.Moliwitin $1.25, Canada Co. $18.62,0.11eacom 03, 3.0on- nell 010.4 0. Grigg nit J.Forter *552, Ben Pearson *036, Mr* Sterling $8.80, S. RethWell $12, 1 TreWartha 01:80, E. dentition 080.12, W. Cololough 06.92. hulls $2.70, J. McDonald V2,55, W. field, Sewers, Brueefield, and .A.n. will fever ate all on the fair road; to recov- and 8 Others to haves rail fence belong- ligesoke $10.88. A. petition of G.II. Cox lizttras.-We are sorry to hear of the serious illness of lite Thos. Pen- nington of the Maitland concesoien, who is suffering with Bright's disease; two years ago ehe underwent itti oper- ation therefor,which gave her relief at the time, but a recurrence of the troable threatene to be serious, St. jorieph. NOVE0.--Mrs Denonnme and two yOungeet children, from Courttight, are at present paying a 'abort visit to her relative.; and Mende in the vieln- ity. ana, P. Dolomite orient Saar - v)1111"1 fl'attivesro'41 om vil. he ay f Se {eve e 35' With S.S. NO. 1, West WaWatioeb. litVai W. j. WA removed oft the • or drew% of Varna.thepatriotic songs bcir beheld hi the hall on the evening of ery. The exterior of the Mammoth Mt McGill, of Beneall, Were well reit . Friday, Dec. llth. The prograin 0111 block is Mfilett finished, there being , to have eitad eiloo to be rurooyed by ptl Ile high otlon was paused consist of recitatione drab, dialogues, butn small pOrtiOn of tb* roof Yee to the goth day of Dasembe.r, 1900, Mr lift 1119° hIllf ak +An of l'letf Cleelde8 ered and heartily encored. The recite- . r' salt of moo Lititgrittt, of varosswern gealWCOMMenCOS At 7.80p. in. im.,,,4„ D„,„ Motion NO. 05 was amended_ 12 gad ng or 0 Ibis for Wee well received. The church choir also 13nlral SOCIETV..-,* Salida,/ eVOIliOg has lelttied the arm of V----- ~-* "to be removed by the 20thYdayi of The 4. Rey. S. C. •Ifdtuunds spoke in the in- "me far 6 term ef Y"ret December 1000.” .A by-latv Wert poised Tian which we*. affoog f,0 pond Li us of mine w maws, of zurinhp and "Neal and instramenstal music. pre. corer; the vrork le to be pushed forward moon to he...hothied to that tun& until all is completed* Nelson Meese shout 4 gave genie chtilee itelectione T ,ohent ma; osie754:174070;;;;;; evening Was fine And the church was tome of the Bible Society. Ms ltd. Sorroot nitten.r. the for snook:tingle plebe for holding the Donald and A. Redden, Goderich, re - age. Ws hive our Mt* hell in, end peekt to the doom, even shorting dreee WM listened vrith greet inter. Standing of the Otildle of B. n. No. ir nomination for the °doe of reeve end centlg visited at W. E. Gordon'e. Lew ; • • yogi ookioa to *bop it Teem was at prenajant, prooeedi est. At the dose, Nile responded Eel. hued On regularity of attend- four cOuncillors, seld nomination to be Weetherhead Sandaled at D. Todd's, efitos *Moles mashie for Oft* • W Yu"' , $00.25. ' with its Unita liberality, the sabroyff).. Mice, good deportment and_flabOral heId in Wilson's hall, Rolmerville du sr. Miss M. A. Mullin hal gone to onto lejarger ea better Shim ow eve lot ,vat.tried Orr Ohlpsi in XtaidA11104....„.. don and °Oaring amounting to $1(31)096036Y' .ft't Nvolnitt"'"-Vutis 5-- the Olst Of December, at. the hour cif 12 Ripley to tenmin for a titne, Duncan before. of the eye, returned home Friday much improved. Herman Wightman. who is at present attending Goderich Model School, has been engaged by the trus- tees of Fordyce school teacher for Oat 3r0str. Christiania McClinton is spending a few weeks in Goderich. Perfect Emulsion of eod Liver 011 With ilypophoophites At Lime andlattede: This preparation on. tains fully 50 per saint of cod Liver Oil which its so dieguisect al to make It easy and pietist. ant totake. This Eisoul-- sion we guarantee; if it does net give standee- • tory results, tell es and „ we will make it right. Onr price is 35c for the regular 5Cle 50e for the regular $1. from us only. SYDNEY JACKSON'm prescription Phone 2 , Drug Store John Scott was able to go out for a drive this week. Mrs Pease, Toronto, who has been visiting at Alex. Thom - son's, returned to her home Monday.. Miss Bella, Mcflowan, returned last week from visiting relatives in ton and,London. .Barield. Cntracs.-Rev Mr Marty preached in St. Andrew/8 church morning. and' - 'evening of last Sabbath. Trinity church purposes holding an entertain.- ment for the benefit of the Sunday , salmi; further particulars later. • Aceuroner.-B. ' of. Varna, tuet .with a painful accident, when stepping oft the platform of the Queen's hotel Wednesday evening; slipping, be fellibreakilig his leg near the thigh. A doctor. set the broken leg and drove him to his nome in Varna. NOT•ire.-A. number of our young - people attended the anniversary fowl supper at Varna given by the Presby - tartans. Mrs Chas Simonds, Goderich, visited her acquaintances 'in this placer last week. The last meeting a the Council was held on Dec. 3rd, when ail business was settled up to date. J. Genoinhardt, J. Erwin and 3. Ferguson have returned to.their homes for the winter. .Mrs S. Moore, who banteen on the sick list for some time, will go to Detroit with her Siete). to undergo special treatment with the physicians cf that place. Mrs W. Smith. who has been very low with fever, is improv- ing. We are sorry to hear that Med° Whiddon'e case has been proclaimed, - fem. Jae. Thomson's grist mill is again busy. We call the attention of our worthy councillors to the inre- moved decorations on Clan Gregor. square performed by the diligent fairies ot Halloween, and also that a good courthouse surrounded sly an wont fence would be much more ornamenta/.. . Messrs Rommel Pollock have returned from their fishing excursion at Port Frank; we are sorry to hear of the heavy loss they sustained in the lots of their netain the recent gales. St. 1F11010111 NOTES. -We are pleased to gee Rich- ard able to go on crutches now, but hope he will goon be able to dis- pense with even this mode of locomo- tion. A:number front•Calvin congre- gation attended the annual thatikoffer- Tng meeting of the W.P.M.S. Lanes last tveek, when Rev, Mr Maxwell, of Ripley, gaye an eloquent discourse. The members of the W.E.M.S. at Se. Helens purpose bolding their thank. offering meeting on Friday ONfOning, Dec. 7th, when Mrs ayett, President of the Guelph Presbyterial Society, is to addrese the meeting, and bits lifc. Kee, Lucknovr, to assist with the pro. gram. Mrs Hetherington has returned home from an extended visit with friends in Manitoba. Angus Carriermi, of Oak Lake,. Man, was renewing. so- quainanceslup with his St. Helene friend* last week. Mrs Black, Blyth, end Mrs McDowell, East Wawenosh, visited the fanner* parents, Mr and Mrs Anderson, on Friday lett. Miss , Florence Simmons, East Wawasosh, reeently visited. at 40.Weatherheads. Mrs j. A Murdoch is at present visit- ing her palmate. Mr and Mrs Erred, Of A.uburn, Mrs Mary Woods and her daughter are visiting in Winghatn,at the home of her parents, Mr and Mita Jobb. Itfre Jacobs • and Mies Evelyn Lockhart, Newtonviiie, are vielting at Robert Lockhart% D. McDonald and 3. Shaw, rirussels, were visiting friends In title vicinity last week. A. P. Mc - linteefleid.• 10 &mere gave an- ad- dress at the S. ti; convetition Moven. The special meeting at the Methodist church will be continued this week. Rev. I. Higgins returned to his home on Thursday last. A. nutn- ber from bare attended the anniver- sary services and teaeneeting in Varna od Sunday and Monday laith. Rev: E. Savvere addressed the Sunday. School at Mr Graesick's school on Sunday hest; the school closed for the y -ear. Metropolitan Course Next entertainment Alnerioa'e greatest Eloeutionist Agnes Knot Black OW n I'llesday.° Dee. Alith Plan open to stibeeribers Thursday, . • •• lath ii. ra. the'priblio . the days iollowing. Plait or Nall at W. D. gab% Art yeti* Subscriber newt, way me? The NevrOOtolfePlano airarded gold Medal • It the Paris Ex1,0131tiOU nsed at these enter.. tainnients* Soldby 0, near.. **•{••••11•••• Christmas - Greeting :46 4+ 4 4 444.44+4 4+64 _1•_-__ Itott hate PRESENTS to buy and feel !het the selection of nice enC. epproprieter "MOH it prices within the Wait 01 your purge will prove no well task. Our steak of Watehee Oloeks JeweirY Silverware • Silver Noveltiell • Gold SpeetatieS Arthtir Gana', Oterhere °satin; Sr. 4 o'clotk. ling places and deputy re. McDonald acted lard week aS beet Matt Cell al 01111 ACM end prove foe ,yettli mike If not try:it boa t is Yser. NOTIte•-* Quite a nuinbet of -Mary Denomme 30$0011 ATOM" tHrOing ter' to be tut follotes;- No. for hit cousin. D. L. McDonald, who yourself the quality end prim; of J30110. --Mex• Gledhill 110 Itheecu We ereeeople abovred their loyalty by attend- Nista, Liporte:Je..-4-1401111 Brisson I Orange ell con, 4, Ohm. Johtmton weentarried to Idiom 'Cameron, of Dod• our goods. e" into his new hour* t the bonito Mr 'llowlee Ilk& r g lino oz 1-41:10, Gledhill has moved out of will he cm- lithe Reception given to Morfvf Mina; Ord...Philip Bedard, Paul 0.1X04, hstuie of Nigain erich. 1 D • ,414440444444441+49.440 011eS n unginnon Monday nig t. (WINN GarrtortBechand; Sr. 2 -Alfred o012. 7, nhn Sturdy D. R. O.; Igo, '314-.1" ter Chr-leimeeltesee—te thee ouPled hY Walter*. Iree Arch' Miss Beekerville, irtio for a number Docheitent Sere Denomme, Endue house of T. Ills,rrison, con. t, T A eme "r Imre eehelleee Yee 111464 Dewar has knowakto Bouraille. The 17414 its have* the IrSt101 Oldita* Ladies' Aid nab at the _partionage 1103;ukry hi Japan, to oino on tit author", peter • 1A10611/44 01400#4 $3441thmi lbw* Monday afternoon at 2.80 *looks end hair been renewito old coquetry, Die DenotkinaopAhletr 0No. 5, heti. of E. Beher. ten& 15• etgileatli set Elliott, 13ety *Id ton., oho off D. rt, este has been arcing as Durand; r. 2-0101,6 rrOtitOttlit 111.40 limn D. It. titt recta Itre Sem. EallerkrAntillider..-A. Christmas eno tines* Around r 4i. Johnston Duel:ante; Part I Ste-- lth • Beker 1). %hots* of Bert Mee* erterWASsit.1 itelleal 011tIrch on CI visitants 4046 W. McKaitAtik. r Pert 1 Aubhaisactra Connell adjourned lx• IV on the leth V. taut: Which are cordially invited. of the Moat Weft, spent Sunday at Duebarinik,orie 416, of Norio. • *OLE it:j0 tertainiment will be rgven in the Ettati* and Aster of Otrlowgoent Snikdal .04 0114MIS. Works* frau, de Bo& woke, cos, kart Joke D. R. O. . STUMM, MOW* • alealkiterliwilw 11/21g Atha on, 1641 children, lic, W. Potkors'• 3111Dattn, her. „ . Clerk. Ettedhi. Ch*ig,Heusall, was *With* at the home of /ow. fee. 0014 this week; site has istely returned ft** last etoaritott to Moo.. jaw. Vitag 1114.4cOartaRritatwasylg weele. W6 0166 Weft% thee Mrs Wel. Awr III leMpt0filet health, nod pip gio• breathe *ad 0014:014. Oiseseser to JOS. marrow