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The Blyth Standard, 1908-05-07, Page 5
MAV 7, 1908 -THE BLYTH STANDARD -PAGE FIVE. �► �01�►'*,,�►" P►' �' ►2.r'�,!feN.* ria''. ►A1 Sorrow, Board on Friday evening fpr 11, Dinner Setts A groat display of Dinner Sete, including the maple leaf and fanny plover leaf patterns, witch we are selling at per sett $7. Royal Ironstone China, mauufeettired by Alfred Meekin, Eng- land, 0 nice set In a medium green at $7, Seim Porcelain, manufactured by Wood & Son, and Robson, Wilcox S. Slls, very nice setts with assorted (lower patterns which are a bargain at per Nett $11. A splendid assortment of J. S. 0, Meakin'e (Hanley, England), in Delaware, Virginia and various scroll and flower patterns, very good at per sett $12, If you need anything in the line of dishes we can supply your needs. Highest prices paid for Farm Produce. E. BENDER, ' of this week, A Foem en RESIDENT GONE. -The A Seaforth News refers to the death of sa former resident town :-A. 0, tR VanEgmond, jr, died in Egmond- 11 )•isle on Tuesday and was buried on 'Thursday. He suffered from a tu- the ` 1 since mor about brain Years.hlt Iles been leaves sA it widow, two sons and two daugh- isd Leis. The eldest son, Harold, is in A�Edmonton, and the two daughters, a Jean and Belle, are living in 'l'o- t ionto. The youngest son, Arnold, Alis at home with the mother, For 4 r some years Mr, VanEgmond owned A and operated a woe len mid at if Blyth. Of late years Ice lived in 1A rEgmondville, He was a (inlet in. dustrious man. The sympathy of the entire community goes out to Mrs. VanEgmond and the family,NT1HE yellowing from the 13irnttng- A ham( Alithalinth) Times refers to a r sono' nisi l r Ai •s clown f 111 And I Willows KAtown :-Those familiar with the ,., record of Maurice Willows, who U takes charge et' the Boys' Club Sat - TM urday, are predicting great things VA for Biriningham's band of young- VA1 stern. New In will be inluaed into r1the club and the boys will have the Al advantage of the tritining and long ex perieece of a man who has de. voted some years to etudyiug and working out the plans by which they may become good citizens and BLYT 1.1 vAr stand for something in the commun• r ity. Mr. Willows knows boys and tip,,.sir ��.o,� 12 ye,- � �y �.a�.„,,n-m he also understands the art of being i► ►? !► ► wl►' ► � �►r'1 A•1► ► � t► �► a boy himself, Ile, dyes not hold ____ ., ._.. himself above 1110 rag -it -muffins ' +,o r+r r+� vn iqv+ v..� ;rat. +a . r r. r +t With wliolrl he comes in contest bat ux`+�t?�y. E���X14 r=��= ty� YiStiii?i,,rS? �= t?s�.�Si�34y �?;>:;fidS?� i4i:}it, i .:.Y.h, h a>r ?� � a ala ut {+. ui ."�.T.• gets down among theta and snakes their pleasures his pleasures, at the r NEWS AROUND TOWN 'tuao time gradually lifting then' 11 t�iy ideas of living. Possessing a natur- rv. , +� »yr r +4 n•i v�rl„t+•• w•tt. r r . v n: al gift in the wit of instl'lletlrl lfifiglig ; iiia � i =far a ili:f:t3t:�:i� sjsa: t•�tiiiiiigi3�#�i t�y� s� tCi� g g MAY. !ruts weather is changeable. PROVINCIAL election, Monday, June 8th. THE Council made their annual street inspection on Tuesday last, Tram C P, ir, are now hauling wneltt out of Goddrich. On Monday a suaelal train of twenty ears went through Blyth, BUY A1gLAonn1A TEA. -Mothers' favorite, money in every package. Price 30c, 40c and 50c per pound, lead packages, Sold by J. II, Bloor, Blyth Iionteseeuees' Excursions to West May 12 and 26. For later dates and information rogavding rates, tickets And for reservation in tourists sleep. ors, cull at C. P. R. town ❑fifes, J. Alclttilrchle, agent, Fort SALE. -Lots 'L1 and 23, Kol ly's survey, on this property there is a 1 story frame house with kit. then attached, Mists a tare chane° for answers with limited means. Apply to Wm Campbell, real estate agent, Blyth. Tee annual meeting of the Ib - fort❑ Association of South Huron, as constituted for both Dominion and Provincial purposes will he held in Dixon's Hall, Brumfield, en Satur- day, Ally 9tlt, commencing at 1.30 p. m. Election of officers a d other int portant matters will come before the meeting. Tuts Liberal convention for Con tre Huron takes place next Tuesday afternoon, 12th lost„ at Seafbral, 'fo till appearances the choice will he made between W. 1I. Herr, of the Brussels Post, and Wm, Proud - foot, K. C., of Goderich. It is need. less to soy where our wishes lie for the choice. NEW C, P. R. LINES. -The open- ing of the new Tor nto to Sttdhury line of the C. P. R, on June 15th will he followed by the inauguration of a train service oil the new line thing pertaining to the work of the choir, Following is the address :- To Miss Mary Gidley : Dear hiss Gidloy,-A few of your many friends wish this evening to ae• knowledge our indebtedness as a churn and people to you. You have been a go d and faithful friend and helper of Main street church. In your attendance and in your assistance in the service of song, un- tiring in your energies and endeav- ors to make everything a success, you have been of special help to us In voicing the praises of God in his house, and while we have thus worked together wo have been helped and profited, we trust mu- tually, and will hope that the asso- ciations of the future may be as the past, profitable to us all, As a slight token of our kind regard for you, please accept this brooch and this hymn bot;k, not for their value hut as a slight mark of esteem. Signed on behalf of Alain street church. "' youngsters, Ali'. Willows spent two I,ns'r Friday being the first Fridayyears with the Youbg Alen's Chris - in May was Arbor Da •y and Win Association and later went to celebrated at the school. The Gadsden were he established an er- scholurs had n holiday in the niter• g/mmattml, It was his ability as an noon, organizer that secured for him the wenn was received here of the "ppolll tment. Anti it is said of hint death at ('reigns of Tuesday of Gee, that ho not only knows how to Dawson, who formerly ran a knit mingle with the boys in the club oto but Ile never fails to recognize sizetng business here. Heert failure them onthe street, even though f e t wua tt u 1. was the muse of his death,g NExo' Thursday the Conserve- may be with the best dressed lady i e hula'Whil AI' "'Mews Lives of Centre Huron meet in Clin- i t ill a t, l lin s tau to select acandidate to contest will devote much of his time to Ole the riding. Rtuno' has it that Day- club in the capacity of probationary id Cantelon, of Clinton, is the lucky 001001', he will have enlarged dot• man les. It will devolve upon him to J. McMuiocnin, uptown C. P. R. take wayward boys and try to cor- agent, has received word that the sect their way of living. In fact, new rudbury branch from Toronto Mr. Willows will keep in close touch will he open on June 15th, and re• with the police court, Every' time it turn tickets will be routed on return youngster is arrahtged he will he trip via the. short line, saving eight turned over to Mr. Willows who hours between Winnipeg and To- will see that he is given an oppor- ronta, tunity to get training that was pro. HEAVY WEIGHTS. -Th is week folds, not given at home. At the four well•knowrl gentlemen happen- club, the boys will be kept busy and ed to meet at McMillan & Co's. pe, those who know 31r, Willows arc duce store a nd incidently got weigh- confident that the club stands on the ed, their aggregate weight being theshold of a new era of prosperity. 987 pounds. Can you guess who A VERY pleasant gathering of the they were? To save time and bother officers and teachers of the Blyth we will name them :-W. J. F•yle, Methodist Sabbath School was held C. A. Rowe, S. Westlake and E, J, at the residence of C. IL Beese on McRoberts, of London, Wednesday evening ()Nast week, PRESENTATION. -The Exeter Tim• The evening Was spent in progress- es reports the following address and ive erokinole and social chat. A presentation which was given to pleasing feature of the evening was Mise Gidley of that town, sister of the presentations made to the red's - S. II, Gidley Ot' town ;-Ailsa Mary ing superintendent, N. 13. Gerry, Gidley, who for a number of years and R. Slater, who has been a con - has been rt valued member of the Stant and faithful walker in the Mahn street choir, and who recently school since its organization 34 resigned, was on Saturday evening years ago, to which both of the re- presented by Ahs. J. Blatchford and eipients blade suitable and feeling Miss Huston, on behalf of the choir, replies. A dainty lunch was served with an address, a pearl brooch and at the close after which a vote of Methpdist hymnal its a slight apps- thanks was tendered to Mr. and elation of their indebtedness to her All's. Deese for their kind hospitality. in assisting in the service of song All joined in singing, "blest be the and her untiring energies in every- tie that binds." Following are the addresses :-To Air. N. 13, Gerry : Dear Brother,- We have met here this evening in view of the great interest you have taken in the wel- fare of Blyth Sabbath School, and your faithful efforts to promote the same, during a term of several years in the important position of superintendent of the school, a posi- tion in which you have won the love and esteem of all. It was with feelings of sorrow and regret that we heard of your intended depart• ure,•with your estimable wife and family, from our town to a distant field of labor in the west. It is a comforting thought to us as we think of your removal, that our loss will be their gain, While in our midst you nave always given us cheering and encouraging words, thus writing your name in loving remembrance on the hearts of those around you. And your influence for good and the los- sons you have taught will still live after you have removed from from Listowel to Linwood en the Guelph & Goderich section, and the ills from Proton to Walkerton. Be. tween DAIa and Sudbury 22 new stations will be on eued. THE undersigned is offering fur sale to wind up the late Hannah Dick Estate, part of Park Lot No. 8, situate on Queen street in the VII. lege of Blyth, The property cnn- eists of to quarter of an acre of land, on which there Is a frame house with a quantity Of fruit trees. This property toast he sold. For full particulars apply to Wm. Campbell, real estate agent, Blyth. yon SALE.- Mr. Win. Ross, about two miles north of thls village, is of- fering Ills property for sale. '('here is an acre aground with comfortable house and stable with a number of first class fruit trees, This property will he sold cheap es Air. Ross wishes to go west this spring. Apply to Wm. Campbell, reel estate agent, Blyth, or Box 96, Blyth. "Life in Every Dose" "I cannot speak too highly of Pay chine, for it is the greatest medicine I ever used. I was Just about 'all in' when I began the treatment, and in 3 months I was as well as ever. It is a great tonic for weak and run down peo- ple. There is new life in every dose," JAS. STOLIKER. Rtdgetown, Ont., Dee. 19, 1900. It is a sin not to tell your sick friends about this wonderful prescription. Throat, lung and stomach troubles, and all run down conditions quickly cured by its use. At all druggists, 50e and $1,00, or Dr. T. A, Slocum, Ltd., Toronto amongst us. Like the sun, as it sets behind the western hills, leaves its trial of light behind hien to guide the traveller to his distant home, so may the light you have reflected from the Great Sun of (righteousness light the path of the !limbs that have been entrusted to your care to the fold of their loving Shepherd, Jesus Christ. And we pray that in your western home you may still let your light shine before men that they, seeing your good works, nnty glorify their Father in Heaven, We wish you sed yours every blessing and ask you to ac- cept this portrait of the officers and Teachers of the Sabbath School 1)5 a small token of our affection for you, and as a memento of pleasant hours spent in Christbtn fellowship. Sign- ed in behalf of the schnnl.--Mr, Robert Slater : Dear friend rid Brother, -We have assembled here this evening to spent 0 short timein the social capacity, thankful to rt kind Providence for His sparing mercies, And, on this our touting together, we desire to return you the sincere thanks of the officers, teachers and friends of the Blyth Methodist Sabbath School for your very efficient services rendered in the interest of the school since its organization 31 years ago. The position of secretary you have nobly filled with sausfectiOn to us and credit to yourself. Your consistent Christian I1le, during those long and faithful years of service In the Mab• ter's vineyard has won for you our admiration, love and esteem, We, therefore, in behalf of the Sunday School and your friends assembled here, desire ,you to accept this por- trait of the present staff of officers and (sachets of our Sabbath School as a token of our love, respect and gratitude, and we would humbly pray that you with your estimable wife and daughter may long be spared to the Chinch and Sabbath School at Blyth to exercise those gifts a kind Heavenly Father has bestowed upon you, and then some glad day you will hear the Master say, "Well clone good and faithful servant, enter thou into the joy of thy Lord." Signed in behalf of the school. Cour Offer. From now till June 13th we make the special offer of 25c for the fol. lowing daily papers : Toronto Globe " News " Maii & Empire " Star Subscribe now and read the political news. MORTGAGE SALE of Store in Blyth Under and by virtue of the powers con- tained in certain mortgage, which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale by public auction by James Smith, Auctioneer, at the Commercial Hotel in the Village of Blyth, on Satur- day the 30th day of May 1008, at the hour ut 1.00 o'elook in the afternoon the follow- ing property : The north half of lot num- ber eleven, on Queen street in McDonald's Survey in the Village of Blyth, This property is at present occupied as an Im- plementshop. The location le central and desirable, Terms : Ten per cent. in cash on the day of sale and the balance In thirty days. For further terms and particulars apply to Joseph Combs, Blyth, or to William Brydone, Vendors Solicitor, Clinton. MORTGAGE SALE of Brick Store, Etc., in the Village of Blyth. 1; oiler and by virtue of tite powers eon,. tamed in certain Inot'tgagee, whish will he produced at the time of sale, there will he offered for sale by public auction by James Smith, Auctioneer, at the 01ur- merolsl Rotel In the Village of Myth, on Saturday the 30,1) day of May 1000, at the bour of 130 o'ulook in the afternoon the following property : The northerly thirty three feet of 1n,, numb•+r mixt%-one, on Queen street in McDonald's anrvey In the Village of Blyth. Oa this parcel is erect. ed a two-•torey brick store ocoupled as a hardware store tut' also an up-te-date photograph gallery and Toon a .nit able for a residence. The location to a ural and In every way desirable as a business stand. Terms : Ten per cent.. In cash on the day of the hale and the brlenee in thirty days For further terms enrl particular. apply to Joseph Com'bsi BlVth, or to William Brydone, Vendor'u Solicitor, Clinton, 0 o memh•(�� • me x'0(©0 fir• ...eco n�C4ma Yo We Want fa0 Your Eggs Fi o 0 0 • For which we are prepared to give you the price. New Leather and Silk Belts The very latest to black, white and colored, at 20c, 25e, 350, 400, boo and 75e. Latest Ladies' Collars In silk, linen and cotton, at le, 8e, 10e, 12¢e, 15c, 20e, 25c, 35c, 40c, i3Oo and 750. Spring Jackets O� Our newest and idlest, in fawn, brown, black, long and Cd short lengths, $5, $00, $7.50, $8,50 and $10, • Q rat �Cl• 0 0 • Long Silk Gloves Mack, white, cream, navy, pastel, special value $1, Ladies' Vests White and cream, short, long or no sleeves, at 8e, 10r, 124e, Ile, 15e, 18c, 20e, 25c, 95c and born Men's Underwear In Shirts and Drawers at 251', 35e, 40e, 50c and 75e, Men's Socks Black and colored, at 10c, 12e, 15c, 18c, 20c, 25e, 35e, 40e, 50c. Art Muslins and Scrims White, cream, colored at 8e, 10e, 121c and 15e. Hosiery Ladies' and children's, blue, pink, tau, black, white, alt i• sires from 4 to 10 inch. Wall Papers 0) Great variety, great quantity, great values, borders, walls, p ceilings et same prices, from 5e to 25c a single roll, • Dress Goods • r•� • • 0 The hest and biggest stock yet shown by us, Popular hades, latest clothe, from 20c to t;1 a yard. CASII FOR BU'r'flsR AND EGGS. POPLESTONE & GARDINER 3131., -"Se -TI -1 0 • • q 0 • 'i • i iliiai ? ` :1rii; Yt ot, 0070 O.iois��J',00 TEAS! TEAS! TEAS! Try "LIPTON'S" packed only in tins, the flavor is kept In. "SALADA" in lead packages, "JAPAN" the best 25o Tea on the market. Loose Teas, black and green, mixed to suit the taste. - GIVE US 4 CALL - Potatoes wanted. highest prices paid. A. TAYLOR Corner Store BLYTH Every order left at 1)r %tttttottt'l ( nffiCr. whether large or small, is turned out in first-class style. We have the plant, we have the workmen, and we have the experience, and these three very important factors enable us to keep pace with the times, (VIII 1tantiath is one of the most progressive newspapers in Huron County and we would like to have your name on our subscription list if it is not already there. The 8tan.dard - Blyth