HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-11-23, Page 8•Wovember 284/90f Seasonable • 504gOstions...,for.. • This. Week ',Shoppers.' • These are some of the things that are alit to need this Weather. They are just what are, wanted for warmeth' and. comfort .All are good qualities and values good enough to make it worth, your while to come here when you want them. Some Mantle Specials 0,?Yk-,-aril L nis is by -far the best time for Mantle i c...141 , ref..ii4 buying There's ufbre to choose from than 1. il x 1 there will be later on I1Buy now and you are ti i ahnost,sure to get what . you want. Leave it for a week or two and you run a big,risli of , .. M,, ' not getting exactly what you are after. Here \ Itr,i 1 A are some of our specials. They are the best , hil mantle values in the trade. ., Mantle of 11.0e suetbead, buttons , Beaver cloth in fawn or bleckeerong up olcre at throat, reeeies, buoy I 1 firm material,seems double stiteh. plaid lining, 6 finely inetal bet. 1 ed., new back and ealeeve, 6 pearl ions, correct length ' and eleeee, I buttons silk lined, worth every ri an good value at $8 50.oer Speoutl " N., i cent of 96, our special price ..... • U.VIP price Mantle of good quality black nigger. Mantle of extra good quality blaok head, coat style, four rows of silk niggerbeaa, open throat, eageti stitching around collar and lapels, . finished with wide woretea braid, I , 6 pearl buttona„ silk lined, a good,_, A, I 6. buttons, ailk Linea, a good coat •„,-,,i„, $6 coat, our special price oeuir I for $7.50,; our epeeist price uoxii THE CLINTON NEW ERA A e• lostly Election. IM f,1",,,,itik TH1t fdihnorotrrAN conass.--LTne tlitt** ileimi Ti w people Of Clinton are to be favored • ..' . Dr. Montagne has quit politica to FRIDAY, Nov. 2a, 1900 this season with one of the finest aeries become lecturer for the atuadten Or. LOCAL NOTIOES. ofgi yileynot nc onc Canada,eIethathaveany tw oe voterwtelin .1 ate worth the price of a eubecribei a dneornoteFrarienreere at $4)00 a year,a poet - qualified. for. his re- tirement calls up a story told of hlea in proate side 0 nousound Furniture. 6t. ticketnelonItcontaine the Patricol9 I connection with, a former election in the residence of Cleo. Arm Aux, metier of Prix -of Chicago. Mrs.Agnes • w 1 a . . .!.. 1 es twou- the PatterriOn•thrixteron 0 P• Mt •Nov 21-tf Page Concert Co., New York, theAnna I ..,oncert Co.,tio., well-known conuoryntigo not a thous. Knox Black, elocutionist, we Eugene election, Walk.ing into the house of a etas 11.11(.1 Vtillikak 00001 hOUrWS 0.1* Until .. .,_ miitternka0098900Chenrt m0:11 NQSaWarYteoureks, and dwtehwe and miles from Clinton, be declared Salini *tiPl'ai. the determination of the Government , . WIten TEsTatoins.u,-The comnufr, who is getting UP to elect Mr Patterson, who had recent- ree having charge of the subscription York, Mr Bence, 1 ste are mayor 3 ackson, for st. j ones; the couree, undoubtedly deserves great' ly been appointed.Minister of .41itia. Ward; OA pt.. Shaw, St. John St. An credit in being able to secure such high • ..you d„,,,r. surely expect to elect Mr drew% Oapt. Combat Sr. George'eXtipt. corneintnennt,earutadatauenpatsrtfitrutahreepmeoxyle boef Pattereort,`an entire stranger, against a man so well-li nown as M0.0ameron" MeTe$Rart. It will be Rlmoet impute procured fora hitt],• remarked the Conservative: . ewe to see all she would wish to sub - ample, ee the eetemtttee would,he old Noms,-Axt exchange reports tliat "Yee we ce,e"Montagueiev e0 iengshaldttwo twenty - if T. Weetetatt him pu h sed Mr G. rePlied) "W r'eti14 Seaforth if any one wishing to assist would five thousand dollars iota the riding, kindly volunteer if not called noon. F. Neelin's interest in e 1 andtweill teat hirn if we spend every IMPROVING, -The wife of Mr George Sun, and, will soon become eo e owner, Henry, of East Witwanosh, has been On oUr serosa page Will t e found a cent succeeded, securing a majority stopping with het daughter, Mrs Amos couple of communications of local in - of 16 for the Minister, and we are told Challenger, of the base line, where she terest, The Collegiate Elipard wait call - it took nearly the entire qwenty-five recently. imderwent, an operation for ed for Monday night, but there was no thousand to do L. Her many ft lends will ' be pleased to meeting of the County Council will be The December ' the rernoval of a cataract from her eYer• meeting ' present. ObliH held in Wingliatn, on the 4ther, _prox, - Ile ged know that the operation was entirely The runnor published in the News- The otherday jonathan Miller, the — from the effects thereof thin sie. ex-. euccessfu, med she has so far recovered , Record last week to the effect that Mr weft i d jovt 1 p Horace Foster had gone into the retail prtetor of thia „Bedford House, Odder- ro- livery pects to go back home before low, hoot and Shae businesr3 in Eratapton,i8 way of Davis' 1 AnCaesei BY At.r. MEANS. -Thirty-six without any foundation whatever. ich, soin the door stable, here, when a little girl about 5 inutile, p!ilit ;es in Ontario have already Mr E. Dinsley can claim -to be oldest or 6 years of age came alorigl. she WAS decided in favor of abolishing statute •ontipueue resident voter in town,. he 'evidenti i upon the question at the coming mind. ing moves in a few days to lhe house or a -bon t 6!) years. Ain W. P. Si:1mM. T m131(!ss!fl bY hie rii0e,,.for, *kr, and a nember of other townships having resided in this . mimicapality eY.eing him critically, elle said, ---lialiOt arcippg the n timher--rwill vote, 'You're a pretty tat mare whiter; would youplease stand, ,up till I see "cipal elections in janwiry. The system on Victor ie. Street recentlyillied up by ,how big you are ?'' cannot beabolished too quickly.. . It is Joseph Wheatley. Mrs Beldeu Sea- Miller smiled, and stood up, with the neither up to date or practical in this forth, (daughter of Mayor Jackson),we age, and could easily be replaced by a are pleased to learei has recovered g _ — sw. rernark,"How does that suit you, miser She was evidently pl -need, for as she better eystern..... - •- • from a severe attack of- quinsy, • Mr . moved alor.g she remarked, "My good- AmotriErees.-While working it the Stubbs, late Al. P., for Cardwell, and nese, brit he's big" drum -sander in the Organ Pectory,thp, brotber Mit; telnearner,•ameng the de - other daya square he WRS usieflew feated candidates this year :-Mr SuOcEaSFOL UnlenATIort.,-Mr Petty - back., - and struck Peter Mathgesoe a Stubbs' defeat is a ttributabli, to a tre- ,i)ieee, of Whitechinth, is • cne of the blow on the hand, cutting it severely, mendousfelli4 Off its his ()Medea stip- 1),atients in the Clintonhoepital, where George Twitchell was working at one port, coupled with the faceI het many he recently underwent ;in operatien. of the eh cuter saws, whena piece of electors, who were favourably diepos- About rix monthe ago Mr Pettyniece , • wood flew off and hit him in the eye, ed, but rather indifferent, did not. take had his knee cap fractured and it never inflicting a wound which will lay him' the trouble to go' to the polls. The knitted. Tbe operation contented in qff for several weeks. During the rainfall of Sunday and Munday was sawing or making fresh -the -ends of the wind storm of 'lumber, one end of the much needed, and will contribute mat- hones and wiring them tcliether.- Mr roof on the machine shop was lifted . neally td "the growing time". The Pett vpiere is feeling very well after his. , f its lace requiting' considerable West Huron License Conimissioners rather foraddibleoperation and the work set to !t back into Position, met at the office of inspector Paisley • knee is progressing favorably. . on Mondoy, and ratified the transfer 'FIRST os' man &teem', -Lest Thurs. k azteverter, busenurt: -- lin Monday ' of Mr Armstrong's hotel license at day evening a crowd Of merry bdys and evening a number of the male mem- Wnitechurch to John McDonald, -late girls took advantage of the sleighing . bers of Rattenbnry SeLeagne,together of Listowel. and the shop licence held and spent the evening at the home of French, prior to his departure west, to Thos. pen,..I.Oridesbom who we un- were the Misses Shipley, Twitchell, said, stating that he could never forget supply the people with pianos end or- . tues. He also made a few renoitrks in his home from C. Hoare, of the town, homes. ' '" of the Secretaries in the Sabbath 'citizens violating the by-law by throw- Twitchell. Clifford and Irwin. To cap 1 of Mr French's personal worth and eir- purchased a grand upright piano for ingand the crotid dispersed to their , With officers of the Sabbath School, by the aseignee of estate of Laugh- Ephraim l3utte. They repo tt haviog Mr Prencla bas been en.e. of the active derstatid has bought the business. The Hill, Proctor,.Shipley • and liemiltem, Holmes, and snort speeches were made' cuted,as it is a very dangerous practice. P. Twitchell, A most delicious lunch gave a farewell supper to Victor lip Kennedy, Clinton, was transferred a good tune., Atnong those present aekeowledgenaent of the kind things music store; Mr Hoare seems able to .-., menibere of the League, and also one. Board of Health wishes to state that and Messrs La,vis, Irwin, Plurnsteel, Schqol.. The chair was occupied by R. him ashes on the streets will be prose- the event a flash light was taken by E. by seVeral present, all highly,eulogistic Hugh Rens, ,Of town, has this Week was then served Which aimed the even. the friendships he had formed here, grins quite satisfactorily. Geo. Wood- . curved in Sebringville. when Mies of Henry and Mrs Kaercher. was join- rfeseetlEAt -A ha -y4 event ee- 1 Mar" Ann Keerche ,r second daughter and wcu'd eVer look back te..this , as "house e had the misfortune to lose a one of the bright spots in his exper-horse this week; it broke its thigh in .. ed in holywedlock to .Andrew Eck- 11 VAWAN)411MAMMWWWVIN Literary .• Artistic. Entertaining: Features of a high order are combined in the Christmas) editionof the following papere. Maybe you were one of the diseppointed ones latyear or ing a nosy Of the Globe or otter favorite paper, you may. e the year before in itentry 41..4000" be in the mune position thia -year unless you let ne ,hitete• Your order early for there will be no second editione.. Black and libite,lust to hand, ObristMos Globe, haye doubled, our order this year, Saturuay Night, expected soon, Chicago-. Horseman. riga* English edition, Gentle- men, Horse Review,Illustrated London News, London Graphic, Lady's Pictorial, Pears Pictorial. , The W. D. FAIR 00, coon; "Often the Cheapest—ilways the Rest." ROMPIWM MWARNIMWMMARIMNOVA 101"41,1101kAitINIA, . • 444kuppi-wpwpf44444mux 74 Mantle Extra for Saturday . $8,25 Mantles for $5,85 We baye a chance to give you a"mantle bargain. for Saturday and: we are going,to do it. Here it is. 8 Only extra One quality beayer mantles, will, not .wear • • ronglorewest baok, veivel Cellar, ooat style, pearl battens B • ilk lined, a very stylish coat, sizes 32, le, 36, regular 85 price $8.25 and good value at that, epeeist for Saturday, 5 your choice of this little lot • , Good. Hosiery Poop ing Miry. ience. He eft onTuesday or Larnnt, . niter, of :Clinton, formerly ttf Ethel. Alberta, where he takes charge of a Hoover, of Clinton Ma.rble Works, put -h Want- Yarns coining from this newanaPer. lip a tine monument. in Goderich ceme- .1. e ceremony took place on VVednes day evening, N'tiv. 7th, at the hour 4 oa. hos- store can be depended. on to terY.YeeterdaY, for the Cornell family. 5 o'clock, and waenerformed by Rey ave learn 1;e th,oroughly scoured' and f Finab.ThEcip.rly Eriiday sitiornin t e 6 .frame ui mg on A bed t., occupied duty. your duty now is to walla -^" •-• met of Berlin, Ont., cousin pf g ,11 England xpects every Man to do his A Ar ix • p the • 4 ndStill They Go . On Saturday morning next we replenish our bargain tables with - v. ak another 30 pairs of Where genuine Dongola kid buttoned boots • 30 Pairs of laiies' gentiineD.ingole Rid Oxfords worth $1.50 for . $1,„00: 18 Pairs of Boys Liced Boote going at • Three lines of Men's fine laced hoots; at $1', $1.25 and $1450, MUM, goods, regular sizes and several other buyers that will astoniall the oloseat buyers. It will pay you to see them."' • We have the largest-dna hest assortment of rubbers and ,-;;Dit:will not be,_ undersold, Remember we guarantee every pair. • No attrition •goods or mond quslities. German Felt Slippers going at 30e, 45e, 65e and 5c1 A. splendid assortment. We buy and sell for oash. A 'call solicited, it The Old Reliable. •• d to epme clean.• and:•to give good wear. by Mr D.on%,11. was di8coYerd„to ba.ont first man Who starts the20th century bers Of tl;e family were resent to wit- ''' argument; e only aarIc epoton here for it We sell the. cel,ebratend "B„ toe _ness tbe happy event: .iter a eump- ', nfatshinsetooeektibleeiteagneaanieaedris Toreteotindravg. arethiootnizoefntbieistedeepheastegi.ei.iwittoetheoroesrirp,. t uous feast of aod things the nappy 'The hosiery Nney' Fingering rams M three Couple left on die 9 30 train for Clinten, 11.18 esegruertieel by E: Dinsl..y i n 1854. bear of the illness of j Allison . . Watt, gravel road, is slightly 'better. future; home will 'be in Clinton. Tr afcluceaianntdantsli wkneei: Bert, who was, succeeded by W, C. who has been laid up with fevr Miss tritnsr 7/ we sell is thoro, qualities. These are imported an a tinshop. by John ughly reliable in every way. by us direct from the inakers This week ,we tell of three in Ireland. For mittens or where lines for boys wear. They stockings there are no better are just the _kind -for hard yarns made anywhere. usage the average- boy gives - - --,-- - --f--- - - his stockings and.will not need The oelebrated "Blarney" fingerme makes strong and good mending nearly nearly as soon as 'It:Inhume or stockings for child., e. most other makes. ren wear , , • , ue Heavy ribbed woolen hose, wide ribe "National" quality Blarney yarn, • seamiest; feet, a good stocking at a ,ie ' 20 and nue knits up close and erre, very much low price,all sizes ...... need for chilarene stockings, 2 de 15 • haulm ., forboyewear irons imports worst- "Blarney" soft haitting yarn. very yarnsa capitol Mocking for school fine and even, gives exoelleet wear wear, wide rib, seamless feet, all A m used for fine knitting of all Rinds aims 20e 35e and • Lktpe 2 oz hanks Extra heayy ribbed woolen hose, Extra etrong Canadian factory yarn worsted yarns, wide rib, tfeerelesti • . two or three piy, ell cetera and made from the4ronges.) imported feet, double knew, will stand VerY tam A mottled, mire wool, free ,frOm ,.,,., shoddy, per pound . . DIM bard wear, all sizes... Age and Wu Trimmed Hats that were $3.75 and $4 to be sold Saturday forL$2.45 ,T. On Saturday next we are going to sell all our trim- med hats that were $3./.4 and $4.. These are some of our most popular and. handsomest styles, nearly are vel- 3,- * vet hats richly trimmed with birds, wings, tips, ribbons, n- * silk, etc. T1'ey have served their purposes as pattern ),. : hats and it is time to let them go. Not one of the lot is * worth less than $3.75, some are worth a good deal more „.* There are 12 of them and they go on sale - Saturday _ ). morning at • • $2.45 each Girls Trimine.d Hats that were $l and $1.25 will lie'Sold for 50c . With the other trimmed hats we • are goingto give as big a bargain in trimmed hats for girls. These are what we are going to sell. • 25 aide trimmed hate, cloth brim, Velvet crown, quill and buckle colors of red, fawn,brown, navy and black, regular $1. and $1.25 lines. On sale Saturdey at 'Heavy wOolen hose, made 13Amoinily • e „ e ----- .50c a piece. ▪ These are the biggest millinery bargains of the sea. ; son and not likely soon to be repeated. See them in our Rattenbury street Window.. •• * Rattly Day Needs • This store was never better able to supply., your rainy' day wants at money saving price S to you thank is today. With November broken weather here rain protectors of some kind are almost a necessity. Theprice are money .saving and stand for good. qualities StronglImbrellie, hallow rib, OW rod, top of mixed butterfat that will wear well end not thin green,' regular $t and $1,25 quelity •, we bought a let Of there very nhetip and our prim .... • Wes aonbiejettuio waterproof eosin, seams gummed analivnimell and eiffs- ji,,,,; felly Made,* garment that will stand a lot of rough itslige,garanieed vrater• A eye -proof, nowent style +A* 'ROO 47 waterroof eirculsrel, now* coat style, nut not turn lista, geltrint- aw teed to taro t rain. will give excellent wear, fawn or dark Row .a4 ito0 ay or 011 Cash and One Price , Eggs tahen as Cash nese, and thousands of dollars were RD extensive groceryeand 'grain busi- for shipment next week. , We much regret' to stitte, that Mrs Walter ("oats ty Manufacturing Oo. The many friends of the groom in this locality • Utterance office at the store - Searle. It was subsequentry occupied Hogs have t liken en •advance again, by the late Thomas Stenbui y, who did and -5c per lb is .being paid by buyers Mr Eckmier is employed in the Doher- bride happiness and prosperity. • 1141)%11101011011111011611111111111'. paid ( lit therein, when this was the continues in a very critical condition. are a unit in wishing Mr Eckmier and only pain market in the district. The • • holldinA -was /eerily, lseterened- "'a, fire- - - • • EISCEWEVEVE,.-21tmmttimmtrotmtrimm.rmilmmtrmmirtmitnIrrrtrntmtmmtttmtu... north of it, and a store and dwelling0 the south having also been burned. It me-., Isz was owned by Mr E. °Insley, Chicago, se-. andthere was no -Insurance on Mr = Duncan had an insurance of $500on his ie.* stock. On Monday W. M, Getty, Tor- so.- • fik . onto, adjuster for the Merchant's In- so"" a .. a can's lope, by a payment of $297. The fir.- ...........4.4.4...... 440...t., ..,)44,........4.4,4 , , , , ..... ...e.e.e.e.e.e.e.e.e.e.e.444.• •••••4÷e-e-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-e-e4-4-e-a+ne-srlea44 ., .4 sorance Co., carne and settled Mr Dun- • beat of the fire caused one Of the plate el.-- Oreat Displa.y f. Clothing Foam Windows of Plumeteel & Giolunge' . 1 store to crack from top to bottom, and also cracked one of the windows in eta - Watts' store. DrIA2TEE OF ALEX. WATT.- We are very sorry indeed that we are called upon to announce the death of Mr Al- exander Wattof the gravel roadmorth of Olinton,which occurred on Saturday go-. evening last,after a short illness. From se" the first there was little hope of hie re- covery, and the announcement of his death, though though causing deep regret. as-, was -not one of sal prise, Though only a resident near Clinton for less than two years, he was well known, having resided in Hullett for nearly 50 years. He was born in Banffshire, Scotland, and after conif g to Canada lived for some time atilinbrook,in Wentworth Co., tis father afterwards settling near 'w- en-, Harlock, but Mr Watt, sr.. dying soon after their, arrival in 'Huron, the chil- dren were largely thrown upon their qwn reeources, Mr Watt possessed all those sterling traits of character Which characterize the Scotch and was held in the higheat possible esteem and re- spect. He was for many years a mem- E ber of Burn's Presbyterian church, and was also Sunday School Superintend- des.- ent there for years. In politics he was a Liberal. His retnalns Were interred in Burn's cemetery on Monday. He leaves a wife and three children. 5.00 7.00 8.00 and $10. Are the popular prices for our great range of Overcoats, with us you see all the latest styles, with us you find reliable goods,with us you see an as- sortment that cannot be equalled in this section. There is a great deal of satis- tion in buying goods from which you can get your money's. worth, after all it is not a question of what youpay but it is aquestion of value foryour money BOYS' REEFERS . Our stock of Boys' iteefers is lull and complete with goods that will • give perfect satisfaction. They are made from all wool goods, well cut, well made and well trimmed, all prices -1 • Special Snap-in•Buyie-Crivercoats A few lines of Boys' Overcoats, odds and ends left from last season. As long as they last you can buy them at half price, a wonderful chalice to get good goods. a I, Shoe Department. We are sole agents for the celebrated !‘Stub Proof" Rubberra ribber that will outwear two pairs of*inay goods. We have four styles and all sizes in each style. it will pay to buy them. 1 1 1 I A full range of sizes in No..1 quality Rubber Boots, our price $8.25, most people ask $3.75 but we are - tent with a eommrsion as far as profit is concerned. A full and complete range Of the "Xing on the parket. We are selling these like hot Promptly Attended to. On Stall rday next we will offer 100 pairs • of Men's Shoes in four different styles, all sizes 6 to 11, they are staple goods, sold every day for $1.50, but aa-long-ae they last yon (Am make your selection at 1.00 per pair. They cannot be equalled for Wale. Keen - pro should see this line. Quality" Rubber, contains 25 per oalit more rubber than anything kes, every pair guaranteed. MI repairs on Boots and Shoes JACKSON 33It "Itigra Clint° *et