HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-11-23, Page 6November 23 1900 Pain back of your eyes? Heavy pressure In your head? And are yOunoMetimes faint and dizzy? Is your tongue coated? ' Bad Win in your mouth? And does your food distress you? Are you nervous and ritable? Do you often have the blues? And, - are you troubled about sleeping? Then Your War ft all wrong, : But there Is a cure. 'Tia the old reliable They act directly on the liver. They cure., constipatiOn;biliousness,' sick headache, . nausea, and dyspepsia. . Take a laxative dose each night. For 60 years years they. have been the Standard' Family Rio 25 week,' 'Attire/gist% r have taken Aide. Pius regu- larly for aft•,oncirt.,,"They have inirerrmeOf a. severe headache, and I can now Walk from two to tout adios without getting tired or out of Meath. soine.,dor 1 have not been able to do f‘wainy years." , July is n. Warizera , Weft the ilkostete., If NOW ban any coMplaint wh Myer and teem tho bostroammi advise you can possibly receive, writ*the doctot freer. Toe winsome** a, knonot re- mywnhout costAddress, - • P11.6Y.• __*Lowell, Bow " At -4•1010111104111116.-.. MEN OF. NOTE. has lost all desire to return to the land of Rear Admiral ;eines A. Smith, V, ta„. his birth. For some time atter he . lend - N., retired. leiniee chief ot the bureau of " ed in Colombo Arabi found the i climate of auopliew his new honiernaking.dangerOus inrOada ' and aceennts of the navy de- 4 i , e partnIeut , haf arrivbd in „Berlin Arid vrill upon s health,utnetre days A pend. the "tater db'.fallen leader of the rebellion in the Nile , sin that ' Tlionglileenard Wood holdall delta had a strong wish to get beta to 'volun- .4- teer cm:Mission as -major general and is weir% , - r MEN OF NOTE. ;Mee Walsh, member of the Eitoc% E. entinge et Cripple) Creek, is 48 years old. Watia granafather three years aim and smokes at least O cigare every day. E, Montet, the cat editor of La rreeee, Of Xiontreol, has been appointed manager of the Independent Order of Foresters la Frame and will hereafter reside In that country. Abner pobbins, the leading capitalist of eastern Oregon, is one of the moot ec- centric of American millioueires, He Jives alone In a lonely bit,Irefers burn - hie fare and will not accept a pass On his own railroad. M. Coaz, .the chief forester of Switzer- land, still living, made the firet ascent of Piz Bernina 50 years ago. In those days, when there were no huts, guides or maps, such an ascent meant a great deal more than it does now. Captain Martin Conrad, the new pre* Went of the Illinois etate board of agri- eulttire, is Paid to be one of the best for- estry experts la the countrY. He had charge of the Illinoie exhibit of rorestry at the World's fair. "Mr Henry Campbell -Bannerman 'Heald to be able to 'deep in a standing poeture as well as he can lying down. The Duke of Devonshire onee mild to him, ."You are like a policeman. Bannerman; you an elwayi sleep standing up." • Dr Jobtinnes Breeler in Freiburg, Sile- sia, is about tO open a museum of a novel kind. It ,will be devoted tit the study of psychiatry and will contain models of -ye- rious lunalie asylums and samplers of ev, ery appliance in use lu such institutions. John P. Irish, ,once a well known west- ern joornalist .artd novr naval officer of the •port of San Fraociaco, has one peculi- arity -he will not wear a necktie. He once had throat trouble and concluded it came from too much wraPP,111/1 up of Mu neck. Louie R. Hastings, who died in Texas recently,. was one of the pioneers of the live stock business in Chicago aud the last of those pioneers to survive. He tiro** cattle over*the mountains in 1851 and in 1867 droVe the firet cattle into the ' Chicago stoekyards. James D. Reid, organizer of the Old Time Telegraphers' association, superin- tended the Construction between Wash- ington and Baltimore of the world's orig., Mal telegraph line, Ile Wight Andrew Carnegie to be an operator and is now malinger of the steel man's: Scotch es - Isaiah T. Montgomery, who was in his youth a slave „of Jefferson Davis and his elder brother, Joseph Davis, founded a colony of, negroes in the Yazeolrover val- ley. In Mississippi, after, the, war, and he IS now "mayor" of the village of Blount Elven, the t enter of the colnny, The net - groes own 4000 Ares there. After. 18. Years ef exile Arabi Pasha civil ' and military ger ether of 'Cuba, in the regular unix he ttill reteilia bus i)hl. . TALES OF CITIES. ' rank, that of mere assistant surgeon. 1--- • 7--------0, .. • • Charles 13. Stuever of &Lit-40111sii. tke The police department in Berlin has un - latest millionaire to • distribute' Iiiir for, dertaken a thorough revision of the bake- , trine during iiii, litothne, ire soot I; harmr shape, much to..the astonishment of the of family. quarrels over wills and has iii. Master bakers' epiociltion there., •Witich "flacelo gi.anlouay. 01011 among illi ehil• ..'iad begun to delicate the liakiahop Ia. trot. . • -. - • Contemplated SO balled international et - Positions are becoming so numerous, that ...Lieutenant Horace P. McIntosh of the United States- navy is °an his way to , they 'ellen& Q! t-9 (lately. Joet tiew Ken - Chile. Where, by consent of the .pnited 1 si,at*ind Seattle are debating, thus far In ii: courteous manner, .which of them will i States government,' he is to superhitend ' tin 414-pa,i'tion of a navy tor the Chileen I hAYS iiii !x1)94jtion in 1004, ,j govereineet . , .. .I, , "Dictum!. aVeime''' is suggeited .0' the ..4..olti , mitelieil. "he is heading ,the , Pa•ran: for lit thebetweennewb ?la al street -that is It Holborn ti:trigighthlet Biattieh nnVy. He is 31 Years , old 111 .F.-131rand in linndn 244 iq jhertaranitdhwrnocole eillasl..regansigisiol Pei I art of tlig t21,/..watcl.a. plottoos placed ani, tiearetjted in -.the coal wines ohm - Pleaders of MalSY of iiiii storiii. be wee 18 yeri oil ' .• I New York city has a growing number I Daniel A. titniont. 'setretarY of war ini ot tropieal , plantations well within. the Preidaent eteveloutra last cabinet, has ' Drafts of tbe city. In both Central and Riverside parks there have been culti- teen olt re:"Iislt. to 'the Pacific coma on . - is • •ce , .dtnt f /rated during the summer a large.number • - /he Northern Pacific' road and.'deetares ° e° on, tobacco an co ea p ants. those/ out of polities: , For some time the coipOration-of 011ie- Captainbinuilee A. Bourke, IL N. : gow has taken comparatively small sumo ' Who was Admiral Tryon'a flag captain • of money on deposit; and the experiment has worked well. Emboldened by thip , when the Victoria was run down by the success. the ProgressiVe element of the Camtierdown, died recently. aged 47 yearn.Re was brother aud heir pre- eity council proposed that banking should 1 *emotive to the Earl of Mayo. . be added to the municipal undertakings. Sir Andrew Lusk. London's oldest ex - lord mayor, has completed his uinetieth THE WRITER,S. year. He served as 'alderman for the ward of Bridge Without till five years Dr. Conan Doyle has nearly completed Ago. :in 1873.4144 his history of,theattar,in South Africa. It 1874 and is still in active btisiorss. ' I, may be expected to appear shortly after Francis Munizaza has arrived in San- • 'the formai conclusionof peace. tiago de Chile to lay Out the ground for Count Tolstoi explains that the Greek Charles Colson of Paris, who haw been church will not formally excommunicate • granted 725,000 acres of land by the him. It has gimp orders -that he shall Chilean government on thttonelitiohthat not have an orthodox federal at hie be britiga4000 Aixeor ,death, which Tolstoi sayi:entirely raeets country for live Years. • '" ' . Sir Francis Plunkett. the" new British lThe gold _cross of the Order of Deane- embasseTen-nrthe Xiiitrien court, is the brog has ban conferred" by King Chria- first,-.Eugilish- diplomat of the Robin)) . Alen ot Denmark on jete.oh Etna tholle l'of,Many Years: accredited tile Ribe.Eitittliertli N. E. • to that post. He is --the youngest son of Rile, it well kncTivit LAtin • schoolmaster ihe ninth earl of Kingall. He has been ' of RIh, Denmarkk, wee similarly deco - in the service sineellf335. , feted sola/e1614140)414,,Ko.glittlen of his John Float,' -one Of 'the Itish 4itstvicee- o- his coiintr3r., tleoista in the Fenian moven:lent of 1860, Bioernstitotne Eljoetoson,„ the Well lied in Ehston the other' day so poor that :kagws z'oritae,. has jetefipatieed through his body ben intiled;ii% not- .-stn estreordliniri expettehee, *vine slept weeteld_j_nit ferthe li,ii-e.itAis-10.114:1 e. coatinudirdil"tor 48-lioure: At.T.Allehainer local Irish society, tie was one iirtfidie the writer was 'taken' soddenly ill -with - who refused to testify..4. the, ttiai etc much proatsrationv end in the „evening he John Boyle \4 ";11 ' !Ott; ngeep.a14.0.4frOm Which he did Colonel Frank abodes, who has just not awake for two days. returned to England from South Africa, suffers from the fact of being his broth- er's brother. He him not. eon* much SCRAPS oF SCIENCE. within the nublic eyo. Mite* at thalline e ir • of the Jameson mkt For participating Clouds as Often form directly overhead •tried and • sentenced to as wake UP trottl.the herlrOn• death, subsequently being let Off with Two thousand. gallons of air are a a fine of 125,000. grown up person's Allowance for 24 hours, Sets of the Marconi apparatus ' have' beau ordered fer:.ilritish warships, and it is said that the:reyilty payebte to the in - Venter will be El® WI ea& ship inelng the wirelese telegraphy. It admite of OM,- - muniCation over a distance of 50 miles. With Lanralty's "bolometer" a :temper- oimmosso,.ottes4 attire fluctuation as minute asa of a 'irate°, taw • be tieteeted. t The theili Glito Them StrOinl east enfant la' Peeseated,bf it mesteritele Power that Por eo.ttop coodot. enables It to Obit a strohg light without heat enough to affect. the Most aeueltire "bolonteter, Happy are the Makers of MO Rugs and Carpets. THE LIMON NEW ERA - Blood Poisoaing hdr Simpson. of Barrie, bad hie ankle ' caught In the line of the ferrybeat1 ;434POralt Staling Roodaoho Powder Follow. a Wound in the Knee Caused by 0 4 Itellferli• Vivo Doctors in COneultation Gale tke But. ferer out IR le Hope of Recovery -Bow flis Life Was Beved. , Brookville Recordee. WIWSPOIWWW. 1,2 Parry Sound, and A compound fracture was the result. box of Milburn's Rheumatic Pills will beefeat tree to miry one who euffere from' Alheurnittlein, Sciatica, Lumbago or Nett- , sight if they have never tried iheee ptklu helore. Send 2o stamp for postage to Tbe Milburn 0o,, Limited, Toronto, Oat. „ Among the old rapines in the townehip of Augusta, in the ne,ghboring county of Grenville, there is none better known or more influential than those that bear dui name of Ble5311. The Bissell. Were emong the earliest'mitten in the tOtfashiP an hein n° aver since likenwaivei . an pert n all moves to promote iti welfare. The enbieot of this narrative, Mr Silos Bisscll. is one of the younger members of the family, wbo some Team ago left Canada to make his 'tome In the date of Nehrials. He hoe , Pinned through ap werience alaulat unique, and considers he is fortunate in be. iug alive to tell the tale. The story as told in Bissell's own words, is as followe;-"In the autumn of 1098 sustained whale injury through having the twee ole. pitchfork penetrate my left knee. It apparently -heeled, hut Ida,. not - enjoy the Same health I had previous to the &widen*, and it Vats but a ehort time before I was compelled to take to my bed on Re- count of excruciating paino in my limbs and °Whom in my pinto, a. doctor was called in add he lanced my knee three times, and then told me the trouble was blond poitioning. He treated me for Goma time but I steadily grew worse, and finally five phypioians.were oiled in for consulta- tion. My entire system seethed to be af- fected, and the doctcire saM the trouble had reached one ot my lunge and that they could how 4dt but little lunge, ot my recov- ery. After repaaining in bed for eleven week., I decided I won d return to my •old home in Canada.[ was so muchrun down and so weak that it watt a question whether I would live to reach there, but I was nevertheless deterrained to make an effort to do to. After a long Itorney under these most trying circumstances, I reached ray niclhorne. I was tio used na and presented such an emaoiated appearance tnat my friends had no thought Ghat I wreild recov- er. I continued to dreg Along in this condi- tion for several :men hs, when one day it °mein asked me vvii I did not try Pr. The 'dyeing of °often -rage kr the making of mata0Ogi and Carnets was 19r Year. a difficult and eery uniatisfatittiry operation owing to the 'crude and ittiooMbioli aye. ituilSIMAM AYetis. Were Obliged isti rule; By introduction of the Ppeniel Diamond Dye Put colors for Cotion,Ithef work of dyeing le now'reeoroerot pleeture atia •pro. tit to every heti. • ; Tlitt,,nitianfttetnrersof • the the lofted Vistoondoyos gellOtilt Vella} WOO 0010re .anah at frieCninkriorest orange, fan purple, feet gernet..fist navy, bat Minion, fast brOWO, fest yellow, fest soarleti fest • eiirdibel, feat flukey red, faet.dark groin, ' fast black and other oolotiiiltst aiter•unted. Ing in washing or when mooed to the turf Nd other dyes in the world ostii giro ouch tillirvidionil end ',Netting results oh ooktoti Itnodg. AttitSrair dealer for Molest 1)idi. Williams' Pink Pine. 1 was willing to, try any medicine that was likely to cure me, and I Bent for a amply of the pill% After I had been using the pillslor about three weeks felt an iinprovement in my condi- tion. From that time I gradually grew better, new b'ood seemed coursing through my veins, the stiffness in nay. joints dia*p. Peered, and the agonising mns which had i so long tortured me, vanisEed. I took in cough till.you Oita yourself in the clutch of all ten or twelve -boxes. of Dr. Williams' Consumption. It's An east/ matter to stop Pink Pille and I have no hesitation in say- it now by taking Ing that I ebeheve they saved my life, for INI WOOD1 NORWAY PINE SYRUP Mr Rale is to get *MAO a year to inanitge a railway, while Sir 'Wilfrid get rnumeorr,e,to manage the Dominion, trete only $10,009. Many bank nianagere ASTOUNDING DISCOVERY. From Coopersville, Mich., cornea word of a wonderful discovery of a pleasant test - hag liquid that when used before retiring by buy one troubled with tanigh always eneuree a gpod niglit'a res., ',It will soon cure the cem h too," writes Pdre S. /lintel - burger, "for three generations of cur fam- ily have need Dr. 'Mere New Ditiolayery for Consumption and never found it's equal for Caught; and Coble." We 'an unrivaled bite -saver when used for • desper- ate lung diseases. Guaranteed bottles 60c and $1,00 at All Druggists. Trial bottles free. There were 50 Frenell.Canadian• Men3bers trona all Canada in last Do- minion Parliament, and only 53 In the new House. TO CURE A. COLD IN ONE PAY. TakeLaxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund tha money if ft fens to cure 'Wets. E. W. Oreve'sisianature 1011 each boa, Queen Victoria received a detach- ment of mixed colonial troop'', includ- ing a number of Canadiane at Wind* mar, Friday afternoon,and personally thanked them for their loyal services o the Empire. In the Clutch Of Consumption. 'Don't neglect that persIrtent hacking when I returned, to Canada I had no new ot r.y. Mr Bissell has since returned to hie old home at Lincoln. Neb., but the statettente made shove can be vouched for by any of his friends this section, and by ell lbw neighbors in the yjoinity of bis old home. Dr. Willianis' Pink Pills cure earth •ap- parently hopeless oseee as Mr Bissell's, be - canes they make new, rich, red blood, and thus reach the root sf the trouble, These pills are the only medicine offered' the pub- lic that 08.13 show a reeved ,of melt marvel- ous cures after doctors bed foiled. If you are at all unwell this medicine will restore you to health, but be sure you get the gen- uine with the full name. ,,Dr. Williams' Pink Pillo for Pale People"on the wrapper around each box. THE PEDAGOGUE. , President Charles Remy Oliver of the Imperial eollege or Peking is a native of Ireland and went to the eollege in, 1879 at the request of Sir Robert Hart: '4 M." Gaston ,Deseliamps, literary critic of the Paris 'roams,. has been engaged by Eng Cercle Fregeds of Rervard, to beginning 26, on -rho Contemporar,y Stage.' The .trustees of Join college) have elect- ed Professor Frank Sandoz* preaideut to socceed President:Oeorge A. Gates. Professor Sanders at present (maple" the chmeef Baikal Mei:a:ore at Yale.. . 4 '.Aee.te prepared to. promptl,y Ali an or- •. dere rot Wood, dri;Oal; *hie %yin beside at Christopher Columbus Langdell, the lowest rates. Moe purses° Street. at LAV1S retiring dean ot the Harvard law school, IMPLEMICN*1100118 W, WBEATLEY Wee the . first to revolutionize the old, methods of legal instruction and substi- tute the case system for the textbook. He is 74 years old, send his ayes are giv- Ing out. TRAGIC TALE OF. AN INTAGLIO. areatortall at a Melia Death Drove Two Men tei anielde. „It New York artist Peenestor of ark intaglio which has a oecillierlY.tragic Have YOU a Skirl. Disousot- Teter, salt Rheum, -Scald Headtginstitorpx. history. Two of it. former owners have committed ouicide becauve of inflteniees Eczerna,fich,)3arber'sItch,ITIcers.131otchett, Chronic Erysipetaa,•Liier Spots. Prurigo, ni°re or Artitglikorrit VOintooted wit6Athe Psoriasis, or 'othet ettiptiond of the ekip..4 tate of the unfortunate girl whose death mask was ,the model of the, sculpture. What Klimek's Ointment has done for other' it eau do for you -curs you. one ap. The .piesent .6iiner, however,' is More artistic than eentimental or superstition,' plicatiort giveis.rellet-4-35 cents,* „and „Ala, no , genre Abet will imitate the Sold by SI dney Jackeen, druggist, Clinton tWo previous' Posseeliore of the intaglio. Not teeny years ago an artist 'of more than Jogai ,rePlitation,W10 living ku • ton. He had an only daughter, a beau - POULTRY POINTERS. • ilful girl with many graces which would haye made her a still Note lovelY ileAeny kind of grease sure death to ","ita4.1ilelte the, /food satiti about, she Waif' ImpOrturiate," arid to end Bran and cornmeal scalded make 2 her sorrows she droweed herself in the good inorriing ration. bay. • The artist father, though keenly Air -slaked lira@ le a good diftinfeetant, sensitive to the gri at grief, still noted Sprinkle it liberally over the floor how artistically benutiful the girl was in healthy,- aild-prefita- 44544400* from, which the intaglio was Made. • Able poultry new blood must be introduc- ed eyerynyear, , _ • )3ut the • Veep haunted him. Those A little oilmen' fed daily will be bent- „elapsic !Mee, eflinieseliting his ;daughter ficial to the hens during the molting sea- elte ;appeared floatilig in. the Watete of the; hay, her gyes closed and her hair sae.. Mina like a mermaid's seetned to lure. While. there .1a a limited market tor . 11- •1' n m to follow her. He reflected on her guineas, theitment approathea nearer the life arid her "Rider fate; hew it might ,ffriVor of vrild fowl than any other. . Hens .do not eat their egg* unless they lifiv"ifiXi'be""ttlst"'(11;441° uwn 'Bte"nues° that she heal destroed Acoong" tire learlA Ak0. habit from having howlif a large measnie he tnigb,t be • . in the nest. _ .., too soreat .010 of Avelillng-lithreetling thoughts reepoesible for her.tiestruhtion, Nhe. became unbearable, and he icto ntAke 4t.st rule not,te retain.* ditale drowned himself in fire hay at the Wend - front `,yoor own Sleek. Buy new breeding -coal Spot' Where the beautiful girl had .cocks each year from some one whoie gone to her,ttite. • stock (*not related to yours. , -The artlitve - wife ' Canifi net bear to 'When the fowls are confined, they need have t/re intaglio near'her and gave it to exercise, end one of the hest ways of Oro- a New York friend. The friend was not riding this I" to Wetter tbe small grain supersititiook but her husband Was a arnong litter-*leaVes or strew -and make • stigetlnigiMan.,who lost and won with the reckless abandon of men of his kind. thee sefatch itcont. , , , • •JThe propettiee ob. dual wer • seed are Naturally he was a firm believer In luck, • • This pleasant remedy healsand goothes the 'wigs and bronchial tubes, and cures lingering anil chronic coughs when *Aber •remedies •" • Mr. W. P. Cann, writing front Morpeth, Ont., says; "1 "I honestly believe I would have died of cOnsumption only for Dr, Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. I have used. • Itforyears and consider it has no equal for, severe ;Olds and throat troubles.° •Since du* immigrants have been entering the United Statelf,at the rate of 1,00,0 . a day. , Whitt% th• TV(11.111101--71i as caw: Headache? Is it Biliousness ? Sing- gish Liver ? your sldn willow? Do you feel more dead than alive Your system needs toeing. -,--Your Liver isn't doing ite work -Dont resort to strong drtige-pr. Agnenr's Little Pills, zo cane for 4o dims, will work wonders 'for you. -85. Sold by Sydney Admen, dreggist,Clinton, The Woodstock. Thames ValieY Ingersoll Electric Ey, has been andel- ly opened from Woodstock to Beaeh- ville. WOOD acnr4NALN•Yillib, • 'free, Arid A small anantki1tdatthe - --that .11itathle letilgtrial of 1hittliestutt- peen proper time will aid materially -in impart- ful face had a strange Infatuation for ,POLITICAL,QUIPS. ,Ing •beauty to .the plumage. Thee can him. He knew sloniet hlMry . slab bo ted to getel elivantage ddring of both the girl and 'her Soule of the noisletit patriot at* throat who forger to regioter.-lialthnot*- Her' A politial prophet .differs frora an dinar,. pellticiao in that he dna" knots, el IOWA*. 0440 4.4,10 itedette hlysy(**** . ia•ettoai.ithso atovetemenk 1. domed ot. tp.to &Shand, fielatithen Hamm on upit5 return front service South Afriet, huh to Inahltahl the.r - meatat tivt 011eibtill14114 ed over theecuipture, and finally ended ell self. The widow of the 'porting man I was not superstitious, but titter the * , degth,14,,her huabonilarul knewing he or , fate ,hf te '01tud , the artist Oa Igoe 10,.; 30:,,part. With - her ,treaegre. tlesputi ,an arAlot ,,gdogreo ,the 4(1ha' of mettle and as a lover of the Li strange .ed eetious prises It. for itt etory. . in - al he f ant fo ry ixe f r Manitoba contain neither oaorophine nor opt Una They, prorapti* euro Siok heediobe, Oar' algie,headaebe, headache of grippe, head - eche of delicate ladies end beedsciae trout any mune whatever, rrioe TO°. and 26e• Steno have been taken for resuming ths itrepartant wcrk of the Anglo-Aux- erican calumisSinn. Made up of repo- sentatives of the 1J tatted States, (heat Britain and Canada, -and, coneideration of the subject noW in procrese probab- ly will determine io a few days what course will be puptled. AN ALL•ROUND REMEDY, Urti Vitae.** Ilineoexth, Hen.,writesi ."I have used Elegy ard's Yellow Oil for sore throat, out, soalde and frostbites for * leng time and coneicler it the best all-round household remedy mad." Privet 26.0. aU , dealere; Thoivas M. ight, ez•Teetieurer of Resex County, IN dead, Mary A. O'Connell, Middle Stewieoke own '41 have need Lesa-Liver Pills for serious Liver Compleint, mid they have done me a world of good,,making we smart and hettlthy." • __Delos Walker died in the Hamilton ,Hospital from a wound receivedgwhile duck. shooting. ' There is nothing better for ohildrens opughe and aside than Dr, Wood's Norway Ptne Syrup, is very pleasant to take and Always cures the little ones' musk; promptly, Heavy snowstorms are reported In New York, Ohio and Michigan, and railway treble le interrupted. CLEARS AWAY WORMS. Mrs Wm, Graham, Sheppardton, Ont., writes:- have.giyen • Dr, Low'stWorm Syrup to my:boy time and again and find it a good worm medicine. Itis nide to take and never maim the olaild sick like .pow - dors." Price 25c, Morrison, the murderer of the Mc- Arthur family, was sentenced to be hanged at Moosomin on Jemmy 17th next. • Bought yestorday-Qured To- day. --Mrs. O. C. Part, of 26 Broadway. New York, pays: "1 am surprised and de- lighted at the change for the betteliiri , case in one day from the use of '02eves Catarrhal Powder. it worked Ilite Naar* there's no excuse for a person suffering pain with !his remi edywithin reach. cents. _ • Sold by Sydney jaokson, druggist -,Olin 'on.' In a railway nepident-;near France, thirteen persons were killed, inrcaltnniceinrg the Peruvian Minister to F 1-4..4,11,c.rnERSfilV • INSURANCE* Fire, • Life, 111Acc1dent, Piate:Giass. -e-- Chrrice, Katmai Moor. Marron DO YOU WANT NMI?. v WeleiLle-C11340470:01.hoatrhold goods liyou°0. niloee...z.;.13i1:trrYlirig"inligic.nolettelidlisYtorCYPitm'frrr°67/741!vicir°:. Money VelfirE4alndeerertnnY eAT eliltarliTero a, througnhour son. WIA111411 & coe.n1Thwarit Acnn ahelpde Street, Toronto; - 4 4. The 'Slater Shoe for Boys • Made with the huowlefige that ntost foot distortions ars the Mirk et - wearing iTheimped oboes in rittb. whist the honorer the foot are passing through he developing stage. Rfoya.- who wear "Sister Shoes" will never be troubled with (vat Mein afterlife. - lust. made es carefully as father's, jam selected material, IMMO expert wOrbillen* same perfected machinery. $iXe*. Utile Gente " 8 to tag - Youths, 13 to 25 • Boys' 3 t°, 414. Prices $Z 50 and $3,00, etrimped'iiit Usa Goodyear welted sole in a ;late frame. Catalogue 0_0_4_4_4_4 fi «de-ta Jackson BrOs” Pole Agents for Oaten. Ors 11253811818:Mgaiholiiio A bright :'6sre and For pure ;blood, A (Oar cemplexion, A ,keen apijOite, An easy digestion And refreshing sleep.° , 1. 1. .tt 1.1 ICAO ri *to g P4r 11 arouses the Liver, Quickens the circueation, Brightens the spirits .and Genprally, makes life. vverth living. Slsty seven years triatiotimprciymil it to'ho bekobd ci4i3Stihri; the most reliable BLOOD purifier known. • .7; i)It illin - • • ,41:0112011...SAIISPARIL The SOTO African war i Prentininiy over,, not sic the War Of Trade and'Commerce it iaislweys in order; We are still in the front retake, tot on the worded list. We dire° speoial attention to our iiew'stbok of inr Hideo whieh willt be to.tind full • *nice lot of Ladies' Ackete. . Drop •Liocide fhat for beauty and •cheapness:will plelitee any person. :Boo* Sheen and Rubbetsi a large stock newly in for tell and winter. . , • Teal in greet variety viz :-i-Jepan, Young Hyson„ Congoe in hulk,Grand Mogul Salads,- Monsoon and Blue .Ribbon in 'packages. • See Mit Iferneas-A_nioe sAt ot single harness for 811,tinttletter:qiiality for $12,, letifirlineeprortingaleeibreattil knee, halters, etc., Mo. We would,not target robes' and blankets. Tetras caehror prtnce Righest. pike, ,for.ftetqueCtity of.Xtratter end Eggs. : . Emporium, Londesbero All Kinds of Rf ..,t102s 13'30- 25S1, ler ADAMS les Wagons !N;...+ r`,. • FirSt-elass front $05 to *80.I $40. - Clinton. FINE FURNITURE IT .LOW PRICES . ., •. .... liargetteedt of. Lounger, Couches and Espy ()hake. finely ,linished end gamin- . , _ . ., i emit t6jiiniri'7"Z4dniuira „detain m ahogany, ash ,and °Olt Piniogtsiblei,VidebMirdsandl 51 different klub Of thew Latest tatter= niVindow'ilnades end Cantilna. . . . Picture Framing:a Specialty.. Planoe, Organe and Sew/dig Meithinat;11614 olirilintyliettibt :Ir., ,E1[.... PitibtfiltANTro As good it any and bolter than rnny are to be ieen by inspecting Mir Mummer stook of Men'e, Women'. , and Children's , Fall Huse of Trois**, Valises, etc.. Steele ruttpouble Harness • 13. 0. Red Ceder, White Cedar, and Pine fitinigles alwi‘yapn handut T TrettELL • Victoria Bloch. AGENTS 'WANTED. :For "Story of South Africa," by John Weide Itid_oritb, D.,zdwarres. FBI'. M. A., J. A..0ocoar,Stenaging Editor bf the eCanartian Resiteintiri;:t Toronto: mid ,R. Aiken, of neon. t wtellirs itturri title week. P ro.:011 ,Door, and 'Biind,raotory. s, S. COOPER - PROPRIETOR, qeneral Builder and Contractor. This factory is the largeskip the otiunty, ending the velodeitiiiiiProveci ma« ahinery, capable of doing work on the shortest notice. Wa. oerry an ,ogionoton and reliable dock and prepared plans and give eetiniatee for annild all Claw et of buildings On short notice and on the eltietst price* Al Wane eilperVie ea in a raeohauioakway sua eatisfactiou guaranteed. We 1011.1.211,kkan 0.1n. terior,,and exterior materiel. % • ' lituillter Lath, Shingles, Lime. Sash, Doors, ,nlinds, Ete , . Agent for the Celebrated 0B,AYSILL • sonoot DESR. miartufaderral • at Waterloo. Call and get prices and eetnnatel before planing -yoar, oases iglu 121 tt vs nig do th A rica for , as. We are the only Canadian Pabliallera Who have had a branch in South Africa for nineteen retire, giving us rk anion:dense savan,Th.e3rhliabor in V " 814 Illnin tPhr:riTir rettectkgr esatiVerdetmt‘tViteilliarnakt% 'it':,: ( 1:.1.1 . areLsrior, Aug Cesuipan entingents bee"- - .ter lllustrat.dtnia -inanyvivid work. So ..; awe ar&I&S of this, that we W i.mail free .for 'L 19 i '00TillNktilienourprospectus taanyono 110114061. I ilia & rival proppeetus._ Menhirs and tante' free. Awe world Publishing Company, 4.; •Ortsloh, Petaltio t . • ntra.1 Meat Market •• Ohijdrati Cry for r - rt rdOind Dye ettOil 00104 %he no other Snake, TOR Children )(try.% ASTOR 11 n th t 11 d a Cured Meat., Saues.ge, bologna lard, batter end eggs away* kept on inulati • „ I, • R. ,,Eitssignons tt Son. Tlephone Orders dellsursalProsPaY sll Patti dem town. N.0s-rPerawas;having. bop to 'loot war boater a141TOr bi •'Wog** 14 Usaittiot). Who attempts tio'do doolifng.ou an inferior Range, *Onset cooks in. var1ah1r Prefer the HaPP344.0 Thtnight If lieu are fluid' of di Weil 0°1E4 dinner end likt to haqe your wade muted On time, well ik* intim In a EtappyThought Singe. It Y1197,10 ,P007, • Keeps fire coritinttously salteni EttAiny hour of the 24 And *nintii.40,444(iike ootti . that °Atm require, Over 404X10 new. In tun in thit..lolty of ,kOrditt, Mwort ow al; ." 4490000 AftN,, .0.eoiSfrntli#0,4tho, intIoNt Heater that thebriiiiiii of nientver prodnead. of fuel and some managemetttli; • • • IKON OA. OD, • • • • The fartner'i favorite. Threetea with or Without itoOk of now in the oonn* « chaos , from. 111/111til COM 0111,uarttepr as oommentgr. None 'Oaf tto AlPieteeniten040004,004104011eresitsrwitatit. 41 tot Alt vita •?, ioi. • Newel