HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-11-23, Page 5tar77•7;n+m 7aegwr rT;.a`#a+?ver �p r x w.. o x.:� TSE bLIt4TON 1VSW ERS November 23, 1900 T.c• + N 1•NoNNNNN•••N••••••••••••• +Nt•••NN••NNo•NN•••••••• o**e**et•* tt.. From now on we will be open leyOrY night until 8 o'olook i~ i • . KEW STORE THE IN OLINTO4 • ar Has a stook of about.$10,000, consist, ng of. - Staple and Fancy Dry Goods,Ready-to-wear Clothing, Boots and Shoes. ¢9QC{4 DDcc)( • 1•��t r 14, 1 It Is NII the BlTTerenoe In the WorIU , ti'' • HOW • your Clothes are made, what they are made of and what you pay for them.. Any person half intelligent can write a: fable on the Clothing question, ;but to produce,them up to our standard and soil them at our pricesit requires a lot of capital and a knowledge of knowing how, Take for instance the Boys' and Children's Suits and Top Coats we sell at $2, $3, $4 and $5 and where will you find such nifty things and real downright good values for so little money. The youth with his preconceived ideas of dress and effect will find the'tailor's kind. of Clothing here at Half tailor's prices. Indeed we can fit him with aswell•Suit or Overcoat at $4, $5, $8 and .$10. Our Men's. Suits and Overcoats -are the composition of commendable fabrics, honestly trimmed, highlyfinished and: moulded' into stylesas worn now -a -days ny well dressed men. . Not expensive -$4.50, $5.00, $7:50 $10.00, $12.00 and $14:00. 1g uarantee.that any man or youth that looks at my Clothing will never go to Seaforth for them any more. And more than that -it will not be long before we will have some of the people that liveclos- er to Seaforth than here. Clime, that BIG HILL and save more than they even thought'of;. omsencrwsimmiescoC'3DDaciam'cbQKDmfiCDC{D Butter and Eggs taken as Cash. • WERE IN HARLAND'S BLOCK �CLIMTON. L, O. B. KOENI a••••••••••••••••H•N••••••••N••a••••••••••• •••••••1•••••••••••• ••••♦••••••• •N• Nrw • t'••••••• ' STRATFOItD, ONT - A. school that is doing the best work in business education in Canada. Oar magni- ficent eattilogne gives 'full information. Write to -day for one. $everai . Callas' dian colleges and . many large 011r first arrival of annerican schools employour Tea, known as graduates as teachersi . ,This e one strong point in onr favor. gaiter now if possible. W. J. Elliott. Princibal. Bicycle and general Repair Just eeeived Short. SEELEY & TURNER. proprietors. Rattenbury'Street, Clinton. Subscribers having 'bought out the black- smith badness of John Tedford, have combin- ed their bicycle business with the same, and having both businesses under one roof, will be in a better position than ever to do all work entrusted to them. Saiseors,table knives, eta. sharpened and. repaired, lawn mowers over- hauled, cutting box knives. sharpened saws xvirsl'Special reofglid repairs. Odes resspfuly*elot. work promptly attended to and prices moderate. The blacksmith shop is In char o'of la good practical man, who will promptly attend to nil work in this line. ..--- . OXSTERS OYSTERS - • OYSTERS we4011lyye oysters in stock fresh every day daring their ammo. For good ato k and good - solid measure you will find we are Seadere, please gve us a trial if - you, have not already done se. `It JIT, FRUIT, FRUIT, A new, supply of oranges, LenioUir, Bananas eontsCt- ionary, Bananas, mad Tobaccoes. - A lino assortment of oar .own taMee and 'Maple creates, oto„ al. waI a on hand during. the fall and winter. Bread, Caket and Pamir/ one spolaity. Any Hind of 1'111 iffy cocas..not in littOld ' made .Oen ordurrd. 'as, MeOlacherty, lei'ovtelty' Bill 4rY And Iteateuttrititte Telephone No. 1. i 14 blended "THE . GLENDON CEYLON" and put up expressly for us in 1 and g pound canisters. Prices 25, 30 . and 40 cents. Every package guaranteed at the Hub Grocery.. . W. O'Neil :. Sueceeeor to v Frank Melville • Goods promptly delivered Telebj orie48. GROCER Photographs If you want your photos for Christmas, have them tak- en at once and give us time to finish them. properly. We are getting busier every day Don't lot the dark days keep you from coming, We take photos in less than a second any day. 1 expect to give up possession of my studio on the 20th of December so come before that date if you want a first-class picture. all Order's must bo cash. 1 1 t •Y**** You. • Need More Than a Tonic 1 w Vt1011 '1x#$1 COAL STOVE FOR SALT, -- For male a Radiant Home base burner, Just in use one season, and practically as good as new, I will besold ataborgaln, W. e SPALDING, 1 Nov, 22+--1t . Princess St. ,. J . 111()NI WAN PPD. Wautedto borrow, fee a term of 3 years, $3,000 on first mortgage on a good 200 acro farm. Security is gilt edge. Rett) of interest mustbe low. Steal particulers to "Farmers Drawer - 0," Clinton, Ont. Meeting of the Huron County e ouncit . Notice is hereby elven that the council 'of the County of Huron will meet in thecommit chamber, In the town of Wingham, on Tues- day, the 4th day et Deoenther next, at 8 o'clock in the afternoon, W. LAND Clerk. Dated at (loderioh this 20th day of November 1900, FOR SALE A go el farms for sale, being lot 28, con 1, East Wawanosh, joining the viliiage of Au- burn. It consists of 158 acres, 125 acres under cultivation, the balance is hardwood bush There is a 'good frame house and bank barn. ,10x63 and several other out -buildings, inolnd• ini cheese foamy. Good bearing orchard of '2 acres. Situated 12 mi'ee from Uodcrioh. 10 milts from Clinton,. and 0 miles from Blyth. Terms made easy. For further particulars a�ppply21 to 1m5 W; D. WILSON, Auburn P.O. 1.uv - e N e t++ -+-•r •. OUT 'UIEY GO Four youngpeopte sent into business offioes on the 15th inst.•in this city. IN THEY COME From Napanee;Ploton, Harrison, Re- gina, and other outside pieces, as well as from our city, came some bright ming people last a eek to enjoy a praeital training in onr school, . You may enter at any time, With ten leachers and first clams equipment we can produce good resmte: Ce,itralRuSnlesal olle„c Toronto • W. d. :MAW,P_rincipat: Yonge and Gerrard Ste TORONTO . g Tenders for Supplies, 1901 n b t. i n ngtl 0 Kingston, 0 ca lfi c f B w ovvvvikivivvvviviviv6,101"1 tikAlMCKaannon 8r Co. ..,V1F1E-1 We Lead, Others Follow Nov, The undersigned will receive tenders up to noon on TUESDAY, 4TH•DEC. PROX., for sup- plies r ' meat,cram utter, our, of utc e screamery. b ii lies oatmea , potatoes, corwood,eto for the follow- ing institutions during the year 1901, viz ;-At the Asy ums,for the Insane in Torouto;London, n oto Hamilton ,Mimics Brockville and �si , Kingston, theContra)tison Mercer efor- Orillia,.'Pr andR oratory, Toronto; the Reformatory for UN's, Peneta ishene; the Institutions for Deaf and• Dumb, Belleville, and the Blindat Brantford,. Exceppti n -Tenders are n t required for'the. supply of meat to the asylums in Toronto, Lon- don, Hamilton and Mimics, nor for the Central Prison and Mercer Re- formatory, Toronto. .A marked cheque for 10 per cent,of the estimated. amount of the.con- tract, p yable to the order of the Honorable the Provincial Secretary, must be furnished by 'each. tel derer as a guarantee of his bona fides. L`wosufficient sureties will be required for the due fulfilment. of each contract,and should any tender be withdrawn before he contract is awarded,or should the tenderer fail to furnish such security, the amount of the deposit will be'forfeited. Specification and forme of ten - dor maybe had on application to the Depart- ment' o the Provincial Secretary, Toronto, or to the Bursars of the respective institutions. The lowest or any tenders not necessarily ac- cepted. • J. R. STRATTON, Pro- vincial Secretary,�Parliament Building, Toron- to. No 19th; 11100. Nov.28-td If yon are losing flesh, if you system is. ran - down and especially if a cough is present. - No tonin can take the place of our Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil with Hypophosl hitee of Lime and Soda. It ourea tbienese, stops the less of ' - flesh end strength, heals the throat,' strength- ens the lunge, ourea coughs, builds np, nonr- iehes and invigorates. the entire egoism, It's palatable and easily digested, - In 16 ounce Bottles, Price 50c. For Sale only by • J. E. HOVTESc Dispensing Chemist, Clinton But they are always a long way behind when we quote prices like the following :-- Men s. Itubbere, very special at 40, 50 IMO 97e. Ladies' Rubbers, in all sizes, regular 45o for 35o • Ladies' Storm Rubbers/reg.0er 55 for 40). • Ladies' Protection Rubbers, good value at 65 for 503, Grey Flannel, light and dark colors, regular 15 for 120. Fine all wool Grey Flannel, 20, 25, 30 and 35c. Ladies' Ve3ts, heavy and warm, re alar 15o, 2 for 25e. Ladiee' Vests and Drawers, line and soft, in union and lambs wool 25, 35, 60, 75 and 9Qo, - - Men's Ribbed Shirts and Drawers, special 250. Men's Scotch Knit Shirt and Drawers, special 40e. -. Men's extra heavy fie eoed shirts and drawora,good value at 65o, for 50a, Standeld'e all wool Unehrinkable Shirts and Drawers, very epeoial, 61, $L25 and $1.35. •` . . • Men's Top. Shirts, in great variety, 50, 750 and $1. Men's beavy wool Sox, reg$ar 18o, 2 ft,r 25o. Ladies' Cashmere Hose, a special epap, Bold everywhere at `15o r pair our pride 2 for 25o, heavy ribbed Rose for boyo, very special at 25 and 30o. heavy ribbed Worsted Hose for boys, they wear like iron, 50e. Standard Shirting, indigo blue, regular 15o for 121'. . White Cotton, yard wide, soft finish, worth 8o for 5o, - - Flannelettes, fanny stripes, wide width, worth 8,3 for 53. We struck a great snap in Plaid Drees Goode, imitable for waists, wrappers and ohildren'e dresses, good -value at 8 and 10o, our price while they, last is 5o As the quantity is limited we sell only 10 yards to each customer. McKinnon 8r Co., Blyth 11611.11411,1011,41101, dee That Shllrt? It went on lne• before it was washed. Now .I`biuy STANUIELI'S UNSIIRIN FABLE 2.25 2.50 per sunt: and they are gauran- teed not to shrink with, any washing. Robt. Coats:8 Son Pians Bargains Look the are district representative of Nordheimer Piano and Music Co.,of Toren-. ta,and are doing the piano businese of this -� �seotion. The' following is the list of some o lour bargains in slightly used and second band pianos. Out UPRIGHT PIANO Thai nton & Oo ' 6 75 00 Gilbert (Boston) 90 00 Boudeir.......... ...... : 150 Williams.. 165 0000 Wagner ..:.. 176 00 Mason & Rieoh Nordheimer - 200 00 Q0; Gerrard Heintzman 200190, 00 Steinway 225 00 Heintzman :(Cabinet Girard)- 225 00 Nordheimer (Cabinet Grand)250 00 SQUARE PIANO. - Stodart $ 75 00 Stevenson.... 100 00 Vose - 100 00 Hood , ... , „O. 110 00 Chickering. , ..... • • .. .. 185 00 Emerson - - 165 00 h,yery instrument' in thorough order and guaranteed. Easy terms of payment arranged, Drop us a oard and we will for- ward catalogue of new pianos. El1IERSON'S. BICYLE AND 11iUSIC HOUSE. Goderich Fruits, Teas,'Sugars, and Chi-inaware - _ WANTED FOR•---�� CHRISTMAS AND HOLIDAY TRADE Raisins Selected Valencia, .Sultana,Deheea, Clusters and Imperial Cabenets, Car• rants, fine b'iliatras and Petrel cleaned. A full and assorted stook, finest andbeet candied Lemon,Orange and Citron Pesle, Almond, Walnut and Filbert Nuts, Layer and Cooking Figs, Dates, Prunes, Oranges, Lemons,.and•barrels of Candies, all at very low- est prices. 6 lbs of FFgs tor 25c • - 2 lbs Cleaned Currants We Best Raisins 10c, 'special price in box lots Cranberries 10e a quart. • •' Yourig • girl wanted to -helpwith gcnerat housework, small family. Apply at this office, • headquarters for Snore and Teas, we have .the beet 25e Tea in town, extra good Japan 20o a pound. Agents for Ram tale, Apppleton, Monsoon and Blue Ribbon Teas. We are showing largest and niceet line of Dingier, Tea and Toilet Sete, Fancy China, Glassware and Lamps in town. Bxamine goods and prides before you buy, J. W. IRWIN, MN - Clinton NA TIONA L 1% G. ' This is the name of the Cream Separator we are Offering to the public. Of All 1A ' Burgess on the market there it no better and few if any as good, It la easy to run, does more Successor to IL Foster. Work in the sante tittle than moat others, It is a Canadian Made. Every machine warranted to ao good work, Inspeotion invited, free trial allowed, Pries rtasonab e. (UNTO w ONT Winter Goods nSTRAY SHEEP into iii iaen of , & ar, tia'li tot ]6, bon, 10, n , cit f t e ne s "gyp' dOne �i►o+ a away, Are now in demand and this ie the place to get the beat of Overcoats, Stilts, Tweeds, Robes, Rubbers, Sox, etc,, ate. Highest pride' for produee. 200 'Saehels of oott wanted, oleo a quantity of dried apples, rhoi Londa rt) - Nov. 20th,1000 LOST. -r From Clinton, about;Thanksgivin Day. Oct. 18th, a low -set black spaniel dog, with long ears and short tail, spot on• breast and answers to the name of "Glen". Seward offered for its recovery by givingR information to J LES SEALE, Rattenbury St. Nov;10-2t I Clinton. NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS. The ratepayers are hereby notified that the undersigned will be in his office every after- noon, and also 7 to 9 p.m. every evening, for the receipt of taxes, which must be paid before the 14th of Decembor,otherwlse 5 per cent extra will be added thereto. JOS. WIIEATLBY, ov,18 4 Tax Collector. Hids and Skins Wanted. We will pay the highest cash price for ' Hides, Calf Spina, Horse Bides, Sheep Skins and Tallow. We will give the fanners more for their hides and eking than they ,.can get any- where else, Bring your hides direct to the atone house. Nov. 15-10 O. S. DOAN & SON. ''ZIH311 TWO A... J79 For your Winter Unde 'u{ear at an early date. Half the comfort of life is having theproper uuder- wear next the flash. If you wait until the wea- ther compels you to buy, you may lose some com- fort.. Call tend inepeot our underivear. . Prices from 50c to $4.50 Suit A. J. NOURISH • • Boys', Youths' and Men's Ready Made Clothing. So many people have been enquiring at our store for ready made clothing that we thought it would be advisable to put • in. a stock. We have just received a .complete line of men's, 3 oath's and boys' "clothing. that will fit the boys' from five years old to a hundred. They were made by Laily, Watson and Bond, the noted ready made makers of Canada, - They use the beat goods and beet trimmings to be had .t the price and and are noted for the cut and atyle of their garments. You'll be s_nited if you bay here. Ordered clothing a specialty. A. J. HOLLOWAY 4, Black or Mixed --Prices 25, 4 and 5Oc a pound. Toilet Sets • 10 Pieces, nicely decorated, blue, brown, green and cardinal, prioes 62.25 to 64.50 per set, Dinner Sets hemi porcelain, brown and gilt, green and gold, blue and gold, 07 pleas, $6,50 to $13,00. English China, "Gold sprig and Band", speoial. Cups. and Banters, *1,20 per dozen, Plates, $t, $1,20 and $1.40 per dozen. Fancy Goods I cask of Fancy Goods containing a largo asabrtment of beautiful opal ware, glove boxes, llandkerohief 'boxes, collar boxes, water'bottles. puff boxes, pin trays,etc., or d.eated in doral patterns; toe to 85o moll: ADAMS Sasketebewon Robes Are the most tatiefaotory robe yon tan y, they are frost proof, triad proof and bseproof, prices 08 and 6S/. BLANKETS Shaker:Blankets, white:or grey, ' 750,11 and $1.25 per pair', -tad= Wool Blankets' 10,40 White or grey, $2 to 64 per pair. Union Sheeting A. yard. wide, white or gray, 25o a. yard Children's Vests Long Sleeve, 15, 17, 25, 35e atoll, Ladies' Vests Long sleeve, 25, 85,150, 65o each. Men's Underwear Large range, at prices from 50o to $2.50` a snit, If you want the beet in underwear buy our "Stanfield's ilabbrinkable" It ;le warranted to be pure Nova Scotia flue wool and will not ehrfnk in the washing, Long Boots Th. Yilt arkr. hits retool the beii for - fourteen years and .1111 kat no equal 16r . wear and durability, pekoe *t 75 to $0.W a pair. 1310111TETTE, Londesborat Jr A.e.