HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-11-23, Page 3The worst thing 4 painter has to con. tend with ie the tut+. pentine. . The lead, of course, *bad too. But the turpentine cute the kidneys, in. flames. and weakens them, snakes the painters life a dan. ggrous; and trouble. some One. When: a painter's backaches; e for hint to begun treatingthe,„kidneys. • l i•' `010 T�1 •i Cit,• • y,�+C��,, Cly+ will f.ingd414P-talfpout Uininflammation' silo congestion, give case to the! aching batik: , ,.., i a - »,;IIr• %; vanQetl, lila well-known painter rand decorator, so Oxford St., Toronto, Ont , said, ,Abouteight:weeksage Lwatt taken with an excruciating pain in my back quer the kidneys. It was so bad that my wife tad to apply hob cloths till the doctor name and gave me morphine, h e , He said the trouble was due to a stone passing froni.thetkideey'to the bladder My water was loaded with a brick dust deposit and scalded on passing. 'While in this.cbitditlon Picard of Doan's Kidney Pills and started taking them. It was not long before I got relief from pain and have been improving in healthevet since. My urine is now clear and does itot smart me, and I feel better than in years. LaXR- LIVER PILLS These little s black tuAovta set easily and naturally on the system, clearing away all bile and effete ,material. Constipation, biliousness, dyspepsia, idols headache, heartburn, waterbrash -all dis- appear when they are used. Price 25o. THE ROYAL 'BOX. At one time the kaiser called Victor Emmanuel III "the wandering royal en- cyclopedia. The kaiser is one of . the fastest of public speakers. It has been estimated that in the course of a speech he. utters an average of 275 syllables a minute. It seems that the young king of Italy, economically Inclined though he be in all other respects, intends to indulge in,good music and pienty,of it. Bob ke and.his queen. are passionately fond of music. ' • A humorous ft•iepd of the Prince of.' Wales ,recently gave hint , a, sillier •sfetho scope as a present^—the_Point: Jyiug in ,the tact that his royal highness has been given diplomas as a physician and sur- geon. Queen Wilhelmina Is said to have' prof - . lied; by the shaift of Perste :not vieitine England, for she has receized the super ii snuffbox of • thel finest,. ennmel • covered with brilliants which he carried anal/ es. a gift, for Queen Victoria. -It was to have been ;presented at; Q' borne •gn, Aug.:, l0: acid was valued 1!y xr Pari,a expert at 50,;,, 000,,tranca ... , The king of Sweden and Norway ,ie an: admirable+ linguist ...When the. oriental congress met as.Atepkirnlm.a few years. ago. he adIIIthe assembled scholars Jp the, ta0sc.oRh4he;,p tigtigghtlleat#.o, which thepeetively belonged and ',h e'ye'd'"letec1tWE'kern -tl$'ency,"ins English, ,Falencli, German Italian, Rus- sian and Spanish. . .. CHIPS "FROM'CHINA, But k the guilty Were punished first there might not be any Chinese govern- ment to pegotia'te With.iDetroit News. 'Peace negotiations,, with China have •• progressed to thait point, Where .all that • remains, t t. be done • is • to decide to do • ,ePmethigg. sBaitimore Anteric4u,• 1.1 t,It may or may not bg•txatea that Gel; ' ;, ;Mani eentemplates•, war ,with, .4ihlna, but to the Situation, is sash abet-apyanisstep the managentent pt,gff air:eat Peking may preeipitata . an ..tu . ' ouarrel.--Wbicago- Rlecord. r ' "',Neither ,Germany nor. Taussig{ =Is < likely iter rusk -bib .war. with.Mhlna `unless sup. • pqqj�,#t�ed,p oral , ellyilleaily l� ether aa-'. gobs. 1t would' be to. dangerous "a game to play; eves thank the i1hipes0 HE BRIBED THE W)Y. YET THE MISCHIEF' HE SOUGHT TO AVERT ARRIVED ON TIME. A runny Experience That Greatly , Axuused Pareeiaent Grant While Vier It R Fraena Who Was IIIessed 'alit an "l+ln1siit Terrible," "Tho late General. Grant," said ,F, V. Davies 'of Washington, "was always kindness itself to children. He bad a large family of his awn, and thisit was probably that bred in hips the kindly spirit of tolerance that he ever showed to the younger `generation. A friend of Mine 'told me that the first time he ever I saw the general was when he was it small 'ihu't'er. In thew days dinners were giv- en at a very early hour, and sweetmeats, and candies of all kinds were much; used. This particular evening. Grant hati been dining .at my friend's father's house, and my friend had descended the hack stairs clad only inhis nightgown, seeking that ,which he might devour.. The men,ot the party inerts seated•smoking about the .ta- ble. The butler and other servants were busy clearing away the remnants of the least. "The small boy peeked through the door, ; nue there, a sew feet away,on a side table were the sweetmeats of his heart's desire. Guests and servants,seem- ed alike engrossed. and so, doubled up, be tiptoed acmes •the dgpr. •Just:as his tiny, chubby fist closed on the Snit dish he lett himself taken by, the eat .,while the aggvieved voiceet the .butler said !Dere now. you 'Mari,' Gus, yen's dg most tniachievousest boy,in Washington.What your mai goin to say to Lewis if be lets And with that he gave the offender's ear a twist,that courted him to:titter a:shriek of pain. "A stout, squarely built man, seated :nearest the 'pair, turned •at the,:sound and called the small boy to: him • 'What's .the•matter,, little, Moan?' he naked:. in a kindly voice, and the lad, betweewsnut ilea, •explained • how, to,,obtein sweet- meats for himself and a still smaller els- ter, he bad made his.attempt, at'robbery. 'The general listenedgravely to the tale, and then, despite the laughing protests of the host and father, he filled the, tot's hands to •overflowing, with the coveted sweetmeats and 'sent 'bibs 'happy to bed. "At another time the general,, while president, paid a friend a visit," continu- ed Mr. Davies. "The••friend lived in . a email country ; town, and, es you. may imagine, the: visit was an event of Su- preme importance. This friend, whom we will call Smith, • was blessed, with a small son„ who was. the ,traditional en - fent terrible.. He was forever,in trouble, and those roubles invariably: affected others as w (roubles as himself. His father, as • you wit yyeurseit� ..rticlf;� w d dem things? may ryell be Ipaagiued, had laid himself out to entertaln his distinguished visitor, but he:feared, that his: son might in,some way complicate matters or render. himself Obnoxious: So on the morning of the day the • generalwas to, arrive Smith ycalled his young hopeful to him and, producing. iZ brighti new giver dollar, :said, 'Now. Mat, Pll give you this ;if'you'll promise' to go away and not turn up until bedtime,. and':+then to go straight to; 'bed.' 'Ail right,:, grinned reptant terrible as he pocketed rhe bribe. "To insure a thorough 'appreciation of this tale of woe, .I most: ezplain,a; little • about the, . interior arrangements of Smith's house. • The host's room .was a• a • and, su n 1 .ago, n p y one, vltitk a bathroom at- ta'hed Near by was lodged. Mit, and In 'this bathroom begot his morning tub and. consequently regarded it as a part of his personal property t . As the hest . In the • house„ Smith : naturally turned over his own room to the general. The boy ` was .left.andi'bturbed Ilona:own i;oom,'and no one advised him.o! the change' that had •occurred in his•father's apartinent. Here- in lay .the fatal error. Armed, with his debar, Mat trudgekdow• the _dust..! road and sent ,hieplaymates lotto, spasms of envy'hy :lashing ale cois.,before them. •He bought a ba)Ioon,..a.;ipg,iiiyd,:hall and t some other trankete,;,but • ' gents •still re- mained ,T,hgp.•came ar ,.ppy thought, and " la • leve, ,ted is' jre balance in ,molasses .candy and •started, for •home. The taffy made ,a,huge bundle, almost as ;.big. a, th4,lac:. It: w,as ,yeryhot• ;tad the, package got ;•very heavy. '-Then•he.drop.' "ped,4t.rtbe.hundle,broke and the. sticky mares. :becameteovered- with dust. In this . wise be arrived. h0111 f • • "plat sat on rite !'awn and"rested. No one. Was. about,, dverybody, being at the emselves could eartly • `bei areOime. railroad station to meat ti al 'Gl Sir Adolphe Oa on ie`cppf pe i to bed in. Montreal suffering $gorp a seveere at• tack of inilatn'ttt%,tbl.z,SIletlmatsedn.; a. The Ritint of THE CLINTON NEW ERA The London Dolly, News says Lord Roberts has intimated that it is lmpoa- eible to spare more troops from South Africa, MATRONNAAP OJ niA10. lady C4eorgtaa Grey, a daughter of Re- form Bill Earl Grey and the oldest of the 1t{dles residing at Hampton Court, ,died recently at the age of 90 years and mouths. . Mrs. William F. Apthorp, the wife of • refit • TAKING THE .Hkl.s$. Louisville, ICY., le tallied of as a grand circuit member for 11101. Adbell, 2:23. still the yearling dial• pion, le sire of standard speed. • 1 Dorothy Redmond, 2:22%, at Grand Rapids. is a now trotter for Director. I Cont'nrs 2:03% is the tastest toile on 7 I t;ecord by an 11-year.odJ hareem hulse. 'l,igbt, or the bet of Norval, 2:14, have educed their records this car no Willi the 2•:7:0 list. • Bonnie Direct, Hetty Q and Anacondn won, a total of $13,723 for James Butler In the grand circuit. Eigllo.. 2:2V4, at Sewnrd, Neb.. Is the WO W'rd p[�acer for Charles Caffrey and hie WHY 1900 ,2rfornier. Hawthorne (2), 2:25%, by Jay Bird, won,+the Kentucky stock farm futurity or $2,000 at Terre Haute. Alcantara has six new performers and eight that have reduced their records, ttwb entering the 2:10 list, Alia lowered tbo world's trotting tee. the well known musical critic, invented the sounding board of plate glees which Will be one of the ;novel !eatures of the • new Cbickering hall in Poston. • A fountain marking ,tbe birthplace in Nantucket of Abiah Folger,. the mother of 'Benjamin Franklin, has been present. ed tq the town. It to the gift of the ,. 'Daughters of the Aypierkitn revolution. Mrs: Florence E. King, oho,, Was the only woman member 'or the Law School. of the Oht'o Wesleyan' university, class et '99, 'has •just been admitted to practice at the bar of the Kosciusko (Ind.) eir- chit court, Mrs. Phebe Hearst has established: in the University of 'California • a lecture. ship :in the history of art. Mrs. Hearst bas also advanced the money necessary to build the 'residence for'the president of the university. Mrs, Fanny Bullo&k , Workhnan, a daughter of ex;Governor Bullock of Georgia, is gaining reputation as a wom- •an explorer and mountain .climber. She has just Completed a bicycle' tout of t:;e Indian' jungle country and last'year made a 'record in climbing among the Idimn- layas. Mrs. Maty Anderson Navarro recently sang in .the town hall of ':Evesham, Worcestershire, In aid of a fund for her house of worship In Broadway. where she and her. husband and little .son . hive. ;She was ;welcomed: by a, iashionnhle and enthuaiustic audience.. She: possesses a rich. clear contralto voice, and: she has for the last two years been a pupil of Irmo- cea Korbay, the Hungarhtn' cotlrpoeer. !Mrs. Ti Di o!, Idaho City: will vote as a • American citizen at. the Coming elec- tion. -Being born in the sweet Idaho's woman suffrage law took• her in.; while her husband, a native of'China, is burred. from, the -franchise. : Mrs; Ti Di. received a'MRmmon•schogt.education and is a *tie stant'reader of the American dailies and toilevred :asslditously rill: the proceedings of :the Republican national convention. • Miss H9elen Chaddick of Englund. has. been astonishing both, the whites and blacks in- • central Africn by her tire months' jodrney, all 'alone. save for htf black attendants, into the far: inteiitin Miss Chaddick ,has courage; *depend enes and money; all of which are mien tint for .a auccesstul journey by a white woman in: iegions where. the Means of transportation are still primitive. STRON4 ,AND VIGOROUS. Every Organ lof the Body Toned up' and. invigorated by Lau,. R tstes'\\ ' HEART` AND ') .v r.RVE PILL ,,/ .,U • • Mr. F. W. Meyers, King St.;.E., iierlin, Ont., says: "r Suffered for five years with palpitation, ; shortness of.breath, aleeplessnetis and pain in She heart,. bat one box of Milburn's Heart and Nerve illsl:completely :removed all these dti1-. macing Atoms. I have not ;suffered ete . tak . them; and now' Bleep well a feel: bisong and vine:one." ¥ilbnrn!) Heart ane Nerve Pills. euro disease% arisiing from weak . heart, Era out: (nerve tisanes, or watery blood. F., I, . HOUSEHQ•LD HINTS. 1? linoleum iR .peeswaxed once.a week, It will look better and last longer. Upon ;opening the house lit the fall er- ry Ales* should be fleshed thoroughly '.the':narrator went .on:., ftThen. the boy. .tried to peat genie of ;the •tafii, 'but`°the with meter, and hot Water shonid be a1- owed;to run, reely. Glass bottles can be cut. down for.Jelly ups by making a deep:mark with a filo a the 4ei st: height rind then applying hot iron. A creek will follow the iron a.1t Marital thedestled edge s A•• bath of ititferari will remove smoke" from ,mica. I!- the iblack do's. riot' come fI at cites let the rhea alo dirt prevented. '1'lf wash 'It, gtioth' he I and startedt�for'ihe'-house. Straight to his father'p,,bathroom •Jae, wait:. and, ,e dump nil' Abe.mess in ,the 4vaihbowl,, he t tune on the' faucet. The beat had melt- ed teit a ed the candy, and it stuck to' the 'aides or, a •the.bowl. ;.Mat .got it.:in his-hair:arid on • •his shirt r � trout in 4ia",attempta'to dislodge , • . a Yt, and fna11y, wearying o tited elfolt. left t where it waaQltnd priest. off about , is the Pure Red Blood other things. ,, - . , "In thea meantime the general had sr- t rived, and 'abet with Meeting the pidml- ak, fn thrr7411** gar tot n ;link p Old' stove• micas mhy its hli•wry'lk radioed,to orielnal,cleaf•nese. That (iO 1pd,at • 'Jhrlsuoh; sent citizens who had-called:eo see' him, . f" 1 etc.. :the .sipper. hour time Open them nnapuree, Tho genera said :he W.141 Ad ': to trash his,hands, and soS3mitb ggm�cee 'd hint to his chandler end ,showed,him;.1,.e ' ' i - leithrooin. •'Never• Mind about *flight," Said the general' as he turned on thel:Iva- :� ter dud thrust his :halide in.,the bowl. • '•u•retit,Seutt' ;.. hitt On eartble this?' he ' ti islurd, . Stpith, , wi'thii. a slnIting fjeart, ' -g rarhgd .in And' lit _the 'gas, antithenvboth Lott ii; bizedi:at.the•n* ul oleate In the 'bead. ' 'II's molasses:. said the ketierhl as bm ex-• - atuiot•ti.111s5 1111ude:! 'Confound 'that.:boyl' i nne,ad Seal) ander 'hi* heeetith. • I''won- ' Art ghat I t�'s,lttten alp to. how,' "'Then he wryt,int ,an adjoining room r .arid shortly,rettirt►ed With, a sleepy, boy under his.` nrte. The::: boy's•'..hiair,, was stir ky, and hie face. was streaked .;with. ,`flow. li'vighti;ite'd, he Otte' a';It si ez- the;Body. : • I1' the Blood . Impure an+ l tagaaht, Disease Holdg "!why. l'ame's Celery ;4ornp►ollnd • Purities, 93arichea and Vitalizes Every Drop of Blood.• The major ity of �` taaingent people know r that rich, pure And laigbly vitalized :blood • pbuiutlon ot+ what bad :happened. ,happened. JR. wars ;,done can Rive healthiend th>tildfop that's::. too .ploy,. an tha'•tenbioa gave 'way. linete_that have fx' worn out row and 1 140th men broke Itito'•t uncontrollable fresh blood r all the tnaier'als far re-' `shrieks of laughter that reached the.law- ',toring was ora -out parts of the er floor and brought a frightengdl+host.ss • body., and :give to the brain. other materials t .to the scene.: There she found/ .her bus- <fur tlakklnp petrel malate • ., a e' 1. ; Pain's Celery Compound oleanses and • 'while sad 'Idle guest bolding their. sides. ppriflestbe blood and-;; rpiajseo apPropri ' while a rtieky' and ditty "Mall etpl. his ate food for every part of the system. I 1 eonfdpucu •tttstorkl,'w.ei r,aemly o platn- noreu►ret a appetite, perfeioRs;dlgpat • n,•.,,'unite � • ,, O ea � rte titer, t � I4l' • . strength. �,+ n4 , e u bid scene and* tiding; tris balance* of 'the i th t to nal: to tyles 1IOW •lie all entre to pas.. , s giver, nervous h�[ergy and in tasked!iota* i itll its wit tr,atreslties �,tshe wired f o th i•i1" the ,:skin be - tit6 >wcita Dow y'e1>l • an lib.president's visit ,was• conspicuous by his ` y.. �O POOP lei. 14d h.• with a president 'Its'the house the 'trek Ate, atfgalfrte` 'lllas, ° Feat if loo ttep'R:• lalm theri i e ver and (any . shat is , brought upon them wbensyer impure bid• " t a pours t rout1ggh l►he1 salttiN,itar. Semi ort �u?baiiple,t people on earth • Kr 3t,,SDa!vJ�Mt ',Ol ilineford, Olin,,, Pay :Inerel ev thein- they know what Write, up ftrhy pal 0 S • " n0e, an if absence. .b '" ifirk„ nbittb put 1t ''Y'ou le�couidii tr ril what 66 World ilo nEx , send the a es are' owls •yslMntie . whites. on III was. aid i withasOar .a11 over L�mnty We and neok hr !sash of blood polalodlna Haat dotodt lawldl ISo c t , doidtd in. m 't• hlw �1Alt,not be e:riot If.Isaliediori � t 119 etre Paidii i airy t pound, is two weeks 1 woes f► air ih'ntl r edea ant lar *balsa•1*aw ,Vitt se ,.oak. eiptin. • 1C - blew the day I sr n maed with Plate's - tgtierf Gip .." ,els tlaiMltlt+~tlo bitiiArs. :t Tial to a. Vor intoe Mid oltildltiln . Yu. is all right, if you are too fat; and all wrong, if too thin already. Fat, enough for your habit, is healthy; a little more, or less, is no great harm. Too fat, consult a doctor; too thin, persistently thin, n,o matter what cause, •take Scott's Emulsion of.Cod Liver Oil. There are many causes of get: ting too thin; they all come under these two heads: over work and under -digestion.' Stop over-work,'if you can; but, whether you can or not,. take Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil, to balance yourself with your work. You can't live on it--true-but, by ` it, you can. There's' a limit, however; you'll pay for it. Scott's Emulsion'of Cod Liver Oil is the readiest cure for ""can't eat," unless it comes of your doing no: work --you can't long be well and strong, without some sort of activity. The genuine has this picture ' on It, take,no oher. Ifs ,pu have not. tree li, wild for" free sample, its a-• su`rpprsleyoursWill•, SCOTT & 1BOWNE' Chemists, ;. • Toronto. i3Oc. and $1.00; all druggists; • • ' Emperor `William,: of Gjermany, wa ,the object of an at temptedaurrage Fri day morning which, however, failed As hp was:driyingin anjegen curiing to the Ouira.sier Bt.rracss, amen; 000 ied by the hereditary. orifice of Saxe e e • .lileinigan, a ry�� ,man .til file crowd hurl •rd. an axe at the. carriage. The rapidi• ty with' which the vehicle was passing sieved Ito occupants. • The axe, oir nwt chet..fell lush behind. :.R • �' Ner set III,^, Rt IU FCLtItadC.tCll JBiy 2 dealt i*guar,► Medallion ,llutti,u,i pnrtruiterQelt• head hu In rho ctu I o f f w . Ys ll rat Re R a u u � pfa'b al'ut oft d i h r 3 t / aY1 meuala n ' ll• I• t1hts oh ' golly ground ;;trills nail ke marl Buttons, sell thein return money. hart wo,q`ond ntko,st•1a,l.l this handsome runt It h;u. s.notlsbed nickel caso,,aocurate,Anerleaa movement, and with earn will last 1e year.!. ART SUPPLY. COMIPANY, Box, 1 • TOCOL'te. A. Princess Victoria of Wales ie said to be betrothed. to the Prince • George - of Greece. , . • Tihie"I'siilt, Ril ewmaticPains. —When a offerer finds permanent relief in .. 'deb:a Meritorious medigne as South Alneri- ' eiti'Rhelimatic Gore, how glad belittle tell it. C,W.M� haw, of Thame vslle,Oni:,couldn't ' "wk1k'prfeed biril elffor tenths--fouryears a d,titieb'bottlhit ofthisi�xed'tf rettredy'`dred ►=`not a'ppain ,fiance—isn't that eadour- • agelmenit'for+rheumatic hirers i•e 1=-Sa• Sold by Sydney laokson,dxuggiet,Olinton • 'Pronewiia'. • "Your son' Seethe: a very " promising young felly*. '8uipkiitd,"•, obaerted a 'friend. .• "rges; he iii tither too promising. flc• promised it girl he'd :harry' her; 'and „now •h,'wod't,'•ifndl`ltrve'had to pay' E200 to conterothisi the matter:' -Tendon ran. lit Aestbetes'ssNmafed' that 'front 00.000. • -to --100;000 deer feed In the forests of Scotiand .and that 4,000,stags are billed annually. The'�tiin .ase plain supperts a popala. 1 slat cit x?ls.00p.000. . 1 , ..r,.,... miK • TAM* r .., IVO 1104014,41, fl*,' Riegle Chem:, 10, te Sento r y en ord trade at Terre Haute, and this donor was talicilrblie her by Tiler Abbot on'the saltie track. plias Sbaty, who induced her record rtini gam, to 2:21% at Baltimore, is the :Only trotter by Direct` that has 9von. a race this season. Over - X25 horses have died lately In Broad Creek .Neck„ near.St, Michael's, Md., from a peculiar. disease said, to re- semble cerebra. spinal meningitis, . Direct, Nutwood Wilkes. and Constan- tine each has four new 2:20 'performers, with an • average . speed of 2:13 13-100, 2:141/4 and 2:16 64-100.respectively.:. . Grattan Boy, 2iOS watt second ,to Cres % dens nt Col'umbns, tuners the latter trot- ted• the fastest three ifeats on record by a stallion. I•ie was rise second to Lord Derby at Ne.w York, wbete. he, trotted the fastest three heats on record by..a gelding. . A {QUICKt2E ]Yc Pyny-Baisam • FOR COUGHS end COLDS The Canadfah THROAT AND'IMICATFECTIONS . Laxe Rattler? 25 cents. • Prop's Perry itavielPain Beier, Trifleit,' and soMetimes queer Ones that, have. been the cause of ninny a frightful catastrophe. A. fife which, as directly. resnonsible for. the Toss of ore lives than any other single confiner itli'n originated through the vagaries f a stmy terantala. a species of huge, Mary spider peculiar fo South • and entral America. The scene wa and a grand religions festival senos...t(alei pluee in the principnl cathedral. Tlie building was • a sea of drapery. flitinicki with. ?veil variety of Illumine. tion. Twenty thousand Silver JamPli . were In full blaze. and the acolytes were busy lighting the t•,24100 tapers on tlie gt•end altar when the: errant spider skip- .; ju!d- into the :central aisle and alarmed . a r final n. who screamed. The acolytes, or some ef them: 'looked around to learn the *wee Of the' comniti, don. end one of the 4naked caerted camp ie contact with the •dra- nery of a' colossal figure of the Virgin. A few :minutes later the vast cathedral waif it -raging, furnace, in which were be coneunied more the n. 2,000 perSone tit; elite ot Santiago seciety. • J111.111111111,1111.1 umi 'busman' jitOrgaillgEnta e§s and Rest Gorda, as neither OT MAUD OTIC. elms and X.050 OF SLEEP. November 23 Lout' .SEE THAT THE SioNATURE la ON .711'4 WRAPPER,. : OR likW 'YORK. • Oneida le put up in one-elee. 1;o -thee eelyer;voin. porie." 46r Bee that yon get 0 -A43 -VO -R-1-4, le not sal in bulk, Don't allow anyone to eell you anything else on We.plea or promise that it is "just as good" and °will answer every pur- ;. t)CACT CdtiY WRatetEn: il,e relotiftilner0 v:or, What makes you Despondent? —Has the stOmach gone Wrong ? Have the nerve centres grown *Wand ibiless Are you threat.' teed with nervous postration ? South American :lleivisciiartature'scertector. makes the stomach nen. *Wei a world of nerve force, keeps the en - Sold Sydney, Jackson, druggist:61*ton. Evidence .of a cuidom is not admissible to contradict the plain terms of a' written ..The 'adjustment of a- ConfroVerse'hon- atiolt to support the agreement Deinages cannot be recovered of an agent for -a breach of contract by hip principal, the' fact of agency -having been disclosed. • One who conceals hisageney in making a contract hi:liable in the-, same menner '- 'Where the report of aif 4geiti shows a balance in bis bands, which he -neglects to, pay over on demands,. the principal le entitled to 'Interest on such balatice from the date of such report.— • Temper travel hand-in.hatid tad are the •prectireore Of mental add -phtsical wreck. Nine hundred and an etymaine t mean a then - sand food ferneeitt (indigestioel is the cerise. Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets keep the centremallhalatitiod-4that'reinaram'a Pan' acee-Tiosaant and Monica.. 15 cents..88 • **Iv neaten Tornsenre. "ficiiidell the rattlesnakes; the New Mexico end of the RockY tponntains is blessed with the taiuntulas the scorpion ' mid the cenflped," "says Will Sparks in Ainslee's. "Then ,tbere's the gib/ Mon - :nor and niseY poisanoui lizard* 'Of all these the centiped ls, perhaps, the most to he feared, because it is the Most Wen. S'EPAIIATINCr AND SETTING 1.11ILK. .. The value of the Oreean Separatori is now so well understood that any &rel- . went for its "me would appear gaper. • Ikons. The following will, however, lie Ochool some, time ago, the aNtarageti of 43 experiments with a given quality of Milk were 100 ths of -batter from the . Separator, se compered. With 52 lba of batter from milk set in open paps for'24 • hours, 66 Ibis of butter when it was get for 36 hours, 78 lbs of batter when it • was set for 42 hours, and 76 los when set ' for 54 hour* It Juts: Be taken for grant- ed that the -use of the Seperator gives 25 per oeut more nream than any eystem, of skimming. r Tf von are a dairyman, hink over these. facts, Cati•vou afford to go en :lairs beakless ,iu which there Shsrples' Cream rieparator and thus • secure all the.protit that is that is to be had in the deny buieness. W.H.S. in,achine. capacity 300 1134.$74; 'Easy terms of psyment. Write to -clay.„. ari,-3Sugargugar :net to hand, second oar itedpath Extra Etandrri granulated and Yellow • sugar. We sell in bbl Iota est; than wholesale sell in 50 bble. Speoial price in 100 pound !attend dellere. TEA TEA Shick Giieen TEA Japan We have best 25c tea in town, extra nice Japan tee 20o, agents for Ran LaPre Appleton, ItIonsbon end Blue Ribbon teas in paoktigee. Exquisite Dinner, Tea. Toilet, Giese and Water Seta. We expect thit week two oratee direot from the manufacturers in Staffordshire, England, bought before he advazioe of 15 to 20%., , We are selling at old price* yov will save 25% by buyina rom us. Call and examine goodeand prices before you buy. W. IRWIN, Clinton 21eter }lowish, All kiwis of Small Field Seeds as Timothy, Red and Seeds:. ..Fresh •Groceries and Canoed floods. • • • Our specialty is Team. Try ink 15o Tea. OtLer varieties equally as cheep. Highest market price paid in cash for eggs. • Buggies We axe selIin Buggiei for three of the best Cartiage tiful andluts a habit of living among the • Companies in Cana . ceiling rafters of old adobe houses. At • and if It strike* his body It , testes a - • wound that takes months to heal, provW- ed. some, blood •disorder does not develop •erally'sdoest not bite' union testae& The , scorpion and tarantula wounds • More /Painful than dangerteut." CANADA CARRIAGE CO" and the well known BAIN WAGGON. he twee:effendi Yint Meet do Iwo I MVO* pri es. Wbue areeselling twine made by the very best inshore at • The Aspirant -And second/ I " Also agent for the Alexander and Mellott° Ctesall „ Atilgere.Second. irritate them the eiports of .:butter. cheese, etre, id drag,' Sri Alit from 9,80 a liavei General Ittioleoteot Detder, (Anton it is reperied that 'Ring Oselist Sweden Is Goo. Lonvisil tn w eat dour (tar test • brenialuttrieli mutton, Irks ow psi Wore datuf,doub ed* sine& I, Et CAST