HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1908-05-07, Page 4JAS. McMURCHIE BANKER. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. DLYTII, ONT. NOTES DISCOUNTED, Sale Notes a specialty. Advances 'undo to farmers on their own notes. No additional security required. INTEREST ON DEPOSITS at Current Rates We offer every a000ntmodatimn eon• iietent with sate and conservative baukinte principles, UNLIMITED PRIVATE FUNDS To loan on Real Estate at lowest rates of intermit, REAL ESTATE AGENTS. Persons wishing to sell will do well to place their property on our flat for lode, Rents collected. CONVEYANCING Of all kinds promptly attended to. INSURANCE, We represent the leading Fire and Lite Assurance companies, and respeot• fully solicit your account. OFFICE HOURS: 10 A.el, to 3 P.M. animas cards. J ti()UDF OO'P, HAYS dt BLAIR, Bau'ilateral Solicitors, Notaries Publlo, Etc. Ontees—Those formerly occupied by Messrs. Cameron and tlolt,Godertch W. Proudtoot, K.O. ; 11.0. Bays, G. F. Blair. G. E. LONG, L.D.S., D.D.S. Dental Surgeon, Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, An honor graduate of 'Termite University. Olitee over James Cutt'a store, Pretorta block, Blyth. At Auburn every Monday 9 Lin, to5pan. W. J. MILNE, M.p.C.M. Phystotau and Surgeon, M.D,C.M., UM. vanity of Trinityp College; M.D., queen's University; bellow of Trinity Medical College, and member of the College of Phys(otans and Surgeons of Outarto. Car• over for the County of Huron. Office, one door north of Commercial hotel, Queen Wed, Blyth, ROBERT H. OARNISS BLUEVALE — — ONTARIO Auctioneer for Huron Co. Terme reasonable, Sales arranged for at THK STANDARD office, Blyth, 1'. S. SCOTT BRUSSELS, ONT. Auctioneer for Huron County Terris reasonable. Sales arranged for at the olnoe of THE STANDARD, Blyth. Blyth Livery ANO Sale E tables wCOQ silwOoa .UP. J. N. Perdue, V.S. PROPRIETOR. N No GAS N First-class Horace and Rigs for hire at reasonable rates, Beet of acomumodatlon to Commercial Travellers and others requiring rigs. Veterinary office at livery stable. ---__•r. KING AND QUEEN STREETS, BLYTH, al tratford, at. Is the le 'ling husinrse training school in Weston Ontario. We give a thorough yyraotioal training on commercial subject e base Minarets Shorthand. Touch Type. writing and In commercial and railroad operating. rah department is in the bands of experienced instructors. We assist student, to positions. Our grade• ates always succeed for our courses are the best, Get our free oah.loguo and learn more about us. You may enter now.. ELLIOTT & McLACHLAN, Principals. r $I upwards t !)c 3iBtit gtalhaat,b. J. L. KERR, PUBLISHER. THURSDAY, MAY. 7, 1908 ti Miss V. 'Thompson, of Clinton, is visiting in town. Mr. Jos, hunter, of Brussels, ryas in town lust Thursday, Mrs, James Moore, of Goderich, Is visiting with friends In town. Barrister D. Holmes, K. Co) Vinghlun, tuns in town on Monday Mrs, R. Al, AlcKa,' visited with relatives and friends in Wiugitau last week, 11r. and lits, 3Vin. Eniigh, of Brussels, were calling on old triad* in town last week. lir. A. H. Musgrove., the Conser- vative candidate for North Buren, was le towil InsI Friday aid Satut'. day. Mr. J. T. Currie, the Liberal Can• dfdate for North !Huron, was a culler 011 THE STANDARD while in tow n hist Friday, Mr, and Mrs, Geo. Brown and hiss Nettie and hiss Bertha Siosrp, of Brussels, were visitors on Sunday with Mr, and Airs, J. L, herr, Mr. MoF'aggen, Route agent, of the Dominftm Express Company, mode a visit to the Blyth office hast Thurs. day and found everything correct, Air. A. •E, Brad win, 1'quer: yof THE 13LVTrr S'rANDArtn, and Iatc of the Galt Reformer, has, we under stand severed Its connection there with, The Ottawa Free Press states Among the names mentioned in con needful with the position of Assistant Chief Railway Commissioner is that of lir. W1111l((0 Proud toot, K. C. head of the firm of Preedfoot, Dun can, Grant & Skeaas, of 'Toronto, We noticed by the Godericl Signal that \tr, Donald McLean, sot of !Rev. Dr. McLean, and well-known to our readers. is laid up with typhoid fever. iii€ duties at St, David's ward school are being taken by Miss Ethel Farrow, Don's many friends here will all wish him a speed} recovery. People We Know '( °h7! IN A BREATH THERE'S REST Breathe Ilyomei and Be Cured of Catarrh, Bronchitis, Asthma Nature hos a remedy for catarrh epidemic colds and bronchitis that is fan' better than dosing the stomach with medicine and drugs. It is thi heeling oils and balsams of Hymnal which medicate the air yet breathe, reaching the most remote ail cells in the nose, throat and lungs killing all catarrhal germs told tester ing health to the mucous membrane. Hvmnei acts like it curative intorno air hath, and has the same healing and antiseptic effect as the air where the Pine and Eucalyptic forests hive off their fragrant and healing balsams. Breathe healing Hy'omei and see how quickly you will get relief from aatarrh and head colds, If it does not help you there will not be a penny's 0xpense, as J. Al. Hamilton agrees to refund the money. The complete Hyotnei outfit costs only $1.00, Myth Counoll. –*– Council met on Monday evening in Industry Hall, the Reeve, Dr. Milne In the chair, and Councillors Carter, 11111, Bainton and Chellew present. Minutes of the lust regular meet ing rend and on tnntioa by Joseph Carter seconded by J, II. Chellew were confirmed, Moved by L. hill seconded by A. Minton that the following accounts be pail, Carried, E. Livingston, electric 1lphts $ 24 57 11, Sorters, weighing at G '1' R 70 Dell Telephone Co. accotut.,,, 50 S Wing lak,, salary.......,,, 40.50 A. Tenney, work 011 streets..., 3 83 1, E Taman " " .... 20 70 G. White ., " •... 20 50 .Jos. Moon " " ,.,. 75 5112 0505 Chronic Coughs Cured Mrs. Joseph Eccles of Dromore, says: "I took 4 or 5 bottles of Psychtae, and a cough I had continually for nine months disappeared. 1t is the beat remedy for chronic coughs that I ever used," 'yhcueands of living witnesses pro- nounce Psyuhtne the greatest medieine in the world, It is not a patent nodi• clue, but a prescription of a greatThy- sieiaa, Put it to the test in any ease of throat, lung or stomach trouble or any run down or weak condition.' At all druggists, 50e and $1.00, or Dr. T. A, Slocum, Limited, Toronto. ---TILE I3LYTH STANDARD --MA\' 7, 1908. Lice Drive Setting Hens From Nest And chicks are left to die In the shed, Thie is an every clay °ecw'renee that need never happen if Empire Poultry Duster le sprinkled In nests before putting in the eggs. Starr. minutes Iles instantly. "list. ter than anything •we've tried" say many of the largest poultry lenders. I, n'ge pack• age 25e, l'or sale at Dr. W..1. Milne's White City Drug Store McMILLAN & CO. WANTED Any quantity of Lggs and Butter at the highest cash prices. !Medi I LLAN & CO, gloved by L. 11111 seconded by J Carter that the first sitting of the Court of Revision be held in Industry Bull, Blyth, on Monday evenhtg Jane 1st at 8 o'clock p. tn. Carried, Moved by 11f11 seconded by J. Carter that the peeve and 'Treasurer be anthorized to arrange a credit at the Yank of Hamilton for $2000 to meet current expenditure of this corporation and that a bylaw be prepared to confirm the some. Car. ried, Moved by J. 1I. Cheilew seconded Iv A. Banton that By-lttw No, 3, 1008 as now read three times be passed, Carried, Moved by J. Carter seconded by, L. hill that we advertise for the', position of Constable, weigh master i and ell other duties, as now perforin- ed erformed by our present mon fu °thce. Salary offered by this council is $400 per annum, tenders to be in on Mav 15th, 1908 addressed to tete Clerk. Carried, Moved by .2, Carter seconded by .2. li. Chellew, that We acetpt the offer of 1V. J. Andrews for gravel at 50 cents per load (1 cu, yards to n load.) Carried. Moved by L. Hill seconded by J. Carter that we do now adjourn. Car- ried. Mi-o-na Means Stomach Comfort It's of Special Value to Many Here in Blyth -T-- A noticeable discovery and one that appeals especially to many people in Blyth is the Ali -o -nit treatment, This pt'eparaticn works weeders in case of indigestion or weak stomach, It acts directly upon the walls of the stomach and bowels, strengtheniugand stimulating them so that they readily take care of the food that is eaten without distrese or suffering, So positive are the good effects fol- lowing the use of Mi-o•na that the remedy is sold by J. A, Hamilton under en absolute guarantee to refund the money if it fails to core. A 50 cent box of Mi•o•Da will do the good the stomach needs which is simply to make it do its own work, oesesteacorm oTile Provincial ,o^1- > GerleraI Election a will be held field P o Monday, June 0 :off 0 'Cts of 04 r l 0„„11 > Q r# 0 Nomination Day r n 0 Monday, June 1st. , iQ o • C111'11011 NOTES. 'Poe Epworth League Service next week. will he cundueted by the 311- sioit Band, in addition to tho topic there will be a short concert exercise. 0 5 The Pastor of St. Andrew's will Like for his subjects on Sabbath :— "Olrint's teaching in regard to (lad” in the morning, and 111 the evening the second night scene In the Old 'Testament viz.,—"Abraham offering Isaac," Rev. S. Anderson exchanged pulpits with Rev. lir, Curry, of I.cudesbore, un Tuesday evening. On Sunday afternoon the Young lion's Bible Closs of the Blyth Metho- dist Sabbath School was organized and will he known as The Aleph. Leal' Bible Class, The following are the officers : Leader, George Wtunhold Secretary, Hoy Silos Treasurer, A Ibert !Milford Managing committee—The above officers, Fred Jackson, Jno, Carter and Thos, Moon. M The congregations of Auburn and Smith's hill met on Monday and ex. tended a hearty and unanimous can to ltov. J. R. Mann, B A., of Star geon Falls to become their pastor, 'rhe call will come before Ole Pres- bytery or Huron at. Clinton on next Tuesday and will be supported there by Alessrs. John Symington and John Yon 02., of Auburn, and Messrs. Gor- don Young and 1Vtn, llelltvnin, of Smith's hill. The congregations h pc to have Mr, Mann settled a- mong them ;about the'utiddle of June, Subscribe for P11E1 STANDARD, The Cradle. FRIIGIlsoN,—In Clinton, on April 2501, to Alr, ami Mrs, John Ferguson, of Brussels, a son. JaMIICS N.—In Brussels, on April 28th, to A[r, and Iles. William Jamieson, of Virden, Man., a Bon. PALMN:H.—Lt Brussels, on April 17, to lit', and Mrs. W. J. Pilner, tt son, AIREwgx,—In Morris, April 29th, to Air, and Mrs. Alex. McEwen, a daughter. NICHDL.—Iti Morris on May 3nd, to Mr, and Mrs. Alexander Nichol twins, both girls, The Tomb. ANDrasoN,—In Auburn, on l"riday, May 1st, Thomas Andersen, in his 81st A ear, WILSON.—In lour,' Wawannsh, on April 23nd, Lilla Wilson, late of Goderich, aged 08 years. The Henson Bowlers met lost Fri- day night and organized for the sea. son with the following officers :— Hon. Pres., Geo, McEwen ; Pres , Dr. Seilcry ; vice -Pres., 1). A. Cautte- lon ; sec., A. W. E, Hemphill ; treas., J. Steaey ; Board of management, C. A. lit:Doneil, H, J, Billings, N. Cook, 1''. Snutllncombe and A. H. King , auditors, A. Brandt and D. Cantelon. The Club starts nut with a good membership, overflowing with en. thusiatsm, The Wlugham Baseball Club and the Citizens' Band aro arranging to bold a joint celebration in Winghano on Victoria Day, to take the form of a baseball tournament. Preparations are being trade for a splendid day's sports, —4— The Goderieh Maple Leaf football club is making application for ad- mission in the Western Football Association, The club will probably be included In the intermediate series, —*— The 101111101 meeting of the lawn bowling club of Clinton was held on Monday evening hist when the fol- lowing officers were elected 1—Hon, Pres., J Raunsfford ; Pres., W. Jack- son ; vice, C. P. Dowding ; Soo.• tress„ J. Wiseman ; ground cons ,J. Johnstone, W. Graham, 1V. J. Stevenson, J. Hunter, J. L. Caurtice ; entertainment conn„ J. Fair, J. Hoover ; Chaplains, Rev, J. A. Llan - inn, Rev. W. J. Jolliffe, Rev, C, R. Gunne ; Honorary members, A. 1, Taylor, W, '1' Deekr1II, 'Toronto; .1, P. Tisdnll, Buffalo ; W. Coats, A. Porter,Godericlt• The membership fen was advanced front flve to six dollars. It is intended during May and June to have singles eompeti tions, to devote July to rink contests and August, to doubles. Subscribe for Tau STANDARD, eW lilinery New Shapes, Sailors and Trimmings arriving every week. Come in and see 'them, they are the kind you want. There are two kinds of Millinery --the Fresh, New Stylish Kind--and--the "Other Kind." Nearly all the trouble comes from the "Other Kind." 'eVe haven't any of the other kink. Our stock is New, with new goods coming all the time. J. A. ANDERSON 33L,Y7C' TENDERS FOR DREDCINC SEALED TENDERS addressed to the undersigned see endorsed "Tender to Druugmg' will be received emu Fri. nay, May 15, 1904, at 4.30 p: in., for dredty tug rtqutreu ut the fuauwtng places In the noniron of Outano :— Burlington, Blind R ver, Doavt'rtou, Culhugweed, Couuut'g, Gudnrteu, Hamil- ton, Kincardine, Little current, undla„u, awoken, Oaen Sound, Nigger and 'Inc.l grapt, Iolanda, lutut Edward, Peneten• gutehene, 1' -rt Burosit, P,a't Elgin, Pia Radean, Smuntttetowu, Thames '1'orontu, Thornbury, Trenton har- bor and Dark Onannel, Waubauohet e, Murton and Wingfield Basin. Tenders will not be eonaldered unless made on the term supplied, mid signed elth the mutual signatures of tenderers, combined specification and form of tender tau be obtained et the Department of Public \Yorke, Otiarve. Tenders mutt ',Nude the mimic of the plant to and awn the works, Only dredges cum be employed which are tegioteted in Canada at the time of the Ening rf tenders. Cot• tractore must be ready to begin work within twenty 11438 atter the date we have been notified of the acceptance of the,r tender. Au accepted cheque on a chartered bank, payable to the order of the 11 n,ur• able the Minister of Public Works, for six thoueand dollars (80000), must be de- posited as security for the dredging which the tenderer cffers to perform In tate I'rnvtnoeof Ontarte. The ehegce will be returned in ease of non•aeoeptanoe o1 tender Tho Department does not bind itself to accep. the low eat or any tender. 11y order, FRED GELINAS, Secretary. Department of PW Ottawublloa, Aprilorks, 23, 1006 . Newspapers will not be paid for this advertIsementif they insert It without authority from, the Department. (10 CENTS gets Tata STANDASD till the end of the year for all new sub- scribers to Canada. If you want cheap reading look ;dour clubbing list. CHEAP READING Tile Standard 51 00 The Snnderd and Weekly Adver- tiser 1 95 The Standard and Weekly Wit• 1)049 1 011 fhe Stauda'd and Weekly Globe 1 85 The Standard and Pam ily• herald and Weekly Star 1 70 The Standard mud Weekly ,flail and Empire 1 85 The Standard and Hamilton Send weekly 'chiles l 80 The Stnudafd and Weekly Free Press 1 BQ The Standard tend Toronto Week- ly Stitt • 1 80 The Standard and Htuuiltou Twice -a -week Spectator......., 1 80 The Standard and 'Toronto Daily Star 2 25 The Standard and Toronto Deily News. .,.,•.•• . 225 The Standard and L'artner's Advo- cate 2 80 The Standard and Daily Adver- tiser 2 50 The Standard and Eventing free Press 2 75 The Standard and 'Toronto Daily World .... .... ........ . , 8 25 The Standard and Daily Free Preps 3 50 The Standard and Evening Globe 8 00 The Standard and Evening Mail and Empire B 50 The Standard and Daily Mail and Empire 4 50 The Standard and Daily Globe.,, 4 50 Send all subscriptions direct to 1'IIE STANDARD, BLY'PII, ONT. Do You Need Furniture ? It will pay you to come and see our large stock, This mammoth attire, with its 6500 foot of floor space, is ailed with the most beautiful, In Mid est and hest lot of Furniture, Curtains, Carpets, Rugs, Llnoleuws end Go et 01(1 I -louse Furnishings that money can buy. Our prides ate pared to the lowest point consistent with quality. Our guarantee goes with every article. Your money back If dissatisfied, PICTURE FRAMING AND REPAIRING. J. H. CHELLEW, BLYTH Paint Protection You realize the necessity of protecting your house with good paint, but you do not reel.z t the necessity of protecting yourself agoi' ' poor paint. It all looke alike in the uan, but one kltd come-. fr, the other stays on ; ane kind anon looks ebabby, the other keeps new, The kind that beide ma ettongeot, looks new largest, fa the Sherwin-Williams' Paint Varnishes, Stains, Carriage Pains, White Lead, Linseed Oil, Roof and Bridge Paint, Barn Red. It is ther0001 of a qu tter of a c•ntnry's fndntanaklnv rxperle, c ; the product of the largest factory lu the world, W. -ell It. McPHERSON BROS.. Hardware and Tinware BLY TI'i