HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-11-23, Page 1-!;4- olietere
• „,. e. •
Vile. Clinton. New Era, the best 100al paper in the County of Huron, to the end of next year, to new sub3 eribers, for cash. Subscribe now-.
Rittentlitstrd the Now Ern to Ot;
your friends•
Itar.sunisnin 18811
UOIEISK lbeenes; remoter i
Conseare—Hullett Council met in
iilendesboro on Saturday, No. 17; the
members all present, By-law was
Passed fixing places for holding non*
' e
natione EMI elections; the D. R. 0.1e
----.: will be; For electoral division No. 1,
, ee John Fowler at temperance hall, Rite
I burn; No. 2,,t janees Watt, at school
7.4 house No. 6; No. 0, D. Shannahan, at
sschool house No. P; No. 4, R. Adams, at
. Porreeter's hall, Londesbaro; No, 5,
• Woe. IlicOool, at school house No. d;
INo.6, George Streileat temperance hail
; Londesboro; No. 7, John Finland, at
eeeety bow owe beueloe Joe I echoed house No. 9. Tbe following at -
counts wbre examined and passed:
- treerttott be • t
Fraser de Logan for tile, brick and
plenk for shareoeMorritt drain, $80,13;
sheep killed by doge. $5 88: jos- Free-
man, three sheep killed by dons, 1110.66;
Win Morrison balance for grading S
R. 15-16, con, 5, $10; P. W. Farncomb,
surveying S. R. 20-21, con, 6, 014.60;
W. Woodman, spreading grayei, S. R.
26 26, $12.50; D. Reid, sewer tile, cul-
vert and repairing bridge, $12; mem-
. bars L. Board of Health for services in.
MO, 815.75; Dr. MacCallem, Health
1,001°0re:for services in 1900, 014, Conn-
" ell adjourned until Dec. 16, when it is
expected that all the towaship ac-
counts for 1900 will be settled. The
Board of Health met in the afternoon
and received the annual report, of Dr.
Maccialluni, Health Officer, from which
it appears that early. in the season
there was an epidemic of measles in a
mild form, and during the hot weather
of August and September there were a
number of cases of intestinal disorder s,
rom whichcause ra a number o
tention of the Board is ea led to the
• Table Silverware, Biyth emporatiop, for rent of division
• • no 0,
Brooches. .
• Wntches or elockch c
Whlitever hi wtere almielle it ehall
come our 'way. ,
Ri * Pin • c urt room $7.50;genre Allen one
We iepair such ,things in setts.
• factory manner.
* Oar ,ehargei ere ro,oaerate
eervices prompt. •
•re. teliether 'ergo or small it reosiveii
.• /0. - •, all tha attention it requires.
at -
'• We are Leaders Oar
• et
:1•4 P. B. CREWS
Jeweler •
*And. Optic Ian
'Put and
Clothing Business
Well Handled
We sell everything Worthy •of a namo
of clothing for men arid beye. We also
carry toe largest while being the beat
.seleoied stook of Men's ald Ladies fur .
coats in Western Ontario, and we have
no goods atock that are gotten from
the manufacturer on :approval, we bib,
all our goods the cash and in conse-
• quence Sell at cash prices, not at ap-
proval prices. There la one idea to re- '
member in the parchase of flirt se in
• the borobase of a home, )inver look for
• any more than you are willing to •rt,ay
for, • whole skinned fur coats are as
mttoh worth their_prioe as whole akin-
•nSsl horses; we sell As we said for the
rash; we &rein b ors most especial -
Y o
• M &
Macdonald a• eePing tble foot , in
IPIOW* wa treat °pie wits:ideal with us
In a manner thatthey will place cen-
ts Onr methods bawl -mode,
Menai) in us, wi emit that cenlidence.$
inisinees in the- past, and We have
everyoonlidenco for Me MOrease of the ..
eame for the .ftituro.•
On the vrrong side of the street •
StrOng's Block, Seaforth, tint,
(From the pen of J. P. Cole.)
M. stends for MoLean, Vie man who wee
• . slain •
On the 7th of November by the Holmesite
Bit •a majority, though small, that oterte
.• their eyes
•Every time Moo's friends 'onkel; the covet-
•.' ed prize.
•• Liberalism beat him—it would do so again
At theeound of the mercer of the Holniesite
Mo peinte to MeLeanet ity pert of theeame,
Of the lately lamented, of Goderich fame
Three tinies he's rejected—nowfroto polities
• he goes
•-Iro encounter no more ite eleotorel tvoeso
Ooderioh is his home, be will there remain,
• Refusing to be beaten by Holmes again.
ille tiourt$e
6 /Ugh class Musical and Literary Entertaliv
Monts for EL Are von a subierteer? If not
oat in and hate your 11.4U0 put on the Bet,
Subscribers liet now open at Jackson 'tree.
The attractions will 136 •
. trhe Pritricblo Concert Company,
vole the Slayton Lyceum Bureau, ObloagOd
The filendolssohn Male Ortar4
tette and Mies ilitgineta
•E. .
Prole the Great itastern Leeerrea Blareano
• New York.
Man atoms Knox Blaeltf
e America% greategt Eletsittiottlat.
• *The -Rufous Page eorieert Co.
New the Great Eastern. Lyeelus Bureau,
. Wow York.
• 'the Ilona Park eoiteoet �.
• s'rom the leer tyostintSureett, New York,
lieterve seat plan wilt be open to eubsoribers
+tine day before the general imbue, Retletle
*Malec Alta,
We have lialf ton ef New 'Cooking
Pigs which wiiettre tittering itt gaper potted
or 0 lb* teir SM.
/tie *bent 0 melte until Christmas
e „Lel eeeetseee' lettettie 0410, like wine, 101Proyel
• *MI alge• We him, our new feta in, and
' will beplefieed to dwelt' to you.
Veva ,on ever 'tried tutor Ohipi in
our Pike? If not try boritiole eine
• We Ma eli0Wing 1 Meer line of Pane,
Ohba tchrietneteptesento then Oft.
, A visit out, WA oonvineltYnn *At
Ye* little tier nicer Panay China,
esto that ars shows
deaths occurred. n the report the at -
huge death rate this year from pulmo-
nary and tubercular diseases, there be-
ing live deaths from this cause alone.
Otherwise the township . is free from
epidemics and in a good sanitary con-
dition. The number of des,ths from
all Causes reportedto the Division Reg-
istrar is 29, being very near one per
cent of the population.—J. CAMPBELL,
• flahfield, •
Atimnitm.—Ashfield council met On
Nov, 10themembers all present except
the Reeve. 00 motion of Stothete and
McIntyre John Barkley took the
chair. The minutes of 'the previous
meeting were reed and approved. A
number of accounts were 'sussed and
ehecqueir issued, which will appear he
the financial statedient in a few weeks.
Be -law No. 12 was read the first time,
appointing Polling booths and tette:Yee
So far there has been no change made
in either. The following resolution of
sympathy was passed. for Mr Dalton,
the Reeve, who has been seriously af-
flicted With typhoid fever:—
bers of the municipal council of Ash-
field, assembled this 13th day of Nov-
e'mber, cf which bedy you are the
Hon. head, desire to convey to you
their sincere sympathy in the affliction.
you have been called to undergo. We,
not only desire to convey to you our
sympathy, but also our warm personal
• regprd for yourself and family, and it
Clitt earnest prayer that the Divine
Comforter may have you and your
loved ones in Betkeeping and care, as-
suaging every sorrow and supplying
every need, SORN DARimizz
Signed Taos, STOTHERS
•After which council adjourned; next
Meeting, Dec. STOTHERS.
NoTES.—George Turner retnrned last
week from Muelecika, where he spent
the hunting season; he sent one of his
trophies to George Munro, our genera
butcher,. so our citizens were able to
secure venison. Mr Armetron lest
week visited his brother in Gerrie, who
or ill.
Aezievitneenee—On Sabbath next
the Preabyterian anniversary will be
held, when Rev T. G. Thompson a for-
mer Minister of this place, will have
charge of the services. On the Mon-
day following a platform meeting will
be Welch When the following ministers
will speak; Rev Mr Larkin, Settforths
Rev Mr Andrews, Varna. and Ref Mr
Thompson. e choir will furnish
suitable music, .
W. F. M. S.—On Wednesdayevening
last the W. F. M. S. held their annual
thanksgiving meeting, when Rev Mr
Menzies spoke to them on the work in
Henan, China, from which place he
has lately' come, owing to the persecu-
tion of the missionaries. The address'
was a splendid one; he spoke of his
work among the poorer class of people;
he never tealized how. blessed Canada,
was until he saw the poor of that and
land, living, many of than, on about
two cents per day; first came the fam-
e, owing to drought; then came the
Boxer% and their mission was for a -
time abandoned, Me Menzies and the
other Canadian. missionaries are all
anxiously awaiting the time when
they may go back to their noble work.
Contributions $87.
•SOHOOte COttekaTi—in the near fut-
ure a, first oleos concert will be given in
the schoolhouse of Section No. a, God-
erich township, (Sttinmerhill.) Prot
gram of phonpgraph mutate, readings,
recitations, didlorettes, inetrunietatal
and vocal tousle. A number of vocal.
Jets and elocutionlete film Clinton and
Goderich have been secured. Admis-
sion lfic and 10c, Further particulars
next home.
NOTO0.-0n account Of the inclem-
lent Weather there were very few people
et church services on Sunday. T. E.
Lindsay and wife, .of the Huron road,
vieited at T. I. Lindsay's on Friday.
T Mu h f 1.
nas u e an
agency ve tb the licelorme,c Machinery
Co., and will move to town ere tette',
A. large number of people ih this vicin-
ity delivered hogs to Clinton buyere on
Monday, W. Grant, of the London
road, paseed through the village With. a
ible thee* of cattle which he secured
near Aubutn; he remained over night
at Geo, Bill's. Wallace Brae., song of
Mrs T. Wallate, Clinton Calga home
imain some time.
from Manitoba last week, and will re.
Trzli Tnekerilltrithr
;;Aljuir itost8ord),—.104 understand that
VU Me BhI ("rich brut bought the Solite
• of *tree, for the tuna ittchOD•
' hbittoeittead, on the Ilrd con. ennstatisvt
is* good fann• of
• 'mit advertising medium
In Ole section.
OLITTON, 9qgTAitiOt IsiOVEIVIBER 23, 1900,
tr .
Noens.—John Craig and eieter, Miler . er
....cverte.--W at. Buttery, Cranbrook,
Hannah, who spent the %mutter 'Irt. was %drifting at the hotne of Geo, Baird
Moose jaw, returned on lotidaY,lastl lot vdeek; he has now a job of work In
while away Mr Craig worked as car- oteosau, Miss Jenne McKenzie, Luck-
penter With Mr Logan.. fort/101Y erInow, and blies Ida McLennan are vide-
Stenley; their olether, who vielted ;tt eeg on the line this vveeks they are the
the hew of her nephew, Mr McCune, gueste of Jae. Moffitt. Mrs Craig, Who
Stanley, has also returned borne' Al" has for some time been staying at the
Higgins, Brucelield. spent SundeYott Irelme of Jos. McCully, returned to her
tha borne of , m Davi; theirhone in Honest' last Week. '1
brother, Rev Jos. Hinios, who le ill at •
the howe,of Mrs Davis, is still unable, . 1311111011d1/1110.
to be moved. The Mick block.* are .
nearing completion, and Willadd mach •Nonee-e•Mr. and Myr Eennedy go to Tor -
to the be?,uty of our fiouriehtng town, onto this week and will 024end the winter
. withtereir dim htereMrs Jere Olark Their
reeidenee will °Weed for several roonths.
auburn. . Mise Meg& Floursehenty, who has been
cameo okeeee.,_The annieeeeery ill for a week or tWO, ill now receiveting
nicely Mr J. 9. Allen nee gone oat of
eervices pf the IVfethoiliet church will
he held on un ay, Dec, 9, when Rey the pottery Witness, whion has been teken
R. Hobbs, of Winghein, will preach over ItY Mr Fordinend SurYord. Mr Bar -
morning, afternoon and evening; noueic yard ma good practical hand at the base
will. be furnished by the estlield • oP
nem a a u o
choir.—The Sabbath School of Auburn Collie, •one of the government mineral pm -
methodist church will glee a concert vectors, is ependuig a few clays with re-
tativee here. He has been in Fronteneo
on Christmas night, wheu Rev Richard county for QOM roonths poat. Kr W.
Whiting, Mitchell, is expected to be '
thateeY• of Torontil; general Meat or
present andedeliver an address. the Robb engincesworks, paid a visit to
NoTge.—Geo. Askwitie has boeght relatives and frienea in our village this
IMaarei? raiterldfo:edte's pheoeueseessaienad attain% tpheec.vit week All were glad to meet him looking
after I 0
Mr Bradford moves into M. Baer's " well his remt linese.
Panama On riarirlen.—Semons have
house on Main street. The evaporator lately been proceed in an the churches
bits closed, after et good Reason's work.
he this vicinity on
G. V. Yungblut has purchase'd a line "Sabbath Observance
and the Greed of. Transportation Conn
Jersey cow frorn Moses Holtzhauer.
Miss A.nnie Leeman is visitingrelatives Panicle"
an. matufaqnring corpora one
in Heolock. Miss Dora Meat returned a" ? a "Ye" y " °I" 0 4 NV w
roe eat week from visiting her broth- exceptions not one word has been . uttered
ho I , •
• er Welsh in Manitoba. Ed, Helwif is
as tion prominent in this Vanity. EverY
Brunet the only forme of Sabbath deacons -
helping C. Dicker, in Itt. Relenl,
Medd adds another hand to his staff 8 abbath 11 f lk an'' °I
next week. Fred Mutcb, visited State thew rotted% thus depriving their dr.ivsrs
Ikon last Sunday. • of the Sabbath rest. Yet many Ohnstran
,. e
people say they canine WI WlifhOni it. As
• CHANGIC.—The many friends of Dr. well Bay the butoher and baker are needed
Ross will be sorry to learn that he has on that day. Suoh people are ite guilty me
disposed ot his practice and leaves in a the manufaoturer or railway money who
few weeks, along with Dr. Tait, Myth, asks his men to work seven days in the
to take a course of study .in London. week, Then, by what law of Chnetian
Eng. His successor here is Dr. Frank °endure do business men keep their shops
D. Thrab1111, who has been associated open till midnight on Saturday, thus de -
with his brother, Dr, J. L. Turnbull, in priving their aseistante of the met so
Goderich. Dr. 'Turnbull graduated necessary to enable them to enjoy _the
with first class honors from Toronto eitObash, properly? , •
University_ _ Medical. College in. the id .
spring of '99, and waseethen apponited . . parte •
house surgeon to the Toronto General •Cartnett, -The Presbyterian congre.
Hospital and Butreside Lying-in Hoe;
petal, whet/ he Yee:pruned until July o
this year, 4 nce vehich time he has been v"
call, this church rernalne as yet without
practleing n Goderich. The doctor
will treat diseases of the er, a pastor., Rev Mr McAllen occupied
ear, nose and throat, along with is St, Andrew's Church pulpit last Sab-
bath, morning and evening.
general practice. Dr. Ross will remain
in Auburn with ',Dr. Turnbull until` A Tnoeerv.—john McLeod, eseistant
Christmas. The mother and Sisters of manager of Huntsville hospital, Mus -
Dr. Ross will probably take up their koka, has sent, home to his family here
residence in Clinton; their removal one of the largest deer ever' known to
will cause a blank in church and social the people of this village; it is said to
circles that will be hard to fill. weigh over 800 pounds, and according
to the branched antlers its age was five
Constance . . eeaaires; oThnhteohne,atdo be
will etre to Mrs
COUrroli —A meetin of " the Con-
I •
no gni. °tine— eve Stanbury
stance Branch Bible ociety wile•be has employed men and teams to put
held on Wednesday evening, Noy. 28, ora,vel on all places necessary in the
to be addressed by local'agent, Rev Mr •ffporatienr. • Tiers • ie the first tune
Edinunds, Belton; meetioa will torn- at Bayfield did not have her streets
tneime at 7.80 otcl.ock; collection. The yed • gintdsummer, Ley.
anniversayy servees ini, connection /
with the Methodist chimed held here crists travelled our streets with pleas- marked•for both candidates. The ques- the Garrovi and Beck. Weee uron
we hope this will be continued in. tion with respect to this with one each cision in appeal, But this case was
dress the Leagiurnext Sunday evening No'rns.-0 wing to the illness. of Mies Goderich similarity marked,was reserv-
last week •Were, very succeseful. Miss,
Maggie Washington, Clinton, will ad- future. . in No. I Colborne and No. 6 Teem of distingiushed from that by the fact
that in that case the member required
allot MVO
at 780 o'clock. Revival services are Anna Whiddon the junior department eel by the Judge until Thursday, when to appear on the Provincial b
still being continued by Rev Mr leen. of the public school 'is conducted by J. he allowed them as gooch gone, thus removing a material part of
nedy, with very good. results. Whiddon jr. Mr Whiddon is recover. A peculiar and unexpected state of the ballot. In one of the Gederich div-
I P -
Official Recount in West Huron.
. •
',Judge Masson goes through till .the ballots and makes a few
• minor changes in results. The eleotors of the Riding
found to be Weill ent and honest -voters, while tile •
Deputies general y were careful and competent.
‘. The new ballot an improvement on the old.
IL ;Motes declared elected by 18 ot a majority.
• I"
de -
A iecount of the vette polled at the the ballots lying ireletneath. The '
recent, election in West Huron,. WAS s rong probability of thi4 thenry being I
made by His Mawr judge Masco,. t tie correct one was denio tktrated, and
County Judge, in his Chambers, at the it w is supported by the facts that ;
Court House, Goderich, on Tuesday in every case the fao simile of
and Wedneeday of this Week. at the the D. ft Oes initial appeared. and that
request or 'Mr McLean. elr Holmes initi de appeared on ballots marked for
was represented by Hon. J. T. Garrote, both candidates. Toe judge reserved
QC., of Goderich, and James Scott, of his decision as to these until Thursd'ay
diaton; and Mr McLean by Messrs E. when he decided they were all good.
Campion, Q.0, and Dudley Holmes/ of Beyoud what has been mentioned
Goderich, and Or. McDonald, Toronto, nothing irregular appeared with re -
After a roost careful scrutiny of the sped to the ballots for Colborne, ex -
ballots only slight changes have been ef- cept that 2 which had been marked for
fecte4 in the resulens it was published McLean and rejected by the D.R. .0.on
after the election, chief of which being for mute& These were, claimed, for
account of some ink marks in the space
paeceoterrgecotioen Bo: athreeseriarortnaheadeetiantetelraenest.
McLean and allowed him.
from lelo.i Aetifield.
In Gaderich Township so far as the
'would find evidences of evPrOnga-dthine"
0 V Staid the ballots wits concerned, there ,
was nothing on which to find objection •
at any of the 87 polling subelivisione,
the Y were disappointed, for with the except in thetcase of one ballot from
e c Von of a few. trillin oewee by No.4, having a single stroke in Holmes'
space and counted for ham, winch. was
voters, there was not the slightest in -
rejected by the Judge on the greund
dication of intentional wrong -doing
ig ally deputy returning officer, and that it did not appear that the voter
were the beat, so far am correctness of Eget Watvanosh, enjoys the enviable
is Honor remarked that the ballots had disclosed an intention to vote!
marking was concerned, that • he had distinction of presenting a clean sheet.
as judge In disputed caries or
ever come across, either , wheeileasecetoinag. T
epheetrieedw, earaedienoebtailblotatseafioeubnadureettewctaeed or
sel at the Bar. could be objected to before the Jude°.
To examine minutely over tour thee- The electors of this township must take
?and ballots was no quick task, as each the cake. In West Wavvanosli just one
individual ballot hart to be verified ballot counted for Holmes was objected
separately, both as to initials on baptee to as having a cross in the McLean
cross on fate, and to see that the cote space; theobjectiog was allowed.
rect number of ballots came from each
polling division. There are features.° In No. le town of Goderich, besides
a recount not generally known to the the ballots already mentioned, there
average reader, and we nave, therefore, was one with a faint X in the Holmes
distinct one opposite
gone into the matter in detail, giving a re and a verY
statement of the various questions and r McGglicuddy's name . at the top.
objections that were raised before the , This baelot had been rejected by the D.
.feet an election return. erten after the iwnbgieiheti
what may at. R. 0,, but was claimed for Holum%
claim the
which establish
the Jude* allowed, follow -
Judge, in order to show
voting has taken place. ,. •
suchlt ballot as good. In No. 6 a bal.
Ashileld —In No. I a vote counted for lot cieunted for McLean had on the
Mr Hairnets was objeolod to an beconnt back a mark appearing like the letter
of there being doubt about the initials W, which was objected to as being a
of the D. R. O. This objection was af- mark calculated to identify' the voter.
torwards waived.. An objection was • In No. 7 a ballot collated for Holmes
made to a vete in No. 2 counted for Wee marked squarely on the black band
o ra , D. R.0,'s above his name, this was rat te to
initials; this objection was also waived be bad and rejected by the Judge. In
after iteeilitlent, on the prineire um Dia. Ili",,,LI:vilot merited for Flolnees had
ouageht tornontegtioecbte°atilaownlelheligtteeritilsf°rifianc: tairerloirinlehtaldleiibetetni"toerdttgeoirtaiVielghes:Cit°h11,nit.
ehise a voter. One vote counted for a large part of the D. R. 0.'8 initials
Mr McLean in this division was object- The ebjection ' t� this on behalf of Mr
ed to on the ground that the ballot was McLean was sought to be sugorted by
ing, under tbe care of Drs. Stanbury
and it so n_gerously Weis now on t_he mene. affairs Was discovered la No.7 Ashlield, felons the voter had deliberately mark -
occupy the pulpit
SOU06t, Exarerneetrroo. —During the
r a n ne brick c o was d n
has been in the peaceable occupation of her accidental Mrs• Stephen- and 4 for McLetnewere found to have didates, accompanied in each case by or, urham, 'will
built here by Mr S. S. Cooper, Miss lehornson is also recovering from.
the pupils for the lase three months. son. of Sanaa% daughter of Mr Marks, the D. R. 0.'s initials. This was found also spoiled his ballet, ass. the voter had evening a good musical and literary
upon their face a faint impression of the letters "N, G.,"—no good, which Warning and • everting. On Monday
to be the case with 8 ballets marked intended, vtrogram has been arranged for, and
and Woods, -Mrs Green, seho has been
sum e eat * sh ot in which 17 ballots marked: for Holmes ed.% cross •after the names of bah can
$1,:wr year in adywe
2 $1.69 *hen not 12opatd,
Emulsion of
eod Liver ,011
With ilyPopho*pliltes of
• Lime and Soda.
4 or
This preperetion eon-
• taine fully 60 per cent
of Cod Lrver Oil wire*
is Go dieguieed as to
make rt easy and pleas.
eat totake. This Bona.
• Sion we guseantee; 11 11
does not give estisfao-
• tory malts, tell us and,
we will make it right.
• Our price le
•350 for the regular 50c
50c for the regular
from us only. .
Phone 2 • • •Drug- Store
*****************A AAAA ' •
Church Chimes
The regular meeting of the W. C. T.
U. will be held at the horoe of Dere
isiddlecombe, on Thursday, 29te inst.,
at 3 o'clock. •
ONTARIO ST. reception ilet'srive
-was held on Sunda morningeOlast,
when a number of the latifeeonverts
were received into the church on pro. •
bation. The rite of baptism Was also
Bev. R. T. Crossley, the evangelist oele-
brated his fiftieth birthday this month
by making a gift to the Central 'methodiet '
°horde Se Thome% of a very fine bell,
To official board of tbe rime chureh pre-
sented him with a geld headed cane.
Roy Joseph Philp (a former Buren.
ite) was, by unanimous vote of the of-
ficial board of •Petrolea Methodist
church, invited to remain 0 fotirth
year as pastor, and consented, subj
to the approval ot thf,)gtatiorog Cum-
mittee, •
The annual meeting of the Stanley.
Tuckersnekh and Hay Sabbath School
Association will be held in the Metho-
dist church, Hipper; on Tuesday, Die*
4ti:e• A line program will be provided,
in which, besides local, talent, eubiecte •
will be Illttoduced h Rev M. 3. Wit.
son, B.A,,-Nde, and Rev O. Brown, of
Ertetee, and others,
S. A. NOV/B.—Major McMillan, the
Scotch Provincial Officer for Western
Ontario; assisted by Staff Captain
Chancolar, late of the Mari.
time province, will visit Clinton on
Monday, Nov. 26, ance conduct a very
special meeting and half -night of pray-
er in the Barracke; come early and
bring your friends.
BAPTIST Onernoul—Anniversary ler -
vices will be held on Sunday and Mane
day,gove 25 6, when Rev W. MacGreg.
Robb •bre ectc• k 4
' • 18 visiting at the parental home, The
highly of the ec eel, 10n Friday next, young •people enjoyed a few dare
lk inv. 80th, Mr Weir, teacher, who has skating on the mill pond last week.
about 60 pupae, intends to hold a pub.
lic.examinatiorecommencing at 10 a.m., °welt OAtte—R. Elliott, proprietor
when it is expected that the trustees of the River House, reports the fact
and others will be present. Mr Cooper, that while one of ouirgentleneen ' was
as the builder of the school, has also driving a company of young ladies
been asked to be present, and will home from a concert in Clinton on el -
probably deliver a short address. The ec ion night, they met with whatnlight
punile are looking forward to an inter. have been a very' serious aeetdent. M-
eeting time, and will, doubtless acquit ter crossing the bridge with unusual
themselves creditably, speed the driver turned, tco quickly,
upsetting the carriage, and throwing
- them out, while the horses broke loose
Westfield. and fled. Fortunately after the young
. eueeee._emies Rea moDowen le at . ladies extricated thentseIvea from their
resent staying with her aunt, Mrs H. -conglomerated condition they found no
i h G '
orr s , oderrob. John Wightman one htire
is busy getting °lathe timber for his - I ' . .
new barn. Geo. Enater6013, Goderich, '
spent a few deers last week in the (From the .Signate i
neighborhood, and succeeded in selling Menem—REID. -- A very popular
a piano to Mr McDowell. A very sue- event was the wedding_ yesterday of
cesstul wood bee was held last week at: Prank Martin, son of Henry Martin,
James Noble's, about 50 being present;„ and Miss .g.tte Reid,' youngest daugh-
over 60 cords of wood were cut. J. H. ter '.13:4;oloson Reid? which tookYlaoe
McClinton is going his rounds now. . at 12 o olock at the residence of • the
collecting taxes. Joseph Johnston had bride's parents. The ceremony was
the misfortune to lose a valuablehorse Performed by IleY. YeePer Wilson in
last week from paralysis, • Miss Lute
Campbell is at present staying with - • Noege,—Wm. Bain ie seriou
the presence of about forty guests.
her grandmother, Mrs W. Harrison, the hospital at Buffet°, and several of
Goderich, vetio has been very ill. Wal- the members of the family are in at -
ter Wightman, teacher, is busy pre- tendance theme 'We are pleased to
paring for a concert to be given in the ' loath that Mrs Jacob Stokes, who has
schoolsome time 'in 'December. Re - been very setioaslyill; has during .the
Wightneen and deter, who have been _ past few days had a turn for the better
very ill with typhoid fever, are slowly Misp lifillieLittle returned tie Clinton
recovering. - . no Sat utdao, after spending a week in
' - town As the guest of ifirs j. A. relater.
LandeithorO. - Rev. Mr GodWin. of St. Thomas, will
gpeehoh—ge sheo-to croun woe. riaim note prei
ach to nt tOrer congregation et
, ,.
paper itlid60 entrelOpes,for 18o, We want any the anniversary services of Victorkeet,
qUalltitY °talc° fre•Ith butter in 2Auttl. rolls, madded apples, W. 1.. 0 TEL Methodist church on Sunday, Dee, 2.
Too BAIL— There is likely to be AT tliE Pc42crg °c`unv'—'11°Iice M6g-
trouble over sortie pranks that were letritte Seeger had two cases before
done in the Methodint church idled a him yesterday. A man named John
few weeks ago. One MU lost his whip tliekV,,,a„,b.,.°116-„„„fiftLY,!,441,°,„fhl„e!, "...lid
and wren ch out of his buggy and fill.• elordeLtInotrop'e'ra`pyrynt•e'lich- dee. "ere
other man had the. nut taken of; one
axle. Some Of the partiee two known freked to be sent down for five monthe.
and if reparation is not so on MOO Th° alaridrate 4ave hhn a sir months
they will be /lorry for their tun. • sentence. The other coos was that of
... a woman, againet whofn the throve
NoTse,—There was a slight inietake was "drunk and disorderly.” Sbe had
In last weekle paper by ea,ying that O. already spent the night in the lockup
Manning's reedence wile on 00b. 11, and the jail and the magistrate comit.
it 'should have beefs con. 12;_ he lost a ted her for 24 hours to enable her to
good cow on Sunday', -Mrs W. Riddell sober up,
and Mos Oulmette returned home last
week. The church congtegetione Were Porta Gitialtalloera on Vcienree—A
erten ert Sunday, A. Woodman Wall Goaerich on the 7th of NoVerniker wen
note -worthy feature of the voting in
out on the street on Tuesday for the ,„,01,1,ris not paralleled &nye, are in
irf6tlneaceeirI°8.Srelir;6%a'rrter:ntthesailf6mI' iturnedvthetozikeWedneedatntnelntAinnwenbtotnetcnIipa
after AU absence of about three year..
A epecial meeting of the tI01110 (MAO talk 'ffleir ballot% Wm, Sharman, who
will be held On ThurarlaY, Nov. fieth, 3 18 In hill 81th year; his son Edward
,480 o'clock; every member is request Shammies his grandeon,'Wm.SharMan,
to be 1 attendance.re and his great-orandeon, _Reginald
.hart:nen, Who Voted for the drat time,
61110 Or. were the representatives of the AMP
",,, genertitions, Mr Sharman the caaclit
riunc8.ill StnVenn lo' Yell III at fit still in the enjoyment of fe.irly'good
peeeent with inflammation, Zoe. Dick, health"tuid Although hte4t votes the
Behipillet, moved to fleatorth on Tuts- *rong way we hops he MS Utow
dey, to t&ke u hotel.keeping; titi what years yet and be able to 4 park In
Iltrlisellon unideaz.firrtfterthle0n7442668tutrhnIsa gettlei:$ tor .greitlig thst "ap.
/zoom li king WOMAN it Bolitertititi. 401 n . . out lio burn.
for MeLean and 8 for •Holmes in No. I There were only two ballots from
Colboene, and with 4McLean ballots in Clinton about which there was any
No. 1 Town of Goderich, in all 41 balequestion. to No. f a ballot counted for
lots. The theory 118 to these put forth Holmes had a single stroke in the Mc.
on behalf of Mt McLean was that these Lean space. This vote was held good'
initials bad been placed on the ballots in accordance with the authorities. In
by use eeonee stamp as a means of No. 4 a ballot rejected by the D. R. O.
identification and it was strenuously had in the McLean space a mark, thus
maintained that they disclosed a fraud -.1e. Held by the Judge a good vote for
ulent scheme whereby electors might McLean. In No, 2, Clinton, one highly
be identified. The theory On behalf of esteemed voter had written his name
Mr Holmes was that the D R. Ces in across his ballot, which, of coulee, des -
preparing ballots for others had placed tweed it; this was doubtless a mistake
them upon the ballot pad in use and on his part, but Mr McLean was the
had written his initials over or in some loser by it.
Cases partly over the black bands on the
faces of the ballots which, acting in the The actual result in the conne made
reducing Mr
sa•me way as a carbon paper, left the •teliatie
lmesrrmelori7Vtyeote188„ by vvhich he is
impress of the initials on the face of officially deobtredelected. •
County Councillors. •
The day of receiving nominations of DUIltifillit011i
candidates for the office of County A Gor,t, MEDAL AwAge:-000, Harris
Committers throughout the Proviecei and eons, of Dangremen, the well-known
of Paris that the International jury at the
boney men, have receiyea notice from
preceding the week of polling dnee) Prole 'Universal Exhibition, has awarded
Canada for a reflective exhibit of honey, 04e gold medal aiploms to the Dominion of
districe are tl. Spackman, ex -Reeve of which the Mewl Harris' exhibit formed
the village, and Rich. Hicks, eounedlor on important not. A oopy of the sword
of Stephen, while the notifies of W. G. will be gem teeeee nettle, we onnaratn.
Bbriisret..eRxlveeeveofefEurteebteerreee, fsInoehdn Wm.
%sliding to uphold the credit of °amide
late the Mom Marie upon their mous in
mentioned,' So Inc as Seefortleis con of
of Crediton, are among those as a the worm. .
one of tbe ftretfoodeprodacing countrieri
. •
cerned, We have as yet heard of no
new tespirante for County Council hon-
ors. In the Hey and Stanley division, Tertet's Rill
the elevation of Mr McEwen to tbe
llouse of Oonemous will ensure ono priettn7gMtoto8pitretweritihi‘ixeDrannugeallgobie, alit
new matt there. In the 'Osborne and nten, whereshe is tiaergoing treat.
Stephen division, both Dr. Itellins end v"
meet for etomach troutiA, We hope
inc etcIrmie, the etoteent representee tO tinnorinceher epeedy recelety.
five% talk of ret.ring. In the Hullett
and Goderich t Wtothith division both -
PublieSchool Matters
Moore Snell all tOild011y will ire&
• a toradomiliol .
re-election,, and he Panne of S. S.
Ooreper and Thos. _McMillan are Mete. The exairrinations for Teachers fer-
tioned. In West Walvenosh the teem, Merges ' Will beeert et the Mudd on
elle reereeeneatiee will rue, end wee Dee: II and eehtittue for four dare
Sohn 1Yebtitere in Estee WaWrinoeh On the 8Ist of Oct, Mr 3. 3. Tilley,
Mr Loekart will run, as Will also Mr Provincial Inepector of Medd Schools,
Patterson. In Turnberry a 'icor* of rafted Clinton School, and his report
names have been mentioned In connec. refloat been received. The result of
tion with the positions. In the llow- is inspection of the training and work •
ick divielon the Veteran repetuenta. of the Model School studente le tabulat-
tiye, B. s. Cook, hasPublielr announc-
ed his retirement, at) that there will be In school organisation and manage -
contest there.&Ain the Morrie andt—e II t 1 thod f teach -
Grey and Colborne and Affhfield die- lug—excellent, 'In teaching by dud-
triets, we Wave as yet heard of no new ents—extellent. ElPirie and Attenti011
ig01=thTbittreOrie triiiii=ealrtilt aSI,Zeile0110 Tel tile highest peesible
and With the Dominion eleetione out claseitleation, and the Inspector cloeee
of the way, mitttere will quickly' dehis report with the following rernitrka i-
velon, and asnirante for the county "The students in thie sehoorwere untie-
imegeivisealli.ture will soon announce them. natty intelligent and ricguitted them-
selves yeti creditebly indeed,"
"""'"1.* This report should not enly be 'tiny
gratifying to the Principal', r Lough,
rikirr BbOunni Ott Wu lifre..,-Pie. bier. but Argo to tal who Are Interedat in
gen Tomei will.probably be loins in a few eduationni butte*,
nays, A Oahht 10 OtatWa from the offlor of
trahosnallonemidaitiosne otighiuslkvi nimmiselitionerud fob: vintivr mavito_the dinten
,....m...,ziner A
et ns. * s a rater to net a
430:44*atbelimi ittottleth I ol.tbithst. i 4,a get authqiirset ont went*of (Minton
4, soldiers ht kit . moo &VA the Armond it. .1401, Wnet.
27104,00morstAar: awoorelyt,„Amikt, . , .41000k,
;Paws, of tholitaftlead
ev W. MacGregor wilt give an ad-
dress. Refreshments will be served
during the evening. • .
• RATTEttnilltY ST,—The pasto: may
be expected to take up next Sunday
morning the subject, "Reversion to
Type," being the second of the series
on "natural !win the spiritual world."
The evening subject will appeal espec-
ially to business wen, being "A finan-
cial investment which is bearing in-
terest at the rate of 00 per cent per an-
num in hard cash." Commercial mem
specially invited, All welcome. .
Rev E. O. Taylor, the well known
educationist and specialist on scientific
temperance, of Boston, will be here on
the Lt, 2nd and Eird• of Dec, Keep
these dates in mind and look one for
further announcements. The Quebec
chronicle sayes—ollev Dr. Taylor, as it
speaker, is all that he is represented to '
be, He is profoundly interesting, and
his lecture was Iiatlaned to with unfiag-
ging.interest. The W. O. T. U. did it
good thing when they invited him to
visit Quebec."
Preys reports state that the Dike and
Duohees of York will return to Engler:A
from Australis via Canada.
Mr Will 3. White, of the Canadian
Immigretion Department, says there is
every indication tired next Ireton, will wit.
nem' an even greater movement toward
Canada than -the laity theueand who hsVa
come to tut from the tatted States Mad
Europe this year, '
or Eyeglasses
May be either anornament or
diefignremenito tbe counter'.
*leo% eixeraing to the beady
of deep and perfect- fit Of 'Mit
haie the latest dodges In
flpecitaigee and eyegladdee; the
fumes are not of that flimsy
character which are alintyg
losing their glistee, but there-
nebly anbetdetiel end ot the
moot apprOVea shepere
Ada this the foot thet the
elegise are fitted in the noon
• Wenn& roomer, and you will
have reel oomfort every hour
Ont glamor alta %Wait
Oar Chlirgoe nn�deate,
et •
Neikirk and (Wattle
, tteoeleodeMleooteibe