HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-11-16, Page 8. • • • • November 16, 1900 R- ..MARKABLY • -..LOWPRICESIor • ••.••••.•. •, •• • TABLE NAPKINS Commencing Saturdav 'next we are` going to sell table napkins at prices that border on the sensational. The other day we got a chance to buy the coraplete set of table napkin samples of a large importing house that have gone out of the linen business. There were over 475 in the lot and they were offered to,us at a liberal discount off the regular selling prices. • There are five complete sets in.the lot and of many. patterns, 4 or 5 napliins alike. They are perfeet in every way with the exception of three small holes close to . the edge on one side which Call be taken up with the hem. We never he a chance to buy as good napkins for so little money before' and are not likely to again for many. a day. .The entire lot goes on sale Saturday morning at prices lower than they sold for whole- sale. If you want to replenish your napkin stock for less money thaw. Ike likel be able to for a long time to come Saturda early nex ' eek as you can. Then you • will bela1Ist4.0 14 • , )44•4'.. *** Fninfor, noy. ie, neio THE OLIST011 bEW EEA *111 Nofirgii.-Mies Walker. soprano, Lon; property by removing the fence. The don, is farming *choral class in town Jolty Palls Cu, intern* IP appear again else eXpecto to start here after °inlet. for a week' s+ engagement, eoinmencing Mae Harland Bro. put in a tile drain on Mendel, ,Woif. 19thl W4Y tindOttitiana - • - for Mrs Rodgene !Alit week. 3'. W. that isserobpr of the sionnanY will X02111C111,001$0# Green, soreen-law J. Cron,' of town, perform here the remarkable feat of has issued hie drat paper in liVelleeley, driving *retina town blindfold, and and collo it the biaple Leaf; we wieh Mr finding an Object whtch ha* been sec- SHIPIARNTS.-A.Mong the outgoing Green suecese bur venture. New Fated by Soine ono elee. The skating freight 1h19 week Was a car of apples uedtir sold his stock of thorobred hens rink le being put in order a,nd Willlike- being his last shipment for the pertrion. aole figure. Mier* elite Sfenceb a, makee an oblighot and competent ofd - from D. Uantelon for Manitoba, te r, Woods, of Bagield at 4 reason- ly be in charge of Charles:Carter, who Doan Son ehiPPed. a ear of hides to ;cousin of I, o the ok. era. ThersPis tal of forming a Y. M. New York. Doherty & akVar of or. legiate, dtedetter home in Southampi- for town and holding_the services ktr,nis . Colorable, and 0, J. ton nn Tuesday of last tiwtiziela Mreela theUpper ?art of the "Stavely egertsMen have alt alto other day W. A. Ross, Of itce Olio? Pactirry hands cvillasoa:elfOritiniffe allia a °ar Qg 11°P." " tall:gad )15; T adtr I g glorztellattli; Vie %wild ha& Tit';0';rere meesvo Era Fairiffew toa pe'noancifriltd co, coat* 29_.tvgie eritiki4y1? returnedfrom the tintirev rout erich Or an F ctor 0 4 (evert ct t Oantelon, F. Fair, l'etralter 001e. of one.of his fingersaithae remit being. a Mr Skitin.114,031trt haspttelnephaoWn; Hoover and John .Tohneon, who 0400 few days enforced rest. Fred Brown in his house; :his number is 85.7 The home a week before the aeration was UP* has moved to repreeents 2 emelt-an thelaw allotter-• Exeter. rack Kennedy presence of snow and .colder weather We hear t he cir tured 10 deer, Which has taken a posttion as traveller for the has given an impetus to business, the -Poole Haver & 00., Of Toronto; he weather of October being too fine for is a hustler and will prove le. first-class the sale of winter goods; but it also representative; be has many! friends eatches a good many turnip in the. here who, while regretting hie vernal/a/ - ground. The Mayor had a couple of front town wish him the greatest MM. magistrate's eases to dispese of onWed. cess and prosperity, Mr McGugan, nesday, arising, from a street dispute who was the Liberal defeated in Rash by parties who were the worse of :Elgin is acOusin tit Mrs J. P. Doherty, liquor; in one case a fine of five dollars while Mr M. McOugan, Liberal elect in and cost was itinmeed* and in theotbet West 'Middlesex, is her uncle. Mr a fine of ten dollars and costs. Mr O. defeated Conservative 'can- J. Warne is moving to the house be •;didate South voetb., is en uncle of bought of Mr Leslie this week, Rev. Mrs 11.,, Crews. Dr. Jas. Baird. late Father AloMenarnim,of Bt.. Augustine, Montreal, will ' will occupy the one vacated by Mr take charge of Dr. Woods' practice At -Wallis, but not instil after the first of Bayfield while he is away visiting at •January, as Father West will continue his home in England. Contractor A. - to officiate in St. ,Teseph's. church up to •Theahane has served, a writ on the town that time. The tax officer will he of Wingharo, in which- he .clairne $070; foundin his office ever y afternoon and the claim is for extra filling and cut- evening for the tecein': 'if taxes, which ting in connection with the granolithic Enlist be paid by the Mb ; f•December. walks laid. Air Walker. upholsterer, Messrs Ransford Brns. t hipped a;cutn • has rented part of the Shepherd build- tity of stall fed 'cattle to the o'd corm. Ing, Qatari° streak, and will roceive•or. try this week. Fred Livermore • got dere there. A couple of weeks' since kicked in the face by a colt the other the wife of Ar McRae "Was called to De- da'; fortunately the injury was not troll., owing'to'her daughter in-law, ,serious, but it was a narrow escape. Who was apparently in ,the last stages ' The party who took a gate and part of of a severe ill nesa ; we are glad to know, the fence from the Buchanan property. that she is in a fate way of recovery.- on Queen St., will evoid trouble by re - Novi that t he snow has coMes, people turning it, as he is kneern. should tie careful walking on -ttie gran- • Two comm,unicat ions, relating to olithic as it is apt to be slippery. After ,matters of local:character, are in type. a successful season the Evapor.;. 'bet are unavoidably crowded out until alio has closed diltyp having mann. 'next week. factored about 60 ton's' of product in • • the time it Was rirohingt. Mr Oake and Commencement akercisen. wife leave next week for their home at Rose, N. Geo, T. Hiscox, London. The following is.t he program for the (lirotheign•law of Isaac and Joseph Rattenbury) offers to donate an acre Collegiate Commencement exercises on of land in the southern part - of that Friday evening, Nov, 16th. An admier , pro - city for4the proposed sanitariuna for sign fee of liN; will be charged, the oro.; 1, tho e silfferaric with conerimption.-- ``ceecie to be devoted 1'0 providing prizes A partner ship has • been arranged be- for competition at tne next departmen- the law tirrn of •Kingemill Symons, sal ekarninations:. ' • tween Harry Symons, C. lately of SaUnders & Torrance 'Or Toronto,'and P2 Rtiladmnq mriss_Mcaurinillinaglia"mts /0.800h Mentgornery, k - who has 8 Violin solo Miss Irene Jackson had charge of the Southern Railway ,l'Vosal solo " Missjennie Jones, firth, .which position he has resigned. - e S Q1417fig ttned. 3?116"311' 41.141 legal business in St; Thom, for that , " 'Tar 'if eion . and offices" have been taken in the Tresentisuon of Diplomas:. ...Mr Monston Mprtgage Company Chambers, Toroni.'!; • Part 2 to; Me Montgomery was"at one tittle a student 'at the Collegiate here and Of • . 1 Presentation Mutnane Stitiety's Medal to Guy Miller by Dr Shaw; late years been considered a clever and 2 Ditett... ..... . .. and Mas- ." but have hail no opporturnity to ,prove Whether the deer' were totigh oetender. (lemma Hoserurs -Tre advantage ofranhagveltntgheabei7opif tcalvewahnertrel..re,p1;niermiter is shown by the fact that in ,utinten Hospita,l, which was• only opened a short time ago, every bed is filled with patients These are surgical cases; it ' is a pity that the, building is not large enough to accommodate medical cases as well, and it may be -necessary toen- large it. • ILLNESS. -We are sorry to learn of the serious illness of Alex. Watt, who resides on the ravel road just north Table napkins small Table napkins good • of town; he, is under the best of med.- ical treatment, but his condition is, nevertheless, serieui.. Miss. Millie, ; • daughter of Geo, Potts, is also serious . - ly 'Otero have been a number of - typhoid cases in town,, caused largely by he scarcity of water lathe fall, biit all are recovering. STOW NOTES.- On Monday James. an a medium sizes size .an cl quelOy. sell in the regu- - sell in the regu ler way at 70 to lar way for $1,50 10c. Saturday per dozen, Satur- each ellarittch • ' ° 5c • 8c Table niipldns,med 1 Table nitplOna,modt Tablenapkins, very Sriell,•of the fleyne-Barton stock, farm, mw and large turn aud large Table napkins,extrn tine qualities, sell shipped a very fihe 2-year4old Oljdes Mies sell in the i sizes, sell in the good quelitiesareh in theregalar Way . dAle atalhOO, which hehad sold to Mr „ ;in the regalar way , for $8.25 and. ,..Story, a prominent. breeder of Illinnis, • • regular way for regular a ay for $2 and 02.50 per $2,50 per dozen for $8 per doz'n $8 50 per dozen, dozen, Saturday Saturday eaoh Saturday •each Sarrday. each eaoh 10C 1, 15c As We said,before a chance like this does not Atm and people** want best choice will do well to come eafTj Reliable .Fur Mantles If there, is One thing aeboye another that we are.partieular about, it is tlie qualities of tl,e -.fur mantles We %sell, Every garment 18 made from choice. selected skins and to 91:1r. Order by the most reliable fur houses in Canada: We do not buy poor garments at any price and Fur Mantles coming from t'ais stoie wtU:„.befound thoroughly dependable and worthy' in. every Way, quality tor .quality you will .not. iscount these • • • • prices anywhere . tradies'-lastraohaii Jackets, bright Ladies' Astrachan a:solids, quilted Italian lining, bright even curl, glom, skins, even curl, high cot lar patent muslin interlining, r. 6'1 , nik nn which takes the strain off the strong and serviceable coat OIEWP skins, mohair sleeve lining, flier- . Ladies, Astrachan Jackets, soft cerised lining 26 inches ;long, og no. skins, rich, glossy and even curl 141" extra value at • patent muslin interlining, mo. hair sleeve eatin lining, Extra quality, Astrachan Sackers • a good coat at a medium patio, „‘„ A" very soft skins, bright and even s •,.. • • - • .. . ... • curl, mohair sleeve lining, good 26 in°116 long. tfU quilted satin lining, coats that Ladiest Electric $ea' Sockets, 24• ,.„ „„ will give excellent w,3ar, newest inniies Igoe, rich fur Satin 601.1111 styles, 26 arid 80 inches long -IA din tio.",,,lity Astrachan jackets, ; made of choicest selected shins S35 and *yarn Ladies' Electric Seal jackete, No. " close, even and glossy curl, lined -with best soffit and mohair _ 1 quality, close, thick -for, xi& - sleeve linings, extra ohoice gar- finish, the best of linings, high collar, with or without .reyeres 45.00 ment, 26 Loeb $40,86 ineh.... 45.00 We buy our -Fur Alanfles from makers who rause to make low grade igarments. Therefore Itce can gaurantee them. , Good .Nowgthat colder weather has come we, are su,re to be selling lots of ' blankets.'Our blankets are thoroughly re- e Hosiery and Underwear.* Hosiery and Underwear sell - ring has been !big since the / cold weather set • in. The liable in every case. In the perfect fit and pure wool, the part wool or good. wearing qualities of the the all cotton we have uot the hosiery and underwear we best we could fin nd .ean sell cannot help but bring , heartily recommend every pair business this way. We sell we have in stock. These prices good hosiery and good under - to give you an. idea of how we wear, not a poor kind or an sell them. inferior quality. if we know it , and any coming from this Heavy Cotton Blankets, &iblet cream, grey or fawn, fancy color. store can be depended on in ed border& loge smell lab every • respect. These to re-; Heavy Union Blankets, large size, Mid you of our downright soft ang fluffy finish, will give eX- good values. cellent wear, one of the best selling blankets we'have ever had in stock X-IIIEP Ladies ribbed Union vote; good weight, soft hnish, button front, a Fine all wool Bisulfate, firmly woven made- from thoroughly scoured ' comfortable and serviceable gar - and Olean yarn& all weight& fancy ' ment, chewers to match......„ A..1 • Bibbed wool hose, suitable toe,boye' borders, blenketti that will be sat isfeotory in every way dui wear. heavy weight, seamrees feet $3. 76, *4.50 U*VV small and large tides ..20t and Baimpin The Millinery Department furnishes these bargains for Saturdays selling. They are odd:ones • and twos ofleading outing shapes and have been priced ht these low figurei to clear them out quickly. Settely Saturday; morning. • ..Girls colorectielt hateaditghed crown l'At;tt ' • latest New York ettepe,yerynehtly two, iht0.2 bit outing sit hate, Aiwa' And colors of red, fe,wnrbliii? Mid gay. a stylish shapes, odd ones of a few only tea to Oen, regular 80o, Apt,t Of our moat experielye to eletel,"alibiele.. ... . Babies wool bodnete, and ohddren'e -6inlele hair and plain reit, some trimmed with plain band others , fano hate, noir a great many in We lot, the last of some 80 and 14 with homy silk, sold at $1.25 ka 40e lines • ............ 4 e. 4.,. IP. $1.50 and 01.76, choice to clear OC Best m Mantles - This stores mantle stook is easily the best anywhere nbar here. For great* variety) neikv4t styIesi and. best .values porno here direct and save time and bother -,p ' St and it bred bor o is a brother -m -low of R, Porter,. tmaster. The International' Liv.e Exposition will be held at iron theist to the St h of,Dec., -'intended- to; show this well pr the fleet prize of 6300.. R. -The old friends of T.:A. Gale . shocked to learn of .his sudden 'death which occurred at - Toronto on Fade afternoon. Mr Gale was„at one time 'a member of the banking firni of Tiede]] ilkyale,Olintrn, 'but for soine 'lime he has`areen it rota.' ent of Toronto, where he held the noel tion or Inspector for the MerTtntile, Insurance (Do. He wits held in the .Tery highest etiteem. He was only 50 3rears of_age, and leaves ar widow and six children. ABSEIDM.Y.-The first and onerof 'the' most e joyable events of the on mirlao; was the assembly given night in the Stavely Memorial The upper. floor was where t hg! dariein ' reliable barrUiter. VVhi le.. lion J. T. .c 8 luiracter Sketch took p ace and kept up till 2 a. m.; the &arrow was addi•essing a crotvil in 4 vocal solo miss Houston fine muffle heinf given by the London Goderich on Me night of the election A Instrumental duetb `Misses Combe and.. ter ..tewart Jackson Gibbings Harper& The uncheon setvecl at raid- sorre miscreant threw a stone, simpos. Vocal &vitt.- ...Messrs. Sibley. and Tenney night was tasty and 'relished by the edly intended for Mr Garrote, hut it y presentation of prize;s..... .Mrs Robt Rolmes large nomber of intuited several Out- struck.a boy, and bouncing, struck Mrs , eiders being present. It is li arty there wIll be a number of assemblies the coming winter. LEAVING. -Mr Victor French, who has had charge of the niechariical part of the NtVir ERA for over two years,bas been compelled to relinquish his posi- Men owing to ill health, and leaves shortly for lAcornhe, Alberta, where he hopes the air of that high altitude may ha beneficial. He is a co;npetent and reliable workman, a yening man of sterling character, and we hope that the change may result in his complete • restoration to health and strength, METRO„pOLIyA,N, 00trig.SU.- An efforC ie`tivi riaade to -have a' &wee of entertainments here this winter,and all who would like to -join the course • will have the opportunity to do so. The management purpose to put on one of the finest courses in Canada, It veld. conaist of the very best talent that is playing in the largecities thisseason, and everyone will have a chance to get a good winter's entertainment at a small cost. Watch the next issue of thia paper for particulars, if you do not get a notice before hand. A NNW -COMER. A-- Mr A. Hooper representative of the Manufacturers' Life Insurance Co., for the county of Huron, has rented a house from Mr Knox„ William and taken up his residence here, He "calculates to remain if the people use him:well enough, and the probabilities are, therefore, that he will be a permanent resident. Before leaving Exeter Mr and Mrs Hooper were the recipients of complimentary addresses from the James St. Methodist church, of which both• had been active and ihfluential members.- OPURATIOD orc-The wife of Henry • Eleanor/1, Goderich township, is in the Clinton hospital et present, On Sat- urday tast, she underwent an opmatiOn fOr gall stones, but the doctors, niter cutting, found a tutnor addition to the gall stones, Prom the nature and attachments of the tumor it, was lin- possible to remove it, and it is feared that it will Prove to be a serinue trouble. So far Mrs Beacom is pro- Hci, Munro 'a stunning bloce an the I.', Dr. Pdan0alluni,of Londeohorehhast Week, heacii, she it the daughter of Robt.• Pitzsimons, `of town. As Ben Webb.- 'ilia a visit from his hrotber, Rev, P, W. . siscOallum, who ter the past ten years has jr., is on his WAY home from South Af- been laboring as a -missionary in Turkey, rice, and is expected to arrive here Asia. Hie were wee allay among arel„„ shortly, our citizens should at °nee htne,and many massacres took place in the take3ip.the matter of presenting hira oity where he lived. par Agawam= _ha wittee tangible testimonial. Dr Black - all has unproved the appearance on Saturday for Wingliam, where he of his prettohed twice on Sunday. • • ViWiiiIMMIWAMMVAWNi r"4:416.144444451114144.. , The 1- est in the World f - . 0 , • There arriVeld With MU new fall good's double the quantity of, a line of bibleel that we ) wanted, the revolt kr we have two ()Oen more . than we Amid have. would costr money to return them and to *ell them In thsodinery Ivey- at the ordinary price would likely take ,. some time which is not deeirable to ash. ,To` overcome these difecolties,,we have decided to keep them and hasten their Bele by ,the extra- ordinary price ot 56g, They are really en exerillent pooket bible, small clear type, on good paper and is as well bound as any ordin- ary eti ary book yon ever saw, , The W. D. PAIR CO wawa. '!the Cheapest -Always the .Best." • And"Still They Go On Saturday morning next we replenish our bargain tablee with another 30 pairs of ladies' genuine Dongola kid buttoned, boot e et .. 5.04t/ 30 Pala of ladles' genuine Dongola Kid Oxfords worth $1.50 for ,,...$11.00 "le Pairs of Boys Laced Boots going at.... ... ; . .. 85e Three lines of Men's fine laced boote. at $i, $11.25 dna $t.uc, alt new goods, regular sizes and several other buyers that will' astonish the eleseit buyers, It will pay you to eve them. , • . We have the largest and beat Assortment .of rnbbere and we will net be tuidersbld. Remember we gru&tietee every pair. No unction goode Or second qualities.. German Felt Slippers going at 30e, 45e, 65e and 15e A splendid assortment, We Bay and sell for cash. A call solicited. The Old Reliable. " Taylor az Son, Cash and One Price " Eggs taken asCash Insurance office at the store .; • -704*-4i ..,tit!'tfOtt000:0.001'10T'tttri.'titt.ii00101100,tillOttOi•tt.,0000i101-100$4.:'•••'....; .40 a • dmin:: *4-4e•-•-•-•-•••••-•-•-a-a-a-a-e-a-e-o-o-ott L -•.-a•-•-•-•-•-•-•. e4w444........ e -e.' • - • .. A • A '' " • ' t+0-0÷.÷.4-..4-41"...+4414+++4+4+++.4".." --ill. ...... . . OD" = . , 0 ' ' • . . • . 012... '^ 1111.4. 11111," 111111^.^. Great. Display of --Clothing . e 0110 . • 111111" IIIIII". d1111 . 5.00 7.00 8.00 and $1.o. 111110.0-• 111110.-.. sr- ...........- „, , ,,,,•,.,„ Are the popular prices for our great range of Overcoats, with us you see all the latest styles, with us you find reliable goods,with us you see an as- . •,- sortment that cannot be equalled. hi this section. There is a, great deal of satis-, 0.-- ...-- „,,, • • . ...., tion in buying goods from which you can get your money's worth, after all'. it is not a question of what youpay but it is a question of value for yoiir money 11110-' 1111.-- 3.-'11111-' in •-"I h 41110-- 4111m-, deo* IP-, alls.-+ IMP* Ow - MP. 111111..0 111110... - i; .ti 111,,11.: ;414,i BOY'S' REEFERS . , , ilit.' ,i,„ , give perfect satisfaction. They are made from all wool goods, well cut, well made and well trimmed, all prices Our stock .of Boys' Reefers is full and complete( with goods that will \i., ,,, . . fieetedt and Mr Ream% who feels his ale- s '141 . . .a Ada.. -, wife's illness very keenly, hopes to „sr' • . as- • greasing as favorably as could be ex- api. , 11.10.• , , have her home again in a alma titne. PeCial Snap 111. Boys Overcoats . 1 They both have the sympathy and befit sr-, wishes of a host of friends. SCl/OOL BOAiLD, -- The regular monthly meeting for Novetnber was held on Monday evening. Jr C. Stev. enson acted chairman pro -tem. The report of Principal Lough for the pre- vious month was received:-- Boye en- rolled, 200; girls, 181; average attend- ance, 312,which is very kilvino changes will be made in the rooms until Easter as 'pupils are not ready for examina- tion in December, • Inspector Robb Visited the school on Sept, 28th, Oct. 80th'and 81st and Noviet, when everV- thingin and about the when' was in a perfectly eatisfactor, condition and no suggestions were offered. The accounte of <I Hoare. JAM for rent of organ, and W Cooper & Co., $15 for maps, were ordered, to be paid, . A GoDIrrerrruTiort.--1Thron County • House of Refuge has no less than 85 inmates at the present time and the en- largement of the building now con- fronts the members of the County Council, Whateyer °pi:706100U to ri nubile institution of this kind exieted has long sincepassed aWay,and we are not eurprised that inetead of cornpul- Rion being need, not a few elderly people have urged their claim for ad- mittance to the comfort and caro to be found there, The Clinton people, and tion to many e courteolte that go ' A few lines of Boys' Overcoats, odds and ends left from last season. As long as they ilast you can buy _we E them at half price, a wonderful chance to get good goods. . = Shoe Department. We are sole agents for the celebrated "Stub Proof" Rubber, a rubber that will outwear two *rs of ordinary - : goods. We hair° four styles and altsizes in each style. it will pay to buy them. • .- E E E E E E A full range of sizes in No, 1 qualitiRubber,Boots, our price $3.25, most people ask $3.75 but we are eou... tent witlit'it commission as far as profit is concerned. , . On Saturday next weNwill offer 100 pairs of Xeres Shoes in four ...AR different styles, all sizes 6 to 11, they are staple goods, 'sold every = day for $1,50, butes long as they last yon caonake your selection at $1.00 per pair. They cannot be equalled for value. IC buyers shonytsee this line. . full and complete rano of the "ICI4 Qualitelubbers, contains 25 per cent more rubber thati anything on the market. We are selling these like hot cakes, every pair guaranteed. All repairs on goots and shoe Promptly Attended to. ^ , . °there weligge consItlerob e atten. - . th brighten up the llyee of the many , , JACKSON' SRO 10,!1',,AIRTAIE11.1141,! agedor unfortunate who have found s • • qolitg their warotfastltreyOuille of Refuge. It inetitution, and the , '4)111-1117411:114' 144411.3tsr" - Or A ,saaditigierak 41 l‘ Air; 14..4, JAMES' ikel"