HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-11-16, Page 7.• THE CLINTON NSW ERA . When* Chinaman becomes a crhninalt . NO 1.14A.CE OF SAFETY tae uwligniiilteS'Itie per- .. 4nts awl -. oven. the. • Vir.1161t Oa I 141 Oki • 8CIONTI8T8 SAVO% 1LifIESET US 0 rein* leyeel a • . Iii this amid' , we leave not- trine Of tiered iiiiiha; -P' d4 7#0 : pissusterilic, Maar 'Velma" Islable t tied LAND AND SEA. o the I laW to deal. iiimeit Oveetattel ' .4,it's, *eremites*, Ito Th th its owe . tram Is ornalni Obotea or a Oa • awe,and rough t h 0 punishe:d ta:if.lii;, ' telly.' of tinYivbe41 this e ft? and IV . `.,Hliery and •ecie -; itaY it te diinger6 Residence...4*a* and Moo of Vitt* y a mother temper of _. and peev- 1)i•. tastrophee are liable to overtake hunien bleu and figiirea to prove b. Preto pot • to pole danger abounds, ,and frightful c Ysical week- • 41iny ofietning. ..., 7...,•' ., •ItT ., at any spot on the globe. Selene .'1- -Women mainly err throughlgnoilnute. i; prefreal that not ii square mite of *104 ey enter the marriage state:_elready tire *Sidi but has in some time of .t,b, rdered by irregulmity of 'the periods. , ages been awept by flood, fire or gift* delicate and seneitive Arpin!, peen. Iy fe,mittilie 11114114 NO, condition for . ,..tie buried by yoletiele eruptions, or ilo e eke* which Is , ee ee,lt: on the. Jenny antigen 4...earthquakes so thate t change. Drains ,, et,tiee 'tiffenike-e. 'human WO tliait Meat have been euclad. d debilitating are ett IV,tniiiikuttinitro4 : ' MAO. tieekitig, refuge from the floods a era4°n•witia II1* 40014e km. ' tli* eaeCeeet, goes to the mountains an 1 ill time, ItlIW'' ON Jilt" 011b04 placea himself In the path avalaneie Mee the etIcnith ot • . . Xilkiii natC, apd laodslidee, 9r builds his .home oil,' d the condition Of plim 1141:10f,the , i velean9.., As te:,earthquakes, there Is i UsibilitY, Th4 Atuk#120*I'dt: le,',1:.!. ' Disco(' that has net telt them. TheN.T I. - 1 d that' is unhailtikst44.. :I13044i3P/rw .414'erroneceui entl:DoPular belief that llaPpywifelmod,'healniyMINterttdOd. • *tiles treble:II regions .are liable to seirelY ' mitif‘11*-hildrentall;4011awtlie,u0°fOr. , learthquakes.. ,EVen. the ehillY Plain* O exce'sTavorite Prescription. ' It Stoles •• -,--- Jar .Tertary have been torn by thee ';:litie drains, allays inflammation, heals id- shticks. Earthquakes have visited th don, cures female trouble, soothes •eity of New Torii in the past that, *SP c nerves, auttpute the delieate .female they to come tOdee, might topple ofe ArbOittonIllitiOn Of perfect health. the skycierapers and kill thousands on4h re. Annie Blacker, of 639 'Catharine Street, cUse, N, Y., *rhea:. " Y,oUr medleinee have btreettil. Torn.ecios, ignorantly called ,CY . e wonders for rae„ For years My health was clones, are Liable to strike anywhere .413triurgii. teggit.01144,111 kigfcea, bteg,Igye, • south ct. the. polar regions: And 'Whin ;wed .naeorite Prescription, r have much better they cannotlive the blizzard takes up •th - ith, and now X have a fine, healthy baby. T work of scaring mankind. ,.... ye recommended_y9ur medicines to !tolerator , There is no- reason why the Atlantic : eio e i• t t.-,, 5 ••. i. v i ,...? •'1.).' l'Oc ell shouldno auk,..into .4 yaWn ng *icaehrienstApsoistp Ft mtfa,Vflteespminelitost oy:: . • : -f. .: 4 - i 'Women find valuable belt,. in Dr, gulf some night and set the great lines • ''Fieree'ketatiMOU.SeiteeltetlieelAtIvieer.._-.. :-Iqh.....tketl...Cig...,4. rt4.0*114 ..mileA.,,er.onl' •'Sent free-ofreedelpreir stritittjate'parebst--portte-Thataia-no-reiiiierewiay:qhe Rocky .,.9t customs and mailing only., Send,Ar .. mountain !' ehoeld not give place some •Anieze;en,C;atpap§: Ale.'.t.afiitAanglig.tiox:4 night4to. A .ygot inikkao4m4-;,„,21,esethiega• . ,,..to stamps or cloth- inding, Address • are ever imminent, but As they -happen i.:Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. se far apart -men forget and actually •;:.,,-, ,',.•-:. •:,, meenKiniipeised andrconfoupded when the . • ' ;thief. expeeted - fot.ceptnrieh comes •to -•. •....: ••••• - - • . ' • 'IMO.% ' ' ''' • '. ,.: l' .:.: 'Cecil Wilson.. 19 months old, fell bite ' It •16 a welficnownlifeetfiet the entire *a pail of water at Franktown. near. Atlantic seaboard Is sinking at the rate 'Carleton Place; and was suffocated. of two feet a century from Cape Cod to Cape Hatteras. It it van sink that fast, •e(ItiE GOOD TURN DESERVES AN - it certaioly has no very .solid underpin - p.`'':. • " • 0THER,,, •- • /flog, and some day -the name may let ..._ - go. all at once, and where will New York be? . Vast tracts of Holland are already ' •rzletdiee of Canada-- Sisters: • ' fur ,. below the surface of the. sea, and Great gettaiii takes ' nearly all the ex - the waves are kept out .witli the great pkitted produce of Van ada. English, •Sentob3tiel Irish bort pro duce the teas. dikes, and. science stria "ttrat• Holland, • Belgium, Denmark and all the smithern • 40 e vlon and India. ,.0%a„..t„., ca,leu,nali ttkimiteppio,40,14 eoast et the Battle ere sinking steadily. at:001404 'anal "dOetor'ed Japan ',Green - no entire. .Continent of Atalanta has 'TOS4. ' Gieen" teas of ptire, natural ,:tono., devils' under the Wives) Why shoeld r,ten leaf, are beiag introduced .frcitn ''not tikber C•onthientit Mow? '.' •• • ,. aylon and Inaba. They are now on ' 'To balance these depressions.. sante •^sale with ail live g rocers...c.,•, . ', : • • . ineots. are. rising, ' About, QUO -half Of •:the . 1,.•Statesinensee. ; :obstacles tsiipreferen- :. Pacific islands- Are being elevatecV. .So . tikl trade withi n the Empire... You are the West 'Indies., the wait coati'. of ladies can sweep aside all obstruction. :South Areerice and Spitzbergen. • The "-Aril* patriotic sent menkon your entire aerie* of Japanese islands rose ii Yreakifitatillable. •!:•'VrQuei, rgedeiIeilIget Odin the,weeen in a coinniiiiitIVely brief •'Anese pure teas if you only insist. ' time. ' • • ..,The Salada Tea Ompany ;has. placed ' .And as if earth itEieli .did not abound: Ahem in hatideedft-Ofeitures;, .1,tia Blue with 'dangers. ellough there are aerolites 'aibb on is a *o obtainable. • •that go hurtling through spaee, famishing. ..,-,41fa ny other %%ding firms have,shite. ci. house .or a inan.here and there. Light- rttnints coming. Only laggards await •nineatiff etoudbuists add to the 'Wrote, the jumping of the cat. Celoniet. • so that one could hardly pick a more an .,1Ct3 -- . .4, .. ', ".--,V:;,,, / , ' " • gerous planet for a habitation :. ;.4e,,,,. -• •• !.,.. Bin-Ao..cothe to sveedle Instances, the .. ' .e. cure vox. Tootlattolso. ' earthquake at Lisbon Nov. • 1, 1755, 'wall' Ihave frequently heard the:Japanese talk one of the most terrible. • • • Part of the city Or the lightning god leaving the marks sank 600 feet. .The Sea was driven beek -, _tit, his claws :on trees or poles wheieby .. for a Moment and returned in a wave 50 i' g `. t has reascended to the clouds after his fest high. Sixty thousand perished in 4, . the wood thus characterized being she minufee, yet ,Lisbon flourishes in the , 5. *fled much for ts curing , toothache •scone spot. Simultaneously with the Lis- ' bon , disaster the volcano et. Ifetluggia 1;.'schettlAutide ,fist ', rhPiqlok.sr?letes and .107 i ,,, . , :, a , . 1 ,,le,lltiertes. • . • • ' r t outIn reeland an the springs n. ,- ,. • , , . , , - : . ., ,Boliemia Were dried -liP, .9,41Y... At.) buret i : ' January and October of the same year . Ont in vilifete Gen with ocher. "Many i; always begin with the. mane. day.. So' sio;„•An*tin 1400r.thetIll' Africa , were also, fie, !-4,0111 ilnd'iuly‘; nleo Plept(enber end 11,-... ' etreked: The efitiresi• area shaken ' Was •' timber. Feiwonry. ,N) mph 11„,1 NE,v,..iri. six times. di large as Prance. Seventeen I, ! i HOW IT FER!..13 TO OE SHOCKED. ••••,...-,-•••••••,• lIneoneeten. TWO Roves) It Seemed but a Vow Minutes to the Vatetiat. N have received is number of pretty bed ehockit in Mr Wet"' laid an esPerl* eticed electrician, "but hate had only gee o sITelitilsia7tio4n47°ofiranesocardPeinafrar17 edeeVaetrile. shuck al is familiar to the majority of people, and le Is not especially peculiar), but A' knoctO olit doe Of the current le something eoi • tirely was eplicleg _co.*, 3 neetiort, itx '4 power holies when i'44, tulf * g a 'der a hit9i lit4 Sagged down fa. a de 4',124d. pair of. Ogre lu tn,y 10 . ;OKI atteratited to path it otte'.ot; e WOW g there. That uch I rePieft, fir. Per-, ' reetle., Then 'ell a .'sulide4i:XiblidiII 'Ptiesit extreordbuir WeiniatiOn: ,Itfftit,,A, 7 ra ' every vele wholetiodY tt 't * ferai' blood Was ailiandIng- • pItchipt gilia;la8tenie II MY 0k-seemee -to stretch 110 • they • . were .blgi 'fireelad .14.•fittiP liOff004100 W INA 624 PPPItiAiiit*.Y: d had the eamelmetting teeihmln, inz. eye- s ,f1I,,,,_411/itmi, `t041fUe, ant teen tel Pieta of. MY bide. •-• _ - • mine over nm witli;terriehle, s :00.1411ena, ,but. Wee notbing,-„lika.4. WOO an • e „e3gt* ithe .emstrary) several r imeonile ,seeined. to. elapse . and. the feeling was ' Aim, 2 wilila'Y'11:e717.maw"net'el3 sytrofrld Yrbehatth'ut iltu.t.ndr never 6 ed • ✓ entered my mind that 1. had been shock - 6 ed by power carrent.. Thep, its edneatrilisuaetislicivenvedaersee<fibtge lativ'Tvv.onvye,ret;torcimitit; ' thing exploded in ' 111.1 in ft lip tosh.gne, and everything bedatne;hiack, * A.I*st immedintely. oe so I eoold have e. swore.i onened iny eYtIS 411d found. OP Aselt on the floor. tulle eeneelous. but very • weak. As a nuttier (If feet .1.‘ bad been hurled a dozen feet. What I inmgineed nOinallned nt b n lenth of a min - ate had possibly net:laded n thousandth .part of a secontl,•nsul 1 bad been inset:isle ble fully two hours. li.1:nply shows, as. , we till VO often ubse: el .1 in dreams, that nutter nimormel eontlitions thibrain loses all conception of time, I aur .pretty posi- • tire from .liner.tiening n-namber or peo- ple thateverybody who siirvives a shock front a current over a .certain voltage has an experience eery simile r to my own. •The trouble is in ilyserilling it, which .I• bare done very. imperfectly, One of our linemen probably bit It off better. He - Flitl he felt as if he had !swelled up and bneted,'" • • litt else, begin with. the skive (1.:1 v'• , ' .' 'd871fiater a- shock from the !none center $- • i passed enderBoson and tumbled the 1.*-• chimneys dove, killed fish in the harbor and, sent ,,ships rishore, it "passed on throngli,;New England into the wilds of "< America. Nine hours later a wa:ve 20 feet high ,.. overwhelmed St. Nartine'a, in sn• tl1/estIeiplsar/o;kben .at4:11gwgitiiiinittnfe I.J itory might have been longer. • .. -_,Itittivi /CIGAR In 1811 800 miles le earth about New vele Aue isisted ixa Madrid, Mo., shook ennetently for aninths. Lakes were forned and mys. ' ,i'm Ina et no& funolle ...• terieusly drained. Mull abbl eta tram fin- :' Antin/ mkt '8003 prod. Innlligt mires as high as the tops- of the t:ees. —807$' Ptle g2z°41 °ft VSZ 1%1 These disturbances ceased suddimty at ,..;...zi Apas tin nsii- !mpg, - strourtittg 30tatemeg 1V301N0pWa1111111, 600 3011310A111 .81AYff 11i4 Quo omiq pinogs *TV amp *iamb uted -p.sanasrn& tusistfa aseq; pew re3tf11zrn3s,41 • : HE GOT AN INTERVIEW.* - The Reporter Was Green, and Mint. ington Helped Olin Ont. The late Mr. Colfis P. Huntington, the multimillionaire, was a• hard man for .re- porters to reach or to get an interview. from even after being seen. A few years• * ago 4 tievr reporter was assigned to 'see • him and was given no warningsas to the difficulty of the task. In an outer mem • a yenthfsit clerk kept hire Waiting halt an hoar. Aar. Huntington Vas busy) . "You tell Ur. Huntington." said the re- porter, "that unless I see bim at once I'll go away." Ile •had a vague and uncer- tain Idea or Mr. Ilbutington's standing in • the business world. . ' In, less than is minute the clerk return- ed„ saying,' "Mr. Hinitineton asks that You step in." As the newspaper worker • steeped in the millitmaire looked' at hurl 'ever his spectacles. ."Well?" said he. • When the pbject of _the call Wasex- plained-which was to get details of a .railrodd deal involving millions -Kr. 'Huntington looked at his questioner cu- riouely, for the reporter, was boyish in appearance and a bit thnid besides. Just •-a moment the railroad man waited, Then be began an elaborate account of rail- • roads and stocks. • Ilia hearer saw that he could never understaed what was being told him.• • • • "Excuse Me," he interrupted) "but will you do me is 'favor? You see, rve only been connected with a newspaper a few days. Will you be so kind as to write me a tew lines on this .coneolidation, so that L can study it out?" • Mr. Huntington looked at bim again • over, ins glasses. Then, without a ward, . he turned and wrote on a piece of paper that lay on his desk -Wrote for. 15 min- utes. • • The story got In the papeg that same • day, almoet as Mr. Huntington had writ- ten it. The next day the reporter was complimented for his good work by the • eity editor. Be had secured an interview with the railroad 1c tog where veterans had failed •the moment of the great earthquake on. Mara 20, 1812, which destroyed Ca- rtiCas, in Venegueia. l'hoosands of triet, and Carneae is Mire seain. farms now flourish in the Itilssouri dis- . .The Iiand That Swings Vi -s. a Hm a- rL.szydia sanireiku yerdiet of $2;5.000 inock is the name g)Ven by Indians to the In* suit against Mandel Bros„ Chico- teeritory about Soo nitthlor, entra - )gni-:for uries caused. by a fallingsign. Aroeriea. Thal city we:: utterly desttny-,.. ed by an earthquake en Mare() 10, 1873, _ C I - Recently, in ' the . T.,ondcri prince but the people had geown dimmed and eourt, a son ofiSir Edwin Arntdd wee had deserted it, so only 600 *ere killed. temanded on a charge Of using S14,000 It ll*urishes t°d°3'• • -Of trust money, — • .• No century in history has been without -Severe earthquakes In southern Italy, ' • 'the dead inicly of Thos. Pulleiton, a leb- Thousands have pm isbed there. Vesu- Orer, 68 years of age, was found in a room vius adds to the damn r of that land, and .at Hamilton, where he lofted. Ho lied the town Of Torre del Greco, which lies • been dead three or four days, . • 'under the mountain, mey meet the fate .' The Lord Mayor of Dublin tilled Out of of Pompeii and Heeeulanmum any day. •,aditi, s resolution proposed 133, itish rat. tIl has been partially destroyed •geverid ledelist members to confer the freedOnt ef 'the laity npon el -President Kruger. In I'M 10,000 were killed in Calabria mes. • bY earthquake,. bet that.le totten.,. • perished in earthquake thotite.at Antl- 44, 8188/8084Mhbeilfb3 Pyllyphotoral '9VIckani:E*0ii- 'COVGHSANDcoLDift; Very valuable Remedy in all re affections Of the ti THROAT or LUNGS Large Bottles, 2.5c. bAvIs&r.AvertnNextb., Limited 6 • Prop's. of Perry Davis' Paln•Killer • aaeeerceoeeeeegeoe 1' • " - 'On v,arions occasions abont 1306,ohave IN THE SICKROOM SOLUTE • .....amaaWas nth -250,000' in one OFeb. 20, 1885, the city of Concepcinon, in South Put your piety Into your nurstneae America, was deetroyed for,the &Milt well as IMO your prayers. tline. There were 800 shoat in t,wo Smooth off With a .11ne file the rough weeks. On that oceasion a nave 80 end et the glass drinking tube, feet high broke on the !eland of Juan Let no drinks be brought In large twn „ ,Perispilek end fire. 0,a_123&;t0 ;the surface bleeikerglasifelz; Little Duet are far eriore of ethe ocean 'throng/1 408 feet et water. acceptable. , a ou o or, 'fineet old litleh. If linen at' all, for Laid Illown the tam to Void. "I told yeti.deeehter, I wanted it Men • tor it son-ln-law, not a dude, like your Kr. Kawbaelcs. who perts hie hair in the Middle and etnokee eigerettes." "Dedr said the earnest eyed, girl, "the constant use of tobacce mokee, men nereme. ' You know, ,dtere'e no tobacco, In cigarettes.. Part Meetuf wiled dIrieloe. 'Nitture and eommon sen iw indicate that a lopided bead is excusable ip a Hotteutot thief, and a hair pert from the lett Vag to ri ht Oehrow, may he hyglente. but„ded. f you think t to golnarto merry MeVetlek ,whol‘a got to went ' let .of :gnawer whiskefe or. get A 414:mart eu Cif .110 AQ„APAir,be's Yolf.re away eft rAtte remetvitimi. .40.4,01ail, I toe 41;?:144. t4091111:1149*,.4linkte' Xtb14 hwulble.0 ATVis f:Ittoupa. .4.11fn, ,1:104,cividimi **ay wide- finkpg 4tefore' pkinOgi `-`,1,-,inst- ;reckon. AO • Ar.41111d.•, 074114:gere.willottipiriollVtbsinEs I eltirt vs, ^ ; oyed, more In Europe," 0744c13100. 'Tema*, than the. hreitigeette titer mete' yep,,at Abe ANNA.- •hotele,-t Auet a tittle" f,ef dellieloing;: coffees all0t7 hrelru #4'9)19o'41• PM A xre$4 loutteki.and 4414111 1'01484 dieh ,b_otte344,4 leeks:little and', .40VPilnif." 444 :eaSY RAU. Xhe abal), Oh*: coffee potaand- tine invariable honer titbit ;add foreign,talieb• ,Rut de yon • '1)1EintlQe*f4oWsvb ee rr aq?' 411. se Notahg b of It. °Iat Is lifl" ,ported. fromithe United, Staten. • moil: oread:statistics et hate ninchweht•out•ot nosidega. county alone *vet+) year, I.be. lgan Id feel that I, might tee. welt have' staid ,at bowo In SlTraell)10.14'; Wo .0111.i OS the Igenth4 ter will ore lumbago, baokaone, miettoe, or Peuedgio piing, qUiokie. than other remedy. Mede,by. Davis &Laterenoe Oa., Ltd. . The stainer Orinooe, owned by the Quebec Steamship Company, is aground off the Britieh West Indian Iolanda • HOW THLN YOU LOON. Do you like to hear It? If not, take Soott's Emulekm. 'Twill fill out your • sunken eyes, hollow cheeks, and thin bands. Why not have a, plump figure ? Don't let disease steal a maroh on you. Agoncillo accuses American soldiers Of murders mid wholesale pillaging of Filipino eitiee. ' • SITOBA.DS LIRE WII,DPIRE. When things are"the beets they boom "the best selling." Abraham Hare,* ledd ing druggist, of Belleville,O.,writes: "Elec- tric Bitters are the beat selling bitters I bave heedled in 20 years," You know why.? Mosteliaepeeti begin in disorders of • stoiriaeh, liver, kldneye, bowels, blood and nerves, Eleotrio Bitters tones up , the •etomeoh, regulates liver, • kidneys and bowels, purifies the blood, etrengthens the nerves,bencei mires multitudes of maladies. It builds up that:intim system, Put new life and vigor into any weak, sickly, run. down man oe woman. Price 50o. Sold by all druggists. .• The, Fuerst Bismarck and the Pre- • toria, agreund in the Elbe yesterday' has been floated. • THAT THROIMING HEADACHE Would quickly leave you, if yon used Dr King's New' Life Pills. 'Thousands of suf. terere have proved their metahtese merit for skill and nervous headathes. They make pure blood and built np your health. Only 250. Money back if not oured. Bold by all druggists. flULSION CoNlitltarnox and all LUNG DIAMAINA, -armee/to or BLOOD. COOGAN, NANO terArrewors, 111;Ittnit,thei'esraents or this Orilelle • are Most antulfeat. • *Afield of The D. & L. EnM131013, I have gbeestrid of aliackIngcough whichhad troubled trAlfor over a year, and hays galueti consider - Ably la weight. '1". W1NGHAM, C.E. Montreal. 50a, and Al per Dottie DAV12'4 LAWEENCS CO., Limited) 1110RTittAl. . • lrkirkir*******ir*k*tt-*-lfirkkirkir* I The Liberal Government has met all the expenditure of the past year -including the $2,000,000 for the contingents to Smith Africa, and . has not added one oopper to the debt during the year, )044420004-040-020044440.Vet-S-0044 GREAT LUCK OF AN EDITOR • "For two years aorta to mire eczema in the petals of halide failed" writea hditor 0. N. Lester, of Syracuse, Zan., "then I boll, cured hv Buoklen's Arnica Salve." It'fi the world's best for eruption's soree ttud i31 akin dimwits. Only 250 at ail :hvggiste, IT vIT To r$1,e; • It does mot. pay to go elsewhere. " tech le 11 iciEitt tithe graduates of the • Canada BusIness College Ohatheln, t,,, tre band anrIv.sned in Canada f or thorough nets of coarse and saeoes4 In getting gra(10, mem plared rn cholas posttitine, IAA rifsbnilaitue brat nf a lirt ,ot forty placed In about as inau • days!, Rent ▪ rekthitIttordtA4t I 'is 1. 41.i. , tixand..Millfentia• t • fiskwere killed. . .... , . . -,liallaing.the....moutil and -lips. = Nothillticht ' gi4e2(glancliTteligerii7dith fi-rnt- -in Dort mai. Ifinhir and-goittli-Amerleit' have been lie Irateful. tvl lath • • eleaken so often suid Ise violently that un Make the meat Of the privile• ge Of•being• 4;"3 reseisseessem VitestMorley, advanced to Newyork officer ot earthquake there is hardly wortk, uotiee. , near the Offering Martnr Who 1001111. to*, l'- k , 'at 04.04,04411AI*4 • 144114%' 110,1(?'"P nrtler" 61"iiii it Cori•ulna ' In 1854 a ware trAvertied the Paeige your prebenee Liver vylii;') , from Nen and bbreke oti te lotmmten n I • 10440 otiftite'hulre.r.11 feet( d • VUJ4*4 W4; 7. 9 tt n't „fokonta, Ont. ite atery imples. . • rive years ago my body broke . Out .1* white :twittery pimples, which &alit ao 'had that the suf- fering Was: almost unbearable. I took doctors, medicine and • various reinailleafortWayearri, • but they .wera.of ibeneilk 110henever, *cot •Itarnied up,Or loreat the' emu°• • •,' ' " Qut again. neighbar•4i.'dvised ..a.arooek • 100d littera,i,and I • am glad 1 followodhlS athtleeilOr 1'04! bot - ties tles conipietelytured That Wail. threet:•years ago and there has never beta': a spot or 'Plinple On me since. James,Lashouse, • ,Bitechin rho., Ont. • - Rev Dr. M. L. Gordon. a aniehiunary in Japan for 28 years, Is dead at Boston. • Convicts in Texas penitentiary have contributed to the relief of Galveston sufferers. An exploeiou in the Berryburg coal taints at PhilfipPi. W. Va., killed 82 and injured over 100 roan. The LondonTimes admits that Eng- land has not now the fastest trains in the world. 20 Years ofillIe Catarrh -Chas. O. Brown, journalist, of Duluth. Miami .writes: " I have been a sufferer from Throat and Nasal Catarrh for over so years, during which time my head has been stopped up and My condition truly miserable. Within ze minutes after.using Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder I bh(ained relief. Three bottles have almost, if not entirely. cured Me." 50c.-13 Sold by Sydney Jackson, draggiat,Clinton ii•ONIWONS4iLk. IS•.11.1.0)111.801s;Zge.asee.satesaokassw.g:•..' EN MIAMI SPANN OUNIE,410 • • -,E; The old reliable remedy' tor,,eliarine. Mathew* • Splint% Curb.. and. all forma at I saneness, 11 cure* without a Nemo,* bocause It doeg not blister.• }4. nr.13. ItenAall Co, North ra..tnarenet, Ont., 10,,,e5, • 6 gIva Ine a remedy forlaiswes. I It., a mama, 1.11 alKlekt. Itthe Omura In statIngthst I 114V4 eared a Curly of fear yesrs4 st3ndl-a• rear lIeWsli m.o.; 0., on..0 earl !Va. applying Now. Spar'n es T. lox AG love not b• witlInat Sartrin (*ars Kenes1Ps RlIstertn niy stab!. •• . U01+7 ' • , )IAMPUINI GAUTHIER. Pries RI, Mx for $1, As llitinu torfamlly nee it bad %/equal. Ask your druggist tor Kendall,* Saarlsi Oure4 also!' Tr, Satre an tile Ilopser the boot free, or address DR. D. .I. KENDALL CO.,'ENOSBURD FALLS, VT. Total expenditnra in 1898, the Iasi • year of Conservative rule, $41,702,.. 303; Mal expenditure in 1899, the last year of Liberal rule for which complete figures are to band, $51,- 542,885; estimated expenditure for the current fiscal year, $58,312,527, -Montreal Star. • The Star suppresses part of- the truth. It negleots to say that the Conservative expenditure in the yeare named was as follows: • 1883-$42,89$•886 • 1884- 57,860,861 • 1885- 49,163,077 • 1886- 51,887,568 Heart -210k People. -Dr. Agnew's Cute for the Heart is a heart tonic that never fails to cure --is swift in its effeets-• goes closer to the "border land" and finatthes from death's grip more sufferers than any other remedy for any family of diseases and ailments in the category 01 human sufferings. •Gives relief in 30 niinutes.-73 • Sold by Sydney Jackson, druggiat;Clinton,, Buy Your PIANO • AND ()ROAN lit theeilaten110414' Store " theZer is also on heidquartere tor •./ • CPWAPY 10#4. t" tegOltig Ito( . high Is anarsittte. Your,h:n ender Abe opperipiliorftet recitg) oliettedltre StreA.11;11iter*Aitifillit rt.atif ' ' ACIENTS• .epondikeGoleFialda,"e areelebeep, vete. elle book, uke a whiriwinci, liesutif pew:pectin twenty•tive cents. Seeks on time SVADLICY-GARRIATSON OOMPANY,Ltioren • Toronto. Aesx vs en,. best lite ot Iler Meleety have Feel., writes Lord Lorne about '1Quisen Vietorie: Agents make fir* dol * BILARLICY.OARBI011e cOatEANY) LO011at 'reroute. A.CISITS WANTED, Itorasennine ,nienliy.thakin w position; no t , a la hookeireurauce, %sale:else e_Levery honse rtoilz„..1,,e..,„Lf,.14,,,y)il,t,, 4. R, iirr. ttaar, IV. wnto • i ,... . , . .; ..„.•,. , MENT$ WA.NTIND, NQ eaperlenne neeeetem • Permanent post, .tion. Liberal teems. /log weekly, stook complete witlrfeet eelliacc specialties, inoludinc Need Wheel, Odus, Potatam, Ito. OUTFIT filialii, Segureartlykey now. write • 8 ., virisr BROS, CO.. , Nureermel, grewn'a Surserle4 P.0„ Ont. t4.110:24.41 e. 4 A' 1 :lei .".'. " • 'IQ, it, PICT AkIRGA 'tiro November 16,19.if rise Incerporitted bv Ant of Perim:neat ti tp Caxtr.A1,0 - .)3,50U,1/00 11 EST FUND • f2,050,taio• 114AD OFT*10•B MO,N kitta.L. Wu. Mobster Ilfscrastaam, Irtresident Jams Eutor, (len. litausow.' •• Notes dismounted, 00/10010000 Done •jesued, Sterling sad Anteriese carobontst bought and sold,_ Iuterest allowed on de. peens, Sivutto BANK- Interest pilaw% on, • Oro Of 01 a44 up, /doney &doomed o fermero ,on tile= own note, with 000.04 more endorier0. No mortgap required 0. BE 11R. /Reneger. Otickton •• • r . . • ; Iff;!OR-PAlfe* WITH iller A pedielne gteit)ti Durarfor. ' ofiAm hue RH ilt,100 II ti 5, tt 601.13% . ' ' :71EUIttil:01A. ' tit 00 &rutin) cent Rotat•es. 4.4 i.gwAnt IMitierioN8 .• Spy ONLY THE GENUiNa. PERRY phyla, lieummemsammessuk Our fee returned if we Ian. Any one sending sketch and description of any invention will promptly receive our opinion free concerning the patentability of same. "Mow to Obtain a Patent" sent upon request. Patents secured tbrOligh us advertised for sale at ..eir expense. Patents token out through us receive special 'notice, without charge, in 8 PATENT RECORD, an Illustrated and widely circulated journal. consulted by Manufacturers and Investors. . • Sand foraampie copy FREE. Address, VIOTon J. EVANS & CO. (Patent Attorneys,) emu; WAPH I AIGTONo" 4 . • SQLF. • We era this beautiful sollt1 Gold Mara set with Rnby aff11 4.513 • Pearls ter selling only 18 Swiss, Rose Pins 01 10 ca. encl.. They them,returathernonev,andtbie •MAO/Meat MS will bo seni vou by return mil. Vrembur Co,. Boa Toronto. ' ALBERT - sbLINT4 • • A general 'Banking .Ruhlness tratinpeted, NoxpeipisconNTED thefts este& "1.titetest allowed o thinoeita J P. TISDALL BANKER, CLINTON, ONT. 'Ade:1400e made to farn.ers their 0 TR notes at low rates of interest. . muguipmolo • A general Banking Fluvial:4m transacted Interest allowed on depoeits. Notes bone,ht LICENSED AUCTIONEER - The UtlderSigned. is for the county of Huron: and respcctfully ,solicit the patron age of those intend having sales. Satisfaction guaranteed and charges 'moderate. 1 WM. DUNGAN, Clinton. st, k. ; r.,,,, ,..,,, 017: %NW° e'" r f.f-,. *.:.'.:;/ r.:41 .. 1 ,:• • $19,000 WORTH tr PRIZES :VE AWAY FREE • BRIORT-COYS GIRLS and LADIES WANTED to introduce our latest fae•Minile Ai; Pim trd s of t I e Queen, Sir Wilfrid Landes• . Sir Maitre Tupper, etc., size' x 12 !aches. For a Waited dine weal e selling these beautiful portraits at ;De. each. and to anyone se'.1in4 6 dr more, we give hadd,..crne premiums, some of which atelliustrated above, . • SO Valuable Prerrilurret to 'Select Prom ' Do not delay, send yonr name and address and we will send you a package of these Portrait...ardour fall illustrated Sheets of Premiums. Sell the Portraits, return tbe money and your Prize will be sent yon ASSOLUTELY NOM We take back any unsold pictures. This ofier is gesmine and open for *boa Ole mil. The ROYAL •AIDAJMOIS PUISKIONING CO., Dept. Toreater 'lad we leatamma 177,4.1111! • . TO XVIARY ONZ *Loam Ind he the Dartszyitatie I Itaaar-aaaslc tiara &la Muni Se asers Ors an looluildia nuan7 Si81* aimalattve Opal se Roby atIak TM epee, and wild 12 .1%11.011,11 Pelkatee 0 110. purialsalek Parninw Us* for us if you WI., When bit, Mean g ad we give yo*F5'45 *efts of a bewrIly plated Chula brasoletmcvr,12 la* aad KalitIrst IOW Gold 85.11 Bekaa stressel mew sonar Not Noe seamy* price Mita to -day. Tea -Wfliethlus. as 11,01 plir Ili. lig aol o sna late Mind., maldas Ha .1•11.14rdara, and woad suede . NATIONAL SEPri. walls lamed sitni=^101elle, • •FREE CAME Complete with outfit and ins structiOnin Takes a picture dad in.. and any person can learn to dolt In a few bout% by following the instructions, Outfiteonststmerl Camera, dbox AO Mates, lag. Ryles lllintitur Frame. tioevoioping Tray, i pkg. Developer, 1 set Directiona 1 Toning Tray, /nag. ExIng Fowdet, 1 pkg. gager Paper., Ipleg. RuWrol.ea Camera and outfit securely packed in n neatbox and sent en shales Mad tne Oiling only 15 Otani rens atlOo each. They are over 5 in. long, made of cotored gain, each securely pack- ed in wooden mum. Bend tbilt advertiMment. with yeur name andsedrese, and walla forward the ma. Belt them, return the money, and careers wig be sent you auetatavaptact Wade Pen Cm pox's) Toronto ruRN.rirunz 13110ADFoOT, BOX 85., 00. The eteedy inCrease in our trade is good proof of the fact that our good* !are'righ oar pridea lower than thoae of other deelers in the trade, • We nianefamitte furniture on a large scale and can afford to sell cheap. If you bay from es, we save for you the profit. which. In other eases, bee to be added In foe • -the rateil,deeler. ' • Erbil week we have, pasted into stook some of our new designs. Space 'will not peril as to qtiote prices, but come and See for yourself what elope we have to offer, Remember -we are determined thet our priors shall be the 10Weei in the trade. UNDERTAKING. In thie department our stook is ciomplete, and tve::bave tindOubte.dlyLtlar: rfunera, P. iltere•NigUand,fittlidey adittlettendectto hp- cell -leg -et W. Ohidley'e, Manua BROADFOOT, 130X & CO. outfit iii`the'county. Our ernes are as low an the loveest. 1117:. Chidley Stanotter DIreolor)rooldonOst s •• gr...%tes,_na vyt; Tatrax=„41,11. rilittl',176(4t st:frdirl'a tI4.04."tigr or:11°4W lYkore re 17 reit= TA= Valleilien- ofttlartpantig d ave.arvf...FiggiamsteorriA, > • `r"‘)11.10'" • lett " Vgi97. ttghl jblitria 810 - feet high,c) ee„ !fin; hi wien. itch- trulat4is ae aelb 'If A () Malan. b r Peter Egifssit, 4 delilgtritiii 'dr tor a 'barpittlin A • .rze ,f19, 9v iltrIfith)* 1 MEEICOr..thEsVES‘ eindksolt (Altna 110411). Argetors, r•-•ral _r•Altlessier, fitimakeiger r.'-‘443 't 4 rroauni gel*, 411 Itliblf elteXthOtt pit illsto , • le pi p tlna • Elsie Tarner,steno., tette part,Itidgetaiifn, , •V• 11t.1.1,d7 .4k 4. pr. 'fp + 1," .Hawali the Philipalles, .,1 nAsa • * I t r '` " iGNittli‘as '211fior AAA. Cur, erris Paper",0.• .1111CIARIreo„- 'Ging .1‘41+.4/41. 4f1) 101. r J Jet. The diciest idled* iireffere.4' .11Alie fearful nineteen earthquakes and 1):`• g $ g • '1' l'•vg :f4,4Y:161pri„ ittgicis . .; Ay two". - ••••••• ••tt 1141444iitititifs , %or • o manes. 44:11 it'PrOVN ' been devised Which rest N. nor electric. Motor. for. atitemObilelt ores. energy 1.11, .,0031,17,4011. men netz ettult te, the t t h eide • • , Givetefries ffliSuld114166411.1111al foinfotiettiakew.4alt thw Abra- " stir hi' knew (24. t 11100' II °rage at ell *1 f"m7qaThvg' C°141* 00;4 Irralite PERFITIVLEEt ritkotsrlstfort tiwei..14, tikorowhoonotbkt .ru"IP,44/11" TrtallocCallt4 , Oltd .41.fgef them nIotta with th it. gg +i contot.,tog. regitiar talc .on .mtatime pAni4rovirain_strik- 4 40; and prolif,J:)F34 tpt 4 d In it ID ; I, . Nr. 6 . teAr hitt :belt been. tonna 15 per E,ent fitevettkiltpeitt444'biltiel wOi•t14 '3.„.Wiiik#41-041#?4,44 . . . tomitsimetiastopotaosvc: oriontjetts ;Alegi jfipm 'e,athin ifidirtat .iflittbstipo.:kwrnAgeoliike tehlePewriamose,tor: sot*. ;412Alip qt*:1171,81"i„ iitittliteallf • •qbege are not alarmed,,ifett,beletuttt there is realty DO IVO' Oa* 490? 4"C '" • • -*-4• 4rtirtrejiglatent).42611"1161C16010 a°96114Ph ilnibeleiltaiteltlie%ElubtishelOstik Oat Sakai* *sera inithow Edtrard Bolton, farmer narrowly idandeZuclinet,L-Stenolnd Aso', Bkpr..tieris 15,1b* 1114006(1131114Obly,1.31/11*4143! .71411111Mailigitair, I, • A.- • ;.• • 0- ... 0110aPed dettth front; eettilation et ItklirtehWit"ffnetiotas '",feer atThIlekle 11. MIN ;le 4 — -ram,fIebetTiter, Drookrills. blew nu t e 4, hut 64.10,0 P Aloe 4)1 . Lendorkterre hetine tbilnoa,•loV(.1 '1'41 1tItallt A reni Grand into a groun thestre st the elms 4:15,04,tq he 0910 Pita 0*7 t PM* OQUPOn 1.1111166 %Re ilstnit0 and Stem.; °rend AterRADAt **30113g 40,4,A 011, TOILET :100thil , ifttigty eine for both 14adls* V, UR PIP- Otillt or Old, Iggi coiner ,tke tines ageke,geii4-, ,w, tes-7:74(kilialiti4.0 In itmeignY tilt/P: 1' I 1 ; ' 7 , ritil,. . .., ti v adt asi`dritnit 1 its.Itio ';:fhir )ir'is oo, Million Brushes, Mirrors,•Whisks, in , Isbeiiireed Welles* -ivoedit., is , the moat 3omplete in the towo. And the tritediinter- %In Ott teaff***411tettere ler be- low ,nflitt you zie, been Ire °red ieritip tog tong uya, of the sewn, at toot of slim riREEttiabm ohtiiii*ii:14-00) for . itlX21141.,4 "64 PI • 1 411141,111416134 &Din lobe tot eticibig4nnelle, WOO. 72 I/1 the next Iwo DOOM. ' 40 ()the eve abuse been pieced In.ahotit ea , , ^tit' at off' virr month Waftlt fdt awing MO 2 dor, NSW dr, iii,rfoldid• 1 "t,! 'XS inns 1.`e. meth Istbt *refine! so 901141 0 10,41 tPA 9Mis 1 OW% 949P319+ 493.94 40134 10.gOR 'j1411'53 404! t.lf, • : " )1,4 4, - e , - • ClooCusuirtakilitssuseisaor'm • • • • ; • _ 1.wive ? !