The Clinton New Era, 1900-11-16, Page 3l
ad Back,
'"i.1lle oran aped up peel.
tion itt which a tailor
worka domes Leta on.
hie Iddneys Ma bard ,
on hie back. Very few
eauene. baokaathe, pain
in Upside and urinary
troub'iea•of one kindand
Oftentimes the first
warnings of kidney
disease are,neeleoted--
think it will be all right
in a day or two -but
It kidaeyp won" get Well, without help.
;Axe the beat friend of kidneys needing
, assistance, Read the, proof from a tailor
who hafixied them.
•Mr, John Robertson, merchant tailor,
Durham, Ont., ,gives his experience ae
" I had been ailing with my kidneys for
Wore than bleat when I commenced taking
• Doan'e Kidney Pills, which I got at wk.=
Perrane's drag pore, and'am ainoerety.giacl.
that 'I 'did so, The .wrong' action of m.v
kidneys medicate ebste all ovei'and oansedj
'Re bear, to nurse, to rear,
To watch sad then to lose;
To pee my bright once disappear.
Drawn up like morning deWL,.
To bear, to puree, to rear,
To watch. And then to lose;
This have a done when God drew MR
Among his own to choose.
To bear, to heed, towed,
anti with thy lord depart
Ix tear' that he, as soon es shed,
Wi11 let no longer smart.
To hear, to had, to wed,
This whilst thou didet I smiled,
For now it wee not God who. paid,
"Nether, give me thy child."
'. Q• fond, 0 fool and blind,
To God 1 gave with tears;
But, when a man like some would and,
• My soul put:by her tears.
• 0 fond, 0 fool, and blind,
God guards in happier epheree;
That man will guard where he did bind
Ie holfe for unknown year?.
TO hear, to heed, to wed,
Fair lot that maidens choose,
Thy tenderest mother's tenderest words are
Thy face no more she views;
Thy mother's lot, my dear.
She doth in naught accuse;'
Her lot to bear, to nurse, to rear,
To love• -and then to lose,
me much inconvenience and pain. That is Snperatttiona of Some of the Men '
attar a tlupg of the peat, beoaiise Doan'" who sit In' It.
Kidney Pillli mired ane. T nave Itad
�trynble or >noonveni nee with n kidney
lir back since I took these remarkable pille may be enrb_that I gladly reeom.
Mend them to other sufferers." •
There are scoresof superstitions con
meted with the barber's., chair. which.
• many people believe In implicitly. Bar
hers will tell you that your luck for au
entire day may bemade or spoiledby the
way you ore shaved. A barber who hopes
to please nowadays must' not be an artis-
tic "barber, but wen informed on all su-
are the ladies' favorite medicine.- They do--
riot- Purge, gripe, weaken or sicken.• ,'1`liey.•
ttot.naturally on the stomach. liver and
bowels, curing constipation, dyspepsia, siok.
headache and biliousness,.. Price 25e.
A Hopeless .Cage.
A Crab driver; had been driving' a .cab
for four years and got a little pore"
_ weary looking every day_
- ."I can't stand it no longer," he said at
last "I ain't a -going tohave any more
wernen finding fault and 'claiming tbkt.,
-they didn't have courteous treatment!' •
There was a wrman standing at the '
next; 'corner. Instead of the •customary
"Cab,. ma'am?" he stopped ,his. horse. dis-
mounted from his perch, ,pd going to-
ward the curbstone, lifted hisbat and in-
"Do you propose making use of this ve-
hiele today?" • •
"Sir!" she said in tones of astonish-
"Do you. wish to ride in this cab? o
. to Its,.
"I will gladly, escort you to it, I aim to
"Why, I never beard aiicji, imperti-
nence," ,she stammered;• "I. did intend
riding in yaur cab, but 1' shall certainly
wait for the next.. And
you may expect ec
acomplainttrom 'me at the police station
t.i: concerningyour conduct, yp sir."
He remounted the1
cunt d seat and pulled his
hat down over'_ his eyes..
"'Tain't no use! Gee up!" was .all lie
raid. -London Tit -Bits.
Knox at the Dour.
"Thomas Sexton t.'gsays Justin Wear -
4,0 •.thy, "who was for ...any years; a.membgr
-."'-of the house of • • ..mods, had the` repute=
tion of ' , y one of the jgreateet
orators_iit the house, but, also 'one, of the
wittiest men inprivate conv'eraation. •
One day, while 1' was still leader pt the
Trish National party, 1 was: particularly
anxious to get some information • •;on.• a
• pressing subject before the. house from
Vesey Knox, who was 'then member for
the Ulster city of Derry. I rushed from
sty seat in the debating chamber into•,tht •
central° lobby, where members ' often'
'.lounge and talk, and looked around for
/ny -friend;' There I saw Sexton, and I
went eagerly up to him and asked,
Whets setar End- lime? ''There he is
at the door,' replied Sexton. 'Knox nat-
urally would be at the door.""
The Profit Ia R.
A gentleman who was visiting one of
-.As-Public •sebools in a Scotch town ask-
ed a bright looking boy: ' '
"What profit is there in the study of
ancient history?" • '••
"About 18 pence, I suppose," sykkilie
reply. •
2:, •.
"What?" '
"Well, the teacher makes us tidy the
books from him, and we bare to pay 3
shillings. I thinks he gets them for 18g'
• pence apiece, so be has a clear profit of
' 18 pence, according to my calculation."
Sparta Methodist church is under-
going extensive repairs.
A Word to the
Weary and Sickly
Will Make .tan happy
and Ilealthy,
It Has Given a New Lif
To Thon -ds o Ailing
WomeWill Do
The Same�Good
.<.. • 'Work For You.
The medicine that luta given new health
'tad afresh lease Of life to, thousand' of
kwomeik iter Clanada, it r arily Ibe kind- yeti
Arad lta't tied nfrdeittr id 'iberri,;`
4ou ate weak, nervous, despondent,
boar headache, sideaohe, baokaohe. and
oanttotntleep;,Wa 1, 'aige.-,Celery t"Jo •
,:pitta ''llili°fpt:tryou rirsgal. night, g�
appetite, freeddni frena'.dohe" and paint,
d teetere left'• strength and vitality.
obit .,ucaet.fpl . family' ‘'phyriolanr
w iretily 'pllesat hing 1111111641 Celery
Mid'fthr itleSpdrre, nervoas and rani'
n Women, Laura Garland, Clr*wford
t, Toronto, tell:.
I'alne'iil Dairy Coolponnd, has
old Wondertuily irnprovetl Illy health.
f ti • g it my ,:appetite was poor-,.alm tl 'z-'I31+er'Miek. and tit.
bllitaied, l!►nd enit d' lav rly from pair*
in • Paine'* 4.1.rCompottod
ate 1i r'all that is isfama for it,
I ytc it endad it to t oy Mende and
serf highly of the multi welt.
a it. I .Wish I'aftleis Calrry Oorrr•
51*'tOoarll it m rlohiy 644)1 60
--Many men who are perfectly rational
on : most : subjects have a superstitious
tear of the i11 luck of the barber's chair,
These superstitions vary considerably in
different cities. It bee c a 'very p , ppon'he•
lief, however, that for a barber to lather
the •fa' a with a single tip stroke of 'the
brush inevitably brings bad luck.. Many
people Will sharply abase Sr barber.'who.
makes this mistake.
Another omen is that if a ma'n' takes a
barber's chair immediately after a negro
,has vacated it he. will be badly cut while
being shaved'. It is not uncommon to
see a man' wait for some time for another.
chair rather than expose himself to the
It is considered very bad tuck to• see a
hunchback in a mirror•standing or•paes-
ing back of one. This omen is said to,
foretell a•desth in the family.
There is quite as merit . good as bad'
luck -to be c
u n titered.
e o
To be Shaved by a redheaded barber,
for instance, is believed by many to• •be
a sure 'cure for rheumatism. There are
several redheaded barbers' in New York
who have :kept customers for a long .time
on the strength of this superstition. It is
also comforting: to remember that to be
acctdentatly eut• twice on. the same side.
of. the face in one,shaving wilt insure
gond :lack for some time. Should this be
done intentionally; lhovever, the charm is
completely lost..
• It Is web to remember that if one con=
tin}tally sits with legs crossed in the bar-
ber shop the hair is likely to come out
early' ih' life, making a 'man prematurely
bald. The habit; which' is a common one,
should therefore be reformed before it is
too. late,
Avery bad omen is to ilage•the tower
about the neck drop out beforeone is
shaved. ' This catastrophe indicates that
one' will be gut soon by a barber's care-
Yon bantrot be too careful about having
your chin shaved, before the mustache.
If you persist in': having the upper lip.
shaved first, you will never, it is said; be
able to raise a good beard.
'Another very dangerous practice is the
not common one of using several razors
for a single •ehave. Two razors are al,
towable, but to use more than two even
for a moment issaid to bring, very bad
luck; • A barber will 'sometimes •try a
razor, and if he does not ,find it sharp
enough pick up attothetand change to a
third in finishing.
It is comforting to know that there are
many • more chances for receiving good
luck than for bad luck. A person igno-
rant of all these superstition's has the per-
centage of chance in his fa*or, Very
good luck is invited by the Man who has
his'ahoes Polished at the same time be is
being shaved. It may be due partly to
this superstition that this time saving
device is becoming popular. °,1t is adviea-
ble to smoke while sittingin'the barber's
chair throdghout the operation. This is
raid to prevent the face from smarting
• or burning afterward, no matter how ten-
der the akin may be.
Still another lucky practice is to be
ehaved before breakfast. The good luck
which follows, it is .said, will follow one
all day. The shaving' must be done by
a regular barber. It one shaves himself,
the charm is ineffective.
Women. flnrbers,
A quotation shows that in' the eight.
eenth ,century the. coach from London to
Exeter -"proceeded to Axminster, where
it breakfasted, and there a woman bar.'
'her shaved 'the coach." ,l'bis particular
example of the craft hfis a special title
to fame in that she is described hi "A
Jourfiey to. Exeter." Gay's "Epistle to
the.:flight Honourable, the Earl of. Bur--.
1fneton," wherein, having slept at Ax.
We rise; our Beards demand the butler's. .ri t
A female enters end pertains the part.
'Mie weighty golden chain adorns her neck,
And three gold rings her skillful hand bedeck.
Smooth o'er our thin her easy finger* there,
Soft as When Venus stroked the beard of J'ov1.
-Notes and Queries,
Prone a ,hare Cane.
A. hnlf eentttry or more ago in the town
of Danbury, N.• 0., a willow cane was
ramie/181y stuck in the gtouttd by Bar -
nerd' Coder. Today it le a magnificent
willow tree. • The wonderful thing about
it is that when planted the erne was en.
ONO Imre of foliage, and the query is,
Mary did it sprout being thus denuded? •
Glad Whey Ware Mnrptteet.
tri (toiling a hairbteadth'tidventure)..
And in the bright moonlight we could see
ti.e dark muzzles of the *elves. «
She tbreatblessly)-0b, how glad you
Mutism nava been that they had the sa'ez-
ek; unix
'rite' first I)emoer'atfc National cottoen-
tien Was held 'in` 1S3q and Was: presided
over by General Lucas of Ohio, atter
whom t.uean county in that state was
Women among the ancient Greeks sat:
dorm appeared hi public,
Per infictneond Children,
The Code of Hialeah* courted pollee
Before Airs, Wimbley's friends, the
Parkers, carne Pian) 'the east on their
long ettpeeted visit, she took an afternoon
off and gave her little son a series of in-
structions caleulated to Improve itis be.
ltavier at the table. Egbert had been in
the habit of resting on his elbows while
eating. This, his mother told him, was
one ot the worst offenses against good
manna's that people could commit.
"You must never put your elbows on
the table when we luia'e company," the
boy's mother said, "but it you do 1 will.
wink at you, That will mean that you
ntust take them down. No gentleman ev-
er rests his elbows ou the table, and no
boy that does so eau hope • to grow up to
be u,.gentleman.'r
After the Parkers had' 6uished' their
first dinner at the Wimbley fiat the leen
got to discussing business, and while the
ladieswere sipping their coffee the talk
drifted .around to politics. Mr, .Parker
leaned forward, put his elbows on the ta-
ble and rested his chin in one of his
Little' Egbert was worried. He made a
"whist!" at his mother and pointed at
Parker, but ebe pretended not to hear
and went on talking as hard as she could.
Then tele, boy sttid:
"gamma, mammal"
"Bush. darlrug, hush! Run out in the
library." '
"W.cll, why don't yon wink at.hini?"
The :men were busy talking and didn't
notice. Egbert waited. a moment and then
said; •
"Manama, he has them•on,?"
"Egbert, dearest, go out and see if you
can't find your tops"
bof him take
theta down?"
"Do be quiet, darling. /tun Jute the
hall and start the music box."
____"You said you would_ wir:k, didn't
Mr. Parker'', interest bad finally been
attraeted, and,,turning tv Egbert with a'
smile,' be
"What'swrong, little man? Didn't.
your dinner agree ,with ,von?" . •
• `Yee," .Egbert repli'td, "but mamilla
says People that put their elbows on the
table .can't'ever get to be gentlemen, :and
she`'?Cnows you have them on, too, be-'
cause I,sawoher look.
tp .
II e,
Nobody knows all about it;
and nothing, now known, will
always cure it.
Doctors try Scott's Emul-
sion of Cod Liver Oil, when
they think 'it is caused by im-
perfect digestion . of food.
You can do the sante,
Tt may or may not be caused
by the failure of stomach and •
bowels to do their work. if
it is, you will cure it; if not,
you will do no harm.
The way, to cure a disease
is to stop its cause, and help
the body get back to its habit
of health,
Lyons, Which Hay. Scli roar ae alae#
ate 1(1 ea 1'ourt
"The costilest of a1 ruud.snges, " bald a
titan futuiliar .with the trade, "is Lyons
•t:ausages, imported from Prance. Lyons
stump sells in Pa{Fis at 2 francs and
more n pound. Litre it is sold at 80
crate to. $1 it pound. Lyons sausage is
• alai produced in titin egilut y. That evade
here is •yven finer thou 'the inipiwit:d, but
sells here, however, for somewhat less, •
"Lyons is rather a Jame: ausage. It le
put up in the largest size lith; easings', and
it is made_ of beef. enol pork. The pleats
used lu malting It are „ e the very beat,
'and they are prepurtel with the greatest
•care. From the beef all the a ineevs and
Veils ate reloOved, 'attd there is loft only
the selected ,parts. of the neat. The beef
Is chopped t*ry line, •.se tine as to melte.
of it practically a paste. The park used'
is from, the back fat, of hogs: This is not '
• chopped tine, as the beef is, but is cut in- t'
ter irregpleer ahapeti• iifecea , Which Atm'
In the sausage when It is cut: The spices
used in the seasoning' al'e•ef course of the
choicest, The Lyons sausage 'Is. hard . •
smoked,, -
"The art of"ilaul?aae making has so fni- •
proved iu this couutry ,tttnf•'noiii, as you
can say •without reeervatien, the finest
sausages prodnci'd'1e the world are irtaele
in the, United States. This is trlie with,
out exception. The• American Lyons
sausage ' for example.. Is better than the
imported.: Some American Lyons is and
to Prance; ';and • ,told there, and
• some of that thus exported is reimported
. and sold bete as imported Lyons. -
"Lyons sausage le served In the very
finest of hotels and restaurants, and it
may be found on' bills of fare before the •
snup, served as no appetizer. For that -
purpose it is very excellent. I-faney•that
its increasing use in this manner in New
York in fecent Lente -'is dpi' ia__great'
measure to Cali!; for It from Rusainn vis"
hors.: The " Russians Lave always been
fond of Lyons sausage, as they are -;also
of caviare.. ' '
• "To'
a Chicago sausage fn et
fine,sattsages the owner, who waft' show-
. ing ua over the establishment, said when
it *nmc noon:
"'Now we will. hn,ve.11meheon.' •
"'lint he gave us .was Lyons sausage.
of his .own .make, pumpernickel. fresh
butter and bnrgunely, and an. nilmirabie -
luncbeon it was."•
When Scott's Emulsion of
Cod Liver Oil does'. that, it
cures; when it don't, it don't.
I lie a harm.
• The
.:• ., .A.; genuine .:'has
; r ; ;this picture on it, take
'mile other.
If you have . not
tried it, send for free
sample, its agreeable
taste 'quill surprise
BOW. E,..
i. :�
xl ,.: or nto
,' To
inn r n nl bows t Pur a r
,,..'boa, ..and Sx.00; all druggists..
gillsGill , ease. ,•
25 box. T .� 1'lll0int vet o
t c..a ppro Mettle
Ideapetia at blotches,
and refy a positive
etcurthe or ronstipin of ion•.
les anti blotches, and ams . cte !t cure Inc constipation,.
Wendth, OyapopslaMoneyin,dizziness,r. Write. naw 1g'ail P111,. nd
thea.rturnononey advance. .postaid:yomap alit. Stec,
them. return money, cuwechainpB postpaid: yith leek metelid, Steker.
li1Iqtt� OttoWN DRUG CO.. Box: po Toronto. Canada,
Com erodible.
Judge -Do you apologize to this gentle'
Mau :for throwing n brick at hifn?
Culprit -I'll tali you what I'll do. I'll
apologizeto the brick.
Where He Had Met Ulm.
"Are. You aequainted with the prisoner
at the bar?" •
"That's the only -place 1 am acquainted
with him." -Cleveland Plain Dealer.
r t sd
a,. •.lJ 1. elle
s_• —
FOR ,.
;.„, WEAK .
• A"•eabveni,i6fn representing 300,0ti0
metal workers ' of the -United St lt' Ps
and Canada is in session at
ton, with a view to the formation of
an :international rnetal trades assn.
. ,E.:
?or selling at 10 centre each only 2 dont
beautiful Metlollteu lhtttnne pet4roiturGe)i•
eml Babette, doming the actual colors or
bis brillta»t wilfatm and we'ttlo In ID dell.
tato flute m1 a held: ground, Write and we
ronll nutti n i,,0ea Clout. 'rctnrn
wo tend post•pald 015_1=11,15mo went. ;It
hag movement. aid lWitll l care will la S 10 yt•1'.tm.
• The • French Chamber ot Deputies
'passed a resorution'regretting that the
; --Government had surrendered Sipid",
who attempted . to assassinate, the
Prince of• Vales,' to•the Belgian auth-
°t ities. •
" Bought my Life . for 35
. • Centra."- -This was one man's way .. of
•: putting it when he had been pronounced
incurable from chronic dyspepsia. " It was
• a living death to me until I tried Dr, Von
Stan's Pineapple 'Tablets. Thanks tothere
.to -day I am well, and I tell my friends I
bought my life for 35 cents.". 6o in a
box. -8o
Their; pills cureall diseaaa es end; ole -
orders arising frim weak heart, wornout
nerves or Watery blood, -ouch as Palpita-
tion; Skip Beata, Throbbing, Smothering,
Dizziness, Weak or Taint Spells, Anaemia,
Nervotlsnese, Sleeplessness,- Brain 'Vag,
General Debility and. Lack of Vitality.
They are a true heart tonic, nerve food
and blood enricher, building 'up and
renewing all the wort but and wasted
tissues of the body and restoring perfeot
health. 'Prigs 50o. a box, or S for .1.26,
at all druggists.
the game laws are beingevaded in
the west by sending birda rough the
mail or else in cheese boxes.
John W. Eaton, of Pittsburg, Pa:
died at Grace. Hospital, Toronto, to
Th'itradaynight, •of. ty-phoid'fever, it
his 30th year. He was formerly pilin
ager of the John Eaton Company, Tor
onto, and was a >ifebh'ew of Tituoth?
Sol by Sydney Jaokaoq,•druggist ,Clinton
1 L�Wetfietebaced
S �Ue �ntttn 4uu
pat of. plass.
Can db01tbdln a mailing then Canada, and ata mallin•• thcu
choke sarttMent Of flnr.i si1A.
1h neweetpattkru* Rod brilliant
colors, enough to cover aver sw
atluaroincbea Nethln^lihcthott
for fancy work. MOW for is eta-
ellver, Sforglia. Jobnaton R Co..
/Sex d., Toronto, Canada
$be°re' are 800,000 French Canadians
ofwhom 25.000 are 'voters in Id abets
chusette. •
A0144.3 TAMES
' ki WV pe>
WAtI b Jl :• -x eta •-r had held. that tl•1•13`A'N'S+tvill
eat Woe ft 'i ney h•1n1,,h Dain as, : t.:u.ult l.i s. ciao{,ivca
etilef. Not,. rise ws.:•f !t u -v A i ase t..0 package end,
setapt v.% e oat! .n, tr7 far,* rent. ,,,ppyy1�r.77
1717 had at any anise store. tae t rX n,t ;est as,d on lad`• llffi
I.xilri, "tla a •tt he mail. .1 t 7 nt 1 a::.srd. t i' v•wie c_nte,
ferw,r,t•t" •0 tae 1. tome t.lo;slt;.1 t;u., Fo. in' Sptttee
*tsaet, tie* York,
3i'1'i' - tl
`.P n .Balsam
Very valuable Remedy in all
• affas of the
Large Bottles, 25c.
pA?IS itiawnEN'OE CO,, Limited,
` Prop's of Pergy Davis' Pain -Hiner.
• A Rellof.
.Mr • Goodley-Alas, 'Mir friend Spouter
bus gone to that bourne:whence no tFav
eler rettfrne.,
.Mh, Hardat ..Yes. thank.gooiinessi He .
eau't come back end lecture about R.
The penal ode of the_ Chinese empire
is at least 2,000 years old, and under its
provisions about 1$,000 persons arean
anally executed,
in the middle ages the poorer classes in
Curoppan cities used oiled paper in place
of window glass.
What is
,Castoria is for Infanta and Children. Castoria is R.
iaar j,uless 'substitute far pastor on, Paregoric, Drops
and Soothing Syrups. It. contains neither Opium,
Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It. is Pleasant.
Its . 'guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions Of'
Mothers. Castoria destroys Wormsand allays Feverish- •
nesse. Castoria cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria.
relieves. Teething Troubles, eines Constipation and.
Flatulency. Castoria assimilates the Food, regulates,
the Stomach and Bowels of Infants and Childress, giving;
healthy and natural sleep. Castoria is the Children's
Panacea—The Mother's Friend.
Castoria. Castoria.
"Castor's is an excellent medicine for• "Ceatdt'as be so well adapted to children*
children. Mothers have repeatedly told me that I recommend it as superior to any pre --
of its good effect upon their -children.” scription known to Inc."
Da, 0.'0. Os000n, Lowell, Masa 13, A. Aaosaa, M. D. Brook/m.(44 r
�a, o • �old,J
7140 CC NTgU R*7,0alr7N7. 77 ,,nano? t,CW `1 `10.11(T7•
... , °ems. 'dlP
„My Kidneys are alt Wrongt
How shall 1 insure best results in the short.
est time?" It stands to reason that aliquid
specific of the unquestionable merit 'of
South American Kidney Clint will go more
directly and quickly to the seat of the
trouble tiaan :the " pill form" treatment,
and when it strikes the spot there's healing
in an instant. --78
Sold by Sydney Jackson, dragllitt, Clinton.•,
Value. ,
"Opportunity .comes once to every
man ►,.
"That's right, And any man is bound
to become famous ;if he only lives long
"Oh, I don't quite believe that,"
"You don't? . Suppose a. map lives to
he 150 years old. Wouldn't that make
him famous?" PblJ e4elphia Record.
as 'wise a tagete.
Lady Tourist (to 'the cottager'' wife, -
And are -there three nfee little boys all
your own?.
Mr'. McWarlane-Ylss, taezn, but him
in . the middle'' a Mesta. ----Household
pile Terrors swept away.—
pt. Agnew's Ointment stands at the head
as a t''el'levey',,healer, and surd cure for PIles
in all forms. Oneq' application will give
comfort in a few rnilintes,and three to six
days' application. according -todirectio is
will cure chronic cases... It relieves all
itching and burning skin diseases in a days:',
35 cents. --/g
Sold by Sydney Jaokeon, drnggist,Olinton.
An .Elephant's Revenge.
A French gentleman. living In India
had a tame elephant which was accus-
tomed to go to the dining room Wind:w
after dinner and beg from the ggestg.
.One day 'the 'elephant came when they
were, at dessert A gentleman refused to
give it anything, bat the elephant would
not go away, The 'gentleman, angry at
its asking, gate it a stab with his• fork.
The elephant went into the garden, tore
a branch covered with black ante oflf a
tree and shook them over the gentleman'''
head, The ants got lute his ears and
down his, neck, and at last he had to tin -
dress and take a bath to get rid of itis
tormentors. ,
Old as this 1Ril1a.
"PM a Hill, site -one of the oldest tate.
llie4'in the tjotintr I" •
111 never heard of the tBII family being
atliong those of ancient lineage:
"What! You never heard of the well
known proverb, ":As. old as the bilks?' "-'
London Telegraph
Theo lie Snoeeeded,
The aerobatie clown bad attempted to
Was the beautiful equestrienne.
"I wonder If all acrobetle elowne," she
saki. "are as fresh as you:)"
"Oh, no," he replied; "somersault."
And he suited the team, to the *ord. '
Cthlldrerr +ry for
The value of the Cream Separator, be
now sotpell understood that any argu-•;
r.nt for its .sae• would appear super.
limns, The following will, however, be.
of interest, .
At a trial made at the Munster Dairy .
School moo time ago.. the aSerages of
43 experiments .with to given quality of:
milk were 100 Ilse of .butter from : the:
Separator, as compared with 69 lbs' of
butter from niilk set in open paps for 24
hours, 66 lbs of butter When it was set.
for 36• hours, 73 :lbs of ;butter when itr.'. `
was set for 42 hours, and 76 los when sot+
for 54. hours, It may be taken forgrant.-
ed 'that :theuse of thq Sep..retor given •
26 per oeut more *ream' than any system)
. of,skimming. 1'f you are a dairyman,.
think over these faote. Can von' afford.:
to go on dairy business in whioh there
is- a w.tate. of one quarter. Bay ie...
Sharples Cream Separator and thne.
seoure all the profit that is that ie to be
bad to the dairy buteness.
1'N.H.& machine capacity .300 lbs, $75g
No.1 machine nn stand oapacity325, 690.
Easy terms of payment; Writatc-day...
V. L. Ou mette
�: !ngarSugar
Just to hand, second (car BEdpath Extra Standard. granulated and Toilet?.
sugar. We sell in bbl lots Asa than wholesale sell in 60bbls. Special price in 100 ponntk
lots and dollars:
We have beat 25c tea in town, extra nice Japan tea 20o, agenttl for Ran
Lal's,' Appleton, Moneoon and Blue Ribbon teas in packages. s
Exquisite Dinner, Tea. Toilet, Giase and Water Sets. We expect tliii
week two Orates direct from the manufacturers in Staffordshire, England, bought before
, he advance of 15 to 20%; We are sellingas old.prices, you will says 25% by buying
rom us, Call and examine goods and prime before yon hay. •
Zrzeter Flour
All kinds of Small Field Seeds, as Timothy, Red and
Atsike Clovers. Headquarters for Turnip, ' Moiigold, Carry
Seeds. Fresh Groceries and Canned Goods.
Our specialty is Tees. Try dnr 1.6.0 Tee, OtLer eatieties equally'as cheap.
Ilighestrtuarket price paid is cash for eggs.
0". W, Imo{ J1.1
We are selling ,Buggies for three of the best Carriage'
Companies in Canada.
ands• the well known ,
We are Welling twine Made by the very best makers at
reasonable paries.
Also a for the Alexander and �e donut
Separator, and Massey Ms,rris Bicycles. Sampled IWO
at the shop, Imo Street.
Geo, Lavin
General Implement Ruler, Clintsls