HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-11-16, Page 2••• 'November let 1000 TSB CLINTON NEW ERA 4 „ •„ i- dig tiots* vi* (kill& ()lisp COlintY ClippingS °smite 494°' wh° buw l'eert 'mist. THE DR,E88 MODE 1.-• ' man in Smith et Pathick'a hardware warn 7r Ir "F. al"r. Y'r • etar e et Winthem for some time .tfr Manlius red bete, feathers, ribbons ead ,,,,..„,,,,, -, . , tier Vattnrueroti litiini,d200'•to. Samuel Wright Arthur b° he basecuwed g 14° t° x 1 nri Iv, erei b, high doe up town tumblers. y r , it eed eituat on I , Narrow tette of., blsek and Iola with When °eta e"te be bed I" Shr W S II of Exeter, hoe diepoeed hf4liwitr * • ' • militara colter') to Matt:6,4re wora,,With Wm ne , , e etore Chariee Tupper and NI. • F.:etalti Get •of hs livery businose to Jas. Hodgins, lira Henry Weneel, *tether of Val, dark colored oe Week sow* of side or 0 a toO 0 t Le 1 all fee 0,500 Vireneel, of Whigbam, died at, her wool py Days ,. former& of nonean, lute 1 towel. ea e&andttv er last week la ex coats of otter or sealskin, with re. l'ItIDAY, Nov. 10, 1•900 Carevadden, ef Henftrt, hart gal ther* fur "'ewe rtt velvet &Mere are prominently dieligitYcd Ahern sontetiling eatiy, hetrie on the1/17411.ace road, near Lho el 0 A. A, ?mit; better known lei 41ap• ----- al collar of contrataing tur, ere A. notable featare of the election°. Purchased 41:Intel at Stratford etation. her 08th year. Deeesteed had been a 1. .11 I 11 ST l'ae, Properties for Sale or to Let Professional aamigthertittar41 /HOUSE ANta LO r leOR 13.41LiE• iLIV174.111141114006.4.14.111:1..i story brick how. et Owner of ItattenintrY and Giblainii street* elate te bodt wheels mad 3 clanreitee, 000d weter, Ott Preeent omoupied Olrelea-4;1;Its'e alin*°"1"619 lariee. 00009 , pet111-4 JONN JACKSON Minton. Merin TO * t WILL PAT 11.ndereigned. Hamm tool sALE. you to attend.. the Fotest reilieoted resident ef - Witilage ttielfile• a1fora aleoult the luxurious d1016474 01$ Citi Bush:Leas, and Shorthand ,yt at. be- ehlp far many year% winter wraps particularly adapted for Co Er Loma p -WU that net eingle member of the , W. O. Morrow, of 111 b h • on, rt . • • wIllact as general gent for photos, Toitthful Weereee. raturiet Oabiriebateas defeated. come a resident of • Winghana, c I , , '" 7 , ,A. 'very erectly& trliantler ;uncle Wed, inetruenon in practical „ HxeludinfL Qettee, sir with Id organ% etc. o zessy rene or cos umes Q eu Preibyterlin Sobbith $411110 n d V h t 11 t 4 • blects. For over fifteen y g people 0,11 e , , Fowie bawd "4,ecto „tiler.oki • -PA 1101401014 cloth:ea. cemelahhafx,e,onshitaat,beade xyllt inairlrItY11/ 7-00iDerci 1 fa oni tile IlufrOii road, .7 Vrfr 11417e0 b ,OOP: in,---tOttott white oribi with olitothg 0-ko ,74?anv, look beyond otir own country for Sun. tul bands of narrow witch velvet ribbon. • for the sum of $4,2taa. Other provincee atom 8 to- 12 when wont ot Ifieeiortb, to•lialeard ilortorn, That i4)111vr t16`1*ediS °Itt,Itaa to *ideere eel! meat' chvered vlikharixoltd wieli d tIi Vilna, Or • erediten, pers, Mde eittOetlt liritheirecentf)18. throat) tte' the extre°4 end; er In*er' 'an It's •Terernenti ;From tha Toronto • Star :-.”Meti ranee& tt) D'etrOi8Titday teat. '9 heti eqes Una "•Presbyte Mt • Sabb tit- boughe a. bahety'. Old etalfectienert Sal parliament opens,. • , clay School Heips and allustrated. pa- The fle-t the bodlett front from the 110 and the bupneSs World • 04 4 1 edge Is much longer than h bas been for ool publications/ now on our table, men/ eoltatalti. .ToWard the 01(1e4 And _emery tacunty at 001/11Xtand vanted.--To meke dinnee IRO* De* litRetee for Sale or 1, , • .16•01•41.... The comforteble 0007 04440 deaJ...eaePh Stmett,Dlinton, reoently sotkupied:bY eeroo0 MoMaoherty,is offered for aide on very reeson- able terms. business in that ethyl.' 4" 91 ',arid of which Rev It, Douglae Prayer, the back it &veva up to the normal Poste reatetiewlservative leedere, r g jas, aliktoonv will *eve to, .4 iiciro Qs * tien ef. ws end tkees kt .eteee effuse • • "•'• • • luta- *atter lauuation. - i b i ht 11.1 A. T ont is the editor The ser. h for aiding youngpeople before and wilting to learn, will do, 4,pply the Leckie reeldence for the rate* •,Ori lea'af lee" 11 • be11/99 olth f0011119V Lear ous widthet ,b7plique designs nitre ' • • • ' 1 ' Leaflets °arra toythe Qearter-• pereor elle to E. Hemp, M. P.' ;Hata Mr Leckie 400 fel Vetortt, reaCtlat's'a AftlPtAityi,g9t9e,tt0'1U% k;t00111141414ettelel 111113151/alleOri r Wdlie I' 610 k I 14 0 front Toronto to BrueRielit•ti ire'epOnjg • Qa Aerie; ?Wear* arverle.' e. ape Or wor ; farm lot 18, con.% with .T. Cotte411.0ter ne.46.01 teitleticiro, anna,u,aftvofteerstinbtilthb,: iii 1 t ,, cut Jet s u°rdi ' A: 4 0 39 11 en ffetv Vrentan-routad hates 41101tpire„ the Hamilton Spectator and h Re e'iS014 I,Qi! killIt'.. Catalogue -and . . raper, ot• t e ittle cams, apt _,,t ----------------------- 3., - . f Id •T Is'n ' lutt "•• • • '; ' • ,..- - • • oilnetpli rgartepore forisetral pap erutphoslyend bas t di hi • ‘'•% 1 The Toronto World, the Mail and tith black ellit aid 0 ' r ou t prove S. Clarke, Usborne, /0-• • x lies Interns lit tent to t e miner farm. part of lot 1 o. tax vorione !Wafts The illustratidner ftr etenicle4tetteKetactrni;ectlete eud red g . the, Montreal Star will feel wire to tell con., and intende moviog 'there oborti. -Jewel% a f h 1 • eePtionl vrtabs •',1411.•tnit aeket quad College Jompal. • Sir Charles that I be peer of • Ottnada• ly, - ti the Xing ri Own, a taper or o ite do not confide iit him an his followers. • e Thoti. J'oalt naton has !Said his farth'on • aeholars, are remarka ly !rod,•many I • Tefilivraitle 'skItta4 bin* t000ist, has been doing excellent work itol.:(11 his farm MoKillop to Ma' Oraw- way of orltrinal stories 'le both 'of the• ettialkLalatedtteil:;;enOisiadere AVI,. WiEntiERVELT• • '3 ' '7••0 • JAmE4 Voteffarristai, cuataa. h th t n ar. Hillop for $2,90. Mr McMillan has There is some exce lent Worketbe the fival' Oat Vtettch, Ilannel or irt 4.ara411 frame bowmen Zemee et. (Kerma the ridiwity traok-) boutelnieg 01:14-elahtla of an, acre lend. wItb orohard oz good fruit trete', wenn. Wille0.09141 on v9117 04140011/,19,302raa• lteply tit t . Ottle LA. N 71otetikSt. . , • FOR SALE. •• Lot 84, oon.10, Goderieh township* 80 gores the 17th c n. Grey, to D, MoMillen,a1c. of them from original p otographe. Iti4tk.„ateVidt With' trInt; *pretty abirt or . • pavers. and the boys and girls are riot 'hit' °,!t easts1 elare or merely with Iiitanteat. HOUSE for EI.A,LE or to RENT. tion campaign. For suggettiveoess the erectien of his new brick house home and that they belong • tia the , red stO. e11 ble ar are °hover?, 09u: tieition, Iva% Wanted at onee;a16obd reliable girlfor trete eralhottsework, anus family, wages 4/.00 per Veity. iced originality he eannot be (amt. on his farm in East Waseanesh and 14.1*eat PhoPlre wheat' shins • • W Bengoeg , Ve era 0 •O'n the Toronto Globe during the Wee- Ceritltopher Johnson boo cOrapleted, allowed to forget that, Penada 441. ' grit 'ant VIP teekli, Aug. 24-41 • . month, none but competent persons need an. On -Victoria St., near Omen Factory. $300 will buy *roomy, comto teblehouse with good sea and the dren1-beat of whose, armies • Luxurious hoeing French tedingotes, Ie. MRS. W. POSTER, A.lbert et., Verdi led, May J. W. long be spar to zroved into, it on Thursday last. • Wa ISIFIY00,414 BABRIEfripit., soraOltoR) pitorxABT PUBLIC, STO. Otlice-Bowoor Stook, ukst„0„1,0*,..Wpialite ritO Ottlery 1 d• • 1 • ldireetolre cloaks tot -the property rectei4 occupied , by Prank valeta his humorous panel, Vied Iteggitt and his' h•rather-lielaw, is wheard the who it wort round e Wioh out. Prieb teria.n friends shaped like a long en. -ey-f-11•";trk• • •.• - •• • ••• • • k y velopieg sack. threte'quatter coats it -- - " • • • Mr' Seal:awl Wootlinate of Londea- continued sucaes&lo theie.work of milli autaitiay• fronte. Antler stelett but& --------------------ott•Witi ted Unshell. At ply at once to- • • " k4ir Wiifrid Lawler- "delivered. ad. bOenillieate opened a 'anti:thee •-sh'elir 10 • liCatitni. • , • 11 • • •• f ••'• • ihie. breasted. 'Mut with elotiety' fitted W. IIRTDON10, • - 1terristerdco. Clinton. .• • Blyt •in the -store recently •occupied 'dresses at Bumpkin. alitorgetewn. lesepwofelheee. lbacke; Unita XIV• anti Lott's X V moidele Wanted a teacher, mfate or female for U. S.S. a d L I 13 1 ' C U RT,AI R A t8 ER b G it Brantford d from t . • , ;entail aud• !totems' Ita tinamerable teitoes to• =Os. S RAN N Secy. S. The Ittrge'and commodious has Pleasauti -Oaledimia, Dunnville, Port Claiborne. Monday, of the. death of Mrs Mathei0s, 011100 all 0 or a e. :Aiii:::1•thli.ldttilidttsdttn:be•ft•te•efeitts•illifieeteliattill, 644131:tneye,:ir No 1:::19, st Wawtmoeh. Duties to commence ,2-4m • Auburia.*, 0,, ont. situated on Huron Street, occupiedeby thc un•-• S. ' 013,1011 2, 3e01. ApplerstatitTeary andezeer- Itiickwood, Sue p , a , Word was receiveowe on o • D • th len Is in yaudevd e (.1 , hy • , t . . 7 ,, , dersignod ip offered. for side 04 jay reasonsple b ta I Bearttsville, Grimsby and .flemilton. teacher in WiPirtleen Plitt:. School. Twenty thentertio will offer attraetien., ,1 • . • • • • tomtit. Therel ever ec mods on wit s e Welland, Catharines, Merelton, • nee nista Alice Kineaid, ft:innerly a (no Y • • etio la- -Over 200 miles, is 0. telerably big day's WinShato ' - Leoneart o REJ.ECTEtt 1VIANUSCRIPTS. . • r 09 ,15„addresses in on e day; and travellit* She Was daughter of s Kincaid of to tIte Pewee ot Chicago this winter. • • • • • • ES•'Illk..12,r 1..V:E14,- Mona_ rd. ego • . v Howlett, Of Wittgbani. •wrirk. • , • . • Scut 21,1899.- • T.V.I3ONVERS, • - -411tuten; • • Made onto -the pr ses.o e D • n .• • on orabout Oot. Ist,one steer and tbxee • orna oone went to imaby publish- owner can hay saute by proting st k ayin • e _ Ftirebased. WM. Steinman s 56 acre • rale 'in /r• ' , . famo is ceuntad aitiOng *the beat 11) 11418 been dramatized • by Abbey Sego bring. it out. • , • Noe. 1? -8 ' ' 4nt.on. . -LIS aSveed, to expenses andtitTtimethemairav „JAI' ad FOR SALE. One of the most inferestine bets ot. arill 0 eon. 10, Gret for A401/ The Stanley J. .Weyman's novel "Bophiall ne houses before one fi bard and soft water, stable, good fruit and vegetab e garden, The I,ouse coptains hall. I 1 11 - • • • pled by the uncent • is °rem' Mr awe , • The framenottatretip Orange str_eet, ecei% the campaign Was th" Marie arairerli: ;Grey,- ely,ghehip, Me floyeett will take Riehardson. • • "Senor' Resartus" was: eeieeted b ; • • • posseesiott on Jan. 1. . . . 'dog Centre Tctrontet -.b•etwiien adv. , • . • ea • - the chief eniblishers• of Loildon, POO SALE. reasonableterree. be lot IS } of an acre, with 1 marched to the polls last week and. "TAe Deiry'-Parte." • . erern• ' Nine ohoioe Leicester= ItaniLainbs.six there, par. or o e roe s treated' it with: sopiethiag" !Wreathing • en* ara among the "properties" geed IP Convey and Robert alcI3iide. of at. TWO ot the oldest Voterriln Seaforth • • 541545500 John's Ward. :ItIr McBride has a. mule' cast, their. 'ballots • in favor of d 16. poinfatilei Pinying "(rpo ' "Tom•Jones," the bredakent,Ttehl498.091011. oil from tile noted sire room, lonnroer hitobeti, oe Jar and wilodshee, ndyel whieh opened a ••Eure a and .4lhonaits Darwin' the tbehtneal roster to date. " • , aelitnia•ledged the greetest indebtedeese. age,..: 91 years. • *aid if Mr Itlett• wine. the animal. be. goveennaent, 'Oz. • ' `fJohia' ' llattire% • s yid's"' thr‘Ougbout the emelt ey appear In new field lu fietion ind- to which Dickens' 134.21:41 • • • " e3SIBILTitracrlaGININN. '' isomnitra1141.10dated,possessIo_e_given any time sat perobaxer.t 4•LIHABETel 3/14.titlif t$ Will have to'enter Me • adelaride'e stable ..J.Deeph. Harvey and -sons. of Stan., . ;t3,-lolman In, Lon ton "" It was followed attar* : .- -• .' , , • No•icetofttrraers andbreeders of pigs, the JY . subscriber offers for service% thorobred York- The premises oconfed by R. X. Olaf?, and .STOA, FOR SA,L13.. -while if Mr Brock wins Mr Ma:ion/ley • . . • . iece was played tailed "The Worst ' ' lil, 0041104 -11n1 emote a name as it drain- . - . — . • • and f ive the mule's ' tall a.tWise once a • 3r4 WA° are noted ler raising good. b "One of the ( Beit," " • "1.Inel '. oth's (3 bi " ' f d Mule has a reputation as a kicker. , 4. ,, s , o . • , • iy 'cliffeiOni froth 'the Interpreted by • `, PaPer- .4-4,9r..werd. ..11 . tiM411 firbi Was • • • lots, stable...and all *valences. Partiottlant '-1conaest the property cf McConvey, • . • . ' • • • ' , age a 98 year :At Crevyn theater in. LontIon lately -tallea Sitogither te obtain nehileation un- • 1Boar -toe Servive• day or thirty • days. The bet is -made hotees• recetity dia,Posed: of -44. .0/11t0 .8 • : the best imported took coaled ir f all t ass b Mk store onAlbert eT a n was reuse 34 anire boar, bred from 'lot 20, Starilaturnie $1.00 curt. Street C3lbftozt, efferei. for salk on easy (Imre interesting by the fact that, the 4 1 2 months 61 ; the sum of • ;Nile -Arthur ts snul to ha ve pt,..ea a dozen Plablishere, tind ..it was at length in (*Intern OHN 'STAN If. London Road. term, to r Paster • of Lu knovd • ration new version • tr "Hamlet" ent brought ont in aerial torn) bY d WeeklY ' • ' • • • Also -Cottage on Anent Street Witli two, found to" publish, the • tale tet the usual " re Eon itur Service cm seSiestien re Mrs' W• Robertson, Clinton 9 Mine. &nth. Reenblirdt. • Yorko hi er1gre9y MeGregor,Oonstalute. = • ' • John Deckdr of the 13aby1on line O . haedispesed eta: fine teeta of seri. rete of percentage. • . Arley ph wick io :tee Mune of tin • Huron road, erich -township, a ortehr . , -teitm_took second prite at rEiceter: fair !lame tu • .ve17. natural ...ebbreVIM14)11 011tis, • her 111.st work,. was•ilearty lost or , roug e ant o e . syrobehionfee oeibiaetrevroace.riolf good wa_pectiosgzieveorrBRTerms. 0000, arnkfor Sale to..Xtent; . ner true name. Whieh r:Artilltet*• • , td the • w th h b f tiO WedtlearTaV (9'lee1i011 day) as. a nu' and at Ziarteh., •'•• • • • Inss rss' vtitip ooralir,o.ionooiatido a two .Subsoribet'Godpkee atm. service at hieteremises tr Peterboro, Rev J. c. Davy:lion referrer! rIlle; foeahiPinent ti), the -Soo, This a -merle - 33 an: arrreee) 8.)11 Sunday evening at St. Johns, in cultural horses to 111:13. tag' of Rodger. 4 t • -Ntirotiget• 1•;e:tlt Itrouelit It ti t)II.9y pa, ty iu Merits 133' all penr111 a readers, . • • • 04 • quiet , and pretty weddin' • took all the' wee repay Roston to New et. trrien1; 110: fear' a lif'erarY 11g111- rtian • • A good farnt for sale orturetie,100 acre farm , dt —, W ot b • lo no Wes one. , STRAYED ' 180 sores under cultivation, the balanee in good Mr sale or to rent, beixig lot 14, eon. 18. Hallett, tional day for performing a national A • ••••• - • duty. He uiged men on that asi 0 ace on , ednes ay noon o er and nteilitined them at bis Nete ork gml•out, buildints and tt goal welli situated , Chrietena, was milted to James Dallas, . '41111X tbeatere eternil in. -all of the coot y success u r vrest of and inelthliug eineinn•Iti won's Mines," rejected by two or three year old owner will leas about two monrhsago,a white steerabou one church and 4,44 miles from. Blyth. =Has all tinto that of patriotism, feeling tbstt • a g - hardwood.bush. Tnere Ise goodirame helmet CHARLESS SegAtleff Berristet. eolleitort SitaiT,Atid Cknwiyanoi 0,00-4nnatitiiiieutes getet • • M cAratgotaierr trerinerle oltanatiron IfoR 111!italerred BABBISitai • 0410e-disionilton St apposite Oolboteaerioteet .GODERICH, ••ONT • °ARROW „A, GARROW BARRISTERS, SOLIOPPORS, ETO. c • 5 • Oflioe-c,OrkiptilisomppekWsind the Squat Coderich, Ont. 3.T Gamow, 41 0. OHM& eAkan4:40‘ ups PROW/FOOT & HAYS. thanattenna, Scateotrri:torliest t:OVARTIra rue= . °Sleet North st., next doe totOgnal Otlice Pnoorons rtIrrne.fdanunnt Cotrav, &a. • Primate Olinda to lend at lowest rattle W. PROUDPOOP. R. O. HA.YS. IJOHP REDOUT4 Clonvbritiona, COMMISSIONER, ma. • . Real Estate and Insurance Ageut. Money to lend on Mortgage and Note security. •• ViBile-e,RUItONTIT-ItEET. MANTON • , . • OR. CI. hmesT -MOLINE* DENTIST (Huottesse'r to Dr. T. 0, Bence) Specialist In Crown and BrIdgettore L. D. /3.1-113.reduate Res'al CollegeDentat Sur - Bootie of Ontario, Toronto. D. D. S.-First-olass Honor graduate ef Dm- talrepertment ofToroutd Speeiai attention paid to preservation of Ifteb,1,Indis .atiffrtarli• 7181? ;#1111444, *Yen' Ogleciever•W,•411or SolRitheOltorth . • DR; AGNEW.. • - DENTIST. °LINTON' Crown and -Bridge Work. - • . AT ZURICH THE 2ND TWuneuair OW • RAM MONTH Ofe00 HOura-r-R to h. rem out cif the etntosphere, 'of partylem 24th, at the home of Mrs K; Runlet', ile•lfeer recently Nljar:'1Elaggel*d is Said ts nave heti hia • of Kinloss. when h r onl dau hter an 1 f I ivb k "King )10. Canteen the rereisee Of the undersired, a raitelfrora t sehool, thrie tai esteem a e provepropertY,Pae other PenveMPuee. TtrIrmadeeasidaz. ply to whs the beginning of his fame. ' • • . 1 Lenfle01391/tOlat• arlow Sept 8-tf they bad to • obey. a national cell.. xp • ,43f larucetteld, the Rev,. .1 Maxwell, of • . r peitannimm ps " 101511141.1ekS bOrar0 140 OltiMate SPDear• 0"^Q a tkOnk MI giVi 11 -- DIS.,a 1r tRaqa' • ' fareeigl iort • ...se lefties. tutd • it is custettutry "re* Whet! Ifeaeght ore,' at Once and oti12-•t r T OS 13 • . "WM impossible for any mall's vote' to Kinlosa . . ;lie "lest," to nee a PoPular exoreeelon, . .was held in theweek's:esgageturnt. wit h e Sun • • • ' basement of • the, Congregational day matinee. "Mr., Bernett,of 'Isjew YOrg" inks raleet- t.4,UNTS. - Book buelness hi better than or . . BUSINESS PROPERTY FOR !louses- AO which it was offered; Kr le a. g.tnto cleartrom Veto 840 weekly. A •to his country, represeptina his mature in order that the meny friends of Mr be the features 'of the New Yoek season.. • rarsrattalso home better and feAter , sA.LE -if he gave that vote as all act of dut* chuacb, Wingham, on Monday week Ameriehe plays ,arr apearently going , bY: all • the Anterthap %and London , me,3, have Kirke La filwie,.a. ..m.itana.,, Jacob u ft.r s „ vett old deeleion was to pule t • 1 w leeders are: "Queen 'Victoria, "Life of 'Mt • --a. 'judgment on the issues presented te Gladstone," "Me mother'ellible BtOTIOS 44 "Pro That desirable Beek 'Business Stand on Al- •itea' Mrs 'Willtan Lewitt. 0 xi • • X. t • ' priCi to their depart lire lot Tormato. Herne's "Sag Harbor" ife•h 1 he broil' hfruselt Wwite an instant , SreseiveSyeaker,O"Klondike.Gold.r1:24,9"'Wo, 'bort St., 'Clinton, occupied by Mr N. Robson, is 'him. In that spirit let every man act; an °I)Prir.tn.131t1!: of , good-bye Litt's "Caleb' -WeAt" nod • lime* A,. 'The church had tio entereet Whatever ere en pletmiet aileettse, and St;is eeld• 'that out of Mat, 1A913131,1ygnas;e;$;,I1146011ndFit.on. itmfrettfaeo °pact ageerret.cifteix;thtlensItAdAlsretaftpitlirnitlitatrt. in the triunaphl bf aty.polttacial eitety, dapf. A. L••• Re...R. formerly of of native, toles,. native costumes and na- , dia.'laBookel on time. Ottgla !Mete canvassers ercliierty is free from tneeinorance and tide ina tate and "Itir Potter of ..Texas"' the iter - tut the ehutch bird direct interest in Palmerstott, Otrt;- told a nepheW te tiee Beetles:. - • , . tuhate• on bor made a forttlee 'Nutting ; The EltADI.11"1".GARRETSON Cod. aisputable- Prireveationable and terms tO suit ' into six figures. , Toronto • • , lurchaser... Afticipie.to OICO,STANOURY, Lon - the spirit and, way in which:men eon. , Rev. J. Ross. B; A,, of Brussels. has • • on Road or drese Wotan P. 0 ducted themselves as citizens ana vot. acteeted connoission with a British TH g WRITERS. • . • , Pot Sale or to Rent.) ent3 Aceordi,agly. the Union Jack Regiment in South Africa, and conse- ' BEE RI .1±Z ES. s-444....444 • . . . was raised on St. jollies., 4:61Preb, at 0 ,.- grietitly will not retion , with the Can. - Hall Caine, the Mittel:it. is at Work on .,. • 0.............., 1 V , . ' a. ro. on Wednesday,,and lowerea et 7 adieu Contingent. • . a V1110 44 0 1144111) Is t 1 p y devoted o is ore a nip p ace, m oney p. tn. , • his intimate frieedship with• the. Row. is liable to sour and bi•eak the sealing and • . • • We regret. t� learn Of the sad deat it ' setthe. : . • . - thus Will sewn be ruintel. • A. W. pinerta Rugland's most fainous• T,Oe dreaes. batched from eggs leld by 4 McKinley Wante. Settlement, !' aonf dthM6 rliattEhYttfo. uIrohytiiirt-ootil.,c1 osfonon011/4Mbr', „nientuorery playwright. - says that , he- . ' vrbryee bees are rather. mallez. than the . _ • --., , onVerinerly rif Seatortb..4 The little ;lever beglps with a PIM, but expects- the drone produced by a queen. , '.- feildw while gettinteei drink,' • in rats.' el erect r to' t II him the story 4.. • . treroie workeri7 limy 'make their Op- . 1*.Terhavrts latieupttnalei; . the• ,Clernian pearance ihany 'colony that has' been for , `New York, Noe. 7.-A special from take, toalt a dotie of lye, Arid died • in • e. drametist, • does' not- have to depend- toi ' some days queeniess be uneble to rear a 7.Vita,shington sayet--e • • • • .the counat of it coupleof week, aeally -rite a result of the continoance in front •steevatitin;•• :'•?; • • . biz Pen for a- living. 114s work Ma him cm e vet/ well, but he iiihrtited one fortune,, r Tehile.re -m. ust be a good* itupply of good . • r • • I i , • -power of- President AtcliinleY and Sir' De Saturday: • morning, week,. the.' a t an -.11Iii'Veife brought iiiin, another.- Unst • queens for full operatiouelf you expect WilfredLatirier. It ii. etteiected. that i Xtgr Irtg aaorono°ession's. c-ro•voti.°43,,. 4.vosis another attetept will shortly be 'Made 'completely. destroyed by fire; • . air to bride about a. complete tiat tieinetit tI7tt;:":ttre;i7e1:itelm uls:Itli: igtelt:71e'llita-- ing taut, • reit lett everything secure . .of the questions in dispute with Clan, aide. . • wheri he went to Orediton. No in - (Officials of the Admipisteation say surance“ • . . that the President and Secretary Ha,y • Miss Heihite, a young girl of fifteen -would be glad to have the 'questions ' years of age, who was etnployed with alieposed of, but it is felt bare that Can- Mrs Williatti Ament, Seaforth. died of,t) .g.on at their residence,, .en , Wedneoday Ada should take the preliminary triage morning after only a feeehotat illness. • they eirnost invariably winter in good Accoking to their- reconsideration. . Miss Lena Keihne, a sister, resides in Old age as it conies in the orderly progretta ebinlitidn. . , Seaforth. • The. remains • Were 'liken, of Nature is e beautiful and majestic, thing In toga of a deartb of honey in • Autumn The Alatikan boandary line has only ' to the borne of the decearietre mother The very shadow of ealipsewhioh threaten.? it Is well to feed the bees to. stimulate been .temporarily tleteratined. and the in Heti/lb/igen. • ' . it, wakes it ell the . more prizea; brood rearing. •• By daily feeding of it . It stende for experienee; knowledge. Wife small portion of sirup the queens will re- Presideot would prefer ;that it be lin- F. G. pc" arling received notice from. dom and radioed; That lie old ege ati it spond by laying' eggs, and the combs will .ally and forever fiseciJ Special Red. the secretary of the Paris Exposition should be.- But old -age as it to often le, : be supplied with brood. procity Commissioner Kae0011 •is ex. stating that he would receive a Grand ;.;•Enettns nothing but a Becloud ohi:dhood of . . tremely amilous to negotiote a reci- Prix Diploma for the Reit -exhibited at :.'inind and body. What makes the differ. • . atrocity treaty with Great Jaritaio re, ,••Exposition by adesers. Grey,' Young mice? - Verylargelythe Corea( theektinaoh. ' JEWELRY JOTTINGS. • imting to ()anode,. because such a treaty St Sperling. illhie is the seeond di', In youth and the Mil etrengthPf manhood will settle ManY Ponds affecting the _1110010. that ' Messrs. GI*, - .Youtig ,&• it tioeso't sewn to butter' how we treat the - , . I. • . prodocte of the two countries, and will .. award% have received -frony Paris ototrittoh, We ebtise it, overwork it, injure riewest necklaces are elaborate' affaira 'he mutiretly,..bermileird, The &bevies --this Yea . TheSt aliol'eceiVed a '011Ver IS, We don't suffer item it natieh. But othf Mainhy and various colored stones and equeetion, tate tiolikelY to be a source of diploma at a Potpie-, Exposition' held whety 'age comae thetdoratiOh ie Wein nut. e r e est ef rose gold. • 000 of thew preeents a stiperb ensemble of. diamonds. trouble, andI.it le,'deetned important at Paris, ., • • • - - • - It eatet prepare end, dietreatte the needed •that ft...Shoe 0 be termineted. by & men., ,-, ' . • nourishment tater„ body, and the body, , pearls, itipphires, rubles and emeralds. nee eatisfactorY to both nationty.. ••• ; t . 'Ihe largest ftineral everWitneeeled In utitiouri shed, fells into Senile deal. Dr. The costliest of new gold Mesh porsee Scott, Of "litAtithaMOttali' bDergeh Wet '..1‘,86i_ •PietdoN Olden medic's) Ditoovery is it bear a tiny watch in theeeop, Rod the Orficialri ,of•the .navy are teneelelly Brueo county watt that•of aletermlogahnetze of I thei tia.*stk . force. MesarsI Davin and opeoliter serati, ut---etnreeehe are "weak" and whose ditiestione tithepieees Into the' most unconventional , .,„4. ••••wouderful medicine for old people whose fancy for introducing thtete1 dielinutive .deeltrmathatthe two eenntriee shall , 13evera,14,,tetra ago,Oongress Authorized' -years efige. it is estitruttedihat fill. ireimpoor." int inikOrtitilig effeoto ere euvironment shows no sign ot ,decadence. fialt• by mina tts well as body. It take* • Great Is the vogue of areen enairiel ell -00,011,WillanahatAfft 490,t130 geeatiakee; •• East VaraWanoeln Deceased. -was 74 theS,PiOltialetion. • of it gunboa Vlor the i,ty five 1Vousand people- • Attended the- the sting from old • liga• tind mike* old - either gold or 'silver, Nearly eery- weite- aaltefleatid-thee,Boatd,of-Vonitrttation ...ftrieralpand 80fftehleles • (brined part people strong. .- ; : an who buys a neW brooch or belt clasp 7iRrepiteed....thot..design-fov _the, 'ewe, • ti ' he ftrectithioM In. choibli-iPelation. , , s'hip hecvntil, Presbyterian I 'In pelitidsre ; , • demands in. it oft ieast a touch of that !Sago 'agieenunit of1.818, the Preeident Ile was?.•Coneeraative. _.110 was you, - , , NO DISLPPOIN',1.8ASNW ' golden green eater which Is $ust now the l'eft.Clpfttla.e MesigicatiOneetthe,:Rtothe : • directed the contract for the vetted be • 'geort-niftjor of thb 82nd battatiton. fad lb fashion. • • , VIllaPPOletruelata Of anekind analitothaf •Pave ;effect* with pearls end colored '21'0 awarded t,":°•'3 ,ta, 't • ")4•011tk•ir-'1". -• Thursday evening R. E. Pickard, of orop up ill almig liftei pathway, for tnifor• stones. appear.agaln in the ascendant. A, Um" jazgen.,„,,„,flokiers hi- II; amy. "=,',Ewtheictehritereceivett. all , .electrie aback funatety it lathe nneleged that stymy* tearnbee of MUSA peethi and eliVinee ere *A not Won .forgete'a Before • happens. Theilitistit t wit Mikis of thus combleed "ta• form the ornament of 'II tses low thar twitti the. advent of leaving tiO4.114toreoujoi-414., ituationv ..4.4,4400040,4, teera teetneeseeliehe tr. s-yeay- Moir ritia, Wideb..10 quite an un- . .en tertiatbsit„itbepi40Are OM Ing -.Visited-40e different entaapoo ..t,,krefteija than a ralialltee DOM,- lit, 4.11111:0 WW1 "toe of title 0410e101 bi W-OriV' ' tb4Uat'ulUtrcuacli.aild 'earring° 055ees It they were securely fattened. When liei ealia00.tbi;';viersi,",aittris iti ile 410 aiwg$, Ib the lar he took Itoldnt the elec.; obi WI nalilaiMM thoe: ihm, . it' Itia.49t# high acting coba and heavy trtanis of . . .. thetrotting. breed ;vitality lbeltct :i,12,11414 , wicata,.,N. it4 .., yowl he wee 001nog oloaltkiannikAgitt i ille ,If Mit 'that thehest celaas;•ofc cartiagitheorsea ',Iteeek Adam) by • the-eorreut4yAlld,aSt t'-., i i "21411"Ctf( - • - PAUL KRUGER! • . . arkticarai.whibsIthatlaalatatt.taater - ttrtialltattinned, lie rte..,getIV ..c,, brihe • itile". aliIIi_,.g, , ..,, , i ,.. - • „,,,' .,'• " f" i 444 to advariab woos oo Rood. ''' -k--; al his boat in a carile4‘,. taid• an ),...• OlonApelloprietora ,hingsteni„„ ., ; Pafd tarageri4otfiltri,P0f es Trim' -then it hits been( frotailehiraltilieerefiri -••• . tkgr IteiTtibilee Will spend the Winter in ' Ilellount. s The ditto' at Mr return is Wet.: -tihe el tion, In, Rico resulted ;t3131111r Wue'tlia•CPSigiedS* best es ''' Rev Dr.•Mcillfratiziateof OoliingWO011' 2:, I' ta euttittiOliel4t Wintrouiytth ; ,se 1.,„.i'.1,,.."*".4•• ',kith,. es rieariYOf at littioica44an. _,' stal bg tAhersi,etere dn grim). fle ;.--. isiI,A0:11.400% to•C•nta. 04'AP seem" Tbursday Malt /week Abducted .1nto , ion of Joh* Welt* artissels, **son ; nta.".°1kOle$ tallittilieslee'' i ''''• ; . .' ; "PAU - 1/ 1 il Ai iritr io 4 j, 1,6 ,.e. . -,r,.,A t., aYe. t.';'• ra, I .11.,:t„t ., , t,01--*/ --.`the pastoraluhargekif thi WeittrAnktir , t ;itisrlintic,he eitraisa ,theilralidoad • irseilik,ittlitei the;tionple, Of ' that `-eitni. ‘didatee:' , ',I. -„---"4" -; • -1 -i-, ' tialtriblintWilibill.biailig !:04ikair1510Vri lAtivkt: VtilhlieBrte:'8011.10.1: nnr11/4teettille‘vtiviCYb'flifledetttIls,, to7:4115 rin:C4-; • k of Ratantaaceiaeateki•aaitera is- tot Dr. and Mrs T ' t, the doctor 'Win .1 -`-, - -14 sk - 17.- sa , g • "V '''' 's bo: 91.:ttagta:$1111.7:7110.14"tgim6..in44'464ern:ir' '.Ie' ....•' ,.. ispooed of b10 praetice to Dr, Linde* : -' • • ,;,- • ' ' '' ' - ; 0444,04071/1;17-:::04larit401°::,10:011:071::::: ; • sti,PpOited to have been the cause, of Wheatley. Dryrand Mrs Wait' bectrit . " A. biz of Milburn's Ebentattio Pillaw1)1, 1. wiie_thoOs_Inow, heliding tbet-vartn-„Olt. : '" 4ebit*"' ir#Ore'-'Agt 540' l'ilm . 'waa 'ikon reOdents °firth tor' the pit • be •sent free to scY one *lit taffeta fro • iiiireoliut,witypoe!: ,, ,t, .„ . Anti,. : ftotind itt,,,an itOr.9120a. 01as •004.41 1 P.41 %or rAtii MA a r and duritnt. that ', ,Ehenigkiitismi Reiegosei . umbageekBii ei ') .;,, ..c, ,,,,t, ,./ .._ 0,, .L,c,,,,,,„,„,.. ,, .. 4 tlpreatitithlir- It Tirsr• I .; d 11110IDAngo Id/ 4 ,‘,, 0°9+,1 on Outten extensive ata locrativep I. .• ;boleti. pdVAVIkal .1901# IS • a 'bet 114,4 ii . wail 7, kilre ,-,Ditielim, elms um' I---itIme thifdoctor otieceeded in iiir .roo,,r,-;„, „,..,......, .4 . al'i'lsc'. 4 b4ibli as aatiab 10 ,It.wirottg Iloilo; •t$4,irdtiV Cith it 4,0019Ing. his ague& ?•Maitudeeasoti,- it native of thie odd 00 ''' '149tu-vis, ., imitigit„ int*. at.°;1 :,. „ . on y; ,, oort„t t.,,„. oij reaaat. e,„,„fleo ;for the neStqW0 'eater Ilea COO° • . „ti 'i* • • .. 9. , .; Ost,9:•'-f:i ." •.; ;f1 'It *4 0a0t,Iltihe5fikfit'thih liiiiill;iti 'Death resulted frbut rheureattlefiotion. Ing dile t04140. 1illfslggisst... Cr.a- C ducted a ett ftd practice In Wheat., 4;101%0011-6,,,,,•,140,4t 4,,,,,liata0. 0; a.,,,A.., ,„ette ,. _., _.._,... ._.,.„._, now ' Made LtIndy, one of 'nit; &lot ale ;ley, Kent county. ,,,--ftW. iokt.oti lit „I toe teotniteepeeer,' whteh -41'71 -.zit= by *s ,KofTY, #9 rintifit tell . I eret. of „Peel county, :..,the epring of 1807und f the fortcrsa. , id dot* tailiOd Oliref 4 White White et • in tIMMer itt .4 ; .0 11 ;0 0 I: i- fluff,hik,."-- .Z ", ; , ,t . 4 . • ' ' ' ' libt#0 t aid, I/ He' atateatirla •!•• Italia Ite -. °If a -tab liteledokarlAithbriettlyrirdterty diiii, !i: '-'4;k4Ineelesit' $.. 4 " 4 ; 'Flilhfoli4 ,,,•88(11 est; iti4 44 pi op couti.1 2 tb44104CiOthifilAW. itilikirsAtiffino1 tii vtatIold Mt tare worth -of ' 4t. wax . pee of ,r,.* it to) iiiii,vili •46;.;f41441,4c li Irti4r4 ;lids+ tab ethlitliabilbler 1910bilititi1/41•111#11,-,pkir_7;rollheiltfttellejt, .- 1. , ,30:4,,:,,',. r t . Weil -.);,- , -II v ,,,,, „. i„, , ,, . 1,iiiiriktdolog , y , , ,,,,,,v1 .,„ • t;rr,stiati,w„tkilkivi,w,,,i . , ir .i -.. !,(1., vil;..•'l,ff,..)..5',4), ' r;•,-,??!;I..t?•.1`.-s....',9;•4*,- ,:- 9,., ,f.. j% a. pt.,.,4illfzeteti!is:b.10 .rititft 4 ,D.r.t1)•.,,..•.f,e1,....4..1.,1f.,coo,v,,;. =1•:,14 i„.3...init:i.,,,..:(ilzcIt.ct4(..4,„..7,:froti.,L,tittr,;.:,; . ,. ... ,.. 1 .,," • • • .' 4 c• 4 I a *Wit p littcootifity* ., rt I' • i • .1 i t If t d 'in da I b b bf bib investipents are in real estate. •• to come Out neXt spring with anything Oentm Doyle has an original - prefer- better than you started in with. • • nee In the Matter of crake.. "1 like II A, moderate, now of Wiley during the - boy critic best,". he says. "The bey W110.. fall montbs,is of great importance to the will start to i•ead a story and then elidek bees, It ti*, thew in good- condition to It down and sny .'Itot!' or. nii° will read; 'hand the winMr, white brood rearing Is a book straight throtigh and' say 'RIO' - kept up. • . • , pine that'S the person I Want to criti- 13.ees bred in September and. October else ruy work." . . are of the proper age to winter well; and when bees have a good fall llow of honey and the hives are well tided with broud NOVEMBER will brine- it splendid contingent af young rnen and women into tbe Bev* 'erai departnietta of the, • Central BususessCollege s Toronto • The elvice briar house on the corner of Put - tort and Joseph streets, belooging to the estate of the late Richard Heywood, is offered either for sale or to rent. It containit room for ordi- nare ferny, It practically it new house, With eland. If the property' is not sold or rented.. part of it will be mated. .4-pple to- • - . . . 7. COATS Exeouter CI nton. . • • enter our school at anytime and reeeive I he *lee thing about 1115 that yon may A Bargain in Land: frOm•our TEN capable teachers that in dividnal instractien and personal care so accessary Mr jeer success. Write for our circulars at any rate, and get softe tatticuhire, Address Yooge and Gerrerd fats, TORONTO* all eonven ences. and tbree-tentbs of an acre W. Ut. /MAW. AmoomworWyod•AmA•www4 . REM BALL'S WATCH AND JEWELRY STORE • just Received a lot of new Belts, Buckles, Pulley laelta,Bangle Brame lets, eta. .The Wept wade in the minket. We make spec:deity of fitting Spectacles and Eye Gismo!. • Eyes examine& free, Here's a !Mance. . or sale cheap end on easy terms -part of Lot 4, Beylield Concession, Goderich township; 55 aorea. Apply to W. SCOTT, Sept1.8m Brucefield. Priam Its telt nitoto The undersigned offers'for sale or to reut Lot 00, eon, 0, Hullett,consisting of 1051110M, at/sores cleared, 10 acre* bushand balance nnoleared land need for pasture. The farm is ' well watered by spring creek and wen, There • is about/ 0121i 40113 of orchard Thera are 14 rlowasinagf hdaollnwe.baltrposnowthaeaparde ith8isactraatherat gat., a} storey frame dwelling and 2 berns,oneRixba topithe ather38015. Good etabling, 'Dieter= is Smiles from Olintou and 1} miles from Stara- , merhin R. 0., chetah and school. Will be sold - or rentetion retunteable terms. Por further pertioulars apply _to. PARS ./ONA.Tetale IMBRIeN. Sea 28- if, ClInton P. O. -C. T OIVIPSORI • Physician, Surgeon. • All'• Office. and Ressidaeiteneneb-=•stry, • Street -ee-.t. • a' DR. WM. GRAHAM Licentiate of the Royel College Of Physicians London,, ?Netted.- ' • • Office snti.Reeitlin,17-4ma4„1i.. ieziauship stain, ea.:vetoer to Ilte TurnbrilL DR.4. FREEMAN, VEISERT SURGEON, Member of thIt Veterithatyairettleet Asseeie- TES dons of London, end Edinburgh, and Gradu- ate of the Ontario Voterinery College, Offir optit;t1)nraght$7.%°clirdt 11;44411Azometettila meroial Hottl. Suacessor to Dr. 11,..1. R. Eowler, Ont. • M Wt. WM. GUNN, L. R. O. P. and L. 11.„,O. 0. Edinburgh, °Moe -Ontario Brest inton Niglit tails at front door et reeidetween /laden bury Ste oPposite Presbyterian church. WI. X. W. SHAW. PHIr8Z011191* SURGEON ..1i.xkutoueheur, etc., olltoe sod resident* On - tad° Ett., opposite English church, ferInerlY 00 oupied by Dr. Appleten, Clinton- Ont* • TAR. STANBURV, eitAIRTATil JOIt THIS Medical Departinent of Viotorta nivato site. Toronto, formerly of the Hoepitels and Dispeusariee, Near Xork, 'Moaner et AM) County of Huron. Senteld. Mite • . Id. 014073AL1.,faellainAat ettROXOls te eiroaoraryorsausti. of theOutarfolrotertha College. 'reats aildiepaget of dontestleited an fuels on tbe most Leaden& wad roientinoprin plot Oftlee-immedistelysouth QUI:totter Ere .0Moe. etsideace - Albert et., Olinton. 0*1 theta, tey attondedto nrometIV '• AltgaVol kiltittriiittges,Wriritot *Aid moddonce, Mary streets:season. , . • TAMES CAMPBELL, toinbasnono, dIsamu op MaRRIAGE.LI011100184 No vitiate** reatered . CLINTON MARBLE WORKS. • COOPER'S OLD STAND, Next to Dorareerelal Betel. -••••••0; • • 1 o 'PI PAIINCOMB, rethittallt &OS% OE • . , • , this establistittlent le Well op ration end ea • 11,1e EL, krovialoist19 Lead. entreyor and • . • ordettinedirf Oat itheriatlifitoto y Way, Carte Civil Engineer, LoOdoe,, Ont.-KM:kW AS GOO • tory tnd granite work *specialty. PrIent Stetfitree Grocery Store. ci.tuton„ - noonebie aa th000 of sow ostlat buitites t " lo 0 Ni T loutiga— IN got h. • BArodiga, cnotaa n rt. • .q.! -"t " ‘1.!.• • . MeLFAWS ••••••1.1.,•••• Have you Motley to InivesttP0b*etti. Ifelel.-Quertettet iseeonti . , , „ , . season, Ire lereper le filltireeresente tor - • Intityvestments,i, dirtvel o i ofiseettrityk able roes.' Ft* thi..., id , , ; .,1,:•. , . . , ,,i, . I. aaa paytaearteatrantsultro, e tier- • ,-. Oet 4-401S: 0 - - ...; .110 W .W.411111$11ilft Otte • INVii take Mao mailman 4%1144 ot doitomits ohtneth And oonog Wilms at resileri- ,tetlle-' CeinPsniee to Werke 'Intlanattneg * . , Tote„ • , 0146"11%* ArAttlylaAPYI:tk PPri!*40 UV) • , ijUlJt forni.,,tit Agents, .119NAll: , , , Weak and Intinfielikoodo si tilioge4 fciittai4A1400:.111001,0#4i,p,Rtfi,, . - MOO ...490 aii$t Taretitoe • . , 1,4/1•K111 311\0,7,, ••••11:. •• A.t low riles iliscoless mortgagee.. • ," 4 a a Aielkihtk AUt. WV •00.441801 IVS' silatitittitehitt4i .•;'s MI4MGLEOD, -, trxlitalle 10-1180 'e • - ()Mi. • • • • .4,turk , 7$ .; • . ".• (0*. , •••174.7•110E6 . Plato t' jot-M.40k trot* t. Men* flO•if t‘ , L17 'Ai Ititimingrest ' fe• e.•• •••11,' • .at" • ,., . .... ,,. 3 _. 44,14,11,10t0 rdeKILLOP MIVatti'llit ' lerawksamktmat .., . iollawit,,,,roor Aptah71,40:4,nviwi, , , orTiewitAnamminuzit:,to,tobvvo,.!, goal 0500.4dok 605S ho ps* eldik2 & 11340-NWItri .44 '4,,icii4 ft* re himbovir tpfetelliir troa- •••.: •••• • ; ..04,;•;ye,414.4.'eL4 e, • •;•!* E•!:4 - .•.;3 tiff Olfitt•ie•it,o• giatoit41-' Laxative Brento•Quitikte timai "110 *MAI ili0t.040'04Airlid 1441 000 .67 `‘ • 7. l• 41," BtpstW-iIfr. M1 Vatorrotk • xi,* knowikivivoi going ..laAraaaainatit King ac.thou Uumbertitifimilyi iird0rdit4g-t014,:i r tat- -4141tittl•helni$A at.4-0313rtark• ;.• "Vottirlaii ttio 4 ,.•!, AL .4 KV:4511:d ,th"t;111f ." -"' „'-',95rAP164,W, , • fff1,4 .tf.y, 591471. ;ellawmitto„. koarroati tein' The elltittori*NieW Iand es.4t rria Lo r ootaradaym4at,a. 4i4oi i,e0vAr„t-tea nt ianUs *04 , „.1"e !I”.- ' T eWekly Glob. (Por 4%tara 01 5 • r, 14*61i Wv 6 a ple0t41tib1i0 . 00li 1 s ! 01..4 ill=ws. tor egsetitinit‘,..iiooittntobe ego fte eat to addrons led skr Vdt,11,* th ;IX • atm& t &YU- itnel Ate.. kOtAtelt‘041611 riliiVflPI,g,-4W0rAll'atlilly-01000. to. Iti,''''71,111 f.!•,100- WOG •1 D'7 •44 • , teldreseed to t'"L- ••`eit'a 1.2.•••t. '