HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1908-05-07, Page 3FICi LE st FORTUNE The letter written and despatched, Glyn 11. 1110 indispensable slave to whose alien; ions sire had become occas tamed stn 11.1(11 nothing which could rea- sonably etn abl.l enc rise to the faintest breath of scandal, And then, with the indelicacy of his seN, David 111vn had sought, by an out- burst of wild and quite, unexpected pas- sion., to brim the ,areftill' excluded taint of impropriety over her already debt -disturbed paradise, reminding let ungenerously that he had ruined all his hopes of happiness for her, deserted his young wife, ands that now notiing re- amed to him 111 her lova Her bus• bind --the husband .she lotted -had left her; she had already compromised` her- self by brining rlloWing him--Dayid- 1.0 roar d11(vn hue and visit her, Iter brother thtgene was going to (aim tho girl; nud:a' his 011'11 Carp, David 1108 sure ha cquhd ;tet a consulship abroad -he had interest ; and then - • Ile \vas stopped, lust ;Is i10 utas growing incoherent in Ili, outburst, 11y ,Ips. Iloit• son, who ,had prudently waited to hear the whole of the programme before cut - tin;; in to erns11 him. They were both sitting on the sent behind the little (euri- osity.sbop on the pier, with their faces to the misty sett Doris had retreated long htfote this, without their having lamed bo'. -Mfrs. Hodson turned to in. tertian; David with a 1001' of stone. lie had m11 known how steely those bril• lirnt grey eyes could look, how like It hasp that small thin-lipped mouth could close, "t'(oepeomi(ed myself!" she 001(0011 fis,ng at once, on 1110 sc (1ord4 lin lux ;sp.edn which particularly and most intimately „i'fected herself. casting 110 they dal an unpardonable slur (:pmt her position of Caesar's wife, "Compromised myself! Do you lutderstend :what you are sayug, \ir, Glyn';" Dta'id ((0110. no ,viewer -chilled in nil the heat of the passionate despair width had at last bust out after smoldering in his heart for the lest tw11 00 three (1030, 4Inee llty 'Hodson, by mlteroathng her caprices of fascinating liveliness with caprices of unutterable, epee(hl0as melt (unholy, 110(1 overthrown what (title rea- soning power his iailatuatwn had lett him. As for your wife;' continued ole piti- lessly, after a pause, "I am certainly innocent of having done anything to lead von to neglect her, She always seemed to me it most chw,niu) pereoa--1. have always told you so, 11 hen you come to are complaining. that she was cold and unsympalhetie, 1 comforted you; 1 did no more. Yet, now you turn round and accuse (a` of sowing. dissension between you and her. .flow ;hist) How like a man!" )hs, Hodson said this with as much spiteful emphasis as if her whole life had been spent in 0 losing struggle with the viler sex, instead of the placid ro- ta -icing of tribute from therm, David tried no stammer out something lice n proud apology! but he was wound- ed, shattered; there was a dull humming somal in (((s curs, through( which the tones of bis own voice seemed strange Doris yielded most unwisely to the isor- bid ,o10002ien the old chain pier now had for h0T, and watt back to it t1gun --100 van, For, as 311e drew nett' to the MI. hu passing nue of the iittletowers, where dreary collections of uuteugltrug pebble ornaments offer their lard attrac- tions to the susceptible excursionist, she heard the tones of a soft voice (vhich now had unspeakable terrors for ler. She stopped, and then passed 10 the loft side of the little tower, from which point she ('0(11(1 just see a portion of a mantle heavily' trimmed with sable tails which had b, conte historical for its etestliuess (00u;nb ilrs..Ifodson's acquaintances. Doris's first impulse was to m001 them, to 00 11(unl them; but, before she could do so, she beard senna words from her husband's lips which gave her 1 shock: so over \\bela ing that all thought of main. (111011 ; 011 attitude of imposing dignity left her; and, like a beaten animal, she crept away out of the sound of the soft voice that was lacerating her heart , She had heard her husband, the calm, pas. Sionit0, .David, whispering with excite- ment and vehemence of which she had thought him incapable, words which could be nothing but a marl entreaty to this woman, another noun's wife, to give up lir children, be• thrty, to go away with him. She fled straight buck to the Motel, and mot her maid with tt weird, whito face that alarmed that simple- minded person, "Volt sboaldn't go out alone, ma'am, so lato 11,i this, :he slid, reproachfully, i:; she took off Doni s mntle, turd i hr that her mistress was shaking from hood to foot. "'.Chore's always rough chara0- tors about those sen -side places," she etldt'd, )'olsolingly, punting the Iddy's panni down to the sight of a drunken suitor, without nm0h eonc0rn almnt prole ability. 'Oh, Moil all right now; AV'bitaker;' said Dors reassuringly, "You can ring foo dinner; 1 thiol: 1 tun hungry„ She dined with a very good appetite, mein to her 1.3011 0111111100,,111111, 0,110 tit• thor shocked to find that, When the tibia vh;na d0an0d, at0d slur 1001: 111 a Magazine With the idea of hiding her mental dist turbawce from the. waiter,, in whoa she felt that something "abaravatil 'in -her up- pcaranee might excite vulgar 0(1(100113. Elie been me seriously hntrr05ted in an 01, tide upon the Decay of Art in 1talj. ,sh,'. read It carefully from boguuung to end, helium„ that by so doing she was star• iMg oft distressing thoughts; but, wlein she had finished it, and livid the book down with /IL sigh preparatory to the rush :of agonized feelings which ought to ifuve 0010, she was again astonished and. at heart a little lnmnilioted to dis- cover that the tush was once and for 011 over. And she slept well that night; and woke to a sad but peaceful morning. She knew the worst -ill fact, mide'- stood exactly where site (les, 01111 could "take her bearings," She felt not one strap the less anxious for a r0concilbl- thon with her husband; but she began to understand better whit sort of thine reconciliation conciliation ((101(1(1 (1 11 would not he the meekly adoring »Thoma c - Hud 1.I monied to 0 king whoa had ubilicated his throne rattier igooutiniously nutter the pressure of oir'amnstaucea nndgraciously returned ('11011 things have been Stade comfortable for 111m again; but it would be rather the indulgent reception of 0 misunderstood but too well-treated prod- igal non. And, after considering well the 'oircuinstances of the position, tend dimly realizing the foot that she was the stronger of the two, and would therefore, Imre to make the first and boldest step toward "making it up" without arry- ]nd t air, L take bitch her husband fu triumph to town, As Doris had reason to suspect, her rival' temperament was it great source of strength to her own hopes. Mrs. Hod- son, 0 woman with infinite fascinating caprices, but absolutely passionless, was bored and somewhat disgusted by ffud- ]ng that the slave, can whose docility and ample supply of ready money she lead counted to make the few weeks of ler husband's temporary desertion with all propriety' tolerable, had the audacity and 1'0arsc00as to wish to become her lover. 'Coo spoiled and wilful to check herself in the indulgence of any whim, however perilous to her own reputation, or to the interests of her daughters, Mrs. Dodson mistook her marble coldness for the most exalted and irreproachable vir- ta1e; and in the bourgeois llobeninnism (11 this little trip to Brighton, with her dnu3ttcrs to play pnoprn.11 Nod David and fu off to ]dm, lie rose ;limnptly, des, Puoson lri(loil 1101011011 Maa'l, 11001 David, Doris laude up he m o remain for aim present at Brigh- ton, an d watch the course of events, with al liar a faint hope that she might If she wished to go, bnel! to ler daughters, Weak nod culpable as his cottdnt't hod been, his sufferingo rht evening, as lie went hack 10 his lodgings Mone nod with - 'tint comfort, was the beginning of 00 ample pnni:;hme01_ 111:1-ll''I'1'111 X1\, On ale 011:rnor0 following the day of for talk with Nellie and Ethel Ilodson on the old chain pier, Doris, who lived in the co00)110t, exp0(1ntiou, half fear, half en i ler Modeled, vomit r aur to his sent where Oto 31.01 stet tlo gals, to keep the appointment she had made with r,huan, But they were there; and, al- though Doris watched more than 1111 hour in the hope of their appearing, she wag'ohli:red 0,, last to return to her ho- ld without luaus seen them. Sone nft(rwhrd, however, she received a note sent, by Mand, frog ;N'ellic, npologiziw for, their non-appearltlice, Their uncle the aulneartic Uncle 'Eugene. who was not accustomed to interfere with Ids re !olive; affairs, but who, when he.did 00 had the roontatlon of acting t'emen purpose, had suddenly swooped down up on his sister and niec•0s that morning' a breakfast time, and nettle all iidepro l..n action impossible. Doris rend these tidings with niacin ex ((lentert; on thus decisive step of "nigh Eugene's" depended more thou the for tunes of those tinier wou(e((-crealurc in whom he was interested. She (tool, do twilling, site dared not try to see 1)a yid yet; she mit-;t wait. The melt utnniul' 01lme (10111(01' 11010 hope, of smoc 1111(000 meeting 'tl Gana Nelho sent by post from Guild- ford. where their uncle lived; he had peeked. t.hern all ny),-soo to speak, awl curried them off to his castle,, without nand re ist14000, 50 Nellie intimated, on n ,the rent de- llto , tet ea mother's s ptu•1 and 6 light of the girls.There was un ulhu on to David in the body of the letter but there nos the following client "i', S, ---We hove seen nobody hitt-my nnele sit e yesterday ot'enin3, when 00 pier after n chain n wen, home frusn the c l r w I.aP! yon." Where. then, nn , i)av{d1 Dared she to l.. s lodging and ieant whether he s still there? Dotes had not 11nq,0o1ur- ese f n take ilia step until late in the berm; n when she received a note from her urn I to say that the remit,tanea ,m1,, to Aft. David Ellyn at the,nddress y,iv(n had been returned to him. Dari hetet sealed to leap up, and then to sink to deeper' despair than she had yet felt. For, after gladness to learn that David was not mean enough to recent the money whieh'laer yearning impulse to 'hold some communication with hint lad prompted her to have sent, came the miserable fear that his refusal implied. his determination that the sep- aration between them should be final. She could contain herself no longer'. She hod scarcely read the short vote through, when she almost ran to her bedroom to pr03mi0 four the walk to her husband's lodg(ug; but, when she got there, she managed by an effort to ask unite calmly- when thedoorwa0 opened, wb01(0 n yli Glyn was at home, d lin "Be left yest((10y', mu,'em." 00( 1 servant, oris, 010110, Then, "Th r nl: you,,, said D q an the (mint 0f running away, she stop- ped to tush in •a 100010lous voice, "Did Ire helve any address for -for letters. "No, ma'am -at least, not with me e not stay to learn whether Doris could any one else in the house (ahs better in- formed; she walked back, ready' to cry like n child. She oven fused the clear intention of indulging in a flood of teat's as a relief to her feelings, if ((01 a way 0111 of lot' difficulties; but it was fnus• 1011110 by the most unwelcome sight of two visitors waiting. for her in the sit- twg-room, They sprung 011 like clock- work toys on her e0trime0, and 0111' rnetal"•I h(•, shaking her hounds eiger- ou,ly, and talking both together in a foolish chattering manner, whi011 is wrongly sipp0s'd to be peculiar to the weaker ,,ex. They proved, on inspe lien, to be (lassie \iclton and Charlie Pupil• Ion, the latter of whom, being great in natters of tact, managed to stave off bine awkwardness of the surprise -meeting by his ready flow of wit. But the result of more 0nelion mit Doris' previous ex- (it(u0nt was not to be staved off; ivith One hand held by each of the young men, she begat crying helplessly. (u 11,30, who wits ((030etly motioned himself, had sympathetic moisture in his own eyes inmiedmtcly-. But Charlie, whose heart- strings were tougher, and who was in- valuable ❑.s n comforter, as he could nl- uh '.101 witlort hecmui0 e 00n e vun�sbcar � overwhelmed a, 10 10se Lfa airy pre - sear: of mind, ado bli-total philosophical consolation vague enough to be applied to any misfortune, from the breakage of a pane of lass to tie death of a parent. 'The end of this vvas that Doris began to lough in'0100(eallc, and Charlie, hailing alas new symptom log triumphant sue 0(10 to his attempts, led he to 0 seat and threw off all sembla ee of grief, "'Thorpe -naw }ou're all right again, sad we cur talk!" he said, cheerfully, conning et once to his favorite employ - 11 e'•.I,, \V'lint-((10(1 l.r(ught you here? 1Vby did 3,011 Done down?" asked Doris, plain- tively, checking her sobs and trying to follow his Iced of exuberant liveliness. "Oh, er--1'11 we 1111,. Edgeonhr I sent no (lon11 to ask you to bring her some. 'T1,I:u,(1i's c r -salt --i Imlieve at node here!" answered Charlie, in a fol.' ref inflexible conviction, "Oh! and what diel you come said she to Gess c, who, b;'ing ,t long way behind his 0001lia0iml in readiness, 1wa,( still standing rather sheepish',- when;' the others had left him. ''(M, 1--1 0(101y to look alter (h,rli-: ]no answered, guiltily. • yon will both Rue with pie rite evening, won't vim?" said Doris, 1141(13, toll messing the room to the hair. ''1104 ,veal must 000(111','• to altar"( yourselves adthou1 quarndun) w'lli0 l tido off Illy hal.." 1111(0 1190 11(411111011, 011 trace: 01' 10,11'00 were gone 10001 her face, 1001, having brought with her to Br(ghtoi nothing but a ihre black gowns, ,the had s'ut 14lhipke l for 00100 Idght Iun"rr: to viers her 11mere:i1 appearance io lief crena to Charlie's testa; and he .showed his appreciation of her (action by nit 0111• burst of admiring offeetki0 as she carne in, "There -noir. yen look like iii' old, ('0aan101 swoetht rite" said Ile, Imam' mg on ler coulphteentl( as he stroke:] his moustache with -vehemence, to work: off h0 leelurgs. And now you shall hear i±rlS,ie's new0; he has 'emu(' tel('! lin t yon:' "011, after dboen--11 1r1l ;la af:0r -'iii tie'! objected Massie, ]rr,tily' 1tad in; then bashfully'. And, us the timite 1 car,,,, in et that moment to lay the cloth, Doris had to stifle (heti( e a11sily sw i ai, al f' 1(1,1(1 10: meal \vas ',war, and 110 (01 b: : s c t • theta by themselves again. Then Charlie he:rut to grow nnrthiuons and Uussie wipeouts, tettil, as the only alternative to h.n-in his 110100 told 101' 11110 with embellishments nuc1i •es he did not core to hour, lit, latter blurted it out lu 0se11 i' introduction. v' 0 t m L u1, m t 1111 at patch 'attempt "This r 01(1(1 1'(1/111011 is driving at," he said with a su,rmful loot, at his h]eml, "1--1 001 going to be u-urt,d to 11 i1d11 Warren," surprise,'n' w ala It tot 0tH ml d was aa t for humanity, rather t 3.11(1(1 one. to Doris! She IMd never onteotun d any sentimental feeling for (,cissa but, at this 1,1010, schen she (0,110 set-uwlod in the world, very badly off for affection, the belief in Ilia cooslaut ;uiil ohi(ah ens (le - ('0110n had 'a carton soothing quality' which had 0 00(1 her, while paying (none ,attention t-. her other visitor than to him, to feel an unacknowledged eensoht- tion in his appearance et the. time of her trial Hutch stronger than any af- forded by (Intake's lively chatter. So that the sudden discovery of the rapid• ivy with which passion founded oil noth- ing stronger than sentiment caul chauoe its obje11 was a sheep to her, She con- gratulated him nevertheless warmly - more warmly, of cotu's0, ohm the first moment utuuisi11ucut, time she 'o011111 have dont If the announcement had not hurt her somewhat Hilda was. a dear girl, the most wuftndt(arted, the most honest of 1111 girls site had 0v0r hewn, Doris se hl this. and meant it most sin- cerely, adding Haat Goss(0 was the Mehl, est man sire knew to have secured her; but, for (01 that, there Was a hu•,shuay. grieved feeling in her, heart, t 1,11811'111A 8110 hod not know a the new quite so soon, that she had not letu•ued it quite so abruptly. 1t seemed to lin strange that C111101ie 1'1301lon, whose flirta110a with Iltida j lams breakdown, which resulted in had been ((000,1 to he pas serious as partial paralysi, of the face, she Charlie ever' allowed his flirtatioes to bo, (1y): "Tho trouble cane on quite should not only have the song-froid to gradually, and at the outset I did listen to Doris's congratulations with net pay Hutch attention to it. 1110(1 warn interest, but to take quite a glee- it grew more serious, and there was fill view' of his lady -love's 0p00dy 001150- a general breakdown of the nerves, lation For his own defection, Ile wanted which was followed by partial paraly to know when they would bo married, sir, of the face, one side being coin- where oo where they 100I10sed to live, and a. hut- pleteh' drawn out of shape. I was under died other thing's not usually decided a doctor's care for a couple of months, offhand fu rho first week of an eugap0' and 000 treatment after another was meat. • (uss1e Leann to get irritated and tried without benefit, By this time I Doris to I n,gh nt Lint was confined to my room, and the doe - "Have ver, tion already settled the tor told nae he 00111(1 not cure me, Alt exact number of months of every year most in d05301. 1 was persuaded to try that ,you propose to spend in town mid- Dr. Ndhnnts' Pink Pillls, The improve• the colo' of the furniture of every rooitt meet 0as•slow, but the building up of a in the 11 u.:': You have been so busily' run-down 1(0100(15 system naturally is teasing (tussle that you forget you are slow. Slowly but surely this nedhcio. 0(11(1 to„•j((01 the same fire yourself. 'I did its work, and nater a time I was able haven't &'.011 you since your engagement, to again come down stairs. Prom that Charlie, to congratulate you; bat 1 do so now oast heartily." :Exactly as an would have dropped ,l 1 PP from an animated and interesting 4100100 100 rrith n girl about lining's acting to . Thy e00 disagreeable discourse "with his tailor about "that little account,' ('lapin from bright and excited became (whit 'rc0Led and off -hound lin manner. "Thanks!" said he. "Oh, yes,she's a very nice girl! Have yon eer anal ben'" "I for i' 0(1'-oa'a, at 3I Do (1(10, She wore pink, If 1 remember." "Oil yes, :and a horrible faun that. did. u't match! Yes, that (11(10 Um fortunate one." "Well, and have you already settled ever detail of your future existence that you feel milled upon to empress sur prise -thutt (lassie and Hilda have not done ail?" "011 no' Miss Harrington settles en. (gulling; she 17.05 settling. She'll set Ile me, 1 ev,pcet -tut least, 1 only mean; of course, that under her auspices- on excellent expression, by the way -d shall settle down:' Thmo 1000 a short silence, (lassie say ung nothing became whit he would have liked to remark Todd have been loo :strong to be 0111 1, and Dors beeamse. le was 19101011(13 law, With 1110 '0(1(11 pie 1(01010 his eye, of David's nuuniaou with t rich( (yon.un he did net ;greatly earn for, Charlie could boldly talc a similar step himself. Charlie of course br,elie the silence biiusclt. Shaul we go 1011' a walk, Doris. Po let us go Ice a balk! It's quite cult' and it isn't a bit cold; and then we eau lose t tarsale, hart go away by ourselves, Hud 1'!l give you that look of lair 1 proms• ori yon. 1t ism'( a very big leek, became any hair's coning out, unit so 1 can't pare much; but then it's all the m010 1000(000, y011 know beelula the supply. tiuiIted," So Donis was prevailed upon to get really for a walk o1 the elift; and then, whether 1, his not unerring iuetInet or by private err00)lement with Charlie, (luislo did, when they enure to a knot .of people drop behind and get to •all teats lest for a time, leaving Donis and the chatterbox Papillon alone, Charlie suffered ]lis flow of what ho gilled con- versnlien to sleeken, and finally to cease when they got fa' enough up the cliff to he out of the throng of people. Doris md0 110 remark- on 1.1104810'3 defection, and suffered (01,olf to be leek to the rail int! that protected the •protn0tmde, having a presentiment Haat these preliminaries, were to lead to something Charlie (said 10,100 110 silent, or abnoet silent, for three 10(1nlea at a time ((illm11 ;some altogether grave and portentio(ts 0h(eet 10 vi0w'. (11,en, however, he fixed his round blots eyes upon der tile! began to she';, there was no purto0ilne exp(ed 0inn on his face to de ate. that he was about 0' dlsrourse, (1 mr,ythli,' more int tere,to of than ale seals et the aqua! say-, Doris," he began. oulicgiially "you da 11 t memo to ut's13 hero any long 00 by yeumsa1, ,In you?" - "\Shy not?' 1011 Doris, in 0 salon•. :aid lmnonious yoke: 1'1'o be continued,) ZAM-BUK SAVED THIS MAN'S FINGER! Mr. William C. Edwards, Peter Street, Toronto (late steward Elks' Club), sustained a severe cut on the middle finger of the left hand. Blood poisoning ensued and the fioger caused him excrutiating agony. He says: "My band ww so swollen and painful that 1 had to carry it to a sling for some months. I was under the care of a well-known doctor in Toronto for several weeks. The wound got no better, and one day he said my finger would have to be taken off. The pain from the wound was terrible and was extending right up the arm. I consulted another medical man and was treated by him for some weeks longer. He then suggested that the finger be opened and the bone scraped. At this stage a friend advised me to try some Zam-Buk which I did, I bathed the wound and applied Zam•Buk as directed. Next morning the wound began to bleed. It was a healthy sign so I continued with the treatment, and in a weeks time I was able to discard the bandage. A little more perseverence and Zam-Buk cured the wound completely a Wm -Bak Carex cuts bum chadors, itch eczema, runans',rexr(ugwow, piles, bad legs, poisoned wounds and all skin disease All drnggsts and stores, sou„ or postpaid from Znm• auk Co„ Toronto. wx, a CUT THIS-- OUT Zaa0dm•Bumaik l toC.11. 1: , Toronto, with sc ampreceive a samplmpleeb bo iz 11FLEE, 014 v,rrtw,r,dt'u 1l TO PREVENT A NERVOUS BREAKDOWN Take Br.VJii;iams' ['ink Pills\Then Hie First Symptoms Are Hct;t:e'i al'0 5a,73 i'6Ui3^df Suffering. Are you troubled with pallor, loss of spirits, waves of heat passing over the dodo, shortness of breath after' 01131(1 exertion, a peculiar skipping of the heart boat, poor digestion, cold hands or feet, or a feeling of weight and fulness? 1)o not make the mistake of thinking that these are diseases in them• selves, laid be satisfied with relief for the time being. This is the, way that the nerves give Warning that they aro breaking down, 11 means that the blood illus 1(000010 impure and thin and cannot car- ry enough nourishment to the nerves to keep thein healthy and able to do their n'ork. There is only 011tray to prevent the filial breakdown of the nerves and the more serious diseases which follow. The e rich, r'. and rite blood nista b made, u red pure, and Dr, 1VIllimns' Pink Pills is the only medicine that cur do this promptly and effectively. Every dose of this medicine helps make 11010 blood and strengthens the (001(11 or worn-out nerves, Mrs, David .3, Tapley, Fredericton, N. D., was scrod by 111•, Williams' Pink Pills after 10fft-ring from nor- lk'dphte the great falling off int the geld product of Colorado during the year 1110,1 that State still holds the lead of 1111 1 ha States and P"rOitotrso of the United '"tats ineludiing Alaska, in the production o1 precious metals The fig - mos 1'o• the year 1])00 were $-,,310,639, 0 dcoron.o- of $1,913,344: ni the inprovenumt was noel more rapid. and now I am as well as over 1 was 111 my life. -fly friends look o^ • any owe as ,almost miraculous. Dr. 11il- liums Pink Pills did for aro What the host, medical treatment failed to do - they brought me back: good health. It is the blood building, nerve re- storing power in Dr, Williams' Pink Pills that enable them to cure such tt'0011108 as anaemia, rheunmtisnr, the after .effects of la grippe, indigestion, neuralgia, a, St, Vitus dance, partial par- alysis and the secret ailments of girl- hood and womanhood. Sold by all medi- cine dealers or by mail at 51)0, n box or six boxes for $23i0 from the Dr. Wilt Medicine Co„ Brockville, Ont, Zion, hT 31ih 303.103 iThe We of John Newton (London, 1125- Lwb has chapters in it as thrillingLi any romance. Ile spent his youth In 010(ting nd- Ventures before the mast and an a midohlp- mar. In the English uery, In the slave trade, and 1n many,foreign (0untr!es. But his ma- ture years were spout as 11 minister in the Chor(h of England, This hymn appeared, (root with. five stanzas, in the Olney Bynum.] Glorious tholes of thee are spoken, %lel city of God; lie. whose wad cannot he broken, Fanned thee for Ids own abode; On the Bock of Ages hounded, What eau shake: thy sure repose! With salvation's wo(10 suns:united Than ne0y'rt male nt 011 thy toes. See, the streams of living waters, Slirinn front-01ernal love, Well supply. (07 tors and daughters, And all fee .f want rrunor0: Who can (0(ut while such n river Ever flows 11010 thirst to assuage? Grace which, like the Lord, the giver, Newer falls from age to age. Round each 11000al:an hovering, Sec Uro cloud and aro appear For a. glory 001 a covering, Showing that the Lord 0 near! Glorious things of thee are spoken, Zion, city of our 00d; I -I0, whose word cannot he broken, Formed thee for lila own abode. ing his ('10(15, which were by no means those of his companions. The conversation had not been tam- ing upon religious subjects, but the ,elf -landed guest insisted upon bringing it ;ironed iu that durctien and in 01(11• (dunorthodoxy in general aIrt it` preachers in 1utanlI u Everybody, hou' (wor was as polite ars might.. be r mtti the • stranger sot forth upon a speech off. abuse against clergymen, dcciaakag tilou1 ell tnortunies, les," he concluded, 'if .I lad a son who w114 really sap headed, I 1111' you, Id m ke t preacher of hum." Bishop 1 ass smiled a little wickedly. "halved?" he replied. "Yonr father" does not seem to have .,,,seed with you."; 41 e IN TERRE HAUTE. They Have a Surprise for the New Guest Who Eats at a Hotel. There Is lust olio city la tete :i tall. whet,, new guests to the two leading hotels drink water just for the fun of it, 01101 is inure Hunte, Ind, It is the joy of lite at the Initiated to in- vite an unsuspecting visitor to the hotel to eat. Pi000 is always au expectant look on the face of the host 00 '010 guest settles him- self, Sud the host who does not. got 1(18 looked for laugh Is rare, As the guest settles himself suddenly there descends by his ear down tovard rho table like a shot a tamale of water. Mostlwoyile jump, according to their jumping. abilities. The otroom always safely lifts the drinking glass, and as the )(000t ralid00 and looks: an for tits: 000rco 01 1110 stream thorn is a Oh tang colored gentleman bolding high sone-' Wring Ince a long tea kettle with -0 pretty long spout. The higher elm guest jumps the more gratified this person looks. Almost everybody vitt( drink two glasses of water and signal for a third just to be sure the knight of the tea (101110 can hit that grass. Where the custom orIgInatod no- body seems to know, but Terre Mesta always refers to It 0(1(1 something Illco pride, For the colored gentleman who is the smartest one of the bunch at 00 trick three feet 10 nothing to faro ,e stream front the Iwater can," as ft 1s styled, Ile will. jag;le It dust close nen further away and grad- ually turthor and then dawn againwithout spirting a drop. 1.1.001ore don't have to odvlao water shrinking to people an these hetet:. Sentence Sermons. Living things need no libel, Stiff necks often support empty bends. C'larity is simply love 111 its workshop, 11 is 0003 to slip ❑p on polished man- ner,, A high aiht may fall start, but it (10000 fails, Ila who is not afraid of ,sinning ?lad better fear suffe'iig, '� climbing to heaven whit a Ira lard e 0 c Iood of hatred in tie heat, Heaven measures out wealth by the Invo we ill V001 111 other lives, The life that is frill of work gives the weeds small chance to start. 'S on can do little for men whentrou think _.. ink of them a. "the «lasses," '. !acre are no great opport,uuh1'1( for• those who regard any as small, It's slow business varying* a 0ro1301 yardstick cit the straight road, If you cannot trust your friends you cait::ot be trusted with friendship. There is only one way to find ease in your wail,, and that is to put hear! in ht, Tho nervation that mikes 0ousc]0nm squirm 18 111111001 0011:3 to ile desecration. When heaven puts a smile 011 you• face it will take more than 0 41100er to wipe it off, F.y(y' loci: 400 hurl nt a good tura i, iota iron the foundatiols 1 rc.�itltO'o3115l 111(-C i9 tl)m16st aa1'e to L saiaiu Stu tnrgging at the heart strings when the (OHnt has a long face, It's a good deal easier to write guide booksit : to 11000011 than hto make o 70� good ,'Dade tliei'e, Nhetn etle. units of secret sine come to the surface the hypocrite begins to talk abort the mysterious ways of ('0'r- yidanee, His Father Not of Same Mind, Bishop Cyrus D, Foss, of the 1letho• dist Church, though) the kindliest of mon, is also n nuur of ready ve ort and has a reputation of upholding the dig• nits of the cloth that is as w011 descry, ed ars it is widespread among his follow - churchmen, say's the Saturday Evening Post, According to one of these, the Bishop win; 1101 long ago making the railroad journey 10001 Chicago to Nen York env - York (when tie parte of which he was a me rite was ,joined by a stranger, who fell into r•unversotiou with its mem- bet's, and beettne extremely- frank in oh - BABY'S TEETHING TIME IS TROUBLOUS TIME When baby is teething the whole household is upset. `11110 tender little gums are inflamed and swollen; the poor little child suffers and often cries day and night, wearing the mother out and keeping the rest of the fondly on edge. In the homes where Baby's Own Tablets are used there is 00 000h worry, The Tablets allay the inflain 1iati00, south the irritation and bring the teeth through painlessly. Mrs S. Williams, Joseph, Ont., says: "My first baby sof• fered terribly when cutting her teeth and the doctor could do nothing for bar, I got a box of Baby's Own 1 lblots and they did her so m11011 good that 1 can- not say cough in their favor. Von may be sure that I ahvaye keep the Tablet; in the house mow," Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 21e per box from The Dr, Williams' Medicine Co., Druck - vile, Ont. A Moslem "Holy War" Predicted. a di1'eful prophecy of it Mosler "lion' 11";u greater than any ever ]mown is 111((1,' by air officer of the l utrsh East 1lrkeun service. The agency by which it will be bropgbt about i0 the fan0on0 Mohammedan -secret society, the Snuts- ,'i t, which has tong been peep ring for' 1 if Wandales 11 struggle between the d'irl skinned race; of Africa and time white invaders. hounded in 1913 by the 81101k 80111100i, the sect of the `101ussia to-du;3' a powerful organization, with hr:anehes in ,t bosh every Mohammedan 10SriIT in the world. .its founder was au :110 0101! Arab, claming descent from 1h,' 1 o 0 het Mohammed. The doctrines vimh 1,, ercaeb0.d were; the freeing of the Moslem faith from all its corrupt tams and abuses, its restoration to its early parity, under a universal 100der, nu.1 the deliverance of all Moslem 00011- ;1.1ot, bit especially these of Africa, from tha cola' of the infidels, to which end he ua•tic ,t(d nodyiug hostility to every Ch; ist a n. These ends can be (tee m- inisbed only by the declaration of a "Jihad," or holy war, 0101 110 was 100' diol,',( by the Prophet himself, --Leslie's \V-cekky,