HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-11-09, Page 8•
• .•
14401Fellibee 9, Wei
- . •
FOR Stinitin
DVATH A'r VIE RAMO% OLD BOOXS.---A citizen of this town
Dealnageeien female of the House of is the owner of three venerable hooka ,4y II/MN VOIMelitiniAIWIWAINIIIMINO
Noe. te at .their saes being 120. 180 and 161 years ' • ' • ' ' '
- Refuge, died on Thursday,
FRIDAY, Nov. 9, 1900 'tively. Of comae the paid citizen
the age of 90 yews, the cites() of hie ler
of times and circumstance* of their ub.
Black Costumes
Por completeness of assortments and variety of choice
for correettpms of style of materials shown. and for the down -
tight good values it offersithis black dress' goods st:ek of ours
has no equal near here. A prominent feature. of it are the
famous told Medal" goods. These are made of fine A.us-
tralian wools and are noted for their richness of finish, the
pernianeuce of the dye and their wearing qualities,' These
items will do to judge the stock by.
Ali wool Serge 80 halbert wide, hard
web, will r et turn rusty, mem
oriel* •ehiete .V ...
Very heavy. all wool worsted
see, bard linish* makes good
skirts and wears well
Etre heavy, all wool worsted
serge 40 inches wide, hard
finrele will not catch the dust,
theeneous''Gold Medal" make,
suitable for 'tailored suits or
separate skirts
Very line, all Wool, silk finished
henrietta, bright, rich finish,
will give excellent wear
All wool granite cloth, a very
servicable materiel and quite
popular this season... - .... .
All wool bengalines, fine and
medium cords, rich finishanit-
able for mourning elrestees,
full range of qualities at
50e, 60e. 7Go
Vattoy figured dhotis goods.
260 oFfepantitlerivu7aevtr;..a..rgt(r:euge 60f,
Handsome • effects in figure(' :-
. girds, the newest designs
1.! s own this • season, sell ng
principally for separate skirts /IA
70n anti We
46 Inch, all wool, cheviot serge, •
one of the most stylish mater leen
lab we ShoW . •
50c Mary, all wool homespun suit -
begs, for suits or skirts, a good
range of qualities
50c .amitst, t.95 1.50
Ladies' cloth suitiugs, met et(
•finish, all pure wool, always
50e look well and give exeeeltsne AA
'svelte 050, 1.00, 1.,110 ritsts
• iFancy skirtPatterns, all wool or
sill; mixteres, the handsomest
90e ' Foods we lleve ever shoevil no
an, to 8-0,
Winter Mantles
Save time and Money in °Mantle buying
1 N **
by coming here direct for your mantle. As-
sortments here -are -hugest, there are more to
.ty'..clioose from than at other stores. Styles are
,1 'the very latest to be ,had and absolutely cor-
rect, in every case. All the materials are good
. land the prices low enough to save you a little.
money. These are a few price hints. ,
Mantle of bleak niggerhead, but- • I Mantle of fine beaver cloth, good
tons up close at throat, re- qualityearge lapels,long front,
veres,plairilining,Ofancy metal • 1 new back, 6 pearl 'buttons vel•
buttons, -correct length and, l• vet cellar, mercerised sateen
sleeve, a good' eclat at a 'Iowa a e 1- lining, black or fawn, a very me we
price . . .... • . iee 00 - nobby coat .. i... , .., ,..... ,... I. 10
Good quality black niggerhead,'
coat style, 4 rotes of etitehing Extra quality beaver mantles,
around collar and lapels, 600 will not wear' rough, newest
pearl buttons, lined .. ... ' . • back, Velvet oollar, open front,
pearl buttons, silk hoed, one
Beaver cloth, in fawn or black, of the -best coat values we have 0 g,e
coat, style, new back, seam- - ever had fawn,black, red, grey leiXte
doeble stitohee, 6 pearl but- /
, 5.00 • -
tons, sok iinect, .E. Very' fine beaver mantles, soft, •
Good Quality ,black neggerheeel, smooth cloth, open'throat. 5
Opeg. #90,"edges finishedeitith , , -, ,..-Tpw13 of eilkstitching arounde '
peep/ buittoireTegsg icee
;:grProtO braid, ,edged
*ittoo,..,x Russia braid,ff Ae,
tAkartii,40011&,- silk lined taxer
flflfl 11
denliee being peva els. He wag from Ina es no pretense of remembering the
RRerovaete-Thonees Trick bee le.
moved from Goderich township into
Vlunies Wilimeee house ore liattenbu
Street east, which he ;bought, It,
Downs will move into Mrs Hales cot-
tage on Princeee street. M. Downer
will MoVe into the house which will he
vacated by J. EL McHardy on the 20tb,
and Mrs Allen goes into the snug little
co w c oweer yacate
Moettlejelreplieleette.--Now as the
=rZ: `'fvorrt!it rle itllinel
to lookit retie a v
for town or county corniniaillonere.
In some of aur neighboring tibitricte
we have heard of new aspirant(' for
this honor but it hart been very quieb
concerning municipal matters. How-
ever in this district we have heard the
names of Jas. Suet! and S. 8, Cooper
n bletra obi
Seitemseeeeeel Jong the it e
made this week le a large oonitignmanb
of apples for storage in Toronto, and a
Salerkb ikad luta been an III
he Home since he ineention.
maim were taken to eittderlch by tde 161 Year° ago, which 9/10 the year of
Mende for interment, le • • ffeeee 1180. •
ttgra. Rootlet), not even where he hinrsel was
'001414I1 ' 0 0
• . 'IditinnilD Itt.BONFAL0.---The Buffalo
ride,y evening, Nov, 16th, e annual rile of Miss Clara Dorian- Robertson
110RelleeT Ranges , --. en carrier nt the 28th eern-The neat-
elltIrlgoitat e;1111::4: d tla CItt sorertifriLlWaiiigieErgigf glee%
u el
Towel/ell. Besidee the presentation rent*, flit' and Mre John B.obertson,
neldeuminer examinatiome end of Oct, Cie, Rev tel.. T. Wilt0;41ot
prizes and vertificatee obtained at the or goo t Avenue.on Fridayv nin
;Relief won on field day *geed literary
Ind musical program will be glvea
he program Wilt be Plikliiebed in ne4t
Wee It'eatitte.fftlit OrObrible-thatit OMAR
adznlsstofl feezitill be chalked.'
MAIM •"-- Uses Edna Manning and
Mise May Bell entertained friende
• tieveral eveninge, the latter part ot last
week. The Damen. House was Im-
proved •considerebly by repairs bet
week by Hiram Hill. We were _pleas.,
ed to see Bert McIlveen around Ole
week after his late siege of illneou ; it
will be a mOntb•however before he will
thoroughly well, and able to resume
quantity for the Northweet. Gangs of
Men have been around for some time
packing and sorting out the better
clew; for the *Kish trade. Oarbeede
will be shipped by D. Oantelon, the
apple king. from Clinton , Goderich,
Seaforth, Lucan, Granton, Newton,
Bluevale and other points.
Duni IN Cenereete-there Passed
away at the ho no of her son-in-law,
.Tames Appleby, Hume street,on Toes.
day. Susan Towneend, relict of the late
,Charles Calton, at the advanced and
respected age of 75 years and 7 menthe.
She wee of English descent, her birth.
place being at Sevyston, Cambridge-
shire. Her late husband predeceased
her last November -just a year ego -
when she removed from the country
and lived wit h her daughter ever since.
A family of two are left. Charles Cesi.
ton* of 'oroderich, . anti Mrs Jae Apple-.
by, of town. Mrs Cesium was a wo-
man much respected by her Mende
and they were many who sympatniee
with those who moth!) ber loos. . The
funeral took place from her late resi-
dence on 1 uesday afternoon to Clinton,
cemetery, Rey. Mr lidurduck conduct-
ing the services.
Eeitoeiott NterEs. -Elections °Call
sorts and cenditione are in the are this
year. On the 6.h came the presiden-
tial election in the United States, with
McKinley the winner; the. following
deer our own Federal elections, Sir
Wilfrid being returned; and on- Thins -
day Newfoundlend held ite elections.
Virecineadwr .was a puny day all over
the Dominion. and a heavy vote was
polled, In West Huron it was a hot
contest, both sides intense on winning;
not many votes were left unrecorded.
At six o'clock the returns commenced
fn ere/rein, Marton gave •Heirnes 63
of a majority, and Gum -rich 27. This
Ant buoyancy' into the Liberals, and a
premonition that ahoy would win.
Next came London, with Hyman el-
ected bY n large majority. The re..
turns from the telegraph offices were
given at thetown hall =drink. As
soon as West Huron was found to be
• an the side of Laurier the hoes started
the ball rolling, built a big bonfire on
the equate and spent aglorious time,,
as well as their elders. •
WkriDED 1$ Lonnore-Thefollowing
front tate 'London Advertiser of yestea
• . day weleineerest hy the friends of the
e. 4. Our flannel stock is .complete in every particular: Not ibauy.ylequoned. wp,0 wish her taw
a desirable line in missing and,our fsearch afteithe best was egindAl2;Vagenedr. rtrielZdsteemia:
long and In the "%pie Leaf" flannels we 'think:nized at the residence of Mr John
We have got flannels that will proviiperfectly satisfactbry', to o:ouna,ndwevrne of vat.' eteati yil tel(); v after
the wearers in every respect.. ;They are made of pure „wools. kalb tArDi.j. Read. was Cillnena an bride
and walla, shrink. For the. benefit of those ',wanting .good i tiYme of her residence ln this city the
James B. Spencer. During the
deptnilable flannol,Wwespeeify a feW of our leading lines. -. r tra7rnme !rave: veryterris4ou•
lar in business hand social ciraes.P 'Phe
'Heavy union flannel, dare grey, 20, „he_ Etta super all woolgennel, very bride is the youngest daughter of Mrs
'natio wide, e geed wester .. ,...1;e1a) " line and softy full -26 inch, dark or R. H. Read,fornierly of Clinton,. There'
and in London she has many Wench
Wool flannels, dark end light grey, - light grey, plain or teen, people
olio or swill, soft 010314 en ex,, , venting e real good flannel will to whom she has endeared herself bv
cellent.fiennel for geeeral wear ,. ',40e
peat, non shrinkable:
find this satisfaotory in every res- ilogs her many charming quelitiete The
bridal party consisted of only the itn-
• '' ..... .. • e el mediate family relistleere Mr. 1. R.
Fine quality "Maple Leaf" flannel Scarlet fianne!s; plata or twill, two Read, of Monti eal, being one of .the
27 inches wide, made of line woole, qualities, made .up in military number. In the drawing -room, where
soft -and smooth', dark or light, . ot(lee, and trimmed with. brass the ceremony was performed at 8
grey, plain or twill ....... ..e. ... g5o buttons, they,are very popular for „.. o'clock by Rev. W. J.` Clarke. The
Navy 'flannels good Oradea,- fine ' WW1 waietil '''' , 25c and lifC bride looked charm in her gown of
sort Tient ere plain or twill, 25 ego. Extra heavy union ilannel, amooth white silk, trimmed with applique and
aad qs inches 25e.„ 28e, oae finish, good weight - I* carrying bridal roses. She was at -
ot many stores
can give y ou
such a omplete
stock of depen&
ablo underwear
' \ to seed from
as you will find here. We
have a full range of sizes, sell
only reliable qualities and our
prices are .under todays values
Two of our leadinglines
Fleece linederibbed yeast and draw-
ers, American make, lioft
and very strong, one of the best
•selling lines we ever ma In etre
store..,••••• ... .. ..... •.. 38e
Ribbed woollen vette, just' enongb •
cotton woven in lb keep them
from shrinking, open front, pearl
buttoner, finely finished deawers to
match•' 50e
, • " tended y Mise Mable Oellandere who
No other kind
finds admitt-
tance to this
stock. You can
depend abso-
, lutely on hos-
iery coming from this store.
Should it not wear as you
think it ought, tell us about
it and we will make it right
with you. These two lines
tire good.
Ribbed woollen hose, Insley Weight
for winter wear, beamless feet all eee
sizes 20c and WC
leans heavy woolen home, made
from imported wormed DEMI*
wide rib, triattdore feet, double
knee, it payor to buy this Make for
boys Waldo any amount of
hard wear, all sizes 31SO to 661e
11 special — -• SPeelal
Because we bought these A few pairs of cldldren's
away..under salue we can - wOollen hose. at a allot. at
sall thitikat this -money saving from 5 to 15e.a pair. iteady
price. •.. They'll be ready Sat- Saturday
urday morning. ' 50 Pairs children's woollen hese.
35 Poke &Hattie ribbed drawers a pair but it worth 20o most of
ankle length, good weight, regnia: trA.,. them are 25e to 86o goodi, choice kr„
940 on sale Eleturday, per pair.... LOCI of -lot Sattirday .. • tou
Som Millinery Specials for Satarday • •
plain Mid. fibbed, razes 6 to '4, not
These specials from. the millinery department go on salol
Saturday, morning. • It is well to come early for best choice.
4:1 tauten," tabot left heti, Glejs homy earn omen. haw plaid
latest New York 'War, grey, blue, °Mtn, trinuned with quill Ord
feWn. red, soar 850, ebbiat %DV • buoklet reeler 06te chelas Seim, We
Camel hilt' 'Negate triton:era with Camel heir 'ontiug heti, neer ihtspe
band* end peeing of polka dot ae. foray Silk brinds,red,blietandlawn awe
1011111e, *Wild for Sienrdey .....,.. Doe only,speoiel for Satutrisy........e ,e0t3
r •
attired in white organdy, was a most
winsome bridesmaid. •She carried
pink roses. The dirties of best man
were performed by Mr Alfred Aitkite
son, of the Agricultural college,Guelph
a cousin of the groom. After hincheoh
the young couple left on an eastern
trip. • The wedding gifts that they re-
ceived were exceedingly beaatiful.
When they retool from their honey-
moon Mr erd Mre Spencer vvill reside
at 236 Si, Geotge street. .
Moak ENTitimantmatral..,--Notwith.
standing that Wednesday was election woo
day and in the evening the rehires
would be so interesting to 'eerie it did
not detract, from thelarge number who
subscribed to take tickets for the Boa.
ton Vedette's concert, Rad .it not
been the evening of election the people
of Clinton would not have been freelor.
ed with their appearance. At firet -it
Was thoiighb t e election would make. E
the minture a failure but by elonday
numbef of seat. taken, To mitts LW*
thee has ever been imitated to it Olin.
hie position th Hick druggist
Godetich. ood winter apples are
scarce ; they are being sold at 50 cents
per barrel. It is illegal ter butchers
and merchants to be e exposed for
Lag. Inmeteilately after the ceremony. -
Mr and MEI Deere; d left for Chicago,
where thefwill reside. [The tether of
the btlde was a former business man of •
Olinten1 conducting some time ago the
People. Club Store.1
belenON LRAM -The result of the
Inanaltheth squash competition held by
MUM ItenniP, eeedeman,of Toronto,
has Wen announced. Of 23 squashes
ranging from 203 to 822 pomade, Eturon
County produced 4, and Goderich makes
a eplentlid showing, with the let and
Oad in the whole -hist; Wm. Warnock,
00derich, le first with a 322 pounder;
John S. Howrie, Goderich, le second
with one weighing 818 1-2 poundseG.
R. David, Behteave, is on the list with .
a 221 pounder to hie credit, and James
Hetiderecere Wigghaise is 16th, with
bne weighing 212 ',panda,
sale carcases of deveer Moult a license; •
itoteleappleing guests with game dur-
e out a permit. Goderich and San.int the c oee (mason are also required to Connell Meeting,
football match for the Rough cup In Monday eyeeing. the Mayor in the
The elioveinber'meeting was held on
forth Collegiate Institutes played a
Seiler el ti on Saturdey week ; it result- chair and Councillore Jehuston. Vora,
'ed 3 to 0 for the Baine team. . A sum McKenzie,Walker, Beacom and °mint
of money in all 34.60 was Pelt on Huron present. A communicatiou from R.
st& Tee on
ri ino theiaiavicinityfinodf erthwempoolpasernon Vitoria, East,ixwba, Smith
e)t. Irwin concerning certain alleged tres-
otle,. by leavieg same at the Nine' E___Ra and High streets Was reed, and the
office. 'Br Monday night fleetly Mu Council will refer the'matter to J.T.
tickets' were sold 'for the Fadietes cora
Garrow, Q. 0.6 for advice. •A petition
cert ; by Wednesday night the burn- from F. W. Evans add others. asking
ber of re•erved seat. reached 260. A for 0, sidewalk Or crossing on Erie St.
daughter of Rea Welter Rigsby, of across Hume or to eontinue the walk
Kincardine, is ill with .typhoid in the
hospital at London. Uncle Tom'on the south aide of Huron; referred to
Cstreet abin Co. gave a street parade at noon 1 ccoomin..,tewpoitrbtedpetvivearrttsobaecitn.gTpbpet
on rady. Bert Fitzeimo
ens is nw streetreet
. in near Mr Soynet's and at W. JeePses-
bus driver for the Hotel Clarendon. Jley's, and tbe purch
McGuire, ot the Clarendon, hair men ' eee of tile to be
engaged eeectingesalarre driving sheet ' corn. recommended the pit/eh/tee of 100
e used in the spring, 'I he fire and water
25x60, in the,rear of the,htitel barn, for
the accommodation of efeet of' hose and rubber come, and re -
his Patrons' ,-; ' ported that the -contract -for painting'
Miss Josie, Witts. daughter of W.
Witts has been laid tip with seeere iiii.- i the town hall was let to Joseph Oopp.
ness for several days,- but we are pleas- , A railing. will. be placed around the
to know she is improving. Miss Tena street
scuth aide of the walk on Rattenbury
of late I et the
but we arepleased to leaen she is. her -
street and also on part of Albert etreet
Matheson has been seriously i
market square. The finance
proving., 'W. Plunisteelina clerk In T. com. recommended the payment of the followine account .t.
Jackson'sclothing store. Two political
opponents bet $5 eacir and before the Onslovv Cr ich, work, $4 06; T. Cottle,
. work, $12; Electric Light Coe .50;
night Was oyer got back $4 50 baying W. Wheatley, 514.25;. 1V. W. Ferran;
lost 50 cents each; if you want to kooy? Insurance, $46; 0. Oerter, work. $3.38;
about it ask them. The bowling hewn i. FLOombe estate. eperm oil, #1 25; 0.
has been levelled uPand improved by
E. Carter. The railway siding for the Carter, work. 525.03; S. L. Scott, work.
*875; J. Grimes, Work, 088; W.
•Doherty factory err progreirsing e part 1 wheatioy, work ono sand, sem; W.
of the reading has been laid; Public aa
school board meeting on next Monday teme work, $3;1_ Steep, work, sand,
Avening. An effort is being made to salt for sidewalk, $250; A. Graham,
, S773.18, gratis for sidewalk. $7; McNeil,
bring Miss Attires Knax, the well-
meet, supplied, .25; Eet. J. 11. Combe,
known•elocutioniet, to town. Mrs B.
G. McLellan, Biddleconibe block, calls 'disinfectants, 02.20; Orle Cooper; gro-
attent ion of the ladies of the town and ceries, $4.77; S. Jackson, disinfect/nets,
country to the excellent stock of sty- , Record,
, 80e; J. A. Ring, bread, $1 20; News
lish, new and fresh seasonable geodeat printing, $17:41; ' S. Kemp, $1;
Dr. Thompeon, attendance, $4; Huron
reasonable prices; a fulleline of the D &'
A. corsets kept on hand. .Georgie, the i county, use son, undertaking, of spray, $2; 1 0. Steeen-
litt1 le sob of Geo. Plintoff, Princess St. u • 0. y Wheatley,$15; Electric Light
salarygm 50;
west, left for the • Institute tor On 1 w, coats, salary; 87.50; E. Harman,
Blind, Brantford, on Wednesday. '
Rey -
Now that the elections are over and ex- $62.50; selection of jurors, $6; R. citement dies away, we shall he glad to 1 tinkle, salary, $30; J. Miller, salary,
012.50; A. Seeley, salary, 06,25;J. West,
' e
hem, from all our earrespendente. • eau so
The Best Book
in the Virorld
• for 56c
There arrived with our new fall goods flirt
double tbetinotor of a I1n4 of bibleathat we,'
wanted, the rteallt II We have two. dean. mor*'..
• thin we should n weals cost 0043,
to return them and to 'ell them Al Otis ordinsq
wee at the ordinery price would -likely
Rowe time which is not desirable to mi. To
overbore,* these difficulties, we haye derided to
keel) them and beaten their sale by the extra; '
excellent pocket bible, email °leer ,type, r
ord allay price ot 500. They are reallon y ,
good per and is as well bound as any ape,. ,
ary boot you ever Saw.
The w
D. D FAIR 00
Olten theTheapest—Always the Best,"
And. Still They Go
On Saturday morning neat we replenish our betgain tables with ;Apr
• another 30 pairs of bsdiere genuine Dongola kid buttoned boom at . • IMO
80Fairs of ladies' genuine Dongola Kid Oxfords worth $1.50 for .... $1.00
18 Pairs of Boys Laced Boots going at . . 850
Three lines.of,Blen's fine laced boota, at $1, $1.25 and $1.1S0i all new
geode, regular eizes and several other buyers that will astonish the olosest
buyers. it will pay you to Bee then3.
. . ,
We have the largest and beat assortment pf rubbers end we will Met be
undeesold. Remember we guarantee every pair. No auction geode or
second qualities'..
Germanfelt Slippers gOink at 30e, 45c, 65e and /50
Iv I v• V•Ot
A splendid emortment. We buy (masa for cash. A call aolicited.
The Old Reliable.
lare . Taylor dr Soli
Cash' and One Price' Eggs taken as Cash
Insurance office aa the store
• • • - • a
Cdo Ir
se- •
4141.41-1144-e-• *4•••••••••••••••••
Great •
lothing Store
• '
We are known from one encl of Can-
• ada to the other as a -reliable establish-
ment,dealing in a class of goods that gives
satisfaction to the purchaser, and handling
• an assortment that id not seen outside the
---, hi Ready-to-wear
\. • we manufacture nearly all our
oiwn goods, and. when you buy here you
. save the middleman's 'refit, besides we
r.ve you a class of goods totally different
oni anything shown by people not man
night ite'sgccess was assured by the E ufacturers.
is to mies One of the HOW product's:MI
treet o a high class and refined Wore
gaialeation* ceinpesed Of 21 Mileical
ton audience. In Amu 'co au tine et. E kpecial line of goods • with us. We
*Mots concluded b Mre Caroline' E. eau
appeared erehte 4 peeked show you a wonderful range. of patterns made it in
bottle. Not ane went away regratling d 0 0 0
I the test t les ear oltOTAL OAK ,SEIKIE ext
but wiehilig for a repetition and they
got it en Wednesday night end a num.]
her thoughtthepregrameomowlsatbett
ter. The appearance Of the ladles,
°lithe stage present one of graceful.
WWI. dignity and 'dateline.* $ their de.
Beate gamma ts seemed to Mend in
harmony with the mush). Every num. E ufactured in The latest Vic
single or double roosted is parboils our big
ano nOrtalul wonclortul cut for
this prloo. Thou n, /on got a variety
of lino Tweeds at et 010110 pike, AI mo.
bar was thoroughly appreciated and MICKNIKI PANTS AT $11
lire Nichols wail not et all sparing in
the encore.. The prelrani Opined 4Peekmade by ouroolvoo, owl mold without the
With ale overture .ucoaaded in turn bY middle profit better out, batter make
other line and diffieult eelectiono. d b
with perfection and elatave she it Mee-
tly -6f that Inetruttereit. The enter!,
talnment throughout captivated the
audience ; the lea* Were enthusiast!.
call received and Will receive a burr).
pew ouse every time they tome to
49111itoo. Mr &knee is to be congratu.
Wed on giving the cttieetre thteapriVi. goods which are rold.at the same Zoo,
Miss Webb, the solo play. • en Otter trimitte4 than any line on the
market, all shies, and this means that we
'can fit the largest nom in This. section.
These goods have some shape about them
and are no relation to the machine made
1101/S'' KNEE PANTS, 500 and
mostraned 13660`103 4
all our own make* -
govilft4 tiTines 11940:011 -611 ,piliev
legit of wing this teleb2 ac •
th:ttnlin 41°64 old trria bow Eill"1111.01100.0011.10.01lioneemaimust 1 1 0 I H
tone of its old time popularity and
many a one Attends to see its repetition
When gitin by stood company Ms a
very Interesting play but as Olihtan
blur bad a dowth of entertainments%
al t4ty wilt **NO mutat **(Who*
mv# itrigt potroassa,
• •
Our Famous
Shoe Dept.
• When you' buy here
you get the best makes of
•goods, goods made by the
reliable factories of the
Dominion, and goods. at
priees which very few
people can equal. Doing
business in this depart-
ment with little or no ex-
pense enables us to place
a price away below .other
On Saturday Next 1
LOT I-30 Pairs Ladies' Dongola Shoes, slid at
$I.$, maue from good stock and some-
•" thing that is reliable, as long as they last =S
gest seller our price is $1.10
sot a
LOT 2-4 range of Men's "DOM PED *est 3
worth $1,35, but for above day they win
go for UAL sizes 7, 8 and 9.
Our •Boys'
Standard School Shoes
•are stM the best selling pods on
market, and no- shoo equals them for good wear.
iiii14141144141111441114111141144614 ii4iiiiiiiiiii446164114444111144144