HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-11-09, Page 6November 9,1900
In Orrery gthe
lurks, like a crouching.
trim the probabilities
of consumption.
The throat a n d
lungs become
rough and : in-
flamed from 'i,
coughing an d
the germs . of
find an easy
. entrance. Take
no chances .1
with the dun- .'y
vgy gerous foe.
Por 60 years
there has been A per-
fect Cure. What a rec-
ord! Sixty years of cures.
soothes, and heals the
wounded throat and
lungs. You .escape an'at-
`tackof consumptionwith
all its. terrible suffering
`and uncertdirl results.
There is nothing so bad
for the throat and lungs
as coughing: > -
A 25c. bottle will cure
an ordinary cough; hard-
er coughs will •need a 5oc.
size; the dollar bottle is
cheapest in the long run.
"One of my Oona was spitting
blood with a high fever and was
very ill. We could badly see any
signs of life in him. The doctors.
did him no good. But one bottle of
your Cherry -Pectoral cured hint end
saved his lfi e." 0.G.Axnls1aoi,.
Nov.10,1898. Yakima, S.Dak.
write the Doctor.' if yon haveeni
complaint whatever and .Odra the
beet medical advioe, write the Doe -
tor freely. Address
' Dr, J. C. Alma. Lunen, mesa.'
tot, Milt. Cllr:& tot tl-e A Stran*o Case.
very ill at Halifax.
B via £'pill often oieaue Oddest, in -
nese. .fain-Kilicr se all tbet is needed
to word* off. Unequalled for cramps
and diarrhoea. Avoid subatitutea, there
is but. wit Pain Hiller, Perry Davin'. 2uo.
'I be election in Orkney arid Shet•
land reitulted in an unexpected Union-
ist gait The Liberal party managesa
attrtbu.e the defeat of tbetr Candidate
to the absence of many voters With
the Oohing fiesta, •
The Erpbetio Statement that `The D.
& L. lifentbot Piaster is doing a great.
deal to alleviate neuralgia and rheum!.
heum -
tism is based upon foots. The D. sir
Pi(tater never fade to soothe and quickly
cure, Manufactured .by the Davie di:
Lawrence 00., Ltd. •
'l'hefuraper sale of the Chicago r
'?rand Ttunk'Railway took place at
Port Ru'icin. It was bid in by (.0eneral
Manager Hoye, of the Grand Trunk
for the suns of the ee mortgagee,
o fear thousand ears. or more the
world groaned; suffered -`and' fumed about
its corns, for - there wise n4 positive re-
lief -no certain and painiees onre until
Dr, Soott Pntuan gave to the - world his
great Cgrn Extractor. It is sure, pain.
of t a
leers' r Beware rneat e.
t lad a et
t ara
1 m as
F, • a. Poleon & Co„ pr+ pr:etors, Xing.
t1111No+" °-
Congressman .Norton .of Ohio abandon
• .4 medicine 20. years ago for polities..
. Hiruns Masini Isat. work in 'London.
upon alt extraordinary device that be. hag
. copceived /op the evolution of •pressure
hitherto unknown to science.:
[Professor. Rudoif Virchow, the great
physiologist, wbo•is now 79 years of age,
has just colkbefited hitt golden wedding. •
He has three sena and three daughters.
Mr. Il'aithtul Begg, the OW advocate
.of woman suffrage in the British. honed
I r c'o union"s, has .announced that hg• :will
1,,i...,,;, a candidate for. the next parka •
u air -ii
n . aulistuy 1ecently. !latioteilzed
'ahem Maxim, the guntnaker, as' "the
• nun who flu's •prevented more' men from
lying of old age than any other person •
hat ever. lived."
. Booker T. Washington .has accepted-
ccepted::u position offered brat, by tbe directors
,1( the Smith Cnroiinii Interstate and'
west Indian exposition as chief of the •
iregro• department. •
President Loubet of France is a mu-
sician. a fact scarcely known even in his
own country, and not only ., pinys the
piano and 'Violin with remarkable skill,
but couipeses so if in. said, softie music
worthy of risen .gvbo•have given tbeiriife'
to tb:et alt.
Robert. Basses; llt'grr. who recently died
�K '
it 1•.m. ...cutlund was rnndnel .
ns t
tv of Robert , Burnt'. being a grandson
of Isobel Burns, glister of the Scottish
materna Net. Be belonged to the legal
profession and was for wore. than 20
years sheriff clerk of the county of Mins
It would appear that' Tho• mas' B. Beed
as a practicing lawyer is. doing! better
financially than as speaker of the house
of representatives.Announcement is
made that he is about to purchase a large
tract of land at -Oyster Bay, .on IAN.: Is-
land, adjoining the property of Governor
Roosevelt. -
Senator John C. Spooner denies he WI11
make his home in the east at the expira-
tion tot his term' of office. The senator
says be has never entertained a thought
of leaving Wisconsin. He has had many
offers to go to New York during the past
15 years, but he has refused all of them
and will continue to do so.
Adna A. Treat of Denver says that he_:
is the oldest'Mason in the United States.
He was born in Hartford,, on April 8.
1797. acid became n Mason .at Troy. N.
Y. in 1828, Pie was one of a commit'.
tee of Masons appointed to recelr'e Gen-
eral Lafayette when he visited Troy in.
1824. Mr. Treat is remarkably well
Cyrus Field Adams, the negro editor,
linguist and orator, who bee been ap-
pointed a member of the advisory 'com-
mittee of the Republican national cots-
- mietee;
ons-mittee; is•a'native.of•Loilis'viite; but note
resides in Chicago. Be has been eines
1885 editor of The Appeal, Which ilea a
large circulation. He' delivers political
speeches in the Scandinavian, German,
French, Italian and Bohemian langusgeb.
The Prize. Winners
At Fairs and Exhit oti!a
trip, I the
The fall fairs and exhibitions held this'
year in Confide were a source of pleasure
end satiefaotion to hundreds of energetic
and srtistio ladies. Magnificent dieplaye
of mate, segs and carpets made frons rags
dyed with the Diamond Dyee, drew the
epeolal attention of thouea'ndeof yiaitoro.
Xis nioety-nine dogleg out of every hnn-,;
dted,tbe'ekbibitors who used the Diamond'
Dyes to toter the materials ofwhich their
teats; rtigs end carpets Were lm*de, took the
best prices.
Ido &tenger proof of the 'superiority of
Diamond Dyes oat's be demanded. Women
all over .Catttkda Will (lad • it , guta to are
Diamond Dyes tete-Wilde their feat(' and
dingy looking dresses, skirts, blooies. eapst, -
�It t ties ribboeti et One reinter) of _.
iamond Uyei..telt' h
We girr this bcantilut opal
Ring in a handsome plueh
lined case (or selling only 1
dc-, dainttyypnckagesofViotet,
tom. and lleellutrnperurtume
atlue-each. ThieRt ismade
of the wonderful metal Gold
,Allo , which Looks like pure
go]d and never cbangell color.
It 1s set with three splendid
Opals. Writ& and wo mall
Perfume. Bell it, return
money and we will Bend your
Ring and Case .postpaid.
lime Specialty Co.,
Hors , u Toronto.
The Rev. Dr. Henry 0. Weston. presi-
dent of Crozer Theological seminary. is
80. years nisi.
The Rev. Artentui J. Haynes, who suc-
ceeded the Rev. Dr. Gunsaulus as pastor
of Plymouth_. Congregational .church of,
Chicago, has resigned because of i11
Prince Maximilian of Saxony has ac- -
•cepte'd the professorship of 'canonical law
at the University of Freyburg, Switzer-
land, He was born in 1870 and in 1896
was•orjlained a priest. At present he is.
pastor, of a eburch in 'Nuremberg.
' An aesthetic English vicar at Wembley
will not allow the word "died" to be put
on the tombstones of the people buried
in the eemetery. He insists on phrases
like "departed this life" or "passed
;tweet. or "entered into rest" and sats
that -"died" is a denial. of the .Christian
teaching of immortality.
The archbishop of 'Canterbury, 'Dr..
Temple,. is reported es saying. to• a lady
visitor. at Lambeth; "When. I was a cu-
rate. 1 used to devote all my spare time
to reading Homer. Virgil and the noble
ancient classics. When I was a vicai, I
used to devote all: my spare time to talk-
ing about these noble classics, Now'T ons "
ae•grehbishop d am a: privileged person,
and i ()Pirate some of my 'precious time
to 'reeding ftuudver'd. Kipling." •
bts 1
H e i to !i
age 6 normaily, being still � fairly' .
fresh and hearty, at that age"in the des -
ft has been proved by instantaneous
photography that a horse at full trot
soMetlines has its foul feet off the ground
at once, '
The arctic whale never migrates toe
the southward, as most species of whales
do, because of Its inability to live in the .
heated waters of the southern seas.
Like. the. bonito, the 'kingfisher's colors
dull after death. No - one who.has seen
only the stuffed bird can toren any idea,
`of the brilliance of Its plumage when
Rats' are fine svi'immers. . They are -
nearly as much at•home in a swollen
stream s t e are in the placid cellarof
a b
y P
a well stocked mansion.. In • fact, the
whole' rodent -.family, including mice,
squirrels and other species, learn to make
themselves at home In the water when
necessity requires it.
Open street ears' in Hartfprd have eave
troughs to conduct rainwater to either
end of the car. .
The largest tunnel is almost' completed..
It is'on the -Great Northern railroad,
through the Cascade mountains, In Mon
tana, and cost $4.000,000. . --
In the western part of British Colum-
bia is , novel railway two miles in
length, 'The rails are made of trees
from which the hark has been stripped.
and these are bolted together. Upon
them runs a car with grooved wheels 10
inches wide. .
Spain is managing to keep out of inter-
national discussion with all the persist-
ent discretion of a government that has
bad trouble enough. -Washington Star.
Spain, having no -longer any outside
distractions, is engaged in engineering
various reforms, and among other things
as orderd 24 hour dials=on all the clocks .
in the . sonntry. _...She evidently- regards
herself as' • being at the dawn Of a new
day in a very literal sense -•a 24 hour
six's,-•xtldiarXaP4lia .'fn,trnala •.
The census of Albany would seem to
indicate that the capital of the great
stem' off New York was somewhat 1i i
paired -Boston Herald.
Prom 'the' col'a's - '''flee point of view
beans rank ahead of oysters. The Bos-
ton porridge leads the 1ta1tittiore stew.•-••
Cleveland Plain Beales.
Boston's +Census is 5,000 ahead of the
estimates of its board of health, tirbieb is
the only case' yet discovered of modesty
of this 'nature. --St. Louis Globe -Demo -
crThose cities that had taken their meas -
urea with their elites on are 6ading fault
because, the . census takers- made thein
stand In their stocking Leet.-Ph1ladel-
phie North A.merlean.
Chicago remarks that at her present
rate of increase she will ontetrip New
York in population within 25 years.
Walt till the census of 1930, tied Chicago
may be.setting the pace or London it-
self. -Mexican Herald.
Well, Omaha's census for 1900 paves
the way for a.splendid itereentag*of<In-
crease in 1'910, and that's what we'tired on when we.allowed so many Oma
liana to Biceps the *i"epy eyes iortrt'*'bro
sulk enurneratore:
it Q t, e 40• 18 nine work as �uii r yen dry for
three paokag'eee-61Ibe aonimon di* "19
t i_
�givecoloraler More .beatttlial', more bro.
tient and snore lasting, w
Eye Troublta Which Developed
into Runnilnilr Sore*
Motors Said it was Coneugaption of the
Blood, and lieeovery was: Looked upon
ea Algnoat Hopeless - Dr. Williams'
Palk Pine Wrought i Cure.
' From e0 Herald, Georgetown, Ont.
Our reporter recently had the pleaaareof
palling sus Mr Wta.Thompeon, papermakers
at Wm, Berber & Bros,' mills, a well.
known and respected chime of our town,
for the purpose at abquiring the details' of
his eon's long alum and trig remerks+ble
• recovery though the nee of Dr. Williams'
Pink We. Mr Thompson kindly gave as
the, following information which will
'#ppeak for itself: --"About two and a bait
years ago my eldest eon, Garnet, who is 15
ears old, took what I supposed to be in-
#lammation'it WO lett eye. - He wee taken.
t0 a physioien,who advised me to take him
to ext eye speoiaidist wbioh X did, onlyto
find out that be had los' the • eight of the
eye completely. , The disease spread from
his eye to his wrist, wbioh became greetly
swollen, and was lanced nig lees than eleven
times, Rio wholeerm was Com�ppletely use -
lege, .although be was not suffering any
pain. From bis wrist it went to, hie. Soot
which was also landed A couple of times
but without bringing relief. The next
move to the trouble was to the upper part
e of the leg where it broke out, fury
tities of matter running from the sore.. All
thin time m boy was under the best treat-
ment I could prooare but with little or no,
effect, The trouble wee pronounced con-
gumption. of the blood and I. was told by.
the doctors that you would not come corpse
a case like it in Dye hundred. When .el•
moat discouraged and not knowing what to
do for the best, a friend of mina urged me
to try Dr. Williams' kink Pills, saying
that heliad a son who was afflicted 'with a
somewhat similar disease and had been
cured by the pills, : I decided to.give Dr,
Williams' Pink Pills' a fair trial and seour•
ed some of them at the drug store, Land af•
ter my boy had taken two boxes I could
see the`color coming buck to bio sallow
complexion and noted a decided change 'for
the better. He went on taking them and
in a few months trete the time be started
to use them 1 consid red him perfectly cur.
td and -not a traoe of the disease left,exoept
his blind eye, the sight of. wbioh be lost be-
fore be started the use of the pills.:. He
has slow become fleshy and I consider him
QUO of the healthiest' boys. in the: commun.
ity, . If any person in desirous of knowing
the meritso .Dr. Williams' Pink Pills you
may direst to me, as i oan highly reeom-
mend then to any person afflicted as my.
boy wag," ..
Dr.' Williams' Pick Pills cure by going to
the root ofthe disease. They renew and
build up' the blood and strengthen the
nerves thus driving
hi s
deo efromthe eye -
s ya
tem. Avoid imitation's by insisting twat ev-
ery box you purchase is enclosed in a wrap-:
- per bearing the full. trade mark,. Dr, Wil-
liams' Pink Pills for+Paio People. •1( your
dealer does not keep them they will be sent
postpaid at 50o a box,or six boxes for 92.60
Iby addressing the Re. Williams' Medicine
Go„ Brookville,Ont.
She Chinese eni o e
I tD t ntiaries have
opened •; negotiations by : proposing
that China should pay an indemnity
of F10,COO,C00 sterling in sixty instal-
ments secured by the customs.
They also agreed that PI ince' Tuan
aliouldbe imprisoned for life,
from Qom ' N � .
'hS Man Behind the PlOnre The Rnesfan Government hes int
►-� posed a tax upon railway tickets, tor
Tjiere''t been lots to say about the melt be. the benefit of the National Red Oros*
hind the gun, Society,
Ara folk has praised hint highly for the.1f'a ckiid eats ravenously, grinds' the
noble work be's done; teeth at night and picks he nose yon may
He won a lot of honor for the land where alpQ,ost be certain it het worms anti should
Q3100 are free, 1 administer without delay Dr. Low's Pleat.
It was he tubo sent the Boore way back l ant Worm Syrup, this remedy contains its
soros the ser, i own cathartics.
But he's bad tris 'y of glory, had his little
apkee, and now A despatch fronn. Durban says the
There's another to be mentioned* -he's the Gorden Highlanders and the Devon-
• man behind the plow. shire . Regiment hare been ordered
to be ready to Bail for China in ill few
A bitttle•ehip'e a wonder, and an ?tray's dale.
mighty grand, . A DRUGoIS C'S OPINION.
And warning's a profession only heroes.
glnderetand, Mr W. J. Stinson, Auetiq, Man,, wrttss
re's something :sore of .thrillinti iri a "Our caetomera epo.tk so highly of Mil-
burn's Sterling Headache Powder' that it `.
is a pleasure to reoo'nmend them to others.
They never disappoint but always cure.'}
Price 100. and 250,
hat s waving high,
,Audit taxkee you want to holler wheat the
boys go rnsrobin by,
But when the ah0uttlee over and the fight-
ing's done, some ow
We find we're still depending on the Man
behind the plow.
In ill the pomp and splendor of an army
on parade
And all through the awful disknese that
'the smoke of battle'. made,
In the;halle where jewel:: glitter and, where
shouting men debate, •
In the plane where ruler's deal outbonors to
the great,
There': not a single person who'd be doing
hpsinese pow.
Orhave misdate, if it waea't for the man
behind the plow.
We're a -building mighty oitieeand we're
gaining lotty heights,
We're a -winning lote of glory, we're setting Mrs Wm. Ireland,170 Queen St. Beet, -
things to rights, ' Toronto,wlfe of the well-known shoemaker,
We're a•ehowing all creation bow - the suffered from indigestion and constipation
world's affairs should ran; fllr over I5 yeare. Nothing dM her any
Future men will gaze in wander et the good till she tried Lata -Liver Pills, wbioh.
thioge that we have done, ourea bar.
And they'll overlook the (tallow - last the The inhabitants of the Danish Went
frame as we do now -IOW& Indies,fduring;theicourse; of a series
Who's the; whole conoern'e foundation. -- of public meetipgs,j'•have expressed
that'll the anon behind the plow.
. P. Ci. bitter.disapproval of [the proposed
sale of the islands to the United States.
The body of T, W. Reilly, .a railway
man of St. ',Phomas, . who hue been
neiseingfoes .week, Was found in the
rivegat.the foot, of Columbus. avenue,
It you want to quit being a weather
prophet have your -, rheumatism cured by
Mi1burn's Rheumatic Pills,, a. guaranteed
remedy for rheametietp, eoiatioe, neuralgia
and lumbago. Prloe 50o. at all dealers.
• The London Times and The Tele -
.graph announce etbat Lord 8 1t
reidgn the positiotr" of ;Foreign
Minister, and will be succeeded by
Lord Lansdowne, '
Little Br.:aves.--Old time a quarter.
tobox"Purgers "aro quitting the' field In,
whole battalions. Dr. Agnew's Little Pills
at to cents a vial are driving theist out atoll
points.. Because they act gently, more•
effectively, never pain, and are .easy to take.
Sick Headache succumbs to one dose...49.
Sold by Sydney Jackson, draggiat,Olinton, •
Mr Ironsides, one of the largest cat-
• tie exporters in the Dominion, says
that se a remit of removing the.
American quarantine, secured - by
the .efforts of the Lauriergovern-
'bent, e t, tt increased the value of the
horned cattle in the Dominion . by
$46,367,104 ' '
A Ory for Help. -A pain in the back
is a cry of the kidneys for beip. South Ameri-
can Kidney Cure is the only cure that hasn't
a failure written' against it in -cases of
Brigbt's disease,. diabetes,• inflammation of.
the bladder, gravesand other kidney ail•
ments. Don't neglect the apparently insig
nificant "signs." This powerful liquid
specific prevents and cures. --7o : •
Sold by Sydney Jackson druggiet,Ciinton
Our total exports e ors o
f ion turat
a 1
implements iu 1898, was $595,277.
in 1897 it rose to $1,887,228. That
io. the° way the Liberal tariff is
„raining" .our :menafacturing in
TakeLasative isromo Quinine Tablets; .All
druggists refund the money. if it fails to cure
25rts. F. W. Orovq'elaiguature is, on each bort.
Hagyard's Yellow Oiloanbe applied ex-
ternally for rhentnatism, stiff joints, Asp.
ped hands, obilbleins, sprains, eto. It oan
be taken internallyfor oroup, quinsy,
bronohitie, tieing ini the sto.oaoh, kidney
complaint, eto, ' Price 250.
A despatch from Cape Town says
that Cecil . Rhodes is suffering from
Holo the Overworked Herirt.
Is the great engine which pumps . life
through your system hard pressed, over- -
taxed, groaning under its load because dis-
ease has clogged it ? Dr. Agnew'sCure .for
the Heart is nature's lubricator and cleanser,
and daily demonstrates to heart sufferers
that it the safest, surest, and most speedy
remedy that medical science jciows-6q
Bold by Sydney dacksoii, drnggist,Clinton.
Wire, -
Life, -. 'Accident, e..Plato;Glass.-
. To
. iu,!J �l,.,I I
I 5.
Slater Shoe Gatalo
Send your aim end *ddres on a postal,
or tutu ma get the stew Olga catalogue
"Chssaeter atje a."
Give* 'the latest shame and atyki in
Slater Sbo g,'t Minutes them in *11 their
varieties, tells at theleathers in their snake.
ulg, full of wholesome advice on shoes
and feet.
By its Fuss you can order slaves by
Wail widget the exact sins, widths eltsPeii
color anti leather you went.
"Slater Shoes" are made ins re slum, t; widths, ekes and
half sizes, reliable leathers and fashionable colors,
Every pair Goodyear welted, bearing O*e trade wok, name
and price of makers stamped stat the hole, Inc *lata nasus!
Jackson Bross, Sole ,Agents for Clintons
Fir pure blood,
~{ .; rfjhi eye and
tY .��,?1� (+ y� f , o/�
ViL� 41 IUc. �k.i�.trty AilJ a :.
; C
!. i a ''
,N P t... k. D e s elite,
hv'WI" Also on
j+t > M sec
OuJcicoiisl•i.her oirouia:'o
1righten' .. the: -sprits :and
Generally, makes life worth living.
Witty acsven years trial have proved It to be boyond._ytieetion,
the rrtost reliable BLQOD pur-ifier known. •
All the leading dig .Ortiggista sell :BIIIS°fOt S SARSAPARILLA,
oraeasesarileisea-siale,e-)e--- •:,.e> <2, liiiSIRESbackacadace
Alonep•�W.elend =Met onhoueoboldgoad;
,T bicycles, waggons and horses;
Moneyalso advance money: to salaried
!temple and -retail merchants on
MOilley Dheiraownnotes through r aagets, Any amount from
;doneit , in payments to snit borrower.
. rite: to oonfldenee we suis help
you. O. WAPINER & C0 , 4- East Adelaide
Street, Toronto:
All Kinds of shoes.
Here's people free from palm e.n4 ache
Dyspepsia's direful ills. - -
It is because ca so they always take ,
Laxa'iLiver Pills.
These little pills work while you sleep,
without a gripe or pate, curing' biliousness, .
constipation, dyspepsia and sick headache,
and making you feel better in the morning
OR. tomeHeats aitd
soothes the lungs
NORWAY PINE andcures the
SYRUP. worst kinds of
Spider Time nn Manilri,
The Filipino boy does not know much
about marbles, but - when spider time ar-
rives. ttud'thnt is just after the rainy sea -
eat' begins. he Ixiinas that he is to have
great Sport. There are two harmless va-
rieties of spiders'that are green and sel
ittw in color that mature in .lune. They
are its !urge as the common black spider,
so plentiful in Cnlifnr•nia. The iriliidttn
boy catches these and keeps them secure
in a Lox: A. stitall rod the size and length
of a knitting needle is procured. A spider
le then placed on tbe rod, Another boy
comes l;long, and he bete u Brut that, hie..
spider 'will whip.""'Tiien the -sport begins•.
'.Ch.. buy who is .challenger'pruduees bis
spider, placing It on the rod with the
chalienger's, Both spiders hake a rush
for each other, and a fierce battle ensues.
Sometimes the stronger of the two will
wind a web around the other, fastening
him to the rod and completely "putting
him • out of business."The spidete
sometimes fight for ten. minutes. Nearly
every boy has from 8 to 20 spiders, and
they bet all the Filipino pennies they can
get en the result of the fight. -
Dlileattsf- Creature.
Partner (to medical maul -If you get
Out ray way any tinle, doctor, I, wish
yoii'd stop and see my wife. 1 think she
ahi't folio well,
Doctor -What snake'' You think so?
b'armev-•Well, this' mmtnin, .atter' Ilio
'had milked' the cows, an ted the pig's,
an got breakfastfor the then, en wash-
ed the dishes, nn built a £re under the
copper in the washhntiae, an done a few
odd Jobe *bout tine house, she comphilbei
of feeltn tired like. I taney the need, A
done of $tedicitlp.-•London Anter..
.impressed err Her Memory,
"Iit'a been -four ITeers 'now," Bald the
deserted lady, "sieve he left me and his
happy home,- I remember it Just its well
as yesterday -how lie etood at the door,
Bolding it open till six flies got in the
OAbl�ld+.ren Ory for
We Rive
this reliable
Nickel Plated
Boys Watch for
selling 2 doz. Dol-
lies at 10c. each; or
this dainty and ac-
curatoSolid Nkkel
Lady's, Watch for
8e 111
U Sdozsta These
Dollies aro stamp.
edWithprize Destgtuf of•Carn Wass. nes
Pansies, etc. They Bell et si.. Write an.i
wo 0.11 Polnes. Senrbesd.. turn money,
and we send yyour beautiful Watch postpaid.
LINEN DOYLEY 00, Box 80,Toronto.
t f
Agent for tie MAfldnEeTra F1ua:Aesnna ,cat
securityarerated at 1,141 &it,O whose. .so the 180--
KILWr MilTITAL INsuBANCE CO. Alllolasaes of
farm risks end town property takena.
lowest rates. First -plass Loan Companies
also: represented. Money to be bad from. 41 per
dent up, aoeording to nature of seourity.-
Daily mail to Holmesvllle-Ipoatal_card
fetch him.
subscriber Is prepared to promptly Sli an or•
dere forWood or Coal, which will be sold at
lowest rates. Office on Ieaae Street at LAPIS
'Tho use of ehifton, choux, loops add '•
soft draperies on -hats of velvet, panne,
furtrimmed satin, taffeta, eto., will eon.
tine In marked favor.
The name of the new bolero hi legio a,,
Instead ox-'wantrir in' avor:Itd'autumn.
varieties tyre almost past colleting, and
Its nett/ effects, strictly and . Minutely
chronicled, would fill a small volunse.
Very smart looking tailor costumes of
military blue bourctte eloth have their
new extension front boleros trimmed
wlth rows of narrow flat gold -braid and
expebsive gold buttons decked with blue'
All the beautiful tall and winter tex-
tiles, even the velvets, brocades and new
French moires, enriched with velvet •oe
satin stripes or flowers, are soft and flex-
ible, and thus are easily draped, plaited,
folded or tucked.
Some of the cold weather Street botelo
and Eton Jackets of Mack, royal' bine,
Itt'Iinian green and Gretat velvet or VC -
louts de :nerdwilt be finished with long
pointed revere and it Robespierre bood of
'Otter, real, mink or other costly fur.
Rivaling, in'f*eer the bolero, Eton and
little' Preneh jacket tiodfoe and short
Lents tats are new, double breasted 11u4.
start Measles, trinity belted, but invade
Without thio shirts, which were added to
these garments when last lit fashion.
The un* of white satire tier edgings,
gold braid and rlch guipure laces will be
a dominating teeteree of elegant clods and
Velvet gowns for two 8e11801M to come,
the satin accessories still consisting of
fitted or tucked blouse vests, t:evert. cot•
iter' g1r'dle, ete.
Natty Frendtteb jackets at' covert el(ith
are made with loose troutswithout dart
seams, double breasted and finished with
three ,graduated eireular ehaulder (•atl••a,
the roll of the lining showing like a s.l.(
or satin piping at the tStrcmr edge e!'
each aAlie.
1`a •l,
51 At
As good as any andttetter then many
astook of e Men's, Wn by omen a aour summer
nd Children's
Boole and Shoes, -
Full lines of Trunks, Valises,
etc., Single and DOttble Harneaa,
f3.0. Red Cleder,1White Cedar, and
Pine Shingles always -on hand et
.. `WI C ELI,J
:victoria Shock.. '
• AGENTS WANT.1111).
Rot 'Story 01South Africa;' br-Joim-tilark
8•idppath, L. L. 174„ Edwerd 8. Bilis M. A. J.
A. cooper,Mnaging Editor of tee; Canadian'
Magasine. Toronto, and J. H. Aiken, of
London. Ont. who has returned this week
from 12 years' travelling In douth Africa for
ns.' W. are the only Canadian Publishers
who have bad a branoh in South . Africa for
nineteen feam giving us an imnt onsu advent.
age inprocuring . hpp,tographa and material,
Our authorship, letterpress and engravings
Are superior. and Canadian ontingente bet-
ter illnitrated thapn in any rival. work, So
sure are we of this, that we W ':mall free for
comparison antproapeotns to anyone possess-
ing a rival protpeotue.. Circulars and terms
free. App World Publishing Company.
Gusloh.On sio
Meat Market
Baring pitrokated the btitohering
business or.. . i3.- Powell 1 ampre
tpared otu n 'h•i people i;ad t r ie he Y Clin.
ots with *t1 kinds fie, t'Fresh and
-Cared Meats: Sausage, bologna
lard, butter and eggs always kept on
Rr ' Fitzsimons & Spin.
xlepbone 76. •
Orders deliveredgprorntitiy to all
parts of the town.
N.B.-Persons hay ail,, hogs for
bbipmetit "will oonforlpa„ favor by
having'word at the shop.
tjf't 'net
The. South :African weir ie practically oyer, not so the war of :Trade and Commerce,
it is always in order; we are still in the front ranks, not on the wounded list; We direot'
special attention to our new stook of Millinerywhich will be found fully up tp. date
A nape -lot of Ladies' daokgtie
Dress Goods that for bat . and obeapnese will pleatie any perms.
Boots, Shoes and Rubbers, &large stook newly in for Sall and winter.
Tees in great variety viz :--Japan, Yoting Hyson, Congos in bnllk,.Grand Mognh
Salads, Monsoon and Blue Ribbon in packages,
See our arness ni- in a
li A oeof s le h rness for 11 a 't
set sod b tter' null for1
t; $ ,l a .q y $ 2r
team lines, martingales, breast straps; halters, etc., ole;
We would not forgetrobes and blankets. Teams eashtor produce& Highest Prioa,:
for any quantity of Butter and Eggs,
Empoiaum,' Londesl oro • R ADAM S
Sept. 25th, 1900
eir l�.. r.l.
BBuggies 1Wagons
First-class Iron $65 to $80. $46.'
�°is19{r, s t Arrived
Latest styles in parlor suite, white enamel bedroom Bets, iron andbrass bedstea1.
rug couches, extension tables and dining room ahaire, Also 700 feet of new style pin•
tare mouldings.' Prices low as the quantity will permit. ,'Your money book if yore
want it,
s. 'H. C I3E .L. :w, Rival
Clinton. Sash, Door, and
Blind Factory.
General Builder and 'Contractor.. This factory is the largest in the county, and;hsa the very latent improved ma-
ohiner , oapabie of doing work on the shortest notice.- We carry an ex i...
gena vis+
and reliable stook and prepared plans, and give estimateg for and build all ol*sm
es of handlings on short notice and on the closest prides An wont is Import:I
ed in a mechanical way and satisfaction guaranteed. We oil ;,all kind: of in••
terior end exterior material. -
Lumber Lath, Shingles; Lime, Sash, Doors, $ids, Eta
•Agent for the Celebrated GBAYBILL SallOOYe _DI ,,,om_,n
Waterloo.. -.Call -and -get Drifts -sad samarabe#ore gain your. orders
1heyLaborin Vain
Wbo nttempto to do 000king ,n an•'
inferior Mange, tbeberit cooks
variably prefer the .
If you arefood of a well cooked
dinner mnd, ike to brgqe your ideals
nerved on tune, you'') do well to
invest in a BappyoThought ltsnga.
It works perfectly
KeiepsJiro continuously
Bakes 'al gay hour of .010.24
And uses about, halt the. coat .
that otheilKijnfite. tO3fir
sa s 'Pretty 16��IO now in use in ilia city of Toronto, and every pas •
odea . t y good recontn:rendation that, isn't it
RadiantHo nye Rase • Reater
*be beet that the brains of mea ever prodaoed, None equal to it for eoonciriy e
of i+f t enclalti to roentgenaent,
The fsartear 11 favorite. Three *'saki with or without r'it'e
avoir. The lrr .
doh of . abate Ian, • the scanty to abooee from. Try they Sunlit lx''1'i
Whiter soak 00T', IMMO Woe ai common
- net in not !di Aid �es�nyt�l�`i rterlfaukig nl+t !la6ll.itad�
• Ct1NtON.