HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-11-09, Page 5THE CLINTON NEW ERA
t i
.... . .... .... .... .... ..... ..... ..... .... .... .... 4114•• ***le "..
ilas a stock of about $10,000,
consisting of - .
amsictomesimmssscbcoascP crEsscocrsescDcznacoonnsgaximagmamscDcrsescpcossemmlescDcznsim ciescu
, •
The enthusiasm of youth causes a young man to bring the same intense interest to the subject of
clothes as to everything else. He becomes excessively particular—what to wear—how to wear it—latest
color and makeup. All must meet his ideas.
For such good dressers ordinary Ready-mades won't do. This is were the up-to-date New -Goods
get a. chance.
We have no old stock to dispose of but are strictly in, it for up-to-date dresserg.
A pleasant surprise is in store for you if you will do ns the favor to ask to see any of the following
1. Your Men's Suits, at $4.50 per suit. •
2. Your Men's Suits, at $8.50 per euit, weight 7 lbs.
3. Your Men's Suits, at $10.00 per suit.
4, Your Men's Frieze Overcoats, at $5.50 each, weight 62 lbs.
5. Your Men's Frieze Overettits;'at *4.50 each.
6. Your Men's Pes,Jackets, at *3.50 each.
7. Your Men's Pea Jackets, at *4.50 each.
8. ,Also ask to see our Boys' Reiters and Overcoats They are very special values, arid we think we
have everything you may ask for in Boys'. Goods.
9. We are proud of our stock of Trousers. We have them from $1.00 up and they are a trade winner.
, • .
Cil:2403:730;2811CDOM388CD(1:11896:Datill8CD reo;-- .7.,..:8881=0:133886:DCZ:1388CD cr.888CD
Batter and Eggs aken as Cash.
This store will be open on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays till 8 o'elbeit p. m.
••••• m •••••
A school that is doing the best work in
business education -in Canada. Our melon.
cent catalogue gives full information.
Write to -day for one. Several c!
dian colleges and many large
American schools employ our
graduates as teachers. This is one
strong point in our favor. Enter now if
W. J. Elliott. Principal.
Bicycle and General Repair
Shop. . *
Rattenbury Street, Clinton.
a 0 •
ed their bicycle businese with he seine, and
/laving both businesses under 008 roof, will
be in a better position than ever to do all work
entrusted to them. Soissors,table knives, eta.
sharpened and repaired, lawn mowerover-
hauled, cutting box knives sharpened, saws
gummed. • Special attention given to blonde
repairs. Orders respeotfUlly solicited, work
promptly attended to and prices moderate.
The blacksmith shop is in ohargOof pi good
praotioal man, who will promptly attend to
all Work in this line,
We will have oyetere in
stook fresh every day
during their. season.
For good etookand good
sdlid,ineasure you will
find *e are leaden,
please- g vtto a trial if
yon liglefint already
done to
A new supply of
Oranges. Leitioun,
Bananas, eonfect-
lonary, Pipes and
Tobaccoes. (
A fine assertment
of Oar own taffise end
Maple cream& etc, f1 -
ways on hand doting
the fall and winter.
Meek Cakee and .
Plitt/ our specialty.
Any kind of honey
cakes not in stook
made when ordered,
Jas. itcalacherty,
Novelty Raker
-' And Restaurant.
e ephont No.
*ON •••• • ION* 'me *ease *a** 44a• ••••
Just Cor*eoted every Thureday afternoon, ,
. • Thursday, Nov. 8, 1900.
. Fall Wheat 0 63 . a 0 64
,Oats 0 26 a 0 27
040 a 0•45
038, a 0 40
0 57 a 060
" Flour per owt, 1 90 a 2 15
our first arrival of blended Euggitevroodsoezt647,pleq 0 sa 0 17 14
8 00 a
Tea, known as Sheepekini 0 (10
No. 1 Green trim. bides 0 06 a
Potatoes, 0 20 a,
Chickens, per pair .• 0 80 a
Dooke,per pair 0 25 a
Geese, per lb • 0.05 a
Tnrkeye, per lb 0 08 a
Pork, live .. .. 4 25 a
Pork, dressed .. ... 5 00 a
and put up expresslyfor us
in 1 and './2 pound canisters.
Prices '25, 30 and 40 tents:
Every package guaranteed at
the Hub Grocery.
Bottling and Going.
Dr. Gunn was in Toronto on Monday.
Reg Bell wee up from Toronto on Wed-
Inepeotor Paisley wag Wingham on
Saturday last.
Mrs (Rev) Deihl and children were in
Goderioh on7 Sunday,
H. L. Cook went to Komoka Monday to
8 80 _ look after apple.ehipmente.
0 80 Mies Laura Acheson was the gnat of the
0 07 Mime Combs on Monday.
W. Foster.came home from Quebec- pro-
vince on Saturday to spend a few days.
Mre Thos. O. Cooper is the guest of her
daughter, Mrs Wm, Yonng, Goderioh.
Mies Ids Holmes was the guest of Mies
Nellie Harris, of Goderioh, last Friday.
0 20
0 40
0 40
0 06
0 09
4 25
F.Barber,of the eleotrio light ataff,visited
his home in Luoknow on Sunday last.
W N WALKER lira S. Beattie, of Durham, was the
guest of Mit (Dr) Riaokall for several days
• last week. ,
Monday to visit her aunt, Mise Mollordie,
Miss M Monteith went tiNondori cn
• Manufacturer of
,W4r O'Neil All kinds of Mattresses, Lours
and others,
Successor to
Prank Melville •
Goods promptly delivered
Mine Malan Hartwell sails for Liverpool,
ges, Couches, Cosy Corners on Saturday, vie Allan Line, ticketed by
. GROCER and Upholster in an A. O. Pattison.
Welt Ws:Connell returned- -from - Day-
Telephene 4s. . _ •„,...„IldriFdriuronfit—urriterIor ---: ---- - west Aigomi on Friday.
remain here. • He intends to
L. Kennedy was called to Toronto on
Prices reasonable. Ordere left at the red • -
A Cleveland combination
tandem in first class condition.
We have a number of wheels
at $20.00 which each are the
best values we have ever seen.
• Do Not Delay
if you think of purchasing a
wheel as there is two months
of good Wheeling yet
Tiie first work at °hanging Sernie'm
street railway from a horse oar service to
an eleotrio system hes cortmatineed. The
work was begun at the tunnel end of the
line, and will be pushed to completion with
possible speed,
business and went down to the oityon Alton-
denoe, Viotoria street (second door from
day returning on Wednesday,
eleyator), or. at Hodgens Brea. will ,be
Mrs J. Leckie, of Brussels, socotnprinied
promptly attended to.
by her son Charlie, were the guests of Mrs
P. 0. Box 22. Clinton D. F. Maopheraon for a few dega this week.
Mrs W. Millen and Mies Bollen returned
last Tuesday week from Wilkeebarre,
Penn., where they spent three weeks visit-
ing friends.
Rev. W. Gifford, and Misses Maggie
Washington, Maud and Winnie Goodwin,
all took part in the Varna entertainment
Monday night,
W. Montgomery was a Clinton visitor
on Wednesday. He come down from
Kinoirdine to Goderioh, to return to the
Nov.9 tf
Grelat Bargains
at Burgess' Studio.
/laving purohased the largest
Audi* in the oity of Winnipeg.
I wish to dispose of my busi-
ness in Clinton, before the
first of the new year. To
clear off the large stook of
dards on hand, I will give
yon greater bargains than
you ever got before. Be' •
orders can be had from Mr.
Foster's ilegetivelealeo enlarg-
ed photos front any negative
made by Mr. roster or myself
at priceo that would eurprise
Call early as I may dispose of
my business any day.
fishing islands.
Mr and Mrs Eastman and baby, of Clin-
ton, and Mrs Milted, Woodstock, were the
guests of Mr and dm Pdoutray over Sun-
day. —Blyth Standard.
Mrs Belden and two children who have
been guests at C. B. laovev's, returned to
their home in Ohioago on Monday. Whey
spent a pleasant els weeks here with their
• relatives.
Misses }rattle and Emma Pickett went
to Chatham on Tuesday to attend the wed-
ding. of their cousin. The former add as
bridesmaid and the latter acts as maid of
honor at this interesting event.
Jeri. Steep returned from tile northwest
on Saturday, and reports large sales of his
seed drill etteohment. He leaves in a few
/111 Orders must be cash. days for the States, where he belieyee he
can alto do considerable 'mines&
(31., Burgtass wood on Pridey last and will remain on a
Mr and Mrs 3. Tedford went to Coning -
month's visit, Mr Tedford having received
Suootegve to Voter, word of his mother's sertons illness. Miss
CLINTON 01411t Chat% Tedford spent Friday with her re.
41' Ai' lathes in Luoknovf,
eituren ettirnes
The Prrellyte.ry uf Huron ineetein
Willis church on Tuesday 'next at 10.80
Service was held in S. Joeeph's
'church last Sunday, Rey Father West
Contitmlit.g II/4,es in the worming and
vespers in the evening.
The formalities incident upon the
reunion of the Free Church and the
Quited Presbyterian Church of Sot -
land were carried mit at Edinburgh.
Rev W. F. Cuthbert, Eden, preached
in the Beptist church last Sundity,
Inoening and evening. The congrega-
tions were pleased with his discom aes,
Atd held its regular meeting at Mrs W.
Doherty's on butt Fria lyafternoon.—
wReinv J. W. yHotliarnees,psalpittormoser pastor
next, both morning and evening,—
The 23rd annual convention of the
Ontario W. Q.T. U. was held in Smith's
Falls On Nov, 1. Election of chic ma for
the ensuing year resulted as follows:—
Pres, Mrs McKee, Barrie; Vice Pees..
Mra Thornley, London; Cor, Sec., Mrs
Wright, London; Rec. Sec., Mrs L. C.
Acheson, Godei ich; Treas., Mrs A. N.
Britton, Clan an o que,
WILLIS ellUlt0/I,—In all churches a.
Presbyterial visitation will be made to
the Sabbath schools on Sunday next,
for the purpose of determining the pro -
gess and work done. ftev Mr &mere,
Brucefleld, will visit here, and conduct
the services morning and evening, the
pastor preaching at Minefield, and vis-
iting that school in the afternoon,—
The Endeavor meetingwas taken by.
Miss Irving nn Monday evening anti
Miss Wilson took the catechism,
Rev H. T. Crossley is giving an ad-
ditional expression of hie in terestin St.
Thomas and its churches by ordering a
fine bell to be' plaeed in the belfry of
the_ Central Methodist chinch. The
'bell will weigh 715 pounds, and will
cost 020, It will •be rung or the first
time at noon on Nov. 19, 1000, which
will he the jubilee anniversary of Mr
CrosVey's birthday. •The following in-
scription will he cast upon the hell:
"Jubilee Bell. H. T. Crossley, 1850.—
Nov. 10 h,
SIMPSON—In Antigonish, N. S., on Coe. 25,
the wife of A. Simpson, (nee Miss Addie Van -
stone, formerly of /Brussels,) of a daughter.
ANDREWS—In Wingham, on Oct. 8, wife' of
the late Wm. Andrews, of a daughter.
HORTON—In Dunlop, on Oct. 80, the wife of
H. Horton, of a daughter.
FINKBEINER—In Stephen, on Oct. 28, the
wife of J. Finkbeiner, of a son.
McFALLS—In Usborne, on Oct, 27, the wife
of Alex. McFalls, of a son.
TAYLOR—In Exeter on Oct. 29, the wife of
James Taylor, of a daughter,
RANLIN—In Centralia, on Oct. 80, the wife
of Pat Hanlin, of a son.
DEBUS—In Hay, on, Oct. 22, the wife of L.
Debu.s, of a son. ' .
13URXE—McDONALD—AtSt.James' church
Seaforth, on October 23rd, by Rev. Fr. McCabe
Jas. Burke, Stratford, to Miss Janet McDonald
• daughter of the late Chas, McDonald, Walton .
GRANT—HATTER—In Toronto, on October
24th, by Rev. Dr. Johnston, Robt. Grant, Toron-
to, to Miss Frances Fannie, daughter of Thos.
Hatter, Exeter Rath, '
INGRAM—ROBINSON-4n•Logan, at the re.
sidence of W Ingram, on Oct. 24th, by Rev It
• whiting, /3. A., Miss Matilda Robinson teChas
Ingram, all of Mitchell.
ALLIN—MORit/SH—At the Methodist par-
t sonage. Bentniller„on Nov. 1st, by Rev. E. A.
Shaw, Charles Allinto Miss Lottie Morrish, all
of Colborne. " • •
' LAMB —MURP-IY—Tri Stjames' churcii,Sea-
forth, on Oct. 80th by Rev. Fr. McCabe, Mrs E.
Murphy to Stephen Lamb, all of Seaforth.
ROORE —LINTON—At Whitby, on Oct. 23rd,
by Rev. Dr. NteDiarmid, Miss M. Louise Linton
(formerly of Brussels) to WB. Rooke, of Port-
land, Maine -
on Wednesday, Oct. 81, 'Robt. Anderson, Brus-
sels, and Mis Mary Shoenalds, of Amulreo.
DIED.' .
BAKER—In Stratford, on Nov.2nd, Rachel M.
Meek, beloved wife of Rev. E. N. Baker, pastor
Central Methodist chureh, Stratford, in her 45th
year, •
RAE—In Wroxeter, on 04;29th, Wm. J. Rae,
aged 17 years and 10 months.
WALKER—In East Wawanosh, on Oot. 29th,
Mary Jane Snell,beloved wife of Ensile Walker,
ed ,1
ag years-
O'NEIL— In Aylmer. on Oct. 24th, Ralph
O'Neil, formerly of Exeter, aged 44 years.
MORGAN—In Usborne. on 'Oct. 80thMary
nn Caughlin, relict of the late Thos. Morgan,
aged 58 years and 7 months,
NICHOLSON— On Oct. 25th; Nettie Mary,
daughter of Mr and Mrs J.G.Nicholson,former-
ly' of Wingham, aged 4 years and 5 months. •
ALLAN—On Huron Road, Wilmot township,
on Oct. 24th, Malcolm Allen, uncle Maas. Coch-
rane, aged 06 years, 8 months and a days.
CALTON—In Clint° ,n on Nov, 5th, Susan
Townsend,relict of the late •Charles Calton,aged
75 years and 7 months.
WYNN—in Goderich, on Oet, 27th,Sephronia
GertradeBlise, belovedwife Of John Wynn.
WRIGHT—In London, on Oct- 20th, Isabella
Wrightreliet of theqateFraneis•Wright,Blyth,.
aged 82 years.
SLEETH—In Seaforth, on Oct. 25th, J. Sleeth,
aged 47 Irears, 5 months and 5 days,
DEEM -,-In Toronto, on Oct. 80th, Myrtle Or-
ville only daughter of Samuel and bottle Deem,
aged' 12 years, 6 months and 7 days. .
RADDATZ—At Cranbrook,on Oct..80th,Marie
second daughter o2 F. Raddatz, aged 24 years, 2
months atitI4 days.
MCLEOD—In Wroxeteron Oct, 28rd; Alex*
McLeod, age 68 years and 11 months.
MoEWEN—In Cleveland on Oct. 2nd, Mabel
Mulhern, wife of Alex. MoEwen, formerly of
Stanley, aged 25 vearit.
Wanted—Dried apples, fowl and choice roll
butter 20o. We don't handle old tub butter
made into rolls, Our Dress Goods,Ftus, Ready
..made.olothingand Overcoats ara.noteurptiased.
• G. E. KING. Wingham.
sew Adtertionnento
LadieS felt hats made over into the most aty-
lish and fashionable Ahapes.
Nov. 9-2 MISS TIBBUTT, Princess street.
Came into the premises of the undersigned;
lot 16, con. 10, Millen, on or about July 1st,
ohe ewe and One lamb, Owner is requested to
prove prepertv, pav expenses and take them
away, THOS. HA.MILTON, Nov. 9-2t
Girl Wanted
Wanted at once, a good reliable girl for gen-
m th, nono but competent persons need ap-
eichouseveork, swan family, wages $7.00 per
ply. MRS. W. FOSTER, Albert St, North,
Nov. 9 • tf
Came onto the preMiSes of the Undersigned
on or sheet Oct. lst, four steer calves. Owner
can have same by proving stook paying expen-
ses and taking them away. JOHN MANN,
Nov. 0.-8 Clinton.
West Iluroii Election,
J. Ames Scott, barrister! Clinton, has
been appointed Financial Agent for
the undersigned in this electron, and
persons intereeted must govern them-
selves by the following clause of the
election act ;—
See. 144.—,All persona who have any bills,
eliarges or claims neon any ifendidatefor or in
relation to any.eleetionCliall seed in etieh
mutterer or eleirne, Within MIA Month atter the
day of the deolaretion of the eleetion to eueli
agent as Aforesaid; othorwiac such persons shall
bo barred of the fight to retoVer such inatme or
any part thereof."
NOrerahor 9 19()O
McNinnon • Co. ti
131 41k"re.l1
Great Fur exhibit $
$The recent arrival of $1,000 00 worth ef Ladies and gents fur (mete,
f ur Jackets, fur capes, caperines, ruff, muffs, caps. eto , ie an event of more
than ordinary importance. A few Yeats ago some people thought it what
to go out .of town for their furs That time has gone by. and they now
look forward for McKinnon & Co's fur goods opening. We are now rescly
to show you the Bacot stook that has yet come within our door& buy your
furs early. There is 110 choice Vke first choice.
Below you will find a few quotations which will give you some idea
of the goods we oal•ry. We will be pleased to show you the goods whether
you are ready to buy or not. 'se
Ladies' Fur Itnifs in black and brown, 75e, $1,$1.25 and $2,
Rook Martin Ruffs, very speoial at $1,50, $2 and $2.75,
Chinohilli Ruffs, flee close fur, 91, 91 60.and $2
Black Coney Caperinee, high storm collar, rigular price $3 for $2 50
Blaok Opposnm Caperines, speoial $5,
Rook MIIrtin and Electric Seal Caperines,very etylish,hieh etorm collar, $8
Week Opposurn and Astraohan, very fine,with two heads and ten *tails, 915
Sable and Astrachan Caperinee, high storm collar, and long ie front very
stylish, $16. •
Ladies' Astraohan Jaokete, 28, 32 and 36 inches long, et $20, $25, $30,
• 935 and $40,
Men's Siberian Dog Coats at $18 and $20. ,
Men's Coon Coats, .at $35, $40 end $45.
McKinnon. & Co., Blytk
v-v-441-4*-v-143pet****-y-s-www.opet 4-,PPPPPPPI-vPolPoloppos
You. Need More Than a Tonic
11 you are losing flesh, if you system is run
down and' especially if a cough is present.
No tonic can take the plane of our Emulsion of
• Cod Liver Oil with 111 popli is, hites of Lime
and Soda. It cures thirneea, stops the less of
• flesh -and strength, heals the•throat, strength-
ens the lunge, cures coughs, builds up, nour-
• ishes and invigorates.the entire system. It's
• palatable and easily digested, •
In 16 ounce Bottles. Price 50c. For Sale only by
J. E. 110 v ii Dis i t
Five special lines of
New Fall Dry Goods.
French Flannels
The regular 6Ce line for 50c
Dress Goods
Fifty skirt ends in 12 different patter's, fancy black
extra value 82.50 per skirt end. •
A lot of ne'w mantles, latest styles, from $3, regular
Dry Goods prices.
Shirts and Drawers
, The celebrated "Stanfield Unshr,irkable" guaranteed
not to shrink with any kind of washing.
A few pairs not quite up to sample,, $2 and 82.50a pair
Robt. Coats ,& Son
• Which is safe to carry ?
You *should buy under-
wear now, and we would
advise you to buy "Stan -
field's Unshrinkable"
which is warranted to be
pure Nova Scotia Wool
and will retain its elasti-
• city and softness, They
are gauranteed not to
Shrink in the washing.
We have them in men's
size and extre, large men's
size, price $2 to 52.50 per
suit, We have lower
prioed underwear, both
ribbed and plain, cam -
ramming at 50o a mit.
Fleece lined underwear, at
$1, $1,25; 9150, $2 a suit,
Boys underwear, fron3
sizes 22 to size 34,
Ladies' veste, aim 2, 3, 4,
at 25, 35, 50 and 65o each.
Children's vests, 13, 15, 17
and 20o each.
The Stanfield hose.st 25o '
it Travis the best value in.
"' te, ndik' e Son" esti
350 a pair brings comfort
and satisfaction to the •
WHY,DON!T 46,Stanfield's?"°=
40 .1103.11111M1144111111111. stk411
g Soots
• Buy the "Yamaha", you '.
You can't get that suit washed again. won't regret it.
W. L. OUIMETTE, Londesboro.
VV 0
!Boys, Youths' and Men's
Ready Made Clothing
For your Winter Under-
wear at an early date.
Half the comfort of life is
having the proper under-
wear next the flesh.
If you wait until the wea-
ther oompele you to buy,
you may lose dome dom-
tort. Call and inveot
our underwear.
Prices from 60e t � 114.1/0 Snit
J. 1
So many people have' beett enquiring at
our store for ready made clothing that we
thought it would be advisable to put in a
Mock. We have ink received it complete
line of men's, youth's and bop' clothing
that will fit the boys' from five years old
to it hundred. • They were made by Laity,
Watson and Bond, the noted ready made
makore of Canticle. They use the beat
goods and beet trimmings to. be had at the
price and are noted for the out and style of
their garments. You'll be united if you
buy here. Ordered clothing a epeoialty.
Large steak of Lounges, Couohes and Batty Chairs, finely finished and guaran
teed 10 %Seat Bedroom ode in mahogany, ash Atli oak. Dining tables, Sideboards an
,S0 different kinds of &airs. Let.* patterns in Window Stubs and Curtains,
rictuN) Praming nSpaeialty.
Piano, Organs and Sewing Maohines,, sold on easy terms,
J. sAr. 0113611(.4114EWV4 tflyth