HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-11-02, Page 814(ivember 21 190C
" *ON S'Awri t'741•;•iikii .•—••••••• 1 -
,01.00WW104-4-01i Wielneeday night DIA= Mr Its* Wings.—A former
Stint IS* **V* 0101Young boy, (end girls too) were, Os teeldent of Mitten, lieg- Griggs wife
111 I 11 I.
tveael. fu inlettbiteyoue omits, and of Robt. Webb, died in 0ff 00 600-
vg/DAy. Nov. 9, 1990 • the owners of Osmond front /*toothed (ley, Oct lidtb, itt the ef 70 year,.
te watch pretty ;hem We beard of Obeh.erae o• *Wee- of -Wm. ildirigg of
• • twiny *tethering. of room folks, toffy town. Maltr„fdendsimill. Askr"-01, to
.1;elget .141,00, PtIthwi oto. • It le wed that ghost ap• leo% of hae demis,
- • peered on Itattenbuty street. east, ,
• - •NOTAA—lottn*Xeue. lateiy .mploy-
sd the 0 " to inutile woxke, has
gun. to a miter situation in trot -
ford, The Ore brigoade Were out for
p_reetice and teetletethe evade* an
liOnftyLevenIng. Wednesday night
Was nelloWe'en ; tett, pulUre spa the
lieutti#ranka played by, the lids as
Well by_ her brother,, were the or
dere or the night. ,• 'The late•.110myy
roils ere. welcomed by alir-partleular-
ly by the ferment ; the ground was
too der toplow, entailing creeks ' and
well* went 1111* unknown of before.
William Moore, Sewing Machine
Agent, *Wet that; hie broken this
fall has been the beet ever experienced
and lie, finds' no:difilcultY in placing
inkeRnee, of which he only handles a,
orticiel he•le it• goods reli-
able and experieneed agent.'W.
Co�per & Oorrecently Supplied Mena
.ot eDontinitni- Canada. British
peeeeeelons, and Province of Ontitilo
to the Clinton, Seheitas • Mbar
Otani Modiotcastle beert•yeer very
ill for theopast week ; we 'Wish for her
vgectiPpotsovoeY, :Among the "stock
1pinetto this week trete one earlbad
of Jambe ora Monday .for''VOrontir by
Chas. Heed -mod a•lo•tri of 150 - hogs .for
the Den *Oboe. Merchants
get Your printing dede-atthe Mow'
:Efte.Office ; we will endeavor to"pleetie
you. Theapple Crop • Pretty well
harvested and was hotsfo heavy' a crop
*twee expectedthewinds having done
much damege,earlY in The ''$rason ; the'
Pricers offered to the •buyeri is not
, Tagil Norma. -.-It Is orgend te. 00ifitift.--Th0110400 radettee that
• 'wielded by the chairmen of the Minton won to otiotoo two roots ago edit be.
Liberal Association OW the wool 000. '' in 011nqn on Werbteedity iirghts Noy.
mitteee meet at the rboreePea‘fav's 7th. _Tu. election returns will De
block) on El'rlday evening. Let 'ton* &leen from the etege at the stone time.
be it good attendance ot every Liberal, the Het le now epee to ettbodbiti at
h '1
Jackson Brae store at 00o *- ticket,
Loan °F Viii" 13°.,1"-±•.fiTmPitiLT • .141.0 open on *utility at 95. In. The
died itt -the. -' - •
..in ..,,• • • the loot of their little borenotxnt -k.1.' l'invoro74.4miNt, cm. to t4°1141°13.°16.11,
. . extended 1.0 Mr and pare itohert me I in __,...
dsjo°40,Crtt all'elriet4A1140007/4.44014NTON 1.— From the
'.' - - . ' angee.offjeireitirestooliplpoiaentebsoalin
- a
We have the 'greatest 061,1ectiou. of
Mantles at -these popular --,,prices that we
have ever • ,shown.., ,.E*tert one . '1900
garment and styles e6Krect. in every detail.
"While ti)ris' Week we eniphasise particular,
ly Our aisort*ent at these prices
lines :4.. in-between pikes the valuis of
we would not have you, forget the many
Nviliob. are itist good-
, • - Smith, of con. 16, Gederich township*
Maitland ceirieterf. Voderich. '.. ; domboarmrsoow, R. wareitteertritne•yeounge.
BkritIT .4 BLOOD VE$001,,,—On Settir', est deughter of the late Thom. Lane,
day last, while Mrs Oftsaftle, wife Of S. Who W4a born in Clinton oir-Augget
Cassels, Vietbrisi street, ' *a* perform- 8t1h MO, and died on Aug. 4th. She
ing her 'hoOneWerli, she burst ai blood has been an active worker in. the
Yowl in ber ler eim.did,not, °Were* it church, **the time ..of Aloe .demise be-
at the time, and * lost conoldereble, but In an kinored ineuebet of the .Clinton
while the accident incommoded her Street ' Metbodiet cbtliteli. of Toronto
considerablY, no serlatui result* are alt. 'ikleypecheriaillitrt,4irlittelf:ffordietelgairieleoha:n.hecoreetiolfh
with th ' Al ot Oat church.
'rum MAnissere.—The prides for dairy _She le' ' AttO Alla, amigh-
prodime remain about the, same as for tit inen0 , 170•JI.' , OloOk
the past, few Weekes and the 'demand, place in the .citY at *ant
and, eupply is well kept up, -0antelOn cednetery, - • ,F,,. ,, • , ,r., ,
Bros. made their .. Jetted ablereent'•elteti , — .... .1 , .;.:,. ,.
with 25001bs butter and 1000 dozen of andtmlurita/ aggituTeo—Jblitade offeielezdteoreoraer
eggs. 4%e Tilling price for •export time weir ma 41 ht id
'cibruite.tderak80115:8t8°616:k 7134°14! s3c. t...7.,.."1" ..s.Itacks that.of ;helmet smewhailcihg 'A:re-:pita.
would not mot. loaf from her painful
Tax szoir.„..Ntrs are pl,easeri to know lently 'bore until the last- „It was a
that the wife ofttobt.Nooye. Who hue great relief to .bet-wben her time' on
, been serlooslY DI for souM.- time, is now ealth was miffed but was yeti,' sorrow.
recevering.• Reht.Mileon.- who (Toot a fel for 11* Parenisi to linle theft dear
girl. • • She passed avray • on Saturday 'stillielent, to canoe muchiAnding among'
last at the, age,'ef 10 years, '8,iniieptlia .tbe:farmervP Dr. Relines. is away; on a
and, -17:days. The funeral :Wayneld ,bunting trip with °the. a' for &period'
:front her late home, •Frederieli Street;', of ten nays; be will be'hanek• to • resume
cinthe f011olving Monday, he, services duties at his Mhos on Neeember 10th.
being conducted by Riett-W.• A. aif. TentinakeSpearean, club, -composed of
ford. The parente.inivethe• heartfelt a number of eraryladies of town.
synipitthy:Otthe community in their has. been resurrected and met' on Sat.
sae, bereavement. - . • • .; • ; utility evening ; they •noade :omit& ado
d: p,Tbbeent:dneopthairritingPefnetrs t r fiof t br set study..iel
,sey•MiT4,-*W.htfbee.PreCtieedeucceesfullY school were inspeeO.d- by D. - Robb.
for the past'. two. • year* at '„Wheet4'. this Week • .; ,,the teachers and
113,90.Y,VilPhir*LosUNctipitrig9klaatiet'l:W,13hp'llgtIle.e' having licahviii4arre ':17jAerne.': 6rtatiethieetir • good
• '•13.
.1-VP•05116-,,ta* r4r! P°st.gracigatecOur.8.!* furniture was held hy auctioneer • 1.).
We al'OPieftead to learn tboOlie Wih be Dickinsenon the info ket ,Squaralest
at resident of the old•tonetr_•01 SaturdttY, •efternooti; ail ,the articles
Bittoni, the.hoine both be and M at
Lineisa),, gyorst:"Okiinaminy has irt; Ittirheat jimunity°keifirolirtlio -gee:), dim' Ppl7rieeYet
sickness to contend with' and we be Ment for the horses. at .Rodkens
that 'the doctor's services • Wiii_be erost.ing, Ratteribury street', was put
Hiareputatien as a physician ht3r down,the other day; a .part of the gratt•
spoken of by medical ,.men . ettet, olithic .wati cut Outancl .planitsUbstitnt-
;Myth will lied lo Mr end Mr* infltiet!' ,geld -leafed . sign -Freetnan
'Whe baVe'VOught hint' professionally. ed, T. PLAT has: p:iiiiterl.a:.'fine
eitiinableand big* respected (successor ta.. %V. J. Powlit, V. S.);
The foneeahg extract from the .Wbesi. rdinten can - bast Iii.efossiorials at
rfly Journal Opeolis for itselff-",'We re" sign writing* Quite large number
gret to,,learn,ot tbe. Intended tenth* of politico enthusiasts Went up; to•
from our midst of Dr.and'tdrelliiiidaort the nomination held. at:'00derich: on
who are .tioink to reside in' the
doctor haying sold out ,Dr. Munroe,
of Essex, has p'ufchaeed practice at
Blyth, 'Huron 'Cooling .here two
week with his . brotherdn-law,•, John
• { • • ' ' " "' •''' not as well its usual,. and ehtfete
#.•, • scfi3leeli niggethead reantles, pearl buttone eilk tete down
great deal, Miss WaShIngton, we are
Oellar,,neweat hack.' aiao bearer, inootroo, good quality, of : Meatier', to, note, is irop'toving: . Mrs
cloth this coat in black or asserted Shades. eflawn . cads:. • Welter Coats has • been, very this
• • wee
Scaooi NOtics-j, -TilleY,-Itureic...
• tor of Model iirade:his official
gall on the iiitidellite etfidinte on
tiesday. Inepeettir: also
Lere in We Okla): cepiteity, ohd•t he
peinciptil taught chimes- ottseverol sub-
jects ; Mr ,Tilley was . Well Pissed
With the work done at Olbiten..; It is a
weltinanaged '01104 and;the work le
egtenlaticallY- arkariged. ' We learn
Pine Beaver Menilee, extra geed 4nality, aria give excellent.
• wear, newest beak, pearl. battens; ' open trait, to down...
collar, silk or inercerised lining, a very stylish coat, black or
two f ,,,101Ve' • • ..'410.1 • *.:4, k
Extra flee qeitlitY beaver and itereey.notOtlea, some of ijae
leading t*100 Of Canadian 'Gordian makers, tailor.:.
•.peitri•:bn tons, eoeit collar, a tine aelortfneet"tottelent. ;rein
made rode, silk and fine mercerised sateen -.11niegel
'11,1401CIOlgtINIP 1•11. 11•'••• • • • • **** • • * • V.y. •
• • •••••• • r
• -
t t three of the students have secured
Eyery evening the Liberal committee
Very r la b h:attend.
larna are being taken advantage of
• !Mite:1188 jutt been opened' :up -some rge nem er*w co to re-
'1103341sdine Golf 1•CaPese ...The? come. in plain
fawns- blues -and With -plaid . owls lining
so plaid both iideS and are 'cut in the latest
There is " no more comfortable or
garment 'ter ladies wear; .
GOlt tinge; in 'Mire:drkor itled Clothin brown with plaid
iduaU wool, hood1ftingo- Orin Ak biok, plaid alko in hOodanddown,0,
ex learn that we . will lose an estimable
• geed Ira ne , ;. front, newelt style • blizpri and bylaw:gob man in the:person
• • .
v eve thaultuation • and, wherenews-
papers and campaign literature two
bebad(wlth the exception of .rbe be,
gde Globe). The rotene are open every
, night and theyarecoinfoi tably seat-
ed: and•••,klighted. All friendsLaurier
are invited to attend* '4;1
"Lwavitto. ToWN. We regret t�
'•. *Oefe.iood 4:luelltY.' tibii (5411, ''.' tig li4 • .Vt1:: aargtiON who intendir to.re-
pliiirPtivin with:pied
• He hes bought oitt
• ftire to Winnipeg. tol..iv;A•teko poke:
• , hood end front, very ' , igtothin ciT his now zdaln Oritside;pitid 0.00 torooceinploYelAotOgvie, base.
dOas thelet of "IceTilinth.
ing here he tate: been kept busy ,
ithelvork turned so excellent of the
Studio; it comperes with, the best pro-
0#4 14:infattleS *At Wein:0040: over fropr last
(cluced.iirtbe cities. Wishing a wider,
sniterft and having a, liking for that
citY he will leave towards the end of
We ttertifOnth. 1;10,to thtpresent ne has
net dittpesed of big business here; ..
jeilion.,." and have neither the% Will .P.OT the &Sire to hold
theSe left over longer would rather have the
11,144lian, the inantles -when , Saturday. night °clines: so- On.
thrdity'.ytoit can take your ch&ice'for One.
• 1;adisii heaver:mid' inggerhisid, all about two to four '
FraheiSenf 1,1!•1' will::taye taariplete
Anae onger toan *re thia. season, tile sleeves %retie rger
alro, nearly all -blink, Sizes 82 to 0000e are lined, could easily
be made over into girlitschool Coate choice of the Iot Saturday 1•1111
6hiege of(he opertit loll Of the railway.
. .
•- • •
Rair-war now ccin-
fltmed that Ones: Hoye; General
Mtinag.er of the G.. T. E. bas resigned;
toaccept the presidency of the South.,
ern„Pacitie Ry. will reside Ran
' Fle,beitileeri General Manager of the
___________Grand . • Grand Trunksioce.Tan. is 180es and was
, •,:„. ......,; ..-.. - . ,. , ,., . ::.: , 0 . • - - •.,.. -- ---- -. •-- -- abriao time •bteneral Managee of the
Missouri Pacific, and later occupied a
sionlarposition or. the W_,,,,..obash gyi•telia.
Tha Imirie,• of the,,Gt.,-Ti- 4 ft; - skidoo
heretofore known as Millbank, has
been changed to Newton, Milibi.nk
village being two arid abelffliiles from
the railtvay. ' - ' , • •
or e e .
- When buying me *ere not r unmindful of
the little folks and- are 'showing some natty
„ .
garments in reefers.*and small childrens
- down coats.
dhiaieocia,ifdeid.OWn cosi3,-10 red White and ..9.-ggottea
rano? 'patterns, fiuicy ,ordiars,... trimmed -With • :fp, • .6'
with and 1•14,v11
Childron's-Reefer 'Coats, navy blue niggerliead, paid'dp
oraeo'biittono 1441 'I V 0'0.10 .. .. . 4 .. • • ..4,
Children' fancy Tweed Reefers,iarge sailor tr'in.
• • • %Mg With braid and broadcloth,. very strishlooking- 4.sfs
• Ladies' Var. Mantles . •
If there is one thing .above another that we are particular
about, it is the quality of the fur mantles we sell. Every gar-
ment is ,made. from choice selected skins and made to our
order by the most, reliable fur houses in Canada.' We do
not buy poor garments at any price .and Fur Mantles coming
from this store will. be, found, thoroughly dependable and
worthy in every way.
Ladies' .oetroonaniaokdo.brliht, 1 Ladies' Electric Seal Sockets,
glossy skins, even Cirri, nigh %inches lone' rich fur., satin ,, AA,
collars patent Muslin interlin- lining . .... 69.9111
Ing, Which takes the strain off
the skin, mohair sleeve lining, Extra quality Astrachan Jack -
mercerized tieing, 26 inches, Ai, ets, very soft skiries•bright and
long extra value at • eVekt curl, mohair sleeve lining,
good quilted main lining, coats
Ladies ' Astrachan Jiteketti, that.. will give etcelient wear, • ;
• cu 80 inchee long. ft well • • IlineereatiobtYlea' 26 and 8610 A''`
:isa„ Mild* lining* :bright, even '
inede'strong, runt eerviseable *.,„ ,„,** niT... ... $815 and .1A1
coat . • MAP. No. I quality Aetritchea Seek -
Ladies' Astrachan Jackets, eoft eta, made of choicest selected
gloeey and ,m'ren' -• Skin., close, °Yen and S14,0101
au I tititmuslin interlining, - can),4Ined with best satin and
• b emelt& emu thvi • afillbab: WOO 1141141;_ittfre
06444000,0401 choice gerrinints Ste i7i$4O, " se.
-inettbe Winch . • ei iga • • • • ),,./y• • • .0,0 • .
lectric Seol Xiteketer *;:!,; • ••eik,ete
Sable lal1s 6r
witiloirtile. A it .
• * • r r rec..41•...1Vra-ii•.;•‘;-'3141/"."1" .-• 18425at--110C
, •
of Men's Underwear
told yen die week before of out big probe* of tiaeiett ,
flaeeelitudittodeetreer and how sheep it VOA The other
• ws *hewed it to 63 of** loading underwear rainufaatures
*he ere* *Ate in sell es *one. After exetainiag it he ems
if Wee U, tt* kind *fa seep et the mot we were
nine.Xii eseerni heytiforiMien whet tt le like we Will
•. • ye* elioitt if Join.
Otic BOO Ita*I1 Aide end difitiontre Omit half wool fleeced. the
Wane. dewed with enktotts doubled Althea wife load eiiklie
iteems, peed Sitio hiltione, theli geode were
• meile to eval at 702 led $1,00 het low*** of sores itir-
perilintiest that wilt in off oak *Oat woos at
spiel iliodolUft to sheet a*,
Wednesday, 'Mee R,,-.11oIntes enter- •
tain0 a number of Mond* in honor
of Mrs E.Iilohnes on Wednesday night,
who returned to St. Catharines, yester-
years ago he hadvorked up a large day, Mre Oeorge4Holland and John',
practice, and was looked upon as As'a Woods have instboilight good ' Itiancti
iMysician of entire than ordinary MAI.; trdaelt organa from O. Hoare ,iif Clinton
*try thia",, profession; kir-medical muse More: The •Dobetfli :siding 63
brothers nil speak of progressing and will not e long be -
While here hetoek an active interest fore it earrhe need; the ties are being
in social functions and, ,sporting eirelee tam M. 4John Leslie has inoired to
and helped. along •everything .inthis the house formerly 'occupied by Mr R.
His advice and assistance Welsh, Huron -street, and . Mr Wallis
will -he missed.- We woo they and eur, is moving into the those be -bought of
northern town it; Congenial one and Mr Leslie. ' ,W - Cooper &Oa. have very
along Witlkthis fhe doeter! may ,be.ait pretty and orrginin dressed' Windows.
'eltetlicieful in hie future tie() RA in D. A. Forrester eineete. to stall feed
the pito.' "••• • • • . nearly one -hundred 4 head of cattle.
"A FLAG .1010644.--tiaet Friday alter -
noon, there was an enthusiastic gather-
ing at thapuhlic School. It was the
occasion of the pt eseatation of the
Magnificent new • flag to the school
hoard. At three o'clock the public
school and collegiate pupile andfilende
of the children assembled in the echool
Yard. Mr Laugh showed the new flag,
which is the largest and moat bee utl-
fat in town,uncl with a ithort • patrio.
tic address ptesented it to Mr Hooyer,.
Of the school board. Mr Hoover made
a fitting address in reply and after this,
as the children sang•,'When,,JohnnY
Cannock •comes home", the flag was
raised. J. O. Stevenson and Sohn
Houston, M. A., Ofthe 'collegiate also
gave short addreesce. After the
slowing Of the "Maple Leaf" and "God
save the Queen", the crowd broke up
Mold much cheering.
• Elva minstrelei, appeared in the town
ha n Tuesday evening to a good and-
, len* with a show entertaining and re-
fined. The company has all new foot
with the exception of the brothers and
they were all good. The features, but
they were hard to pick .011t, Were the
acrobatic and :juggling performance
and the einging, elipecielly that Lot the
double quartette, in, rendering "The
Holy City',"t Tills company of merry -
lookers 'are altneys to be relied upon.
The Itilettallett comedy company
ed Alphonse Dandet's l!filaphon ors
WednatideYeteelOg; but the initiation
was 'UM. It ie one of the fineet
playd produced and was Moen* pat-
ronized in New 'York and other city
opera housea, although some exception
was taken. 'The play itself h tree to.
nature rnid Portly* an •sidsweftreeem. •
oiled t.ohave °wore& tit the iftVer
theauklpc 'With one of the dawkomedit
nI gay 4ree. .
r "
day, digh noon, tfte110fpti 01 the
beide* Queen street, was the *cane of
0 Wry eVetit, the • demean, bid the
marriage of Mies Steak A.,"
.1 5. Loiter Scott,te Di. John P*Vor,...
ray, of Andover, meas._ _The efikir wAe
on entlfely tome
-wedding, and the
usual attendentitwark dispensed with..
The bride looked very daititY le* gown
of leath ilonedownes bar nhigAway
oo*uSc4=tabidaftet13.! '
inwas performed toyrtey W* 0.
rtteweoe, pastor of Reittenbery attest
Mitalcodk4 eherchs alieleked by Rev 0, #
04' Torrey, Of Andover, Mom., abhor of
tbe groom, pie doeotetions—ob
ospasuinti-44vers testil
and the luncheon- provli
teinnting. The nerdy w
1.46-101d0 fer 'WOO •
before proceeding to their hotne In An•
dot** The brift le well keolvit and
higady reepeoted amour bar friends
h�s. A. few yenta ago she book up
nta afr *mama* (Attie Pro.
YS50It R, tly . • Boe i
iterpikelt else het moreIn a
"many IMMIX ba
the.. or
Tb.u. elttatedsDh
• doubisbh qu.ntIt of a Unfree
• .. wonted, the. ie we have two dollen - ••-•
then we sikeild. have. It would own %Mier • '
hen the rat
to rider** and ra o nary , • •
way at the (Winery price Would likely tote 44
sows time .witiehis not desiroble 10 as. To • -
everooree these difficulties, we bete 440016440- -• •
keep them end hoiden thole tillithakISaextrte... •
°raillery price .ot Son, obey are reedly en
'excellent pocket table, i0111:ioleer type, en-
• good period is as well boimd ea any MO*,
bee you ever • '
Vie Re4.1'.
• „. • • '
• • •
On Saturday morning next we retilenish our 'bargain tattles with
inether 89 palga ladiaa' teackina Donifelakid.bationed boobs *t... 0.25
al/Pairs of ladies' genuine Dongela Rid Oitordi worth, /1,543 for . s
-. Poirkok 13oye Limed BOotegaing at; ..'• • • • "•• •:` • • • • • • .145a
Tlitfeki inee of Men'e,fine laced bike, et •$i, *1.25 ind St. ISO, all new
goods, repast sizes and gayety,' other buyers thatwill 'astonish the, closes*
13nYerf'• ft wilt Pa, 7.0u 80 Geo them. • '• .
We beim the lartit andhest emortment Of rubbers' end we Wilt not be' •
,•• 'undersold. attonent r we tguarante'e every pair. •• No•Auction geed" or
erniiiii•Felt Slippers ,:going at 30e, 45e, 65e-anill
••' A splendid eseertinenk We hue and eell for *ash. A will imioited.
. • • The. tid Bello* es,
‘. • .• • 'ieTaylor '
Clatah -And:.1:ftte Prins, • • Eggs teltOit 'Atlitgath
UlitIr$1100*067.7at. theitOre .
I •
auittlitttl !Mt, tt! If! Ittlfttillttiftl ttl Itt It! MT ill Itrt ft, It! It!trItt
• 41.4.44044441.4-40.4.+404.4010114044.40.-41.11.
41.110 44 WI 04F ••••••••41-04,444-41.4141••41•4
.. • „ . .
pecial for aturd6.yinext,
'A heavy purcha.gyof rain and mud coats from a big New York house 041*
o offer some great bargains and buyers will see the stock on.Satordfky nest.
$3.50 Mid 'Coats for $2.50..
cc ,cc cc am)
• ,„
We halite. al..l'szes They Will' sell quick and buyersSWIM
be herein time to geta gOod-selecton:,
Hits $ a
anufactuyed brcurselvesland which saves yQU tho
Pliddlentaxi's profit. Cut, inade and trimmed totally* dif.
okent from orditiarf xea4y-mades, rt,,hey are the best
in'tanada and our ,big s.ale of these goods 'demon%
strates thlgt fact;
We name them thus
Because we believe they we.
Xing of11 shoes. We don't
believe there it A Wattle*"
shoe sold for $3 n Thittwhole
world. -which is as good as
out Xing Quality. That is a
kosa statemPts, Iva try the
shoe and you will a.gre. that
we Inure reason tor:boasting,
• 2.' . A
It 1te1i/1pl7 perfection. •.
' It has all that a shoe ought to have litik
ese, derability, stle..-and it cost*
but*3 while It looks like ill shoe..
Try aa4,1tatalk for sating: '
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