HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1908-05-07, Page 2MOTHER AND THREE CHILDREN FOUND BURNED TO DEATH. Former Infatuated Hired Man Arrested on Sus- picion of Causing Their Deaths. I:aporte, had May 4. -The rento'n1 of the four charred bodies, the bloekened .terms of three children, huddled about that of the mother an if for protection, he arrest of Ray Lampher, formerly employed by AL's. Belle Gomes, the vic- tim, and the collppse of Lampher at the jail last night, have caused excitement at Laporte that may at any moment break forth into violence. Mrs, Gentles lived at her farm near here with her three children. At 3 o'- clock yesterday morning, Joseph Max- well, an employee on the place, was awakened by smoke. Ile made every of fort to rescue the family, but failed. late in the afternoon the bo6is of Diva. Gamma and her three children, Myrtle, aged 12, Lucy aged 9, and Phil- lip aged 5, were removed from the snmouldering'ruins. There was a rumor that the home had been fired because of malice, and as the day advanced the police took up the story and began au investigation which resulted in the arrest of Lampher Inst evening. Lampher had been employed on the Gunners fares and was infatuated with Mrs. Gunnee, who was a beautiful woman. She declared that the man an- noyed her, and filed proceedings to have him declared insane, but a jury found him sane, MAN AND DOG Fight to the Death in a Locked Room at Brockport. Brockport, May 4,— William Mar- shall, a beeines% matt of Brockport, fought a desperate battle with a rebid bulldog yceterday afternoon and after beating the head of the maddened an- imal ahnost to a pulp weenie(' in log it. it. 'The struggle mended in a room of the home of John bane, where the dog had fuer driven and locked up. Early in the afternoon the dog, which was nt the Lane home, attoeked the Lane children who had been play - Ing with it. Their screams of terror brought their father to their resole -and he succeeded in beating the ani- mal, which was frothing at the mouth, into' a small room, where he locked it. 'Ile then notified Marshall, the owner of the dog, and the police. Policeman Murphy at onee came to the house and proposed that the dog be shot. ' ' Marshall, however, wished to satisfy himself that the animal was maul, and to that end he entered the room armed with a heavy club. No stoner had he entered ;than the beset attacked him. He endeavored to beat it down, but it secured a hold with its teeth on his clothing and re- torted to release its grip. Marshall ham- mered the dog's head with the club, but it was obliged to crush its skill before it released him. Dr. Hogan, who examined the dead body of the animal, said that there was doubt of its being rabid. Brockport has been for some time under quaran- tine for rabies, but numerous doge may be teen at any time upon the streets, unmuzeled. MISS JEAN REID. Ambassador's Daughter to Wed Egnery to King Edward. London, May 4.—The engagement of Miss Jean Reid, daughter of Whitlaw Reid, the United States Ambassador, to the Hon, John Hubert Ward, brother of the Earl of Dudley, was amsooneed by Mr, and Mrs. Reid today. The announeement does not come as a surprise to London society, where the attachment of- the young people hats been well known for some time past to a large number' of their friends. Mr. Ward is a favorite with King Ed- ward, to whom he is an equerry in wait - Mita Jean Reid is the only daughter of Ambassador Whitlaw Reid, and was introduced to society in New York in 1904. The Hon. John Hubert Ward was born in 1870 and educated at Eton. He served in South Africa in 1900 with the Imperial Yeomanry as press censor at heetlquarters, and deputy assistant ad= jutant-general, with local rank of cap- e talA. S. H. BLAKE Doesn't Think Bishops Will Author. ize New Hymnal. Toronto, May 4. --After a commit- ter of twenty-one persons, represent- ing all shades of high and low church in the Anglican communion, has lan- ored for three years in the production of a book of common praise, there aro algae at least, the new book will not be accepted. The objection cones from the anti - ritualistic party, who profess to see in the wording of some of the hymns the teaching of Romiah doctrine. "They started out," said Hon. S. H. Blake, speaking of the committee's work when interviewed this morning, "to make a book of common praise to be used as a companion to the Hoak of Commdn Prayer. They have made a book of uncommon praise, which teaches different doctrines from that of the prayer book. "There are tens of thousands of our people who will never use it. "1: don't think the bishops will ever authorize it." CUSTOMS CASE. Montreal Man In Trouble Over Persian Lamb Skin. Plstttsburgh, ' N, Y., May 4.Joseph Melte/Ian, aged 30 years, of No. 24 L'leeeker street, N. Y„ was arrested here yesterday by Deputy LmtedStates , a shal Baron, of this "city, on c:mplaiut of ea eclat Employee Henry Harmon No- ble for alleged fraudulent entry of 200 pieces of Persists Iamb -kin, valued at over $610. The skins wee sail to be found by a deputy eohlecto of eustotns concealed in a paekage of fur pieers, which had been ebjpped by exprces by Breitmmn in Montreal, consigned to himself at the New York address Breitman was held in $1,000 bail by United States Commissioner ['slogan or examination next Thursday. Breit - man says he had nothing to do with pill. Hag the lamb skins' in the package of furs; that tate 'package was made up by his partner, Abraham Bernstein or Itis assistant, and thea mistake bed been made. a :, , MAY RECOVER. Insane Missouri Mardertr Still In London Jail. Motorman Fav, of the limited eat', who was melted to death beneath itis ear, is alleged to have caused the collision, It is charged that he overran his or- ders, passing the point at which Ip! should have passed the local. As the limited, running at high speed, round- ed a curve four miles east of Ypsilanti the local ear flashed into view, also running at high spend. It was a hopeless effort to try nod stop the heavy cars, and they crashed together with terrific impact, Motor - um Wingrove, of the local ear, jumped when he caw that the collision Was in- evitable, but Motorman Fay stuck to his vestibule. The local car telescoped the other for nearly thirty feet, Hardly a passenger escaped injury of some sort. Following are the killed: John Paget, Detroit; Isa Fay, nsotorman, Jackson; Jack McMullen, New York; Charles Car- men, Detroit; George Iloward, Detroit; four unidentified Italians, ♦ • London, May 4.—The man Jame* flartwiek, released, on account of in- sanity, front the netxweity of answering to the charge of killing hie wife, is still an inmate of the county ;jail, awaiting the arrival of the officials from the Ham. ihton Asylum to take ]tint to that place. 1t is now nearly a month since his ease was disposed. of, and an yet no notice has been received stating when he will be transferred to the Hamilton Asy- Ium, During the time since his arrival, Hart• wink has improved greatly in health. He no more raves like a maniac. hitt appears' quite rational, so that some of the offi- cials believe that he will in time regain his reason, though, they say, he would probably be liable to fits of insanity at any time. He is not in a constant state of excitement now, an before the trial, and looks much letter, although he is frail, showing his age more than in the past. — - JAP FLEET. Viceroy of Canton Fear Trouble If It Calls There. Hong Kong, May 4,—The Thera}, of Canton, fearing local disturbances shouted , the Japanese fleet visit the city, has ndvised the Japatmse, Consul that he thinks the coming of the wa'ahlps would be inexpedient. In reply the consul ex- plained that this wee merely a routine movement; it had been arranged for the Inger vessels to remain at Hong Kong while the smaller ships cavae up to Can- ton. A few ,Japanese marines will land at Canton in the day time and will be given an escort of Chinese troops. NINE KILLED, INTER -URBAN TROLLEY CARS COL- LIDED WEST OF DETROIT. HUSBAND POISONED. Widow Detained at Quarantine by New York Police. Thirty Men and Women Were Injured, Some of Them Seriously—Accident Caused by Motorman Overrunning His Orders. Detroit, May 4.—Two large' inter - titian trolley cars on the Detroit, Jackson & Chicago Railway, a part of the Detroit 'United Railway system, rnuuiug from Detroit to Jackeen, col- lided head-ou this afternoon while our sing about forty-five` miles au hone, twenty-five miles west of here near Ypsilanti. Nine wen were killed awl about thirty men and women injured, four of them seriously, All of the severely wounded were taken to the university hospital at Ann Arbor. 1 mistake its ardexe tw I,Ava wit of New York, May 4.—'Che Cunard line steamer Campania, which arrived to -day from Queenstown, was detained at quer atitine station until detectives from this city, at the request of the Royal Irish Constabulary. found and questioned Mrs, Margaret Clary aisd Mrs. Catherine Bowen, of Clareuto•ris, County Mayo, Leland. The constabulary, its a cabled message to the New York police, requested the detention of the two women, and stated that MIs. Clary's husband, a farmer, died of poisoning since tate two worsen sailed from 'Ireland, The two women were registered on the steamer's passenger list as Margaret and Catherine Ale'o•mick. While the steamer lay at i'' rautine the detec- tives identified the women. They were taken to it cabin and Airs. Clary was questioned concerning the death of her husband. She declared that he was in good health, and that she cane to visit a brother in Brooklyn, and that her mother and husband were to have fol- lowed. When she was informed of the action of the eonetubnlnry, she insietod upon her right to land, and was taken with Mrs. Bowen by the immigration authori- ties to Ellis island, still under the sur- veillance of the detectivee, BLOWN UP. E:plosion Injnres Workmen and Does $150,000 Damage. Chester, Pa., lbtS 4. Fire (nosed by the combustion of duet destroyed the chipping and extracting department Of the Sharpleas Dyewood Extract Go. plant here to -day, injuring a score of workmen, several of than dangerously, and entailing a loss estimated at $150,- 000. 160;000, The explosion blew off the roof of the building, and George hillier, assistant chemist, wan hurled down etaairs, and seriously injured. George Harris, colored, was blown through the roof, and perhaps fatally hurt, and other workmen were tossed about, oat, braised and burned. MURDER OF HIS OWN CHILD, Shocking Crime for Which Richard Gray is on Trial. W,Axbetock, N, 11„ May 4.-- Richard Gray, charged with murdering the infant of his daughter, Estella, of which he is She confessed father, ;vas placed on trial at the Cireuit Court for mur- der here to -day, and pleaded not guilty. 'Phe daughter, who he seven teen, Was the first witness, and told of her father carrying the babe from the room shortly after ata birth and never seeing it afterwards, Two witnesses told of finding the body some days after in a snow bank. The officer who arrested the prisoner told of his confession. This is the third murder trial in Carleton county in fou' years, two former ones resulting in con - virile') and the execution of the prison- ers. TRAGIC SUICIDE. ('ntltoli,- thatlftnoimnoutu+eme a1 t 01 SACRIFICED CHILD. the resignation will he nmdo until it has been accepted by the Popo, and Prominent New York Broker Shoots Himself. His Firm Euspends•—Called Doctor Over 'Phone. New York, May 4,--- Following the suicide last ast night of Chnt9cs Coster, a proutfnentMolter and society man, the stook exchange first of Coster, Knapp & Co., of which Mr, Coster Ives a member, announced ate suspension today on the floor of the New York stock exchange. The first had dune en extensive business. Coster was well known in amateur athletic circles, nod was a member of maty clubs and eoeial organizations. Ile was rated as a millionaire and a success- ful business man, Ile had prepared for his voluntary death with a coolness and thoroughness whit+ proved beyond any doubt that the net was premeditated. He selected a time when Mrs. Coster was at a reception, and after preparing him- self for bed telephoned for his family physician, He told the physician that Mrs. Coster hon severe cold, and asked Idle So come to the house at once. Soon after the doctor arrived, Coster retired to his room and Bent a bullet through his head. The shot rang through the horse fust as Mrs. Coster entered, returning from the reception, and site rushed to her husband's room. At the door of the room she ,stet the family_ physician, who had food her husband dead, with the smoking revolver in hie hand. SHOT WIFE TWICE. Man Wanted at Rochester Arrested at Roseland. ( . Ale v ' 4.— Silverio Rnnsland, B Pnlozzi was arrested here 'by Chief of Police Losg on a warrant front J. C. Hayden, chief of police at Ro- chester, N. Y. The crime for which Palt,zzi is accused is the shooting of his wife twice while in n jealous rage. When arrested here he acknowledged his crime, and in the most »latter of fact wet' said that his wife Wes a faith- less woman and no good, end that she loved another men and so he stint her, as lie ihnnght she deserved to die for her infidelity, - SHOT THE INTRUDER. A Chambly Village Storekeeper Instantly Killed, Montreal, May 4.—A shooting of fair is reported from Chambly village a short distance from here. Wineeslas Fortin, the victim, was a storekeeper at Chambly, and on his way home late last night lost his way, He called at the house of a man named Wilson, nod asked directions to his own home These direetions were given Min, but Ise returned in a few minutes and bust in Wilson's sloor. Wilson fired, kill Ing Fortin .instantly. It is said that Fortin had been drinking, TIRED OF LIVING. Man Threw Himself Before Engine at Medina. .Medina, lhuy 1,- -Evidently crazed with fatigue, lack of stork and food, James _\1st iuutie, a metal polisher frons Syracuse• committed suicide here late this afternoon by lying across the tracks and allowing a switch engine to pass over hie body. McGinnis, who was about 40 years of age, ons first sena this forenoon when Ise applied nt the police statios,for the privilege of being allowed to rest, statuig that he wee weary, out of employment and hungry. lie was directed to the poor master of the town and left anon after in search of that official. During the latter part of the after- noon Ire was seen strolling along the Greeks of the New York Central west of Gwinas street, and n few minutes later the switch engine ran over him, almost severing his Loud from the body. The remains were taken to the O'Reilley undertaking rooms and Cor- oner Eckerson notified. On his person wax a card stating that he belonged to the Meter Poliah,ere' Union of Syracuse and that he was number 35, Three letters were found in his imide pocket written hint by his dauhgter, a little girl. They were affectionate to a de- gree, and were evidently deeply treas- ured by the father, who had them se- curely wrapped and carried them in hie iuside vest pooket. It is believed that the man became despondent because he could not get work, and rather than put up longer With lack of food and the dieeumfoite_ of tramping about the country deliler- ately lay terns the tracks. WOULD KILL UNION. if not accepted nothing more will be said about it. His Grace Inc always adhered to the principle of nothing 'ves anuouier- unent as to his personal affairs, end when he was appointed archbishop of Toronto he made no announcement for five weeks, as he did not wish to co- Copt the position and asked the Vati- eta to reconsider the appointment. • KILLED BY FANATIC. FIVE-YEAR-OLD GIRL MURDERED BY ITER UNCLE. Child Left in Room With Man Who Was in Religious Frenzy—Found Dead on the Floor—Murderer is Head of a New Praying Band. Allentown, Pa., May 4.—Tho news of an atrocious murder by a religions lunatic in the borough of Alliance reached Isere to -day. Councilman Henry Smith's little daughter was kill- ed by hie brother-io.-law, Robert Bach- man, of Nazareth, Pa., while site was visiting the Bachman Inoue. At the time of the killing Baelu,sru wase in a frenzy, during which he drove every- body except the little gir! out of the hosshe. Bachman was the head of a new praying band, and last week got the Sniitlrs interested. They went to Baelmran's house last Saturday, prayed and held services, and then decided to remain until the spirit told them to leave, Late last night, under Baths man's direction, Smith, in fighting the devil, broke three doors, kicked in the footboard of a bed and jumped on the bed, suno.ohiug it, Meanwhile Bach- man wee in an adjoining room, with the Smith'e only child, May Irene, who would have leen five years old to -day. When Mrs, South entered the room she found her daughter dead on the floor and Bachman on his knees along- side in It religious frenzy. To -day Bachman was arrested. His wife told the Coroner that the child had been killed by God, and that her husband was God, The belief is that Bachman in his frenzy unwittingly killed the obild. Each Bricklayer to be Paid What , He Is Worth. Montreal, Que., May 4.— Another blow at organized labor has been struck in Canada by the determination of the contractors of this city to pay brick- layers what they are individually worth, instead of a flat rate, The business agent of the union, Jos. Bernier, expecte Hatt the Wren will be locked out, as they will not accept the terms offered by the contractors, which, it ie claimed, Would mean the end of the union. A union tweeting has been called for to- night to dismiss the matter and decide on an action,, which will affect 800 men, Thos. lizard, third vice-president of the international Union, will be Isere to- morrow to take n hand in the negotia. done. 4o SHOT BY HIGHWAYMAN. John Korlack, of Whitemouth, Wounded in Winnipeg. Winnipeg, May 4. --John Korlaek, who came to the city last night frons 1Vhitemouth, Mau., to collect pay for a ear of wood, was twee:stert by a ratan on the C. P. R. tracks 'near 13igginc avenue. He was told to puts up his hands, but turned to net, when the highweystmn shot hint in the back, the bullet going through his body. Ile was removed to the hospital, last it is not known whether he will recover. No a.rreet has been made. e • NO STATEMENT TO,MAIfE. A DISROBING MANIA. DOUSHOBORS COULD NOT SEEP CLOTHES ON EVEN ON CARS. The People of Yorkton Are Indignant Over the Return of the Pilgrims and Will Force Them to Go to Their Own Village. Archbishop's Resignation a Matter Be- tween Himself and Pope. Toronto despatch: Hie Grace Arch- bishop O'Connor, head of the strata - episcopacy of Toronto, returned to the city yesterday from Collingwood, but had no announcement to snake re- garding the rumors as to his resig- nation. The resignation is a matter for consideration between the Arch- bishop and the Pape, and it was stat- Winnipeg, May 4.— The pilgrim Doukhobore, who during the past four menthe have been living in Fort Wil- liam, and who are now on their way bank' to Yorkton, arrived in the city this morning and left two hours after- wards for Portage. There were fifty- nine persona in the party, men, women and children. They were accommodated in two colonist care and during the two hours which they spent here the two couches were kept locked, W. Simeon, am officer of the Ontario Government, wee in charge of the party. Mr. Simeon stated that the Doukhobore' would be taken to Yorkton, but that no decision had been reached regarding their disposition subsequent to their ar- rival there. Passengers on the train who had interoated themselves in the Douk- tabors stated that Mr. Simeon had had an exceedingly trying time. A number of the Doukhobors were unquestionably demented. A mania for disrobing seized numbers of them during the journey, and it was only with extreme difficulty that they could be persuaded to keep their clothing on. A Yorkton special says surprise and indignation were expressed by the citi- zens of Yorkton to -day that the Douk- hobors should be sent back to that town, 'Their nearest village is over thirty miles west. They will be turned back front there, e -s MET DEATH IN DEEP DRAIN, Italian Laborer Smothered Digging Under Toronto House. A Toronto despatch: Death is one of its most terrible forms came to Fran- cisco Celia, a middle-aged Italian labor- er, yesterday afternoon, Cetta was digging; in a nine -foot drain under the fruit store of 'David Garbarino, 678 Duns dais street, when a great quantity of sand became loosened and fell, com- pletely covering ]nim. Help was Mune- (Wifely ame- d etely seemed, but although ten men toiled desperately in relays, it was al- most an hour before the fallen earth was removed. Ceti!' wits found dead, his hotly bent over aid Itis spade, still tightly gripped in his lifeless heads. The earth had apparently caved in on hint so suddenly that he had not swell throe to straighten np. LEAPED SIS STOREYS. UNCLE SAID SHE WAS POSSESSED OF THE DEVIL, Killed Her Because He Believed He Had a Command From Heaven to Do So—Girl's Father Says Murder Was Directed by Holy Spirit. Easton, 1'a., Alay 4. --The, Coroner's jury et Nazareth, near here, late, to- day returned it retdiet charging Hobert Ilnchnuut n•itlt the murder of benne Ahay Smith his seven-year-old niece, who, it is allege], was offered ,n3 a sacrifice by her parents and uncle, members of 0 fnuttstieal religions sect, The mother, Otho lord been wasted in connection with the tears death, was released Inset custody, The father reuutins ]sn jobb. llacli m n insists that the child was possessed of the devil fwd that be killed her by command front hcuveu. He nusinhaiss that he did no sarong and that God will protect him. " Ile cries nut front his cell that he is to be cruel fled; and pleatla with the ,jailer to hurry the execution that he may eppess be• fora'the tisrone. of Uoth who sent hint to earth to petfetnn s great nt1Saiom 1111' lb. ,ah'ntiun of mttnkiud. South is ist tt pitiable condition both mentally and physteelly. To-duiy he ons seined with several tits and rolled from his cot to the floor, stere he tossed nbottt, shout- ing rind preying. He appears to know little ur nothing of the killing of itis Mut!4hler, and when the subject is Monrhed to him Ise insists that nothing tonne. hits hnppemed tied that his In -e- ther -in-law was directed by, the holy spirit. 11i's. Waith, on the other lutad, is raiolin! raid realizes the nsshul gravity of the situation, She is heart—broken acid ;tails piteously ot•er the tragic fate of her thrid. Site declares the religion she and her husband adopted is a myth, trod that they were, not acting by diarrhea of God. She never had notch faith iu the teachings of the ;get, but joined them in order to keep peace in the family. Her h +:Mani site says, suns good and 1cbnd to her, bit when she objected to the new religion he tsunld Lemon's- furious. When she went to Nazareth lust Saturday to attend the meeting tint ended in ths murder of her daughter elle says she had no idea of the intentions of the party to kill her child, Ottawa, May 4.—E sgene Mun- sell, well known in Ottawa as'the head of the Eugene Munsell Com- pany, which has a branch office on Wellington street, in this city, plung- ed front the sixth -storey window of the building at. 72nd street and Broadway, New York, to the pavement on Sat- urday and met instant death. Mr. Munsell was in Ottawa only three weeks ago, and hs wits then appar- ently in the best of health. NO MONEY IN FISHING. Mr..McNee Wants to Get Rid of James - . Bay Lease. Catton, May llaelcenzie, of Selkirk, Man., manager of the Britislh- tltrim-lean Fish Company, was the first wit near before the .Public Acorouuts Committee this morning ht the continued inquiry into western fishing lenses; Much of his testimony corroborated that given by Ah•. Markey, of Montreal, as to the fimmeial losses of the company. Mr, Archibald DioNce, newspaper pub- lisher, Windsor, who got the concession for the waters of Jautea Bay in 1002, said he had ttted cu behalf of a nunther of Windsor ascii, most of them fisher- men, who were very sanguine as to the cluwees of developing fishing industries in those waters, This ons to he trans- ferred to n company of Windsor and Detroit parties. The late Hon. Jaynes Sutherland, then head of the department,' stipulated that a company with a capital of $1,000,000, should be organized for the' els purpose. and u'itlt the idea of gaining !, definilt. information ns to the resources M ,]anus Bay. 1t present Ise had an offer in his pocket henna fisherman, who said he would nndertnko the erection of a $1,000.000 plant of Janos Bay, pro- vided the Government, would give a bonus of one cent it pound on the fish caught. "hn the meantime.' said Mr. McNee, "1 mini paying the rental of $10 at year, and if the llovernntent will give ate my money hack they emus cancel the lease toauorrow." Replying later to ques- tions Ly Dr, Reid, Grenville, he said that if that gentlemen would organize a nemeses- to work the eonccesion he ]the witness) would pay the rental for five years in ndvtntce before leaving the room. 11r, Pardee, who cross-examined ills. witness, was effective its bringing, out the fats. SPANISH CENTENARY. Spain's Queen to Go Into Anticipatory Retirement, Madrid, -limy 4. --Elaborate festivities eiunntmuuating he centenary of the war for Spanish indopendenec will be itunt- uurehel en May 1 with a grand musical festival in front of the royal palace at Alleluia, 'this velehrations will cimclude lbsy i with a series of bell fights for the people. After the restntties liing Alfonso cant Queen Viet stria, accompanier] by their. nowt, Will go to La Ginnie, where the Queen o'ill remain until alter the birth of her nest Child. 111 the fall the Queen will go to Cowes to visit her 'nether, Prince:., Henry of 1luttenberg. ss se I PUNCHED HOLE IN VAULT. ; y .Attempt to Rob Bank of Commerce Near Winnipeg. \l•innipe!x, May 4.— Pen -gars at - tempted to rob the hruucll of the Veva- Men Bank of Commerce in it suburb df the ]test side on Sunday night, 'the vault is in a brick annex 00 this build- ing, and "n big lurid W'as pouched through the well, but still the sire foiled the rubbers, 'lisey prolielily were alarmed at their work. Two other robberies of stores see tr- purted to the polite, in both cases thm' plate glass being semshcd to gait' est - Ranee.