HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-11-02, Page 5t
••ei•A• ••N ••'s• •••• 1111•• , ••N
•••• •••• •••• •••• +ON 1144•
Hasa stock of about $10,000,
° consisting of
mpg -
Interesting Dress Goods News
The most attractive and cor-
rect styles .are to be found with us.
New textures, new designs make
this the most attractive Dress:
-moods Stock. Onlythe worthy
,orts of Dress Goods here. Plenty
of plain shades,plenty of mixtures
and prices as we price all :mer-
chandise -to suit all purses.
Amazon Suitings, 42 to 50 inches wide, in Oxfords,
blues, greys, browns, fawns, ata special low
Heavy Homespune and Frieze Cloths in plain and
heather -mixed shades, 50 to 58 inches wide, at a
special low price.
Venetian finished Amazon Cloths in greys, browns,, --
blacks and blues, from 50 to 54 inches wide, special
from 60c.to $1 per yard.
Plaid Skirtings in new patterns from 50c to $1.50 per
Ready. -to -wear
Clothing is our
Seeing is.. be-
We knock even
Seaforth out,
Rutter and%Eggs teen as Cash.
. ,
• •
121133 TWO .A.. trs
I Boys', Youths' and Men's
Really Made Clothing
For your Winter Under- So many people have been enguiring M
wear at an early date. our store for readymade clothingthat we
Half the comfort of Iife is thought
t ck htWe have ould ust�received a put
ora let
having the proper under- line of men's, youth's , and boys' clothing
wear next the flesh, that will fit the boys' from five years old
If you wait until the wea-
ther compels you to buy,
you may lose some com-
fort. Call and inapeot
.our underwear.
Prices from 50c to 54.50 Suit
A sobool that is doing the' beet work in
business education in Canada. Oarmagni-
foent catalogue gives • full information.
Write to -day for one. Several Canes'
dilan colleges and many Large
American school* employ our
graduates as teachers. This is one
strong point in our favor. linter now if
W. J. Elliott. Principal.
We will have.oystera in
Modk fresh every day
during their nelson. ,
For good stock and good ,
'Aid measure yon will
find we are leaders,
please g ve ns a trial if
you have not already.
A. new supply of
Oranges. L•me»a,
Bananas, eoaTect-
lonery, Pipes and
A fine 'aelortmheni
of oar own taffies and
maple Dreams, etc., al -
treys on hand during
the fall and winter.
Thread. Oakes and
Paatrj our speolelty.
Any kind fancy
taboo not in too
Made When ordered.
Jas. as. [oClaoherty,
• Novelty Bakery
And Restaurant/
Telephone No. 1.
The were made by Lail ,
Watoon and Bond, the noted ready.ma e
makers of Canada. They nee the beet
geode and beet trimmings to be had at the
price and are noted for the out and style of
their garments. You'll be gaited if you
buy here. Ordered olotbing a specialty.
to a hundred y
Yorkwhire Boar for -Service
Subeeriber keeps for service at his premises
Huron road, Goderich township, a thoro-bred
Yorhsbire White Boar, of goodpedigree. Terms
$1 at time of service. 2 THOS.J•POTTER.
House for Sale or Rent
A small frame house on James st. (norose the
railway track) containing one•oi lith of an
will,► orchard of good fruit trees,
water. W i1L be Bold on vers reasonable!terme,
Apply to • Mibi JOHN LAYTON,
Aug 81-tf Victoria et.
Extedsive Ruction Sale
New and second hand implements, on Satur-
day, Nov. Ord at I p. ni. at -Coleman's Ware
room, Seaforth consisting of acufders, plows,
steel land roiterer, grain cruahers, turnip
seeder,, straw cutters, oleo one Noxon binder
almost new, all of which will be sold without
reserve in order to wind up business. Terms
of sale eleven months' credit on approved joint
notes - Svo percent off for each.
Auctioneer . Proprietors
Auction Sale of Perm ln)Flutiett.
In the County Court, of the County of Huron
in this couort Partition.
ade is the mattertoff Mc-
Cool vs Haggard, et al, there will be offered for
sale with the approbation . of James Masson
Esq., real representative. of the County of
Huron, by David Dickinson, Auctioneer, at the
Commercial Hotel, in the town of Clinton. at 8
1900. All anct MugullaSe urrdthathrtaiinparo t ° ni
tract of land situate, lying end being in the
township ofiullett, in the countr of Huron,'
and being eompeeed of the weethalf of lot 29.
in the eleventh concession of the said township,
containing fifty acres more or lees. On the
rigid land is erected a one story frame dwelling
house,also a' frame barn and outer outbuildings
/1110 whole of the said land is clear and fit for
oultivatlon. The soil is a ole• learn, Well adapt:
ed for farmingQ purposes The bindle situaed
7 miles from the town of Clinton, on a good
gravel road leading thereto. The property will
be offered for dale subject to a reserved . bid.
Terme of Salo --The purchaser toy dawn 10
per cent Of his pureiwne money to the Vendor
or her Solicitor and the belaneo into court to
the credit of this Canoe without tittered within
thirty days thereafter. In all other reepeete
the terms) and condition of sale ;will be the
Mending condition of date of the (High C thirt
of Justice foil Ontario. 1`arther particulars
may be had from the Auctioneer; Moore
Proudfoat & Hoe Barrister*,, Gederio(i; Jatnee
Daatedlab GGooderieh Chit 22nd nilaay of Obtobor,
A. `N. BPffe Clinton, nH`leint Solicitor. Leeta tative
Oct. 116-8 for County of Huron[
Sale Register.
Private sale of furniture by J. H, Mo.
Hardy. who is leaving Clinton for Nelson,
B. C.,
Auction sale of a farm in Hallett . (7
miles from Clinton) at the Commeroial
hotel, in the town of Clinton, on Saturday
Nov. 10th, at 3 o'olook ; D. Dickinson,
Extensive auction Bale of new and se.
mond hand implement at Coleman's ware
room, Seaforth, on Saturday, Noy. 3rd.
Coleman °Salt Co., proprietors ; Thee.
Brown, auctioneer.,
On Friday, Nov. 9, at 1 p. m., on lot 14,
oon. 1, Stanley, sale of farm stook and im-
plements, the property of the late R. M.
Hese. -Win, Murdock, Executor, Thos.
Brown, Auctioneer.
Bicycle and (renctal Repair.
Rattenbury Street,.Clinton.
Subscribers having bought ont the black-
smith business' of John Tedford, have combin-
ed their bicycle business with the same, and
baying both businesses under one roof, will
be Ma better position than ever to deall work
entrusted to thein. Soiesora,tableknives, ems.
sharpened and repaired, lawn Movers over.'
hauled, cutting box knives sharpened Saws
Relinmed. epeeist attention given to. sharpened,
repairs. 'Orders reepeotfnlly solicited, work
promptly attended to and prices moderate.
The blacksmith shop is in ohargerof is good
practical man, who will promptly attend to
all work in this line,
will bring a splendid contingent of
young men and women into the sev:
ural departments of the
Central ltusinessCollege
The Woe thing about it is that yon may
enter our school at anytime and receive
from our TEN capable teachers that in-
dividual inetrnotion and personal oar.
Ito . necessary fol' your euoee*e. Write
for our circulate at any rate, and get
some partionlare, Address'
•W. H. SHAW. Principal ,
Yonge and Gerrard Sts., TORONTO,
Of a first class 80 Acre Warm, in Goderioh
townehiI have received instructions from
bite Chris Tebbtitt, to dell by public auction at
the Connell Hall intim village;of Holmesville
on Friday , Oet. 26,1900, at 2 ()retook pp, In: That
valuable farm property, being lot 21,eoneeseion
14, Goderieh toqthahip. situated l miles from
Holmedvllle, and834 miles from Clinton. The
buildings consist of a dwelling house with /stone
cellar ander kitchen, a good lank barn and
stable, implement nonce, etc. There is a good
bearing orehs the farm is well watered
byarunninigorndthere is also about 7
acre' of bush. Thiele a splendid chance to buy
a good profitable farm at a reasonable price, A9
it is boundto be sold . All farm lands are ad-
,ancingg in Value and alto findingready sale.
Peedeesioih of thin plane will bo ven at once.
'germs.--10per cent of the purehede money
mast be paid at time of sale; the balance within
80 days, unless purchaser Wiehee a portion of
it to remain on mortgage. Which bo arrang-
ed. with interest at 5 per tent. per.
MBS Iii• TE'StBU'TT, Proprietress, Clinton.
TBOS NDBY, Auctioneer, Oat, 96--2
. Corrected every Thursday afternoon.
Thnreday, Oot: 31, 1900,
Fall Wheat 0 63 a 0 64
Oats ........
Bar ley
-Flour per owt1 90
Butter, loose 15-16,p'k'd 0 15
Eggs per doz 0 13
HaSheepskins 0 60
No. 1 Green trim. hides 0 00
Potatoes, 0 20'
Chickens, per pair 0. 80
Duoks,per pair 0 25
Geese, per Ib 0 05
Tarkeye,per lb ..... 10 08,
Pork, live . 4 25
Pork, dressed 5 50
0 26 a 0 27
0 40 a 0 45
0 88 8 0 40
.... 0 57 a 0 60
a '2 150
a 0 16,
a 0 14
a 800
a 080
a 007"
a 0.20
.'00 4040
a 0
a 0 0906
a 5
a 4 2550
Montreal Cattle Market.
Montreal, Oct. 29. --Thera were about.
800 head of Webers' cattle, 1,000 anlves
and 1,40 sheep and lambs offered for ' sale
at the Best End Abattoir to -day. The
butchers were present id large numbers,
but the dull weather with spgh large sup.
plies had a depreseing effeelliOn trade and
paces continue pretty low, while a large
number will not be sold to day. The best
cattle sold at 44o per lb, but they were of
better quality than any that were offered
•here last Thursday; pretty good animele
sold, at from no to nearly 4o and the ooin6 -
mon stook at from 2fo to 8o per Ib. There
were a large number of small, hard -looking
bulls, whioh were bought by the canner,'
at from to 2te per lb. - Nearly all the
calves were old grassers and sold usually at
from 3o to 3•?Io per lb, with a few of •the
best up to 4o per ib, while some of the
leaner yeal critters would nbt bring over
210 per lb, good yeals bring op to 5o per lb.
Sh'ppere paid lila per lb, for good large
sheep, and the btttolrerir. pafd from 210 to
8}e. per Ib for the ethers. Good lambs sold
in tote at from 8;10 to 4o per lb and the
others at from 8t0to 3Lie per ib. The
best pries paid foe fats hogs today was
tie per lb.
Lord Roberts has oonlirned the sentenoe
of death upon three Boers who bald up
their hands in tokeirof surrender and then
fired upon and wounded British troops in -
Gen, Barton's oofrlmttnd. ,
TYNDALL-1n Hallett, Oct. 81, the wife of
I. arno Tyndall, of aeon. ,
NE$BITT-'In lloderieh township, Oct 8I, the
Wife. of W. J. Neebitl, of a daughter,
13AYWARD-In Clinton, on Oct. 28, the wife
of Frankllayward, of a son.
BISB3E--Inn Winghesn, on Oct. 21, the wife
of W. P. Bisbee, of a son.
ROGERSON--In Morria, on Oct. 10, the 'wife
of T. C. Rogerson, of a son.
• DOBIE•-In Tnekorsrnith, on Oct. 10, the wife
i of Wm. Dobio, of a eon •
SPARKS -In Stanley, on Oot. 16, the wife of
l• 1 J. Spathe, of adaughter,
WM-MILLER-In Hensel', on Ort. 14, the
wife of J. Weismiller, of a ee;ughter.
SHUTE-In'Ueborne, on Oot, 18, .the wife of
John Shute, :ofa son. .
MoEWEN-.In Grey, on October 10, the wife
of John McEwen, of a son.
KIILBOIJRN-In Smith Fella, on Set. 80, the
wife ofG H. Kilbourn, (nee Lily Slater, form-
erly et Blyth,) of a eon...
TORREFY SCOTT -fit the residence of the
bride's father by Rev. W. G. howeon, etiolated
by Rev. 0, O. Torrey, father of the groom ; on
Oot, 81, Dr. John P. l'erroy, of .Andover Mass.
U.S. A., to Mime Bertha .4, Scott, daughter of
Mr 8. L. Scott, of Clinton.
HARDY-CAb1PBELL-At the residence of
the bride's. mother, on. 2 Weet Wawanosh,
on Octal, by Rev. Goldberg, of Dungannon,
L. H. Hardy, of oderioit township, to Mise
MoFARL *e14WAN -- In Stanley, on
Oct.' 81, at thereat o the bridee'a parents,
'by Rev. A. Stewart, John °Parla�ne to Isabel-
la, second daught of Malcolm tilaEtran.
residence of the br
Oct. 17, by Rev. Jet
ooff he lateMurdool
OD -At the residence of the
de's parents,. Goderich, On
. A. Anderson, B. A., Henry
,it, to Miss Raoliel, daughter
HENDERSON- OVE-At the residence of
of the bride on Oc . 16, by Rev. P. Musgrave,
Jae, B. Henderson, to Miss Isabella Mary Love,
all of McKillop.
on Oct. 24, at the rasidonce of the bride's par,
ants, by the Rev, \'en Eyck, Wm. Hawk -haw
of St, Mary's to tiles Nary Ada, aaughter of
John 1,1oLaug�iilin Exeter,
McDONALD- OULD-In Exeter, on Oct. 28,
at the residence the bride's parents, by Rev.
C. W. Brown, B. B. D., Peter McDonald to
Miss Jessie, dau liter of James Gould, both. of
GILLESI'lE IMPSON-At the residence of
the bride's par. ts, Elmo, on Oct. i7, . by*Rev.
P. A. McLeod t m, Henry Gillespie of Orange-
ville, to Miss essie A. Simpson, -sof Dime,
MUSTARD FRASER-At the residence of
the bride's p rents, on Oct. 17, by Rev. D. Rog
era, John al tard,, to Miss Jane Fraser; both of
RYAN- AKER-In the R. 0, church, Brus-
sels by Re . Father 1c0abe, Joseph Ryan, of
5ie iflop, o.lies B. Baker. of Cranbrook.
DIED. • '
ELLI�ON-In C111nton, on Oct 27, Ida, daugh-
ter of Mr and Mrs John Ellison, aged. 10 years,
8 months and 17 days.
BELL -In Clinton, on Oot, 26, Robert A., son
of Mr and Mrs Robt, Bell, Princess street, aged
2 years, 11 months and 10 days.
FERRIS -At Indian Ford, Man., on Oat. 20,
Samuel R. Ferris, youngest son of the late
Itobt Ferris, of Ooderiolt township, aged 48
and 6 months:
STEWART-In Seaforth, on Oct. 27, James
Stewart, aged 52 years. r
WATTS -In Toronto, on August 4, Mrs W. R.
Watts, formerly of Clinton, -aged 80 years.
WEBB-In' Staffs, on Oct. 28, Mary Grigg,
e of `Rooberrt Webb, formerly of Clinton, els-
Grigg,of . aged 76 years.
EDMONDSON-In Bianshard, on' Oct. 10,.
Mary, Ann. Edmondson, relict of the late John
Edmondson, aged 81 years
BARBOUII-At Oros, Hill,. on Oct. 4, Jane.
Rennie, wife of Mr Barbour, and eldest augh
ter of Samuel Rannie,of Zurich, aged 66 years.
McMARTAIN-In Heneall, on Oct. 11, John
McMartin, of Paisley, aged 27 year&..
PARR -In Grey, on Oct. 20, Mary Jane Rior-
dan, oeloved wife of James Parr, aged 81 years,
5 month and 18days. .
BISSETT=In Exeter, on Oot. 17, John Bissett,
aged 87 years. •
ISRAEL -In Seaforth, on •Oct. 24, Evelyn
Bache', second daughter: of Jacob Israel; aged
78 years,. 10 months and 6 days.
ROBERTSON -In (ioderich, on Oct, 24, Wm.
Robertson, aged 57 years and 6 months.
EDWAHD�--In Godacich township, on Oct,
28,- Win. A. Edward, aged 58 years and 4 months.
GFIBSON-In Turnberry, on Oot. 24, HuSton
Gibson, aged 68 years.
DUFF -In Bluevale, on Oct 10,. Robert' Jef-
frey Leff, aged 90 years..
1a>NG-Ia Culross, on Oct. 22, ,Annie Brophy,
wife:of Edward Ring, aged -69 years. • .
HOLMES-In Rimose, on Oct. 18, Joseph
Holmes,• aged 85 years.
Look out•for .Election Roorbacks
Wanted -Dried apples fowl and butter.' We
will pay 20o for choice roll butter.till Nor. 5th.
Our stook is large and well assorted.
G. Al. KING. Wingham.
Portland Gement for Sat •
- l•A quantity of the best Portland Cement for
sale cheap. J. B. HOOVER
Oot. 26-2 Olinton.Marble Works,
Great Bargains
at Burgess'' Studio,
Having pnrabased the largest
studio :in the city of Winnipeg.
I with to dispose of my busi-
ness in Clinton, before the
first of the new year, To
clear off the large stook of
cards on band, I .will give
yon greater bergaine than
you ever got befpre. Be.
Order,/ on be had from Mr.
Foster's negativee,aleo enlarg-
ed photos from any.l negative
made by Mr, Foster or myself,,,
at prices that would surprise
Call early as I may dispose of
mybneinese any day:
A11 Orders
November 2, 1 act
ZVlcIUnnou Co.
t �yrj IAL
Bargains for
This Wook
Buying for spot mob brin;.s us hi touch with wanafecturers and Intport4re
and sometimes doablea our purchasing possibilities In one wsy and an•
other geed things come to ns at leas than regular prices. This weak we
struck a great snap in Ladio,', I Misses' and Children's WA! Haoda and
Jackets -the balance of a nlanufao'prer's stook at Guo eu the dollar••,-wbieb
we will sell at lose than wholesale prices
Children)" floods, in blue and white, regular prise 80o for 20o
Children's fine warm hoods, in pink and white,and cardinal and white
regular 50cfor 35u
Children's very line hoods, in Bilk and wool, aeeorted celery, regular
751, for 45P
Girls Tams, assorted colors, regular 35o for 20e
Girls' fine warm hoods, assorted colors, at 85o, 45o, 50o and 66o,aortb
. ' ' 25 per gent more .
We also secured some special lines in Drear Goode below the regular
price wbiob we are offering at epeoial prices this week •
Heavy .homespun Dress Goode, 42 i'nohes wide, assorted colors,, teen.
lar price 85o for 250
Checked bomeepana, heavy weight, regular 40o for 36o
Plaid Dress Goods, camel's hair effects,ia new patterns,reg,65o for 508
Heavy wool plaids, assorted colors, soft finish, two yards wide, Very
stylish, regular 1,1..25 for $1
McEinnon i Co.,: Blyth
The Tonic for Hot Weather
Our Improved preparation of Beef, Iron and Wide.
There's nothing like it in bot weather, to keep up health
and i,trongth; sharpens the appetite, strengthens and in-
vigorates the entire system; pleasant to take.
One or two bottles of this'excellent tonic wilt make•a won
skrful improvement in heal'., and strength
Price 70c. per pint bottle.
E. RO VEY Dispensing Chemist, Clinton
A sof-4ai ____KWK4K n�te** •* K 7k'r tlrAril__
Five special lines of
New Fall Dry Goods
French Flannels
The regular 60c line for 50c
Dress Goods ,�
Fifty skirt ends in 12 different patterns, fanny black
extra value $2.50 per skirt end.
A lot of new 'mantles; latest styles, from $3, regular
Dry Goods prices.
Shirts and Drawers
The celebrated . "Stanfield t shrinkable" guaranteed'.
not to shrink with any kind of washing.
A few pairs not quite up to sample, $2 and $2.50 a pair'
Robt. Coats & Son
Which is eafe to carry ?
You should. buy ' under•
wear now, and we would
advise yon' to buy "Stan-
fie1d's Unebrinkable"
which is warranted to be
Pare Nova Scotia Wool
and will retain its elasti-
city and eoftneee, They
are ganranteed not to
shrink in the washing.
We have them in men's
.size and extra large men's
aine, price $2 to $2.50 per
suit. We have lower
priced underwear, both
ribbed and plain, com-
mencing at 500 a snit.
Fleece lined underwear, at
$1, $1.25, $1.50,. $2 a suit,
Boys' nndetwear, from
sizes 22 to size 34,
Ladies' vests, sizes 2, 8, 4,
at 25, 35, 50 and 65o each.
Children's Vests, 13, 15, 17
and 20a each.
The Stanfield hose rt 25o
a pair is the best value in
the trade.
Our "1('ondike Son" at
35o a pair brings comfort
and satisfaction_ to
WHY DON'T �e - • , �ielwearer. "N
YOU Stallfl.� i +5• Men's Lon Boots �_
1 OU WEAR . r the " m ' ,"
Buy Ya asks , you
• Iron can't get that suit washed main. won't regret it.
dere must lbs cash.
F': �". Burghs.'
Successor to H. Foster.
L. O TIM !� T!iE, . Lortd�esbaro.
They Labor in Vain
our first arrival of blended
IIC • itertx fernaix#8 Tea, known as '
Ceetcher, Wastia4
Wanted•& teacher, Mile or female for IJ. S. S.
14'o 19, ;Bet Warvatloeh. Unties tou.cominence
on Jan. 2,1901. APp1 stating salary and exper.
iences to THOS. EFRANGRAN, Seoy.,B, B.,
Nov. 2-Im Auburn, P. 0., Ont.
That destriable ,took farm, north half of lot
28, eon. 4, Sullett, oontalnlag5O ohbioe acres, in
rues for iters, For ��++itr�t�i�oulars a
!t pasture,
lot 2tr ccoon.. 8
Nev. 2•-�tf Sttllett,.
A butldingd4 xt4 used as a hen house snit•
able for dmaudteble woodshed or back kitchen
will be sold at a bargain. built to move Moo a
few forth 1 pelt' light Brabamr, l white reek hefts
tiyottegiiondend, 2Lanirdhattlientl, AN y
Nov. 2 1 L KE
and put a :. expressly for us
in 1 and , pound canisters.
Prices 25, 30 and 40 cents.
Every Gnce package guaranteed at
-the Biu
r .
W. O'Neil
T•lelihons 4ii
sueeeeror to
Ifoank Melville
Ooodr proxontle delir'ereld
Who attempts to do cooking on an
inferior Range, the best woke in-
variably prefer the
11 you are fond of a well' cooked
dinner and like to bage your meals
served on time, you'll do well to•
invest in a Happy Thought Range..
It works perfectly
Keeps fire continuously
Bakes at any hour of the 24
And uses about halt the coal
tbat others require, Over 10,000 new in use in the city of Toronto, and every one t►
suooees, Pretty good recommendation that, isn't ft ?
Radiant Home Base Heater
the beat that the brains of men ever produced. None equal to it for economy
of feel and ease of management.
The farmer's favorite. Three sizes with or without reservoir, The largest
stook of stoves in the connty to choose from. Try the Sarnia Prinxe
-White Coal 011, name price as oommott oil, °
Stoves, It aware
HarlandEr0114Nardwatett re.
Expatr in ftot Air and SotlWater treating And Plumbing.