HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-11-02, Page 1.• • AST TOUR VOTE FOB, R. HOLMES, and a good government, both of whom are wOrthy of confidence and support. 444,4044,01444440$44440~40 ilheetteelltened. the Aleut Ere to. yen** irlindely AFrik***Velf*******401-We'firt arouse,"; • Xri twety hereto 'hide breaku. ire aaarrIUS ; May Table Silverware, • Brooches... . 'tifetchert or eloebrii.-^ Itiudever it is we'reentione it shell • • come our way, e••reptir such *Inge .It'auttite fatitory manner.* , . - Our chargesare moderate. eervices prompt. • Whether large or smell 11 receivet all tha attention it requiem. aWer are Leader* In our lane. • - B. CREVirS9 Jeweler AxpertWisteh4opairer A.nd Optielan 'AVM MAVDONALD soaionh. eat. There IS - A Saving in at for you in dealing with M,.. the prineipaletrictly 7ur. and Clothing house in an extent of ,coun- try 25 miles °quire. The reasons widoh woke ne oonfl- dent in making moll e statement 'ateefirsk we bey for .mish;Betelik we sell for cash; third,, we sell .our -oWn 'Reads, no halt-herieted attention on the part of indifferenteleekawhen yea buy from ne you will deid with either of the owners. We carry ev• . and ere reerier •rf every des - i erything in menartine And also ledi iiritition, ladies ) els, wipes, boas, etorm.00llartaretlanniftil. PO1141140 coperinso, and .the largoltoin; of ell Mortis fur boste of altiote 'MEW &MACDONALD . . eti tlie Wiens sideAthietieet: Stre1418108k, Sestforth, ent. ********AfIt9f.144,40044,04i**** MOIrneskrille- • • Noone.= -W. Miller bite, given the ;English nhureli is coat of 'White nedut, which. irnbrovee its appearance,_ (ma& .0raVelie has been laid up wit h a bore knee; Dr, Gunn operated on. it several weekttago. On Saturday night.ii. .0artney had completed three months , of filinost solid threshing, and hes sev- eral Weeks of work yet. Splendid ad - dreams were given by 3. T. Garrow' And D. McGillicuddy at R. Holmes' meeting in the hall Tuesday MOIL 'On Sunday„Rey Mr Penile% of Blyth, preathet1 missionary serniOns in the Methodist church, and gave two excep- tionally fine addresses. Rev Mr Stone, Imagne Wardell/try, epoke On Tuesday night; his talk was about two hours long, and was the most interesting and inetructive missirantry speech we have aiver listened to.: • 4004.1101,1 ToWnehllo 1401$001... -Tee trueteett of S. S. No.9 Met on 'Tueeday Mamie/ to Mime a torch*, be ettetteed Miss Blair, resigned, butit beinbe'fore Nov. let, and only • having:two applicalions, Mr Peck and Mr Reid, thee adjourned to meet one week Speogeeruz.--The sale of steak and , • implementer of aeot Leithwalte, on lot 48, Maul nd cOn esei n o 0 t 19 •:"\ inton / • This beat adrertleing esettilent • In tido *Wien. om4T9ig. ON 10, NOVEIVIBER 2, 1900, ,,,„• , - srper Tear *drama ;Lee When not so paJd. 1 Additional local Nelts. Mee ) is &Patriotic es well ae 0, Take Care of. The News .of the •Neighborhp od swag Dema-Oermen, lion of Mre was -A eery sOccesaful one, Abell; $2000 was realized, part of the stock i being gold by private sale. Two year I old cattle Went for about $22, three year olds at $40, and towe from $28 to Iebeethe horses went from 4100 to 6150. • Dien Ite Tag • Wner.-We * are seers? to recerd the unexpected death of Samuel R. Ferrite a former well know VA 1011131Y reePected reaident of this tOWnsh p, which, event occurred :at Indian Ford, Manitobe, on• the 20th Wet. Mr Verde moved west in the doing. of 1 3, and took • up/and, , but hie health failed, and be had to lent his farm thie year. He war, the youngest son of the late Report Ferris, and brother of Mrs Simla; Sturdy, and also Robert ' Petrie, tif • Mullett He was 48 years of age, and, leaves a ' wife - formerly Miss Ellen IllcOlel. land - and four small children, to mourn the death cf an upright man, and a good citizen, Nbutia-T. Middleton is erecting a brick woodebecl. Old residents tell us that the creeks have never been so .low as they have thie fall. Rey. Mr Yel- land preached an able and interesting attrition in Cole s church last Sabbath. Quarterly meeting in Cole's church next Sabbath at 1.0.80e. no, when the sacrament of the Lord's, supper will be administered, Mat Mains finished the stabling of Peter Cole's barn last week; Mi Cole has one of the most conven- ient and comfortable barns and stables In the toSvonip and is a credit to the builder. Debauchedliterature is 11 ing everywhere and is being DOS on every old rail fence in the township by the Cfoneervativesi a oentlenian . told us the other day in his vicinity they were cementig their bosh on the roa&. E. Marshall has moved tb a farm Oh the Bavfield line. ' Stanley.' Norma -Alex. Poster, Varna, was on the line working this week for Mrs P. Campbell. Roderick Rom, Clinton, is visiting hie son, James Rose. STomo-One •day last week Thos.. Fraser shipped from Clinton six fine thotobred Shropshire rain Iambs.' • They were destined for 0. D, Green- wood, St, Johns, Mich. Mr Fraser breeds only the very best of stock. ActorDENT.-While John A. McEwen warsirbrkino in the woods last week, he.accideittally cut the great toe of his left foot, which will keep him off work -for a few flays. He has been busy for the Iast few weeks in finishing hie un- tlerbarn stabling. _ Sam -Arthur. Whittiegbain hae. sold his farm, of 70 easel on the 4th con., to his . son-in-law, Wm. Potter,' (eon of T. j. Potter, Goderich town- ship.). In consequence thereof he will have an auction sale of all hie effects on Monday. Mr Whittingham is re - Frosting to Oollingwoodl where his son- in-latv, P. Olatworthy, is in business. WEDDED. -A toilet home wedding took place at. the residence of the bride's parents, on Wednesday, Oct. Slat, erlien Rev. A. Stewart untied in tnatrimony, jahrtMcliarlane to Miss Itabelia, second danghter of Mr and, -Mrs Malcolm McEwen, 3rd con. The guests only included members of both families. Both of the, happy couple being popular their numerous friends extend. to them congratulations and wishes for long life of bappinese. Cormore,-Council met on Monday Oct. 27, with all'the raernhere present The minutetr•-otalitr previous meeting were read. and approved. The follow - Ing accounts Were • midi -Alex: Mc - Beeth, for building bridge on Gemmel's side line, 639; for plank, $81.50; St. Jos- eph Lumber Cie, gravel, $4,80: 1 Mc- Arthur, spikes,: $2; D. O. Oampbell, bridge spikes, $150; J. T. Oairne, for supplies for ball, $2,59; Drs. • trunn and Shaw $5 each far examining S. J. Cur- rie for asylum; Jowett Bros., plea, $11.94. The petition of Jo*Poster ind otheis re big sWalni) drain was kid over 'for future consideration owing to the lateness of the season. Council meets again on Monday, Nov. 261h, to settle gravel accounts and general business, J. T. Caren Clerk Mullett F.titsr Runten.-Mr Francis Kettle, ' has rented hie 100 acre farm on the :2nd concessicila Samuel Love. of Morrie, for a term of fire years, at an annual rental of $285, WhiLi.h in- •cludee statute labor and taxes, Mr ,1lettle has 200 acres yet in which he will 00110111le to reside, •-•Patitie•Sotre-olte•••Vetitgtaonel:, has • ditipoeed of hie two farms recently and •• On Thursday held an auction *ale of hie idea, implements and • other property. Reath half of lot 15, 1st concession,containing 50 litres was eoldrfer 91500 to Edward Junco., ose . farm adjoins and North half of let congestion, 78 agree realized ($60 per acre) including house, Wo berm; and other buildings, 080^qe kite being the purchaser and' *tab ill Move to it 'sheeny, Mr Vaneg- ond intends to live in Clinton or rhino; Segforth butunry go wept in spring, There Is a chsrpell how- ete:of him 1 editing and settling ()Whin one Of ,these towns if the tight,. person .happlitts along. We tied ***mon why he •should not be. elorttsat readmit of Minton. Why tic, You Wain rtertielf molds* resat when 4he MISMSItattitaltS4 been ranging from es so Iceideerees in the shade? %INN • '!�t, canto Neltetlihig in' the attuned goodini*ilistiSt deal teem emitting? • Bare lbaSSI tilt* pollen, ticklers: dlanteed ellidoken, Ditekt Tftehltyv - Peet, Rest sitteell •iihrielPs Serli al* est. • lehei there it *4WD' MOM Berth, lag S gin KiliO4 as Iniitemitaniens piny 4.117,60i2 (lit Id* different tOOPlit g Co. Tnekeramitb. • Chronon.-The prayer service will held on Friday evening inetead of Thursday On account of the S. S, an_d • League convenlion le Clinton. Ntertrai.-J. Clark, of Ileneall, visited friends here on Sunday last. Mee Dunernore and Miss Johne visited relativeamear Bintondville het week. Charles and Wee Gertrude Carnochan visited their uncle. 8, Johns, on Sun- day last. Addison Johns hair been re- engaged at Mineeing at an increase of *awry. Mr and flits Wm. Edward*, on Triad teat. Mre S. T. jackson, of Brigilleie returned to their home of Ripley, e visiting' at her home and with friends here. Zits Bryant, Lon- don, visited, last week at the home of her uncle, John McDonald. 1401141,4eteretanotth Vino Inetnnitstrt.- Sohn 11. Me - °thrum, collector of this toiwriship, has *Aided to hie home a beautiful Cabinet strand opright piano, purchased of Geo, P. Eineritin, Godetich. AStortatille.-- Matthew Lockhart, reset,, Is ari aspirant to the potritIon of County Ilommiesiener, and will make a run for the position this year, /for the reeireent john T. Currie, new a metnher of a V31,04113 eOtinell. Will run and will kely be elected; he has had *triple Operience, and Is the drst native-born person who ever ran for the positron In tide township, he av ng been born hers. - NOTne.--Our ',Mega to pretty well tilled up ett *Very houee from the Mel& land raver to Ur Gledhill's' woolen Milli Sts14 up as far tre th_e postotnee are oc- cupied. A few of Bet, congregation attended the eerie* at Berimiller on .bbirth morning, Bethel church being dulled os IM10011110 Of the popering and Ninth* of the chureb. Mention mat. tors are Sonnor1344 hue we are eferitla Seorttelfestr. - hopeful of a eubstautiel majority for Lourire and Holmes, 00.1. ter lent* sae Ste ..o .; • It hie glare change end the other day fund *traded he commenced to gather Aim counting u It an3ounted to SUppited by the•iiiew Erten wIdevitetehe and reliable rorresueentlently ^ $0.00. As tide fun reeelyed More t an . 3 what or seat *eked he took It LU td ' anntinerhill - • ' Ontincre-On Simday. evening last Rev, E. B. Smith, of elaPeterli church, Preached a ,very eloquent, practieal Minion from the text "Their hoops were gene out" The eemaannual meeting of the Deanery of Huron, was held in the Sabbath School room of St. Nut's church, Clinton. At the con- clusion of the service on Sunday even- ing next, the Sacrament of Hoty Oem• mutdatsitl_he administered. • itY44-1444************ref-VAt Jackson to be added toa fund tow Wekit Har011LiberaiNOlilitlee recettion t be i rds naincworritp.....peopie are worioriag. svhen e snivel( home, Thie I an - vrhae the matter is with john Sara he Petiprable act on this manly little fel- ebb tO A ra . 10010,00 Wile. Well, on hie arrival twat° frent Seafretth the day , of the Osterenee-We have receivedfor • tlenehiation,he was agreeably surpritted publication a, letter from our esteemed * to find a bran new bouncing baby giri friend, Wm. Doig, of Tuekersmith • • giving a resume Of the trouble between himself and Mr Rain. II. McLean. We I do not think that an gouLl whatever woulce be the result of publishing the . at his house, Acoinictreealan Friday hurt as Mrs TA Ward and her daughter, Lizzie, were . out driving, the out game off the axle, and the wheel coming off the home (look fright and ran away. throwIng 1 them out of the buggy. Lizzie was not much the worse but Mrs Ward was considerably shaken up,,and was, for * time, thought very seriously injured. No bones were broken; we hope for her speedy recovery. RETURNED. -W117.- Stinson and wife; from °regime are on 4 visit here after an absence of over 31 years. In 1869 bo • left Varna and went to the gold fields Mr llohnes asks the support of 411 Of Nevada and Oalifornia, but at the 2 electore who NOM 111 a tirOgreatovepreterit tome is a resident of the state administration, of all who believe in a 'of t4iereeg°ad to see him looking Flo well;nee H is old :Kende here are policy of "peace, union and _prosper- very, he weighs over 200 eouede and is hale ity." The Laurier administration :has That Cold • letter but. On the contrary. thetrouble woulci simply be re -opened. Let, by - genes be by-gones; bury' the hatchet entirely out of sight and be good' !deride. Both are too intelligent to keep up a thing of 'this kid, which ehould no longer prevent them from being on the best of terme. .Awanrign.-Vitilat might have been settled for 9500;tve are told. has run oti to between $1,200 and $1,500 for the defendants. Judgment heti been given by Judge Forgotten in the aoticu re- cently tried at Geiderich brought to re- cover damages for injuries sustained by plaintiff Askwith from coming in contact with a line wire, the propei ty pluses ; has made the Intercolonial a wiped out* deficits and created sure „ . e a atwitter of . of the.defendante the Clinton Electric ears Jae. Wanless. Light company, fastened to 'a fence Paying concern; has done more for NOTES. -Mrs A. A. Cardillo and hertvro Poet, while -delivering hogs at. the Canada than any previous administra- children, of SeafOrth, are visiting alio cattle yards at (Hinton station. $500 tion ; has given the country stand- week at bre Armstrong. . We are has been awarded plaintiff, damages log in the ,eyee of the world it never sorry to hear Thoe. Ward lost a vane. • aseesed by jury, against the detendante had before. Don't be deceived or lois- able horse on Monday inst. Tee Lea.' the G. T. R. 0o., and the G. Tele- Noolts.-.-The L, 0 L of this place led on matters that are not before the gue rnet as usual on, Mondey even= Braid), Cce, with costs. Action againet 'n . . PurPnee having a ,,eupper on Monday FVote on present kerma and ing tbe topic "Do not Worry," theOlintoElectric Light Cowas dis evening next and full reparations are 2°Pla• mark your ballot as follows; • was very ably introduced by . u. E missed with costs to be paid by the G. being made. Mrs 3as. Laithwaite WEST HURON Belzer, pent part of last week with Atm E. ' • Butt. Miss W. Thompson was the . feast of her friend, Mies ef, Sheppard . HOLMES • on Saturday and Sunday..,Mieses Erna Robt. Holmes of •the Towo of and Minnie Wallace, of Clinton, were Clinton, Publisher guelits M their sister, Mrs R. Wood- yard, on Sunda. A. E. Wethetal, of • Auburn, called on friends in this vicin. MeLEAN ity Buyer He ttl n r deie. e v last weethropk. J' BullardandMrs aPeut DNrurr''' Relit. McLean of the Town of clay at Win. Mr . . ba Coreie visited Mir and ltdrsLindsay on •. Ge . - Wednesday of last week' We tire which • all. present enjoyed .. Fair; he gave a ,very practical taik T. Re .Garrow. Q. ,C.,‘ and Garrow, very (Goderich),for plaintiff. Shepley, Q. ti,, and, R. G. Graham, (BramPtoml for much; Wedn es d the a " 0 f ,L, nexten'gu e week.wit, be h notel d forget the grand tea meeting to be defendants Clinton Electric Light Co. W. Nesbitt, Q. C., for defendants G. T. gilen tinder the aucelottheMetho- • &Co, E.:Campion, Q,C.,for defendants 5th ; a grand program is being. prepar- Great N. W, T. Co. • dist church on Monday evening, Nov. ed, coneisting of speechea music. rent- Srononeo ' Marrons.-Last Friday ations, ete, ; great efforts are being looked gloomy for a bowling match; the season ; borne and enjoy . vour- rinks went to Seaforth and had a however, it cleared upend two Clinton put forth to make this the orient of • 'selves. Mrs j. Jervis and her Oster. friendly' . gamei but they met their Waterloo the Seaforth club winning pleased testate that E. hicIlveen, thin, la"law*111E) Arvte. Moimesitille, of P.Mellieen.who Was sick in Clinton •Bledietis are proverbially uncertain • visited the forrnees brother, Rev. J. with_typhoid fever,is itunroeinglapith things, but the indicittions all point to W.,Andrews, on Wednesday of last ly. w,-Oole was engaged cutting and the re-election of Mr HOInies: Let our. wet*. crushing for Mr Lindsay last week. friends make oasturanefidoubly.sere.r., • , The phonographic concert given by . • • • • • Or4iDirb remit, W. J. Smith on Friday .evenitur, was ' ARMAGH., --_ BOitsiels Catholic well attended and naricercppreekiteit, alum M.111*, bareister, Toronto, church was crowd with an interest- ' rind °theta, will aildre"se a mertiN. inehrorge on Monday. Oct.se22nd. an marriage '11°611!!It f9r1j3legt191i:N,0°!b04:1141 lag In the intonate of tire Liberal :ird Y r, youngeet ' ' b party in the ?awn flail, Clinton, aairghter of Mr•and Mrs Raker, ------- on Or • , of ranbrook. The bride . looked -. PitoMOTIon.- Promotion examine. on Monday. evening next, charrninVn a teilor-made suit of light Bons were held Oct. 25th and 28th in the Senior division of 8. S. No. 8, Hul. lett when the following were promot- ed:- From junior to senior third, marks obtainable .700, to pass 806-Etn* manuel Lyon, 487; Mame Ger rett. 470; SOWS* Brown, 476; Willie Bell, 457; Wil- lie Grantham, 407. • Prom senior, third to Junior fourth. marks obtainable 725, to peas 863 -Francis Garrett.516;Nanc.y Crawfor d. 495; Willie Lea 490; Flossie Jamieson, 158; - Crawford, 453, A. MoAraasrert, teacher, • by 11 share Barlend's rink being up and Tisdall's down. The score was: (Minton Seaferth Taylor Irwin Johnston Harland Jackson ifoLein . Bright • •";=k Pierqe skit, ' .skip 17' McMichael Stegleerte r- r=ii ,be. A__., .4.0,, '.A.i i ' `1 ''W.---#4,--)1411. --,--,,grri , "-...eggi,kivelost, a. ....,,,, _ v•••Assurik, Yonesn't stop your conln. after the Omelet procession- stark!, hat ny oouw obsyn tdheel Bays et hoet p pro er too at • sco; el; what by stopping your coughing Balsam of Wild ahem- • reBmaredky.enWdgeu 2/ sptahr rusita ef r*Bueradit sts.tenfbee:ijattencev:i imi :Dar SYDNEY JAC)ISONIt: reeseription eirons 10.rui-Stoe Methodisfbhurth will be held on Sun- ' day peat; Iciee feast at 10 a. Mk; sacra- ment to be administered at the close of the evening serviceveubject at 11 a.m. "Can a man who; has once been saved be finally lost;" at 7 p. rep "The parable Of the bereaved father." -i-b� Of the W. M. fit. are • preparing 6: box to send to Nitinitt. B. Ep- worth League nilifilonarv. Mr Stoner of Leagues that Polide oW4litottolowt avtispi visiting ay.! Tee vote of theTh S. Presbyteries on ; the question therevielon of the Coto- feesion of Froth, ae, timelier reported; is as follows: For revision onle.• '30; • *. declaratory statement,•2;sePpleMetireV" creed, 80; substitute creed; 5; rewleieti and supplemental weed, 10; dismissal of the whole subject,.83. ; total number of Presbyteries voting, 110. There are 282 Presbyteries including 21in foreign lands. The vete ot two-thirde of the Preebyteries .will be essary for the Agrtow . Assembly to Send do any ovettures metal • skip 8 Coleman skip 24 on the subject, . .The curlers. have started for the com- 'Sr. Pearris Ourriterr.-Conifirmation log winter season, mill -it promiees to classes. have been started in connection . be a prosperous one; a number df new with 81.. Paul's church. The rector au. brown aver cloth, tnmmed with mem ere will pm the club, this year. flounced last Sunday morning that he chiffon and valet*, with hat to match, Auyone who has curled finds it oneof would preach abernion on dos iMporte The bridesmaid was Mies Hannah the best of s oda. The most prornin. .ant rite of the Ohuech nett Sunday NOTES. -Miss Kiva Adams has re- turned hoine from Seafortb. Wm, Hamilton is engaged in S. S. No. 4 for 1001. Miss B. Garrett is visiting friends in Westfield. Mies Lou Om. mette has returned to Toronto. Mrs Reid, Cliintob, is visiting her sister, Mrs Braithwaite. The pastor of the Methodist church here was presented with a load of oats,&e., from the mem. bees of thelicongregation; Messrs Car- ter, eleVittie, Moon and Braithwaite, who delivered them, spent a pleasant time at the parsonage. The Quarterly meeting will be held in the Methodist Achineh here next Sabbath, and the business meeting on Monday nt 1.00, Samuel Woodman has moved into the house 'adjoining the -Witcher oboe which will be more convenient. W. Ouinsette has a new clerk, Alex. McKenzie from the county of Briny, Walter Riddell endtfrs Ouimette have gone on a trip to visit friends near Ottawa.. Wednesday night a few very silly pranks • were performed in the village but no harm was done; the township councilought to build a lock-up find engage a few constables flit Mb. eight Mattradet .....0n..Saturm,. day night last McMillan gave one of trio old time political addressee on the questions of the day; WM. Dolg, of Tuokersmith, opposed him in a very weak effort; there ought to be a large in/dimity for the- LOON! 9.crvent of the past. . Myth. . It Will pay you to and see Mrs Graham% steckot rammer before odes:Wag elsevrhere. New Goods arriving (Wee, Week* ' NOTES. - Mrs F. H. Ashbury, of Lorne, left for their new home in Oak- ville on Thursday, where Mr Ashbur and trout. Kerb, e.re ever in the mil - son left on Thunday for. Natchetye, was yr _attended. IL SUB en tion was a trine lob -sided, *ethers WM as) Rev Mr • Oashroan, pastor of Essex - Miseiseippl, for the winter, Where- Mr the sick net. Wm. Shenk iotenAs oppositiOn add no fault to And with Baptist church, has received a call to Sloan is engaged in the timber busi- move to Zurioh in a few weeks. Wile. the Liberal Government. • the pastorate of Kincardine Baptist liest‘ .A, bleetingin thelotereets of the Melo had rtyettrmisteebieful We lob • NoTsS.-.1. G. Vole lies returned to Ryan, Sister of tbe groom, who Wise be ent men in 8anada are affilieted with evebin-The regular annual meeting teonstance some club. they find itsplendid remote- of the Deanery Chapter of Horan Was his home in Kansas, after an extended corainelY attired hi'a tailor-made *snit Lon from their dales. Wednesday held on Thursday afternoon: Rem visit here. Win. McIntosh has im. Of red Mies' cloth,. trimmed with black silk and white satin yoke svith rhine- •night last Clinton club rnet for emir- (lodging, Turnbull, Parke, Finney Sena ' proved his house by painting it, and stone buckles, also hat to match. • The ganization and elected the following oings, Lowe, Smith,' McQuillan, 'Doh- • • Sen - building A verandah. Mr and Mot A. o...111..cear!: Chasplain, Rev E. B. Smith; erty and Messrs Metcalfe, Clausen and T. Cooper and Miss Ouningharee, Olin- groomsman was Mr P.Baker, elf Walk- erton. The bridal party entered the r.'81'"" . nt W. Brydone; vice, IL B. McMurray were preset:it. A 'talk an ton, gave excellent addresses at the Tonne church to the strains of the wedding Comb*); sec. treas., W. Jackson, midi- the Northerest WEIS interilitingly given League on Sabbath evening.. Taylor had the tuiefortune to fan from march rendered by Mies Ellie Ryad. -k church in that part& Canada. • Rev*. tore, M eG. ttoTarorset and lt, Agnew; by the Rural Dean, dealing With the a tree and break. his arm on Saturday. Mrs Sanderson has returned from vis- iting Exeter friends. etri Snell is hav- ing her house reshingled. WEDDING. -A very pretty wedding tooleplace on the evening of Tuesday, Oct. 30th. at tbe home of Mrs Mc- Oullv, when her daughter. Wee Lottie, and Mr Isaac McGavin, were united in marriage. Rev. Mr Coupland perform- ing the ceremony. Oar the irnmealate friends were present. The hride vas dressed in white organdie, and carried a beautiful boquet; ahe wit; assisted 1?.y her sister, Mter tottielia, also attired in white organdie; the groom was attend- ed by Wore McOuliy. Leadbury; biles Mabel Coupland played the wedding March. Immediately after the cete- mony and congratulations, a bountiful dinner was served to the assembled. Mr and Mrs McGavin make their home in McKillop, near Leadbury. The groom Is a prosperobs farmer, and vet•y popular, and the beide is equally sn, and is held in the highest -esteem. She will be very much mimed, both in the home and church, where she WAS slater of the room and organist of sii"' W. P g' ' Helmets chore • After the cerenio:t. jamb Pair, R. Agnew and. N. Fair. the happy couple drove to the comm - FAVORABLE COMMENT.-kteeelltli in taus hotne of .the bathers parents where its review of books the London News a sumptuous wedding breakfeet makes the following favorable cora- ed them. Rev, Pr. McCabe Rimed the ment of the works of Mies Clara Turnbull and Smith and Meese/ Olaute en and Metcalfe were • elected. on the Missions committee. Thaselnioinflual Meeting will be held in Bay0eld next simmer, occasion with his presence. In the Mountcastle, our own Clinton author- Waxes thatroote-Latit Sundae the evening a reception was M the ea 1 -"Is Marriage a Failure ?" WAS pastor conducted the morning service, residence of tbe bride's. parentse-vvritten by Miss Mountoastle to -be at which the Sacrament of the Lours - Among the large number of invited read at a church entertainment, but Supper was dispensed. Therewere2411 guests merry were from A 4147010.: (*Wing to a prolctiged inflator she was communicante, including the new Mrs Ryan re one of Oranbrook's most unable to carry out -• this plan, members and a terve nilniber • from highly esteemed and accomplighed She has therefore published the essay, other congregetionsahlit has been the young ladies, and will be very much in comPany with thepoem, Lost! and larva number sioce Dec., IS98, when missed in all social entertainments. many other genus of verse. The auth- 267partook;the preparatory service last The happy couple carry the bort or says that she has inserted these Friday evening was well attended, Rev wishes of the ennatuttity to their new verses "frit. preservation while she is D. Petrie. Of Winehatn, . preaching home near Walton. The many beauti. - determining whetber or not b there be thoughtful and appropriate sermon. ful atol costly peesente bestowed ripen of poetry in the beats- Hee N. Shaw, Egmondville, and the the bride are only a. slight token of the of the Canadian people as will justify pastor exchanged pulpits for the even- eeteem in which the bride arid groom her In bringing' forth a more' finished mg service. The congregation was are held. •- • volume." "Lost" is a very pretty poem pleased with Mr Shaves profound and telling in very simple, natural len- impressive sernion.--=Soride3r evening Seaforth • guage the story of tbree little children Was coneecration night for the Bodeen SUDDEN DEATEL- James Stewart, lost its the womb of Huron. Some of vor, and on Monday nieht the regular proprietor of Stewarte restiturrat,Sea the other peeing contain very lovely butiness meeting was ifeld, when en - forth. Out., dropped dead of heart fail- poetic ideas clothed in beautiful eouraging reports- from the different ure Saturday. while sitting in a chair smooth -flowing Verse. In describing ceramitteee were read. A discussion in his place of businese. He was 52 'the voice of her deed lover, as to a change in the studies took an able and willing Wotker. Among yeare of age and an' old resident. Ile "And that voice had a power my out p age, _, being oug a Bilden:nitre the onestS,Were Mr and Mes McCully, ettldy of the books of the Bible would Stra-ford;-and-Mr-stel-liferreldiregtire •-sraa•Irldell-kuaam•aud.atireratflivar- to -Ploys more beneficial than takinguirtha A.nd subdue ; and my spirit no 104.e'r -bto8pics. A spletidid report of the late • COZNOITHEHOIS.-A very necullar cir- • • strove. • •• . . Guelnh cbtivention was read he D 0 • ellanitallee wan noticed at tete nontina- And'his face to look upon was tO love.' m T- -ii D. - . nbitrit; e avish, delegate fromithelfn Savor. • tion in Seefortb.„ The two candidates ogle fostered hope ; the sweet hope -J, Etouston took the prayer meeting Nores.-Mi Bertha Youngblut was for ontical honort, 'Were both Macs- tn t 1 a On Wednesday evening, the paetor bp- Wm/deb:Mk. ite with the tarn/ening pu lie. teneertnold quaintances in Auburn Mc wan and McMillen,- and the two - Might tr3r nly wingsin soaring' high, visiting under the ran roof hurt candidattativere Mites also -Robert Me - Blyth week, Edgar Rowed wman, if we eMeneer. . correctly. was last week. • E. LaWarin. Witilyhani. was gentlemen speaking for their reepectiVe E'en art one may giver:Pon deity. - Mc - Sunday. Geo. Mars all was lathing at Murdie end M. Y. McLean; the chair- gibtirch (Minters the guest of his old friend, Temple also a Mac -111c0o nel, Returning OM. A T. Cooper took charge of the Clark. of Dungannon, lest week. 31. ter for 5..R. H. str fdcMillan !poke llott66 of Refuge services last Sunday Medd's new teller shop looks hand- firet, for 40 minutes; then Mr MellWee afternoon. --'s . some in its coat of paint; Mbar Thome- nude a neat speech, followed by M. Y. y, ,„, Tr, a,, . eon, Dungann Is the lategb addition MeLenn for Mr McMillan, and :1W, ,, 14'et 11:411"Verilo °I "r.Ileditil..."11- to hi etaZ The I 0 0 T district R motet& .1f mammal, then ulleteu anniversary services 4 ram. Ing butd11060. Mrs W. * 813.11 and 1 nieetlialtofto last Wedneedarr 'night thad 16 minutes to reply. The The Meeting hill Presbyterian c h on Oet. 21. hurc ,• 'ehurels, ..i 4. 0011111dprIng Liberal party waeheld Thursday taight T10211447; hetet leavlireten„„ ,,,,„ - - ktilteetteld* In Industry Ball when Dr. McDonmd, ington next swirl . Rel OW xi" igorne.-A number from our Oleg' led by Mitts Florence Onninghtuner Mr and Mr* A, T. Cooper, accompan. M. P. of the Bast Riding. and Alex,Me- P. Armstrong_visited God eh on Sim• attended the emotion at the home of dcoye to Ktoburn last Sunday evening Douala, of Birth, spoke. day. .0. E. :,Betett el_tsdaaliLeklb, ,,,,A.100 Zones AM** on Tborido, to weldonae awl gave a, report of the recent Cirri*. Orionort.-A leetore Was given and Maws 000 mit 10Ab W"KF 3"m " .1°"'" 146 bade. Nire - Granger elsiteti„ .relti.. thAl medeskytpr Ootwesitiok 116 Glesitill. illustreted,by,wlarge nunteer c clime. , nyerootb'SbogiSpYirmittinoat, mulatior taaosrood01 'arestelonlMyth 1---rain,h week. MIs.-Jessii . Louttfrig 0.3ftylottgos ..... The ahnnel chureh, by Rey. T, Wilson, of London WO Secured thidtuston_IL_The•f•Tallara" Disko* On mot, to the how° of Weschtfroinh piroltaatreetterdaryn (Rantutreadnabtary). stirhreeteir iwhich waiver! Instructive end inter: tker is 0b00t r°0A 1 auTANE a lur *am' b r ender jui in. len. •T k light 'views on South. Able*, Ott T4O0* WhO• OA .111/0" 0(7411012U031 of the Galerich district cloy totaling pa the preibyterian t last Ivsek for Toronto, where he et her hereeikeirir:turned to IMO eating. Rey. . Green of Kolmesvine, ou'e work, The ectrie 111; te. are in ,ReardAele!': Heys freac ng mierionery f'Dviolitgot. i's224;1 - jot ur eared from hie Attack !Qt. t 8 - 888- " • s Nicholson Terrill. est 0044' Meetings Were well attend by deleT on Sunday hoot work while the • Artiontrxerir.-litr Darnlon her- A. report of th8 uroceedings helot.. BOStarth Lo4gilec04V61i on In 01filtdri sold out his butillieeilytti Seek to en fe wait weave hole, oecupied the pulpit di the Methodist Ina hlastagam; S. Madden 4 Nichol.' held two ehtitchuderfooh tor prover ;rates te the mother of about fif r. have t ern in their neer * ope. O. h chin whew . TUS toOrailti.64SIOri stilt princi - ternoon and evening were taken up y _10, astsia* mattera in coanaetton with the League. here attended the Sturdily School and v s Sunday.ft u g on Thursday. Annlyerser y 64rOICeS in • Sidney Gibson of eels awanoeh ' chuttlPenhall x ,beth mornit Aunl. ereniktf, sere:lona behlite Malt A. nutriber from 0 0 ited rel floes in D *tenon lest connection with, the Methodist church on Sunday, Nato - 11th, When Rev. T. Arid darkness Monday evening 00 t..yOUtignisliv Will look beliattiviimkatlisinandadLE11400„,k trewrifiliiis Pith the hfethoiliit church will be held blOrne.--Notwithstanding the IMO POstinelter. Ile le Ire eteled eoudwitaa by the pastor each *vetting Henderson, of St, Marys, Pretideat of' e a nutnber turned out to tke meat well w fewest of the oetruitun. P•riotoi nfir the letter Nee Va dary ce6 dent both* result a the* &teeth*** the 0Oeferonco, will .8roiwit.,..iteth. httiDougall's ball in tire Interest ityt lux 111 morning and evening, the follow- o r Rohm*, Last Thursday night 0% .0,Quartorl? siervierie will be held next Ing Stondey evening he will dolly& number of Clinton brethren ch Prod* torten klorlity; lova NA .4 9.46 tran., Enka ths wow the 06. lecture oh "Worker*, liettfere imri Porter's lint °outwit of °boson %Wend* 1140a ehoeser, oat will 11)3416d•' OrOaker6.." and very enjoyable thee wee eporat, AU , or part y Oiler Oat 4401.41illt eervier,-.Rer their W. A. litiletted conducted ths eeryieee Vt. II. Waif moved Isle ferell rind ff. ,kirtz v, a IA igoo, yofa* in AO_ jr1,000. ,151"41au itexesit: bIesaa stathrotheltiatill, 111"r lultd villayilAwrillt04044414"6""itilak.bowitthall 1,10 aetoltivy. red preaeohed awk toarreecte, the owlet. Wlirr* 11111 work at Turner's' ckareh,Tocketimitle vokwa. • t0 120, was — len feete Mt Monday to thair es* alt • at.y It Pat of or** Pa2,090,000 Ve.404k0 *Weft lira 00014 Laaattra. etatted at O. W. had if 414,4 tell Mabee, sod the Ing called elseWhere. The cold storage system of the gee- ernment has put thousands of dollars in the pockete of the farmers Wire for Refutes andthe governdent tliart helps the farmer. 0 Satek lisiglar6g,t6 trate from 1800' tb 141 and progr00011t. iletteritittfett. Potter'. btat Thuticlay. Rt ST.-Tbs regular gueN semi government. • totii soy** 01 Rettenbury street Spectacles. or Eyeglasses May he eithee s ornehreni os s disfigurement to the 6044i4n* once, secordieg to the booty of design and palace tit of the gimes, We here the West dredgers in *potables mut eyeglasees; the , frames ere not of that -Minty &exacta which ere always , losing their &UN, Wit midst inballMitst LA sr bbs most approved, 412spOli Add 40 this the Mot thiti the alarm ars flbt.d in the roost miontino otsundirf. yon will UM* re.1 00.14fOli every hoer the 0,111004 Me woo, Oar clangor are ttro.lereee. A. J. otaNtro •