HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1908-05-07, Page 1bitb VOL, XXI, BLYTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 7, 1908. The Public is ofter Faked. Ueserupelous dealers actuated by large profits often recouuneud corn cures "(10 good Ile Pet na,n'e. " 'i'h. re 18 11111r one oennine Corn Extractor nett Goo ie Putnoe's PeinI se which is a et male of ellieimicy and promptness. IJ+n no other, Henantl. A. load of Hensel i Odd Fellows drove Valuable Samples Free "1 have used your Coltefooto Expec- torant and find it satisfactory in cases of croup, colds or coughs. 1s. Ilhave used it ever since I got a trial bottle, and have recommended it to everyone in peed of it. You may use my name and address for testimonials if you wish, Hoping it will benefit others as it has done my children, I remain, MRS, AGNES COMBER.” 1069 Frances St., London, Ont. Coltofoote Expectorant is the great- est cough and throat cure in the world, It is the prescription of a renowned specialist. In order that every fancily may prove its unparalleled merits we will send a sample bottle free to every one who sends us their name and ad- dress and mentions this paper. Can be bad at all druggists at 25e. Send your name to -day to Dr. T. A. Slocum, Ltd., Toronto, Send for Free Sample To -day, SUPERIORITY thoroughness, progressiveness, utility, enthusiasm, expertness are our watchwords. Cootmer• clal, Stenography, Telegraphy. Mail courses in any subject. No vacation. Wingh,»n linetneee College Geo. Spotton, Prin. White Cttg Drug Store Spring Talk Tho season of the year is here when everyone turns their attention to clean- ing up the wrecks of winter and getting In shape for the buey time. Wo are right on the job with a fresh steak of— Formaldedyde 05% (11lcrk's) Zanolenlun Copperas Chloride of Lime Moth Balls Carbolic Acid Scotch Seen' to Seaford' 011 S011ay end attended (itrol with the Lodge of that place. We were all pleased to see John Jeckeon in town after a three month's sort in the house with rheumatism. twirl Wren, B. A. B. D., is expected Roma this week. He will he ordained at the conference which meets at Exeter and appointed to a circuit, Mrs, Meters and daughter Ethel, left for Milestone, Sask , where they intend to remain. They took a oar of house- hold effects. At the annual Easter Vestry meeting of ;4t, Panes Church, held on Monday evening last was reel! attended. All of the officials were re -appointed, W, White woo chosen es lay delegete„to the Synod, which meets in London at t e lest of May. Don't forget that we are sole agent,' for Bbuohford'e Calf Meal and Empire Pout. try Duster. GET OUR PRICES. They Give Wonderful Health. Nose are so healthy, so buoyant end full of life as those who regulate .with Ur. Hamilton's Pills, Even in one night they work wondere, Fur and coating they take from the tongue, headaches they relegate to the past, biliousness and stomach disorders they prevent and absolutely cure, 'think whet it means to have the system clenneed and purified by Dr, Hamitten's Pills 1 A true laxative, e perfect tonic, harmless and wholly vegetebls in composition, they will do you good. To feel and look your best ase Dr, Hamilton's Pills, 25e at may dealers. 60 cents gets Tno STANDAAD to the first of January 1909 to new sub. scriber's in Canada. DAYS OF DIZZINESS Dr. W. J. MILNE COME TO MANY BLYTH PEOPLE Cheap Campaign News. How to follow every phase end Feature of the coming political contest. The Mail end Empire, Toronto, with its usual oli,,r cteristic enerey end pro. greselvoenterprise, is prepared to meet the extraordinary demand for political information that theElection Camnaign for e. new Ontario Leeislnture will de- velop between pow and June 8th, end will send the daily aditio» direct hy mail to any address in Canada, the United Ste tos or Greet Britnbt 'from now until .111110 18th, 1908, for 25 cents, or five such anhsrriptinns for $l 00. This is en offer which will enable touch anyone to keep m ou.h with every Melee and feature of the contest during its progress to the end, eo all desirous of co doing are requested to leave their order at the office of Tete STANDARD. and they will receive The Mail and Empire during the shove period direct by mall to their own post office. Where does Consumption begin ? That first little tickle becomes o cough the cough gaows severe, is neglected and travels down to the lungs. 'Preat throat trouble before it gets severe, Catnrrhozone heals, allays infirm• mation, mires throat and bronchial trouble quickly. A marvel worker is Catnrrhozone which prevents thousands of Catarrh victims from contracting consumption. Recommended by doc- tors, proved by time to be untailintr. Catarrhozone is just what you need. Ole and $1.00, sold everywhere. There aro days of dizziness spells of drowsiness, headache, sideache, back- ache, Sometimes rheumatic paln after uri- nary trouble. You are plainly told that the Kid- neys are sick, Booth's Kidney Pills cure all Kidney ills, bbl's, Thome Wanless, of Main St., Blyth, nays : "I had suffered with a number of symptoms of kidney trouble for the pest two years and very often found 'difficulty in getting anything that would relieve me, My back was tender and a heavy dull pain would carne in my sides and extend around my body, Headaches and spells of dizziness were frequent and I could find no relief, The urine plainly told the disordered state'of the kidneys and the kidney secretions were greatly die - ordered and frequent, Booth's Kidney Pills were advertised, and procuring a hox at lir, Hamilton's I oommenoed treatme«t, They seemed to benefit me from the first and it wits it, compsre• tively short time when the pains bad left my hack. The kidney secretions were regulated, the mine cleared and the headaches and spells have not troubled me since." Sold hy denier's, price 50 conic 'rho It. T. Booth Co,. Ltd.. Fort Erle, Ont., sole Onnadlan agents. Coat Shirt Open all the way down the front. Slips on and off like a coat. The bosom fits better and doesn't get rumpled. Made in styles for business or dress wear, Doesn't cost any more than the old uncomfortable kind. 204 Fact colors in the newest patterns or plain white. XPRo Makers, Berlin, Canada The Foremost Providing Place for Men's and Boys' Wearing apparel East Wawanosh. Mrs, Wm, Hamilton and hiiss Annie Rath, of British Columbia, are visiting their brother, Wm. Rath, Wm, and Mrs. Elison, of Winnipeg, Man„ who have been spending their honeymoon with the bride's parents, Geo and Mrs. Quinn, left for Hamilton on Thursday. John Mason hada driving shed raised on Friday. Nisi Susie Dunbar, of Westfield, is the gnest of 6th line friends, The following is the report of the standing of the pupils of S. S. No, 10, Best W'ewanosh, for the mouth of April. Names in order of merit :—Sr, IV—Dodds McGowan, Mary McGowan, Archie Radford, George Dlc0owen, Maggie McGowan, Jr. IV—Charlie 'Poll, Rsoa Patterson. Sr, III—Russell Wilson, Walter Meson, Jr, III — ltehecca McGowan, Mona Potter, Gladys McGowan, Walter McGowan, Janet Patterson, Sr, I1 — Norman Radford, Orville McGowan, Roy Toll, Lorne Toll, Pt, II—loath McGnwsn, Martha Wilson, George Wilson, Ernest Toll, Willie Patterson. Pt, 1—Hillat0 McGowan, Cora Fear, Violet Parker, E. M, Clark, Teacher. ' Beipravt>t. The many friends and neighbors of R. Stonehouse sr„ will be sorry to hear of his serious illness. From Saturday's daily Mail & Em- pire we clip the following item from the Legal column :—R, W. S., Belgrave.— Qu,—Must, the council adopt tate report of the engineer with regard to a drain, or can the council compel him to amend his report ? (2) Can the Court of Re- vision amend the engineer's report with r gird to the cost of construction of it drain ? (tl) Has the conned power to change the location of the drain as fixed by the engineer 0 (4) If the engineer has ordered part of a drain to he closed can the council counter -stand his order and require that it shall he an open drain ? Ans.—Section 22 of the Ditches and Water Courses Act (RS, 0., Chap. 285) says : "Any owner dissatisfied with the award of the engineer, and effected thereby, may, within 15 olear days from the filing thereof, appeal therefrom to the judge of the County Court of the county in which the drain is situated," etc. The word "owner" includes tnun- icipel corperatione, The judge may amend or refer back the award to the engineer with such directions as nutty he necessary, Where a drain is con- structed under the provisions of the Municipal Drainage Act (R, 5, 0., Chap. 226), those dieeetisfled with 111e "report" of the engineer, can appeal to the 'referee" within ten days after the adoption of the engineer's report, Those who are asseoeod for the cost of the drain may appeal against their nss- esement to the Court of Revision, etc. (9) The Court of Revision cannot amend the engineo's report, with regard to the coet of construction of the drain. It can only equalize the assessments, The "drainage referee" so far no I can see, is the only authority to amend the enginoe's report. (6) I cannot find that the council has any power to deal with the matter, The "referee"is the proper person to rectify the report of the en- gineer. (4) You must appeal to the "drainage referee" under the Municipal Drainage Aot and to the County Judge ander the Ditches and Water Courses Act. The easiest way—the best way to pro. vide your wants in .he line of wearing apparel is to apply to Gidley'e. It's a store full of suggestions—a store whose atruoture In value, whose facilities for assembling for you are the beat the world provides In lege and certain, instant in effect, noth- ing Is so popular us Nervilino for aches end pains of all kinds, Try it for lum- bago, test it in rheumatism, prove it in neuralgia, pleurisy or (nide, You'll soon acknowledge that Poison's Nervi - line heats them all, Sold everywhere in large 25c bottles, Auburn. We are again reminded of the un- certainty of life, by the death of ,mother of our citizens, fn the person of T11o111ae Anderson, which sad eveet °conned of Friday last, Deceased was horn in Dumfriesshire, S.orland, eighty Years ago and et the age of 18 he lett his native Laud, Coming to Canada he re- mained 16 years in the township of Beverly, there he wee united to his sur- viving partner in life, Elenor Strang - loom 59 years ago, Desiring to secure a home of their own after a short time, they started westward coming to the township of Colborne, in which here' sided for 15 years, • He then removed to East \Vawanosh and succeeded in clearing up the lot on which he lately resided for 41 years and about (3 years ago he retired 'frotn farming and came to the village to reside. He was of a quiet end retiring disposition, hot well acquainted with the great mom iona of the day. In religion a staunch Presby- terian, for over 110 years an honored Elder in Knox church, Althorn, Be' sides his aged partner in life he is sur- vived by three sons and one daughter George, of Dungannon ; Thomas, of Michigan ; William of Alberta; and Miss Annie at home, During the pest year he hos been failing, With Christian fortitudpandcaltoresignation he fell asleep, His remains were interred in Colborne cemetery. LAST Friday evening special meet- ings were held by both parties to look over the voters' list, The time Is short for the candidates to work, Men's Clothing Boys' Clothing Men's Furnishing Boys' Furnishing Men's Hats Sole A. ants fo. Shirts and Collars, S. H. GIDLEY POPULAR CLOTHING HOUSE R, F3LSZTH And Do You Know Ladies and Gents that Penman's Underwear has everything beaten for comfort, if you prefer light weight Underwear ask to see Pen- man's, A weight, size, fabric and price to suit the individual requirements of every man, woman and child, CASH FOR FARM PRODUCE. G. M. CHAMBERS & CO. ete NORTH HURON CANDIDATES John T. Currie LIBERAL A. H. Musgrove CONSERVATIVE ••••••••••••••••••••••••• •• • Tell it to the • • • •STANDARD •S i•••• •••••• ••••• ••••••••• While the Public le invited to make use of this column for the expression of personal views on public natters and public amen, personalities are debarred and In all oleos the suitability of the com- munication for publication f0 a matter to be decided by the Editor. , Without differences of opinion there would, ot course, be no correspondence, and for the opinion of our correspondents and their differences with our own THE STANDARD must disclaim responsibility. • • • • se•••••••• ••••••••••• ••••• • • • START iN MAY • • or.] tine and finish a good course • • of training for stenographer or • bookkeeper by November, when • • good positions are best obtained. • • Enter , any day. Na vacations. • • 1'reo •catalogue, • • • • • • • • • Central Business College • Yamand •Gerrard Sts„ Toronto. • W. 1L Shaw, Princlpal. • • • •a•••••••,••••••••••••••1 East Huron Teachers' Convention. Following is the program of the en• nual meeting to be held at the Collegiate Institute, Seafgrth, on Thursday and Friday, \bay 21st and 2200, Thursday forenoon— Openingexercises ; Reading minutes; appointing committees ; Miss Weida' Stephens 'How to interest pupils and Parents" ; W. G. Heaton, "Patriotism in the school"; Miss Clara Huston, "Firet days at school. Thursday afternoon— Miss Freda Hess, "Composition for Third, Fourth midFifti, classes" ; Rev 1. H. Larkin, "An onlooker's view of tho,work of the schools"; A. F Johns, "Simplified Spelling" ; G. F. Rogers, B. A., "Entrance requirements" ; W. E. Vanvelsor, "Methods in geogra- phy" ; Dr, F. J. Burrows, "Early in- dications of contageons disease." 'flun'sdav evening— Address of welcome. Mayor, T, E. Itoys ; Ni. Y. McLean M. P , address ; 'Phos. iloMillen, "The influence of 11ie tench i ng profession on the egrien here ( t'a«ubt," 'Cha evening erogrem will be interspersed with musical end literory settee ions, Friday forenonn— Elootios of officers ; unsocial crate. 'tient; John 1-1 otley, President's ad• caress; C. 11, Holland, "Discipline"' J. H, Cameron, "Bettiening of bird{ stud v." Pithy afternnnn— R, Lan ellen, "Habits in re1ntinn to Teaching" ; A. P, Gundry, 11, A., 'The teacher, Ilk equipment, influence, social position, eta" ; D, Robb, B A., "Odds end ends," It is hoped that ail the teaobers of Eitet burn' will remember their duty regarding attendance at conventions, Jumping with nerve pain. That's how yon feel with neuralgia, But why Ile awake at night., grumble or complain—got busy with a bottle of Nervfline, It does act like magic. seeks Istd anS d dextro 's it. Harm - out t p ANK DF I►MILTON THE MOST IMPORTANT FACTOR iN THE INVEST- MENT OF SAVINGS IS SECURITY Bank of Hamilton Capital - - - $2,500,000 Reserve - - - 2,500,000 t it Deposits of $1.00 and upwards received. T. W. SCOTT — AGENT BTYTH BRANCH