HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-10-19, Page 6OotOber 12, 1900
There's nothing
so bid for a cough
as coughing.
There's nothing
so good for a
cough as Ayer's
erg Pectoral.
'The 25 cent size is just right
for an ordinary, everyday cold.
The so cent size is better for the
cough of bronchitis.' croup. grip.
and hoarseness. The (Iona size
-h the best for chronic coughs,
- as in consumption, chronic
chitis, asthma, .etc.
Serpents of all species ehed their skins
, annually like sea crabs and lobsters.
Despite popular belief. moles and bats
ate not blind. •Moles' eyes are minute
in order to save pain wben burrowing
under the earth.
A shellfish known as the pianna in
the Mediterranean has the curious power
of spinning a viseld silk. %Odell is made
In nub, into a regular fabric. •
Ostriches when porsuee Invariably run
opined the wind. They are polygs Wire.
l'he females lay their eggs severai in one
nest,- the hatching being performed by
the male.
Mrs. Delancey Kane of New York has
a tiara containing 250 fine gems.
Adelina Patti was born in Madrid, but
she seldom visits het' native land.
Mrs. Basilan B. Eetery of Salt Lake
City is said to be the largest woman
mine owner and the richest...woman of the
Rocky mountain region. •
Mrs, Agrees Oliver of Georgia owns a
75 acre farm, Which she calls the "bulb
:arm." She raises all (towers that have
bulbs and sells them to wholesale florists.
jiltura Lykinte wino practices, law in
Oklahoma City and Is very popular, is e
half blood Shawnee *omen who was,
graditated-fteiteiliegiii =department of •
the Carlisle Wheel sch22.1 in, 189e, .
Km. 'Ada Pelt of &Dorn- nas
Iniented a pernidtation 'lock with Low;
combinations, also a letter box for the
outside of hougen that ththera up % signal
when thetie is h,lettet.inside for the post- 1
num 10 co114 •h • •
Mtit Roekeieller Whop alypewriterf
and itenograplittr. it Is needless to say
she has never accepted a poeitiou. It
was her father'swish that she learn ;type-
writing and stenography, and se; 'tit
gleams him, she did.
affed Rudyard Kipling stands between 1
her busband and the world of tiresome
peoble with an unfailing devotion. She
Aide% him from the interviewer, the
photographer and the autograph collect-
or. that has long sine* cost her kers own '
Although Mrs. Madeleine Yale Wynne
is onlY an amateur silversmith, she pro
duces. itome very pretty pieces of jewelry
and other article% Mrs. Wynne Is a Chi-
cagis Woman and could, if it were necek
!eery; Ming in a neat little income from
her work.
Jamem firoWn Potter has Worn
more expensive gowns on the stage than
any, Other woman, 411 tinit,ishe 'wears
comefrom Worth and are mode in his
most thorough fashion. Be keeps a mod-
el of her figure, and she can order cos-
tumes, from Hongkong if she happens to•
need them there.
• r
flelen Gouldvshome, Lyndhurst, an the
= Hudson, is a grey and blue marble struc-
ture , so solid, so somber, that it verge,'
upon the monastie. Since her reamer'
ieath Miss Gould has changed nothing
within the eagle nor etitheelt. .,4411 the
3Id faishioned furniture, each and every
ing, ease and picture, remains as Jay
Gould left It.,
TO A SaN imeerrat, Mai% 11011011111(Td Illturable
If life were OM, long honeymoon
Anti Cupid always near,
And all the.year Juno,
With lovcre hearts pulsating Out nuns tune,
Then might wit (gee th, future witeout trembling,
, dear,
And ell out Married life be reekoded as one MINI
Hut honeymoons COMO to OA end,
and lovers must tilce Me
And huabande must attend
To earthly thing* Which with affection blend,
Wherefore it fu that In the selfish, Sordid Write
The fernier Owectitearte blended are into mot
men and wife,
our Sweet lips frame 0ecettoe1aste*
Mx view Your nature Mocks. ,3
Would you, dove, life should Intf
Pray , ten me, ere opinion You have Passed. .7
Whence then tile Jaya or you In millinery stocks
Woes I get a move on, whence your bonnets an
raw frock.. f
The Story of Mrs Ranee Porno'
of Onilinx,
Following Iallaxametion el the Lungs it Se*
vere Cough Set in end Ider Decter SOK
Her Ciae Wes Hopelese*Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills Have Iteatored Her Beath.
Feem the Recorder, HaliteX, N. S.
. Mrs Agnes Toren, who resides at 21
- Agricole street, Halifax, N. s., Wig a VOA*
derful otory of her complete reetoraticu to
' health, atter * protracting and extreme
illnesee and elm attributes her present
happy 00ildition, alder Providence, to the
. marvellous qualities of Dr. Williams' Pink
; Ptile. When Mre Foran was celled upon
- by a refteeentative of tbe A.oadian Reord-
er, who stated hie miesion, she cordially
.welcomed bizn to her pleasant home,
where in the p_resence of her mother and
Peter, she freely told the story and 'sick-
. ,ness and r_cooyery. bbe said: 'A feve
Cirtainsalo Inaezilf artei3 1 u n
IZ d a serere attack at 'Jo.
ge, and wee Attend-
? ea by one of the best playeietane of the oity
• I pulled through but wee left a templet
* wreck, so that I could no do any work
suffering all the time from palpitation el
: the heart, nervous prostration andta xing.
ing soma in my head. I also had a. dia.
treseing cough and for Months I never
4 knew whatit way to have a geed nieht's
I rest. Tor two years my life wait a- perfect
a misery to me and under the dootor'e on.
it ders I toernulsiontill I. was nauseated
8 With the stela of it, but all to no purpose.
- my life was despaired of by all my friends
- who were e.mured by the doctor that my
- ow wet:beyond the reach of human skill.
- I was visited by the eters); of my church
I and Sistere of Charity, who .were very
Expreasion That Led the Boo*keeper to Depart fa /taste.
A prominent Louisville lawyer wix
was in the city recently on business tol
this mullets little story one eveniug whit
'chatting with some friends: •
, "My pet fad for Many years," he said
"lees been what is called the 'extending
of books. I Infect owe standard work,
'preferably a work "ot bistory, and begi
, to collect letters, Autographs, pictures
maps, printed matter, documents an
• anything else obtainable connected wit
the bedded treated. Eventually I hay
, the original book token apart and re
bouad with all my sepplementary mat
ter, and n single volume is sometimes ex
teuded 1 a dozen. It is a very faseinat
Ing hobby, .and if I Went Into details
would never get tomy story, What
started out to tell yoil was this:
"Five or elk yearst ago 1 was on th
• trani go g to Toledo to attend to som
legal mattexp whee I fell lamith.0 eery
utheable elderly gentleman who turned
out to be .11,, furniture manufacturer liv
ing in middle Ohio. Something turned
the conversation to books, and the old
• gentleman remarked casually that he wa
extending a copy of Irving' 'Life o
I kind and sympathetic and looked ern me
as one whoseearthly race was neir y ran..
O I expelmented with all sotto of remedies
e for my cough, but without avail. My
druggist at Met advised me •to try
Williams' Pink Pill% Being fairly die-
• coneaged, nevertheless I wag persuaded to
make the trial, when to the eurprise and
joy of myself, farads and friends, I began
• to get better, and by the tiro° I had taken
t seven or eight bole; 1 was .as well as you
- see roe now," and she laughingly adaed,
- "I think you will actual don't look mud'
like a slek ' woman." Her mother, who
. bad been listening to the tale of her &ugh.
- ter's Tong illness, added "It juts seams
like a dream to us all •that we once de-
, spaired of her life, when we now see her
Washington.' By a remarkable coincl
dence I was just then engaged on exact
ly the same task myself, and, needless to
gay, we both became deeply interested
By the timewe reached the manufactur
er's 'home town he had persuaded me to
stop over'a'nd take a look at 'his library
which, he said, contained Several fine
specimens of extended books,
"We arrived late in the aftern▪ o- on, and
before going te his house we dropped in
at his down town office, A *ery serious
looking, •middle aged Scotehman game
• forward to greet UEI and was introduced
• by my friend as the manager at the fur
niture works.. ,sren going to keep Mr. with us far a day or so,' said the old gen-
- rlemau pleasantly.. -"I want him to take
a look at my books,' . The Scotchtnitio
grunted some vague reply, and in a few
moments we started for the house
"I was most hospitably entertained.'
the pipit of health," •
. Mrs Foray said that when on a trip to
England about a year ago she • contracted
heavy cold and was threatened with a re-
durn of her cough, hut she at once sot
some of the pigs and by the time she bad
reached •Nt w York she was aavvell as, ever
again. She related a lumber of instances
in wheoh she had advised.peraone suffering.
from chrooio compteints to take Dr.
William,' Pion Bills and alwaya with the
• best respite. She mentioned particularly
a niece of hers living ier Boston whc was
run-down and in a wretched condition of
, health, but was now,a healthy young wo-
continued the lawyer, "and found the 11
brary intensely Interesting, but next day
I had to go on to Toledo, and the. whole
episode eventually ,fadedc-irom my mind.
One day last summer, however, it was
unexpectedly recalled' by a meeting with
the old, manufacturer himself, whom 1
bumped into in the corridor of the Plant-
ersHouse in St. Louis. He recogoized
me at once, and the first thing he asked
was whether I had finished with my eimy
of 'Washington.' ,
"Then he took me by the arm and drew
Pie aside, 'I'm very glad I've met jean.'
he said, 'because I want to tell you of a
`-remarkable affair in which you played
unconsciously an important part. Do you
remember the details of your tittle visit
to my town?' 'Fairlly well,' I replied in
Surprise. 'Then perhaps you recall moot-
ing the manager at our °Wee? be con-
'Ceetainly,' mid L sour look-
ing Scotelimart, with reddish hair' 'Ex-
actlyI' he exclaimed. 'Well, he decamped'
Ott night and bus never been geeta since.
We thought he was sick at innwe for a
couple of days, so he got a good start. He
was short a trifle over a20,000, bet he had
covered up hi tracks so neatly that I
was at a loss to know why he ran away
until I received a letter from him posted
14 Mexico ad inekingt it,,elean breast ot
tt4wholo affair. '
'It aeems that he mistook you for an
expert acconntant and gathered.. troth
some remark I made about lookini at my
books that I had engaged you to examine
the ledgers. Accordingly he took tinie by.
the forelock. Was' pretty 'Moue lose,'
he Added, 'but 1 regard! the incident as
provide:414 because the/reseal Watt,then
preparing ttira bleconp. which he Would
certainly have perfected inside a month.
In that (knee he might Intve wreeked ine."
"It waist good joke , the Scotchman."
said the lawyer, chuckling, "for I don't
know any more about bookkeeping gad
,accounts than a wild, Hottentot."
One liore Enfoituilate
Welted. the DIA.lifoXD
DYES, but wad induced
by her dealer to• try
tito; • %,t another Make.
A lady wtitittg frobia *Mali tsdieri in New
Brunssiek to the proprietors of Diamond
Dyes, says: • .
4tPlease tied intaIraled` Vspresit Money
Order hat alipaoketti of DEAMOAti Dyes
colors as Mentioned belowr have been it
neer of Dianiand byett far over Ave year,,
and they have ides% treiein_tire eatiafeetion.
A tem week* ago Ode hiorallent WM. OM of
a ca'at t Waisted itt Diamond Dye*, and
strongly reaonimended another Make he
was saltine. r Wight the pecket With
many doubts attd their worth, -t sage
an effort to dye et old SUMO C.OlOted dhswl
with the new dye, 'The Wadi, refinit At.
Moat drers reis med. Thme was not a
lieeliblestette of any deeided,tiolor, Vow 'I
enfObliged to dye it Wok, end will do the
Work witk the Diabletat Dna. No tnoro
poor muddy dyee for toe wIdle 1 den Mild
40 you Mt the reliable Diamond byte"
What a stalicatesufs.
Sighing Is but another name for oxygen
starvation. The caw* of sighing is most
frequently worry. An Interval of gee'.
eral seconds' often follows moments of
mental disquietude, duriug which time
tbe chest walls remelt' rigid'. until. the
Imperious' demand Is made for oxygen,
thus causing the deep inhalation. It is
the expiretion followlog the Inspiration
that is properly termed the eigh, and
this sigh ht simply an effort of the or•
ganism to. obtain the tiece.ssdry supply
of oxygen The re •d t • • •
ryinit. One may be anxious, but there la
no rational mason ..tor worrring. A M-
t e p ilosophy will banish worry at once.
Worry will do no good. It will rayon° of
pleasueett when blessings do•come, as one
will not be in it condition to enjoy them.
—Ladies' Home journal. •
In the Clutch
• Of consumption.
Dorif 'neglect that versified.' hicking
n61414,011 you lind yOurselfin the clutch of
Consumption. it's sin eaete Matter tti siop
.it noW by taking • •
Ttio pleasant rtnifetlY 'Sidi and anothei
the lungs and bronchial tubes, and carts
, lingering and chronic couglit when other
remedies fall.
Mr. W. P. Cann, saiitlugrreat Iforpeth,
Ont., says s 4'41 honestly believe 1 would
'hays died of tonsumption only 'for Dr.
Wood's Norway Pine Syrup, Ilunot teed
it for rare and tonsidet it has no lentof
for sortre colds and throat trouble‘"
Writ. Shaddia, whO lived relth hie fee
they neer Pinkerton rtetion, Wag inoiently
killed by * nee falling on him.
man who owed the him to the Use of the
When the reporter was taking his
leave Mrs Foran said: "I am very • glad
to have she opportunity to testify whet Dr.
Williams' Pink Pine have done for me and
you can say that I thell never cease to
•sound their praises, and I bleed the good
Lord that !beyWere placed in my way at a
tirue When I hadt the hope that I could
Military• enmities • ot • greatcoats,
stockings andhooter manufactured in
Canada for the British Govetnment, to
the value of 6180,000, have Just been
sent to Vancouver for shipment by the
Empress ot India on the 8th inst. t• •
Startling Statement by
Sir James Grant, of
• Ottawa.
MO Die Annually
The "On to Peking" movement hae be
ran, and It ought to be quickly eulehed,—
Baltimore Herald.
The Chinese emperor's Idea of media.
Jon to unique. tie wants us to Come over;
and pull him off us.
• The Chiuese government, having die
Played its murderous barbarism, cannot
longerbe treated as a civilised power.—
°blame Journal.
Chins has one-lArth ot the world's
Population, one -twelfth of Its land euw
We and ls likely. in the neer future, to
have the largest graveyard on record.—
Mileago Times -Herald.
Major General Chaffee may be out-
ranked by some of the foreign officers in
China, but in practical aver experience
be ;Wands first, stud that le mmething
which ought to gotta In selecting the
leader of the allied. arnalee.—Boston Jour-
It will take Quite a while to klfl the
Manes% China, le larger than the United
States. Including Alaska, Hawaii, Tu-
tuila, Guam, the Philippines and all other
American possessions, and China has an
average of 800 people to the 'square '
while the United States baa only 20.
Tho President a Slav, to
Oatarrh.—D. T. Sample,. president Of
Sample's Instalment Company,Washington,
Pa., writes: "For years I was afflicted with
Chronie Catarrh. Remedies and treatment
by specialists only gave me temporary relief
until I was induced to use Dr. Agnew's
Catarrhal Powder, It gave almost instant
relief. eo cents. -40
Sold by Sydney jeekson, dr uggis$,011kito13
Mr froneideet one of the largest cat-
tle exporters in the Dominion,. eays
that as a result of removing thti
American quarantine, seoured by
the efforts of the Laurier govern -
meta% it Wormed the value of the
, horned cattle in the DO/Pinion:by'
s -e -a447•4++++444+.4-•444.4.44.4.,
CEA% 2:14%. Is gut down as the hest
• Prodigat on the turf.
Letah S. 200%. ift the fastest perform-
er having a St. Gothard dam.
7,or4 Vincent recently stepped it mile
In 2:11% it the Cleveland track.
Octoroon, 2:141%. is said to be the fast
est mare now in the Hawaiian Islands.
The 2 -year-old Oily Mary P. Leyburn.
by Expedition, 2:15%, has gone e huff in
The Britiele government has Awed an-
other tontreet with a flonham Cexa,
tirra for 2,000 horses and mules,
It is claimed that Hal McEwen. 21,0%,
can go la 2:05 with the hoppies, but his
owner objects to the "pyjamas."
In the-dretheet of the 2:05 paee Con.
nor reth1ced the Island park track peeing
record to 2.064, previouely 2:061/2. made
'by Priebe Aleet,„„...
• The Nqrahtronne atallion Bird Eye,
who is taking a prominent part in the
Lake Erie cirettit, waa sold at auction far
$80 lie a yearling. ' '
Be Sure, 2:06%, Is the latest 2:10 per -
tanner p Mil the Het ot.2.40 sires, his
sou. The Admiral, having taken it record
of 2:09% at Columbur.
London cab proprietors will put men on
duty at watering pipes specially erected
for the nee ef cab horses to mix oatmeal
with the water consumed by the homes.
Ananiatt paced a mile to wagon at the
Cleveland matinee the other day in 2.0734
and- lowered the. prichig record of the
Driving club, fordierly held by Suntand
Belie et 2:07%.
Major General Sir V. W. Gatacre, who
recently returned to England from Soggy
Africa, ansttering to it totatt, said that of
the 185,000 harem sent M Aftice OM one
• wilthe'fit to be taken back to England: -
She Inhestolt Bet Pt.
At the Durham (England) amazes recently the 'plaintiff In a trilling case was
a deaf woman, and after" a little the
Judge auggested 111E4 -the' counsel •shouid
get his client to eompronsise it and to tisk
her what she waeld take to, settleit ,
• The comae% theretleon shouted Out very
loudly to his client, "His lordship wants
to !snow what you will take?" • „ "
She ernilingly replied,,"r thereto his lord-
ship kindly, and if it's no Inconvenience
to him 4q1 take 'a little warm ateet,...
Catarrh and Colds Relieved in
to to 60 Mirtuttee.—Oneshortpuffof the,
breath throughthe blower supplied with each
bottle of Dr. Agnew's,Catarrhel Powder diffuses
this powder over the surface of the nasal pass -
Imes. Painless and delightful to use. It relieves
Instantly, and permatiegtly cures catarrh, hay,
fever, colds, headache, sore throat, tonsilitis •
Aid deafness. „so cents. -41
Sold by Sydney Jackson, druggist,Clini on
Our total exports of ageloultural
implements in 1896, wair$595,277.
• in 1897 it roseto 61,867,228. That
is the way the Liberal Judi ea
"ruining" our :manufacturing in-
dustrie% • '
TakeLazative Blame Quinine Tablets: All
druggists refundthe money If it fails to cure
Meta. E. W. Grove's signature le on each box.
vire, Life, • Accident, • Plate:Blass.
Orman. • *mates OWN. Crams
. Ont. • • .
General ' Dietriot Agent tfor, tha
. .
Confederation Life Insurance Co
for Stratford and Goderich, inclusive. .Mi in •
•,ormation relating to insurance gladly gieeie
Stoney te lea& at reasonable rates.
Ottice'lla Palate 'Bleck
fteOstarlo Alone 'Through the Rav. JOHNW. YE0
ages of the Great White Plague. , gor,,mEgvxtu,
agent for the Matantsnot ItarAsetmaros
CO. of Manchester. England, whose fonds and;
security are rated at tis,sco,00e. Also the Mo -77
Before the Canadka Medical Association Maas Halals, IIIIMAL InvitAncE Co. Aigciassesof
Ottawa A flbff days masa ear the farm. risks and towtiverenerty Miens,
rioted physician; made theatartimicees.ssocaum lowest rates. First -chum Lean Competitor,"
S.1)00 persona at. sanualty he °muse rcsam sews., also•reprettentea." Mehey tette had froth 4i per
tabula. Trolly; ecrasumptfog Wing* *rm., cent up, sibisbrding eafttiitOe of sebullty.--
.mtatdiataseiting-latlbee weatworld.opot.IS fa th natat of gaol it
oboliefimeorrilie ..erfooetaileekd •
4 fet,saink; „ 3 ..., • , • I -
Per a deaster otametery'Dn-T.A.tattertm, me
etthe moat eminent ao%.nug ot he darju made
the ours of ettesonstelon, "11 " •j,5v and has• •
- — 440Twort ,
, and ,i430.1114 , TARP,.
•roi.,. ,-, . s . • , , I : .
imenbrig &tame Pkineeitst.' he aniti;s1'4 II 1. titai . ; Subsoriber is priMared tettroingly Allan or,
bbi trutimis tort 4..10. walla Zrittan , dere for Wood ,or Coal; which -Will' bb Veld at '
f• :omen rates. ;OM eta nisei% etzatketTAV113:.
. Itt.:.cirttt tog LIttgon•sio4ost nurrammorr Rooms ; yr, .317NEAnsET ,
; t hisedratikeidasetal .
3 , Who Saki a otats itatiTtlirmiKeril ""'" 11'11° 14 ''' "'-'-wi \ ' •L 1-- . - ' ' " ' ' '' ' '
TestatlyegratiiisliiidtaiaagaidaPittitraitila " 2.,P0 YOu. WiticT 1140110
Cassimuip Co.. United, iniff a* SW WN:4 voron, 4111gliaillf WiY OA 2110itAlcieholOrealak dir
et TreatIMMS.,,Alleasii wriiers, ISM Toa.,fitticalt If- . . ' - ' I ' d' 1
7 - 7 .
' Welling liolt_srbeaaft Vita vi bitsiclee. Waggons and hermit. e
„the km, .mmieuse asselairoar tillaiii4M114,4 ' "or aim advancet Money to mid ed
stemmed in comewodtot, a system of *mums& , garooD
"Mai meItirs1X. defacers the itsrMableproduolarfl
the disease..3M Melee** tbassAniklics to the
erstesnalid creating seas end/deed
111.01131417 Attie! sop neoplit an,d, retail merchant on
wham ,,,cookut ola sihrso asouni Money tlieir ownliotes, through our pe-
' DOW, '4'241 '2 :21 .1.77 4/ 24 .2,1: 041 Tant4t, 4n7 anlannt, frOM
0 , Maim oantititorrower
Perms' la
Anietlean tree *OP hi
Cop ono:tote can. habit'
EtracCO., 4$ POiltAdeltddi
At Wad"' Igs'' Atto;et. Tenet° .
• • sroitoOttr �n rah
"When 1 bear people iteseribe the ne
ous strain canged by their Work," said a
dentist, "I wonder how it compares with
that of the young woman essistant. No
one experts a dentist to he sympathetic,
but curiously enough every one of my -
patients demands eympathy from my as-
'sheant. Catt you imagine what A strata
that Is on her nervear She must gradu-
ate her sympsthy itt apcordance with
the :offerings of the patient. and from
long exnerience she has come to be it
good judge of cite re eter.
"I have just had n big athletic- tette.*
heist who had some painful work to be
dime. It yens hie list; experience in A
dentist's chair, and he made g goad deel
of unnecemary fuss about it, aly as -
ardent stem! him up.' 'Deer, dear,' oho
Mid iinperennally. '1 don't see how he
stands It so well, ft is very, painful; At
a matter of feet it Wttkl not so, very pain-
ful then, but the big ^intor thought be
was it hero. Re quieted down. and later
When I wait Working aronnd a nerve he
perliired feriae. but never even groaned.
assistant has Co have sympathy on
fan all day Mug, and it most either be,
the mil entitle or n very good eountee.
felt of it. NOW. Writtltlit't rya call that
nerve trying work"
„ .
i-All..1004.$ of Shoes
At Bridgetelen, N, 8., 11. Wade aid A.
Cheadle, going rebbitobeoting, k donna -
yam arose in reenact to the number of
rabbit. Obendier 'Adobes the day before;
Wade nailed him a Her and dot bim itt
the breen, Chandler expiring within ten
ire• good at *My antlibetter than many
ere to be seen by inepeoting our tallitiner
otook of Aren't', *omens and Children's
Boots and Shoest.
Pull line', of Truithato Vallethisti
ate.. Slue* and Double /111ViteSeh
U. 11 Rea csasrohlis Naar, taa
Pint Shingle' stirrers on hamlet .
0.1" TWITC1115iLL
Vittorio. Meta.
Speechless and Paralyzed.—
", I had valvular disease of the heart,"
writes 'Mrs. J..7q:',gbode, of Truro,
0, I Buffeted terribly and was , often, speech:.
less and partially paralyz.ed. One dose of
Dr. Agnew.!a Cure for the Mart gave me
relief,and before 1' Sashed, one 'bottle I
was able to go about. To -day ',am a well
woman." -43. ' •• ' •
Sold by Sydney Jackson, draggist,Clinton;
TheToronto'Weirld made many elec-
dates lately,and.. not one.corres-
ponded with Nov. 7, tbe day which has
been announced by the Lane ier cabi-
net. • Of course all those dates this
daily set forth at, different times was
authentic," butneverthelesa untrue.
Tito Governor% Wife a Prison.;
•r.—Mrs. Z. A. Van Luven is the wifebt
the governor of the county jail, Napanee,
Ont., and was a great sufferer from rheuma-
tism. When the best doctorsin the com-
munity and " specialists " failed to help her,
.she,.; buried 'z her iceptism Of Proprietary
reesedies and parolipsed &Stith Jimerteds
itheilF0(10-Care. 4 bottles cured, her. -4s
Sold by Sydney admen, drmigist,Olinton.
Aon.r4s.,:wAil TED:
- —
Por "Story of South Africa," by ;TAU Clerk
Ritinatia, L. 1.3.-1)., Edward -S. Ellis, M. A.. S.
A. cooper, Managing Editor of the Monodist'
Magazine," Toronto and! J. 11. Aiken, of
fro• nntaicgjlial who ims tirgeit
Mrlca for
• We are the only Canadian Publishers
who have had a branch in South Africa ,for
nineteen years, giving tia flninnzense advant-
age in procuring' photographs and 'Material.
Our authorship, letterpress and engravings
ewer:Mario; and Canadian ontingents bet-
ter liNstrated than, in, anyI.rival Work. So
sure are ere of this, that we w i ;snail free for
conry)sthien Marprosneottuita MIMI° neasens-
ing a rival prdsPtretne:- ICIroulars 'arid terms
freer Apply Warld ,Pnblishing • Comply/II
Outassh.I,Oztliele . , „
RLAIR •LaDilis, -ecii;eidell; ')
' Twentieth year begins Sbhr.).4.11.
Broadly planned
..1 F conrees ,... of BMWS
, ,
with ,,,thereinghlY
• rAd • ..,-r:' t' Mff
. 7 ' IFF,ii i........”
u . grattriria. Slob°-
, .....1, ,...... . ....."
g . .. larshisein-College
- r,...1 .. i r_ 41
— i 1
. i'l. esit '01 t' o .7 .' I; E11:00,1411,10,Vins
cos Ine Mt and
t, ideation,
,rogyesairegil '‘f,:rcntj, bun 03 a t'„,
Homelike appointments, good.boadA °neer.
' ful rooms. pemonal ,remiliflaf Iftlighikity man-
tle* oars etweere. -
, A:tesidentaimellegeiliketAlifevalforde :beet
/munitions for a young lady's education,.
bind the mote lath •etlier a tbe teaafera
guidante s
edlhe /mai re.
The constant airi of ourvegrd
re37is to coin -
Fey Wye/rated catalogue, eddrege
14. W. I. WasIter,11.A.. Principal,
July 20-51 . St, Themes. Ont.
,It. • ..7- '‘
tabirio Navigalioikehi /laid
The Takes* and 'moot 'threat
. route to e
• via Pt. ilianiey.
Thorough fare from Olinton one way
48.60, retard •$6. .Beturn ticket valid' for
one month.
Speoial ratea going Saturday and return-
ing Monday.
Boat hose .X't. Stanley on Bundy.,
Tneedilya -end Thrirsdeye at 11 pant
and on Saturdept to 1.
For tioketa tindfurther information apply
G. T. B. agents,,ox.vvrite
Anti GenoPsias. AO. manager.
Walkerville, Ont.
• Central
Niet#,M, arket
Having purotaited the butchering
business otr. B. Powell 1 era pre.
pared to faintish thepaaple of Clin-
ton with ell Made, 'of Ora* and
Oared Meats, Staisage, bologna
lard, butter. and egge,elsveye kept On
band. .
R. EitzSimonS Sono
Tlephone 76.
°Mere delivered promptly to all
potato1 the tOWn.
shipraeut will oonfee a„, favor by
laitelitil *Ora M the tiliop.f
11,11,—Persons hinting., hop for
. 4.111111"aseeelesellielastafteePOW4,114114.111weallatIllee
/tax* oaksas were used far bael; as I
the t6th Century.
They originated frotn the signs that, in
f5icV, telling of the wares inside. TO•dey the
the early ages, were hung over the s,hops
bwie Mark is branded on the 'goods them-
• selves, enabling the purchaser to identify the good
4. from ,the bad and itidiffeteut,
On Slater ShOC.flie lUtnit awl price appear on the
$sole in *lac , frame, $4.§o and Every pair t
h Goodyear welted.
Jackson li.ors,„ sok Agents for aimoo.
For torpid Liver, . •
A Poor Digestion
Biliousness and
.."..<3;••<.:,•••,......,•‘:••- • .2. ••-•'.••• 3, .Z.7.'7
They are Safe,-
. Mild, ,Quickl4cting,
Painless; -do lot weaken,
And. always give satisfaction.
They tire the most reliable. Household ‘memoine,known, and
can be taken at any season by Adults or Children.
• • •Tailio'll; AfrIta' v;iirlif lipraOtiif*SifY:Over'r ; not So the war of Trade and Cornmeeme
itifistivveyehreidme-, we'areilatritin -theleinet xanita, Pot en the Wounded list.. We 'direct.
apeolat attention to -out new itcrolt-og.milithery whioh will be found fidly tip to data
A nice lot of Ladies' Jackets.
Dram Goode( that for beauttami,oheapness will•pease any person. • ;
Boot, Shoes and Rubbers, a large stook newly in for fall and winter.
Tess in great variety viz Yoing Hyson, Congos in bulk, Grand M
Belittle, Monsoon and Blue Ribbon in packages • •
, •
See our Harness -4. nice Bet of single hermit* for 814 find better quality for
team lines, martingales, breast straps, halters,.etc., eto‘
Wn se qwnoattni tyf
notofoBrguetttreorbesanadndiblgagnkse.te: Teirdei'ObS11 or produce. Highest pr
f 0 yk.
Emporium, Londesboro
• .sept,--25th;,mtea-
yitst Ogg; prom., 06451g, $80
ome Comforts Just Arrived.
Latest styles in parlor anus, white ensure' bedrocim get% iton and breeze beelsteedst
. rug touctietsrstetudon tables and dining room, chair% Alma 700 feet of new style pia-
-Aare fimitichnge • Pietas low As the quantity- will. Vernal*" Your money back if yow.".
eiir4iiw. Etliv-Elk
• •
aton Sat, Door, and
Blind Factor.
`generailluilder and Contractor.
Tbie teeters, is the largeskin the county, and'haa the very latest improved Mit.
°binary, capable dt lidintiviork tin thisbOrtesi notice. We carry an extenabie
and 'reliable ;Amok and prepared plane, and give eatimates. for and build all Olalle•
es of buildings on short mitioe sna on the closest prices MI worg is stipervim,
ed an a metibanicalivay, and galliefebtiai Altriklateed. We t‘telltta111Ads of 'in.
teriog and esteneefatifertal.
- ,
Lumber Latb,,,.$14414 Lime, §ash, Doors, Blinds, Ete,
Atom for the celebriatel GRANSsIti4) solgooSDE$R,ithaitificityrat
at Waterloo. Call and get whoa and eatimated befoke pleoing-,vour ordera
• 7 r.:11 s '
1••• ,1 3 , •
213: longer w lilt the tether and itieenven.•
• fence Of • a poor , coaking,etove, IV* no.
economy' to do to, foi t,lso fdel oti trid uVas,
in a "Happy Thought" range it would
in a short time pity for its entire eat, an4 ,
whet comfort you helm out of it With Ryeryil
body who uses it praieett it* splendid ; bekin
quintet!, its eese of nianowninif tknaiSa
great monomy of fnel. *hot we would like
would be to have you cell and ter -for Initt-
' self how the dmeppy Tirniqstir"
Odtustrnoted and learnluat whit to advati-t
tagee are. We oan give nearly a bauirf&
mimes of tvartiee using them in °lintel* and
mit a singlefeompleb*, ; r -
Radiant Home Base ' Heater'
The beet that the Maine of men ever pre,
ducal, although morideolgtur are being ton-
, tionelly invented SUMO *goal the "Radiant
Haile" tor eoonoutY of fuetand **se of roohogemeno, over One hundred note roma In
Clinton. We will IMO ivi0 full ore of stoves for oto fall trade, making one of QM
largigt and best elected stook of stoveain Watitairli Onterio, and onriOrlote are as low
ea thelloweol, tinolity oonoidered. A tull sidok Of hodietorionitabhi for Any lam of
sieve. AKA:quatitity otefoonkband stoveslobefft. •
Stoves. tinware
Rola* to HO Air and tot 'Waite itemiteiendiolienbing.
i? SI*