HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1908-04-30, Page 8PACE EIGHT ---THE I3LYTH STANDARD—APRIL 30, i 104
not needed
Ayer's Sarsaparilla is not a
strong drink. As now made,
there is not a drop of alcohol
in k. It is a non-alcoholic tonic
and alterative. Ask your own
doctor about your taking this
medicine for thin, impure
blood. Follow his advice
every time. He knows.
....` ▪ Ws JP role publish our formulaeL4 sleek,&
r tM4fau
Ws sale 7D 10
Ask your doctor, 'What is the first great
rule of health?" Nine doctors out of
tea will quickly reply, " Keep the bowels
regular,' Then ick him another sues.
, tion, "What do you think of Ayer's
Pills for constipation?"
...awe Dr the t. 0. ager os.,. bonen, mw. --
You always pay
too much when
you pay too little
• Paradoxical but true.
Particularly when buying Gro.
Nearly every article of eatables
can lie adulterated,
Many of them often are.
Constant vigilance is required to
keep undesirable goods front creep-
ing into a grocery stook.
One of the most persistent sinners
is Canned Goods. Thousands and
thousands of them put up every
year, Somebody sells them,
Somebody buys them,
Sotnebody eats them.
This grade of centred goods is very
common. but this store has never
gold a can of it to a customer in its
life, and it never will.
Our wily is firsts or nothing in
eVe•ything, always,
i f me
Ooderloh 1 v, 7.00 amt, 4.50p. m.
Auburn " 7,22 " 5.12
Blyth 7,33 " 5.22 "
Walton " 746 " 5.35 "
Milverton" 8,2t " 43,08 "
Eimtra ..... . ` 8.33 " 0.45 "
Guelph " 9,23 " 7.12 "
Toronto Ar. 11,10 " 9,15
Toronto 1 v, 8.00 a.m. 5 50 p, m,
Guelph Ar. 10.00 " 7.50 "
hlmira ' 10.23 ' 8.14 "
Milverton " 11.03 " 8,50
Walton " 11,30 9.23 "
Blyth " 11.52 " 0.36 '
Auburn " 12.02 " 9.46 "
(loderloh ` 12,30 pan. 10,10
soU•rrt. NORTH,
Rill pm ata nm
0 40 3 30 Wingham 11 50 7 35
6 43 3 33 Winghant Jot. 11 48 7 25
6 52 0 44 Beigrave 11 40 7 13
7 06 3 00 Blyth 11 28 7 00
7 14 4 01 Londesboro 11 20 0 52
747,423 Clinton 1015 11 05 13&3
8 05 4 30 Bruoelleld 9 58 6 10
8 13 4 47 Kippen 0 30 tl 11
822 452 Hensel! 944 603
8 35 5 05 Exeter 9 80 5 54
8 46"5 15 Centralia 8 18 5 43
8 50 5 26 Claudeboye 9 08 5 31
9 05 5 30 Lunen Oroeaing 9 05 5 30
9,12 5 37 Denfield 8 53 5 25
9 21 '5 40 Ilderton 8 45 5 15
9 29 5 54 Ettrlek 8 85 5 07
9 35 5 58 Hy}do Park Crossing 8 20 5 02
9 37 '6 W Ilyde Park Jot. 8 24 5 00
9 45 8 10 London 8 15 4 50
Connections are tnade at Wingham for
all stations on the Palmerston and Kim
oardine branch.
Couueotion% ore made at Clinton for all
etatlons on the Buffalo and Goderloh
branch, and all stations from Stratford to
Toronto. .
Oonneotione are made at Luoan Crossing
for all stations west to Sarnia,
Conuections are made at London for all
stations east and west 03 the wale line.
paying from 833 to $1110 per month by
attendiug the popular
Tbls school !s noted fur and near for
he eupertor edueation given to the atm
ants and for the remarkable success of
its greduates, college open the entire
year. Begin now. Our training will
make you independent, Write to -day
W. 5. ELL10'ler, Principal.
Cor, Yonge and.Alexauder Ste„ Toronto.
John T. Currie, East Wawanosh,
Liberal Candidate for the
Considering; the very busy season
with the farmers, time tease good au-
t0udanceof Liberals at thetics& eon -
v0110013 for the Hew north riding of
Huron held it, Wiu01(11,l last Friday,
A new association was formrd, a c0(1-
etiuuien adopted, aid officers eleetod
eo follows :—Preaidont, James Young,
Auburn ; Vice Presidents, Alex, 51c -
Laughlin, Gerrie, Richard Clegg,
Wingham, and John Siles, hiatal) ;
Seeretnty, H. I3, 8;Iliett, Winghnm ;
Treasurer, J. A. 7lorton, Niughnm.
On the first ballot J01(n 2, Currie, of
hast Wawanosh, ex -Warden of the
county, rtCeVPtl the nomination RS
candidate fur the Legislature, 33111311
was made un03lmous on motion of
is. alai;lie, peeve (f Nest wawa -
nosh, and John N, McKenzie, ex -
Reeve of Aslitleld.
The selection is it popular one, as
1lr, Currie is n man well versed in
municipal anti political affairs, and is
well known and esteemed throughout
the riding, With a onited party be-
hind hint Mr, Currie will hold the rid-
ing for Liberalism. The general (ex-
110501on of opinion Rinsing delegates
was that, notwithstanding the feet
the riding had been fixed as a sure
Tory one by the Whitneyites, the Lib-
erals can win. Tho general cry from
this day forward will bo, "We will
Stirring eddreseee were delivered by
the randi(ate; Dr, P. MacdonRld, ex.
53. P„ East Huron ; Arch. Hislop, M.
P. P., Etlst Huron ; G0oree H, Moon -
e', editor of the Ripley Express : W
It. Herr, editor of the Brussels Poet.
and J. 0, Murdock. Luclrov, The
eon yen tion (dosed with ehosre for Hon.
A, G. Macliay and the candidate.
A. H. Musgrove, of Wingham,
Conservative Candidate for
the Legislature.
A, if, lfnsurove, of Winghnm, was
01(30011 the Comcrvetive candidate at,
the first convention of the ns' north
riding of Huron, held In \Vinuhanl last
fliers/ley ttfteruomt, Every part of
the riding was represented,
The election of officers resulted as
follows :—
President, John .303nt, West \V1 -
1st vIlo, Jobe Wilford, Blyth.
2nd vice, John Grifliu, Asltfiold,
Secretary, Dudley Holmes }Virg.
Treasurer, David Bell, WMebanl.
The following candidates for the
Legislatlno were then nominated ;—
A, If. Musgrove, Wit(gharn,
;Matthew Lockhart, Has (('ntwtnlosh,
James Bowman, Morris.
B. S. Cook, Fordwich,
\V m, A1eQuillau, West, Wawanosh.
Jae, Johnst011, West Wit wanoslt,
Dudley Holmes, 1Viughaln,
P. \V. Scott, East Watvanosh.
George $po(tou, Winghnm.
Each of these addressed the electors
au(1 all retired except Alessrs, Mus-
grove, Bowman and Lockhart, whose
iatnee went to the ballot.
On the second ballot the vote stood
Mnsgrove 63, Bowman 85 and Lock-
hart 18. It was then decided to make
the amination nllaninions. All the
candidatesihelked their supporters,
Col, Hugh Clark, Af, P. P., Centre
Huron, addressed the convention re-
viewing the legislation of the Ontario
Medicine in the Sarin
Needed by Everyone
Alex, Reid, who recently purchased
the bus 805ine1R, has moved his house-
hold effects from Kincardine,
-- Organ recital and cantata in St,
Winter Weakens the System,
Saps the Blood, Leaves Us Tired
and Thin,
Great, epidemics break out in spring,
snit as fevers, 305111euces and three.tions skin diseases,
Winter shuts us in from air and only
the most robust get even *little sumshine, 280 a consequence of this un-
natural mode of fife the blood beoomes
pollet011, thin, colorless. Then we
grow listless, dull, easily tired, have
headaches and find our work a burden.
Reduced to this condition we become
an easy prey to disease and fill hoslu-
tale and rhnrehyard$.
To rapidly form rich blood, to expel
the accumulated humors that winter
ham store 1 up in the system, to cell
back the energy, 0ndurenc0 and vim
that will make life joyous, just take
Ferrozone, a spring clennser, unequal.
ed in medicine,
Ferrozone purifies by rebuilding
nerve tissue and vitalizing the blood.
The entire system ,soon feels the bene-
ficient action of new rice blood ; slow
organs ere stimulated to normal ec-
tivit,v, expel poisons and wastes from
the body, and the result is the beauti-
fully, harmonious working of the
systetn, Week folks are restored olid lifter 17 Peart absence.
health becomes tie natural a cons0-I N. Gamine states that be is randy
Andrew's 'Presbyterian Church on
Tuesday evening, May 12th.
Charles Barber has purchased n new
gasoline engine and cement mixer, to
he in readiness for the coining season's
For some time past, there have been
three livery stables in town Last
weep, the owners of two of them purr
chased the third, that of Cassels &
Robertson, so that there are now only
two, Ramsey's anti Beattie's, This
twill prohahly leave the one oecupiel by
Cassels& Robertson vacant,
They All Failed,
Arany have tried to devise a cern
mire equal to Ps0183('s, but after fifty
ye(5(•0 nothing, has come upon the mar-
ket that so painlessly cures earns end
wal•te, Dou't experiment, use the
best, and that's PuInate's.
Date Centelou shipped another of
his spaniel pups to Montreal,
Dick Stu herby who has been home
duritlg the whiter, left to resume work
for the Bell Telephone Co,
Hugh James Carrel, of the MtClary
establishment, London, spent the
holidays with his old Hens)li friends
queue as growth from `moisture and
Alen and women fortify you nerves
with Ferrozone, renewthe blood
through its marvellous blood -forming
power, Tamale vigorous and enduring
strength by 115 Action upon 0(lfOtite
and digestion. Use Ferrozone if you
want to he strong,
"1 Increased 383' weight seven petind0
in one month rind regained 'health that
had been loot for two years -did this
by using Ferrozone," writes Pit's, C. B.
Alaybee, of Centertown, "Ferrozone
brought me restful sleep and good di-
gestion, enabled me to relish my meals
and work hard all day. 1 consider it
the finest tonic, the rnost nourishing
medicine I ever used."
Try Ferrozone yourself, 50c per box
or six for 32.50, at all deniers,
The AIicile family have beau haying
a siege of la grippe hot are now recov
ening we are pleased to state,
Walter and Mrs. Sharpe, of Gude-
rich, were Prater visitors at James
Sherrie's and other horses in the neigh.
A new drainnge by-law is being
dealt with by the 'Township Council,
known ae the Mason draiu, The Court
of Revision will be held,onit at the
next meeting, May 201h.
Last week Jetties Shurria, 4th line
the moment diet Hensel! is, but that if
this place throws array its opportunity
that Exeter will he only to clad too
step in, in his wolde•ful unde•tekingg.
After months of hard work and care-
ful preparation by a chorus of over 60
voices it has Leen dooided to present the
great car,t038 '•liuder the Palms" in
the Methodist Church, Hensel), on the
evening of the 8111 of May.
"Skidoo" for Your Headache
Ascertain its' cause orad the cure isn't
hard to find. Look to the 01013(clt and
bowels. Aren't you constipated, isn't
;your liver sluggish, isn't the stomach
failing in , its mission 1 What Jen
treed is the cleansing tonic influence of
Dr. Hatntiltoe's PAIN. Their effect is
lasting been -tee they aid all the xilinu
organs; flush nut all unhealthy matter,
end 3088 up the attomach. With Dr,
Hamilton's Pills your etonach gets 0;
choice to recuperate, And' does so
quickly, For reel buoyant health use
Dr, Ham10010s Pills regularly, 25c
per box at all dealers.
The members of Huron Lodge, 1'o,
012, f. 0. 0. I'. attended divine service
at Victoria street Methodist chur3h
last Sunday morning,
Peter Nioholaon, of Monkton, hos
been awarded the comma for hnildine
dispcsed of a span of beevy draft colts ilia sedimentation basin for the town
rising a year old, sired by Scutlaod'03331er 03515(0, The Brice 38 1 ,twee"
Hope, owned by George Aluldoon, of I $83x1(1 and 5900".
Brussels, ata figure Himmechien $200. '1'110 i'oderich Carling and Skating
The buyer was Eli Smith, 7th con., Asso(intion has made nn offer t0 pur-
Grey township. He has a pair of rian-
dies that should give good satisfaction,
Didn't Agree with Me
Mr. Arthur Tennison, 88 London
Street, 'Toronto, writes enthusiastically
of the merits of Peyebine for all
stomach troubles.
"For seven years I have had iudigee-
tion and dyspepsia. 1 tried scores of
remedies. My room resembled a drug
store with nostrums which I had bought.
Eventually 1 used Psyebine, and every
dose brought permanent relief,"
All throat, lung and stomach troubles
quickly eured by Psychine. It is the
prescription of ti great specialist. Al
all druggists, 50e and $1.00, or Dr. T,
A. Sloome, Limited, Toronto,
online the (jostle property tc the west
oft he,lssnciation's property, with the
idea of eeleging the rink in that di•
rection and making room for a spe(aa-
lor's gallery.
A very pretty weddi(R (3(30 that
which graced the Bedford hotel Inst
Wednesday when Miss Ethel Vero:ett
Killer, rho youngest daughter of 3be
Melt and hostess, Fred and Mrs,
Davis, be.•amo the bride of Stewart
Murray. soli of the hate Peter 0)urray,
of Goderich. Mr. and Mrs, Davis'
private parlor Lyng a bower of beauty
for (he occasion with foe docoratieu0 of
calms, violets, smilax and roses. The
ceremony tuns performed by Itev. M.
Tit rebid', rector of St.. George's cbuacl(,
at 1280 o'clock, The brine wee as•
eiete0 by her sister, Aflse Olive 5,
Round.Trip Excursions
001840 DATES
A x914, 28 June 8, 23 Aug, 4, 18
May 12, 26 July 7, 21 Sept 1,11, 29
Tlckota dood to retnrs within OO days
VERY LOW RATES u from allnpolus
Ranging Winnipeg and return 833
between 1,Edmonton and return $42.50
Tickets issued to all North-West pointe.
number of
Tourist Steeping Cara will be run on each
excursion, fully equipped with bedding,
bio. Berths should be secured and paid for
through local agent at least six days
before excursion leaves.
Rates and full information contained
in free Homesaekera' pamphlet, Ask near
at 0,0.3.. agent for a copy, or write to
C. e, rout, si.okI Psu, 40„ etc, renals
1''m• mo 'Iin ,s,,f( lett ln(ol•(aatl„(( lie„
J. (01cM0130H11'5 Agent 131.Y'1''))
Retiring Sale
There are Bargains for
All lines of Jewelry,
Wall Paper, Crock-
ery, Fancy Goods,
Toys, Sleighs, Games,
Bibles, Prayer Books,
Etc., 25 per Cent off.
Watches 15 per cent off
Many odd lines 35 to 5o per
cent off.
Everything must go. Coria and see,
Jewelry and Stationery.
An advertisement in Toe STANDARD
* • Furniture
House-cleaningIs near at hand
and we have been
bitsy during the quiet month of February
getting everything ready for a Buniper
Spring Trade, We have the best 'stock
of Furniture, the best selected for the
least money of any store in the
County. We also carry a full
line of House furnishings such as
Carpets * Rugs * Oil Cloths
* . Curtains, Pianos, Organs
Sewing Machines * Furniture
• * coverings and draperies *
* :
• In this branch we handle the latest goods
• and the prices are low. We have the
* best outfit in the County and no extra *
• charge.
Furniture Dealers & Undertakers, - - Clinton.
• Your Expenses paid both ways. 'Phone 28
V y VG 1r t y W .,t , t j.
"lt`:*********** ,C*ilk-A1C***+i *** *
Liberal Clubbing Offer.
The Canadian Pictorial and the Blyth
Standard one year each, worth $2,00,
for only 81.60, This is a genuine bar -
gide. Don't miss 0., Call and see
simples at this office and Mayo your
Auctioneer for Huron Co.
Terms reasonable. Salle arranged for
at, TIM STANDARD orrice, Blyth,
before placing your order for Cards. We
have the largest and best assortment in this
part of the country. You will make no mis-
take by leaving your order with us. Route
cards printed on short notice.
With each order the route is published in paper, for two weeks
free of charge.