HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-10-19, Page 1Parliament Dissolved.
HOO011atelheldi dael NOW Ora to
tritede. ' •
eloOlatel4f424 .10004144tItttliette2444440.
..•- .
'Nett, rep cu an .
•, eetaipsaa, rap bridge SR tiand 4. "skt; ensuing year, a' fact oratifytng to hie ge 8 , g. , Y ;
Marry friends and admirers hereabouts. mere furving raised foal in HO% d Jaeloon,
its.,Billie, ran reaid con 44 $1,50; itobt.
w. it will be of interest to his friends to ) A Moore; mare foal, W iltackhOuse, J A
McKenzie, rep cul n 4.• $1.50;
it,rce rev cut s lc ilia 4, $ue; John know that in ito class of 'fifteen oily. Moore; 2 yr old gelding, J Leiper; 2_,yr old
Courtice stood at the head of the list in filly, J Leven yr old gelding, G T Bolin-
Xilpairici, reg cu'i id bridge 8 %a hjs examinations, his percentage aver- son; gr old filly, JP Dale, J A Moore. Oar-
etetO Mile brake eee
mettles: deity: May be
*Ohne fillveripsres
Wit oo• or Week!,
%arrow it is we re enabler it shall
,oeMe our way,
We Mettir thtlage, * eette•:-
ee:thirgot • are , inedereti our
--tieivices Wove
• Whether large or email it •reeeltee
•*lithe ittentiona requires.
Wear. Wieder* In our Line.
B. cuEws;
, .„Egpert Watohltopairer
A'Aittit 00100 " • ' . "
.4. ' • . • • ' •
. • ' .. •
Nominations will be held on Wednesday, October. .
.01.111.• .1*. IIi.,O1.11.1 1111111 .
0011011Ch ToWorthr
Norkis..lifr Wilson and legate are
Airing theMeelves In the corultry 'Obis
weeke.T Trick is rustic:sting, smite
where deem the country. Idea,rie -eur-
prised With hie.- best girl; • lucky the
wilideire wag there for you to Bob
„ . HitlIfitOtdo •
djersedvoireetitincil Met en:Sept.,20.1,1i.
oleinbeert all present. The only busl.
.neilihelOiM the board was the payment
of the. orders :-- Municipal'
dttetIO. jcfr plank:supplies, $5.25; It..1r-
Wrin,.plank; $8.48; R. Fitzgerald,plank,
407.48: J. Latticmogra,vel, $3.20; W.
MiiIigan, gravel, $10; Moran. work
-on Baidurtti $22.90; R. Ferris.
:gravel. $2.86;Jatt.iiiintourA, irispecting.
'42; W. P. Reid, rep road S R 8 and 4.
41415; Wm. Ford,'oravelling TOOM., 12
414.04e Jae: McNair, grtca. 54.40: 8.
fdeCall; ehovelling grave $2.25; Hugh
Kidlanatteri, grovel; $6.12o oho McRae,
gravel. $8.12; John McDonald, grave),
52 labia Itifpetrielo, job On con. 0,
486.749‘*".,Siterkieedi lee wt. -leg, $5; J.
(*our, Nirigginton and wife are
the filet yeetlinw Er re O •
NOTRee-Jainea MeLeed, WhO Wes
reported sick built Week pleased o roe to
the Weld beyond me Thereday even -
Ing; his remitting; Were conveyed by
mean to hie home et* 'fifty evening.
Orrilieturday Arther Woodman had
Isla leg ain.puteted ; Drs. Goon, *Wale'
Jura and Boo performing the opera.
tion ego far the patient it doinet Well
the bone wee loon* to be, diseseed.
Sunday evening Bair, 1fir Hamilton
preeched in the Methodist choreb
connection With the annigereary see,
,vices. FreilJehustott hos taken a trip
to Port Huron. gate number of
cattle around here have been ehoked
with apples this fall ;smog ethers a
row belonging to. Rev. Mr aeoplana
choked and the ovenee in trying to
on a v sit. to their daughters near Lio
cateOraiing. J. Wiggington bonht
Sh hi 1341 • • * "
roping on Wednesday, November 7.
CLINTON. ONTARIOt 00T01130.R. 191 1900.
SUPFPittillF.:211MOHOW idelargiSto Corrint000dolds"
at Blyth air from 0 ver Smith. of I • ' '"' WYSE, -1* naY1104. Lellniostb!eirta•
Bruesele. One day lea Week while Tiila 1414Itt--Prhe exhibition of 1900- Name-41mm S. and W. _Erwin
Win. 001.0, see Wite voileing down, the eureossed every provinue fair had in hove returned from Owen Sound: S.
,The weather proved delightful Erwin havin:g_typhoid fewer. Messrs,
read with hiitoMet over his arra, his BlYtb•
puttleeiro.ProttrOtet of Pocket con- and the attendance_ was About 7,000• and W. Rosa and W. Sturgeon
teinirlg anounturtY Oculars, but how- The amounts tektite In at thegates was hiive gone to Port Freak for the fell
ever with diligent search foand it not 57084 and aOthe grand etencl 008 05. flexing. Some of the .boys wheeled
ler from his OVin house. Mr Andrew The number of exhibite (Mceeded for. over to Clinton Monday night to the
Courtice, of the 11th cop., occupied the nier records. The horses, cattle and ooncert. Messrs. R. Stanbury, J. Fet.
pulpit at Sharoh chureh last Sunday. other stock were exceptioually fine guano Whiddon, J• Fraser And. f.
row Vole is the poroessor of *nice bay while the,inside displays could not be Thomacet were be delegates at the nom
driver. We understand and based on .turpassed elsewhere. The busineee men !nation of 14Ltherel candidate atBruce.,
good authority that Mr Frank Witmer .were well up with eheir exhibit/1'; W. field. Messrs. Ilse es Co. lefe town
has bought the farm he now works, Walker, furniture; Oralker& Morrow, for Blyth ; Ballet' being oUgara•
for the *turn of 43,100. This- farm bre PJautgo agent; and setting machines ; toOake a load : they run the four last
been in the possession of -John Shep- N. B. Gem, stoves and hardware; J. week and both old and voung enjoyed
pard,Oof Olinton, and is to be. consider- elheltew. musical Jnetruments ; the fusespeclally the couple who got
ed to be a first class farm, lilt Hale, Robinson & Henderson, woollen geode; the re on the fitet nivhto A. Me.,
' it lee week Mr John Middle., hotographs ; Thalami pencil tat Col e late *Istituto to the one
of LeseibuT visited relatives in this J. T. Clatter, harness; B. 'Brewer, Lea wor the cult given by the Clin-
Th* but tedortit' 111104010$01
Pe • N.
J� title atetion.
r "ZrgiVt.
I when. se, •
•Additidtrnd Ite0041 NeWlak•
• IL
Go vro Ponostottair-We Take care of
. learn t et W. N. Walker in ends to ' -
:go -foto partnership shortly in the upe.
haleteringbusineee. He bail been very. eta'
busy or late, and requiree extra help .
all the time end therefore will take in ,
a partner.... 'They eheuld do well, .
START AT 8.90.,-Yredei ick Hamilton,
the wee correspondent of the Toronto
Globe, will give hie celebrated lecture
In the town keit title (Wednesday)
evening. Mr Hamilton was. unable to
give Ins, lecture here last Saturday, as
adyertieed. By request of a number
of citizens who werotto hear Mr Hata- •
ilton, but who wish to attend the
church prayer meetinee. the lecture
vvill not commenee till Oge na,
1101011AI. STUDENTS.--Rettunt to the
education departntent show the atten-
dance at the various norma schools
in the province this terna to be tut fol.
lows-TOronto, 124; Ottawa, 90; Lon
don, 05; Hamilton, Normal College, 140.
Tile attendance le the sameas last year
•except at. the Ottawa school, %vitae
don school was not openecttnotil thie
there bra falling off of KO The Lon.
ton et erecting a verandah at the front rawings. The Lueknow band was . wowing t e highest wooer pointu relleite bY uutting the broom hand- THE aniignEon,Sgateos.-Thodate of
whe teuneeted. be a pretty struct- lent program . of music,' Everything this term ; he also secured florae
she died. • T..seaddieit mare& into dttoFfedther:idleeetchtuionntein:181seainsenthien,rooit.
of hill beautiful residence, Which. will, Preempt and gave a varied and excel. at their Commencenlent Day Etports le down er throat. inured h.er so that.-
mr join Peck, of Stanley, and passed o nicely, the horse ramie being velem/. At the, meeting of the public' house he purchased' in, the village-.
log visit to Peter Cole's loot week. trot or race, Annie Gould, 1 1 1; Alma, G. W. Holman! principal, and Pews A. Blyth and get into the bacherbuelness
tato and e. huge number ot sperm are
MrMetcalfe of Tornberry, paid a IV'. the featute of the (second day 4-0006 school board this week our. teachers, Jas. woodman has decided to move to
We are sorry to learn of the eevere 2 2 2; best time 2.101. 2 go trot or pace; Whiddon. assistant, were re -ringer- there. Mrs R. B. Jeffrey is under the io Borne etraire in consequence. -It is
illness of Mason Sterlintrt of the .70. Lionel, 1 1 A ; Allen Line, 2 2 2;,Sant ed for the coming year. Some of the care of the doctor at present bat le lin- very onfoatunate too because this
Last week he was in a ceitical condi. /td,, 3 g 3 ; wee time, 2,391. . 3.mmute evaporatoe hands are laid off owing to provitio slowly. : el brief honting season is the • only boll.
B. . Webb. of the in our northern part of the emantrY
.,.. der mane' men take besides hotel men
t h f trot or pace : Mabel 2 I 2 1 1; Nellie the failin off' of th f; b t in
is the 'trot fifteen days- of Novenaber. .
iPh 000 2
Drug Stor
.of oderich, was the guest of Miss Gartitute, 4 4 4 4 4 ;best time,2•30; FeeY J. Jotvett an N. Centeron wheeled to he is shipping a load to 4 Toronto and
tion with. typhoid fever, bu bops . Bi g e apple supply. any mill here has been usy eam
a steady recovery. Miss :1311ve ates, g reap aellgoodly revenue -during this
brief period. The open reason for deer
B. 8 3 1 2 2; Barn e, 1 2 3 a Bieetieneetiel is the order of the ate flour to the station for a few days; Prescription
d i The r ce had three ent es and • i f th The Globe says it ha been euggested
that the QatarioGovernment poetpone
Miller and Albert Cantekneboth cf the Santini F• 2; WhirlwInd, 8; time, 1.40. W. Dowson, of Zurich, and,G, McColl- success that he will continue shipping;
Von can stop your coffin after
the funeral procession starts, but
you owl delay the procession sone.
what by stopping your roughing
now by the use ot Dry Doeleel
Hitsam of WWI eherre
Sark. We sell this wonderful
remedy and guarantee its efficiency.
It is the beet and:safest curemade,
25o per bottle from us only.
Lottie Citatelon last week. Sir 0608 race, half mile heats; NineOle Ned, 1 Goderich last Friday. 13. fomneot, end We hope he will meet with such good
9th, have formed a combination anbicycleA . net,. of Varna, spent.Sunday town. it will be quite a _good thing or e
istiliesk. both of ' second. A. grand concert was held in .7, (Iowan imerented hie bowmen -Vie- o the opeteseason, by order in C'outecil,
by PO Boothe", with le Bryan A. McLeod visited Godericla neighborhood. Where has been rushing the apple business. MISS Este was won
Webster and in stehtieteyeceosnr.d half of November in the.
aPres shiPPed from this ste.tio-nu, thrkive
acquoig tames on the Bay, _Industry -hall. and Waa giVetO be the toria St. to O. Toms. Ree. Belle" fel ; weeee jote pf empty- bare* go•
lock, risited
-geld e Iasi week. Our eoung niar Eckardt tunny on the evening ot the occupied the puleit of St. Andrew a leg past but vety few toll ones. •
Chart's Oblate*
sode stile has the coon huntingcraze on last dal. The officers are well Pleased church last Sundsy, and •will conduct
andibunting•is still the evening's enjoy- •tvith the great euccees the have n3et the services pext Sunday also, • Witmorzo.--0n Wednesday one_ of
those oleitainteeeptedu the pith -woo
inent. They ar thatHolism , of with this year. Following lit there-
' To 030 VISIT7240..-Dr. Woods intends'
the llth, has bushels of Potatoes in uminder •of the prize list: tog° to inerre.old Entand to visit his
this yeam crop._ eMe Ben ' Switzer footeBS.-Havy dranet, 'team mares mother, ID LOOdeob, W 0 laRbt in good
moved to Godenco on Monday and hie or,geldings. 4 X' Dale, et le peneon• brood .health Be will leave about the end a
brother SAM has taken possession of mare towing raised ford in 1900, f Reid, a the month, visiting Paris and other
the lionee. We welcome Sam once !tries; horse foal, J h, Date, T Coulter; .2 ye notable cities on the continent, as woo
more to our midst as he has always a Old gelding,' d VloaRgmond; 2 Yr old MOO d ea parte of Scotland and Ireland. He
wane spot in the !mate of people. P Dale: yr old gelding, J P. Dale; 4 colts expects to be away for tour or flOti
Miss Livermore. of Clinton, spent Sun- foaled in 1900 4' ikaY regider.ed: heatvY week. While taking this well earned
day with her friend, Flossie Perdue. draught horse, A.lifeloitto Agoetutursoe- 'holiday his practice will •be properly
mares or geldings, 0 Stepenson, J F looked after by a ratable physician.
ItmeApeoniegre-The Maericejowa,
Review of latiOweeklita.th'e, following DTeselew;brood noire haviilraised foal in 1900. we hope the doctor magshavel a, Most -
COM limentary reference to o son of J lialkeld &Son, J V frond; raze bat,' pleasant visit, aid also t t hielmother
ice returned Tuesday evenhot front the Blakeld* Es" 4 Errs*" Yr sidisidisr Vateirt.-,-No. 7 Coinpany of 33rd
•Nortliwestern Iowa conference of the tirF Pollard, It Ferri"; 2 yr old. 11"o . Batt. had. its simnel tamet practice
Methodiat church which was held at OVOnligniond, Glenn Brio; yr old gelding.
Glom ores, w here on Tuesday afternoon. Althe ugh
Silencer. Mr Oourtice was in•ariolut W r Vollardcot yr old i fill', ____11 mars -the da was very disegreeable Ca t.
d minister for thils charge or the Anderson. nera PiwPoee eara
Mr ar. J.' tountice:-"Rev. T. R. Court. VanEgmond, Vott My; horse foal, will be fully resulted to health,
of life took p ace at the residence of
the bride's parents. Mr and Mra, Geo.
Brogden, when their oldest daughter
• Martha was united in marriage to
David Floody of this place; our con-
gratulations are extended to the
young couple. The ceretnony was per-
formed by the Rev Mr Conpland in
presence of their Mende.
St, Joliette*.
fleet prizes were taken by by McDonald
and McLennan, of Porter's Hilloind the
second prizes by Whiddon and Elliott,
of town. As it was a bad day good
sheeting zois out of the question.
WED/MM.-A happy event took plam on
the 15th inst., when Josephine, daughter of
hits. P. Cattalo, was united in meteorite- to
Joseph Primean, from Manteca. The
graora's brother. The nuptial knot wastied
veiny was performed the -hippy oouple pre- of the president, Mrs Ste art, Presby- Lion to go to Seaterth and play a
bridesmaid was the bride's sister, Clarissa,
while the groom's attendant was the
• .
afternoons, friendly rnateh there. Clinton bow -
°coded to the bride's, home, where • wimp. teria,n SUMS. on 'Ituredity
Maus repeat was peopered, end later on in °25tO 'novo at 8 o'clock. A full attend.' lers are always well used in S'eaforth
the day they took the train. at Sippen and : ance apecially requested, as important and a most pleasant time .teits spent
spent.their. -honeymoon in illeareal and • business is to be brought. .betore the notwithstanding being defeated.
, tige face, and will inanstlistely; all old members ef She eocieti. Miss Ii• Modeles was down 1 and Forrestmee
• . Additional LOcal. Neiva:' •
Lem, A Canao-Another death oC-
Carred in town on 8Ontley front diph-
theria, the six yeat :old 800 Of M.
• Grummet haying died been this dread
Mr Jae, Stevene conducted thelleuee 'disease. The remains were 'Mated he
of R,efitge services, Ma Sunday; TengenTitoattrecentsmeatnedrournonnythbottieethameetiedit
Union, Thanksgiving service t0. att felt sympathy of the citizens of tow°.
tenbury street church, Thursday, Oct.
18th, the sermon to be peeached by in this eaci aftlictiem
MeRifehief of ItiPien• with a e°°1" • Hill was tried :before dirattor jacktrou •
rnittiefrorn atJames Steep oteMondi*er. It vote
thatvisited of the Cavern vie W. H. Jobb, at
Week and purchased a fine Organ for , which some fifteen . oltneeses Were oe.
tellrreieedilevie.nhE'tWh'etsWeihcuhrecrki Mla.st.A.; year who
otShuire. f'deqtuheest coreBlnettialter WLEttentidai 14.07101i tretio
amined, The magistrates tape' to
Rev: A. Stewart the pastor. was on the Create. P. Moho-mos waned
Re1. Y* Dr' Giftwrt inMuctilnarer4SeTtigatoi thtrtpecTrle.A:case of
leave of absence has received a call tot far Lobb.
from the Presbyterian church at Claud. BowtiNci ick,rom....Tnren rinks
The regular monthly Meeting of the the temp club took advautage of the •
W 0 T win be hel at the home e weaker and accepted an invitto
i a bather, - meeting Visitors welcome. as well tte
• ,'Oitid 4 and 13011 /42.50# also lerlorelt g tot:4901010
03. riage-Tesin mires or geldhige,lt Graham, o.. -r C. Miller. of the Ittver yonnity. Mr, eremite. I
• Port AlbertO$70.70;11.Ferritegra el. .
Harland e rink was 32 5 shote wbile
_ D Ionsing. Roadsters --Brood mate h
Insalforan coverin cid con 0 PeftiThese wbo attended the a 801180o Will bOld an auction sale of his settles in
• Warwick;Oorie foal, Rebb; mare foal, J treseele dining room. fUrniture, etc.;
hotel- furnishinge. including beds, mat- Soramenos ne nese, We wish t ent prate urn, ec. down 9. The players Who took part
Alex, Boyd, gravel, gi.04; 7,. . -Little, rep merle* gathering at RobertSanderson's lenity and happinese th.eirnew sphere, Roorimatr000tomoets_Theltatten. wece:-Taylor, Irtvin, Johnston and
Lt tra.50:-Ohas. Wamsley, ditch COS. selves in the fullest measuretgarnes of horse. huggY and cutter, On NOTE13,-W. Beano& loot a valuebleo bury Ste•eet Epworth League took the Harland skip ; S. Jackson, Wiseman
.cul BR 8 and 4, 02; M. pineal., telt cul on Tuesday evening enjoyed theini Parrbtt, Melville; 2 year old filly/ Boott also
48.48; g tg2, ing reload fold in 1900 al Mel '11 &tett dr •
• h W Ree
'Warwick' T Coulter; Yr old gelding, J. J Thursday, Oct. 25. gee' ything must 'horse, tee other day t lee had taken the. form of a missionary meeting on Mon- 04303he and Medan. ski -P Ranefords
Hamilton. inapecting and ly aftei midnight the jo ly crowd do- J Seobbrook & Son; tingle der. other par ts. horse for A long journey and after his day evening bast. A program was Ferran, MoTaggart and Forrester,
106,40; pot morale., work on road, all descriptions was indurd tn.
B Carley; yr old fitly, Soot be sold as Mr. Miller is. leaving for
Doneld, repoipprettctr to Otidge R 12 SandersOn foe' the kind • hospitality dleborse, H Davie,J glassirghlin; sweep- hiddurt dreatylierniaitterb.ecaull0, Mask:66;4d, who has Ford ;recitation; tiedie Holmes ; read- SALARIES To 17/6 1:70. -the educe -
died two given as follows ;-Song by Witter skip.
p bridge S R12 and 18, $8; Alex, Me perste to their homes thabking Mt or in bogey. J B Whitely, J 0 Ourtismal- .;
. end 18.$14.80; AititoSteWert,inspecting, ehown to them for we all knew it to be stakes, boo mere or gilding, eny ols.es, 0'
ovalescpt. Mrs Green was taken _
W worked at S. Shanahate's. la at loesent into Mors Nona Miller; a special feature tion department expeete that the solar- .
. visitin visiting friends in the neigh, of the meeting was the selections ies of public) school teachers will go 'up
(Av. Reldorell cid On 'Jae. OraVr- proverbial. sic -------- ty,phoid feverlast week, her
Forester. d J ci 'f' ent ndered b the gramophone kindly considerably, This fall the irofession
td, ref) cid B, rket Thoo Murphy, .•• I
daughter,Alice, returned from Clinton borbeo • Laporte an Vf I e s re
yer pipe, $L25; .W. Bollaw ins, ha- Bootee _ 'Hohnesvilito J.. Bedard was visiting ..otagtor may be expected to occupy all trete According to the regulations
ter ; sbearling ram, J Potter land 2; MS
Cting at Part Alhect, SO Council his retatives the otberdae. F. . oWn Pulpit marling auttoVelling. Soh' passed in 1808, and there vrill bet no
I meet on Nov. 10. W; Su:worse, mieNosingeres.:Macsviuksittrincaebriti.hitexehoeconceer:tc, too. rairoontotErnoetute, rG, it,i:r142.431,emerileineeiterr:11
students at tbe -irovincrat raodel
- g ven . • . rettuned bome after visiting here ject, Indications Iron no
�,tit... soprano, blissOurrie,contralto, 4311111Int; Pal
Hoer= DEAD, --- A. sad event 5
Weed at therfatin of P. tioNaY, andbfies Weikel-, elocutionist, London. 1900, Snell
N 0 •
1. -mil con 7. $2;.W. itostefor . flagEP•°-Cottloold•-Aged 'tem. Pot- to htirse her. . . 0 11 • X et •, the at I 't h ea* t
Saturdayand Sundaet C. Graye le si given by oare. eSunday thirdc ass sac e cer ca es will
• • •
X 2 d b Miss earning' j• So' 11; /.8°) 1883be Buell, • Itaaga Mr Mira JOHN0.-0a Thule. for a week. The Mendell photographer tare and revelation as tO Manta highcet schooltabis fail hol ing anything lees
day, Oct. 11, at her late home to Tore. took a skate o e pup . . .
meat* that there vrill ben drop in the
s heving rafted !ambit in
Aged ram, A Dances; nestling rim, 0 Et Wit nt j i 1:1 sv- P vjaY t" 'a el - . I
a iir ty 'try earen, reltet of . them of Clinton," Services bright and
• tont message to the fathers and *no.
3etalugl Pat( ewe lambe, eranith, there as 4 a b I 1, Hit en Tuesday last.
ng for water on the farm and one Gibbings, Clinton, for a couple of date the late Robert Johns at the respected o . helpful. Everybody welcome. about 1,400 to about 800 or 900.. The
number of pospective teachera from.
ednesdity• night last, They Wel e Hiss Amy Johns was the gnest of Mrs f Shell. fihroashiredowse-
on the 28th A. Duncanl end 2; pair shoaling swag, .& lady had not, been in good health for Nitiogie-Ree. Mr Little of London ONTARIO filTartni, CEEROIL-The an. number qf new teachers annually ra-
tite Workmen named Sanderson this week. °even Preebyterian anni- Smith 1 and 2; ram lemb,ADunean 1 and of io. e . d I ' • ' ' JOrtteeflialto
Planed of feeling unwell. He eat iersary se v c • be k b R 2; pair ewes hiving !mod iambs in 000. age y ant nn niontbs. The old
intending to -rest a misoute or Mr Parkin, of Seaforth, Duncan, Glenn Bros; pair ewe 'amble OH some time past Dec a ed h d 1 e a lee 3' ell. a ' ..tia at nual thanksgiving services of the quired to fill vacanc.ies fa about 1,200,
church were held on un ay y specialconsequently the demand will be for
o ogoth Smith, A Duncan. Any other breed not highly respected and ehodnoret re;i3ellot the manse. Dr. Jas. Baird has return. and interesting services and ale° on the
Y don: will delivet a lecture o of this township flu over 50 ream end d f Vi t ' h 't I Mo t al
0 but instantly Oinked. nth re -hist; on Monde,/ Rev Mr Wilson. Lon-
interment- Africa DrShaw, Clinton, was here named -Aged ram, G Laithwsita, P. Reid; was, a persistent worker in"tevie '
te tig e rom c ona crept a , n re .
R. WM& is still vert low • it is feared .
, folldwing Monday evening by a suppee
to were tele** to Gorrie next da
:rattan AVM Strathroy, Rey Mr Oar- P Reid 1 and 2i pair of aged ewes- havoig Ina her as a, ',my ilea Maud. Site iti;
w Ross, of Winghant,' is visiting him at a.ddresses was provided, he sermons
after which a progrotm otr music and
Friday purchaeing a driver from a gen- sheading rota, P Reid, 1 and 2; ram lamb, the distress of the needy, many regard # he cannot recover ; kr brother Thos.
• ,ei raised kunbs in 1900, p Reid, G Lath- e
a aithful roember of the hi thod' Present.
e id G. Gee who los been in. is were preached by the pastor and bcth
. ii t 'g Were tar eiy attended. the church' in
" Sub ect 7 DI 11 An impor. than a junior leaving certificate Tbie
O . Stonaeir.
Clarke and Witeoeleit-
lends in Eirkton and Centralia
k. Mr and Mrs liobt,McIlyeene
hove been visiting friends in this
IttityOheve returned to their home
O 'neer 'Waterford, Misses Rate Web-
ittAr end, E. Resit, have returned to
their respective horneein Monett. J.
atitttwife, of Grayorielted ecla-
t!** Gedeiich township and Stanley
ittly. Mitie R. Reid *fated friends
Winchelsea and Centralia isitely,
T. Balleeettho at resent occu es
dere, Gran Bend,. waite; pair of shoaling ewes, P Reid. G church, and was full prepared for h
ing, Rey Me Mertin going to Grand Laithwaite; toir ewe iambs, P Reid, 0 home above. Bo i fully oid Hoeor., visiting at the home of bee eister, kre
tutu was particularly well given bf the
the even nit being crowded. e se
1 rebberies which occurred here a while
Presbyterian pulpit ,ast Sabbath even -recover fig. .1 J. ,
'Bend. Joseph tienior and wife have Laithwaite; fit sheep, ewe or 'wether,. P , s e came o Canada n 882, an '
land b to i s 1. re' - A A HOSP. Mrs H. McItermit and Miss choir but the program provided in the t aro 'when Davis dt Rowland's and
returned from a, trip to Chicago. W. gold, J Snell. first lived at Port Hope for 7 or 8 years Lizzie Foote returned on Saturday last afternoon WAS eX0ellent,a pleating fee, Holloway dr tiorriales stores were en -
O. Gay, Buffalo, is renewing acquaint- P108.-Torkebire-3 Alton R Nichol; then comingt God ' hf
, en up o eric or several
1 from vielting relatives in Bay City,
trite being an °rebates of about a to ed f 4°4- - '- '
r ;-- opecral Officer Wne. Gundry
ances here, 'Miss Elsie lieCallum has brood
sowhaving littered in 1900•E Nichol Oat s. guallY reploving to Tuckeremith Mich. Miss Albei ta Bently, 'West- ,dt zen pieces. Addresses were delive
returried from a ion visit in eittekoka. 1 and 0; boa littered in 1900. le Nichoettow where she Ilyea up to the time or her minstee, is visiting at the home of bit s
seine tittle considerably greater than
the supply, hence salaries rnay be ex.
pected Logo up,
SAFE GODILIthilt JAIL. -The fol-
lowing from the London Advertiser
of the 11th, will be of interest to our
readers as it is in coonection with the
W. Scott. Miss Grace Elder, &too ed by Revs A Stewart, Dr. Giffo
Mr Robb •and Mr D. Ti ladv.
The hop given oft riday evening was littered in 1900,3 Watt, R Nutria Tem. deat e became e Wile 01 tile
otteeeled• by guest from Olinton, Hen- worth Aged beat est a itteouteheete late liobt, Orihne in the old country, ford, le visiting at the home of Aire prieoner is alleged to have eingleband.
sall, St, Marys and London, and Was 4 brood tow having littered in 1900, W E haying marriedjust befote coiling out, Ross. Beverly Hetchen has returned
to Enox College, Toronto. Mks Grey; managers cif the thumb eei gra tied
at the atomise w lcattended ale
h th • ea stole during the past six months
very pleasant affair. Rev J. W. Ten . McOutchcon. 0 E Errat4 boot littered in her husband predeceaslog her 112 this nearly $1,000 worth of cutlery, silt/ere
preached -in Laulonlast Sa,bbath, the tered tem w etsdatsesed e ood 2. wert teemed with • f 11 14°18 h
a aro v o c - *
Grey Tuckoranitb. A. P. Ketchen is e $05 was places On the plates on
so Toronto is vielting her mother Mrs effort
RYek. of Trivitt Memorial church, no% W MoOnteheon I and 2; sow lit. towttehip about 2,1 years go Th gtoiday Alla $120 was realized at the ware and merchant tallot's furnishings`
• - taking a couree in Guelph agricultut al • el4PPer. Tlie Ledgue held its regular
kl meeting on Tuesecip evening Clinton and Bayileki• He was arrest -
from stores, in Viringbatn; Goderichs
yomiteeday lodged in Goderich jail Sohn
I Patterson, alias John Glaklee, aliaa
e Seim buffo alias Jon Winkle. The
drew's pulpit, liield, Yro ted services here being taken by a audent. Any large breed -Aged boar boar. G T Robin- ree--1 sons and 4 dadghtere, one eon,
Miss Returner spent Thinks- resident of Bayllekl, was in town lett - Sort Improved Berkshire -Aged beer, ei Tit Ise surviving are Mrs Runsinore of
&bone 1.6 years air, collega. W, Matta/Li ut netting a ce-
ment oor on J. •DicEvect'n'e barn, the leatea °f °andel'
lhankoOving aervicrinTghe t°ortilbet; in Hallett township, and had in his
ed while in bed at Crawford's,- con. 1.8,
horne of J. Richerdemi on Mote Rest 0. W. Cluff, Stritthroy, a former an; brood saw having littered in 1900, o Ed win, dying
, LOL.Odon.left Monday to visit daughter! Thames Road, have returned _ littered in 1900, G T Robinson, 3' Alton; Jncksoit, of Clintout Hirano of Miehl- '
walls are also cement, *
• . " of
nCehec'esrer3 c e oVnrie nd8Sunday rnWofirin I n, agtnteenxdt rt°081seeriagfiraonmaGogduearincti t, Yenodf wit: gwthe:741r8-
4 it borne in Clinton. Thos. Mc• week on bluenose. Paul Madge and T Robinson, I Alton; brood "ow having Toronto; Fred, of Algoma; Mrs Alan
-ave the people much enjo_y- Geo. Sawa, W. Rateden, A. Q. Bob-' 2; sarlittered in 1900, 0 T Itobineep, J eremith, and Mrs Andrew", Clinton, Several new members have joined the ing a pair of pants St01041 from Bo-
th the OttEPIttaa. itte W. ler and A. 3. Ronnie attended the Alton: nee of PIP, W il McOntoheon,- P The funeral was held on Saturday from Bwittnerbill •
field. lie Aill0 hada double action re.
at Eippercaud Eensall; while , from a top to the northwest. Messrs boar littered in 1900, Or T Robinson i and gaiit Amelia, It homer 'Sydney, Tack-
le poor health at' 'present ; South Huron Convention Of Liberals Reid; Riedel by Watson eit Emigh for beet her late home to Turner's ceinette*O peiero church on Sunday eventng tat, offering meeting of the Excel/dor vile- it's
Onotten -Rev. E. B. Smith preach' cboir.
also continues lir porn heelth. at Brucefleki on 'Charade". . five [ringers, M lookhaet,Erre* I Rev W'. Gifford, TutrierO church, erne- ed a strong practical - aerman in St., Wirne OMTROR.-Theannual hank- volver, but did not get a chance to nee
Tbis is coneldered a noted capture ,
Potter. biting at the serviette, Thereorior a it being fail of pointe for everl-daY *lion band WWI held on Tuesday week; and reflects greet credit on the skill Of
lite. Wile oftering on that evening was there was an excellent attendance, and officer Gunder who has Oone seine
trea--Over Rersons took Pftellawrati WiTtt GOLD. -,-TO MISS CoW hiving reited bait in 1900,3 Snell lot Press 0 pit
noTgs.-Will Lowerr, who haebeen contents Of
the offering amounted to $15:36 -the clever work la the detective line.
the members" rail *k:kswr*********onwt**iro**k
211011ott • Ifolsoonvillo CATTLE-Thorobed Durban:34-e Mites verlt large concourse of sorrowing in aid of the Diocese of Algoma.
friende arid relatives n t • box
ffi ' T bb t D Si te behalf 2 Yr old hada 3nell 1 & 2 r old heifer, theit' °at. ead "Wept° te deer 4851 J. ft. Vow er, of Olinton, 'Refreshments Were serf ed, a_wo
a 1 i Duet Hazel
W. e there of .the fun ; peaty all quested to address you. As you ere COrie); bitli calf, W gnell, R Corley. Any PIII/ONTATION. The members of during gle vacation. returned on mon. rendered program g vent- .
erifile et Jar. eynold it on Vine e ut ear m . ; ticrang mother sod fond and Wee- .
night anda crowd Of young ot the trustees of the liolinesville 14 Corley, 1 & 2;heiter oalf,J gooel,ro Cook;
ood time. lea, Taeritceanother least for e thue-ewe wish to ex?rete jambe, J Denholne 2 rr heifer: It church, acknoWledge with nal it7it 100, aTorontoffeniafellow Vt ee 1 rari wOeolwlegiiieh; 0.413eallTwa on d eAm"npiviGn eWlllie ne iot hast
tram here took in thIllga33110r1 'fair on abd Hetet O'iveii; Delo, 4•A letter edgea
blacke" Zelda, McRae; duet, Kate
rom Clinton Were present, to - Methodist church, we have been re• aged butt, It Corley; bul1,2 vs and under Ot
OW with *Ivo% and refinri, ttbout to retneee frOM Our roast -lit Other regiteered breed-Milah tow A H the Et:worth League of Tarsier's oho avery°seeemeo quite noineer contest &Montt OgIrlel oust( Jean ocutt
Mlle *Ill he he d at Pattie ynold're to eou Mu' eine*. apprecletion o the Hemmondevesr old he &OLE( flanimone; thattke the kindnesir of Rev, Gi • mid" hot, Among others.beinv 0, w
44 -
IselfelenYine and gratuitede eervides heifer oat J Dertholte, Gredeatilleb cow fold. for the presentation of a doteen Tobbot l000lort Hardy T Meoon ana any uhrliseld. Douglas Bteetal
it tie/ Zelda McRae' duet, Mieses
We regret/ the fact/ of Your leaoillit 2` Yr ("he telt a 04" I tt 2; heir". liaMb °d t° re"fiffill gentlernala far the Watkine. of this Maitland eon.. "hilted ieedero Misses L. Midler And Jean
which you 'Ave rendered our °Mirth, hating raised °elf in 1900, Barr, Id bookt vritioh Were added to the loar, uttand the wall•known gram tee n,
a to and 0. VVieeetnitio contest.,
I add ess
4. as organist during the Peet four years. HertitonO rt old heifer. Harrison 1 & librara A. Vote °Menlo was tender- Lye!" and o. Roo Mee ie. ous n
end hope ere long to have you bac dook, Oarr; aser calf, 13tire, D Soon at gifts. friends in the villAge this Week. ij letter tide se nn ng: r •
orosossoseseitie moo west among us again ; iu the meantime we Son; 2yr old steer, J Barr, T Roes;yr old • Mr Hamilton presidene of the Moron
abut boo rong,,,g from ee - ask yoUr acceptance of thitt Slight 60- ililter,t) POW *fetal & Ofet "tear, Rosa • NIIII , • Presbyterial minion band. The soeliir
in the shade 7 keowledgentent of our . indebtednese 1& 2; fa cow or heifer, J Snell, J Barr; o Iottnects.-.Henneth. Morrie And hie •
nosatillor• given • by the Endeavor Society Tuee-
(*20 00 id gold) and We pre that up- herd of gable, Barr, dau later Attie leave nest week for Noirts.-A.fter li ring, illness. day eVeniog .Wits a very pteety one.
b the ladies who
on you nney teat God's tic est bless- SPEOIAC PRIZhS--raiey Vet lase Bo 610* where thv tante re- Santee ft 111 '0
at ' Dungannon on Friday evening. Mother. The reeldente of Beautifier Wad given a part of a lea, and the cot-
V fog, and that you may be used naore t 1 life at and well wooed out
y Lionasthing in the ranted aol re or 8 g Ont..
d MO f hi 1 Noitymea plateau; °pan ba tit era, ono ode, Many from here ettendaa Dun. the ripe old itga of 1.,Yeart. We are had charge, and who eeerve credit far
W. .1%.1,11,21X, Treasurer. ;vanly1-3:: home* horse and hdah to single 106151011 fair Friday, Miss minsit, afc.. pleased tes greet gernieu MitedeloThe ite emcees. It wee quite a travel afar
ig and dri
V Onee round, the ring, G Nott • v Otte took pat in the comae given troth, *no is epenaing•week witn his -a "maple lest" tocial. Each lady
great Oat more imitating J. Gauger. treterore
iew pew. tiokierst AVOTIOIV Sikrall..*T. C. Pickard will
Mies Sruelt ',merit a taw ay* at her were Much.grieved last Sabbath tel tlee responding half %vas held by *gentle -
to be her Belentt fur au • -
inure roan who was
• lifeloktro Welk. Turkey, dispose of his farm attrck and imple. aoderten,
fas rttl, goadY Link' - 'bents on Thursday, Oct. 251 he is re. hant)dinAe telVIcOttarbttlrnneyitittur "Mt end Ms tualtharifirl f°0rotbasIllr;e6wItAthobiPtse gthit la per. A oPlelAla Pregra- °I.1410*48--- fUP"
atiaainaralik 144obstars tiringefroto farraing, and tiVetything warafrairtdi°ffandttaaseF firs Trhethat" Tebbutt, all of ft I 1 Ited neV041314006t0d. Quite feort *Oro betr""ellS' °bairIllAtir6' "d 8' lit /3
° "let" 1 " " Attended the ,revival services at, Nilo MeTavishi chorue, orchestrau ecliation,
iitstrintstormb ed trona Oapt, Clark the dwelling on ittestit4Y. 24"1 init lit the Banaliton:Asitinew the Wand Wil,21.:Itithil',VI81°4„..8elegiutrtlf ar=teti
thsin le nothing niter James; 'reeding, Mists Willidrit take biles
Mies Mettle Houston; solo, Mitts °able
as elloe er an • R Monti/ain't one day last week
611011141h %Arlen", "C• aPid without reserve. J, glitott some residence to Mr Leith last Week.
SAtotsa-e0hatt. Stewart 'will have an
a.ue oneer. it , f God 1 h t Wnehl
°Apt. IPeatherstonhangh hes purchae. auction Sale of hie farin etelek on Wad.
ent Sunday in the village, MOUrt bieS JAff. Addison hee eold her - iarm r oono "deL°W4 411" hlin `4"" " 421:1"°"—"*" that. Irnein:11 :reit wagispirit=rt:
bOoTite..-.Miteee Ida and Eve, Cole, of 'Wellesley street occupied by Mr Oil" torro. Iten..no.„,tir Morrissold his ri.,„tir Aw. at! r 6
1 t d 1 te n Aali run' this draperies IL was great ing to
Offer°, he has rented hie
Jurybrou ht * WA bill the muri01 nst
• a if yoi talliatitaileetill
ay jelly ittlde different
stort ktskarlethltiogr.
CsalkYor Make eat So
M 8 ets gotis Visit to residence on Britannia. road to W, be o h
to her home Staffa. Iliram Maher Proudfoot has purchrteed Seeg- Outtnoto-Thrtival nervicaa which t ....d .6.1..,.... Me30$ Teetare terlittation, Yonne. folks %thee, RAW. '1. J. ur.
frlende. AIre Herviliton has returned,' Whltely, of Goderieh towrishi, Wm. the 18th inst. The Htimiltoe City Council declined. see ettell It !Arse num e til‘r
II. Cook bed A Suecerieful weed be on rick aud Waterloo streete. weeks,'cloolt on Sunday evioninuthe of 16 " itlate" divat or Pastor ekehampid pulpits on Sunday '
drew tor* or three years' supply ok Sit Wilfred Lestitt's kW -broth*, tittered. Eyangelist Ma* Couitoolly le e true mai *rot
re Ott as g ne
hada In Valtieble hot -se die lot week. W. miller's hotise on the corner of St. Pet• have been °seri on fere the hoe two bet VI:: his Orshill tt MOnth leiefe duel*, Alf the Oat therth, and the
ilkidxy, when thirty Meth with teams .... babel Week ight tare. Will is- The Grout jury at itgiiiignin *vitt evertitsg.
wool J. Parish took the topic at Oharlet:gageltrier, is 6 064141hlatil in leo Itred ttendaty night te at crowded tad016 throe otitor !rectors of the hank Rt. DrBorden and family hove
League last Sabbath evening. / lama . buthie• ArMiekkforxon otor to dietiliud. rm.
etaterried te Ottork 'froth tiostantl.
or Eyeglasses
biro be eithet en ornadent or
a disfigurement to the couraten.
snore acitordittg to the beauty
of design end pelletal% nt tbe
We have the leterst etteigne in .t
spectate" sal emboli*: the
trebles are eat of that Minty
oharsoter which ere eltreee
'losing their atoms. bat there.
nobly subetentist end ot the
MOO approved -shapes,
Ada to this ilia foot that the
asesee ars fitted in the most
trelentitle mariner, end vie .
heve reel doodad OM hoer
the gloom ate worn,
Our ohargss art ocideretet,
A. 3. Gri
Jeweller end Optisials,