HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-10-12, Page 9•
October 12, 1900
NoTite. -The corporation workmen nese men ahould be cartel:rho:it ; the •
it are IrnProving Maio street. The liver.. Onntoa man. who get a hip panting
ies of town had every horse out on done Out Of town hae no legitimate
Wednesdays bound for ;Blyth fair. A 000,1)1404 to register against his
FRIDAL OT 12s 1900 , in:terry-go-round Went through Olirn t neighbor, who purehaeed some other
ten on Monday evening; It went to cOMModliq in the city, but both do
LOCAL NOTICES, Blyth to gather In the shekels. Next I wrong, Mr and Mr. J. thrusters enter.
Receive:kg imitiy_peatibes, plueis, crapes, 'Thursday, Oct. 18, le Thanksgiving ' tabled at tea* number of friend's On
Dwitay let:7 tahraettAheletapfltrezreaocao0Tinagt Boanyr. lash:IVO:lade) igeeynetnoltntgh, ai3eBil. vAteremphbge,
Poore. ate. OANTgliatatIlktAl•
• gOVni 0001CIL
- UPTURNING ORRIOUR roa w uvaoi titikhillas90111 tiki'rd'rolt:7:1;k3ric az" and 2:i. /fif9irtr:: 7alltrtig" .agliel34134
ton; t poor I s bee buv
4 -At a ecen t MeethiR ot the Executive Plotted to his new place the. Other day. orm resters which tus agent WM gelling
Committee of the Wept Huron Liberal It will not be long before- We take Off , the other day ; by their use the Ow
Moi iB, ot 001brne
o, seconded bY Mr doors, W. Coats ex on have put In a pad holder Will alma offered for fele
Agsociation, on :notion of Mr Hat ry our screen doom and put un tbe storm 1 Mira. and magnerebecome destroyed;
M 1) 1- two deem Inesindeseent lights in their but the cool y in not so stringent
Only the best of the season's mantle styles are here
None but tbose stamped with the seal of Dame Fashion's ap-
proval have found admittance to 'his, the best mantle stocy
this store has ever known. One strong point of the stock is
, 11(4,11083. • There are over 125 garments here to select from,
every one braqd new, bought • for this fall's selling, and the
whole stock representing the cream of this seaedn's styles.
There's no such. collection of high-class, up-to'date mantles
anywhere near here and these few price hints will give you
an idea of the. down -right good values: .
Ina 'ill niggerhead Mantle. firm cloth I_ Good quality of beaver, most popular
• , ehadea of fawn, pea.ri buttons, vel•
that will give'good. wear, mist col-,
jar, 6 metal botone, odd Homo, t 75 Vrft$ holler, roeensed :linings, one
o. t_e _est styles we s_ow, gar.
has a very stylish appearance.... •.
men% that hes a good appearance 0,, aim
and will weer well... .. . . . , . ,.. I .4 tIP
Fine quality of beaver, velve't collar,
Mack niggerhead mantles, newest .
out, 6 pearl bottons, silk lined. a A
84 Heil and serviceable earesear., aome AUX lined, pearl buttons, newest '
, auk -shades of red, grey, fawn and 5
biaqk ,
Beaver mantle. coat collar, peon ' Beaver mantles, extra good quality,
buttons, silk lining, one of our pearl bottom), silk lined, edges all
most. palmier styles, assorted x A. eidt etitoliedi sleeves lined, black
shades of fawn, all sizes ' !PAM , or fawn .a. vary bandeome gar-
, ment.. 10.09
• Sn.'
Fine quality block iiiggerbesd, coat , - Extra good quality, fawn and black •
collar, •silk lined, handsomely " fp, kersey manties,no two alike,Silk
trimmed with braid.. very •stylish gli.,../0 or satin lined, elegant garments 1X-Vil
1Vihntles at $1 75 ' . 'u .
0 • • '
. Mantles at $2.50.
tog,reeve;•of was effee'ed as a" •'""tli 61"""
Returning-01110er for tine riding'. Barber Ches.
Partisan. Atiostntsz-Alfred or1:14;;Kli; vbichn.
rioked upon a; a
suffered much pain for a hile from an
Blyth fair is alwaye
b f- ti t 4 4
great attraction every year; a 'ergs
on owing th Rey. W., G. Howson
Is sufferlpg from a *ewe cold this
week. W. J'acksop, local ticket Vent,
0. P. %I Vice president of theCen-
adien Ticket Agentle ,ftea'n,, and re-
UUI accident he received at uae ortzta Wd d d bi th h
a rip savi a hoard flow Amok and strut ing. Beautifulantuonnal tints are nOW Hamilton this weekt the program in-
to hear of the serious illness of the wife sacra trip to uskoka on Thursd y.
for a week, end will not be able to re -
tory last week. While at. -Ivor with nes 143"4 an "1300 g Oa et. e at t e *antra meeting bold
wit ea the abodii3-oit-lw was e to be seen On the trees. We are O ! chided a banquet on Wednesday nigaht
aurae wen k for sorne time, HenrT Baker. of Albert streets and Thelatt nillittof October is Hallowe'en.
„ hope to earn of her speedy recovery. This week as been a very lively one
Fnold Antome,-The peOPle of Owl° Miss Susie -Steep, formerly of Clinton, for Operegoers; the town hail was en -
ton will have the opportunity of hear- daughter of the late Abir Steep, Vt,s gaged by an_entertoment of some
big Mr. Frederick •Hamilton, the War married In Toronto, on the 204, to Eh Mr sort every evening except Wednesday,
CorresPondent of the Toronto .Gllobe, Toppin• of that city. H. Ker son of ana this was preYer Meeting Art for
the town hall on Saturday evenings several days by a large and Painful ab -4 belongings of the club which were ad -
of as one of the most•entertaining lec-
00.18. Mr. Hamilton is highly.spoken scess on his face. The phenomenallY i vertised to be sold at Mcl'aggett's bank
warm 'Weather of the early part of Oc- last Monday have been bought by D. A.
tirers on the road today. mr Hamilton tober is over; it is rare for the thermo- Forrester. The London train down. on
wept out with the let Contingent', meter to Stand as high this month as it I Monday Morning killed a cow at
along with Olinton's hero. Ben Webb.
give one of his lectures and VleWs in Peter Ker, has been leld off 4ork for the churches. The furniture an other
did last week. Potatoes are a good Londeshoro; evidences of it were yasibie
erop endure 25c per bushel. Judging r n the cow catcher of the engine'.
STOCK NOTES.- W. Oleon, of Stan-
ley. shipped this week two choice Lei-
".ebersetAre'rrnm iambe, thorobred, to a
in Manitoba, for which he re•
(*rived a good " He also disposed
of his aged stock ram, which was a
very tine animal, at Bayfield Show, to
Snowdon- Bros;, • of the Sauble line,
Stanley; this animal was one Of the
best in the county,and realized a high
THE SIDEWALKS. -No more gram>
lithic walks will be laid this year, and
;:toritliedafor has been done. !Trig:, Leriati
y little. over half. of t s ti
th t i front of the Public Libra.
and as the contractor Will not guaran-
tee any 'more laid down now owing to
was a n
the f oat at this Mule et the year, the
•VV,e have 1 mantles to sell at these Prices because
we carried them over from last season: They have been
• kept separate, 1106 not been milted with this falls' brand
new stock. They must be tOtent, of the ytay at once so •
• go on sale Saw/May at p.4 12i0at are but a fraction of
their original. %os are all good and with
&little alternation they can be made suitable 'for this 800. ;
. sons wear; - Ileie's-Irdescription of thein. _Better , come
Saturday or early next week for best choice.
Irish, and Dutch tor:tale "
ratepayet:s who were anxious for new
walks will have to wait until r met
spring to be aceonimodirted, and' there
are a number of them. .
SIDE TBACKED,-This comedy -drama
which was given by the A. Q. Scam
mon Co. on ,Monday evening was a
Merry coniedy. which , produced any
amounts)! laughter. The, plot, is not
deep nor intensely dramatic, but the
1 piece wae.very funny throttghont; itse
'interest -depended largely -up nrth
grotesnueness,efthe tramp, the•other
'characters -the ,:,polished villain, -the
by rurnors, the !melding soinion is not
yet over. In the Bayfield prize list
last we. k. Dr. Woods was giveo credit
On Tuesday evening, Oct. 16, the Mc-
Kanlass Concert Co. will give a grand
entertainment in the hall, see bills for
for ho,y log obtained the prize for Nati- particulars; this compel iy epoken of
ster; this was a mistake, air T. very highly: PreMiee L3ttrier will Ad -
King, of town, was the prise winner. -dress a meeting in Stratford on Wed -
a, W. Irwin's grocery front received a •nesday, the 17th; return tickets for sin- .
new dress of paint the other day by T.• (de first clan fare on all railways.
I, Fisher; J, Copp's men refreshed .
with paint,the Perrin block on Rotten- AN OLD .f,...ADY GONL-Intimation
bury St. J.McGuires of the Clarendon has been received by Us that Mrs Geo.
hotel, has torn down' the back sheds Skelding. mother of Mrs Oev.) R. H.
which adjoins the otel stable. and Hall, had passed • peacefully away at
' tin •
bee of pretty' girls adding materially
IntereritraLi-to T.
fOrmance was-yaried by: a number, of
specialties it: dances-a:in fonmetc. They
had a very good honor.. .
SUARerre OM; WATER.--Olinton has
14 Niggerhead, beaveutna. frieze
mantles, nearly a.WA, ilaok, a
triton -in "the logomaterhilii
that will stand iota of hari
wear, sold regularly for $350
to $6, because they were car-
ried over we let them go at
your chide° for . • ' , • 11.."1,0
. •
_111Extre qaelity.nigeerhead
- beaver mantleagood coats that
would , need little alternation,
some sold for $6; some as high
• as $10, because they were oar-
- yied ,oVer we clear -them nut
atiottr ehoirse ... .... '4.0V
At these prices there's not likely to be one of them,
left in a weeks time. People who buy them will save;
money. Those who come early will get the best choice.
sivw.A~~amioav .0A0,0Aia000~
The Right Millinery -
No need for us' to tell you that the right kind of Millinery
is here, the kind that is just what.it ought to be in every par-
ticular. Judging by the business -we are doing most people
have come to that conclusion. Among this week's arrivals are
New eating Hats
.1‘lew Pelt Shapes
New Fancy Trimmings
. New Grey Birds and Wings
If convenient yoli will find it better to do your Millinery
shopping in the morning we are never as busy then as in the
Wool and
We opened this week three We've got a blanket stock
lines of American —Caton This seasou Eatis -bigger and
Blankets. They are all good better than any we have ever
weights,full size, strong, soft had. It's a stock of good
and. nappy. You will find blankets. Our large union
them very comfortable if used blankets at $2.65 is greatvaltte
as sheets these cold nights and and this week we opened some
they wear well. 'Three colors all wool ones that are extra
Grey, Cream, Fawn. 'good at •
95c, $1.25, $1.35 a pair. $4.00 and $5.00 a pair
An Extra Bargain in
• Flannelette Gourns
How can it -pay you to make them up when
you can buy as good, as these for so little
• nioney. This is the smallest price we have
ever asked for such qualities
Ladies' fiennelettegonne. tick Of strong flannelette assorted' taneys 8 IT 18 A. BEAUTY. -Even 11
will re -build a large riving shed 60x181 herbome in Aylmec on Monday, the
this will not only be a great improve. 8tn hurt, at the old and respected age
inent in appearance but is to.be put op of 92Years.
for the farmers' convenience. We are
WHERE TO Thursday. evening
pleased to see Bd. Rowed OUt again af- moving picture entertainment; Friday
ter his painful. confinement from' bis.
t 83rd'Batt. Band concert; Sat -
i ecent accident. ' Clinton was well re- urdav evening, Fred Hamilton, war
presented at the tea -meeting on Mon- correspondent of Toronto Globe, Anus -
day evening held in connectiun with tooted lecture oti South A.frica; Tues.
Holnoesyille Methodist church anniver- d 0 t 16 M nlass concert
ay, c • , eKa • .
.sary; we bear that a number Of heavy- _ .,,,
eaters from town were carried. away lit. lt,..aak.vaeltiaTE .SPOETsi-The re -
from the table (from . eonsunoptron); maining two races of .that, collellat,e.
evidently Some paetteentyl•pr these ygoaaniretati w*ahriachrulianaieffhaedn tmhaer;dilaeyld, „trey:.
featite. Many of •our citizens may 13!k
seenthese mornings with .naskets fey' big, Oneat the park, and the other at
.of moshroons;thiaie H4ehcacy• osis theisehool.- -One-third mile • was 'woo
-relished by many.-..": 4 reproduction . of bly.1,it:lfriLetid;:2..iid:L:1141Y-ar t. -Steeple
' a drawing from memory by - Walter charm., 1st ging, 2nd Helyar: , The
Holmes was in last Saturday's Globeln ,chimpionsh_ip mai Was woo by McLeod
the children's circle department. !per°, , ,,,r ii.
-(10y4s; 6.Uji a oartffSgraanulvisa-2-!1"31 he, J.TIR ,BEAT 1.42)./mrpt,..7.111pwri iu,r0,,
' are lots of boatel -0 po the dr-esti-.7Single nrst clese fares er. a
trip will be wee, the
es to '.•
'booked by many for this • sport, Clue , 3a ail railways
J. Wheatley:is:around this week with ,Stratford for thegreat Laur el_. Ina .0. _
km in the Stratford rink, .on. rd4it.
A good well printed cloth. bound book for 15c.
You say preposterous?
But wait.
Not many years ago a ship was required to tarry
a message across the ocean. It was the only way
A press of the finger does it now. -
At one time you would pay a hundred dollars for
what you can get for one in printing and paper. It
was the only. way then known of producing books.
But there is another way now of producing even
better results—a sort of press the finger way.
We can't give you the history of it all, you know
something of it. Its progress-7that's all.
Rather startling would be the story of comparisons
and merits We could claim if we had the spate, for
this 16ebook,of ours, and we have a large list near-
ly two laundrafrom which to select. But remember
the ship which is still doing business not carry-
ing telegrams;
We offer this great big value in a book for the
money there is in it for us.. Save your money and
*Wendy make some for ourself.
Any objection to that? •.
The W. Di FAIR 00, Clinton.
l'Olten the Cheapest—Always the Best."
notices, remembering' the ratermYers day. October 17th. at Sir that taxes are becoming due. Alnong era Laurier, Framer of Canada,Sirthe shipments from the Chriton station R' h rd 0 rtwri ht, Minister of T
other portion i of the county this Year load of hogs by Cantelon 8t. Welke for
car and Commerce. Jeorge Goetz, Liberal
been more highly favored then some this week were ;. on Monday, dike
• .
candidate' for North Perth, D. K. Erb,
.in the Matter of rain and the water the Dan, and on Tuesday a car of osp- ht.po,,for south Perth, and many other
Supply.. TOwards the lake shore there on byHowunams &Everett for Bus- notable supporter's of the Laurier ad.
.has. been ranch less rain than con. Photographer 1?. 0. Burgess has
in . the • northwestern corner of painted by artist, X. J. Fisher. W. N. ministration will be present and de-
hisce, and at " present farmers put up a nice nev4 eign which _was
'Colborne and' parts of •Ashlield walker is making some very nice foot. liver addresses. A special train !poi be ,
run front all points in the vicinity. of
stools. Commencing on TuesdaysNot. Stratford returning after the meeting.
18, olyil service examinatione -will h A cordial inyitation is extended to the
held at different points iti Canada. A7t1' general public. This great priyilge of
impression is abroad that (PHA can :/:10- iheetaarioadghtihseagtorl ea great
fan; livs ter; toor tradd trade rear%
are suffering severely from t he drough t.
In some parts of that section the far-
I....triers have not/et done their fall plow.
ing, as the bin 18 ,80 dry, ant:. cattle
have to be driven long distanees for
water. There are numbers of fairners
who have not a drop of water an their
farms' for any purpose -domestic or
otherwise-atd utiless rale ern comes,'
and that verycopiotboy.tt will produce
a Serious condition of affairs.
I SCHOOL 130AM:b.-The regular meet-
• ing for October was held on Monday
evening, J. B. Hoover presiding, The
Monthly report of Prineipal Lough,
was read: -Attendance for September
wae boys 214, girls 185, total 8£0, aver-
age 853; 8 maps were ordered and sum
of s127:75 has been collected in fee& by
the Principal. The teachers who are
all doing geod work and preserve dis-
cipline, were recornmendeti re-engage-
ment." TY ran rootlets by Mestere Hod -
gens and Stevenson upon repeat ot
Misses Tama and Comber an increase
of salary to the amount of $20 each Whil
granted and the other teachers; were
also re-engaged. Tenders for the fence
in front of the school will be closed on
the 20th. The account of Davis dz.
Rowland for $3.74 was paid,
monthly meeting of the Library Board
was held_ on Monday evening last; the •
_arrito oftheIlreiral.,11indtrai :tea roars ir:sytoet;a1bbl:.
of 1713`12, bocliles isialed, 078, and total
Blenaberebit, On Sept. 80th of 429, there
being an increase of 10 for the month.
coinnhittee to year's
:chare of ,(14131112 n tgh: :rutii
the latest publications, These new
books will be on the shelves in a few
weeks. We learn that the following. -
. books have been added recently: -The
Red Rat's Daughter, by Giiy Boothby;
The White King of Manoa; J. Hatton;
The Translation of a Savage, G. Parker; •
Phrase. Anthony Hope; Menprat, Geo.
Sand; The Gold of Ohiekaree, S. ek A.
Warner; Roger Kyffin'il Wart, W. G.
Iiingston; Wary Marston, G• Macdona
ald; The White Cockade, Jamee Grant;
The Or/b.:MI' of Eden, Annie Swan; The
Vicar's Daughter, Geo. Macdonald;
Soars? the Meld, Anon; The Colville
Family, F. Smedley; Miss Dexie, Stan..
ford Eveleth; The 'World at 1/01:000 S.
at A. Warner; A Clerk of Oxford, Lev-
ekett Green; PrlscllI., Lettetett Green,
sold the same as any othor bird; .a
sportsman may shoot this bird for> Ms commerce,Sir Richard,as well as other
parliamentary speakers should not be
own wie but the law prevents him sell- missed. It Is altogether likely. that a
ing them until the year 1905. A 'busir large crowd from (motor, will go. ,
Seasonable Footwear ;
At Reasonable Prices ;
• r
at the Old Reliable,
• •
We are (From the record of the past year'e 1n:sinews that
our efforts to supply the publin wish the very beet
values it the market have been eminently sue -
(Anatol. ' •
Our 4n-"ee'nn4° The steady ineresee of onr trede betokena g'
Mg confdence nd :mmolation oUp-Io Dat
Good '
s and Methods.,
For thepaAipi pans rodaeWh:nng'c
oeXuttwedillby none or
uonzasvioie ieqarauptdriaeribeand e
tiaat .shwaamakear•
and have mane Quality a first consideration
, you must have good shoes for the odd and sloppy
Season weather.
We want /Our patronage and the inducement we offer is the beet goods
in the market at very close prices for Cash. Itwill pay yon to see our Stock
and get out prises. •
I NO trouble' to show goods. Goods weIttaught are half solds Fall stook
of Granby and CanadiairRnbbers, •
W. Taylor Son
Cashand l)ne ;erica Eggs take* Cash
, • Insurance office it the *tote "
.11"1111411014111111°1111111' **I"
ii\ •
-,. • • ,4
44•444.1444.0÷04÷.4.4"•••••••44.404.44441•44•7•44111441 /.14.40-•
1 1 , el! u 1 ‘ gi . 1 0 A I I I 111
.. . .. .
. . .
. . .. ' . ......• . . : 1U,
410, Sensational
stripea, fest colon welt made, collar and front trimmed with frilling C to person
of geode, extra ripe:nal yalitent . . ....... .... . in could not ban but prelim, the beauti-
rt work which Mi ,,40400.H.1!1#00110/00!MOVAP Vii/AAAAMAAMINAAWANIMN teagtrwa, VOW" irkeglitedir•the
Win ham fa. 0.144 p n end
75e. and $1.00, Underwear ti
Wu nit „a TOW hatiner.Vit claho
Ifqr Fifty Cents.
We have bargain in mea's under-
wear Vittt wi 1 b i!. the balk of the under.
wear trade our way. We 011000rded in
getting about 80 dozen fleece -lined shirts
and armors that were :thrown - out by the
mills because of some slight imperfection.
So-%slifht is it In most oases that you would not notice it
Noterot not pointed out to you, not great enough in any
case -to *toiler° with the wear. We bought them away
below value or we could not sell them at any such price.
t, WWI 110.0. Hoot usderweir, Shirk or drawers, cotton or Yad 01 1{
• ifeecervery setefettable and Will giro ereeliattt *Mktg
and $1.00 gnalities, a *sty epsciel bagels, the get en
rat* ban** thrittnieneiMis" of which
Are 5XXIfeeti Mb yet Wean& redelik
with vice versa velvet and satin,
and is enhanCfd by gold fringad
trimming.. ars 208 letteta,:
12: ottitolnwsr renrese
:No, 714,, orlotte,:isious .asid hairnotFas
Mien * at h csitno;t6 4.41;i:Eordt
Memory ing III; No Sup!
_ render, ," and other mOttoet01.
= the revre ride the lifeiisepleture Jt
Our Grout Majeklityt the Queen, bi-
ennia; ihiseentin of this Wreath; itlideoi
showe a number of emblems, and the
words “Qur God, our Country , our
Qtl'eeb-Brit Ishconnecthwr; love; truth,
_, twits, loyalty, Me." Every one who
has hiul,the Idolokitiriateititlg thie twar.
;ler hie **onward . admiratiOtt of Misi
Grabitrifi artistic ability. Not only
were the letter" well and perfectly
forated,,4t, * her.
_ *may.. r fa mis th. rad
- tit
go. )iles Graham
bait nuottetrinlatittri
Our great sale of Men's, Ladies', Misses', Boys' and -Children's sh.oes-and- rubbers,
commences on Saturday next and will last till this special iCit is .-disposed of. Never
before -lave -the people Of thikr section had such a- chance to Bemire cheap goods and -
the OliQS that are here first will certainly get the choice
We have had a great mant:"Ales during the past fifteen years, sales which. have
been very successful and this greit shoe sale will be no exception to the rule.
ur Stock of Fine Shirts.
Is perhaps the largegt and most completein, this section of the
country and with us you, see the choicest goods to be obtained in the
best markets itt the world.
Our -Prices aro • $ $1,25 and $1.50a
ii100)1EFIlir •
„ .No 112 is -a line of black cashmere hosiery which we have handled for
10 years past. We sell them to our customers all over the Dominion. and
they are admitted :to be'7) the b,est goods for the money on the market.
price is 50c ancl you cattget them in all sizes.
Mate* CIO •
At stenos to reason that Whig manufacturers of clothing and selling direct to the consumer that we con WI, better
goods and quote lower prices than most people. There are still some people who go along in the Same omway, paying three
or four profits on their purchases, and who do not stop to figure this out. Our stook at the present ,time fully (hinbastai60.
this. We Are selling suits at $10 that some people are getting $14 and $15 for, simply because bnyers won't look
and toe what is going. , Most people in this section are independent and can afford to buy when they like, and
well to drive Milts to see our stock'Our doable breasted serge suits, extension facings, buttes holia votive&
altogethitfr a tint clatwsluittlt*tenishes buyers when we quote only $10 for the suit. They have been remarkable oft*