HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-10-12, Page 8eeeemeeee,meseeleseereraseeirerreenerweee
is dered, W. Scott. Judaea -.I Lane,
4 I foundrya raedi- Lanes; W Sutherland, Whitechiti ch,
POeTIMIST.-Geeee, R SCott; turkeys, The third annual colvention of the Eta.
eine ef' blest=
g to me W aeott• Bede A. Rroctott ducks, P ten wonky W. 0T. V vraelield in the
. Gibbon; s it as A Pivotal. plymouth Olyth Methodie *huroill.:on the 28th ult.
' er,*- ... sgb o tinHenderson sit 2; open. Prelate's/4 geld ed. contleation wee
an Jay. faird)v. .rtinkOr P/ frOetert aendellient r/fisa•Fisher. Melbas*, alante 'doe
White Blhhenera
; 1_,TX.Veirdereelt 142; beahulas, T opened by re, ylar Young, of -ielyth,
M, tienderewel sh 2 judge -e4 G Stet!. conducting devotional exerokeit, her
art; Wilighern. • • which Mies Fishertusurned the *hair end
• ItePentteasee-Pulnp, P. Showers ae 7 called upon the, recording seereteryt Mrs.
4 ().013it. 418,44.White fell seheat•lit flar. °Utile preview; trouventien, which ',were
MeGillioaddy, of Goderiell, for the ululates
rtsun,4j Scott; :ed fuII wiaeat,, It etc, reed •end appreyed., The owerespo.eding
•'" "Murray, R Scott; spring Wheat, .14 0 eeretarythire. Alex. Base of 'Winghem,
Alctiowaej 0 McClelland; Wheat attY. then reed rePorte from the lead Indents, Mr
Rettdereon; We rowed bele , of -Whibh were adopted by the converition,
'edenaereem; It Scott; white . 'wean/31re. E. P. Panne of Whiebere, is.
• '°2. i; '• Ott% IA:" ak • Heetlerimin, .11 ./Ed wattle; ported on the gospel tensperence Work
'onset, pees,,R'Scett; barge. peetia ;Spar lWingham. Lithe abeence of', the °minty,
ere are, 'egitiywiii;,,,te•of elh1ijg thot seed,J Altotellt EdWardisetiinothy, ltreasuter, ?Lire. M. Y. McLain; of •Seastorth,
311,t :leeleeiee !*,(- e t
"PIO. tibial()) Things." tstel intrullture in 1809, the last
eves year of onservitive rule, $41,702, -
to (I stlim ii lace in 1899, the
lest Yost 01for
Liberal ride' tor whistle
complete figural ire to hand, $51,-
842,033; eetimeted expenditure
the (turret* throat year, $50,312,527.
-Montreel War,
Oath *as the ;style; of s ini.ter rated,
. and what &pease to things of Mete opt) lee
with, double twee to matters, oenaernioe
health. ' Wtren it le maid Wet ths Poolleter
- Boluellie Kidney 'Tablets °welt intelligent-
ly used, care all kidney and bladder
trouble., and such disease* ars mu be tree*
dd to, a stuggish orimperfeot kidney station.
it is shawl backed up b,y poeitive, proof
and tesifiniouy of mule reputing° , pawn,
/ simnel one who ts ;glad and willing, to tell the
*crldthe remelts obtainer'. Tbo following
lestintonist of Mrs W. Eaton, 10 Foaming
*44,Teitontre has *ram of truth, and bears
claim that itie ri °ere beyond it
fleet week. The weather. was de# hornoarrots, G David, It & A Proctor; -are sufficiently advanced to use text books ed an artillery company at' Goderich
\#.4+++++.4+4-"*"...444-AThe cold storage system, perieoted:"
and impreved by the Laurier gose.
eminent, increased the -export and
value of bitter, in three years, by
$3,623,718 '
afteranether reib thelemether of her
heautratid strength. Igen de net ueuallY
molize how much °tho'inetther gives to
•Wk child to tie* ontt lee% Welnett:
accept It as 'plat Of the Obligation of
Nature and pay the debt grudgingly.°
V* in. Netnee'n, plan. every child , ia a
_now jat_and•ftesh" happiness. ,It Isn't
the children that -steal. /the mother's
ngth. is the'uneatutal•dreine and
tt-vehie,h 'weaken he...
bei used ,ler.Pierhe's
linvorite Mee.seription has found hi it the
One „thing • woman has • waited -for. It
steps the drab**, heals inflanunation and
eration, Makes the baby's Advent,*
e • and ° his life a blesling. NO
tee 'Oh narentleW' eanteined itt
vorite Prebeription.' •
z read what your medicine had done Mr ether'
le," writes Mrs. Edwin PL Gardner, Box 70,
'rchwood, Noriblk Co., Mass., " so thought
•Eyrould try it, and I found that it was blessing
:tante and my family. ',began in June and took
lila bottle' of your medicine, and three' vials of
'Pellets,' I talk your medicine it year when I
41,1ton,d Spw.r.••,) ',1udgetrW thetsteseurer's report. wettread.bylitor Cohn
.f." FRUIT' 'AND ifii:OWEija, "Applesii•- leslandeA on heed: eta4h; negen ..ieserfele
mor.es Plytb, • , • r Qklupbfrit, of Goderion e., goon
4ioletere enseet, -etiere. Oymingten, F that -hire. McLean defeated to. agetn4ltit
Mahone; Baldwins,..R et.MCGpwan, 3iv the dffice Of treasurer, and eeszegrigiert
Geddeet silents: ICV Geddes,' P Gfibbouir- efitOpast• wireless a verrhettety yip() of
ItilandtAreeningeill.Speite J Al. thimble was tarried. •
ton Northern Spar, W. Geddee; - • The tialoWing department. *era reporthd
.Bantrevie,:ef- R --OhiMeqowsku; as tolloete ; Sailor*, ;416.1talle d, br
Dauedatrede, tt.bl McGowan; Gotlerieh ; gaol, Mrs A9beroo, :9f 'Gado,
• King of Tompkins, T Henderson, A Babbeill observance, illre Rotunda, Of
B.Darrill Varieties. winter ••applike, Seatorth•; sedentitio teroperencein
Wesecter, Sp_eltefleatieties fah apt Mrs ' Aoheiron ; lumbermen'. Work, 'lire
pie,• •I SOpir! W Geddait . fell pearei Eitard,"of Etolmeevillo ;• pram, litre McGee
ticott,;.1 spew; -winter parrot WOoott, liendele, of Goderioh.
J Spar; grapeson, Ise Seining- Disoussion then took 'Mee einentifia
ten; crab ap es, P ribbons; Alton; temperanee instrwitio echoele;
'ItitInge Aire tiler,' Telt, ffendersop; and.the followiog reseoln Ion carried unani.
PeacneseMre ' Piers Nies Syrolegton; mouely : :Whereas, the oiroulere tient art
&election of uit; Se` A Proetori-T :the last meeting. of the Ontario Edema
M Henderson; t hie boitqueti- G David, *mat astooietiore containing some armee;
R A, Prectoretand bququet,G David, tions of change re Imbroglio °temperer*
R Prector;flower in pot, A B Oarr. Instruction in the publio solniole that are
Judgee-A W Biome Frank Metcelf, decidedly objeotionable to the Wf 1r3T. U.
aud !Heade ot temperate* in the province,
, !eel a tenwrund girl. ,•1 had tee easiest time t Robinson & etendersme; omeo...fienum, text book, the (ally .anthorigetk bards ot in--- the York PountY. court, *and !milady
ANIIPAOTURES. -Melina', J Altoli, as the that points to the excluaion of the
- The Star suppresses pert of the
truth. negleute to say that the
Conservatiire expenditure in the
years awned wares follows:
lliest- 67,86%861
t8e6- 49,163,077
1886-e. 84887,668
dtsubt,for the youneeipuldle.aged god aged, ; reererstsrewatereteueteetroeperp.
Mrs Eaton says : eDt- Pitcher's Back.
**Kidney Telelettl have liben of,thegreet.
ist 'benefit tome: Pormerly 1 had so "'"What' is the Time?"
A.1 Ones there would be Weenie Melones. IA booklet with this title, just pub.
biolotohe it 'extended to hiPti endlinthe.
In my hips eed ebnznine. that 'owes very lished by the Chimp, Milwaukee and
diesgreeable eensatiatie: I find that I sin S. Paul Railway, tileoUld not only be
Much invigorated• ulnae rated 4 .bostlo of in the hands of every traveller, but
Jr. Pitcher's, ,Beekache Rideey Tablets,' should have 4 'place on the desk of
My back bap osersyerenfeem,ite lame meal every banker, merchant, ors other bus-
andl ern 1;106013g (v91104110. , Foot inees man. The toile "Time Standards"
experience in aping the Tableta I We which govern. our entite time system
Mach coudderme in than, and highly and which Are morn or less familiar to
eseoretnend, theme • • , the travelling public, but by many
'AgY readopt. dna, paper care tent the Others little understood, are so fully
;write cie Dr, Molter s Baikal:to Sidney explained and illustrated By a series of
Tebletraree by thawing two cents postage ehatte, diagrams and tables that any
for trial package to The PiMher Tablet Co., one who chooses car heconie convey -
Toronto, Ont, _Reorder eine 50 °outs per ;sant with the subject ill question.
brittle There are also sOnie twenty-four tables
by which, •elwoss at a glance, the time
at any place be given, the hour and
Rani 11, IL Rose Dead,
day can be ascertained in the prin.
cipal cities of the world.
• •
Rom Alexander U. Rosie Clerk of A co y of this pamphlet may he bad
ver had th any of my -children.' Ible beim J J Owens; hetne-asade wine;;P, tititeition • the smoond, theentite me_mber of the..f...egittlire- for West
is• rawell since. I took three betties of Favor..
Gkibbon 4 Ait -3 0 W It b rt. nation of' the subject from 'the exiimina. Huron and Provincial Treasurer, died
- --4 ' scrIPt4a4gTe4-1(41°Irt-rdictillis" : ' ' ?‘ (e14 la -fge" ' . e • h 1 t t th fa • f th
...,-. edee eetote .-mielreeeee te .1' dr else no ; :see; Winghem. - - - -
treeing me. setae I took the•Medicine I only .
appetite afia could not eat muchwithout it dia. • in
AOOTS At IIITEGETARLES,r.Elephant tehohintgnogivvaepni,ilt sinettdetwdhnergtga,
- • id T M et d life of
en erson; none, t a en y est 0 e e mot' o q Saturday afternoon in Grace Hospital.
we P believe el elre Illmeoe en months past. and lanaidlehreetaultrlinefdorftern;
weighed !3,5 pounds, and now I weigh , xis." potatoes, av ,
Muskoka about four weeksago. About
. • Dr. Pieree's, Pleasant Pellets clear the . matchless collies. T M Henderson; em. that no knowledge, imPertedin. the sobool
.flataiti:hytleatibillg the body of the 00i-.. Pire State, T Ill.' Henderson, G David; isom equals ill importance that which re. two weeks ago he was re ave y e
e ' d b th
nruption which clouds' it. .
f s
Belgrave Fall Pair.
Thelannual falefair of the East Wee-
evanosh Agricultural Society was held P Gibbons G David; field co. tiflo temperance be provided for, andgrad- Provincial Treasurer. At the time of Poleon & Co., Kingston, -prows,
•on application ' to Geer. fl. Fleaffurd,
Gen. Pees. Agent, Chicago, enclosing .
2c stamp for postage. . • .
• •
IIn the last three years of Conservat,
lave adnenistration there were deli.'
cite of $1,210,302, S4,168,878, and
1330.651, a total of $O,O94,768. in
18964, before the new teriff woe
Mt foto. Mu) dificli was 1520,000.
Wit the iml; three Oars there hive
been big surpluees of $1,722,712,
$4,837,750, and over $7,500,000, a
toed of $141.0004000 surplus,
These pills are, a specific for all
diseases arising from disordered
nerves, weak heart or watery blood.
They cure palpitation, dizziness,
smothering, faint and weak spells. P risDALL
October 12, 190C
The Itioisons Bonk
bacorperated be. Act of Perlis/neat tater
CAPITAL - 419,000,0OG
I REST FUND . #1,660,000
WM. 4191.4011 Preetawth
JrAides Ritter,. Gen. Manater,
Notes discounted, Oulleotions mede, Drat*
Mined," Sterling and Amerioau exchsuge
bought and sold. Intereet *Hewett pa do.
posite. SAT1601 DOR- Intemet allowed at
sums of el and up. Money advanced o
farmers on their own note, with one Le
more endorsers. No mortgage requixee
If. 0. BRIVAIIII. Manager, Clinic/4
D, ifilcIA.GVALD,T.
general Banking Bush, emit.
trandge ten.
Drafts wined. Intereetallowed On
ihortnese. of breath swellid •of feet. "•'•
. _
Advances made to farmers on their can
• notes at low retee ef littered.
and ankles, nervotisness, sleepless.
ness, enennia, hysteria, St. Vitus'
ciapce, partial paralysis, brain Tag,
female complaints, general debility,
p a corns, soft come and lack of vitality. Price IOC. hog,
bleeding corne, hard corns, corns et all
any other variety. G David, fl Ed- :reale the seductive, destruchve nAture ot hospital, where he gradual sank. kinds and of all sizes, are alike removed in
Tender corns ainf I
Deceased was born in Dundee Scot- 0 few days by the use of Prensmer Pain -
wards; cabbage, G Davidf R.& A pew- eloolial.and other rierootece, and 'burring• , .
G David4.1 lePtal abetinenee from POillone; ' therefore re parents in 1883, and never causes pain, never loses() deep . sinful
M . Henderson; long. blood beets, G resolved, that we protest vigorously against settled in Goderich. In 1850 was are - thet are more annoying shan the original
retort treasurer of Huron 'county. discomfort, Gives Putnam's Parnlees
. . •••
ter; -red pickhog cebbage, 0 David, T amply upon plastic minds God's ew of lantleAPril 2, 1829, and came ;;) this less Corn Extrator. Never tails to cure . .
M Henderson;cauliflower,, .. / count withhis.
David, T M Henderson; turnip beets,D the retrogrede movement inaugurated in
le Anderson, Cif Henry; inangold man. the.cironlar, and in addition to the present e held thiePesitien for 25 years, re. Corp Extractor a trial. Beware of imbed.
,zels, G.David, T M Henderson swede regulations we silk that text books on mien. signing In 18M, on his appointment as tutu. Sold by druggists e e h
in, Belgrave on Monday and Tuesday rote, G turnips,David, T lii Henderson; early ed to suit the capacity of all pupils wt 0 the Trent affair, in 1881-02, he orgenie. .
• igh Mlle WI Otpatieglialitly , atter*. parentpse G• David, M Henderson; in grammar. geography and arithmetio, and was . appointed captain of the
etuce *is large. The exhibits were ex. onions) from seed,G Ditvid,T }lender- Mao, that wherever promotion examine. Owe- In 1880, during. the Fenian
-ceedingly good, especially the stock, son; onions any other kind, bt David, T tione,ere in vogue those,who have them in
raid, he was with his company on
legit, roots and vegetables.. Following '31 Henderson; celery, Li David, 1. M heed be requested to give.ecientiao temper- frontier service, and during the same
is the list of prize wieners:- ' -Henderson; corn for table G David same the same pace and value on these ex. ear. was nip/Anted lieutenant -colonel,
HORSES -Fleay.y. Draught -e Brood Mrs !Mee .field corn, G David,. 4 Ed. emus:hens thee is assigned to these Other 0 was firstseleeted to the Provincial ' .
Le • let f • W H" ' ' ' . e!..tt4'*!•-•+*••*‘ta44-0•*0
. - rifare with feat, :D J3 Anderson; J.Oole; Wards; ;water Melon, J Alton, Miss Objects; moreover; that teacherg be ae. atillaa mre for ,,,est Huron in 1875, .. .
Sy,teington; musk ;melon, j Aiton,'•G theragil0 PrePared.7 to :teach Scieetieo ,,,_ ...,11 Noy. let, 1M,•8„. was edmiteed to ....., .
roare foal. • J COle, W Geddes; 2 yew'
nia.fillyi A Robertson, J Speir; •• 2 year • Sowler; pumpkin, G David, W Scat; teinperaans as anything else on the hot .of me blovernment as Plovincta Treasme DOES IT Val' To
.04 gelding,'W II Cruickshank 1 and 2; . • Squash, •te David, ..J. Alton; aitroo_„D B subjects in , Which they are required to. el% . _ y.e es g ed this
'Several' ears agoh - r i ii . . '
year old •liffe, ..R.Nesbit, J Orielr; yete ,'iAtldereon,9 Setyier;e0mateeri,G David,. ditallfre • , .. - 1 • , ' POeit-lon to accept the clerkship .of:
. pin gelding, R Nesbit; team „florses,:3 ett.de A 'Breilet4r1 • beans, P Gibbons, G . Mrs Slater of the Blyth W.Q.T.U., then York. He leaves a wife, four sons and. "
Forester, General' Purpose- Brood . Sowlerfwellection garden vegetablereT: reati an address of webiome to-. the dole. tve9 daughters. • , The remains : were .
near* with ' feel. • W StitekhOulre. B • M Bendersoneindgere-DV-Ioaerencie - gelinl nod UreMoGilliatutely made a ()alai.' • taken • to .Goderich for iutekteent on- '
*Pa: 'II Beaton: that° foal, W Stack- Beigraye; George.Fothergitc Marnoch. ale :reply. - . , - . : • -.! ' ' ' Ttleede•dr. UR waa'a man of taterlirig
hoime, IxAtneri4 hoes° foal,' WeStadk. .••• Demme Peteesinge-Paierbutter, Mee The following officers were eta:deafer the' inte nt and honor. ••• He wee IktYlpta6.
house, I/ Deleon; 2' year old Bile. .1 GtOole, ft & A•Proctor; crock butte/eel ensunig year: President, MUM Faber,- el tee or t e late jos. Whitehead . When
Atbrton, 0 Robertson; year old gel lug, rolls or prints, Mrs A B (Jam .Bles 0 beaforth ; recording secretary, Mreldoelie Huron Ron. inn) Goderich and Was BO.
Sowler; 10 lbs butte liouddYi, of Goderith ; corresponding seared Inathetnatically correct a financier this? First -By givingi thetra a iaectleal,enot
higirergat,Pieocrt rh..winhAziNthict
* JITaylor, GRoberteom Roeciand Oar-
0,-4tobertsons teem horsese•J Wining, I's Mrs A B Carr;
Mon for witness life..
hoetemade bread, eirri A B Oarr, edre tary, Mrs Alex. Rom, of %V highs.= ; tree: that his accounts never showed the a theoretiosil. prepare
I:siege-Brood mare with foal, Scott & f' Giblions.lionevin Comb.,3! M Hendee difference between' thegrad;
- eurer, aire Tait, of-Iltlyth. • .. deviation of a solitary cent. •
,he funeral took place it Goderich, . Secon
thre is this vitt
d -The business public has learned that
Warwick, P Ament, P Reid; mare foal, son; maple ring_ar, W Scott, J Alton) The amity president - was appointed to T taogrotoztthertrimeee
Scott & -Warwick, • A 'Merton; horse '
font P Ament. P Reid; a year old lilly, maple syrup, W Geddes,B Scott; hoar() represent the Huron county union it ' the On Tuesday afternoou. At seven
be plasect in good
6 d tes
made cheese, :Miss Symington,Mrs Me:. provincial convention to be held at Smith's teciock the Rev-. Mr. Turnbtill held a l' which has enagied 180 11)
the Buffalle and Lake /9 doing more foe lei pupils than' Way other
retester, II Deacon; *pear bid 11.11r, A 2t-A'Proctor, Mrs W 'Geddes; butter in ; vice. president; Mrs Russell, 0 he WW1, building
i• lo'ne 'between Sept. 1899, and July 1900. .
...seat & waawiak, R. mancinni 2 yaar Kenzie. Judges -RA Graham, Winii Fall's. The thanks of the convention were - tt 41 a e t m ly rein. Period of 10 months, The g od work still goes
Blyth .for their gen. u,enee„ e..., Weimer roed, Toronto, ,and =Lae? lin lagiesn plaCeietwr July lst
. - Oid, gelding, H Macon, T BlaCit; year barn; 0 McClelland,- Belgrave. . • • tendered the ladies of Bly
old tin?. and year, old gelding, Scott & - • LAPIRSIDEPARTMENT.-Tatting,lire .eroter hoispitrility, Aftereinging "God he - 10h: remains were cpoinateeydeadatonatahredUthoe,
litticti oefrtiielia in tharrarize and. the other lila
e Mier, :It Willietine;.1 'Belk, Mrs Blaehilli . tapecimen, scrochet with you till we meet. again," the oonven-, lateron Here is th 1'4
a road or carriage, j ' bead work, eeee Gerene, . miss mead_ conventiOn will he held at &Mottle ' me y a arge mini er of r en 6 of celle, Trenton,N. .
Warwick, sing
• Utile; hack ho
Robertson: %
Brandon. R
an saddle... Xi:flack, A work, -Miss Symington, Mrs', Corder; bon .wais brought to a glom. •Next "ear's b etrdwas 3. R. Eitunmerfeldt5, teacher' Rider Business
. tram r Goden h °
land; hooked shirt woolen, Mrs G Rob. The convention met &t1OD p. m., whew. the family, and the remains were ie.
eMinray, T H Taylor jr. C. arkinson, teacher Mt. Cleinent BUSLINSS
Judees-John Scarlett, Leadburv; ertson; fancy knitting, Mrs Hole. Mem the bellowing superintendents were roma-
1Ploore. BrulatteleeThoe Bell,"1-ntdes4 Symingtonegentre linen shirtiMileMe.. mended; Parlor Meetings; Misr Rieke, God.
bore- ' I,: • - Kenzie, Dna Heleegentelaney flannel. erich; work among maim, Mrs Campbell;
Ceerroz-Thorobred cow, R Sowler, shirt, Mrs MeKerizie, Mrs Hele; braid. Goderioh; Sabbath observance, Mrs Kirk -
AB Carr, ROorleye.2 Yearoldehelfer, ing,Miss McClelland, Miss Symington; man. Seeforth; curfew hell, Mrs...COulter,
D Cook, M Harrison; Year old heifer, feather Rowers, We Medlin. Seaforth; press work, MrS
11 Corley:1 and 2; heifer ;calf, le Cook; 9,-Weteefleoolleiteteckmge, Mak McKee-- Goderiele; pries= Work,eilre Holland, God.
bull calf, It Corley,lArmourcbell tws;:e we, Min nettle socks, ' Mrs Melienzie, etioleellercetics. Dart Tait, Blyth; thever
years or over, R Corley, ft,' Sowles- shire nele; weolleugloves, MraBlarehill, mission/sod evangelistic), Mrs COne See.
Grade -Cow, M 11,.; Harrison, P W 1Mrs McKenzie; woplien mitts, Mrs Me- .forth; franchise, etre Elford, Holmesville;
Scott, Vir Scott; 2 ear old heifer. M 1:1 'Kenzie, Miss. Synsin ton; Inc. cabin 'model contest, Mrs McGillicuddy; bawl of
hope, Green, Chilton :lair work. Miss
Fisher, Wingham) soldiers' work and me
anti& inetrautionin athelion,
Galeria; Itiitroed.Wotki Mt s Orich, alhes
ton ;, temperance in Sabbath Scheele, Mrs
• In the avenieg* platform Meeting was
held la the Methodist church ; the etteud.
ance was Wee. Rev: W, Pathan opened
with prayer, aud Rev. R. Hague of Wing -
ham, delivered an interesting eddress on
"'the liquor traffie,• its disease and cure."'
WW1 Campbell, Of Luoknow, recited in
excellent style and Rev. A. McLean_ gave e
slant riddresa. •
The torte:icing Oteisk and sick *other
are only begun with the birth of her child.
By day ber work is constantly interrupted
and at eight ber rest is broken by the
Harrison, R & A roctorfyear old belt- quilt,' Me0Jellars , Mee Blashill;
er. M H Harrison, John Barr; heifer knitted tfuilt, Mies Symington, Mrs -
calf, M H Harrison, D Cooke2 year.old. _Helet„.pileched quilt, not known, N
steetrft Peotroe,'; 'NV° Helps; year Cuntingetag redstAllarg. Attie Ster
old steer, D Scott & Son 1 and 2; steer mington; Berlin wool work, raised, Mrs
calf, W Scott, Ai li Harrison. -Judges Blashill, Mr Carder; Berlin•wool work,
-D Clow, VVIiitseahuroh; I Fisher, God,' -tat, gra Oarder,,-, Moe Symington; eofa
• °riche e • e Misr( Sp:bins/ton, Blashill;
SIIREF-LelZeifire Gradereraged :Mies Symington,- Mai Vele;
ram: R J Sanderson, 0 Henry; shear. 'Painted Work; Mrs litaehill, -Mrs• Rile;
ling ram, N Ouming 1 and 2; ram lamb, hair &mere, Miss McClelland: embt os'e
()amine, R J Sanderson; pair aged dery on silk, Miss Symington., Mrs
ewes having raised lambs in 1900, N Blashill; embroidery On linen, Miss Sy-
. Cuming, ,Sanderson; pito shear- .mingtore, Mrs Carder;„ lace! worly, Miss
lind ewes, It Sinderrion,41,Dutilitig; fkOilingtOrii ides HeleetWinelace,
pair ewe lambs, Owning, R Sense MoOtelland,, Miss Symington; rag car-
•derespq. Devens ad Grades...4-.4w, pet. !ski!, pi Oriel4k4 gra Ge leinwier;
col -
ram, J Armour P Reid: shearlitig ram Motion Millie week, -Miss McClelland,
.aediratri Reid 1 & 2; pair ewes Myrtle:der. Judges-fdre J- M
hewing raised lambs in 1900,P Reid, M" ttdr.siard ShaneMthMrs Wi
Et Harrison; pair shearling evves, P Belgrave., ------------ wailing of. the peryieht.purry, Infant. Dr.
.Reid,. %V Helps; pair ewe Iambs, M H FINE AIM -PAilitillit 4till Tife, Mrs Pieree'eVavorite Pieseription 'make(' weak
Harrison, P Reid, Judges -J Lane, Blashill, Mrs Carder; pencil drawing; women strong and sick women well. It
Lanes; W Sutherland, 'Whitechurch. Mrs Bele, Mist Carder; oil painting, Mrs liglitens.all the burdens of maternity, give
- -.LE'reitte-Darge Breed-. Aged. hoer.. .I• iOarder, Mika L.Owerts-- _011ection • oil Mg tO blethers (strength ancle. vigor, whirl
- Alton, W H ItIcOutcheore brood Bow paintings, Idri-i--- Carder, Mrs Blashill. they impart to their obildren. In over
having littered in 196/0,1WIEllleautchi JudgesleMrsJM Hamilton, Mt/18.1104W, tbirtY year's of Pnlotice Dr- Pietas and his
eon, B., Nichol; boar littered in .1.900 age Biyth; Mrs W Bone, Belgrave. associate staff of nearly a score of phyei. te,
censidered, W • 11.....MeLlutcheolja. R • . ohms have treated and cured mow thin .0
• Nichol; Bow littered in 1900 *v Age • e The Latest Bogey an, . half a million suffering women, Sick wo-
considered,RNiehol,W ElMcCutcheOn. ' -- - • -, mee areinvited to conoult Dr, Pierce by
Small breed-Agedlioat'e G.IlOberteeet, ' 'One would havelmegieed that the Con. 0. letter free of •therge. All correspondence
..j Alton; brood OW- haying litter4(1111_ ' servativee had long linoe reached the limit , re striate private. Addressee Dr, R. V. ee
1900, 3 Alton, il Gibbons; boar littered' ,of their ingenuity ie their policy of Wes- Pierce, Invalids? Hotel and Sundae' Ina& M
• in 1900 age considered, I Alton, G voring to -set One MotiOn of the ()wintry lune, Buffalo, N. Y.
OnIted 'State* Election, . .4
terted in the family Plot. Goderich, 'University Mt. Clemens, Welt.
Fred MAO', Mechanics and Savings Loan &
Rev. Mr. 'Turnbull officiating at . the nuimineassociation, Chicane Ill.
graveside. ' • ' • T. H. stegmann, Bank of lliontreal,Ohathara.
, .
Fred Cowan Ontario Bank, Mount Forest.
Ed. n._..._ 1.-.._. bkpr. 'Sutherland, Dines k
(Wit Sttands • alathanl•• • .• •
ied Catarrh •Koduces deaf-- • W. T. Butt, With Aritionr 'teCo.; Chicago, IIL
:Percy English, asst. bkE. Volt. Herpoleheizia-
Bass in -Many casei, Capt. if. Connor, Of er k 06., Grand Rapids eh.
ToronfeiCenade,-enis deaf for re years front •Guy Leeds eV..wheeler Electric 00.•
prAgeewie ciatArhal Powder gave lam D•et. M. azwell, steno. Detroit Dumber co.,
Caterilx troMments failed to relieve, Grand elL
ton, Web.
relief la ale chiy.and in a reey short while Barbara webeter, Ineno.Detioit'Realitr
the deafness left hen entirely: • It will do as Dotr°IP, 110911'
much for plait. 'so cents. -33 • Edwml)amin, Saneurg, atamture Co i'hi
. ea o,111: . .
said.61. lull -nay Jackson droplet or to itch MoVicar. "'go B-'-- .Wholesale Mach-
in . leery, meager, •
. ' • Anton Dewindt, asst. bksinr. Grand liapide
G. daidiatrarickill Clerk Seam
Biscuit Co.,
thevrobable Ocinser17ative ea did t
e ran
that a strong Li'mral candidate Sri I Ontario.
' jci
Ilon: Geo E.. Feiner is spoken ef ss 'E183VieC°.' GraMilaPid14
. , - ' !kg.. ii,ljo l'S Cklii t'; 5 4 , . lut41
. r
Pain'Kilier. '
A mediates catst irs new.
Siccipie, Safe enci plink Cure for
Ctliieuet„ piaaailiikai.cotialis„
' doilis; kaitimartsm, ••
!. akuaitioia,
• 25 and 66 dent :Seidel., „
1116.yaliE Oits‘luitiT,ANTI.Jy.214.repi. a. ,aEti.uoi
. ' iimiriy. DA*110
_ ,
-"Niece ,
A general Banking Badness trans/toted
Interest allowed on deposits.
"Rlondtke Gold Fields," a argeteheap, vain,
able book, oohing like a whirlwind. Beautiful
so:mei:dna twenty.tive nerds. Books on time,
• :
The undersigned is licensed
for the county' of Huron and
'respectfully solicit the patron-
age of 'those intend having
sales. Satisfactioniguaranteed
- and charges moderate, -
. . , . • •
. .
• ' • • - • • •-- • • :
. .. . ..... .. ''.• ' n_G"EINS.e,.,'.
• : • • , -----1•:::- . • Toronto. •
Asa* Make five dollitis: da _ y, ' .
. "The best Itte of Her littlest r have leSII, ..
'writes .Lord•Lorne abottt "peen Victoria:,
• .A8. WANTED,. •
Pora eetinbur monerenaking position ; no
irrlifigliotaiXinCttitetiV irh:or.legritrIthoodiffa
THE EKARN GO, 182 Victoria street, To-
ronto, &nada,.
• 4712"- . ,
twit .e..beebeeiraleedetayamestses.sen,_kr 1:•:rrzkrir3),cntsigict,
cotalllete With fast:Belling specdaties, including
Seed Wheat, I Corn, Potatoes,„ &O, OU_TEIT
ERBIL.. Secure territory now. • Write .
• • • .. BROWN BROS.-CO.. ._
Nersorym en, • Brown's Nurseries P.C-.„,
A.ug.M.0 • • '• ,- • • I • •
• •
• • •
• •
AGANTS Book badness's better. than 'oi
rearepastialen have better and faster .selliar
books, Agatte clear from $10 to $40 !weekly. A
few leaders aro,* "Queen Victoria, "Life ofida
Gladstone," "My Mother's Bible Stories," "Pro.
grossly.? Speaker.; "Klondike OoldlAelds,""Wo•
man,' Glim_pies the. Una en. • Breakfast
Dinner and Supper, Canada, . • Enoyelopae
Bixo,o.ks time..Ontilts free to ea.nvassers
in est Peterboro. If so, ib is likely • ci•
.Ells Semple, with Mr Shields, Grand Valet,
leo mson Canning Co., Chatham. ,
run. against him. Should the rumor Renriarearepeehelites, clink G. R. & L R.,
weakness on the part of the Ooneerva- ham, • •
Pro've to be true. it wid betray a gteat
tives in New Brunswick. GPerge .Tetneold"' re with Von Gunten Bros , Chat-
, urpoh.,vmEiheldert, Willis Creek Coal Go, Detroit,
• ' Lode Neksterpostmaeter Nowaygo, Mich
Fred. Morley,. &set. bitpr. Sutherland Innes
'Co Cluitham
Robertson:sow littered tgoo age eon- aga Mit another • but the. past week hae
witnessed two or three developments which
inmate more hlearly than everithe desper-
ation end deePair vs/bias-hats seMenthenr.
Opposition journals in Ontario having are-
/ t
' that ruistrssfsee etZt affirmed- witty et tilalceeti WIth.,190„ e ecterial beet nee, or add
M. Maddenewith E. F. Stacy
432aRtirtfro.Eligi:01,1 !r41,67: P. ft ens: Cs haon.thitinum:
DAL1L'S Mich. "Pr. E. A. Cone, Grand
The tinited States presidential elec./ ••• '4,4r 'orb* An' Al;
axle eKe rAktar The Ark Chatham.
johnlifePherson,stenia. Theo. Goo;son, Grand
°Atha, Ont.
Arthur BaningerteLateno. G. R. & r. _
. W. B. James, steno Cniatioga Lunibe Co
Cleveland, Ohio. r
milrhioda. Cole, with Scribner & Loehr, Detroit,
Jack Jarvis temp. steno Wm Gra & 80AS
pkig sigt3ton, Mem/mine pale, Portage la
J. &Mallory bltlar. Orillia Lumber Co.,
Grand Manias eh
• . . . .
I ;All 4111114114/hi Ithal?Ill I /41
. _Our fee returned 0 we fail. Any one sending
"Math and itescription of any invention will
Fromptly redeiVe Out opinion free concerning
Patent" sent itilmon same. "Row
ow o 0 in a
through us advertised for sale at expen
• Patents taken gut through us receive op at
neffeeiWithoutcharge.inme Palmas' It ark
an illustrated and widely circulated Jo
compelled by Manufacturere and Mres
Sendfor sample copy ItitEIL. Addreesp
VICTOR J. eirattel & co.
tvaasRelidInajag;Ulik't AttwillefarilsINGTON. al
wm. DuNCAN •
°sits lifiranted
• 1 Obits,tn,fri:inviwasn:*ted ie. exchange for OA • .
• meal and the beet Flour ,in,the Marko
.11 lliss Oatmeal for bushel Oats ,
15.1ba. Piegeffilapjteba 411ce(1)
erware iven nay. -
'Every per/chaser", anything that we sell,
be tbe amount small or large, gets a ootipon
and' when a pertain number is received the
balder will be entitled. to apieee'of Silver.
Ware of their own choosing. Conte and
see the Silverware. . .
.Good Butter and Eggellwanted. •
Weak and Impure Olood,.-
Liver & Hidney.Diseaseas,
Peniale Coneplainte, Etc.
ma. Om ILK. sr write direot to: -
J. M. MoDEOD, _
Godench, Ont.
'..Z! Chas:Manion, reporter eDemoorat", Grano.
E Bap de, Mich.
Alice Thompson, stench F.. R. McPherson,
Windsor Ont.
cigalcvlanorgivtth., Canada,: Cycle. & Mortor
, ,nt„Taguicitioainet Vitiz:ei„veg
eerie weer eeboohf make =act ela to be
Is klecoei a out . dobternders thik. Mon . never
4110e00, tespaking a wildeffote.toltani. Tien:dart - he probabilities are that ), v•it ri.a.„,4001x..r ..tagedet, Oat, Feb.10, le, a:Vert:Orr of the claim. Reeults are
.;1 ....on a. Iona, 0.141 Wilco,' nit ati tholes:x.114ot the public se'nebe mato-
pareni)Y given nP ell hepe of agitating- tions takellace.rour aeeks•from this ster. $1,
pada the wearily declaring that theLiber. President McKinley will be re-elected te, • ea pei lie eve nu. a tetnedyfotheavto.- ingot woarVyYofil-leeidtreframmitagew. hWichatiillhrwl
els only hope to retain power is .by the This is a good year • for governmentS: tr ,:o aired CR411 ir I "k1.1171:triPein atAth'rtildit ranWegUre ta st ente roan a °Vance, p
;solid support of the/French Canadian sec. whether at home or abroad, for times , l'1,b,444"1"1°4•4117.11;44.1:elP1001 • uffl'idegi tree Osi per 11°-ore.sexcee‘le ii$8iorGgentleb()6Mercial21.i. •
to a true patriot, even hough a Ooneerea. care to risk a change that may injure - °11 "TrillgSr1410. Atinpu.
lion of, the Dominion. , Would not emir are proePoi Ws; and the people do not ..• 41Z'Isi4!;4377* 6 m I41" r ."e 1".""hlinliTt naa tacis-bkii-yeen-ow00710144. owitbdedrscoesoinheolich,
vm.,141 u kna ReStall's Irma
tive it he honeettg belie -tree that such dom. their proepecte. It le caleuleted thee
no, Ili, Sh 1.0*1 Ait it thifroVell'airrekriltit
• ination would be tirtful to the ootintry, .11cliinlatntea y will heve the supfort of riorse:g, : itelLachleiti ,'$) Oleg •
to give-zlhe-Golarinfrant 'Ali" Meetly teiizistates 'ye Lb -101 ectoral
f- —
nrettr 'the infiteepoetigni ate.- end epthatUrport of tin* , e KENDAL. litteaMIRO Patiatlie •
• „eltathant. nL .
f . -- - - attentreepeurtitfretre=thn illeginh'santion-laletrnoniatratiVeirlittlelateeentlille . . •
l• .
‘ . r thet they have the grattesi opportunity to ing menth, When the Ibig gnat, ito On emotive to the t rone, and Due ess . .
oonirol a Government.
of a party holds the " bolanoe of power," is expected to liven Up during the eneu. Prince Alberfel,O1 21telichileik,_- rie our
the fitting). . EPtabeth2of Bavaria), were married at
.rte s to oounterabt ? It is when one sootion been taken in the conteit, but the fray - e- 1, e eJ‘14\-elt.r• 13tly pm°
The deed, bleteaset in out trade le goad proof of the faet tbst our god& 'are righ '
our prices lower than those of other dealere In the trade. .
We manufacture furniture on a large scale and can afford to sell cheap. If you buy
ifbroamretuaskwajoesTarv.e for you the profit, which, in other alma hes to be Added in for
. .
This week We have passed into stook eome ot our bevedesigna. •Space 'will not pain
oslo quote prides, brit come and see for yourself what snaps we have to offer.
Remember -we are determined MO our prioea shall be the lowest in the trade.
• . „
in this department our Mark irrasmplete; and We 'lute@ undoubtedly the best tuner&
outfit in the Comity. Our prices are is low ite the lOweet•I
BROILIA"OOT,BOX,&00.4 die),
' ii.••,,„•'• • • •
P. it 3-e-Natini end Sande/Ad)* attended M. by °idling al a'. W. • Chidley're (Funera
Dirednift midair*
liAr er T 111$ : ' 4 HI -• 3 ' ' '
• • '' Tidifitits 641 sfirifiiift. • ' ''. inatfilg'itit'illikrttt ' maidiihis We 160.8elic 41r th°
gisige111464-t i'..: 111..*4. V;1;ilb "101 Re're4t„T' V(4.1Ye‘lt!' T ' 11104 Ire* ilith4i ail/IttarPtY440E{ Wittigal:"thtt ell,Jt‘ellttl.!Ift Mls"'!IP'
•of nartivei4 a4.; Writes: 0, or a ion* thins Oat and cannot 1 ve more a mart . •
e '' • . 1 tilkt Witt* eCtre•On reetti,,, r,;...tefed.;•-werdeisteol,vt.:Etha; rerk e etioe'iurrleffneettnghtitlA Shift 141
...020.40--,,, ili A tithed! 4 Milian Ate ;•:iihtleq ltoliThohlitMA
. 1, 4fiee'Rei Oa Play Ali i Ualli; Mill at lilidliati art
' • used s battle of Electric, Bitters and it front her deotore'edirit,ithrie to tale lqllak, ,,t•
; 1464 `7•.'''1'.-,i\40`4/ • box of Buoklen's Arnica Salve which eared,' ',Dii..13tekit Nevi LItw.lietritie R. Li , ',!,,Ilieifilepsbiif iirOivitialle0 Bail(
eg,..si. or, ipi.L.... ...seesiesall- ind.,well;!!......0ovess, ars* I, DeMeartat Altatrotaas, !.nnaw44: Wholly . was eleekroyed ley flre, - The linnet/Ws
-- — - ac"--- "'""vv- ----• . Bolls, Eczema, Vitas Silt Rhenni ehiliolt' otifed by it. She II now a dont, well numbeiting about 200, Were all 1044
Tere amen *ea 40 oesy impure blood, Thousands have found hi woman." Ws the alltinelle wire for des. okay, lintrionsvotte feutlii!igr
Elwin° Bitters e grand' blood plirider porde dimeses of throat and lungs, Is. beat, . s WU
te take ailinpma
. that • itheantely MIMI theme boulder fellible for Ootiglie, Cold', Bronchitis., Thi. first telseram from Skeane), to
4. roalisiamag. , ,,T. ,(10storion ono,s4444:1 tvPiiir I.: .Liashbogeat ebriVittrION4 Eieoktai betittaakmiellim atorenimeta
' gtid , ler .. d ets 'hoit betir ' Od t
' 'T'' 1' ', 'Iv " '' 04r.,,/, , ,..,F g I t. ,, Bethel *ea recelVed• Whet time peep.,
, 4.,:j .., ,,,, „!,trj 41.... . , .., . . . -. ,,, 300,..441,,,,,,,, 4, ,,f ,,<,,,, 4;:•:? 3 , totleatbk41:uyirsliafta, ht fratiMt,iyeat
' "Carriefiatilit4ortit'10 di4itt - *halo' . 11'5014V:id grAilibit,141141/1111, trn avt,4 ;slat *IV*
A 11:1140 A • ........,!" ' r "I' - • 4 ' ' *41k$1:1114"4 'Ii‘i R4 PH "linlile“ 414; 14 * "4 1611"1"164', 'bit*. Y1411.10t1446,1t.74°°e°t4irece,d(", 11.46tfaftidil".147•1:
et . "air Naltrid Laurier la toed British*
!. ,,,,_ „ea tx;,. muerte. o /4 1 It n o t
' leDVA1 Liberal:10*V 108.1. - • i iiikt Ingo ie/46.), -wit) itp i;-)ii.),.i.
Mrirf**4111"4"ritillri: giertairtiiirigna.. dz.' Ittttehol eat .***44"44.° 44
wur, 0.4111,:toirk4a:
L. t CUM 0141K 11,1:,!%*10‘,s;is SIL"-"pos Tuirst, . *so iirlorAws-140te et
v .
v *51 ._;L'! tef .!. t- i , ,.. , '''.) t; 41 liiiiivy :dorms hole destroyed the)
2 vele•-•• A.' 40 notoe, If given tut.
‘., it. •... •
-,,',P: , ,,, t• jC.L
tit the it Ilattpek 110sado *ter*,
Whkilihr silo !ittaititliitterci lor
the noted
Bioyous mak
. , .. • NrITHING eolas,
,... .,,...., ..„.. , .
• ,..4,,. tit, ltim return le se.lire ere An "tat" paw? gins,
*beet: lad la Dirorg rank 1 7„..ge p.'.' tv.il
op. . „,,,,,..1.1r. ita4 NM la Tem. t
1,2wa, "FA ,i.. ,
.F......1 .../.
ria•tw,• NV A Oa t.. ' • .
• let lift ti.k1.1.!"611:72 'WA * `Lailit'' •.• Apo
'. f ,'' -- •irt
V; 4'D, tit 44 3
'Oen end Wish* ter 4 bitoin in 4. 410,
grade, de!able Ana *key tom:daft, ow,
'WAREN ciLtOrroti
, .
f". f*:
T goods'
' e it. .100
' the aailf
suld put tip id 10411* 04/46e,
0,";i912• lilftn"11.411431461fVer•t ttiti ) ,)•••i.it•I'i
• "s • Obi, ithiertUielie
BMW, Mittinkb.Whielis. be,
ebonyend bandsonss weeds, Ft the *Woe
Maipleie it* the tree. And the ma*
•adios peel _toy/wig_ tbiligggit,4AW,
tot similes eatieles '
• , 0, •
U •
,e?; 17 c,
, •