HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-10-12, Page 7. • October 1 1000 _All •e.rcept bad ones! ..There are hun- dreds of cough mai- cines which relieve coughs, all coughs, except bad ones! The medicine which • has been curing the worst of bad coughs - f- orboyearsiske. r's Cherry- Pectoral. - Here is midence •"My wife was troubled with a deep-seatecreough an her /Mgt for three years. One day I thought • of how Aeees Cherry Pectoral .saved the. lifeof my sister •after the dectors had all given her up to • die. So I purchased two bottles, and it cured my wife completely. - It took only one bottle to cure my sister. So you see that •three bot - ties (one dollax each) saved two • lives. We all send you our heart- . felt thanks forwhat you have done for us."—J. 11. BIM*, Macon,Cole Jan. 13, 1899. • Now, for the irst time you - can get a trial bottle of Cherry Pectoral for 25 cents. . Ask your druggist. FIJUL..1111Y PC/INJ .1ceepieg fowls on. bard .runs or floors Wilt, frequently _cause,swollen' feet and tegie Generally at this'time if any extra feed elven let it be nt night. just before they go hi:the rebate_ : Growing Chickens do. not need coddling THE CLINTON NEW ERA tiliok Saved Their Roy. "Mamma, have I anY childrenf° aalted little 5 -year-old Ella •upon her return home from Sunday oebool. "'Why, no; of course nett What put the idea Into your beadr replied the eurprised mother. "'Because," answered • the little itule, 'our lesson at Sunday etbool today was about people's children .and their chit, deep's children."—Exchenge • . .Cronavvelri TatitItplele, _ In the window of an Old curionitY ah0P not far from the British museum may be seen an elaborately mitered Ivry tooth- pick, with the following Intimation at- tachedt "Toothpiek formerly the proper- ty of Oliver Cromwell; supposed to have been the one he picked hieeteetb with be- fore he signed the death warrant of Charles I." Ohmmeter and Chirography. A Man's handwritbeg changes with. his ellaracteat and character changes with age Thie fact indeces some hanks to re- quire depositors to sign their names ev- ery -dune their VASS langur axe balanced. • , Reined* For Poison. It Is said that raw eggs and nailk are a • sure remedy for poison of any kind taken into the stomach, This is information . that may don deal of good if remembered and caenet possibly be productive of any harm. CURTAIN RAISERS. fr- s3.11.1renva Children, rid newt Weak d Zulu Glaser Ira to star next season.. Ali the Vienna theaters except One ars conducted by Awe. Barnum's circus will play In Vieunn throughout the winter. Nat 0. Goodwin will Immo:tate e British army °dicer iu a Inv' by Robert Marshall. Vladimir de Pachmann, the Russian pi- anist, has become a land owner in the United States. Henry Miller will be seen the gamine season in a dramatization of "lb Have and to Hold." . • Sarah Bernhardt's receipts in "L'ai- gion" ttre said to have been $2,255 per night on an average. ' Thome, Who will play Esther in "Den-Hur" next season, is a young Eng- . J lieb girl, 20 yore of age. •- It is said that ',Miner Stoddard hae Made a very etrong play for Viola Allen, out of Marion Cirawford'a "In the Palace of the King." Robert Hilliard has been engaged to create the role of Bob Bletising in joeeph Arthur's latest play of life in southern Indiana, "Lost River." • The khedive has. opera betties at Alex - amide and Cairo, auk for the sake of eeceomy, both .Piaces of amusement ane now about to be put 'under one manage meat, • ----airito-nan-maeletan-recently-eet-out-to- comnile a biographical dictionary ontal- ien °p e r t 43011) po SOTS. He found thlit there ie. 2,550 of there and only 80 operas eurvive out of the 14,000 they • composed. . Winifred A.rthur Jones, a daughter. of the driunatist Henry Arthur Jones, re- • cently played Drusilla • Ives In "The Dancing Girl" in England so well that hee father contemplates having her adopt the stage as a profession. •• ' ft eon nteheY. Airge Grew Older His Trouble Seemed tO berme and His Parente Thought Bim Doomed to an Invalid's Life — Dr, Wil- _ llama' Pink Pills Cured Him *When Hope fad Almmit Depseted, From the Poet, Thorold, Ont. Mr dames Dabanld and wife are two of the best known, residents of the town of Thorold, where they have passed many years. In their family they have a little son, who, although but ten yeari of age,has. experienced much affliction, and his par- ents expended many dollar in the searcih for bis renewed health — all in vale, how- ever, until Dr. William's Rink Pine were brought into use. A Post reportee hearing - of- the cure called at Mr Dabauld's cosy home and received fall particulare from Mee Dabauld. "lam pleased," said Mra Dabauld, "to have the public made aware of the fitote of my boy'e °sae if it is likely to help some other sufferer. Charley is now ten Tears of age. In infancy he was a delicate child, but from four to -seven he - scarcely passed a well day. At four years Of ego he began to complain of frequent h da h h' 1 late becaree elmoet con; tinuoue, and soon symptoms of general de- bility developed. His appetite waa poor 'anti he grew pale and -entaelatede-andethee leest exertion caused 6 eleven, palpitation - and fluttering of the heart and dizziness. At times there was considerable derange- ment of his stomach, a blueness of tbe 'p shortnessf breath He would often lie awake at night and rise in the morning haggard anctainrefreshed. Dur- ing his illness he was treated by two doc- tor% Both differed in the diagnosis of is case. One said it arse catarrh of the stern- a& and while his treitraeat was persisted in there was no improhment. The imoond ,also attended him for 00MS tine° with no better results. Sonle time after my atten- tion was attracted by nay aunt to Dr. Wil - barns' Pink Pills, and•eabout September, 1897, I prOonred the plate and he began tak- ing thew. We had long before come to the • conolueion he would be an inyalid for life, but believing it a duty I owed to my child to procure all means of relief, I .was deter- mined to give Dr. Williams Pink s a fair trial. The good effects of the Unit box was apparent, and five boxes were used, which , were taken in about Mx months' BEE BUZZES. ' Any kind of grain ground up fine will furnish pollen. One edvantage with bees Is that more • fully than any other kind of stock they are • golf supporting, so that the income :rem them is all proat. 4 Tbe entrance to the .hive should he large enough to admit Of the bees Oassins in and out readily. •It Is a great harriet • to a:strong- &aptly of -bees to be obliged.tc ttreavl through a small hole., • , If it le desired to unite a swarm with • nucleus, exchange ethe, •places of the old hive with the caged queen as soon as the • swariu out; Mid the nucleus hive, .tc Which. of couese, the' swarm will now come. • Fertile workers can produce only unim. • preguated eggs and are, of tourse, value. len and • Unless superseded by a nueer • will soon Cense the destruction of the eobanY. The absence of Worker. bread Is a Pretty good indication of their presence. • It is a good plan to extract just tut the bees commence capping tbe honey. By this plan the labor of uncepping is avoid • ed arid yeti' still havethe honey thick and nearly, ripe Honey niay be extraeted • when quite thin and then be ripened ot evaporated. or...pampering, but only sufacient Maxi- . Own food to keep them.gymeine, • Otle advantage. Willa the' late hatehed . turkeys IS that they can . be given a. free range earlier than the early. hatched ones. When there is no 'cheek in growth, the chickens • will get over their featherin,g easily and will soon be able to forage foe themselves. Don't tet the Youug chickens, roost on small roosts too early. If allowed au the ',mists before their breasts' bectothe. firm a hardikeed„ I ilex are almost cere tnin to have crooked breastbones. *Build the needed poultry house in good sea,..un. if tbe longest side faces, the southeast and the .shortes I the southirest and bot ale fitted with7glass windows tho to.3vi win go".1 61 the winter sun': ;aline p.n.sible. • Te.M1\1- t9PidS, • T11 p. .of Mil waukee IS' only 285,3n. tits is ominous, and Detroit natty as well prepare for the worst.— Detroit JouiliaiNk, • • • •. A New York. I-010nm Who was called - en to shoot it maul dog the animal at tbe first shot. The gun must have been • discint: gra aecidentally. Chicago , Times- tiered. Chicago becomes rather torrid .now and then, but there never was time when „3 the city by the lake kuvw wh,ii 11 wn' lo • be sun baked on beth ebb s, no I.. yearly custom at New Y ork. - eincmr, News. A Vous Chicago 'Man paid $2.500 a year for a pew Wild receetly Hold half of it for $5,000 if any Clriengo snitin ever gets to be an mime, . will have to he searched daily to ;Ia. kept treat conceal-. • Ing pockets in his ;wings CURIOUS4ULLINOS. • In Holland and Belgintri it laehelleved that ill luck Is eure el follow all threugh life any one that, accidentally or other- wisv, kills a stork. One or the books of etiquette in Prance during the fourteenth centery ntlyaketi the man of fashion to wash his betide ems daS',Lood ins feee "almost as often," iirAtirtary onions. leeks and garlic are retifd-ed as perfumes. A Tat•tar lady tviel•" aka heittelf agreenble' by i•ubbing a pi cif levitate out onion op her hands anetniier her eountenance. 0.0 marble st lean the parish therch of e'reabury. GI° eeftershire, England, is ineetatted: "In 'tank underneath lie se',.t.tai of the ditties, late of this im-rislit Portico' On .idtat day will Amen." Wiiat Work Little vione romiodoi.doamil. ; Diamond Dycs aiin,igao moot ofitahle Agents - a711 treed I or Rome. lazinher artiste htmei of thiaiOthirlion of 0, * art ais popular as ttiOlitroond Dyes • triOspenesble tief dereabinic make • nds titer/ d ularity la by **ewe colors • o and oomfn sang tins WO of • nattona Dye ealor from° illosto4 hink of to stainoundi of a6601AIII4. to tub oh aired, hie wenWth work * *small expellee is toned** loot yar's jooket, . ape, ..$01664 THE COOKBOOK.' , Place the fat downward when roasting' or boiling a joint. To skim a sauce the expert cook will draw the saucepan to the side of the fire to stop the boiling and add a -teaspoonful of ',cold water, which promptly cauties the grease to rise. • What to tat says: "The insipid taste of pi.unes is obviated by stewing them with an equal quantity of raisins. Drie' apples cooked with cranberries give the same gratifying results." A brine for a quarter of beef requites four gallons of watet, six pounds of salt, one and -a. half pounds ef blown sugar and an ounce of saltpeter. Stir all gether, let boil, skimming the scum off as it riSeS, and pour over the meat wh,en cold. Generally speaking, If the bread is full of boles it has been allowed to rise tog Jong or too much yeast for the amotint of bread made has been used, If the.lotivee are dry, too much flour has beet used. Gm] bread mut he made of water, but it Is lighter and whiter if need° with milk. time, when he was strong and well, and - could attend school and play and frolic as other healthy boys do. As eyery eynaptom of his old trouble has vanished, 1 consider his cure complete. The pills have certain- ly done him a wend& of good, my nearly three years have eines passed away and he has not seen a sick day in that length of time I shall ever feel that we owe our boy's health to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and believe that their prompt use would- re. have much suffering." Dr;Williams' Pink Pale are twit as yalue able in thee:else of children as slab adults, - and puny little ones would seen. thriVe and grow fat miler this treatment, which has no stencil for building up the blood and giv- ing ienewed strength to brain, body and nerves, Sold by all dealers or sent post. paid at 50a a box, or six boxes $2,50 by • addressing the Dr. WilliamtaMedicine Co., Brockyille. Ont. Do not be persuaded to try eometbing else Said to belust as good." • It is officially announoed that Lord • Roberts has been appointed Command- er-in.Chief of the British array. • • • HOUSEHOLD HINTS. Matting wittlie lunch more smoothly If sewed like a carpet 'than when tacked &own, as is frequently. done, ' • An old • piece of eat silk is the best dusteloth for highly polished woOdwork. A 'canieee hair brush is the best tor brie it -brae . • A- 'delicate :perfume for, the bureau drawer is 'made by mixing one ounce each of cloves, nutmeg and tonga beans with three ounces of orris root, all finely ground. Put lit bags of thin china silk and lay among the clothing. A housekeeper sap; thse letters and la. bets on flour socks, etc., can be removed by soatfing the sacks in sout buttermilk before Washing them. • Washing sete the ' printing. Thus the .great objection to . their use as towels, •etc.,- is removed. • A broad shelf on the eellarway, which • Is usually on the back eters, !era conven- knee .the housekeeper uppreeintes, who etin place many artieleS there and save herself a trip down stairs. It is running • UP add down stairs' that adds fatigue to the day's work. • THE KAISER. Thr„Ttansna Cit, Times lays Itself open to long distance charge of len majesty by referring to him as Minn. Wm."— Denver Post.• Sthee 11105 Germeo grind have gold,4000 -000' Skimmers to the Chinese, and now • EllIttPrOli William tells his litddlorst to go fled take the guns away from theaCt..-.0h1, VIVO Record. ,,• If the German emperor le so thirety tot Milne.* blood, why In the dickens doesit'i lee lead diet eolitinn of flertitan soldieti in Chien mid, with his finishing blade dripping erlinson, show the Whole wort(' • ho,w the thing is donel- PO LI politi paramount till in politics WI tea Ming 'Oat tile !,,ttlitirO .1)0 through being Tne market rise the or! - doubtless, to t veto parties fall. a is 'Id, end your huebtodso otut,o - ea , eh • 's elates may be .oiled, foded ond s unAllilkly ; but trith it ten cent pookage - Of ilitinolui D e she fott if i my will waviest you *bat Diobload a Ate true money IIIMO0 SO the Nally, ICAL QUIPS. n rerjarele himself ast the s.•4 . I ki ekft offegAgg,..the round peg ttlt, hi la0 10,4tile simply uaretrtDetntil,t .1411141., porta hay iliere lir to be 4 Of trOPOIR!,. Thht,A.4.11,P4 o desirerot 10 "Sweep eptilitrgif Stop the Pain buinestroy the Stomach.—This is sadly too often the case. So mani nauseous nostrums purporting to cure, hi the end do the patient immensely mord harm than good. Dr. Von Stan's PineaPple Tablets are a purely vegetable pepsin preparation, as harmless as milk. One after eating Prevents any diSorder tile -digestive organs, 6o ill a box, 35 cents. --4o • Sold by Sydivziv jacitson, druggist,Clinion. COMMON HOUSE KIM 'rho Perinlistrities Abele* Their Ey* and Their 'Miura. "Whoever thinks the male the Ouperior animal enda no rest for the sole of hie toot la the contemplation of what we, in the auhliraity ot our eelt conceit, tall 'the lower,tanimals;" gays Harvey Sutherlatul Itt Alnslee's. "In our general ignorance of the house fly we do not know just bow Coolish and no account the male is, but we- may renstMably ,inter that be is as Markedly deficient as usual, ming that his eyes are so close together that they touelt each other. That's always a bad sign. It you see anybody with eyes close together, you are entitled to think little of his Intelligence. '* - I "The ity hes two sort' of eyes, the big compound one, 4,000 We bunch on each , side be' the bead, for knocking about in I dayliglat, and three eimple eyes on the top I• of the head, for Use In a poor light, sew- 1 hag and fine print. Before going into ecstasies of admiration over the creature that halt 4,000 eyes on each side of its head it might he well. -to 'remember that. they tire not of much account. • In case I of old flies kept over winter the compound eyes cave in and get broken, Yet the fly. • seems to get along and find food. One kind gentleman varnished over the simple • eyes and plucked off the wings of some flies, He found that he might hold a tg=1282110210221222Maied4 candle close enough to burn the com•- pound eyes of the fly -before it had a sue. Fur pure blood, , c'wlit' Shoes k( Mail •If you don't live in a town where there is "'Slater Shoe" Agency, you can get your exact et, in. shape, size and width, and you can cltoose the preeiee leather yen want, from " Char- acteristics, ' ' the handsomest and most complete ahoe Catalogue , ever published itt .naterica. It. teUs all about ‘4The Slater Shoe" • and accurately describes the different leathers,—the land of wear they're good for, and how to care for them, Price $3.eo and $5.00, etamped on the sole in a slate frame w• ith =alters' name. Write for one, it's free. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 "0 , • Jackson Bros,, Sole Agents for Clinton. picion that anything out of the common • • Was going on. In daylight Ile took a knit- _ _ • • — Strong words by a New York Specialist. —" Aftet years of testing and comparison I have no hesitation in spying that Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart is the quickest, safest, and surest known to medi, cal science. •I use it in my own practice, It relieves the most acute forms of heart ailment inside of thirty athletes mad never fails." --35 laold by Sydney Jackson, drUggist,plinton • Mr Ironsides, one of the largest cat- tle exporters in the Dominion, says • that as a result of removing the • American quarantine, secured by the efforts of the Laurier eeovern- • ment, it increased the value of the • horned cattle in the Deminion by • $46,367,100 • • erse+4444,44-•••-•44444-•-•-•-•-•-•44. e 11 One Foot In the -Gra.vet.”—If • the thousands of people who rush to so. worthy a remedy as South American Ner- vine as a last resort would get it as a first resort, bow much misery and suffering would be spared. If you. have any nerve Idisorder you needn't suffer a minute longer. .A. thousand testimonies to prove it.- -36 Sold by Sydney Jet okson, druggist,Chnton • NICKNAMES. _ Byron was called Don Juan, from one Of his characters. • •••- • •' Lord ,PaltneretOn Was affectionately al- luded to as Old Path. • Fox was always spoken of as Charles Fox or.simply Charles. Lord Brougham wa's celled, from a po- litical mistake, Bluneleeing Brougham. • Burns- was the Ayrshire Plowman, from his place of residence and his voca- t io Wn . illitim Pitt was called the Bottomless Pitt because of the skill with which he concealed his plans until ready to reveal them. Napoleon Boneparte was nicknamed the Little Corporal by his soldiers on ac- count of his short stature. Re was also called the Man of Destiny. Disraeli :was nicknamed Dizzy, from a contraction of his name; the Gay Do- thario of Politics, from his faculty in adapting himself to circumstances, and Vivitm Grey, from one of his novels• . No greater testimoity could be foetid to, the awe In which the late Mt. Gladstone was held by the present generation than the fact that he was'alWaYS referred to in the lobbies, where, politicians, as rule, ,drop .ceremony. sui Mr. Gind- stone'or Mr. 0. -by the more adventurous. THE PEDAGOdUE, • Abbot' 50 per cent or the schoolboys of the District of Columbia elle tobacco In Kane form. The state superintendent of schools in Iowa says that the lows schoolteachers are paid lower Salaries than itt any Other oirifstqlnehisoVes of the middle west except• . • James Page, matter o the Dwight Grarars3ar School Per toys, in Boston, Will celebrate the ArtiPth anniveesery • his election as master of that institution on Sept. 17.• The Long Point country school in Me, Lean ,county, tile., is the latest aspirant for fame with a unique claim to the at- tehtlen of the Public. its prima boot is that it hag more twins among ite pupilt and timelier* than, any other school of equal alas In the country. EP1GRAIVIS BY BALZA°, not% ta lib love between south. 'nutty ist the Mint leutteioua hab• Weems onderstauds ell things thronsh let% The Prittilege of being t home every. Where belongs only to_kip.gaLt• o gitis and ,* thieves: - a Ilf isoelet, gives tits pillow, ob. inakesi - it up by gout. jot as she puts up low to consists at much la the tee things concerning which t so in that of thrust a Watt which 4441444IttlflIM , Joseph Howard is to he hanged lt Frankfort* Nentoelty, On Deeentibir for the murder of Governor Goebel. I t tOWNIceVcAANcytAAAAAAAMANVYW Our • total. exports of egrioultural implements in 1896, was $595,277. in 1897 it rose to a1,867,223. That is the way the Liberal tariff ts "ruining" our 'manufacturing 1n- tAillaItIONONWOMPIONVVVV.0 TO CUBE A. COLD lg Olst DAY. • TakeLatative .13rOtoti QUinitut Tabtets. All draggigtstefund the Money if it.fafis to cure • 2octs. E. W, PrOVO'S sienature leen each box A bright eye and ting- - -o rc p o needieeaad brolight MI frOnt 1.6a Or).3, lett n A keen aNpetite before it dodged, It the knitting needle Ithe tly close enough to 'touch ite antennae '. was brought up on one side Mr; Fly ti lively. ' • . picked up his eticking plasters quite easy igestioh •"Most respectable insects have two 6 And refreshing ,sleep. pairs of wings, but a fly has only one pair,. with a scallop on the rear edge of each, show's', that fa earner clays bed 'openers,'. even If they went Into the dis- card litter. These scallbps are called ' • • • 1,6.....,•111113121:MED, 611111.76-AM.M. 'halteres' or • balancers, and It is the arsaparilla. theory of setae that they help to steer the fly. They say that when the starbdald balancer is clipped off the fiy goes hard -- a-starboard and vice versa. • But under each Of these scales is; a globular Proctas, with a long .tube fringed with cilia, be- lieved to be sensitive to odors. • These globular processes pump air into the nerv- • tires or veins. Of the wings and keep them - taut and stiff, for thin though. tbe wing - may seem it is really a double texture.. Perhaps clipping off the balancer tete the air out of. the wing and tie disables it. A. , is able to saunter along through the • air at the rate of five feet a second, but when it is in a, particular hurry it can go about 35 feet a second, which is a . 2:30 gait. Its wings ' beat the air at . about the same rate of vibration as the • piano string E, firet line of the treble .staff, bet that is not its only means of audible expression. When it gets excited • and cannot break away from the fly • paper it makes its thorax vibrate at it higher pitch. • You haae heard that Cam- panini could sing high With ebest voice. • He could not, but a fly with Its feet stuck fast can." Kid cloy Ory.—Pain in the back is the • cry of the ktdneys.forhelp. To neglect the • call is to deliver the body over to a disease cruet, ruthless; and finally life destreying, • South American Kidney Cure has power akin to miraculous in helPing the needy . kidneys out of tb,e mire of disease. It Itidevi:y8,1,nSysdiox.ehy°Juatit—so3n8, druggist,Clinton • D. L. MACP1IERSON - • _INSURANCE. Wire, • life, -• Accident, Plate:618M OFFICE. MACKAY BLOCK, CLINTON JACOB TAYLOR • Clinton. , Ont. . General District Agent Or the Confederation Life Insurance Co for ratford and Cloderieb, inclusive. All ill ormation relating to insuranee gladly anti' Money to loan at reasonable ratea. ter illustrated than M any rival werh. So sure tire.we of this, that we w Liman Lee for Office in Palnee Vlach colreptalscn OUrprospectua tO 0,117orts nosoess., ing Aral prospectus. Circulars ard ternAs free. Apply World. Publishtng Company, Onsloh. (1.*ATIA ALMA LADIES', coLisnGs. Twentieth yeaxsiaegiris Fent , Uth ..„ • warm Robertson, lumber, was burned to death in A arewhich destroyed the Mansion House stables Welland. ' . AG -LN WAIN TE For "Story.of South Africa," by John 'Clark Ridpatb, L. L. D„ Edward S., Ellis% If . A.. A. CoOrer, Managing EdItor•of tl‘e Vett/Indian -Magazine," Toronto, and J. IL Aiken, of London, Ont, who bas returned this Week from 32 years' travelling in :Iona% Africa for D. We are the only Canadian Publishers who bevelled a branch In South Africa for nineteen years, givin g us an irony Anse advant- age in procuring plictographs and ,matorial. Our authorship, letterpress and engraving9 aro superior, and Caundian ontingenta bet - JOHN W. YE0 • HOLMESVILLE, Agent for the Kiltcrrahrita. FM* AssortAxce Co. of IVIarich ester, England, whose fonds and security are rated at $14,600,000. Also the Mc- KILLOP MUTUAL INOVIGANOt CO. All.eitifiSeS of farm 'risks and town property taken a lowest rates. First-elass Loan Companies also represented. Money to be bad from 4,4 per eent up, according to nature of seettrity.— Daily mail to liolmeaville postal:card fetch him " • CW*1 TOW WOOD and' COAL VARD, • • Subsoriber is prepared to promptly fill au or - doers for Wood or Coal. Which -will be sold at lowest rates. °Mee on Isaat Street, at LAVIS IMPLEMENT ROOMS • W. VSEATLEY DO YOU WANT HONEY? moneyr e lend raobey on bouaeliold goods itoadee.waggons and home. We Moflei - l'Cl'Phwahngotta,l'hAttihfltsig Money also advance money to salaried Mal agents, Any amount from elq ;CIL lIgnithit:uNivteb at° tuurisy tbi.tet?*To r lelT4 "" la CO,. iS East Adelaide Street, Kinds of Shoes Broadly planned tourses of Pturly with thoroughly competent staff ieottof rutserboaiecp,1 t, in unr ssc:t 007 :bingo: - nese no oalale plEoPecruntailnict progressiVe. • Balmlike appointments, geod board, cheer- ful rooms, personal over -sight in habits, *Mu- nors, care of room. A. residents' college like Attoti afforas ;best conditions for it young larly'S edttc41011. The CouStant ahn of our toilette is to mina bine the care of the Mother With the teachers guidance. and the pastors regard. For illestrated catalogue, address: 1: moue Ai Shy andihetter then namy I - are to be teen by investing onr summer • *took of Nen', Wolnevi's,And Oladdron's flooti and 14,004. , • tr. Nil lens of Vntoks, Valls.** et*, Single and notobiolisratio* 0, Rea Coder4WhIte coast. and 'fitei3Idsgiett 0a11041, • , 1, , js • Rev. N. F. Warner, DEA., Principal, JulY 20-G • r• • St. Thomas tint, •- Lake Erie* liaviigatioa .Co., lilloteq • The quickeat and moat direct • route to • CLEVELAND, OHIO• , via Pt. Stanley. It arouses the Liver, 4 Quickens the circulation; 4' Brightens the spirits and Generally, makes lite worth living. Sixty seven yea.rstrial ave proved It to be bqydnd queStIons , 1 the most-rella le BLOOD purifier known. . . All .the leading 1.0ruggiits sell BRISTOL'S 'SARSAPARILLA, .,,,,..,,„,,.....„.,.,,,..,..., • • .......nawimananmnonannon.nozzamizaznenmai The South African war is practically over, net so the war of Trade and Commerce it is alWayS in order; we are atilt in the front tanks, not on the wielded list. We 'direct. special attention to our new stook of Millinery which will be found fully up to date A nice lot of Ladies' jackets, Dress Goods that for beauty tied cheapness will please any person. Boots, Shoes and Rubbers, a large stook newly in for fall and winter. Teal in great variety viz :—Japan, Young HysOn, Congos in bulk, Grand Mogul Ealada, Monsoon and Blue Ribbon in packages. . See our Harness—A nioe set of single harneSs for $11, and bead* silty for $12,, team lines, martingales, breast straps, halters, ete, eito, We would not forget robes and blankets. Tanta cash or produce. Highest price for any quantity of Butter and Eggs. ' • Emporium,. Londesboro Sept. 25th, 1900 • , sag•gies Wagons • First-class from $65 to $80. •$46. FRED RUMBALL, - - Olintop, Thorough fare from Clinton one way 1)3.60, return $6. Return ticket valid for one month. Special rates going Saturday and return- ing Monday. Boat leaves; Rt. Stanley on Sundays, Tnesdaye and Thursdays at 11 p.m, and on Saturdays at 1. • ror tickets anufarther information apply G. T. It. agente. or write T. MARSUALL', WM. WOOLLAVT, lost, flen.Vass. Agt. •Manager. Walkervillef Clnt. 44i -e -a+4-0+0+140-644. 44.44 -04 -e -e -et Centfgl 1 MetiifVforket Having purotasecl the butchering bhaintes 07.9E110**W I 11114 pre. pared to garnish ihepeopiliit °On* ton with all kinds of. and Cored Mate, flattebte, logno lord, butter ona„ wigs *boos boat an hotia. R. Fitzsimons tt Son. Tiephons •pans Oraots the datiVerea iworapil y•is al of town. n Ith41111611 rev 1 Home Comforts Just Arrived Latest styles in parlor snits, white enamel bedroom seta, iron and brass bedsteade rug couohes,,extensiou tabled and dining room chem. . Also 700 feet et mew sty e ture mouldinge Priees low as the quantity will permit. Your money I eck if ,yottt wanf it. 40.1-IELAL‘FINV-.. 131:yth Clinton Sash, Door, .aynd Blind Factory. •-- - S. S. COOPER. - PROPRIETOR, . . General Builder and Contractor; • This factory is the largest in the county, and,haa tbe very West improved maw obinery, capable of doing work on the -shortest notice. We carry an extensive,. • and reliable stook and prepared plans, and give estimates for and:build all °lase. es of buildings on short notice and on the closest prices All wort is supervia, ea to a mechanical way and satisfaction guaranteed. We *ell tell kinds of in - 'Wrier and exterthr material. Lumber Lath; Shingles, Lime. Sash, !Mors, Blinds, Etc Agent for the Celebrated GRAYBILIt. S011001; DEISK,":, !manufacture at Waterloo. Call and get priest and este:dates before placing -roar orders' - • Worried ' Atity lonflet,tith the botlibAnt inoonvon-, Affiloa. -01-11 poor cooking :novo. Ivo no economy to do so, for the ftiel yon will al. in e "Happy Thought" range h wool& in a short time pay for in entire cost and what comfort you'd have out of it too. Every- body who nees it praises its splendid baking quanta, its ease of Management and its grest: eeettomy of fuel. What we wottikl like would be to have you call and tea for Your. self how the "IFIappy vuought,o,„vii, constructed and learn just what ha adtan* taste ate. We oast give nearly a hundred names of parties matt them bit tillaton and. yr not 6 eingle oomploint. , , * -, _ _-•--- -. PRadiant Home illiae' Healer , . t e-1 11 - O' * 11111" 7 ,•N... The bat that the broins of Milt era pro- duced, although new assigns. MS being 00»- • \_ tint:ally WWII** 32606 owed nos "Radiant flown" kr wouonty of fuel tont woo of Matittgenteakt *tee ono lowodgal as* wed in Clinton: We will have two foliar* of otowe for Ws hil 10144, maids( one of the to anbeob aeleetea stook of atovistAss Ventiao Qatar* and ow lyric's* gikss low Yolffiatidality conolderal, /LW rook tit Itunstivri alight for aksito 'sof wipantity of:wad handle0,66 0100. - .. -41" •yStove*, llama* Ifiudwisirto Imo 4 ktenelel ot 6tla Ithii WOO Hog Ana l'Iumbing a t.