HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-10-12, Page 6THE CLINTON NW ER veeemerette•sewempl....e.o.hows•opiowtemsw 4444444.•.+.'eVlt+4d444f4-j*"'C.14W4041"ff'401P*i*P.***.+V*...*+444*0.1P•.*4P44..44../fr...............IPIP'““.....4P4P*.. 'THE NEW STORE.. lownseeeseeliefte0•••••••••••••••••••••••••••.••••••••••••••••••••••0100,0006•000•• r OUR OPENING DAY OF LAST SATURDAY REVEALED TO US MANY • THINGS The ,greater number of which we are glad of. The expressions of delight among the ladies over our Dress Goods particularly were very encouraging to us, Our Men's and Ilirome.o.'s Underwear was greatly admired and we feel sure that our large stock -will go off briskly. The price and quality of our Cottons were perhaps the greatest surprise to many as Cottons are up in price everywhere, but we chanced to get them at the old price. YOU WILL NOT GO TO' SEAFORTH ANY MORE FOR YOUR CLOTHING At least twenty-five persons have told us that in the Da,st they had gone to Seatorth for their Ready-to-wear Clothin.g, simply be- cause they said could do better there. The sitwole fact that so many people go out of town for this line has caused me to decide to make CLOTHING MY SPECIAL LINE and .to fit up for it a separate Clothing Department and witb such up -to- date goods and such. ;rook - bottom prices that the Seaforth man will wonder what is the matter with his Clinton customers. Yours for business, .A. Os B. KOENIG 441V 440t4tiliattaS. T4) It ENT i toA, bri It cottage on Pri le ma el root. Apply . • JAIN RIDOU P. Oot,12...0.. 40 4 A BOA it Dni 8 WANTED. 4 4) ----. On William St., near Collegiate, 2 or 8 Warden wanted. MRS WESTACOTT Oct. 12-1t WzlUam etreet, GIRL W,4 NTED, Wanted by November 1st competent girl. or',- housekeeper,tbree in fp mtly,permanent place, V to $10 a int ntb:accoroiog to capability. Oct 12-1 a,,n,,, MRS 11011,410)3t -SMITH . STRAYED Came on the premises of tile undersigned, &bona two months ago,a white steer about One Year eldownrt wiplpl:ase prove property,pay ex8;3",17-ti ' Rios. mays ori•.iw.. HOIJSE AD 1 0 .1: FOR SALE, .••••••• and Gibbing,streets close to both schools tint 3 brick housea at corner of Itattenburi 3 ehurehet, good water, at present °couple by Undermined. Oct 12-4 JOHN JACKSON Clinton. AUCTION SALE Unreserved auction sale of farm stook and tiger:tot tioaNitilieVitirei:nlglatItt *9. JAS. LAgellw D, '1,10RINaLiN McEinllon. az Co., Blyth Oct 12-1 Proprietor Auctioneer. • N DEES WANTED For 12, If.Of 111"011114,yilikrit,11,41,V101141641 400? McKinnon .9e Co. tr in fir rrui. Specials for this Week 0, We lima done large trade in Cloth Mantles and Zackets tbie season. Our stock got pretty badly broken, several also were sold out, But this week we have received large shIpMen$ in all the latest styles and oolore, 4. which makes aur stools now complete in ill sizes and price: Black Beaver Jackets, in all Bizet., Fawn and /Mack Beaver Jackets, velvet cellar, fancy buttons, 58 95; Mack and Fawn Viounna Cloth Jackets, velvet collar, fancy braid trimming, $4.50. Ladies' Beaver hokets: with fly trout, machine cording for ming, mercerized lining,. $5 Ladies' Beaver hokete, with inlaid velvet collar and satin trim. riling, in black, castor and bine colors, very sty)Ish, Ladies' all -wool Kersey Jackets, in black and castor, inlaid ap- plique, velvet collar Ana yookets, carved natural pearl buttons, lined with mercerized $9. Ladies' fine all -wool Kersey Jackets, in a nice range of colors, inlaid velvet collar and pockets, lined with satin, Don't buy an Astrachan Fur Jacket till you see our stock, in all lengths, from 1120 to I140. 1 Board, for t 0 eta shoot fenee the buyer to re- . Tenders will be received up to the 20tit inst. • by J.Ounintaaro Secretary o the Public Sohooi Imove fenceandilli up holes. - Oct. 12-2 BOY LOST I * ....._.. A young lad about 15 years of age, had on a brow&hat, blue grey coat, new pair . f cotton- s de pants andis new pair of shoes with riot. plates on ; hra dark brown hairand large teeth in front ono grown out at one Bide ; small for . his age Nuame Willie Summerville ; left farm of undersigned, con 3, Beat Wawanosh. on 1 Wednesday, Oct ard. Information as to his Whereabouts will be appreciated. 00.12-1 JAS MUTCH,Auburn, 1 The frame cottage on Orange &met, ocou- ' FOR *SALE. • 1 . hard and soft water, atable, gond fruit and rPealedsobnYabtliteetuernine esr.sigTobeed jolts i ?leo? ad nf carers:, 1 we loan vegetable garden The house contains hall, ' parlor, two bedrooms, clothes. closet, dining , room, summer kitchen, cotlar and woodshed, ' is centrally located, possession given any time to suit purchaser. , ELIZABETH GRAHAM tf Notice To Creditors. in the Mauero/ Ircude Ifennely, of the Town of Clinton, in theCounty of Baron, Liquor Dealer, an Insolvent. Notice is hereby given th t the above named Lack Kennedy has made an assignmentto Donald L. Maepherson: of the said town of ore under the proviitions'of Revised Statutes Clinton, Agent, for the benefit of .1. bis credit- . of Ontario, Chapter 147 and the Amending Acts. ; • A meeting at the said creditors of the said Lack. Kennedy will be held at ' his late place • of. business • in the said IN.wn of Clinton, on Thursday, the 18th day of October,190a, at the hour of three o'clock in the afternoon, for the purposs- of appointing In- - spectors and giving directions or the disposal of the estate: Cre.itcore are required to ale their elainnit against the said este te with the trittie.doitisitganeee,velified by affidavit, on or before etincr. Dated at Goderioh, this 8th day of October, A. A Solicitors for ASsignre. PR,..1.1DFOOTig HAYS. 111/46,11,11141111, 111/4,11/41,11,1~1011. 0411411011101141141041141111000 •••••, (1)002. Clothing Bargains • We are showing a large assortment of hien'a Snits in Very deeirable patterns, and qualities- worstedp, serges and Weids. l'irty are all made by Bhorey & On. and rhe W. E. Sanford Co.—el cut, well trimmed and well made: Vs RICH were.eo-good that we Were luau ed to buy A luiCiteaily, and in ordei to redueethie 4tock,we will, during the m.rntli of 0 it O'ler, give special discount .1 20 t ff all melt'. euits. This is an opp )rt tinity of a hid) we trust all our litenoti will take ads antat,,i. . I 85.00 Suits less 10 per cc- (-$j •86.00 " 20 " -- $1.80 87 50 " 20 —z 6 00 810.00 " 10 Special 4n Ulster Coats 40 coats—sizes 30 to 42 ;i each. W. L. OVIMETTE, Lonci esb'ord IINIMPOO•00111101111/110 WOO ON IMMO . • -./ . iti.iiti4144i.. • SENSATIONAL$110r As per advertisement of last week we inaugurate on. Sat- urday, Oct. 13th, the greatest shoe sale ever announced in this section of the country. We have been making preparations for this great sale for some time past and we have now got together one of the best selected stocks to be found in any shoe establishment in Western Ontario. Doing business up- on departmental principals awl under no expense enables us to offer goods cheaper than most people and the great success of this department is,good evidence that good goods at low prices is being thoroughly appreciated. Our new way of doing business compared to the old way saves us $1000 a year in expenses and this by saving should enable us to quote extremely low figures. The sale will last till every pair offer- ed is disposed of. No goods will be sold on approval and everything will be spot cash. Remember the date and figure up your wants, you will never strike such a bargain for many a long day. Lot Comprises .8 cases of No. 1 ,quality of Men's, Ivy 4 Ladies', Boys' and Children s rubbers and as MI 0. 1 long as they last the following low prices will be in force: Men's Rubbers 7 to 11 Special Sale Price 60e Regular Price..90e Boys' " Youth's. " Ladies' " Misses' " Childs' 66 1 to 5 " 456, 75e 11 to 13 " 24 to 7 11 to 2 " 6 to 10 4 40e " 70e 40e 64 60e 36a " 45e $ 25c " 35c We guarantee these rubbers to be No. 1 quality and al: the above figures they are the cheapest goods ever offered in this lection; they will not last long and they cannot be repeated. Lot 6 This is a line of infants' goods sold in the regu- 65e lar way from 90c to $1,25 per pair; they are all solid reliable goods and they can be fully recommended in every way, all shapes and sizes included in this lot and, as long as they last you can get what you want at 65c a pair. If this is not a bargain then a bargain wasliever offered. Lot 10 Is a nice range of children's shoes in all sizea 7=4„ and all shapes running in the regular way from uu 90e to $1.40. 10/'here is not any very large quantity in this but the people who will be on hand early will got the snaps at 75e a pair. If this is not a bargain, then a bargain was never offered. JACKSON EROS Lot 15 950 Lot 20 $1.45 Lot 30 01..95 Lot 40 $2.45 Comprizes a little better range of children's shoes and perhaps a° little more modern in style but you can get them at 95c. They are worth a great deal more money and if this is not a bar- gain then a bargain was never offered. Comes into a line of Men's goods comprising bale and congress in shape,tan or black in color. The regular piice runs up to $3, but as --long as their last you can pick out what youwant at $1.45per pair. If this is not.a bargain then a bargain was never offered. This is the banner line of our whole offeringi and it comprizes without exception a magnificent assortment of Men's shoes in all shapes, styles and prices. We can fit everybody in this lot and we can show you almost every style that is manufactured. Some of the lines run up to $5 in the regular way but the gt eat majority of them are sold at $4. They are all made from reliable leathers and will give the utmost satisfaction in wear. This lot contains about' 75 pairs and there is a great selection. People who are on hand early will $1.3t the ehoice goods, If this lot is not a bargain then a :bargain was never offered. it's a shame to sell the goods in this line at $2.45 especially when there are shoes that are iold every day for $5, but good buying and being content with a commission enables us to do this. There are some wonderful qualities in this line and we expect finite a mall for them. Otr window display will give you some idea. If this lotis not one of the biggst bargains ever offered then we dojitknowaaythingabotitbargam8 Lot 5.0 FiZ111411.412..11::01:11111r1.1342Irtigafotwilli..hrcianl OS • Clit11101011:111aPg°6rg:it i6ssilfIhiliallisitiolLg!rtheY go for 954' W. Ark Is • One oolleotims of Ladies, button end hoed oboes not the very Lot elto &apes as regard style but made from magnificent atopic and 0) 1 •00 :out y pair in attItuh4 wer:ticinregalit at $4 par pair sad the ou of weer, There are a good first one. to ge4 elle selection will be astonished at she qualities for ect little money. This line it one of the biggest harping IA the tot. 1Oise. yon partioularlY a nice togOrtinent of tulles' Shoed in all -..40t ev. thapee, *weir and styles ad there will be a rub for this lot. We would advise putcheeers to oome early when the selection ulgoodb, $1.45 In addition to the above specially prioed loti we will hate a great many odd* and ends at ridiculons prices and people who gst in early will get the snips, it sironDEPAris goNTAL ton mtrtitttittt.tfottittlittmtttlmtritirtftmttlIttItttIttyttrttrittftmttttrtrItttmtrtmtttmmttt. mmtritiltItytttltttttlttittntttmtftitttrtmtyttittttm