HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-10-12, Page 4r 1. October 12, 1,900 ••/ - '1- I:. I, I Watch. This. -Store THE CLINTON NEW ERA okurck fiusbamit A meeting in the intereet of the Lord's Day Alils,nce was held in On- tario St.church Thuraday evening, ilth inst., and addressed by Rev. Mr Shear- er, agent of the Alliance. The regular union Thanksgiving ser- vices will be held in Ratteribury St. church on Thrweday next at 11 a. M., the sermon to be preached by Rev. Dr. ritifford, Rev. Mr Howson, of Rattenbury St„ will preach an anniversary sermon at Londesbore Methodist churob next Sunday morning, his place here being taken by Rev. Mr cleupland, of Lan- desboro. We learn with regret that at e meet - Inv of the Dentin church held last week Rev. T. J. Murduck resigned ae pastor of that church, the same to take -effect- this year. Ay and Mrs. Mut- duck% many friends in town are sorry to hear of their intended removal from town. . Grow Note the active, .thrifty, progressive look of things. We are ni touch with the people. I ou have confidence in the reliability of our statements,. This is as -we like it. We won't sell you ootton-for wool, or jute tar flax. - The mean - e„ r sorts of merchan,clise we have no time to bother with, neither lave iou if we judge our trading public aright. Clean, honest, reliable goods at lowest prices is what people are looking for. • We keep none other. • This week We tell yo a of more new DRESS GOODS. This is gr' the time of year when every woman is thinking of her new Fall Dress In a very short time the chilly days will be here and the beaver materials for dressas will be in great demand.. No better time to choose your new dress than now. We have, just received another lot and will be pleased to show you them. SOME VERY POPULAR MAKES ARE' Fine quality Homespun, 50 inches wide. in the new shades of grey (light and dark), also navy and brown, same on both sidesawill make a very stylish suit or skirt, sold elsewhere at $1.25, 98c our price per yard Hotneepun Suitings, 54 inches wide, - in the new shades of brown, grey and dark green, Just the prune on both sides, will give excellent wear for suits or goe skirts, Al value, at our price.; U 38 and 40 inch Granite Cloths and , -Corded Serges, in- the new grey and brown shades, extra hard finish, good weight for dresses, , worth more to -day than our 'prices 45c 500 Fine quality Cashmere Sem-es. full 50 inches wide, • bard finish. will not hold dust or spotan shades of garnet, navy, myrtle, brown, also black, regular value to -day would be 75c, our price while they last is — 60e- 0 New •Plaid. Dress Goods October is the great Plaid monilt of the year. We can supply your every 'wish in this line. 38 inch wide Plaid Dress Goods in mixed colors of green, kold, navy, garnet, etc., good quality 25e 33e • U dresses or waists, Al values at All wool and silk and wool Plaidsin assorted colors, 36 to 40 inches wide, elegant designs, 40c 50e 60c t54 inch wide Brown and Fawn Plaid. warranted fin- est wool, will make a very stylish skirt, •0111 ° special at- ' • , tert.0 U • Saturday arid Monday We have prepared a list of:seasonable goods to be sold on Saturday or Monday atprices fat below what they could be bought for to day Every item spells the word BARGAIN and wili be found exactly as represented. •Come as early as you can to secure first choice. Se Flannelette for 50- 500 yards 28 inch wide Flannelette, good quality, in stripes only, colors of pink, 'blue, etc. regular price today would be 8c, special for 'Saturday or -Monday - .• 5 70 •Greg Cotton for 50 600 Yards of extra heavy quality grey Cotton, 31 •-inches wide, veryfree of specks, well worth 7c per yard, to go for two days at per yard • 1 • Ladies' Flannelette Gowns at 60e LadiesGowns made of good heavy quality striped Flannelette in mixed colors pink, white and blue,etc., nicely trimmed, extra wide skirt, well ' worth 7k each,nearly 100 to go at , et0c Boys' Wool Hose at 26c Boys' extra heavy ribbed wool Hose, made of good quality yarn, extra heavy sole, sizes 9, 9e, Saturdayor. Monday, per pair $1.25 Linoleum fp 75o 3 ends of English Linoleum, heavy quality, all good patterns, new for fall trade, regular $1.25 value, to clear at per yard 60c Union Carpets for 38c , 450 yards of the best Union Carpets, 38 inches wide, • in assorted colors and designs, our • regular • price was 80c, your choice to dear at • • 380 Fur Caperints at $6.50 Ladies' Caperines wade of choice black Astrachan, well lined and trimmed, were worth $9, Satur- day or Monday 6.50 Grey Flannel &inc. 300 yards of grey Flannel, light and dark, in twill and plain, extra heavy quality, and worth to- day 18c per yard, to go at •12ic Shirting Flannel at .25e 400 yards of Shirting Flannel, in stripes and checks assorted, greys, fawns, etc., full 28 inches wide, warranted fast colors and unshrinka.ble, regular value 35c, our price only• ' 25c • 45o Corsets for 30c • LadiereCorsets made of mod .quality jean,.5 .clasps, nirely trimmedand finished, sizes 18, 19, 20, 23, 24, 25 only, regular value 45e, to dear at.. , . , 30c .25c 75c YOUR MONET DACE IF IOU WANT IT, CLINTON Than ,sgiying DAY - EXCilWONS Tfoketa will be Slink at single fare to all stationii ni:Ileneda, also to Port Huron, Detroit, Buffalo.' Niagara kalle, New York, Bullpen, - non Bridge, N. Y., good going on 0010101211, nth or 18411 returning on or before MONDAY, OtTOBEM Maid 4 Purchsse tickets at town office and save delay at elation. • F. R. DODGEMS, Railway & Steambhip Agent, Clinton, SVIAAANNOWINAMMYWIAMIONAMVe .lintwx. sr* FRIDAY. OCTOBBIt, gib,. loop. .5tur Advertioristarto ShoftingeTte-eltso; Bros 'watch thit-Newcotobe The new store -0 B /Koenig Richard Dunlop of Napier was nomina- ted by the West Middlesex Conlierreatives. • • • After November 7 another four yeare of peace, progress and prosperity. • • • NounInstRin in South Huron. The Liberal Conventional for South Huron met at Brucefield on Thursday. One hundred and thirty-three deice • ales were present. Mr. John McMil- Fight as yen never did before. * ran, M.P., obtained the nomination on the second ballot. Dianna on the first bellat besides McMillan's were Messrs. AtoEwan, McLean, Fraser and Snell. • • • Even Sir Charles and big followers do not dream, of victory. . a *'a Every Liberal snould take off his •coat and get to work, and work hard from now to 5 o'clock on elov.„,7, The general elections are on. • • , • The Hentli Observer said In last week's iseue that "Rev. Dr. Gifford Would deliver his celebrated lecture on the mammoth cave in the Methodist church here." It is the firfit dine we • ever heard of this church having such. • a calitY. , • • • Page The three biggest.men in the World are Li Hung Chang, the German Em- peror and the Czar of Ramie, Li Hung Ware bigeeet liar, Emperor William the biggest braggart, and the Czar Wante to he thebiggest land grabber. • • ok Renovator three times a day before meek, 5 witidovr shades-0°00E0r k Oo .... . .. . ... ' e Sensational-Jaokson Bros . . ..... .. . .... 5 laziltgai-241he li ;tick e4Itoto ..... , . . ........ 5 5 TO rent-/ Ridout .. .. 6 Boaders-Mrs westacott. . .. 6 Girl -Mhz Mellardy,-Smith. 5 Strayed -M Btwns04......, .. 6 Mouse for sale -J Jacinion Auction eale-.1 Laithwaite. . . , .. I Boy loet-i Mutch ... , ....• • ... .... • . 6 Per stile -I• Ise Graham 5 NOtico to c editors -Proudfoot ae Hays- 5 Tenders wa ted -J Cluntnitlitheinc....... 5 ......4. . .. ....... Laurier, a united (Jetted& and a united enapire. . a s is , • Sir Wilfrid Lituriee tour go ter AS arranged is tee Toronto, Oct, tetb; Stratford, Oct.17th; Windsor, Oct.18th. , ir • to - At the last ., general election the people telt that it was time for a change, Now there is an equally strong conviction that it will be the height of wiiiiont to continue on the prevent touree. •They Remain Cured. Underwood, J. M. MeLeod, MoLeod's Laboratory, Goderioh, Ont. Dear Sir, -.I was troubled for nearly. e year with bronohitis, etc., and used doctors' medicine, including hypophorphates and ennUlitona of cod liyer oil. I had three Wicks et la grippe, and the bronobial tubes were affected, / took a trip then through Manitoba and British Columbia, and spentatil rummer till fall in the moun- tains. I felt then like* new man, but on muting home caught odd, and I did not feel well, oonithing a good deal and hard doggy phlegm from the throat My doe - tering cost mea good deal. I humbly apologize for not writing you sooner. but I Was Well and forgot Mill. On January 210, 1893, I began to tike your medicine and from that dem I began to mend right on, 1. took your System and the Speciilo Care for throat and neigh The Signal says the story that is .in and hinge, half an hour after meals and circulation that Sir Charles Tanner at bed time, and epplied E.A. 11oLennan's made xiogara vans attar hc Liniment to the chest, at directed. I did Sul' not miss a dose for two nwnth., The - through making (Jelled& is not &ashen- Ihnlovetior give me a splendid appetite tic, although the old baronet h made and 1 slept well every night, I Olin .ay Mere than One eataract of worth -that 1 am 1 different men altogether ever • di Nina° then. 1 believe my &Rh in yourself for what yon orroe did for nit, mother 12 Hon. George E./teeter has been tom- pars ago heimg me 40 pity atria mien. tooled by the Coneervatives of St. thin to directions. If / ever get +dirk again, /tont. N. a., where he now Ammo/led I know what nite and towee dopleased. My mother is in Oiliforto know of to be particularly popular. It vim a my eeee, 'met of Hobennse choice for the Tory 160176dr eltreere friend ex-Minteter of ifitratice. King 's county gifsei by if. B. oomnbe. /Iml` apits":dliNlion • wouldn't, have him and York county aruIto(Ninon, Ont dld not want ‘ In St. John i e , Will have to light for politital life, sodas he novo, outdo any friende, no - boy will care what happen* to him. London NOW* (independent). . • . Dived Itobeirtson, hos' tler, Waif burned to death in MI lire which destroyed the ,hfatisiort Muse itebles at Welland, Four church pulpits were 'occupied by outeide clergymen on Sunday morning and evening. At Willie church the Rev. H.Henderson,Auburn, exchanged pulpits with the pastor for the evening service; at Rattenbury St. Rev, J. Kennedy, of Auburn, preacbed morning and :weeping; at Ontario St. church Count BWrigian, an Armenian, in the evening; at St. Paul's, Rev.W,J. Taylor exchanged with the rector for the Thanksgtring service. The annual meeting of the NV, O. T. D. wag held on Thursday. Sep. 27, and the following officers were elected for the ensuing year ; -*Pres, Mrs A. Stew- art; lst vice, Mrs Crich; 2nd vice, Mrs Hoover; Rec. Sec., Miss White; ()or. Sec., Mrs Biddlecorobe; Treas., Mrs D. Stevenson, The next meeting Will be held at the home of Mrs Stewart on Oct. 25. This society is trying to se- cure the services of Dr. E. O. 'Taylor, Boston, for a series of lectures cn scien- tific temperance. WILLIS 0111111011.-14 Rich towards God" Was the subject discussed at the Endeavor meeting on Monday evening when Miss A. C. Taylor read a paper. The catechism was taken by Miss M. Stewart, and D. C. McTavish presided for the last tiine for the half year, the officers for the next six Months being elected no office. RarrermurtY ST. Rey. J. W. Holmes, of London, willpreach ser- mons on behalf of the Superannuation Fund, in' Rattenbury-St. church on the Ilth of November. The pastor of Rat- tenbury street church will take for his subject °next. Sunday evening, "How do 1 know there is a God ?" Good music by rhe choir. All welcome. -The miss- ionary meeting of the League will be especially interesting nest Monday evening, 0. Hoare having consented to give a recital on his new gramophone, rendering the following selections; - Neater My God toThee, Enchantment, the Holy City, The Canadian -Medley March, How I Got to Morrow, Smoky Mokes, Whistling Mike, Onward Chris- tian Soldiers. Silver collection at the door in aid of missionary work. • OrmAnio ST. -The church anniver- sary will be held on Sunday, Oct. 14th, when the Pastor, Rev Dr Gifford, will preach both mornint and evening; collections in aid of the ,trust fund; the choir are preparing special music for the occasion. On Monday evening a 5 o'clock dinner will be served by the ladies of the church; admission 250,15c, -On last Sunday evening Count Boy- agian. an Armenian, gave an interest- ing discourse dealing on this much abused people. On Tuesday evening the Count entertained by a lecture which was greatly appreciated by the large number present. He spoke of the ways, manners, habits, etc„ ot the Armenians and their persecution by the treacherous and brutal Turks. What made the lecture so iretetesting the costumes were worn and their mode of worship was fully explained. Count Boyagian is of royal lineage and is an escaped Arnaerian from the Turks. He came to Canada to study medicine and will return to big native land a medical missionary. WILLIS ()HURON S. 14.-CaneratBage DAY. -Despite the rain on Sunday af- ternoon last a goodly number a the scholats and their friends met in the church to celebrate Children's Day. The program consisted of singing, re- sponsive readinge,and an address by J. Houston, of the Collegiate, Mr Hous- ton, contrasting the present time with that a.hundred years age in material, spiritual and moral- matters, showing the superiority of the present, founded upon ilae contrast the three -fold Winne-. tion to learn, live and love. Rev Mr Stewart was to have delivered an ad- dress also, but opting to indisposition was unable to be preeent. In the ab - Bence of J. M. Dowzer, the leader of =WC, G. McRae kindly lent hie accept- able assbitatee. Diplomas for correct recitation of the whole of the shorter Catechism-, issued under the authority of the General Assembly, were present- ed to Ida Lindsay and Walter Stewart. The contributions were in aid of the Century Fund. The pulpit, platform and choir loft were tanefullydecorated with flowers etc, the work of Misses Howson, M. Cooper and C., Willetnan, The collection amounted to $23 Which goes towards the Century Fund. Sr. PAUL'S (Inunon.-The harvest thanksgiving services bn the English church on Sunday last were particular- ly of large creagregations. They had the pleasure of Unerring to a very able ..clergyman, Rev. W. J. Taylor, of St. Marys. The church wag nicely decor- ated with plantor and flowers, the work of the ladies, and the services were es- pecially choral. Special =isle having been prepared by the able and faithful choir leader, W. Q. LatOrnel, and the efficient orp,ortists, Miss May Bentley and Mrs BicHardy-Srnith, who played the accompaniments. The theme of the sermons were of praise and Thanks- giving to God for the mercies and abundance granted during the year. The reverend gentleman Is an eloquent and very forceful -exhorter, his dis- courses were very 'Interesting, the evening service particularly so, vrhen$ the church was well filled with an at. tenttve congregation. The musical part WAS exceptional and reflected credit upon these who took part; the solos and duets Were Well rendered, in fact the choral part, including the large choir, was all appreciated •highly. At the morning (service the duet "lin His hands are all the cornere of the earth" Was rehdered by Maculae Wall and Mrs Mellardy-Smitb, In the evening the duet "My faith looks op to Thee" by Madame Wall and Mr Hum- phrey, and solo "Sayed by a child" by Madame Well, and a solo part in the offertory anthem "Praise Walteth for Thee" by Mr intornel, The coltectione Which go to chnrch purpoises wet e gond., An excellent distourn on Thanksgiv- ing was given by Canon Dann 011 Wed- nesday evening to a good audience. The nattele was a repetition of last Sun- day evening's eelections, aosisted by the molt quertette. The collections go toward* paying oft church debt In this dims*. $, A. Allele father of the tote Grey* ARM tiotelistiv dig in Eingston, aged 5. • 4.44.-Y-Y4*-5—"PiorWilfikaii-WafTrOrkidoi***** What About Window Shades °. FOR YOUR NEW mush. No matter what se..your windows are we .can fit them all, or if you wish any special color we can get or you. We make a specialty of the Window Shade JPolneos and usually give satisfaction in qual#y and price. There are three qualitieF4 of Window Shades and it is our business to tell you about them. „ Butted& Free The balance of the year will be given 'free to New Subscribers to Success, Weekly Globe,Weekly Mail Free Press Witness, Mont- real Star,diristian Guadian, Presbyterian Review, West- minster. One year's sub- scription secures these papers ;ill Jan. 1st, 1902 We are agents for all per- iodicals. Bicycles 1 E. & D. bicycle, latest model Dunlop tires, regular $63 now $45 cash, • 1 Cleveland, latest' Ninodel, *Dunlop tires, regular $50, now $40 cash, . 1 EZ., regular $50 now $35 cash, • 1 Wolverine, regular $40 now 025 cash-. This „ is good weather for 'wheeling and a "paying" time to buy, Patterns When you corae to our, store be sure to see our fashion books and patterns and take away at least fashion sheet or possibly a° copy of the "Delineator". By means of Butterick pat- terns and home needlework any woman can be fault- lessly attired and keep. close to the styles. Stationary Fall Wall Paper A special line of boxed Stationary, 50 May. be spring wall paper as our new envelopes and 50 sheets of paper in a nice stock 18 pretty and it is your privilege to box for15c. Souvenir Pads at 15c, 20e buy it if you wish. and 25c. Collegiate Pads at 100 and 25c. Note paper 15c a quireo envelopes 10c a Special prices on some odd lines to clear. I:1110192P- All paper trimmed frde. Our Chris▪ tmas Goods are about all in and we are opening them up as fast as possible. Our Fancy Chinaware is beautiful. We promise the best in quality, the most in 41. quantity and the loweiit price to all. COOPER: k***** earning and Going. Coming and q0ing• . W. PrOudfoot was , in town oh Monday an business. , • . ' Kiss Tedford, of Chicago, is the gueel. of her cousin. • J. Taylor went to Stratford on Tuesday on business. Miss Twitchell was home from Hensall on bnuday week. . • • Mrs 3. Mcclacherty was in Goderich for a few days laet week. Mrs R 13: MoDoneld, of Seaforth, was at her home for Sunday. MrsRanee, Clinton, was visitincher son, Captain Rance, in Myth. Miss L. Grahamwas at Blyth this week i acting as a judge n fine arts. W. J. Leckie, Kincardine, 'spent a few days of thie week with his brother here. C. Joy wheeled to Mitchell on Saturday and spent a few days with his brother there. Jima MoCorvie, of Luoknove, wee the guest of hit. sister here for a few days this week. Mrs (Rev.) Stewart was in Toronto for a ti eek paet,visiting at her father's, Dr. Gregg. • , Miss Mande Ethenned is vending a few days in Blyth as the guest of Mrs W. W. Slone Dr. Blackball ana Jas. Snell were at the Laoknow show on hest Thursday acting ea judges. • • Mrs W. Doherty is away for a week, visiting her mother in Wardayillo and Mende in London. ' 'Fred Brodeur went to Toronto Vanity on Monday, having spent' a moth' here with his relatives. J. Mennen is home this week holidaying. Be has been for some time past on the Wroxeter newspaper. Mrs Taylor returned home on Friday from Brampton,where she went to attend to to a sister who was ill MadoTap,gart and I.Mcidarohie returned home on Saturday night from their Mr° weeks' trip Wliew York. Thor. Quigley, of tleaforth, win here last week attending the turmoil of his mother, firs T. Quigley, of Hallett. Mr and Mrs W. C. Searle returned home on Tuesday evening from a fortnight's visit with friends in Mikhail. Miss 8s,die Carter, of Auburn, le visiting friends at Stapleton, being icroompanint by Miss Emma Carter, of Anbuert. Mr and Mrs Rola*. Arohilaaid, of LeOdbu- ry,ipent a few days Iasi week in town with their engin, Mr and Mrs John Walker. Iiin Lillian 'Howson, of the Inittenbury FA. patronage, ar.eived home on Tuesday from a two months visit with her sister In Michigen. Miss Learn Biggar*, the obliging and phone office it taking holid ys this week very courteous operator the central by tenting in Detroit. It Gardner oame home batty for a few weeks after Li triperound renneof thecitiet He leant shortly JO memo duties at the C. P. R. Hotel vigor at Montreal, Dr, Show, O. Johnston, G. Robertson and J. Gardner were Clinton chime who went to Brussels' fair lad Friday, It ,was one of the best faint of this year. Mrs, Horton, of Buffalo, spent Tumidity and Wednesday with her brother P. B. Eastman, of Clinton, on her way to visit her cousin, Mrs Johnston, of Wingham. B. Dindey wet home from Ohmage lest Week visiting his father on Rettenbary street. He fa a great admirer of Sir Wil- frid Laurier and ihe Mend administra- tion, for width he expressed a wish for its return -til power, Be gala the Liberal gov- ernment was the beet that Candi ever hfia and Arnerloare moron the line in Rostra admire the honest government of Sir Wile frid iisa his ordaisert Medium) Weil MA son, Retro, left for .Buffalo on Tuesday morning, Xi is indeed with regret we lann *hat she went away to reside In another pisos. Her Wog and ohorel singing in dumb, entillittinrilenti, end other (tenons, will be *0 nutoh missed; her assists:me a serving at Ontario street &arch being very MAUI, which his '&164.v/twit to this ohnroh. And her place Inge nutiteal circle of 011oton wmIl not be 'Want dim. Wherever she and her Mite son may go we wish them every thorn And happluitio, • Ve. Jackson and F. R. Reagens, accom- panied by Mrs Jackson and Mrs Hodgens, went to Hamilton On Tuesday. The looal agents were attending e ticket agent's con- vention. , Rev. W. Ayers was a caller at the Nsw is a former elergyman of the Methodist , aking P er Bus on Saturday. The reyerend gentleman church et Holmesville, and was on his way '• B • owd Makes thebread more healthful. Safeguatds the food against a1 there to conduct anniversery (services. , • Miss Lau Howson, daughter of Rey. , W. G. Howson, who has been spending a couple of months with her sister in Michi- gan, has returned to town, much improved in health by her visit. • • Miss Jessie Rattray, of Montreal, form- erly a student at the collegige here, who has lately occupied the position of head nurse at the Laurentian Sanaterium, Ste, Agathe, left to 1111 a sitnilar position in Dr. Gee's hospital, New York. A. W. Wise is removing to town' from Goderich townehip, having been appointed agent for the Deering and other agricultur- al implement companies, and is • opening out in the stand on Hamilton street for- merly occupied by A. ltdollintron.-Signal. Stewart Macpherson 011121e horns from Brantford the other day for a few weeks stay. He happened with a alight accident to his hand, having itconr into ortsot with s rip saw, and this will make it net - emery for him to take few holidays. • A. A. Walsh, evangelist's/rho ,has been visiting his pitmen tor the past few weekr, has returned to resume his work inBoston. He left on Monday last, • aocompanied by his sister, Miss 'Ida Walsh, who returned with her brother to attend oollege in Bos- ton. They were ticketed by F. R. Reagens. GENERAL ELECTIONS. Dissolution of Parliament ! Nomination on Oct. 31–Polling on November 7. -,— Wedneeday. November 7 is the date, fixed for the Federal General Elections Nominations will be held, as initial, one week earlier, October R. An order -in - council to this effect Was passed and approved on Monday, and a proclama- tion was issued in accordance there- with. The boards of registration in - cities and county' towns to prepare the lista under the manhood franchieeisys- tem will be appointed at once, and will in nearly all cases be the same as under theThenctlrites° act. The abort and decis- lye so buckle on your armor and pre- pare efoorotvheerofrmato. t of Sir Wilfrid Lau- rier is emphatically a business admin- istration. Not only all business men, but all cleaner:if the community, owe much to the Government, for the boon' of a ehort campalgrr, with its minimum of inconvenience to leeriness instead of a long, business -hurting, litter one. The lio.nrier Government goes to the coutary with a megnificent four years' record of achievement. Never sinCe the first discovery of Oohed& hae it been as prosperous arid happy as since the year 1.-ir, tinder Lauder. It is the intention of the people of Canada to continue that condition of prosperity and hap- piness, by total ning In power those under whose direction and oversight an Mitch hat; elready been acconaplieh- ed in po short a time, The time is happily short till polling day, This rendere it the more possible, ana, at the same time the more iroper. atively necessery, that every patriotic citizen, every lover of his country, thoUld give freely of hie time and en - orgy and influence for the, next few 17,61,1cttelt4°ItraeltonriltdTat;rirn It P e -Peaze and concordamong men of all nationalities and creede, or a renewal of those dandelions' of rate and creed mule rwhich true national ropes* ie Impossible? Which shall I he f' Pro:verity, developnaent and good times, as the Dominion has enjoyed them mince 1806, or retregreesion to the hard times of the previone years ? 1 WLellethth6heillviel ridti I: LI one"of no awn. I ban character. 'Let inturier's hands tority from every province. I be etrengthened by a subatantial tott- Alum baking powder's are greatest • menacers to health of the present day. • ROYAL SAKII1POWISER CO.. NEW YORK. BORN. • SA'ULTS-In Goder oh, WI Sept: 30, the wife-, of W. Saults, of a son. OWN'S-In Morrie, on Sept .22, the wife of A. Cronin, of a son, KFT,I4Y-Tn Morrie, on Sept. 27, the wife of J. Kelly of a daughter, 'DEMPSEY-4n Hull M on Sept. 29, the wife of W -.j. Dempsey, odlyth, of a daughter. TEIRAOKER-In Culross. on Sept. 20, the wife of A. Thraoker, of a OWL MOFFAT—in Kinloas, on Sept. 24, the orifev of F. Moffat, of a son. MAXWELL --In Morris, on Sept. 26, the wife of Jas. Maxwell, of a eon, IBELAND-In Seaforth, on Sept 29, the wif& ABELL-Ln To to. on gept. 30, the wife of ofJohn Ireland, of ion. T. C. Abell, (fo orly of Seaforth,) of a daughter. • • BALDWIN-In Seaforth. on Sept. 26. the wife of George Baldwin, of a son. FILSINGER-In Goderioh, en Sept. 27, tho• wife of IL 0. Filzinger, of a danahter. ROBINSON-In Turnberry, On Sept. 20, the wife of Jas. Robinson, of a son. GIBSON-In Wroxeter, oii 5 opt. 26, the wffea of Thos. Gibson. ir., of aeon. • MARDIED. ' TOFPLN-STBEP-At Toronto, en Oct. 2, by Bev. J. A. Turnbull, B. A., L L. B., brother•in- lavr of the bride, Alexander Toppi% to Mille. Susie M. Steep, formerly of Clinton, both of Toronto.oR nv1CDT-ItEENA,-All the parsonage,Zur. littriLittvkFaitnyklisi vESINL1. Grtwign • SlilliON-sSUBARUS-At the Lutheran por- tal= of fay, io Liss Witftjit -Fla.., Of Dkoh-Ood b Rey flour ZuriLtW h• B .. IOICLMAI NN -At the residenee of tbe. bride, on Sept. Ser hy Bev. P. Musgrave, Bich, Barwick to Miss Uharlobte E. Mann, all of MolCillop, MELLY-ROSS-At the residence of the bride's inother, on Sept, 26 b7 Bev, McLean, W. W. Kelly, of Wiener 10 Mize Maggie, only deughter of Mrs Math Bois, of Mullett. IIABRISS-DRIIMMOND-In Chathent,_ on Sept. Seth, by 1W. J. J. Ross, W. Moder Rat- • ries, of London, to Lotilie.L„ yoUngest daugh- ter of Mr and .Mrs Drummond, formerly of 131ytb. SAMPLE-BRAE/JIB-At Christ Church rim - tory, Port Stanley, Sept. Ifith, by the Bev. 1/ Douglas Steele, Mr Wm, Sample, of London, formerly of Braseels; to Idles Eliza Brazier, or London. nl". ORR._--In Go 'erioh Townehip, Sept. 30thi. Daid Orr, egad 43 years acned 9hmgoo.n„..th,s. pr;r_arti. • --et riha, Inlist To ageli°27 yeu4s, 11 months kndre days, virlfilleNT°114:71:pap-tinnt 'Boitruftelsaies371.;pite8:22*Piltd,227;t1:111:ii:e. odfaPys%lioNabb. agedfil Tem7' , 11 months and 1 i4W00021,1)4-edIn86 •yTtioarnmberry, on Sept. 20, Janet' virSiOngROwOulle;Ituchllridatfitoilesepth.oxnadasea4166hayrikklotttse$ 8011102'PIELL -In Winghant, Sept. nth:. 8111/1117,14nnOltAN-litiroiv 8hfa uldls:Wn d7I2 )1%11' on Sent. istv,. Wm. Dunean, aged 45 years. ROE -In Wingbam, Sept 30, Margaret B: Stearns% belayed wife of Alfred Roe, aged 51 yeaorlstaatondp5_nzineuvvthinen. lotti Sept ittb,• nowt, Marie Kidd, et SeafOrth, and wife of B. *T. Gal lop, orwinuipec formerly of Torboito. inaon °0142-03IrtfrAkilltigd°111 14011.vdo 7714 dens aged IR14ltd date Mt, rhfarrit104170tha a ,4*Itt ntil&ohnA.,solt italtIZER..-/zr terdesvv, not 18, Ilona an, infant &tighter Of Ati Ur Imola. 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