HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-10-12, Page 3fra. • Soothes 040 Irritated bowels, settles the.. awl- ach,. gives. prompt relief from pains prevents c:ol• - lapse, and cures Diarrhoea,' Dysentery.; Cholera, CramPs, Colic, Summer Complaint, Cholera Infan,- tum, Nursing Sore Mouth of Infants and all bilmel complaints of young, and old more safely and speed- ily than any. other, remedy. . 11.111GEROUS DttEttglit II TEARS ll( UZEI Mr. jOhnt. Carter, ofBridgetaiwn, ' Mre. Middleton Wray writes Ikon N.S. in the following letter, tells Schomberg, Onto as followe; "De. how it saved his life: 14/ had suffer-. Fowler's Extract of Wild Stravvberry • ed with dysenteryforfoisr weeks and is the best remedy I know of for.. could get npthingeo cure me, 1 thee - Summer Complaint and Bowel Dita heed -Do Fowler's Extract of Wild arises otchildren. I have used It hi Strawberry, and I feel that it saved our family for the past seventeee my life. It restored sme to health years and never had occasion tb call when everything else failed. I cone • In the eloctorOfor these trould6a as alder it a wonderful remedy that the Fowler's ExtractalwaysWorked should have a piece in every hOnse." like a. charm." Aiweyeask tor Dr. Pewter's intact. of WIld.Strawbeer y and Whim suostita es er'Imitetions. •, . eseateatio ern S9 D tau p.)4.15.41:•,N1d.Lda imp • mottip,I.I j() sosa 14astoDo ad,gueaS ! • I•5 "q. .t.upthim qaua ,„„ u sup.u..tu: 96. **LW .1::0‘.14)Pi. t....11iallhtlt4.1.1 rtilldlt sequietu ',theta same. ou etre milt eaetie Seto eel Pule • zeta O aahoc1 palmy= Lomat:xi otta, . • .'111-7001t.011.14, • - •anog tutitatqq lupluo,ug'•.mog .quqa 199 mi).1j, ipj aq pus irdv mo.0 qgaalspusq.A,v toulojaad •up je Med JaIlri. 0111 al auzuo sums.oil 114.m4 tqui 1141,u; p.ru.u.uv • •p z1u!xt-u.tp4rq au,uo,mour eql Mu tlagl'. ,91 3sugmiu Tunis •>q., zuissaml q •eq1.td j ,gaaoj moo.0 at; tpinuaqi Wpaild SU/A sipaau 6q4 •aiquipn u Agnorm.0 luoaJaeo 12.1 uolltui tIl..168 limn opt aolOttoug :u.omoota •Sq • .po.loairosip .0194 ' mut -• • qous-Jo sl12uap aq; euto$ u . . 'map poo2 go no! (1914 Pup "AX Ilsod g "emeis pias ,essaappe gig„ ,i•ssa.i [qui su cap Arm rum soaps !am, Woods ItItt 1)1115 011 uagAt no .pary. sus& eettetenu aqi pee •ore ire 100 oseei seem meet seeiprals pretsies poop -01:m uum.quqo ato sieecosoni •seoeueds o, Ise eio uo SU pd4Uld MLA' ',111IIIDP..IUd tl• Spoil •pul 1.sqzni maoe u 4s 2111,3t1S ()a parteui suss' aunt tittir.IdD . •tekittocads Snot • sq pahl.ttka spueem Iteerteipue. seerepu, oe node path) iieeeoeuragi• venire - 'd.%1:71 °get srarittads 1q pa.tocua eq th.a. rad stl tpqir>tia uu tuo.1.1 11q.i.t.ow4 oga, • • 110,aAPPV 418.4,autt ' • • • 0.J. W.Oiddati, .nrchitect of the new St. La,Wrence.lkisarktti has halted a writ against Ald.. S.hetapaed for .510,000 dam- ages tor staling tbat Bidden had ho tch-, ed the work from the beginning. Alice Pea rson, Winnipeg, aged. 10, w ho .was married to a eniddle-aged man named . MflIs lasI Thureda afternoon; 'took carbolio acid and died in two hones. i..1 • • • . ltifty-nine Mihisterialists, Aye Liber als and two Nattenaliets -have been re , THE CLINTON NEW Mt& SHOPPING IN CHINA, piA A. re YELLS ANO WILD GESTICULATIONS SEASON THE BARGAINING. • The Noisy Phatottour over Poem. Turns the shooeing etnertere Into a Vernon** l'areartneveleht -.Mama boards and Tbetr litany toles. Although the peculiar civilization of the Meese has tenon to provide the shops of the country with plate glass whidows, • mahogany counters, huge mirrore aud the seductive sop walker, Yet the tradesPeo" pie have tuethods MOO Writ tor. flgillk Mg the attention et the pitbile worthy of notice it not of imitation. To begin with; the conmethion which toeces clown the ' pines o goods Ili thli aruetyy le kuown inelbSpe. • • . • , • se Tlie Menufactured, who own most ist the shops, to - protect the interests -of themselves, and their worypeoplee,hurist on Wang all prices and when attacked with: fits of greed:combine to raise the price lists, whieh, to prevent the shopkeeeer yerchareing, are posted up in the shop. 'XII such shops belong to what see. any work at all by the stomach, In free houses the Price given for an ar- That little may be enough tp eicteisthe vestilt of a prolonged. Wiggle. • The. Muerte are ouch experts ,ate bar- set your whole body going gifting that ehope of good repute public- d - again ; for it helps you -.more ly declare that they eel] only at the a vertised .price. You „ NEXT DOOR TO DEATIs. A Peettours ;Jenrette- Oyer a itieekete liambeit Widnes ,Mr. It. A. Waddell, In his booke"Among the kIltualayae," ileseribha the tcrossiug ot the Teesta klrer on a, rickety bamboo in a brldgts, The- 'bridge; ewer' dangerous, was at that time a mere ragged skeleton at iteelt and, to make matters worse, was slippery with green slime. Such bridges are usually rebuilt once in two • years, but tide one had evidently not hem touelidd for vault longer than that. 'Unusual question t . On this whew, totterinh"etructore, open If your digestion needs at tbe Mr' a, over Ole turbulent, rapid river 300 feet • rest —whatever else may be wtcriltinutlsr fteet below the bridge, In an alarming waiy, roiling from side to Ther eatveeve witbset -sudden jetic eyery Liver Oil. thee ••yotr litt your -foot, net only sitle- Whatever else it rna b , ways and longways, but also downward it is •a vacation Mr stomach and the bridge, 'Thie es on until you pass •true—you can. get it from' they recoil afnromy. oyuousateld on luau:lin:In:are SCOT'S EMULSION of. Cod side onti PiMhing Ike tr elrip in a storim partly for bowels. De— anti forward, as your weight depresses the middle of the bridge, after which the I It feeds y'bu a little without eliould tall Lunen. • • it fes . Why a Chluanian when haggling shoted than edyou shout at. the'top ot his voice is not clear, - , ifyou bare not triteltsenefor freesamme, its but he does, consequentle the voeifera- 'agreeable taste wet surprise you. • •-tious et several liondred purehasesa and SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists. the equally stentorian rejoieders of the • Toronto, . , ••••••,-,4-4q, tradespeople render a 'Chinese shopping -00 - • -- quarter, when the public are abfoad, a • • veritable pandemonium. • Al eel:lesion °rowed ae leo/11mi. The • amounts in dispute are seldom , , poor , w Ile the British were destroy - more than a half peony or so, but the icing Boer nm•rourdfion, resetting in the Parties seam/Led gesticulate as if their ath of tvvo Gibrdon Highlanders and -tiZe unding of eight een othere :. entire fortunes' were at stake, the din ap- .. Dearing to • be numb loed'et-than it reallY wo, . is owing to the narrowness or the streett3, OATABB,HOZOINTE CANNOT BE • ' - , . . which' are seldora mere than a fevi feet BEATEN aerosS, Mr Birdie McDougall, of Vanleek Hill, Shops which decline all abatement have oat, says : "Catserhozooe has done me - A ' signboard inscribed, "cheep pu tirlo more goctisthan any 'other medicine I eyer chin." which reente"fixed price.. used.. rt hag cured, me, of my. Catarrh. r Business in China being condue-ted on Othere may praise theirprepar•- • principles mostly unknown' to the outer Selene but Oetarrhozone cannot be beat - world, it is not strange ro find that shop en ati a, cure for, Catarrh." • Catarrhozone and warehouses are never known by the a new methodeot treatment gusranteed family name of the proprietor. They are to cure the most chronic cases of Catarrh, • distinguished by some sign generalle the Asthma, Brouchitis, *Coughs, Colds', em. ' invention of the tweeze who will hold Sure, safeand, i lease:be to use, Sold by - a long' and anxious coneultation with all druggist's Trial matte Bent for lec in FittIT - LENTIPIII.,-The present is his eamust and triende in order to obtain stanitsi by O. 0, Poison & Cong4., t a great year, ger pollee users of fruit. s a "hate" Ithieh shall embody some felicie Ont., Proprietors. Probably neet before hag there beeo • toes idea, , ' ' Mier, Lena Debs, of . Aldboro, Onti:S; such a ettfentitY of staple fruit and ‘ mitted suicide be takiog rae poison. vegetahleeeef Which •zhere la. an over - c 0 Whenrn eeon:tiler i 'lathe a Ptapossession.oPee 4 the al; I 11 1 he ; . • .•• • - • .. , production, restilting in a big drop. in. are made aware of what has taken . , • price*. The article which had no de- place by long crimson streamers hanging other vegetables Were not in strong from the sigoboards. The triendliness Running Sores, the entwine ol . mend was apples, 'while ionsatoes and s betweep the shopkeening neglect, or bad blood, have a never -failing which exist Were hundreds of thousands of bushels c; -their. yearend results in dev4 • balm mosstubborn cases. Soothesirritation in Dr. Agnew's Ointment: Will heal ' the t dereanci. It is ea,fe to say that there lassand going to waste, as it would not nay to opments of. whith we know nothing in, ' gather them. According to the este this country. We should smile at the all:octet instantly after first application.Xt e Te1:414) affixed a notice in his relieves all itching and burning skiredirases mate of a largoronto wholesale trSdeman fruiterer, 200,000 barrels of summer arid window stonier that "hie wife was ma in a day.' It cures piles in e to s nights. fan aPPies have already wasted. in.0o. v'ery well that day" or that "his iather 35 couts.--39 /napes were se low was that the can. . ouch written annooncements inereased •son that they can handle no wore this colored streamers being suspended fron Robt. Sutheilaed, of .,West Zerrn tario. It is stated that one Jettison to was dead." In . China, in sedition* to Bold by Sydney Waokson, dingeishOlintora ners put up such a large stock inet sea.1 publicity is athirded • by wh'ite or ash • .was struck and kitled by a C. P. It'. years at the same tune the demand in 9 g • train at Wotidetook. Lorne Carney, a • Britain for our canned goods is as, The signboards are ale° used to recoril strong as ever, and that more expert the death ot an emperor. This is done tont-Tear-old tiny, was tun over by a goods could be accommodated than are by putting the board with ite letters wOrrand Trutik tram at Guelph and had going abroad: As regards apples, Mrgaudy red and gold into mourning. The • an ntnO taken off- • Dawson, cornmission merchant, of To ,PaPer with wbich the aides 01 the board ,We Claim that The D. & L. Menthol ronto has expressed the opinion that are covered is not Wade, as it witted be Plaster veill cure lerabage, backache, eisi- t • the ellen-00u would be materially fen- with us, but green, and in oilier thasuet . or neuralgic pabut quicker thaa en y proved if farmer° would Only send to business shell not be interfered with the other remedy. Merle by Davis:Ss Lawrence market what was first class, . green paper is dotted all over With the SS`theLtd. , - , bouse's name But the loyalty teed grief . Lord Wolseley willprobably visit ENturEtir DErl. .t.i- Tne toll gwil of the shopkeeper are teritified to by two Canada bees year. • . extract taken from the 'Western streamers, on which is luscribed, "kus, A. Physician is not alwitYs at hand. ProgresS, Monte, Man , refers to the Wile." "the kingdom mourns." ' Guerd yourself against sadden coughs and sudden death of Mrs Stinson, young- - 011 the occasion of a new ruler', the' colds by, keeping %bottle of Pain•Killer in est daughter of John Shobbrook, of metalling streamers are changed for real the hones. -.void substitutes, ther 0 is but , the north gravel road, of vvhich men- oues, a color in China symbolical et joy. one Paid Killer, Perry Davie% 25e, and den w, a made in 0 ir last issue:- "A The display at bunting outelde Chinese 00 . . . . ; most appaling accident occuri ed on ehops always strikes the European as • Saturday evening on the farm of Jasstrange, but it serves'its. purpose, r W. B. Clark, sr., one of the pionee ! Model • and, twine five miles west of iVe Shall have our. work cut out whys business men 01 Sarnia, diedemddetily efstorenetsPirahneenoese-VenerePerealesehteeter. oscillating structure kicks up behind you as you ascend. I got on fairly well so long as I could Look to see the bamboo rod on syhich I had to w lk, although the. opeli sides 1 heightened the sense ot insecurity. But - away from the bang, if :trou'leek down M see •wh'ere .to Place your fait, the rush of leaping water in the terreot helow gives you the giddy sensation that both pail stanrdettrath.e bridge are running swiftly up , . Yet one must keep his eye upon, the ohmic bamboo ovethanging the abyss and find a shaky footing upon its since to miss It means certain death,' 1 was a quarter of the way over per- haps when, as I stepped from one bam- boo to the- next, it tilted un, and I could see that most of those in front were lying loose and disjointed in their V slings. They:had been broken away by the pass - Ing of the person who had preceded me. I could not swing round to go back. For - 'ward was my only course. • ' I went on with long strides to get a toothold on this shaking, swinging line of slimy bamboos. After each step I had to half close my eyes to counteract the, giddy feeling of the upward rush of the bridge. It was a creepysghastly, process, A false step meant death in the raging glee below. After what seemed an • age. I reached the opposite bank. - • That Hacking Cciugh is a warning not •to be treated. PyrieS.Peeterrel cure* with absolute certainty all recent 'coughs and colds. 'Cake it in time? Alanefahter- ett by the proprietors of Perry Davis' Pause Killer, ,Iiindon. England, has a population of 4,211.056e New York comes emat Wil h 3,437,202. Others are: Petits 2,- 538,831; Berlin, 1,877;304; Chice mai 575.- 000; Canton, 1,600,000; Vienne, 1,804,544; Tokio, 1.209,911; and St Petersourge 1,267,074 The world is getting bigger. Sciatica, put hityt on Crutches. -tie. -Smith, dairyman, of Grimsby, Ont., writes: "My limbs were almost useless from sciatica and rheumatism, and, not. my esteem for physicians, I meat give the credit where it belongs. I am a. cured man to -day, and South Ameri- can Ithetunatfo Cure must have all the. credit. It's a marvel. -34 Sold by Sydney Jackson, druggishOlinton, Trhe Liberal Government has met all the expenaituke of the past•year • a- 1-incluling the $2,000,000 for the )•• oontingents to South Africe, and has not added one copper to the e. debt during the year. on Which Jae, Stimion resides, • the time alinee to.destroy the popularity at his home kat eek.. - 1 the caudle di i CI i a This is how the General Debility anti a erne down" state Mr Stinson brought bis wife bete•asb of au e n i u . fall to share his fcmtunes and to break cundle dealers, it highly iniagleativi calls frr a generaltonic to the eystem. 1 up the lonelineisi• of life ou It prairie' body it would seem, 111ASt their dips with Such is theD. de L. Emtilsion. Bulids)ou farm, Scarcely a year had sped, how- poetry, After detailiug the vnrieties the i up, inereases your weight, gives healtb. ever, svben sudden death closed the deal in, the announcenseet proceeds: "At Made by Davis & LaWrence Co., 'career of the young bride; the fatal eveutide tbe mandate came from COUI`tb John Orutnmond of Tottenham coins night woe Saturday, September ftnd, of Haili On hearing that milsbtY name, tnitted suicide by banging himself, . The. cows had been milked and Mr Stne• the scholars hurried to the tower anti Isola started fn' Elva on businese. It -studied there by easeueugesei BABY BEASUTY. turned to the.British, House of Com - mons by acclamation, drawing the creamer be hnd tut her appears that after be bad left Mrs Deere in China einY be expert, but You,always think of a pretty baby as Stinson bad,gone to the well to put the they aro not modest. We deal in king • plump and chubby, Scott's Emulsion milk in the creamer and to drew off fisher. and dark blues, also double blacks. gives just this plumpness ; not too fat, jes the cream for the pelt w which she al- eer t o e rivaloin our workmanship Celestial enough for dimples to come, Babies iihe nays carried the cream was foetal manufacturers." it, too, seeing near the well, This well is Atwater dYer after declaring that .,O(, AAAAolikOric about four ' feet apiaie with a curb- public should only deal et the right sigu, • about one foot, hieb covered ,On top by allows them to infer that be is alluding a number cif loose boat ds. One boqrd -or The total Manage in tie; trade of to his oWn, by stating that his is the et Camas dude/ the entire 18 years d and laid b the $ide , o , p Although there are over 1,000,000 shope ltr amounted to $66,000,000. The in- et hand on the next boerd, thin itig it in China, it is safe to say no two siva,. -4 .4c crease its trade during the 4 years * et httd been rerrioie "double headed (chuang .fengi Phenix." h a the Conservatives were in office thewell an It is s osed that in • •firm, when she anti the board were are alike' er of Liberal rule was more than Woe Her husband came home at 10 1301e. m„ As the Chinese Of good sense and superstition, strange et of thew predecessors in office, being * are a strange mixtere 4 as neneb is during the entire term es HALF-HEARTED precipitated to the bottom of the vita. nes are to be svitneseed in the shops '4( ATTEMPTS neighbors, ut to no ava, The neiro elletellik in 4110 belief that If tbe* mess • • successful.: 5 techsek Senday morning they were shocked to find her -hat .and h0r dab- • „ - • - ingliotiting in the well. She Was a and after finishing his chores returned Ei" • $134,000,000 to the house. Itiot, seeing his wife he materiale of which a prescription Is lit thotight protiabl y she bad retired, but tompose een eueo, wee startled to find she was, not there, refuse is carefully deposited in the middle To' get well are never fie then bern his inquiries arsong the -of the stteet by the shopkeeper, and his • • bore at once joined in the search ati ILO is sniff at by the horse on whieh the' daughter of J. Shobbrook, of Clinton, Ont., and was born there on October • Holiest 'Use of 2nd, IMO, She has a brother Hying in North Dakote, and two years ego her Paine's Celery Compound The Only True erve Medi- • cine and I•Terie Food. Tina GRORT 001SPOUND OCIIRTISTEISS A NEW Melita. Though her residence here was short she had commended herself mr i notch oinf !stile:011,121# ht emace, known as St . a whole Dot over halt a _ • o USSR 00 1,IPE, to all who knew her as a bright and at- tractive Wonted. She was it member MOB rocks. So eteep Is the MoUtitaln It is pitfalls to $88 the half-hearted snd . . of the Methodist church and we believe et whieli Ude lonely resting place of heti. sinmit useless attempts made by many a true Obviation. The funeral tobirds Is Abe opining. that dircurile frotuok these rocks a BOO fathom line with which' people to get rid of poor health. More de -I Piece on Monday afternoon, and al. soundings were attempted by Boos xis 1118terinined efforts anci•greater energy would' though a very rainy day, one could not Voyage to the Antarctic failed to touch ltentit forth to aohleve Victory itt any other,' but retnerk on the large attendance at urideittkinge . ' , the funeral. The aympothy of the en- the bottom ' • Too many are bfiliiiverti in tqatalismi" tire commuoity goes out to, the bereity-assiseil illialf.' . rebore bloke mit el slmObli anythinit Wit ia ed husband and f riptide." •• One Of tht remarkable scenic4eaturee Vinutiended ita' neighbdrio While Matti Mother desiring to vigit her son and not feeling able t6 Make the journey A Submarine Mountain. aleone was accompanied by her daugh- Almost at the very center of the At - ter, The latter was induced to remain 'antic ocean.. only trifle north of the and spentlt y ear in North Dakota as a equator ant: about half way betwetu- dress.makeri .She wit's accompanied by South Ameri-a and Africa., is a subma- bee brother to Killarney 'lain Novem- rine mountalu so high that in spite of the bet, Where she and, her husband were immentre ilepth of the tett it thrusts its married at the Methodist parsonage, peek "10,teet,ebove the %tweet. This peak, when the happy couple took train for startitig ttont Mr position, forms 4 4fth3" spirit, of the..."rletelestar*S.rldese the-te- 'still 'Will be certain td be favorable to the patient. The "T'len-l-star," or "Ce- lestial cure," Is invariably believed too prowl the streets nightly ill order to watch over those' who have been ailing and sick, ..• .• of the tele rated White mountalim of ititereporary lode! le • NeW liampshir trtlekerillt&S ravine, forded tier ifirtumnik. et great gnif It. die southerlr aide of If Painele CiaiorY CoMpound he used .0 Two little Scotch girl* were talking ot -Mount 'Washington, Which/la every YOU'. ofeitkeiel,tbohloo4 to, rognlate end tone the their .reapeetivol.. T!,t.thefe , who had beth spanned by a beantifirl snow ascii, or hereto, to, wallah •rheutuatiein. netireigia, .beeti in the ermy; cave et saowii Which m1100140 until the heidotoluiliekidney diseele,. nna. apropofs, "Mit bather's got the Victoria ovule' latter part of August. Theuntie was • thislettearedthe good Work ta fully otid-lboteted one.. "The queen pinned it on conferred noon It in. bonor of the disk pertrierietaly acoompliabed. • ' - itlin vrith'horoin batIV! , . ,,, , t coverer, radward Tnelcerman, an eitthisii. XtiOVAllitivillY, marAn41.1401buliala for 4,4Ae," retorted the other,, "Mit faithent attic explorer of these fatateue hill& yeacgurtokl.telineystromutlito ItelMiek beenin.desems 01 wap; aa Bee got gaugg, cooanionom4,004thfr eitat Ito' the 41,04 end ,Sehla of medals and Victoria crow g Vela '40t4dAtVgidtloptuitool „sum* hal' get * beanie war/den le", 00" Tlle „ ,orid ktlowg of no ether ateerith a shrill shriek of triumph -maw ne fte g t fortifying. old tall& lose* *led it 04 WP 40r itisk istutill" .. tag tip tho logo* Wall§ agoilait the trip i, -' / ,.. Nom& votyma,froathou of autumn, - .. . ''''.'" oat* too &soot st stow ivtid +prom% Willieliunn, tablet/Storer-OR Hein* 6 bottle ot Palle t Color, Compound mid, ilton,boy, *he wits reeen it sent to St. lee hew eon Ow 14)1440 will vatlyibt your .l'ohn e Induatrial School, Toronto, for _ems di„,teision, hesdioht, bitokikohe, four years for horse -stealing, got away ZZutititig ina neuriud4-„,la go, Atka from the institution and atoie it horae piirmitimi bultuf ustieity lindhiponeee dirtying back to Hamilton, Ile will be will be yours, returned 00 the achool, ' li etinqtarajg 4nay1ryLbOi 01 tha mouth* atilt Bt011le.Q1Mie 1041.4s the rented* that owes s *ale La woe day The Prince of Walas will yhdt 'Ulster during tho coming.winter. Many fetes are Meg a/ranged in his honor, Jealous Rivals cannot turn back the tide. The demand for Dr, Agnew's , little Pills it a marvel,' Cheap to buyebut dianaonds in quality -?banish nausea, coated 1 tongue, water brase, pain after eating, sick • headache, never gripe; emerge pleasantly. xo cents. --37 Sold by Sydney Jackson, druggishrilinton. SeSeh4•44•••:••:•io:••SeSehee•:••:•$:••:oh•heetg;:eSe:• et The yearly postal deficit tinder the ; se 4,,i•• Conservativee was 5800,000. The, .st: • Liberals have opened many new of- ffices, added hundreds of miles of 46 • new mall routes, reduced the postal y ..1: . rate to 2 cents, improyed the mail st 05 eervicegenerally,and teetwithstand- •se t these vast improvements, have ptac. 6 6 X ing deafly wiped out tam deileit in ' It ; the postal department. , - Se teet44•4•44•440•:•044:••:":""04":":".44":":4 •••,, S TAMES odors find Good eseriptzon. .•, " or ma it • IWAtelltil or -A we et bad health that it•Or•Alf•Svilll aseleasaft. nay tentith Mitt end Imolai/dile, One gt Ma. Note the wall RIPAN5 On tire thichase si moot tie imbetitute. /el•PAlflt, u. fee s rotatt, ballad at nay Attz mot., .rt. soviet, and poi t vettl bt outtlett •o atitadArest Ira rhe /4044 eta, We* Ireaits ea, e October 1*4, 00( IIIIIIIMMIIIII/11110111111141,111111111 41111I111111/111111111m... : ) ' AVedebblePreparationforA,s- ' sliniiating illeToodandRegata. thg sa.d13oweis qr. . „ SEE THAT THE FAC -SIMILE SIPNATURE -or— . rotnotesDiggstion,Cheerful- , ness auclitest.Conlains neither 9ptutt'morptins nor 'Mineral. NOT 'Moto OTIC. fraletPraiMZPOURER 1 ollanArg.n Sok' dfixtenner Redraft Sera se.- - rla,thdJ'zg»-' norm IS ON THE WRAPPER OF EMI 130Trirrx1 QV ApetrettRelitedy.forconitipa- ) on, snur $tonigh,Diarrhoca. Worms ,Convuls ions :Feverish - "Liss and 1,0S S OF SLEEP. TacSimile Sigireittlen'iof areee-if- •EWYQftg,' • a Oastoris l put lip in ono•slzel)ottles only. Ti is not sold In bulk. Don't allow avow) to ea you anything else on the plea er ?Tootle that it. is "just as goods and 'will answer every put- poee," /a -Bee that you got 0-0-8.T.0.R.I.A. The ha - •&4/1 • "It WO' CdPY.Of WRAPPt4.' eigaatiinte seem at • • manta. • . • SEPARATING ANO SLITTING MILK. The value of the Cream Separator, ia now well understood that any aro- .Urnat forlter nee would appear super - Aeons. The folloWing will, howeVer, bet of interest. At A trial made at the Munster Daher School some tinie ago, the &lenges of 45 expermients with a given quality of Iniih were 400 lbs of butter from thee Separator,as compared with 59 lbs or butter from milk set in open pans for 24 hours, 68 Ibe of butter when it wae ea. for 86-1101118,, 73 thief butter whop it ewas yet for 42 holm:Land 76 los When sere for 64 hours. It may betaken for grant- ed that the use Oi the Separitor giveat 25 per cent more main than any eysterm • of shimming. it von are •a citorymete. think over these fihee. Can von afford to go on dairy business in which there is a :wate of one quarter. Bay Sharpies Oream Separatorand thug'. • secure all theprotit that is that is to he... bed ; n the dairy business. , %NOELS. machine. capacity 300 lbs,,$76; lio.1 machine on stand 6E111401025, 300.. 'Easy terms of payment, •Write W. L. Ouimette Londesboro. WA°,0 ar 10 jtiet to band, second car Bedpatb Extra Standard granulated and Yellow auger. We sell in bin 1 ess than wholesale sell in 60 bble Sparta' price in 100 pound iota and dollars. • ugaraJu. ar TEA TEA • Green TEA 'Japan' • We have best 25e tea in town, extra nice Japan tea 20o, agents. fcr RAM LAVO, Appleton, Monsoon and Blue Ribbon teas in packages. • Exquisite.Dinuer, Tea. Toilet, Glass caul Water Sets. We exrecit thin week two oraterdireet from the naanufaoturera in Stadordshire, Etigland, bought before the advance of 15 to 20%. We are selling at old prices, you will save 25% by buying from us. Call and mallet+ goods and prunebefore you buy. j. W. IRWIN, •Olintois Eiteter Flour 1. -VTcoiTfl& cosr Aillinds a Small Fiettl $eetls,. as rrimotby, Red and Alsike Clovers. lieadquartegs for Iltxrnip„ Mongoltl, Cart* Seeds- Fresh Groceries and Canned Goods - Our specialty is Teat, Try 3111. 15e Tea, Other:tarietiea equally:as eiheep. Ilighest-roarket price paid IA cash, for eggs, es" 0*.W 1-3:11,11.1 sus Buggies We are selling Buggies for three of the best Carriage Companies in Canada. tiltRit AND SONS. CHATHAM. • BRANTFORD CARRIAGE CO. CANADA CARRIAGE' CO., BROCKVILLE. and the well known RAIN WAGGON. 9 We are selling 'twine made by the very best makers at, reasonable prieec Afse agent ler the Alexander and Mellott. Omar I Seperato4 andlisesepttarris Bicycles. Samples ten be ow jit the shop, Isaac Street.. 0430. La Goma Invelestsit Dealer, DA . ,•••