HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-10-12, Page 2' nelDber 121 1.900 11 What,the Liberals Have Done. . Ste Wiresie Xectfiliell • AT 6,102PritS4 ; -.And whit hag the Government done for *be country? The Censervatiye pr tss and the Conserystite loader, tow everywhere, that We •heye 'doge nothing. Well, here is e 'little of Whet we baYe done. Pint pf all we faced the. echo)! %amnion, which our enemies at.' teniptect io Settle.- withatit being eble to do eo. We eettled that oueetion, And 1 mere,tutif -9119O-,:tt later. We reformed the tariff* and b, doing eo iera enetiltillo'dien num the berdeas of the people, and to inoremee trade. We obtained the debuttoiation of the Belgium and German treaties, and the day we obtained thet reform Canada became a nation more than it had been before, We have reduced the deflate which orbited in the Poittoftloe Department. lo UK when mg, frieod. 31r. Maleale, Postmaster General, emoted the direotion ,ot that department there was a deficit of $800,000 to meet. At the end ot two yeare of administration be had reduced that deficit to nearly .$50,000. He then. -t tumeht4t,titna to4atroduae ta,,reform wbioh the,Conser venire :party h•ad: , niteiletred it irnpoaibk. He ' redileed;thieratety 'newthird,and-tit-the endo?one yeer,este,hliehtti , an. equilibilunt; *bd./. venture to Predict Mutt n. enothet year be •will'hatte, comPletebe,eiettbegiditi in eetabliehing an ,equilibrium between , - receipt's and expenditures. We _opened up the 'greet 6Ountry' whioh IN known as `R.Oaeittbd, by allatilig,-the railway 1010011 ae the' ,Ortates Neat ',Past Railway eettitttnat.4,, ,;GletVg81.;; the work, elf ;the Cankdlen, Paola*. 00m - pang, we made with that corporation en ,errengeticent by. WhiehLtlity OWE 'of freight rates was reduced from 10 to 30 per cont, which hilathe,effeeket giving to constituent of that region the, means of eying at leest8600000 a year, , We have peolonged theIntereolonial to Montreal, sod by doing we'hstie put rut end to the era of detloits and ineugurated an era of' surpluelig, This year the Burping will be over half a million, We have tannpleted the ooestruotien of oanale for the perpoee of bringing the products of the west to Montreal, and, finally, the Laurmr GovernmentbaS nukao.Montrial recognized esthenatiortar part of Canticle. Union, 1 Peace t FriendshipFraternity. . . • „ What tteb'er motto could any patrietio yaky desire to emblazon on ite banners than that Offered by Sir "Wilfrid Latina'. at Bohmer Park the other day: " Union, P. ace, Friendship, Fraternity ?"' Unipn of all the diversified. elemente of our population, whialt-Must be liarmoniouely blended Into one greet Cana, dian nationality if we are to ever adequately fulfil our destiny. Peace within our tionimereial borders, thot wider the continued benign influence of an assured inability of the tariff and other trade conditions, ohr tretrehants and nutnufadtur- .; ere; our miners and agriOniterititsi may, go forward in confidence to take the 'eget advantage of (-the wawa -oohed epportubitiedoffering on every hand. Frientiehtp With, our neighbors to :the smith,- withwhom we are and etwaYa must be in oloee "nottntot and relationship, social and commercial. Fraternity within, the e piny% ever fostertng.and strengthening those bonde of brotherhood which Imo repeived earth development , since tbe preetentGoiernment assinned offioe. The Liberal party lieta, by "right of lte reoord, every tustlfloation in &warning ,stich a motto, raper there 45 no Man ,in the empire today 'wile 'hart greater right to appropriate it aa his battle ory :than Sir Wilfrid Laurier., WiNtaivtitivaamoviftiwitiv:StAioytotoyytotovootO . • • • „ II to e - Onto* VRIDAY,ACT 1.2,;.1900 16+ THE CLINTON NEW WA ^ "Be ready at Once," ---Sir Wirricl Lot; rier. 4 iV111-8k P",t4...., Y,;(:4/PRIPP ; , 7 '' 4.11 • ifi'l'•!ir-A•• if..1,1,-,.. , . , tlipart Men or ivonien Witiiiii for Poeithins . , , • • • - ' Penne big wages. Envie:went Moody or Mre McKinnon, mother of Hugh Mo. Parttime. Apply W If L BENNETT, 403 Utah - Now le $IrChatles Tuptitill thence KitillOti,Grey,died et Letideli Saturday* 140mi 4', 144'104 on* to eecure a Canadian preference ' in Archibald & Otultuore,Seaforth. have . a- . :Bantle The electione aie on ; hs: diePheed et their tr"ting inare"Nelna" Femle WitcherWanted hie nothing io--.11o, butconvince the to ntlernais ill-,-PlaMburg. 1.........e.. "._ . 11 gar Se 9, No. ,•Tognehigef Rellett, Junior _ Biltieh elector*, . He •abeeta, net be Minnie E. Salome, second laughter DererktneneetilpgDaumktilivtoAleoureiteltee4iomnitze4i4e0 dieconraged by the fact that hie Lord nlicrut• eisrbb,04p(rdtar;ritunnr4ndtolesodn'snotecil-taSyt; 1.41017;31.3: , AA , r.,eziegvpj, gilt. High Comm iiiiiimerehin resulted in PI the scheduling of Canadian cattle.' • . a •.' tv- • 10 81‘11)tiisc23h redyMpathy: ia eXpreH; tietl ' fcrr M' r ' i - 'FOR SALE: . end HES J. McFadden, Grey, in the What the •canadiau Northwed toes of their boy after only a day's ill* Nine tholge Lekeeter Ram Lambs, sir there,- . neede ts pOptdation. In the kat five nese. He Yeas. two Menthe an nine yeare of COnlierVAtiVe rule , the . net ..fi!IYa °W. '.1 Eur...e initgigegv.14411:efreen/ile.""4 Pire I • • *111.114..X GUINN. ' It' .71Pe":/etrziu Servant Wanted den on many Canadian indnetries putting • their: in a better position to supply the, home demands, and compete With riiste aliroad. ' It Oki turned •the 'attention of. British iMporteri to 'ilie'DbminiOn en a 'source of supply, and thus 'served to im- • prove our positidit in ' the British market. , Thelollowing is the reuord of our,exports • 7. ir • • Tim iqsw niatiem. • • _ The proud and triumpbent announce anent that Canada hes been Made a mitten is true not so much regard to her Im- perial position as to her statiding in the 'eommeroisl wetid • In ,riommeree, in in- dustry, in the produetion' Of ethaitht in MM- . plying the wprId's needetganetta is now a -world power, , sod'. takes lter place "rating the nations. It new'Pettisteritly tasted %lilt it is:Pot relation bti .,picifidenee 'that brut, conferred, t re"-ii,te4inutbie Aren't.- on the Dominion,' a OW oinitention ("hi true 430 far as OUT riali,lutitage Poore' wealth is (m13664164: t wee: pieviOende that made the northcrt hatf"tif 400,060 - .1 Of. 000410101rd- exports and livid:11s 'and t their prtiditote to Great Britain :- 1 ; 1960 ;':' ,':. -......'e .....;$12,558,42-1 • ..,' 1896: .., .•....... ,....; 42,04,387' * , ••• • • . ' Inatease ..;..:., . ,• 240485,934 , In other linea Great Britain has routine.' • ed to be ear best onetomer., 'The, following is the record Of our seleii, in, the„ British ' PIPFIFS i- • . . , . 189'6: • • •• . 'Mantifaotures $ 0799,268 • f, ' Forest produote..,, 12,186,806 •- , ' , ' : 1900., " ' • ,Manufaafores. : .. . $ 5,484,198, ' . Varceini Proanets, .;1,0,050,411 . Thet Canade'a commercial expeinstOn le: due. to the clisoge IR her fieest eyeteni:is vent inoompaTably , h' agr,tottltaral lands. 'Via dee to the lieunty CARO:lint:nee Shat we have thetricheet J201414(14, fOrest stealth in the weed, 'tnaV premed.' "aid economic reinstate are ebniident; and 'that our ceast and intend Vera. yield Aldus- ble food stipplyt., We -thelik'peteedenee for -it heritage of titrength; -botirage tfuter- . 'energy and' ,peregYeraisee, _OAS all these glf te 'end Add' Strisiings ' min be brought to naughthigistative obetructitirt 'Pharr/en-0i laws only can be found* an 610U:talon of the disappoint- ing progress 'Or the Derainicin during eight een years of tirade retanotion, and the ,proofti, of ecoriondii3 lOgio are zirety etthetar- ,tiated by etituat Oldiekieiltie tinder new.ixin- .ditielis. Zire thb 'recofd. of growth in the aggregate foreign trade during thep,ast • font; years . Foreign trade; 1900 $331,625,856 Foreign :trade 1896.... ... 289 025 360 Inoretwe in four years, $142,099,405 • This IS an Papineion of abetit sixty ;per .cent..in four yeere,, and iklargely due to 'the relief that had been iffaidddliyt tariff redaotions and the intvirigi 'effected bv the, .adbotion of business mettiOds ad- ministration. This record is :not' due to accidental changes in the avenuee of com- merce, for thigreatest increaser' have been in export! the produeltiof Canada' and ir& ports entered for home 00netteoptiOn. The reoord is as follows Foreigit trade, exulasive of foreign goods • exported 1900 $851,558,906 • 1896 220,602,817 alleW,r.by a comp:is:cm .With the 'rate, ;Of growth in the ,United,Stittes. Codipering thii eggregate trade of the lest. fiscal year with the year MO thefolleseing the rate of increase . • United Statee, inejuding specie and but - Boni -Increase, 85 per cent. •• !United States, mouldy° of specie and Winton 1-4m:ream, 28 ieir cent.' • • Canada:--Jnorease, 60 per cent. i The Mevementa- of coin and bullion do! 110Vmeterbilly agent the tete of increase in. Canada. . • •The following ie the'tate of leather:in eipattei of agrimiltutal products and din- inda ad their peochlote competing the years 1096 and 1900 •• 'United States, 47 per'oent.• . . • • . , leinedo, 84 per cent. • I, That eidendid developynent in the gem. mere° ot the Dominion is "itocompatied by. a radical change in the condition of 'pot:olio finance. „ Thelailetving coattiatison of '., the teeatte of the last three yettra With the three yeare that brought the Pernid of eX- treme protection ' to a Cloth: . . stnintm , • • 1898 ••• Inorease in forty/Are, 0131,056,089 This increase in' Canadian .prodnots -which have been sold abroad and to foreign 400ds poi -Chased for' 'nonsumptitin in the Dominion shows that Canada, has slitting into prominence among, tbe denims:trona mations of the world, and le,riovz a force te be reckoned with. Theifoomy prediction that the Fielding tarift would bled vet the • ewamping of our industries by rimiotte Im- portations have bot been fulfilled.. On the contrary,. our exporte bavebept pees with our imports, all • productive aotivitien awakening into new life .with the change. The following re the reeerd Total imports,•1900 P' ....$189,728,409 118,011,504 tod•d Toed imports, 1896 Increase $71,716.905 Total'expOrts, 1900 — '4191,097,446 Tend eiporte, 1896 121,015 852 Inerettee ., •$70,8$3,594 It the eggregate for the past lour*yeare be oOMParod with the figures for. the lett fent goers under- the Poster tariff, it IN found thatthe exports have increased Isidro tepidly than the imports udder the ratified terlff.:.: .:. c .-.. t • • , 7. pi: 2. f:I. •,-. 1 -' ... Y..i. Mal exports, 1897 to 1000,.. $652,897,000 Voted exports, 1893)e-1826,, . 470 4/ 000 ty • . c • , , ,, . • --- , i ii:nereasi $18 ;158,000 te of inerettee pa per cont. , Total importe 1897 lio1900.il,4511-,01-44000 Vied hetpciatii, IttOtto.1896.; .;481;842,000, .11' iter••••/46.1,1 r/1-6 6 6,6 6 46 ; i .4000,000, ...........a........4. te of,InOtease.27.per,oeitti, ... ",.- ... . The begeAte of,,the * ebenge are ep,eetally eo_pared with that for 1896. Here ere t *xi rent.,in; the Oltieddlest et,Carisillan !Al rill, _• when the mord for last .yest it itose• of the iterne:- ; . Perm produett' eitd,eiiiiiits ',and their ,p tient:lig i -, g - I. • •, , : i! - r- - INC .1 1. i",;1...?..;186‘,8116;911- . )4896; ..* •-: • • .1 •,';„ ,P015'21,104 ', Inereale.;.. ....; ...'•012,785,‘1.9 ' grieulturs bet been naterithy the trill ilitioresete feel seed, bet the itipatuitOn has . 5eieen4101 to other lines of, *Qatar 1..4. . . i • "Oa& 7i,Mmatifiatureit il 4 i '0, r .,t' illa j61# NM valittepreilittite ....to.ol 8059040 S:yoreit Wanda- ...,.. v. 5/41,41100 IWO. 41tinufatotinti . 4 i #11052,/ffi %Mine prOdtirts ,.,.., 24,500,266 , '•- 'orate $1,722,712 1899 .. ' • 4,887,749 1900 8,924,000 • •: DEFICIT. • t894....,..v 01,210,882 1895 4,158,876 1896 • • 880551 That domestic trade and industry have fully kept pace with oar expanding foreign commerce iiVehown dm rapid inoreeme in business reported by the chartered berth. Comparing August.,1893; with the same month of the present tear, there has been eh increase Of close on :$17,000.000 in note circulation and of over $117,000,000 in public, deposits. Sines 189/ the.. int:ream in reiblio-depolits has been at the rate of $2,,500,000 per month. The following is it remarkable reoord :- SOTS onicturrotr. 1895 • 400,787,622 1896 81,50 ,154 1897 • , 84,454,886 1898 87,290406 1699 41,446,899 1900 47,421,277 POMO DEPOSITS. 1895.. ..... . . . $188,103,038 1896 • • 188,416,186 ' 1897 . . ... • 210,018,196 1898......... . 234,279,101 , 1899 * .. 263,891,705 1900 800,175,770 • 0111MENT 1,0AES AND CAM tOANS. 1896..... ....... . . $214,292,602 1896 , , 220,629,507 ' /897 119,063,291 1898...4. ... . .. .939,552,641 12S • 170123708 Great as our growth*I.;asIble4e.o. kair9id so Ong PIO ASSNc?Sit 494 b49PrIltwe b&y not .ysei teethed stage .developinent adequate to theneturet Palt(911;whieh we lkallefif.., We. "Jaws, vi mede ea yet, -fitithetert itittbe sight ditectiiith bid e -patefatedherepes to Our Preseat:Pediey we will lieltlers* stilLroore oganolcmagiliko4 *the nericra ooMinero.04'ilutaittrE. ; t.rret-terrt 0. I . .• • It. is 1 im Uarconrt wittithat non / Attaiictflitt irIoni4S.herd ifoned succeed him. Altiquughtivni; aye no definite informat on, *we )11e.Y Say that thelibt eenterttei itt any ti, tixtreteely ittiplobable. Prin. foal Grant_ is a good mil anitble titan, and *Mild hes tower.; of etrelietth 18 OtrayetOvernmenit ox petty. „Bob,: he as success in his oresenv .position, andJt‘oan scarcely be itnaffilled that, IteAretuld, At bieyttle .„%vrtharaltr rend a Poeltion so ' tiOngeinst to his *tend for *White ltitxteininently lUdified, fhltCW11. lel tarMoll fidttitheilienee aforth tIlefoteittet. * • t 149betrawPrt6Uler459Sun'derilil 'ttial3"ea ed ti, tannery at' Beneoiller and sorne :ell, irt4;:dpw,ee4:b, ,ttic;h7mfortuttnitoebrAilY boa414.1140, ;at._ _ ._ ..; , entries for; n a on o e , tar e a • thinking pf, ifehM-lete W met w o la ye, ris la Via rd Sift V" Vtfor U ' pile" - if rr rai is-' -Witiliii...iiinefilleiteette.: ta: \tam feed thev wera'lltkO*.Pet J.ne eding ent.riee bneineen atf8a*nits, ,'1 ........ 1„, - .. . , Dkerepy, ./1.-zits...ni11.?!!* -t411,e1Apri)..,41,14. byHoultli "h , If h will • to nearly 2,009. Still, Sir Charles eg- ' MT. H. Parsone.who•receritly sold his pecte theoteople, livAng, and owning bitieksmithing busmees in Exeter has ,c •• ;. i' ',Vivanted , . . x • - . property fu that nart'of tble 1.1exinnjon tiurebiteed it hardware bneiness in Ed- r Wrinted«-At g•21041 mitre: all ports house. work $2.50 te $8.50 per week end board ; alePlY . to vote the old party back to power,. rbdant.7,0,14,Np.E7N..QTy.,...r. will leave fOr to Mrs Lockhart, Me- Dundee et., London. at. Sept 26th--tf. • • • . i Thos. H. Taylor., Westfield, has ppr- The total public clepoide in- . thir: •ek.,!le4.10911Achtil9911.1.41721 'for; OP:WO ; ' :/ 'I, 'I.', -' '4'.-,' FOOS-ALE. jasperVooli Will live' onit. 'John • -- chartered hankelast totinth:IIMOnoted :Witelettriati:.IfitalbettiktitthefIceitt farm, ... 1iiii84,'e(iii.35,C6lOt1eideli'towealifp;:80.*itores to over' $300,000,000, against $11R193e, and we underutapri-tho o•rige paid wee lessens aloe for MIMS site. ,For terms and • 036 in August, 1895. The . inetealie in 1.$3,80°, - ,......;., , , • - .... , . farlattvserosourien, Biri; rrtrtep!s, vilie 04 roullrl',... • le $90,157.000. This increase le at, lbe NrenWretedieRi;eg'ofru' tcWrZahtfilnieeeSfille;l'tilest:;h`e'ireftlither:Pft; . Art:g-g: 74-7' 'I n°. it..ittNit'i • the public deposits since 'August, 3867, . ,OnOThea pmonth06pie f.?ortt.boe.anfittedee4 !lizg7oattrypeaairn.fol. lin so She Was • in :Aiargebriox tearer:71;1.e ti. Harland Bros. ',. rthatreeeofy.40a2r;5000. have in thepast three years been eav- , On Weillie d ' ' ': * ' 71 t' ir , PillainljevEVralass"'..f°ronnet,filitsltebroi' Sthandeaeetiele:i12 Cline tglisn, well ing MoneS in t hese batike eit the rate • a ay evening, ea. wee of river $85,000 dairy, WhO would go. it complimentary dinner wee tendereit • 'at& littpted-13. tt4) farire",166'6bia"47 on back . to the days of ',95 ? " MT E. 0. Chesutright; at the Queen's Sept.,e;fr s.-.., It i•- 1313 Clint - . hotet, on the eve of his'. departure for I . . . . . . • _ • • . . .. ., _Walketton,.;_yehere -he has been 'en,. - -"- • FOR' SA I'', 10. • , ' . The export of buttel, was $1,0821,19$ gaged ate emenbe mastery' in the high. - • , : • __ • . wheif the: ponseryetives left o 'i•ce ; 8, ehnni" . ' .., _Two„,%regiete_r_r_dis .'.7"iiifect Dere bred rdecein , It, was $.5,122,560 ..in loop, The ex -4- Itnch regret, Was felt by a nurithefvf FArtreTtno *Pm! TIM .7 kam.s,,. al bliedi • frit:tide, on Wednesday Morning. ',Sept. • terms, APPIA ITOBEthetica,41.:414.61Tem: , port of eggs' then was $807,086; now 26th, tin, learning of the ' death 'of Geo,. 10,iiieuett, • fieet.;-14-4m - , ' ; ' :' $1,457,902. The export of bacon was YtfelPeel, nod 17 years, :10 intenths, - • • • - " : " '' 43,802,185 then ; it is $12,471,494 now. fourth son of Mr and Mrs tiobt, Peel, _.„,,..„„.,_..,' ...„ • • :,_' _; __, _ - The export Of atiple, woe $1.41tX4/0 of the' sixth concession,' just Weatcof Vs-444'11.PN. NA .4:2C.H.LIE WiP-tClEgS.• in 1896 ; it Was $2,578,033 in 1900. The 8rotdVilch.;-'. oomstrr",.. STAND aiport of pititrywas $18,702 in 196i MI6 itaggie M. Sprat,daughter of • • 'N' t cleatinl rotten ttil n ' - it was $210,822 io /092t--- Yetr-tilose• r.p*IJaitz; e' Sairiii:1,4t-sr TrOiveli,ereeSaMt ithux.eiegr-otehlIoraw!, •- : - ' ext • --:- ' °• ' '''' • ' "are theinstancesThireettinlartment4s entitle op..tationana an says the Governtiontst has failecrin itir and second' at driver Mies 'Dale orderelled in -Um repel ectlefecte y way, nen e . tity, , , an tery red aaite ork a, peanat ye . . other 'Titekergmith 'Yourtg. lady, got. ream blots th ee of' g oh Heber, t • al , • 6 second prize at Exeter, and fireo In the . • Every one will be sorry to hear ladies' hitchintettg) eunteet at tee . Sea-, ''g.,,gia.. VER. ,,!.,'P.1131,,9-.11" •"- '. • , . P,roperties for Salo or to Let ProreinioneiandOtherearo HOUSE VOR SALE. • The comfortable and ooeY cottage =Joseph Street, Clinton, recently oceapiegby Janiee 1 tioCiacherte,le offered for We on very respell. able term*. Jong MCCLAMMOITE. PROPERTIES• FOR SALE. • ti PAX *SCOTT Barrister, Solicitor, Do., outtwoN. Orries-411trole Meek; latitie fit•reett' 1441.WINF° 110)4*,t We OR YDONEe BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, INOTABT • •••• • • For sob., Slobs near WI( iflax Mill, 2 loW on Brie St.,1 lots on Miltoo et- I also a brick cottage with Demo kitchen_ihea d water, good orchard, on applying to JOHN RIDOUT, Clinton t JOHNHENItY, Rosendale. Mitnitoba. HOUSE for SALE or to REST. .,410,4•1 On Vlotoria St., near Or au Facto . $300 will buy a roomy, eomforfab e house w th IMO lotr.,the property: meant* amegeled /ay Frank Uthhall, Apply et once toe. t • ' • Herihitier, Am 01Iken. House and Lot' tor Sale. , he large and comine.7olui house • pleaeantl altatec1 en -Huron Street, Ocaulned br tbc un- dersigned is offered for gale on very remonable , terms. Mocks eyeryathomodetion,witb stable, orchard, 4se • W. BOWERS, fleet 21.1899. • . Clinton. Farm for Sale. , rei acres,Itautittaar °flat ee, eon:11, fildlettr is offered for sake. The farm is excellent con- dition, home. barn, Ike. Apply to JAMES CAMPBEILI., 'Itouclesbore, or to MRS MO(' RIDGE, Clinton for eartionlare. Sept. 14 lin .• STORE FOR RALE'. The prembles ecotone& by It.' bluff, and consiSting,pf a first class- brick store, on Albert Street CUnton, is offered for sale: on weir term • Also Cottage on Atheist Street. with two ,table, and• 0031,V1W1b080. Perth:Mare on appication to Mr* W Roberteon, Clinton 9iltrep, W. MeGregee, Conga:meg. ••• P • „: • 0" 1,0 • • " . c iggESS PROPERTY. FOR • SALE , . 0 • . Thatdesirable Mick. Businesel Stand on Al- bert St., Olinpm, °muted, by Mr 13. Itobeon. is offered for sale, inole ing rear kat_ and stalge. The location is one ory * beat In clinron. The property4s free from incumbrance and title in • disputable. • Price-reasonabloond-ternm tavtat urohaser. Apply to GEO. STA-NHURY. Lon on Road or address Clinton P. 0 death of, Hon. A. M. Rose, . .Rose,. 'Ile,hconae of.T.,Mann•.ot MeK1401;4'; fOrth thette.1,-;- . ,:tv,; ,:i,.. '.. ..4.',40-..,•:.::... . , . Of the. dea ..:. who spent sci many useful years tp was the &elm of a:Pleaaant :gathering. Godeeith. He •was, one of the' men on Wednesday last • week when his'. • • ' - etclest„clangbtee,, Charlotte. was united: . . will? fill:a large-P.1a". • in the wnrid'n' hi:marriage tO Richard •Berwick • of utilittee; while making the 'least ' *Pei-. Winthrep. . Rev, O. Musgrove, per7" sible2aMount of Maier, The officers • Opined the 'CereicionY, , •,',. and men of the 33rd Battalion of the . ...A veer* iiitial 1-Afiiea teeni Jamie - old days reinenaber their old' eetisinit.n:: too. A native of Hurbri .cotinfy, witelitl-' der With ItindlY.Ierthfi.e. The, PerP.0 f Most inttantly 'killed Friday night t. WiteeSpentielly Lient.ol: Ross', etett7 Ey. s„pevio 8S1colp factory-, London,‘ 'mini and he was. an t'exceedingly*---pep.;. % neck being,- broken • h " fall' f; flier nfficer.., . ., ., ' .,,,-, , , ,. 'out Il reef. The youngYine:n Wttl;'1Pn'• . • -,. • , .. , -.. • ,. •s .., .• ,... , .• ,.•• •, - mite3244e ,froYme°004;lislitt!.tntil"‘':' Ii*.i4t1:'Cv16 ' i'Lit, ";Preeie the chief. Conservative"- , thereQndiedSaturday. P her morning; Sept. t'M22o rnr ide out sfil7t-7600lliteQduqaracinPetr.°Y8ii6re,se'Ob"arnrleess . township, - Martha, ..Knieht, --beloved Tuppei's assertion that ' he could,- Wife. of P. McNabb, Aged •27 years and. reVoluthinize, her trade noliey. '. It to .11 Months, from . pneumonia and . in.. it elected, compel Greet ' Britain . flartunatio,n, otithe lunge. She was war tied to heti bereft husband a little qubtes its late :':chlefteln, Sir. .John .i. over two years ago.. Macdonald, ' as saying: "Yon will . H. V. Filsinger has Sold his tin, heat- . never -have 'commercial, reciprocity . ing and plumbing bin:Wesel-6 Glided& between „Greet Britain. and Canada. . to Lee dr, Shepherd, twho are incorpor. Yeti:Avant her: to become protectionist. nthiE it With their own business. . llli She. Wants Canada to become free Basinger hat "incepted . a position an. trade. ' It. Would he as difficult to traveller to the:Kelsley heater,' which haVii a Marriage betWeeti the north :, is.tnade by the Jas.:: Smart Manufactur.' and south poles" - . . ' • ' lug OA% Bieekv,Ille. . • n. • . • . ' I' Thti: dOath'• of Margaret -Eliiabith , . Stegithinn;'beloved Wife of Alft11.41toe, ! W. F. Maclean threw a bomb among loCal Voniervative* when he sent of the •glieen?ta betel, •Winriain, _Oe,';- cured on Sunday Morning ' est.' *Pe- a letter to Alexander Baird, Chair,: ceased had been • ailing • for the past man of the East • York Conservative ' twO yeara‘but- *as not •eonfined to' het room Until abotit seven weeks ago. Association, resigning the nomina. She was in the 52 year of her age and tion tendered to him. •in .East Torort. had been &resident of Witigham for a y • 4 to village the other day. . Mi Mac - number of ears: lean 11186, despatched a telegram to .- A veri. pretty Wedding took piece in Sir Charles Tupper, asking mink- the Gorme Metludiet church,Tnursday *ion to resign his seat in Parlianient„: morning week, when Margaret E., 'The. Cause ,of • Mr ,ltIaclean"s action " ettbiroh d the bgouhntedes of ofWma.tDriamtioei;lyWatos unit.. See in .- the trouble, which ' the Con- i Pe reatiVe greelitiv* of Ward No. I, A. E. Lloydopaktor of the Methodist to make for 1,. wt•litiusi;ellhVorinielieTbIt"hil Rev. Mr MeerTywerusY, Pt. Edward, assisted liy Rev.: R. J. has been endeavouring the meraber for East York. . • • . Political Pointers. V..•• clam& 1 Garbutt, of Gorrie. . • . Duncan MeLaugliti, one of the eally .settlers of 'he tt rwnship of (,rev, pivsed Dr. Cototatt was nominated by the peacefalty &Gut this life at hie home on 1.4theralti of Missisquoi. I thejgrav_el load., viol th of Bruesele, on .8 J. . Klock! M. P.3, ie the Conserve- . Fri. ay, Sept. 2110. lie had been in tive .noininee likNipiseing. - I failtng health for two yeare, and his i. M. Mirky, M. Fe, was nciminated 1 ydoeaattohowfaaagne.ot unexpected. He was 75 Abcut 80 years ago he by the East Hastings Liberals. I was united to Elizabeth Brown, who Hon'. J. I. Tarte will make a tou of i (elided at Hat put hey. Mrs MeLaUgh- Ontario' early in 'October. • I lin, one eon and five daughters survive. M. X. Cowan, M. P. was nornitn ted On Thursday week the remains of by the Libcrole pf Smith Essex. Michael Longserived in Goderigh from Sir Wilfrid Laurier will speak at.4 Lima, Obtoi et,W; the *WAYto LICings. Massey Hall, Tc-ronto, on Oct. 10. : btidge; Where -the funeral took place W. J. Hanna is the Conservativecan:: f, thet f°rilInWeintly, ir resident Of- --Atiliffeld Friday. The deCeased didate for Vest.Lembton. wafo • ' and taught school' at IChigebridge for A. B. Ingrate,. M. P., was nominated. SeVeral year& - He had been,in Ohio by the East Elgin Conservatives. ' . foutteezror fifteen Yeare. Death was Pitman AdtOlure, 'Ili. P., was nomin. i.the result. of paralyste. He was forty.- ated by the Liberals of Colchester,N.S,., five years.of &emend Unmarried,- • Aulay Morrison, M. P.. was 'minim', i' A hitikre'yent *Welt ai,iitied agreat ., Ii• ;Xedinnston-,Voriseive.tives have nomin,- ted by the Liberate of New West:min.' deal of pepolat Interest Ill; Goderich eter. . Wail the dbuble,' vvektia .11, kiidh . was 'Oeinettinnutted On Weettleedey evening ,A.Haratitenhas received itietructione from hati9141r16 n'it . ' Leieeettir Sheep, • , t M. McIntyre, city ecilpitor, for 0 It6%,_*00k at dite)10Y00 CTenaCe,. the tit d , . . „in ;ft IA er 5 6 Ngitiiiilergg it the Oinitmitnik , , • • , ,EL _,40fIlegeliti,plie4Ser.444,9se tugh- B.,,th o the Libeilde of Victoria If O. • been nominated for the Commons by, te, , 9 , *lesion y4 i irlie,trpCArrx .'w.... theLi;a : Pregi•heestrrlinffi:lonrratTge;:lbObiEFIelln'toillnbelagrInt!beigilt!Thiliedetie4alli'eadrillttre$411 ' 1 ledge d o. n GleeTtiii4 abd c R. L. ''BinkY' hitti; ' '''tif 41 '''.:"111?*1")" $ G. It..1drooteli, M.' 'Pl, 'for Butrard,: i.he ceremony WatePer Ornled by geNN )rnatg V, I' iitret'limr,..1i.4, onbiCmagwou. ' ligirrgoocifmhsgd ta:stillenepitylogao:swi..:"rreynicte71:04: b ad n * pod di 1, eligieleilt:xu De *its re ifornineted., by the Liberals ,of : ./. W. Robinson. Oaraii. that riding. . - . .. . t . , -tide bc it elae; '1'' /-ty, - A pedigreetL OenieNincei Will meet the nbrtill cure Pedigree 'for lainbe that have not hee - masicouim,61341(gabv.14,. II., vim. re..; , i, ,4,, ,vni ,aiiinititit, kliitokii i.,. ; ranalta.mai...ki,04421tokrobr fart.:171.61,koartite,h....,..folizr.i.rd,,,neitt thtainkkg: 110minated4thattlimottely by the South 4 41' 11:1'! .11144 j54,,z '' ' ' " - ." 471_ _;' r ins, troenud. *t.,vunotted ;is, •Itoe,:ve. rteat Sale taorazinn; It will toieeleig ptekbeeteek y,t Igik ifgaWOU'efrPeninLeikT.40:m1fIrliktil whiallnainiarg:r17' ;18nrellange°f" r e't.k.11(*Tr. lifelli:i7roevriedne:litl seidd.irgaxibetaiii.,a..11,..,:. .. .,4a. .1 :. l. 6.: of d OTI.Intarldf! ,t4tr•gliflurtAitifirtiou,tuag, ..isce ell ',AY AIM' ' kelftlerehipk..thr: a ''73ctalitper IMMO" al- it' liejioiled: that,. Oh' ' 4131)40 'Wilt 'Oh ints"'4t1947.1:;4143"0;1144giblttl75.41ruinch.,, lirftnelifidl"An II 4)1 4 tte aP_I,Pie,,, IfOrJ114011°W °V_._ ri°00tie rellia 4.9Phlreetle4,1Filefa'74/11ia w "1811 nt etfillgiarrOtaitiria‘ger. Teljoitri • 110,W1trAit,fhtstlial;;•WkI4Sil„Itffitf et!' 1411.., i. , . 4)&300110101.61A-Areit stores. lui A 2 ' tilICH, L4439 ci Pr tO IPA* ankh, JOhn •,1141a040Iltail; ltIVItt . ', z, .ell;LL,.. ,I,.Ili._ ,AstseteHl Qi t• - --• --- "• •' ' "' " '' °11. itlithlfillb Meething on. the pathway', . ;!to lelltit ltt maidens -1w i, •• Sheide.VITGOI 4041 Sideittelkwe ; st'Rraudon. - •. - '• '1,4 ,itIvicot obi itrtzLJr06 ")I1 eAt"` " ' '; .,1.. ..i. Af'tr, -, . • 7 7 b' • z , In the British' eleetione so far 27ii 1 (4 110.,eiaii. ae.ear1141,14= \ '14 .1invl rt.ae td, Lour -of irnAleti _tit,. el" 4. `;:, " ,-' aUPPOrteril of the Government And 115, -Matiftobs'aild"ther'Worthirelit ,durigg'; tal'elen"tr btainiiintird isigattthitylhoftt:: . Members of the Opposition have WW1 , the ,first eight month. of the yeara returned out of a total of 070. • . :from 1807 to 1000 inelueleif teng2hPr'. -follows t oic aidadbelyterrtfioonn&tnhai14h4:t' Itit "poor it:Irmo:en Ales. 'Gibson, M. P. P., has iteiteptel ' Right month& Br 1801:.:4'...-- la07 linuinnn.,,t,:tensti'iri?..g i 4.h. "4"c41 °Ltri..' rq 1 the lAberal nomination for York ' N B i Eight months Ofr.,19;q4;....'.... 8 065 2 ru!'"Mi. Oe rfteitratiliaft at 4014 ithi0 I the constituency atpresoni represented dffig 4 loleloOgior 4.8144. ,,,a,„, 4i4,004 $ 'Si Ph irtga Per !eta. .4114 .dilipl. by -Hon. George E. Foster. ' Ei t rtyss Of, lar),,,iii* L Y. ii . 0,04....-. • ., . , .. - . flu laillidtaliknkeititlleouhmaio toad., 10;4044 t', New Nittsbninter, IL 0,, OonseratA Mites sominated ex -Governor Deted:-; ler: ' twand Xewer..QuebeCt for 4-itoi;-)3,-0,;47„iiiitheift,;74;4444b;,413‘ 1 nwtoiohowa.tomi. IA New.* • t,„*'1,r .annbLY ...usisnurmostil.;02. s ;too* No nay to Op ,..Ablity:Mi*Ison, Mi ay; i'vrhiobooteturos ore !yet r.syslittbikhas ... IMMO Of g*leis"13;ainion (Atias!«: ,IJOR gfiiift4 falk......._,rkilicleT 011itikedelr.ifte, trelZbgh'ikeititilif 414dovagroict : moo Lz-Iii.,:i•rc-• ''4) . •i. .• •',.,!.A:r. f. , )‘.i ,,f,,.., .w.ii.t. an a ere • ng,thretteint:10 der um a- .........t, boos , 4 isk, 41,044 be., 44, fitiaifiltil4railitiififfi3On‘litorigi? tioN,fgr 41mkbeLiefit.ot settlers! St,itero Itt‘i ;#111031646 gnittile eloirau le, ilmoine441no- (m*, ,Bieiteeft,elerIM:leldelltOdo td-• the? !airy., ,, , v .,., , . . . g, ..,...-, 1, 'Ildettlith }Mere dfCeirtiermheilittooloVihetotot':;! ., L. _. " ,wskis,ilistusrdtiociwr,u4-st.? atisire..4414,011; I W.14 tetv igen Of sidawal.t.poutiala pwaibla that both °mill' 7r*,- e, ;,.; :t7-•I'al4tfiltzil!, ;1‘..r•gii:7nat.edeTkialetaall‘ggl7•stirit:l'afrilr=11, 7141! 31144414".are°1141"4",rh,,dailIir ,ititcoicifv• IN 'p#0,:iii ., Lb/ .11INC4t.i ' b4) G.A...1 p rt Tr? ay .6.4,1* i_ilkolg 'AMA iiii 41000,, , 1 ....11 n esp....4 .or -r - isg's mew .....41 'i this thavaliodtroi;y.' ' fit ti„i —is' iiiittciti ' *It mar .0:: t. •114!*V1.1.11 line, which arspethotly-larsileee, ntl . Pgberw: stimulate Mar eV ire ftespel ?tont 6. b*, 4° 14111,04,112.° a,44.1.11144rad• otis matter, Weeds. yawn _an , &bah. . 03 r I. fi...•?,./ AO .1. ;5 lit ., 4 .1 i tiler**. 1 p tr ,7 ,. • popula ion of WF 4* in Olgtaws, 1,.. , Kohall4issOrgra,ow'yilMii26.14.14411001relta,(4401. . ,tileT-41*, . Thie tees ittontensorit44"4-1tift)lih-eyr a • ./-, . .. .1!\ , ,.., 0. r.,,..1i.,;c• 21 .10 LI 011, zita.. dr:. ,• ,•,), •• " • : . • Goad Fenn' for Sale Or to 'Rent. .1loye you -Monty to Invest? . • WO take largetad'einall anieuntoof dovetail. for,•investinents; and give flusbeet of theeritY, end pay 12l01 cent Per annUrn. PeOpat'lefitr.ter• tett,. Companies ruse rorogted, and.,peteete, height ei-Ad or Write" • • • " • ,fEt ly• WARNED tir CO „ kinanalif; Vein rind tii4eitritent Agente, 43' Erst,Aleleida St.; Toronto . . ."/ • • -VAT 0.1'.1.4.3..•01!,.$# .:Rant.' • • ; • • , rho tin dirdineff Offers, for sale Or' io rent Lot 004. 9„liallett,coosiating of 105e Aores, eeeeres, Bleared; 10 aormal bosh, and balance .unclearedlitamied for Paiettre. The farre well watered' by 'kering eteilreand well. There le alaelittreacre of prealuarC• There are _16 agree pf all yah esti sown aid 18 ames .. of fel viewing done.' Upon ihenremiges there is a ltlitoriay fiddle ;4:livening and•if bartiS,One Mete and the,othertate5.. Geod debits*. .2:Item is prellee from Clinton:and miles fro Sleet-, chtirolvand school.. Wi e sold or rented onreagosiable termil• ;For „ feather particulars: apply to. ' • e: • • *JOVATI1114 •kidaileN; , ;Hopi/A-1G • 4, • Aotinion . : A good farm for sale or toned, nie sere farm for sale or to rent bein lot 1A, eon.18, Hallett 180 acres under au tiva n„ the balance good hardwood bush. There lea good framer house good out buildings. ancla geed well; 'situated nalfa mile from the school,. three miles/rem a church and „ miles rfro, Pa 'Myth.- Has all othernouvenience. Terms mediates/L:491y. to ' ' WAPPER•EIODELlb, • Sept O-tt ,Londesbore, Out. • For -Sale or to -Rent. '' The choice brick/loath On tbe corner of Ful- ton and .Joseph streets,..itelovelog co the estate . or the late Richard Heyw,o9d is offered either. , for, sale or rent.. It coutains room for ordi- nary labille, in pretetically a' uew 'hotel°, with all conyeniendes, end thremtenthaeof an acre °Eland.' Xt the property is not sold or rented, par), of it will be welted. Apply to • W. COATS rammer 0 nton. . , , ..„, • • PUBI,IO, ET°, office -Beaver Bleck. Upstairs, Opposite Foster/I Phot GOMM - MINTON CH RIX* BEAGEIR ; narrieteK,Bolitiltor '7 retell dlid •Centeyebee °Mee -Opposite Other:me Hetet °ode:Dell r. . ., S'N. 1 . . ' ll'-''' M. lad -CAMERON • (Pormerlylof Cameeon HOE es Cameron) B ARROTEIt' • Ofliee-lisinileou St oefdte 0MberneldElsel GODERIONle;ONT • • • . •GARROW & GARROW , BARRISTERS, SOLICITOR*, ETC. Oinee7C9riterifillanOteaf iffi 'had the Sonar utioderIch, :Oat; T. eteitioW, Q. v.• - Onte0jartuow.lats - PROUDFOOT & HAYS. ;•fiinnierenet, 8'i:emitting, NOTARIES li'17/31a0 • PROCYTORS IN THE MARITIME COURMI 1440. Office: Noi•th et., Mitt door tOSIgnial (Mee • Private Fund:fttilteiget.t lowest rates W. PROT/DFOOT,•• R. C.ITIAYS. • • JOHN RIDOUT.. • flonyvArman, Goroussionna, , ETC, Real Estate and Insurance Agent. Monet to tendon Mortgage and Note security. • '081ce-HCRON `STREET. CLINT011 1 ••••••1,94 Milk G. E0.61,EST HipLIWES DENTIeT (Successor to Di, T. C. Brace) • L. D. S.-lacnodn'egBroldgeneptWalarskur. geone of Ontario. Toronto. D. D. S.--First-olass Honor grednate of Den- - tat Department 01 Voroetb- ljuivenity. Special attention paid to preservation of • .• children's teeeh. „visit 13:411/41d- *eery . Monday. . t Office over W.TitylOr &Schee shoe store. ' • In the.m* rider ntRotate of Wil Lam Whitely, . • of the Village of Londesboro, deceased. . • • Notice is hereby_given.munuant to R. El. 0. thapter 129, that all 'persons having claims against the estate ot N9'illiam Whitely, late of Heron, who died on or abed' the 27th day ot the Villaof 1Londesboro, in the Comtty -of Anguet,1 900, ere requested to seeder deliver to 1 the undersigried the Executors of the property - of the mkt deceased, on. or before the 16th day cif October, 1900, particulars of their claims and of thrseenritelif arty)lithi by them defy veri- And notice. is Also given that after the said fled. • ; last rnentioned.datte. UM Executors will proceed. to distribute the, aseeta of " the said depeasea, having regird only to the Mabee of which tiler shaff then. lure notice. MRS A. A. WHITELY, Dated atPLoAnTIDdesboxro°,1111TsepTt.A1111T3t1;,51007.ecUltintws. Notice to Creditors. In the ndeeer of the Estate of Gavin Ham- ilton, late of the township df Hullett, hi the County of Huron, Y tomnn. cleceased. Pursuant to the statute in that behalf notice is hereby given that all persons having claims against the %date of the said Gavin Hamilton, deceased who died on or about the 81h day of August, 1900, are required to send by post paid or deliver to the undersigned Executors or one of them, Londesbor0. F. O., Ont.,thene names, addressesAnd eeeepetionewithfallpartieulars proof of their claims. And notice is' further giv- en that, rater the15thdity of NoVeraber,1900,the , ankle:mute:re will proceed to distribute the • meet§ of the said deceased among the vertex entitled- thereto, having regard only to tin claim. .of which they shall then have notice. " '• IAMBS SCOTT, Solicitor for G.A.V1Iol HAMILTON', (Executors WM. HAMILTON; ) Dated at Clinton, titiOnd day of October, 1900 , Oct. 5 -td . Sale of 1 oro bred •. 41: ol...Ortfor • • 44 timber. t • • CM. • , 1••,f ' • ' ' ••!* • • s• IS§ , • • ; S••••t';'.•', ••••'1.* • ;o'••• *.".-•".4 ;ft .11•77', •••••..4. pi/ 0. Ai) °.7.1 " . •,•• ,,.. 1'. • ' 4.^ nr.rh, ,. Ji T. • i,"1 :3 : r . t;• .1•0.• 02 ..1;1 " ' i : . ; • „ • . n ' • ' • Farm to Rent or Sell h..irte.rbsincrioble6or oaffeerresse: Linhtellefour.d!roaolen.olrefttoustreitiutit being west half of lot 11. _ _ orchard. plenty of watet,10 acres bush. eou first-class; 2e miles from Clinton, Possession immediate. "Terms reasonable. Purchaser Man have his own time to pay for 0, by Deffine a small snm down. Apply to NEW ERA AQffittebes,ro_rt.tro. 7 , inton ' • - • ' • FARB' FOR SALE - Sttbooriber offeerfoe sale. his farm contain- lintta8,11,thuacret:,ciliime9ficeoam4010m. Goderich township. Clinton, all cleared wl beret -class buildings, bank barn, two stor_y horse; all -under pasture, has 3 aeres orchard; also a neverafailing spring; The fermis first. claps in every ettapeet. Also, 81 acres. of bush, Which -will iis•sold either:with the farm or imparaste. NO meney required as long as the stibsesiber togeoured.. For pertiettlars apply a.....wzrana, thq premises. or clinton Post omee• July 0-tf • •• FARM' TO It 1,,NT ' . A Aret-eless &rine behtglot No. 7, Did con. of unnett, contains tooseree,abent clewed, no ;dimes or gravel, only lint -crass Way soil, and well adapted for crops; large barn and other outbuildings, large frame, building for horse* and, (tattle; Coratortable bonse and five acres of good bearing orchard; 10 Mares of fall wheat , Situated 6 Miles from, &Worth, and timeetne dietanee from Clinton, 100 rods from saho-ol 1% mime from Alma thurch, and 2% from Milburn. Any one, wishing to take it can get the privilege of working 00 it right away, For further particulars...1)ply on the premises. or • if by letter to Seaforth P O. FRANCIS KETI'LE, em • A Bargain in Land. Here's a Chant*. For side cheap. 'and on easy. terms -part of Lot 4, Baylleld Cortoesetoo,..G.ederieb townehip; $5 aoree. Apply to W. SCOTT, Sept !1-8m . Bruoefield. Splendid Farm to Rent or for sale Subscribe* offers either to rent or for tale, — . his farm of leg aortae, situated oa the HTIVOIL road, Tuokeremith, half a mile from the farm ' of 0113A611, it* is all *leered,. with , Ant -blase building* nit b mt 48xee eri implement came 18:00,with Mont foandatioii; *maple house 18x20, With hen home ahoy% teed frame house, threesome of Fes. Grob. arff, eta* relining through the The fermis afiretealsies One la -teer Mallet and bent Ono who either wishes tortr buy reethbable terms WIII , lea Miley inns. AtiTSLITE. OVER: Cleated Veneer,' Sethi UM, The' WeeklY Glebe PO. ot ThUnited1:18 et gA741,r, :Maltik Ir""g •rlittirtee'Weill Rendtet tOteekltito,be thid•itte,itnion„ . • , ' l'• , ..........4-;...... :. . / The elinton New Era , . rind a picture tit The eanadlasin at the battle At Paardeburg . • . . New** for Mai year to. any addrptobst hi Otlag fele SLID eaufft.Mr tfamUten, the Dlobe report- ing, WhoWaa present al "he tattki; ilea:tribes the meter* se an athellent One,. ?I The oombination 01 4rat2 ,1* wortlt,42.. :Now te tee time to attV, or , . '., f-. . ' • ‘ - ' ,' ' ' '1-1-% t " I.' • 4 6 0 111141/1/4.. .1 Oat . 11 Atti, S • v• •:WATCH AND JEWELRV STORE • Judit flakideed a lot of netellelte, Belte,Bablele Bra04, itte, tia). The latest goode in the market. gi We mak,/ epeelaity Of fitting Spedtatisi and • $7.0 �xhisd telY4 AGNEW.- DENTIST, CLINTON , Crown and Bridge Work, AT ZURICH THE 2ND THURSDAY OH • • .EACH MONTH , • &Hee Hours -9 to b. . . . . DR. C. W. TPIONIPSON, • Phyalcian, Surgeon; IOC CMOS SW 'ReSid4311;i0-*:' • ilattenbury Street. • DR. INNIGRAPIAM• • Licentiate Of the XtortiColleceisi Physioians' London, - °Mee and Residence-. • • • ISIAKIII4 Prtalis. • ' • 4 , • • Successoito Dr. Turnbull. W.•Jiik-00WLER, Gold and Silver Medalist, fIrstestass honor graduate ofthe Ontarto Veterinary • , • College. •• • TREATMI;ISEASES,OP Alz Annum • Night and day calls enswered at offloe-Dr Worthington'eoldstandoim. Commendal Hate . . • • 711.1BE.c1Winign' rga Uhl! Ndltitie.e-,R.44/3n.iTarlsonfidreteiRCIlin. ato8n. 'Night cells at front door of residence on Bitten bury 131., oppositerreabeterian church. • _ Tut. W. SHAW, iHYSTO/AN, SURGRoN fr . 1.7Amoutheur, Me., Mlles gad residence On- tario St., opposite English church, formerly oo • • oupied by Dr.Appleton. Clinton Ont. , • „ 111R. HTANHURY, GRADUATE OF THE AR Medical Department of Victoria Univer- • ;atty. Toronto, formerly of the Hospitals and 1DispenearleA New York, Coroner ot the • County of Huron, Hayfield, Ont. . • • • 1 Z. BLA.CISA.tiL VETERINARY SURGEON • Honormyfleadusteof theOnlorloVeterina 'College. Treats all diseases of domesticated an mals on the most modern gild galantine price L'ples Office- i immediately month of the New Era • Altos. }residents - Albert Se., Olinton. Call • Oleht ordet attendeato PrenatItlY 11/FARRIAOR LIONNSE, ,JAMES SCOTT, EEL • JAL issurer of Marriage Licenees, Library Itooni end Residenae. Mary street.Clinton, , krAMESCAMFBEitikLei_EPSISAORO...___ • •• r 01 . ISSUER OF EARRIAGE LIOENBES, . No %vitae:10e required W.iINO0MB, mimosa or aunt or .12 e P. L. 13., 'ProvIntdel Land Claret:70r and Civil Engizieer, Lotiden, Onto -011th at Cleo Stew:I:VI Grocery Store. Clinton.. _ _ _ Muiicat IL SibI.y,yff, Theureye_S. attd.Georee Ilona% tii• Doherty Male- Cinartetta, emend )8OSSOni Sr* prepared to All engagements for iehuroh and concert etiterteinments at reason. able -rated. For Untie/ additer Oetli-ett 49.' W4 /LURCH, secretary. • MONEY VO LOAN. • PRIVATE FUNDS. At 10'w rates on first-elass martinet- APPIY.le • Marebao4; 0. D. Ditcrrithstirt, Clinton. t. , $eliILLOP-MUTIJAL. FIRE INSURANVE CO., *ARM ISOLATED TOWN PEOPERTE ' • Ogir 101111MED 4..n;.tor:."44=4, 81.5ht. Obotakilisho8,0101K14 P G. - • 4.-elfq1.14e.O•44.11"t1.4404,1044.9* • :CitS•t" .C.APY/KIM• VerairrethoZitratt3036: P. atm Hildotagq) osingd,LJolin Ilkii;m41;,- aal0117. mates. Robert Smith •fflaeloal Ohildroutotky for to. •.. , •tr., • • , „ 4E)]