HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1908-04-30, Page 7Gad would net if, God himself were 0 roan. AVhedon front Jieoeolorth-l11tit c-rto they had failed to understand rho mystery of Christ's nature. but after the resurrection they saw with a demon vision, and after the lacy of Pentecost all was made plain. have emu hen- They hal not seen the 611b3',4nn' of 1Ie Sol; Y, -MAY 3, 1908. invisible God, for Cod is a Spirit; not they had seen demi% ChrinL who 1000 "ahr 0 Hone, -John 14t 1.31. brightness of his glory, and tho express image of his person" (Heb 1:3) C.„in,nt01 --L 30su0 tells of .Its , shoo' ns the Fath -1 -hoot 1. Had t , fn.,se its. 1-3 1, Let not your seen mu011 of JFSn0 and y09 did fiat,' hes : a 0.31111 _Judet.•., the traitor, recognize him. 9. seen M .Seen ti. had 'e t the cu(ulhWy and Jesus had lothor-"He that had seen Christ's u,,, just toil Peter that he would dotty 1 -him tires and love, his desire for the salve- tlu I tt ' night. Peter was humbled and tion of men, his hatred of sin and love silent, and the other disciples wore sad of goodness, had seen the Father in thea' and alarmed, That wltidt would cause same respect," the ;neatest dittss 01:10 the fact that 10. beltevest thou -Philip. Horst have their divine I1cad was so soots to be his faith founded: on troth mid sound taken from them, "The whole is mast doctrine. 1 speak not of myself -Not 1110lligible by keeping His rom)' and as a mere mon 111 his wards and eros, mid' departure in view, as the point works were on expression of (cod's will by which they Would most be troubled.' to Wren. 119011011, '730 not ruffled turd diseom- 1V. Faith 11111 prayer will be „overdo! posed; be not cast down and disquieted (vs 12;14). 12, grca.ter works --Not Though the nation and city be troubled; greater miracles. The healing by mesas though your little fancily and flock be of Peters 'shadow ''(Acts' 5:15), or by somsil,le of the grief, vet let not your the handkerchiefs that Lad t0uchcd heart be troubled, The heart is the matt Paul's body (Acts 111:1), were not greet - fort; whatever you do, keep trouble er than the raising of Lazarus. The from that; keep that with all diligence." "greater works" refer to the spirituel Henry, Yo believe, in God -That Ile is work which was to ire done, 1. 011,10t'.s most, holy, wise, powerful and good; Wort: hail been limited to a small terri- that He is the Governor of O elmorld, tory; but through the power of the and has the sovereign disposal of all Spirit the gospel w'0uld be preached evens. Believe also in .Me -As the 'Tod- throughout the entire world, 2. Christ's fator between God and man -Henry, work lrttid 90011 prcparhtory, and there The disciples began to lose all hope of had beefs few conversions; but under n. seeoler kingdom and were discouraged. the ilreachiug of the apostles thousands Clm,t promises them a spiritual and would be' converted in 0 day. '''1'liesse heavenly inheritance, and thus lifts up 'greater works' refer rather to tho re - then' drooping hearts, -Clarke. "Faith Sults of Pentecost; to the victory over in (lad and frith in Christ, are (0003x'' Judaism and Paganism, two power's nbb', and the glorification of the Son, which for the moment were victorious is a glorification of the Pathe' in the, - bv00 Christ" (Luke 22:53), -Plummer. Sot,. to 01010011g the same 101st and re- BECAUSE I G0, eta. -The reason is linuo0 on Himself as on the Pother, threefold; 1, The work of the atone - Christ makes Himself equal with God, moot would then be finished. 2. Jesma as in chapter 5. 1 -hence there is no midi would sit as Mediator to give ,direction Piot of faith in 01(1101, to faith in God, mid power to the work of saving the nor a transfer of one trust from its world, 3. Ile would send the promise of prcp00 object to soother, but simply the his father (Luke 24:45), comult'ation of our trust in the unseen 13, in my name -What lie has pm- (:0d--cpou the iucarm.te Son, in whom clu1erd for us we citn ask for 111,hisname, this arnst becomes real and effective." __Monti,,' in' the Soo -Whatever of good 2, By Father's house -"Both a state (((0100 to oust through the merits of the and a place."--rcloubet. The heavenly atonement glorifies the Father, 14.any. world. rho place from which the Son thing fn my mune-Instead of 10001115 desoendcd and :o 0'411011 I411 ascended; to approach God, they could cone coufi- the 1'utpre abode of believers. Many= death and ask iu Jesus' name, -_fere nnwsious-Maty duelling places, that is, room enough for all, "There may -be de - grecs of happiness hereafter, but such are ueitiler oxpressed nor implied here" -1'hnunicr, If.. not..I would have told you --1 would 1101 have allowed you to believe that eternal life was- awaiting tlic finally faithful if such 111'erg not Ole 006e. if this world, with its conflicts and trials and persecutions and death ended all, I. would have told yeti' plain- ly. To prepare a place -I shall not for- get M 01)1010 life has been for eel , on: -nv death is to be for you; and my was an a ssuraatoe of his power and pur- pose to blest his followers after his as- cension. It n1itst be remembered, how- evu', that by asking in Christ's name 1 menu, more than using the formula ; "through Jesus (.heist;' it means that we are to pray in the same spirit 111 width Christ. prheed-"\ot my will, Ind, Dino be done." He promises to grant only those requests which are rightly made in his name; ,all else aro exclude,!, I Vleous comforteth the disciples (vs. 1 15411), Jests asks then to show their love to hint by their el uliene0 and he 4pin( is for the purpose of preparing I promises to scull the Comforter lo abide 0 pltoe for y11: in the mansions above. with them for ever. He was to be the "Ry passing into the heavens as your divine .Agent by whose power nrigl110 great High Priest, tl'rough the merit of my sacrifice, and by appearing in the prest nee of Cod as your Advocate and Intercessor, 1 shall procure for y'ou sat entrnee into that place, which other- wise would have been inaceessible to you '---13enson, 3. I WILL COME AGAIN -Better, "1 cone again." -R. V, Or "I ant coning again," which is the literal rendering. lIe came again at His re.slrceetimn and I-fe is continually com- ing in the spiritual life of His people. He also comes in an important sense at death, when the believer goes to be with Him. But it Would seem. that' His thou;the, here bas especial reference to 11is second advent at the close of the probationary state when He will come 1.0 judge the world, Undo Myself-- In hea von, in the glorified state. The be- liever's eternal happiness will consist in 0 perfect and unbroken union with Jesus Christ who has redeemed him and made him an heir of glory. 1[. Jesus the way of the faller (vs. 4-6). 4. whither I go, etc, --Ile had repeat- edly told them of flu corning sufferings anis death and that he would rise again (Hatt. 11121; Luke 0;22; 18:31, 32), but they could not understn1111 it (Luke 18: 34) the way -That is, the way that leads to the Father's house, the plan he was going to prepare for then. They knew, or should have known, that the Way to gain a home above was to obey the precepts of their divine Master anti follow in 95 footsteps. 5, We l:note' 1101; 1'1(0 minds of the disciples were yet filled with the idea of 0 temporal l ing- dom and that Messiah reigning in Jeru- salem as a great earthly potentate, cov- ered with glory and honor, and how this could be if Jesus was to to cruci- fied and lenvo them was more than they could uinderstand. Thomas owns his 130- nm•ance and asks for an explanation. 6. I (1111 the way -I am the way to access to God. No• man conwth to the father only as he comes through the atoning merits of the Son, "1n harmony with this passage 'the Way' soon became 0 recognized [tame for Christianity (Acts 0:2; 19:0; 22:4; 24:22). But this is oh- m:tued in our version by the common int memory, 'this way' or 'that way' for 011ie 99'05,''' the truth -"The source or fountain of truth. The lite, the purity and the teaching of Jesus Christ were the most complete and perfect represent- tatinm of the things of the eternal world thee. has been or can be presented to want T1s'. LIFE --The .source of all PM, physical; spiritual cud eternal. Sci- entists have basted 11111011 time and en- ergy in a vain effort to discover the source of lire, this verse settles th0 whole question. but by me -Christ is 0111' only menus; of escape from death; but he is snlf10lent; we need 110 other: 111, Jesus the nomraation of the Fath- er ;0s, 7-11). 7. known me,.kn0011 my a Father -For Christ, the Son, is at the MOW time the 1ucaluntion of God en- tire. of the entire Trinity at once. Ho is the human personation of God, show- ing men show' ,Cod \cold be and low woks were to be performed through the church. They ware not to bo left comfortless (vs 18, 27, 28). PRACTICAL .1PPLICATIONS. 1. Command, "Let not your heart be troubled" (v, 1), The disciples were to stiffer mach. They were to behold him 1w1(0111 they trusted should have redeem- ed Israel ael (Luke 24: 21) spit upon, abused, execrated, suffering the tortures of the cross, and ,vet be unable to inter• fere f01' his relief, Nevertheless, they were not to let their "heart" be troll - . led. They were to trust and be tran- quil, to believe end be at peace (v. 27). The. soul of locus w11s troubled -(John been complete_ with the exception of "little children (John 111: 33) might be the last one mentioned, which will be free 'Irian trouble. The 00111, pvyc11e :finished in 11(IS, ('rips of goon fodder (animal life); may be afflicted; wird the. and of hay.wm'r obtained (Toni the four heart, l.ardia (the offections), not he tests in each of two. yc:1rs i Vtafa"wa- witt<v;a„?ehIN THEO.y;1x E -RU -NA DEAR PRUNES. Good News For Boarders But INot tar the Vliasuf. RESIDENCE AND PHOTO Or J.t CARSON, TORONTO, CAN. Mt'. J. P. Carson 218 St. Clarens Ave., Toronto, Canada, Inspec- tor London Life Insurance Co., London, Canada, writes: "I have used the popular remedy known as Pe-ru-na, and I can testify as to its merits. I regard it as one of the best tonics now on the market," Toronto is 0110 of the , -most beautiful cities in the world. It is a oily of i homes and churches, a city of intelligence and good government, a city of healthful climate and beautifl scenery. Among the many beautiful homes which make up the city of Toronto, is the home of J. E. Carson, 218 St. Clarens avenue. In this home Peruna is re• vered as a family medicine. Peruna can boast of being a fixture in over a million of such happy homes on this continent, where it is used, for the petty ailments that afflict the family. Coughs and colds, catarrh of the head and throat, sore throat in various forms, disturbances of digestion, catarrh of the stomach, and other internal organs. These ailments, petty in themselves, are often the beginning of very serious diseases. A dose or two of Parana taken in the beginning may quickly avert tedi- ous if not fatal illness. Heed Stopped Up Mr. O. W. Martin, Hartford, Ontario, choir leader at St, Paul's Episcopal Ohurch, writes: "I have been troubled with catarrh for a great many years, and always try- ing something for it, but was able only to secure temporary relief until I used Peruna. Only five bottles rid my system of all traces of catarrh, and I have not ootdwd the ,lightest trouble for several months. My hoed was stopped up, my breath offensive and it L a relief to be able to'breathe freely once more-" Lungs and Bronchial Tubes Mr. J. C. Bemis Pelletier, Dept. de 1' Agriculture, Ottawa, Ont., write; "The Peruna is particularly efficacious in the euro of catarrhal affections of the lungs and bronchial tubes. "Six bottles cured me this winter of bronchitis. I am completely restored and I owe thanks to the reruns,. "I have recommended this remedy tf�o a large number of my friends afflicted with the same trouble, and they have verified my good opinion of this vale . able remedy." inti,:4.,144 4•:444s:r:•v i«.1s 7 of 21 poucds of seed per act. 'l',1'0e 'i, varieties are all very' hardy. Some of s, these used in Creat Britain are not .. Combination ffCronininC l o e Alfalfa A i t ,amu l m this count". :Haug of s � y With Grasses and Cloven Five distinct tests have been made at the College in comparing twenty-one different mixtures fp grass and clovers for hay production. One test was stru't- :ed in 0897, one fn 1398; two in 1000, i and one in '1001. Koch of these tests have Chicago, April 27. ---Prones threaten 111 ona L r,,11 meal;_' and disappear II 1,01 • av(1l'01ll' .1(11; (11• canto 11:1uy'run'uu'atsam! bucrd1113 houses, _Reports trot. t11C Soo' . u clvuto S allc.> 1.1 aea.oui t N117111,111',11 t uL,su umutiers, 11 (ahhunia, • iruL. t 11;1 1 11t10 Jsoots 111 10 dauuaggd ,x1110 ;ll p ve01, of the 51001•1113 crop. I):uaage in the Santa t:b,o l'a11cy also . thought, to be nary, no 111hl :Fop of ilw les will total h '1. 1;o.100,000 pounds. i,u about 7;401501) pounds were • ,!a,d and this year merchants say H p is not oxpectod to total over eon 060 i imds .1Lis d"freit is expect - '01 to ,end 101108 sl.ywarrl. COOL SURGEONS. THEY USED THE KNIFE WHiLE THE ROOF BLAZED, Remarkable Illustration. in the Pro. tostant Hospital at Ottawa -Fire Was Fortunately Discovered Early and None of the Patients Were Hurt. 0(10041, April 27. I'he in the roof of the l'rote�staut Hospital on Sparks street at, noon to -dal' did damage to. the ex- tent of about six hundred dollar's, and was attended by. considerable excitement, both at the hospital and among the. citizens generally, mho 00011 learned where the fire nus. Fortunately the presence of mind of the lady superin- tendent, house 01109eons and 'nurses' and the effect of the systematic: fire drills which are in vogue i11 the institution prevented anything like. a panic, and it is not thought that the condition of silty of p the patients will 1:e 'seriously 1. 1y e The fire .was discovered by a char - minor' in the attic, and she immediately gave the alarm, which ..was sounded through the hospital and turned into the fire department. Iii`nn instant the 110110e surgeons and n110008 responded. '1110 house surgeons sprang. to the hose, am 1111011 I1nd a. stream :playing, on.. the fire from the in aide, they prevented. the fire spreading till the department a' At the time the alarm w110 given an operation was in progress, and thought those hicharge of at stere notified they. continued just ns of nothing wits wrong and finished Ihc operation 1vithotit any excitement. \nne of the patients hail to he moved from the buihling 0ltheugh they were hastily transferred from the tying of the hospital in w'5iel1 the fire was, Prayer, Holy and most merciful Gotl, oar' heavenly Father, help tis to thing of Theo continually as Thou are re- vealed to us in Jesus Christ. In a!@'-, helplessness of infancy; in the o,b ienee of childhood; in the toil of hood; in the tender helpfulness of ministry; w110f1 1110 sick 1,10r0 hely, and the blind restored, when the children were caressed and the sottv • , ing comforted; in the days of w1 10 miss and the n(31190 of prayer; in agony of the garden and the tie of the cross, let us see the love.l4f. God which stooped to earth in ot)dor` selflessness to seek and save the per- ishing. 0 that God's love might find us first and Hien transform us, might recreate that divine inlagewhich we have lost, and implant within us the spirit of unselfish loye. Teach us; 0 Lord,' to value life 'as Thou' dpot value it, and to find in it more and more an opportunity- for doing 'geed, Amen. Crucified. ,x ,v A deeply chastened soul tvrite11 to another, these words: "1 believe the only thing is to resign ourselves "im. mediately to Clod and give ourselves M Him to crucify our affections and desires." There are things we Dan do for our- selves and by ourselves, and some things must he done by another. If we are to be crucified it must be done , by others, not by our muds. It 0100 a Roman mode of punishment, two strong cords were all that ens neces- sary; mako 1111 end fast onto a man's wrist, throw the line over the branch of a tree, do the sante with the other' hand, pull on the lines to a given height, and the 'thin„ is drn0, This 1110 the 00n1m0(1 way.' The , trans- verse beans was only a city arrange- ment, Travellers passing through the woods often came upon suspended human remains here, a foot or a leg 11nd dropped to the ground,the'raveus had picked out the eyes long ago as a choice morsel, Paul 02.11' those tor• rid object lessons drying in the sun, so' he could say "I am crucified with Christ," and the rope by whale these bodies were suspended was not strange either. "And they toot Jesus and led Hilo away." Hlow did they load Him? Why, with a roue round his neck. "Ile is 01 notable prisoner, he has the fashion of giving its the slip, hold his fast." They led Hint from Cala. plias to Pilate, from Pilate to Herod and from Herod back to Pilate, They did it to Him, 011(1 some one ,1100 to do it to us or it is not dope. Oh, wondrous interchange! 'lee whose body was crucified, comes tb',ourselves and -perforans- the sane deeds. They din_ it to, Him in malice.& "floes it to us 111 love. ":1s manyidq are'led by the spirit of God they aro 0the' 'sons STOCKFRAUD. PS Uud Our souls are moue to die, 1J' e! to deo from) Norld to clic flesh; to the 9011! r grown% 01(3ie11 R,, ,111('11 Ci th; 11u, b,. loch the bolt graces are mentioned, 110 there s monody 0 farm in 0a„an° in which th,. Can'wi:m 11111: grass the Kentucky blue gran0 110 the red trop will not grow natur;ttly 'Che varieties lire recommended ane t- 0t0ou3 vignette growers, Some 1.1 them prod000 pasture 000y' curly in the epai'113 and Others late_' in tl,o season, Most of tlin varieties are superior to timothy iu•,pt;odneing u growth during the hot., (try Weather elect ocatsionady oeears ym the months of July and ingest. The seta eau be Down 111 010 early ni,tiug rather alone or with 0 light seeaia 0 of olit(;4 Wheat or barley, Such a mixture, .as th., \rhea well established on suitable ;:land sinfttld furnish a 01.11111 ah old •' ' i n ter. in growth excellent in qua,ti}', and pn- nrueut in character, Alfalfa Honda be 1011 carefully tc 1- 151 on many tutus thio f; hu rt ll 1turio,s Ito toile tolls of nm,i'ntieus he'd -for farm- suck, its 400 an3tl 111110 t r t l growth," am( its but ,ietal :ulmmmee on • the soil, are all Ma tures w'lu a c llo:tcn'I it very lei fly for those farm:: onc1Vlooll it can he moon ,stweesetu l , •rt „ Ther, our eliferint eat x ai:lying, 1011'11 a plo,i0r 0 field to alta`ra, bap,1 cold 0uggeo1; the-foll10'int met 0.t 1 !av one whielt Whitely togire ser( cu111ent. le0011 -dele;t'!anti having t 11.10 '? 1. low;, fct hla surface soil overl1111 11 cdvp• 13'•draiaa sub 11(1 laving 110 iv d`.;. 1 ;. hole, plump seed, free from iap1n41ica and strong in germiuo.ting power, In• oeuhttc the .seed with the propel kind of bacteria, providing 011015, 11110 not boort grown successfully on the land in recent years. As early in the sprnlg as the • lald ie dry enough and twin enough to be nvm'kod to good ad'rawta.30, root,: a suitable seed -bed and immediately 0',11' about twenty pounds of alfalfa seed leer acre from the grass seed Mix plrecl to front of the grain drill, and about 0110 bushel of spring ,wheat or Oho)'' per 1101'-0 from the tubes of the drill. Smooth the fwd with a light barrow or with a weeder, and if it is very loose and rather dry, also roil it and again go over it ty1 II fh-c hnu'nw or the wecde r, As noun Its ripe, Ont the grain, ..nod acmuid leav- ing it on the land longer than necessary. Give the alfalfa plants every opportun- ity to got -a good start in the autumn in preparation for the winter. 3I for hay, cut eaelt crop of alfalfa in the fol- lowing year as soon as it -starts to bloom, in curing, try and retain as many of the leaves on the -stems as possible, and to protect the crop from rain. Never cure or pasture alfalfa sufficiently close to the grout'; to remove the crowns of the roots and' duds injure n' possibly kilt ] 1 the, plants, If these directions are bil- lowed the alht lfa may h y be (minded to produce largevaluable crops for a number of years without re -seeding -- From Ontario. Government ilulletin on Alfalfa or Locerme. agitated, The life may be "troubled 00 every side" and the heart .. not. be dis- tressed (II, Cot 4: 8). Int to work_ we 1043' have terrible t'ibulatieb, while in Christ WO have uttermost hes*' (John 16: 33). The soul may be `sons, t'owful,' yet the heart "always rehoe- ing", Of, Cor, 6: le). Jesus could say, "Sly soul is exceeding sorrowful unto death (51111k 141 34), while his heart exclaimed, "1 delight to do they will, 0, God' (Plat. 40: 8: ,John 4, 34). Melodist in seven of the mixtures. 01 the 'twenty -opo different combinations 1 111 the sn highest. a yielders of 1 y enatal':vd alfalfa -the greatest yield being produc- ed by the nllixttu'e of alfalfa and tail eat naso, The details of the entirec:g1eu- Ment will not be presented 111(111 111,1 the results 09 ,1000 have loom seonreti, The following table, however, n, get e s shit overage , 0nnall yield in tuna of green fodder and of hay per acre of lour of the mixtures in the four tests 'Load, 1I. Comfort, "I go to prepare a place 011111(11(11 . Green Fodder, lief'. for you" (v, 2), In the Muir of his 91i:al1'u nud tail .tot crass 10,17 •1.+1 ttnpatalleled sorrow, with Gethsemane ;111.1111 x11-1 '1051[113. 11.80 -190 and Calvary in view, lest; did not think l'unnuou red cklwrr orad of himself, he 10111lnheral "Itis owns' 1)).i'7 Ile did mot euu(fort himself with the (;ill oat erns coauuon red clave' and thought, "1 go to my father's mansion; timothy 16.)0 1: go to the glory' from which ]. cane," 1 11 hl 011 h s A1t,nuugh alta_ a and t1 Ihc prolong 1(10 "111th prepare with grits 111 avcu1gc yicld of l.. tons of hay the promise, e, "l go to prepare n plac•e per acre more; than common red clot er for . 4'o- nud 11810(115, it is doubtful if erou thhs 14. 4'o -workers with Gad. 'He't5a1 nlixlure wilt equal alfalfa alone for halt bolievoth on me, the works that '`.1 do 1 pro;hu•tiun. 011011 he do also" (v. 12). Jesus buds 110 Permanent pasturre hsve never acu- point the 100y to the perishing; in 00011- hied as prominent a peace in the r mom - est, throbbing words to testify -to the pair, 0t Un11110 as they have in the 11 11 11,41,; to elewo3'tnte. t0 rte world the culture of ),Teat Britain. 'Elie scarcity mover of tt holy- life. ".'1 holy life has n of halo' and the great development of 00100; it speaks 1011011 thin lips file o1l live stock industry are factors wide)) silent, and is either 11 00115141111 antra(- are causing some of our most thought• tion o' continual reproof.,, tat farmers to consider the advisabllty 1', Confidence. "Whatsoever ye shall of se1ufiug a first'class pe'maleut pri- oo,,k in n,y name. that will I cin" h'. 13), tun i1;tcad of relying so moon 011 tilos AtAlexander's count w110 a,poe' phil0w1- utiy cur pasture pu1poses. n Mots ..'... Mier, .11 one Ione, ,being,i11 p0altli trey 1.101 100)1(11 itmg, Mot:owes 10'0 the straightened ehetun0lanc0., le applied to farm buildings a whi:h arc ,biUwult 1.-1 the eoMplere • fon' help, 'Alexaulr sent vv0r'k on account Of the presence of steep him to the treasurer. will r.a Ponnnisnioit h[ll-aide, crooked rivulets, love shots, etc., to give him . whatever le asked. hie 'might be converted into permanent pas - went and demanded, in the name of tete tures 0041 thus prove of great oe0aumre" sovereign, fifty'thousiind (toilers, The VII IOC. This arrangement would 1101 in - treasurer refused to pay the sum, and went and told the king what an unrea- sonable amount the petitioner hail asked. Alexander said: "Let the 4money be in- stantly paid. 1 nm delighted with the philosopher; he has singularly honored 1110, By the largeness of his request he the high idea, he has of m has . shown I, 3 superior wealth and royal magnificence." if your Bing less willing, less able, leas lcriere materially with the regular m'op rotation of the farm, from mote. (_fair twenty years' work in testing different varieties of grasses and clovers, both singly and in combination, I beach_ sug- gest the following. mixture for perno n- ent pasture on an average soil in On- tario; Alfalfa, 5 lbs,; alsike clover, i. lbs.; white clover, 2 lbs.; meadow. b0s- eUe, 4 lbs.; orchard grass, 4 lbs.; tell_ generous May we not ask large gifts, oat grass, 3 lbs meadow toxtal, 3 Co -4.; and please hint with the asking? and timothy ?'lbs,; ,thus making 0 total Got Fifteen Months for Fraudulent Use of Mails. Now )'ork, April 27. -'.l hams; nor and lair; wife, France:: O'Connor, also 1amwa as Fronto; :McLean, were iound guilty before a fury. 111 -U. S. ciretul court 10 (1,5' 1(1 1iro 0001118 of on indictment chasing them with tuts hoe the m1111 10 defraud. Judge H511 sentoued O'Connor to 15 menthe in ('lintott prison and suspended sen- cncc on 5(r'; . O'Connor. The 0 Conntors were charged with sending circulars through out the country by mail saying that they had inside information on the stock 101)0' 501 (111 1 ooulcl so advise clients that they couid'uot fail to reap big profits nt speculations made on their sugges- tions, 5314, O'Connor, under the name of Frances McLean posed as the pos- at;'sor of the "inside information." IMMIGRATION RETURNS. Falling Off in Arrivals in the Last 'Three Months, Ottawa, April 27.---'I'ho total tum igra. Hon tor the first three months of this present calendar year was 27,111, as ,mupared with 42,048 for the sante three months in 1007, sh0wit)g a decrease of 14,94E 11te British unnri udiou was 8,3)44, as compared with 20,822, a de- crease of 11,878. The-cvnuineatal immi- gration was 0,810, as compared with 11,- 600, a decrease of 4,700. The immigra- tion from the United States was 11,1390, ;is compared with 0,620, an increase of 1,764. - The - iuunign'atiol for the last fiscal yearn 'lading with last month_ tt as 20i2,- 400, made Up of 120,162 British, 9115)7,3 continental and 59,31: trout the United States For the corr1spoading twal10 months of 1900-07 the immigration Was 222,702, made up of (4:1,0-10 British, lt, 50,- 473 00'diueutai tad ',1,243 from 1 h 1.1111ed NLatis, 111' luc1ea.a- for the twelve months v as 7,707. sx SILK AT 'A BARGAIN. Latest Swindle is an Old Trick Modernized, Meng ,00u, lea:, April 27. -hr response to newspaper ac:ve'tsem01010 to the, of• feel that if t2 were forwarded to 0 firm in Mer e/Itowrl, W. 1'a., there wound lot scut ten yards of sdk.a large number of persons in this vulrity' availed 111cn1- sclms of \that looked like -a bargain, 1'o -dory a majority of the. customers re- ivcd ten yards of silk thread, The United States anHarities and police are making. an investigation. sin, lo the desires otherwise lawful sad natural, Out of death conies ( Life, We die to 'live, not by a suit- den and terrible jerk, but contin- uously, slowly and really, the grow- ing soul eau say with Paul, "I die daily," Christirtne l Those heavenly powers are ready to complete this glorious work. Draw near with a con- senting heart and all is well. Bring your idols, 'keep bringing them, 'de it. gladly, :ns you do 'it, sing: "The dearest idol' I have known, Whatever flint idol be, Help me to tear it from Thy throne, And worship only, Thhee !' You need the highest help n t i g for this glorious ' work. It is new8, it .is suf- ficient, it is heavenly,"I` ask them, whence ,their' viet01y, came? They with united breath, Ascribe their conquest; to ,the lamb, Their triumph to His death. -H. T. Stiller. Easter and the World's Conquest. { Easter has a personal message for each one, For _fairy and' for Petia', for 'Phonons ,and for ,James, the risen Lord hall a special wore_ It is so still, But: the Easter 1110ssago Is not fon' the indi- vidual. believer alone It is for the Church its well. To the disciples the:: sealed tomb meant not only th:rt; Christ's earthly meet. was over; and that .011011 bad lost a lender and 0 friend, but that Christ's work- as a 0110111 was at an mid. 1n tine 011100 war the empty tomb meant not only the living lord, but a kingdom that had cast aside as swaddling -lands what they had 111003ht to 1.1e its grnve-clotles. 'l,'o ns feu' more clearly than to then) the stone rolled away speaks of an open-door set 90f0re the Uluurh, a door that 110 man can 0!111,:., The victor) over death N 11 00110 that the ' abw-of hell .shall net I h prevail a'uaimt the Church of the Lord of life. The resmucctinn,hu, taught us to loot: to the future world as holding for eur801005 tete true life; it may Leach ns to /00l::fo'Ward 00 confidently to the growing. triumphs tlhs of t)e. Master's (some.e. 'Ch, apostle's exhortation to those nis- en with Christ was' that they should 'show. the signs of the now life that 01110 Hairs. A like 64)3001 might be made to the Church that by its 00111 it give proof • of the life Gott animates it, the seek to celebrate the different festivals of the year 111 some fitting way; aside front the songs of rcinrchng and the personal consecration that are as0oehated with this season, why 011111 it not also, L" 001190d by some definite effort to"do, honor to or risen Lorditt ,effort reign4--Christ Mu Endeavor World. -a Happiness serer canoes- to i'icit the Man who is -worrying about how' to keep irou}ile away. -Florida .I'hu0s-Um 1011.