HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-10-12, Page 1••••, *10,••• Parliame4 Djssolved. r tualtlf*V4WPPiteua,4104,it • Reeetamead the New 13ra to your friend*, 44a46.*****-V-444441414-400441f~fir Nominations wili be held on !Wednesday, October 31. Polling on ,Wednesda t • t tt*111 overaber 7. ROBERT 71014M Publisher • Little -7 •eaks 1,;! bolus IBMs hrekkg Ire °curries daily. May be • ,A • . , „• . ••• 'TableSilserstere. ' Rings, Pins, iBrooches. 'Watches or elbeite, MCVer ili is we'rnanXione it shall ▪ ' dohltiPur way. . • We refaiittedit WOW; ift ." leotary winner, Oar charges are moderate our services prompt. -Whether large or smell it receives • ell the attention it requires. We are Leaders in our Line. • 4. B. OREWS, ' 4eweler. ParpertWatebRopairer • And Optiolatt , .14011001.4. , CoLLEOTOIL-Robt. Carrick,. town ;hip collector, will statt on his rounde in a few days,- and , has ccoisiderable territory to get over and werk to do. The township bite an area Of neatly ••65.00cc acres, and Mr Carrick covert. this on foot ,• it takes him nearly foul weeks to get around. The taxes oil the roll represented are about $13,000, and he invariably collects nearly the full amount. When it is known that -extent of about $18, , and only gas /Kr Carrick has to Rif security to the salary.of 480 for hi mirk,• it cannot be said that he is overpaid. RINTAIL STOOK FAIR, -For 40 fears an annual stock fair has been d al thefartneas in this.' vicinity bringing in their stock for sale. The fair was held • u Tueedttly. and there wait e good '• • - • lay of cattle, but buy - were a litt • ry. The buyers on band were la -EL Smith, 'Clinton ; Messrs. Andrews and McLean, Gdder- ach ; McLean, Luclinow, and - McDon- ald, Rioley. • . • • • . JosPrik DileilatMe, One of Ray township's older& pioneers passed' away to the better land. Deceased had been ailing for a couple of months. and Although his death -caused Much sor- rem' to his many relatives, yet it Was tlOt a surprise. Be had attained the age of 75, and h.te• been a tesident of this township 'ince hie arrival from Quebec. leaves a wife and, five children to menet his loss. His re. mains were interred in the R. C. ceme- tery, and the large attendance at the unelal showed the esteem in which I e Was held iq. the neighborhood. -NoTieii.-L. and J. Gravelle and sit - tees were rusticating in the neighbor hood Saturday and Sunday last. F.Du- eharine and Charette have gone ti the Michigan lumber woods. Zuribk Brisson has moved from this place to Drysdale. 0, Latest:tier was intending to go to Michigan noon, but owing to the eickly cenditidreofehis wife, has to defer it indefinitely • • [ , , NOTES -Biro Nichohnut Went on short- visit to. frionde t Sarceta last week; We have here a splendid red Ing rocan_and fibre" Which should. be more hugely patronised than it big it le open every day the year retina; SIM - days excepted. rho evaporator ap- pears to be dolor a reehing nuttiness. Owing te the LoWnetei of the water in the river, it h not. been &sable to lige the electric IIght here for nearly a Month past. whicb has proved a great inconvenience; it will take a pretty good rain to being thespathe up to ite neceesary height to oyercOule The beet adVettlellell ast la thle settle*. 7 0 $11 per year in adrinee SIM emen not go paid. CLINTON. ONTARIO, OCTOBER 12 1900 I .14111.11111111.11., 1 ..Ttiol.News of' •ttt'..:Ne..kjilborho.od • SelPylled by the Near Rim's iirldieralealre re11019 georreetiirislta GederIch Teivaelt CONVRNIENT.-A good story le told about a termer. a Scotchmen,who took a load of grain to Goderich and on his waY home, about two miles outside the Take Care Of- . _ MrsNott J Title; knotted bed spread j This w . Herta' 'mantle drawee oempbell Miss Bring- - DEPARTMENT-ohL01491•Denultre'rilia.wlle„w enjWhOermk Inlayed That Cold t , ... . . ...........,..., ti liowit ,e • 'darning, W Hartry; orooliet work In wee, are !Cowrie, J . . /3arr• e'rocheis in aotton. J .Kelly, W Ilartry; .c.-- ..:*,,..c: tr. 1:11,41,11)5. Pewit drawing; W HartrY S Farm; dreeeed , 't - ••••,-.' ' - , , . -, : . doll, .7 Barr; work,_ plain or ornamental; J 3...:„.* "r' R8yeeersIly,4, 38BliaOrvrrri, V/ Harry. Hnixiihirtrese.wing by child under 1 .1 ton; coil werit Mrs w llele B car. er. - A.RTS-oll paintings, 0 Cavil:al water color paintings, C Campbell; ' paintin in oil B Carder C Campbell. # SaMinierhilll flounced fast week the haterelet home .. , • -- , paintings in water color33 Carder,11 Caning:A; HARVEST HO= DINNE.R.-- A* 1111- ,TINE . dinner under the aUsPleest Of theWoln • BlYthe 10 /anonymous with the water color, 0 Campben; landscape, oil, Camp- en'e Auxiliary of St. Peter's church, animals in oil, 0 Doyle, 0 Campbell; animals in vreather Ina the feat crowd present titill,Earoline Dogeeiilandsoripeeirawater color, B cantle off with good succese on Friday -at Blyth Fair On ednesda A finer der rtv 3111,Mileneil;=.1% • and ink s etch T Die 11 Campbell' el= Nitw Sz'orug.--.1.W. Medd, tallor.hea off br careleeel ne lectintt to ecrew evening. The weather was all that day could not have been sereeted• and card . Iowa, a front w ee of the mutton came draMre Ile wing er ; C Camdbel. Bela; bought from Mr Jackson the building the nut tight.; but Tiie son, who hap. cOUId be deaired,and the fowi supper the pe _p e wovee P • on Main street, formerly used as a pinged to be with hint, milking along prepared by the ladies reflects great Everything passed 0# sinoothly--with- gaciutgl' t..fif.,s1Lowrie, 0 Doyle; painting, Mo - roe's stock of tweede, etc.. and is also the morning. pitfall in it new stock. Fie is a young . -.. - .... ed, painted and fitted up as a fingt-clees wheel on during the itext ten miles getrerrou metes...rt. 13. Sanderson of ' Prdceede nearly $25 iinetruntient music was well gtvee n enee, eonfeestimating it at front 8030 Dalai B paired to the Orange R.H. where a exhibition the Morris Agricultural Fair , tii WOO people. This was the second n e eruct bin _ring bask° lletrIV r RinsonL3386; elenta in flow°41 pote, J oser, ob n- haull35adot.dardeelr ;oeirpi;aei: :Ion, gwlassilinsoil, 0; photographs, W 11 Brew- bUtcher shop, and has had fe overhaul- side the wagon, kept pushing the credit OD them- After, supper all re- ' out discord or accident. Fut a Country Campbell, that is i re crowd, J Eva BP etea D - _ tailor shop. Fie hart bought pir Mutt- till they reached home, some time hi varier" Pruggin of readings. amigo and caps every othee. The crowd was im- MOMS AND FLOWERS--col'ir foliage, 0 man o experience and vall doubtless NOTEIL-Quite a number from this year that speeding, contests took place. lot 10 13 fi Id li h Just u ted'T OUT FLOWERS-UW*1s boquet, J Anderson J get his share of the trade ti V WI/ Brown to Sell by auction on Thunder vicinil took in llohnesville tee Won - ItyKtovmdicirre. - Our village hae Oct. 18, at one o'clock, his farm stoc : time of the Dorninion.1 Mr MeholsOn, Thiettockpomerfees 8 horses, 5 cattle hainess-maker,. has overhauled and been keeping pace with the groping hnplements and household furniture. Ir. .phraim Butt left this ek fo are_pleased to know that the children mil oba with a car of hornet). we 'Itnteeirnrgy•go•round arid a aide show wers li leiohnedrit:Tleyarpaotfrmonrizeitbktuhkis v3re try exerthrg vd close. ;hi; B rarr.ro era; a we r liar Mier ;Hele,ligazt 1, 115 Son;I49 A LOE1T THEW Ara..--Durin the ante , tion the best yet. FolIoering Is a Doi- A'aule Pipe, Pt asvfircrtehme itlye: zuWiEtialLilet°. 7 TO71171.)100178 60144.Pan.:_iLs 13 iti 5 CZ ha lin lamente- d InOst fu y recovered. Itieny of our Who have been sick, are and he did his work very efficiently-- children 431inglienohtlindeldni "Id 1913IYE grultrirtearr 7 eheep and 9 pigs; the implements all ef Joshe. ffill, painted the premises he recently those generally need on a well kept had everything. on his finger tips, and sup; wider 10, yeliennett, bought, which Mr Munro, postmaster, farm. Jigs. ' Laithwaite will hold an BuYe are away apple packing, among others.O. and W. Johnston, C. Tyner was most obliging to all. Every de. horses, u ht_el„ 4:34ehe OBS-horsee heavy -A Innis Stanley : and J. Hill. Me -and Mrs N. 13inehann Nordyee ; cattle grade-Joox,Porter's m, Goderieb; oattle-J has filled up one office with lock boxes unreserved auction sale of farm stock whit were called to Mount Forest lest partment was up to former years. in Webster quality and number. The ' directors Ian et; fil.heri-rfjolartErter,sisHill, tt Peahalk and drawers. of the letest design, int- and.implements, on lot 48, Maitland work of delivery. . auctioneer. A. Osbaidesten offers for since returned. • Week by the death of a friend, have were Well pleased with the fare, which Pilitla gs,Blyth foOt rulnieddgts, wawa-Wosh, _o ; s - proving the °ince and facilitating the con., on Friday, Oat. 19; D. Dickinson, sale by public auction on lot 10, Huron was a grand success -without excep- A_Eiloan,Biyth" (lei ro-G Powell, litltytht Tare Kelly, or Hist)). ; pare ewe. road, on ri ay, Oct. , his arm etoc ow , implements;D. Dickinson, auction- ,Seessispaspeso,49,a,m4.44,444,04,4.4..h two of the prize het, the remainder of ti „,„„.; manufn ores p purple, Teeswater ; Prescription • of the Gelvesten flood Mr an Young experienced intense eietiety as and la le of John W. Elliott, . which will be inserted next week: heist work- Miss Marla, !irutedeld, Miss ;:1;.? / Oti ..dlikre4111* #0-41 461191' vat You can't atop your coffin after ' the funeral prooesgiose starts, but nowv17I:I I 1°bi tbynY tab aeett uPYs Pet ihol 1614 Ppre°ruersain:3nen 11E8" Balsam of Wild Cherry remedy anWdgensaerlaintsetiBts weffaniodieenrcinyt. It is the beet and sabot ouremade. 25o per bottle from us ably. SYDNEY JACIISOIrm t the f t of Mrs Youn mothee ee.r. '111/INKSGIVING HAS 4 GRAINe-Red faliwboat. 'Enoch Morris, jas &share:MB°, OfilCal toven'e isscilrbilanBrnssells;j1antial Phone 2 , Drag Store 4: Harrison; 'red ;spring wheat,-,John-balkeld-dt Graham; Godorioh. who. Bayfield line, was a liO0C0010* horses and Mrs Pclxby. and other relativee• cattle selling well. J. Denby bought were residing in that city,- and it was was re• the team of horses at a high figure. some Uwe before their anxiety lieved learning that all were saved, NoTES.-4. broad Smile brightens the but had lost thew home and property. countenance G. Cooper jutnow ; it • Singe then Itire Foxby has concluded is a boy. Doinine Herewith, Bayileal that life is more bearable under better line, wheeled to Kincardineon Friday, conditions, and she has moved to Buf- te visit his mother, returning on Sat- . falo-ta reside. . tirday. The would-be ALP. for the third ' • ` • time attended the sale at J.Elliott'e on • Friday. and had a waren shake of hands Colborne. with his political friends. P. Cole help. LONG IN Haflynces.-.--' Arch Sands, the ed his brother-in-law, Jas. T. Keyes, to iiretaefielde • No•ruti.-The meetings* held this week. In the Presbyterian church are well attended. Mr Beatty, Westmin- istee, visited at the manse hot week. Mrs Wm, Simpson, Ethel, is the guest of Mrs,,Thos. Simpson. john Kaiser lost a good cow by beteg choked with an apple on Monday. Mr Delgethy . has returned froarficotland where he has been Cloning hie patents. ,Mr Murry Gibson is at presen confined to his room with Mese. Rob', Ross,who hair milli of typhoid fever, is still • ve , he took a relapse; his many friend Wish for a speedy recovery. • . Ittpnen lotyr.-Rey WM. Gould and wife left last week fur their filiation work in Formosa, after year's furlough. They leave their tare Watt children at the Mike of Mrlittould's motherl_Mrs Ne; f,0 be eduCatedi their third child, a little girl, flecomponied them, their youngest child having died during the mummer. • WhyJ •-*PM. • yon y rite g 41* initninstare luos booth ringiug front 06 ;100 deg* in the 11,00 V11E1.1 • 011104.101n1dbrue 143be canoed Hos a cad 44.1 MVO appetizing? Rat to few pilot. tialdsri: mm ithieftea, thtek, terkei, Tolote, fets Peet, Reedy Leask .1PiloWs Pattaad Ithieltittelo Lobster* fitelltbes, SArdialbso *SC • , lot issidniolint Shwa is- nothing Weir iSlart Devilled lloun; YOUR DONUT 'II mkt. Sloyotts tasississitati .1144, (Is ditiorof 04110 0.41inlit W. , tinnier *Ace I* MOWS Melte • Maine Oa Owe:4e Below is& toe bonse goorf gasket a nce; appear. • 4* Maitland blockh boors lit" WI hint. respected Treasurer of this township, cement his etablee. Mr Cole ie rting has held this respoesible °like for no proficient. at this business. T. ooper lees than z8. yeare continuously. When left on Monday for Sbakespere to pack he was appointed it was a literal case apples for D. Cantelon. Several trout of the"office seeking the man," not the this vicinity attended the tea-meetibg man the office, for he was appointed at Holmesville. Di. Switzer and IL Cole ' a y Moilannin* white falt wheat, Sam Parra,' W 11 frnit,llowers-T Race, tchell; Bp al -G 4.1e$41-0-y4rfrit*IPPP14-****4-11011* Oct.GoWitn; 6-41ruined;barieerJrigglkwilintiNtoi?Sti; The etartere- were :-Dr Blaokall and .3 john- ston !Cunt a d Krneckel of wingham Next Thursday; 18thbeing see .1 Xe0 11 l' if • Thanksgiving Day and a RE- 74: Parre; white oats H Bdwarts, JakElliottpdaek , • 0 0 • 1,1,. • • • tional holiday. the 'NEW BRA • oats, S Parra, 11 ildwards, email . will ba issued one day earlier Porter'S Hui • ' and sadvertisers WilrgreatlY Ofir- llirdligelf reWilit, 4tAlliTgel:Attegi been on tbe sick oat fee -several daye 'frillen;gertiegi.svLin%,406,Criti:Plis:::11t)::: $4,(7,1reLiggeirtbtay he is tronnd .ageina, buena by sendinghi their copy obe day , earher for next week. • hagiii0arva.,:rksoki,4•4=4:It Win! roots to the MaaTelanin7"nwtrrillien will led & Son, S Fare: timotliy seed, Pre litor - • 110TICS.--Arch. MeDoagall Who hie than usual, and correspondents PRITIT-Winter sales. G Pothergale, Aas 4•960404,41•4s0,041444,41.4,411+00,0,444 ' • Lenffealpero. *A itIRMBIt 'RESIDENT! --. Harvey - without hie Own knowledge or coneent, • Went/ to Bliyth on Tuesday to attend marrie on e ne ay o How %It Edwards; Cntario McGowan, : k • Pothergaler J Donald, of London; • accerwanied by Davey, of tne St. Me,ree* Arkus, was ooh , • erfale,j Sterlinf; hush roxboro,A Tyerme,n, wagnervI Alton G FothergaIeii en Avis in onr burg* be is ooking well and shortly movd hie .fainily. Rev. W. A Ian; seek no urther,G Pothertlee, Clarri Ayers payed a flying visit to old friend Alton, red ToL; vandervere, tv Sloan A • 0 Sfolin;taire s set, 'Yt Jacobs llother vrho has been visiting at the Mc- Mis Simone, 'of Goder- s erm soitzenberiRothe/Vol W 4° Y ever.. gale; manAV Jwaokson. J Cartrikht; maiden Phail house for a few days retnrited to bluehri G Fotbergale, J Alton; sir, MOJ her home on Wednesday. Thos. Me • and when he heard of the appoint- 'the fair the ollowleg 'day.„ Mrs. J. T. G othergalei Can. Mae E. Holdsworth; • of ohnesville, daughter of W. R. Davie, Of the Jase.on; wealthaS Farre theta he threatened not to accept it, Anderson is ill and under the doctog's Mitchell Advocate. Mr Davey is a son Oa red; 13; riart.t cr-r;..0,artit, payed a flying visit to friends in our 'tit hold it lust till they coufd fled a. Miss Snell, of Witigham, visited at P. the Methodist vh,urch in thie village; w sioten;%oas pipeins,• SPAZIlderea-1111: Jab Shrtig°nIcch ot the 0, C. ObUrCh in Zion but some of his Mande persuaded him care. Mrs W.:_ Poker,. of Clinton, and of Rey. R.Davey, a former. pastor of f'.2 rgOi village on Wednesday. Rev. S. H. Eenerlorwiinottehrerawnsiox13.4exarviasys., AA Carr: lowo no! eit Elder in charge of Detroit better meet' They couldn't find one; Cole's. Mr. Pollock and son, of Kin- Notasa-The Methoditt ladies are mem w 8,nd he has held it ever since, perform- catdine. spent a cou le of da s at J. busy etting ready for theannivereary, ""- -", --a `barna!' iYmIliPtInti Lafil. will hold divine service in "the temp- ing tile dutiee to the.entire satiefaction ihompson's, Bayfiel ,line. .1. beppard Amu on meeting will ba held in the con niums,P Mower. :ILI re cztye...41.1..1o:ntliV,ne:i .Allae.,asoal,grage. A.14 t.eitbr i 14,3,1E11 iciazeLYI , f all portico. • sold a horse last weekat tbeizood.price Presbytelian church on the afterneoty x a •,..i. e millet° hes. HAS BEEN HIGHLY BLEssED:-David spent it few days at W; Bell's, Bayfleld the Peesbyterians and Methodists. Alt h. . ' ' I lirfat-Ca,TE iliilorlOi fin -lit -A. W-Sloari / 230 and 7-10 each day. •__ . of $125. Mr Bell and eon, of Hamilton. of Thanks -giving Day st 230 o'clock.of Varna Ster g, 4th concession, Goderich Bar -; turkey, W rt lar a ease 21 firi - him in erecting a shed. full house in the Meth Ise. church last vavi.p. 2 2 ‘,., e w 1 Friday night. Rey Garai:On* Of gnOX Rgiotnet' Mn rdgucks, a wisirrwr;istri..kaNgibeersmea,Gy4 Irwi dilok0,1.*- ai NOTES --4tev A Dever. Wa ton tow ship) cen make a boast Which few cilled at.thalifethOdisi Parsonage on men at 'hie age cau duplicate. He is itp. ..eg-orns w Taylor. J saw proaching his 71st birthday, and has • • . !Stetter church, exchanged with Rev Stewart, w irwlii lags; i s of Willie church, Clinton on Sunday boxidans.W Carter 1 & 2;. brahniasta kir irw ..„ Monday of last week. Mr liarnwell, been so leghly favored by Providence, Norte -W. 3', Heitman has lease)]. . - Wilson BrOsii,blitek Spanish. OCampbell. G w Kirkton, paid this village a flying visit _ day's illness during his entire. lifetime. and purpotreq-building coal sheds there- 1 that he cannot recollect one single from the G. T. R. a lot at the station, ?Veiling.. 'Tames McLeod4 k ow, zitt.r.14inAsign 9improvementIe eell6 vei)rirwiree"nei4/ttetirctee'rentiirsviistes,r0vgivf y Mat Friday .and Saturday.. Rev. G. 0 1 am:Juror. &wine; et w'rrrwtir:i a0nuciaalmnspibanellsi, parsonage on andfamily for many years more, and Our wish is, vitalions out for an assembly in Gid•H D..v. ;a- Mrsiltrowritjlacketiartcrl wrg v,kandott.,e, H•Davi;i, W Ca avridatedTuaestdathye. Hate and hearty yet, he appetite good on atence. The social eight have In- 185 7nesda : ritg7:5 nan° allme!sr.t de- Emoted, the people our goingwas 13I tu fair. ev. Mr Davidson and family. arrived that whatever time he , may be spared ley'o opera house on Friday evening. Th M 3 d Y 16nCei 41:25-avartr:1 Ctii. The oasts runs on were very sue- win ; P hire lo.ohins,°4 W Irwin, Wil- here on Monday ; in the evening they Gray. red caps, were Warrilly receivea by the Presby - to enjoy, may be just ei free from ill.• S. Mellott and Mins Finkbeiner, Nab of cessful at Blink' fair takin r; for g011 Bros; Poland, 0 Clampbeil,J 13erian convregation of this villege. In nese ar all his preceding years. the village were married ab•LondOn Oil -- ' is %tlev Iwearterim; prouth rooks, 0 Campbell W* 'Stetlill of Leanne, (brother Of W49 • line. few ot T. Uole's frieuds assisted Count Boyagian wasgreetedwith a POci ULTRYBrorize turkeys, 43,4 irvOl ; ,.„ . Friday, The Exeter council have vot- each of fi.e rigs shovriv John i oarteie pigeons, Backe% Wilson Broe6a. fowls, lake on Tuesday afternoon the induc- e farm of Hairy Morris, near Nile, are a erovement Fund. , Miss Gerry, itch- two prizes for ruaranend fon • tielvocrer-a A eoker. a Ds is; gills a fowl, W rter, , few apple trees that are both patriarch- ell, was the guest of her et:against:the delegates went from bere to the Ref uteri gooTa.._haie 'niche), early petateea, ip met. evening a concert- was given. the a and extensive. Some of them are Mises Kinsman, last week; Rey John catoealf,,Vargospevooagngl,ttBi_i liaggliftlit;ushoolynlliirtoetattit aMgertahneliteetanfmtehelteinvgilloagnewinovtelheivainndg convention at B; ucefielti on•Thursti Yr: over 09 years old; a couple have a Henderson, St. Marys, preached a help- Now is the lune to buckle en your a Haggitt, metcalf, Barre; lield_carrots, J Star - 4th Anniversary, sermous will be spread of over fifty feet boat side to ful sermon at Maio Street hiethodiet moue abd work for a good cause and 7.,,i4. Jaetleatta.eaLgtatie,n,r .V._7=0 -t, 4. a Preabhed. Mrs Nott le on the sick side, while calif is over 8 feet in,diamet- church last Sabbath morning. Am, honest Goverument, and continued Itrire naggileWeuR butlirrj "."' LARGE TREES, -On the excellent ed towards the Cemeteri Itn- ala"anle licnce wit c Aso v • • tione service took place and in the, son; any o er varlet,' a. , McCracken; fiat. Mr johns and famil ha e re - sr. From two of these teees a Couple. Colin Pletcher. of Thames Road, will prosperity such as we have enjoyed the y y of years e.ge be packed 22 barrels of inspect the Preebyterian Sabbath past. few yews,. fames Wnodinan h,ts ee b ts, w TaylorsR Lome; sugarbeets, J T Cali garden prAduce, Amnon, Mogracken: turned to the village for the winter first-class apples, besidesbaving several school and preach next Sabbath morn- returned from his ten days' trip in Oraeken.11aggitt; mangold globe, McCracken, neY, W renwick; mangold wurtzels long, Mc. months. • .. barrels of culls. ' . . ing, Rev Mr Martin going to Grand Michigan+ and SATS we nave a boiler. J %Weld & Bon; pumpkin, ygoprackaa,_sat. - ... Bend. Miss Eva Roblin the popular country here than any he sew ever keld &,9on; squash, McCracken, Miss El Wise; . ' Constance _ Norge. ---Mies Nettie Anderson has Bowan° of London, who ilea a im.,....0 theie. The E ideavorer. .. of Kitoot red irliferaccSrleTk__, ellniyBlisg,eligrp: air ' ' „ , Westfield. class here in vocal music, will give da hold their social to night (P. i• 0 ? Tog. gone to visit friends for a few weeks. NI:rms.-Miss Etta McDowell, who • tor, McCracken; white field beans, J IC Wise, °taunt Allanson, Taylor ; potato onionii, Dr. R. S. Cooper and wifehave return - concert in Gidley's Opera House • on daY); all Welcoult`• is taking a musical course in Goderich, Friday, Nov, 2; she ..- ' ' McCracken; ileld corn, Balked & Son) I Carte Loitrens, T WWI Annie Taylor is on the sick ed after an extended visit in the N. W. opent Sunday under the win be assisted by Parental roof: Miss Currie, contralto and Miss Walk. • . itayfield. . . right ; table corn, Metcalf*. Allarlson J Brans It Sellers • watermelons Alton, go- ,-• ••-•••-• she .wae accoMpanied by the Mimes er, elocutionist, and focal talent. Crackeii; cabbage,fiaDield &Son Allinion. red list. Mrs Wm. Snell is attending her 61 I M d M Noatoe.--The officere at,d directors pioklingeribbago• Allinson, hicOricken•roa cel sister, Mrs John Dickson, who is see, Jit ! R. Hoover attended the funeral of 4 of the Stanley Branch Agricultural ery,egeli len ft Hole; cucumbers, Mrs B Tnckersmitb. their uncle; Treleayen, Dungan - is visitillt her friend, itiss pnlyens. home stating that a settlement of the• p.m. to pal out prize money and settle Tnil•Tnifaning• w pg,„aet• mra D 051T • butter in 1 lb taints, MoCallum. Plauket, klonntains. W. Taman and john Bar. does not.pay alt the costs of the case. Noirel-The merry-go-round which cheese 11 Li ilt M Wits xt eted Mrs Nat; factory oheee ,e Mrs Wib3on; dab"' , rs ISDI on, rs on; e ra rett, Bath sipent Sunday in the neigh- N. B reference to the above I was here last week offered a prize to honey, IV Clark, W Harta;htteLyo• 0,0113, w Society will meet in the 'town 11 %II. Stew , Hele. • non. Miss Jessie -Cumin 3. Wi ham, CORRECTLON. -The item in our last Baylield. on Fridtgy, Oct. 10,n, at 2 30 DAIRY ANI)PROVISIONS-tub butter, Mrs more. r and Mrs II. MoVittie are : Doig -McLean dispute had been effectek all claims or the year 19000 W. Er- wilsonT better in 2 1 rolls•Plunkeit,McOallium, Vieiting the former's parents at Blue was correct in art only. Mr McLean win, Secretary. hut- borho es Keith, twice of Rae J. may add, that if the matter had re• the best belting couple, which was Rai1.irr„47, risa`citicass`A:rsoesottl J Sh Kennedy, retnrned to her home in Al- mained between W. M. Doig and my. taken by Jas. Donaldson and partner; iii-eirnia syrup, o. Quinn. Mrs Irott; ;re* batty on Tuesday, after summering self only, I would net have made aa the second prize was taken by, D. Mc• served fruit, J Wise,MoOracken ; grape wine, With friends here. Herman Wight- expression of regret at the statement, Ginnie as best vent rider; ehief con- firs Et Hele, Miss Wise; tomato catsig, airs to A, Ca J Moe llum• crook but - Olen Of Ooderleh niodel school, Tent &Imlay at his home here. J. Barn ord, , Dungannon spent Sunday in the • has conneeted the stonework ot his cracker. house. J. Polloelt Will cover his house ImPLIIME the *toweled week that his. brother, BETTER MAIL FACILITIES...-. For with metallic siding. J. Brown has &eon; bobsleighs. Sinter& Sims; single oven 'Ts -Luther wagon, .1* Brunadon veighborhorid. A. B. Carr received - Haat ttrawanosh ii. Goderich township. A. McLeod 410(wantrw_bitglytogfiinia:squistlating gat:trout. bo 1004.1 Ihuoadun a Bon, Sister t Spelsing: W. R. Carr, V. S., ••••of Itirkton, who some time the people of Fordyce have oc •'- c •.t•eicted for the brick work of C. ago, had been thrown from his rig, Whitechurch is heti proved more took the cup at the commencement it:. 0!.. McNally Ldt 2; set or berme elided. lila had his arm broken about six weeke . only had a tri -weekly ruail,served from g, ; nee at canton coneglate. Rev • me & Slum wooden pump,D Showers,0J Reeding; br caking his arm again and sustaining or less efac ry and after eon- farm gate, R Spindler, II aewaren, other injuriee which will .lay him up siderable *oak be Olnles• M• P•• a remodel his bootie Mt the front road, M Neil has emPloyiel W. Whiddon to VIASUPAartnies- Home•made all wool rent market values. Alt the duty on •" Wilson, Mrs thimiltou ; mixed rates, Ity- It. B. MoLeArt. stable Macdonald was referee. I. erd lor, Mre Bainilton; pickles, jackson, ioesly ill. Mrs G. Stevenson returned home last Friday from London. Count Boyagian's entertainment Thursday evening was quite successful. Quite a number from here had the pleasure of bearing Rev J.11 Hectoe, the "bleck knight" in Seaforth recently. Wm. McCully and wifes, Stratford, spent a few days in the village recently., • THE HOG RIVITATION..-The position of Canada for hog products \ is. now very strong.. There have been some marked adyances this week in bacon, lard and pork. The stocks of Rork are am about exhausted and It is clear that linportatione will have to be made before long, since ` it is' impoisible to buy.heavy hoge at a price to enable packers to make a fair profit at, cur- ; for a while. Miss Mary McClinton it much better mai ;memo has been se- fl , Miser( Wise BOK Not& union Saw nal, Mi ti Wise. J u'vilse; home-ina.de all wool fork chtlidderable and thit freight ilt visiting her sister. hire 1. &Mee. Lucknow, St. Helene it Belfast cOnteR Wise, Mies B Stewart; home spun horse lank- for thin imported floods would show a • on the siek list. Miss (Janie Morrish cured. Fordyce will be added to the "• blankets Miss Wigs; union blankets Miss rom the Welt la higit, the ice here • and will have a daily OTIEU as soon as big advitnce on pr ces of recent salon of Rohm -Mrs Geo. °wady and chil. sena swan% mies s Stewart; hememettin 01/17114511 ANNIVItlif3A.11Y..--. The an- the ne y t te be a M bel d Roy. are h **varlet Mies Is*, J &Merrell mat rs W h di orl Additional Local News. GREAT ISCREA04013 ,. WedpeeaPer. vae_were.showe by a citizen some steciar ' of fall wheat of a sampertbat he not obtained from a friend's fem. They had been wean with eomeharleyin the spring of 1899, and ro9t maturing that, year, it was left till this year's arveet8. having stooled to over fifty betide, pro- ducing, on one stool that wise counted, 2100 grains. Beat thie who, cap. . , .. AT TEE RvAroRATOR.- A:PPles are again coMmencing to come in at this „ hive of industry. For the past few weeks those which were brought in al. ' ter the severe wind storm ate • about used up and neregetitates new swig'. Tee output per day averageti about tra bushel , sometimes a fraction r:t_. . ; wben oOd sized apples are used. NM. bathe s have been "run off eine° the season started. A carload of prime stook, Was shipped to Hamilton this week, next tope to r to Termer y, _ .. Delman OP A UILINToN LADV.--Mied• , Lucy Core, daughter of the late Wm. and Lucy Core, of Lancashire, Eng.,. passed away on Saturday, Oct. (Molter 78th year. The deceased lade Was for . a long while a resident here and lived with her brother Walter Clore here for ^ the past 33 years. A brother William. crime to Clinton a While before the others having died here about three. years ;go. All the family are of Eng- lish descent, The funeral was held from her late home on Huron street on Monday:afternoon to the Clinton ceme- tery, the services being conducted by Rev. J. F. Parke, of St, Paul's charcie '• of which she Was a meet faithful Darin:. ber. Many of her friends wilt boa with regret df her ,demise. The /011 bearers were five nephews' of the de- ceased and' D. Stevenson, of Wire. , The relatives who attended were :- Edward Corti fuel &meter Maggie.from Milton, Geo. Core, Walter and Mrs Core, from Forest, Thos. •Core. from • Wyoming, Walter Core,froin Petri:lea; Mrs Milton. fram MountBrydges. ONE Wuo MUST BE TO TEE FRONT. -Dr. W. J. R. Fowler, formerly of town, who has so successfully and skilfully carried on his practice hereg has di osed of the same to Dr.J, Free- man, o Hull, England. The doctor has returned to his former position as a lecturer in the Ontatio Veterinary College during the college session, and for a few years will probably take a course at colleges in the United States and Did Country during the summer menthe. He will be greatly wetted here, especially by the farming cow Mitnity, as he has alWaye taken the lead in his profeetion,being called upon to attend chtonic and difficult cases but more especially in surgical e p.: re - lions. We wish him every suttees) in his undertakings and will no doubt %soon see him at the front i his probe - aim. Dr. W. J. R. Po r desires to thank his Many theta •• . ' for theirlib. - • eral patronage du '• the time he has practiced here an • • opes they may con- tinue to patronize his StieetailiOr. Who in a man o ability and experience, halt- ing practiced one year in Canada and five in. England. He is a graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College and has taken a &lune at the London ' and Edinburgh Colleges, which will fully equip bim for any work in his probe- OlOno , • There was anal a nivereary services% connection censer a rangemen can NIB, a an I', are "g her Role Vell MoCraCkeri; Yarn ;now 11 8/rilbitt. t e ana ati Pr uct. ere Wen . made. Tide will prove a very great father, Jos. Hetherirafton. .111rs Soso ton Ins• wiss;:sa osrattootios imi_a_tintit. other advance in the price of live bows with the Westfield Methodist church convenience and Improvement. . Cassady returned tither bon* itt .kiyron rs,a; home spun 'tooting ira, w mmit. this weelt. Owin5 to tbe high price of were held hurt Sabbath. Very instruc- on Monde A mimberfrom Godericit W b"raaltion; ban titedgnair abate,* butter the demon for lard bas been preached by Hair W. G. Howson, Olin- Wlaghatali Attended special Seth* here Tueeday beets: stactora; duels hark."' e Witt. Bre boots John, Slieritt; flue hand-inatiC got • • ' _ ton. In the morning and afternoon, _and flours Hoint.--Harokl11, Witt. night;6 interest i fel great t n these 4 Sheri* double her eseJ Oarter,Thos Very active n.IP Band t 1 & 1 ttve and impressive Cartoons were • • IN in the evening by Rev T. R. McNair • ter IL• thetwo fest peeing horses own- Ilneetingei Line °Wet ter TintredeY LAM:BOW° Oraseroti.-Frederick • ed IC Stye t re b ouvht home Iiil-eectat "mei Itirb 04Milton, the relletchtd ,e0iVeS• niiht was ' Danchm," ror Friday night malt mut / siparooliz; Mier Hard to:ti h hoe Stror T pondent o the Torontri Globe, -Will was very funfavorable, there was a good gl. tri r thiti: h the 'United Statee. irtt; day w IP litter their inieeitsit• " hive Of bees. , Sunday morning A% wyrlit, We arital irs 1;#11.tinishi,111 give vie** and lecturein the town ball Dungannon. Although the weather to rt He, Sage Connollfokyrill .Filtry ad nine. risen.' willesestelisil 8 rimogri on Saturdity Ortolan Dot. IS, Ti. *Ill _ held, w sti addresses weredelivotred by 1 the Holy ilid t 0 SIMMIO 0 1011N; *Otee tturilt liii Eringlien. 11 as Mt Itiaantan hal atter= reinstate, very forcibly preetnted, and much appreciated S. 0 - Lord•sTabliromIl the Dern Toble." -ii- 46111414 ilis I*" CkfillittliV SOH eV., a itetilre On '4111e iffirtianaid # 61142".41.4144 e ag eCla I three different dialect*: Mae W • for her home la Cleorgetown. M. Ho • • • 3.1111111414er. 7 nsem *ebb" gave excellent rteltations. Web* ern relotlYes in kitrotford, bat returned. : bite beep ill is improving. Mr aha Mrs - bet his S Presbyterion choir enlivened the pro- Mr Thoe. McDonald of the London - Walte'r Cola and children. ri Minton. It attendance ab all the sertices. On Et trated alum:mai '011', • poWor of ars:Gs os kg t4h ti anati$16' be an portrinity that the ple of While they*ere twin Harold . etart. h toh nilt, Miss Nott, Al. OP IP" Rev Jo Wiltiono aoderi* chaltiiioht of 114 beem am? bels Pug ,J*111* Wo...alter -,* Wel stetting the subject will be 44 Oir qtalt.,21 se paloawnlis the district, and li„ Kerr of Bros., WOltintalre Otile,0., &nit mei MOS etartos• Mondataeaning eaered eneeeet WaS ed in seven rates vron every one, sin to defile Tie :till sod thttpowar ill • itctesillatiniltNtrii w Hold,mirt Niss plolton cannot gat agoln,th s sealatoton. eels. Both oddtesses wet -atilt" practi- • or Norte on HOnday. Oct. 15 Mr ottorla tit juntkil Aprilaroit...- Pion of a now opdo se.,•st skeelitsk;taxissymkoimaitst; 0: wine *tatters ;Moo several rindlralionerti NoTne.--litre Heftier left last week • • • . stioaaa. Godericb, and Mies Buchanan Blyth, McGregor, sr. who has been visiting N'oTxiii.-Illitte Rachel Million. who I firlostrr miss k or • - music, The solo* by Miss A. Olin* and friends on the secondlits le the guest of. Mr Cole vote bit Of grime. - , tee/dings with beautiful selecuont of police force is this week Visiting old, • sting Thttrebtibia at W. M. Mottling** - Mr Cline were exceptionally well *Imo Mil P. Campbell. J. A. Potation, of ' liters,shOu Our Meta attraction. sit demi. list J. Kennedy presided in - Kineirdirie has put down an artesian • M111111114/ °bomb now 10 it 1110.1i - hie utuol efficient ond mostrrly zoti; : well for Geto. Board* on lot 21, COD, 2; itted2 for thy year. It just being - The Iteryicei were errand . it It 216 feet deep, rper a week or Ito agg. Statute eta% beinte100, showing hot church Ilrest litimeaskesis• font baby of ligr. and Jas. McMoth ' sore m re" Th infellectualit and duonciallt, the pro. - labor:no-ontilywbeill11:4441Otedbetftlrhimirairstaedtearr;iTettijtivitheeteivrtintrilaii - cottilt. glitthrtoIehlynnehirprthonf ricenthe dbeolityyralmtful rtil"fl LI this ticinitrylortvrridtit • t16: Ter Id his farm to abor is all the gd hMra e e little In- 'ant embrel r n Mai 4 0 VS. irrillficrt. gr. Ftintepal Ostoorhent of Itodesy pnblio wy pod b.111 IViotItorpit;k6a. .1101100i oomniitted suicide by ontilug bit 111 11: *tuition throe*. liaton; fa/kart:iv 0 0.K00- Th. Wait Naftali. photo the loss of bitt°13;1"2") " " °tell M" I life in OalfletiOn .011the1) %WA* by • *Wog 1.'111104n; drill**. work W Mt 1 hOniiOn 00int l•rtitt! gin lig storm ak 000. *IT • begton Mrs w 401•• atm. slippers Stowart•roolpdrvrorit .14 Tr 111 16101.144*ft rs_ I 5 e; Mit 15 Heart* 744.4 emetti; tr GO; pin .011ritings, the 1011 of toe. so arm to . *Dolton, is leat. ban remit.1.............tudo*too.twottd. Guel in the vicinity Of which place itertilettelto : ksktiekt• he, a *tam. ii„, ..4.4...... Witighount Vite *tarot to jai orot • Ntypts,-Watetiegettlag,c/ivaaarila lit SO*, 1011.1 ; soate forams so , joiltirs • . SO IWO WrOlts Itaviag bun NO t4110114 Jo filatn....ehado 10•1147 Will WIVE, ati Inc one month )3y wiii.ohtsx and Geo. tr idrive titer **Atli too the titer. . T. • about the 15th of this month for w WOMB ot Om of Toronto ars trod- : big* browny at iffontrael lo end $000,000 • Mod emptier NO binds. 111s reported that the all* dentin& - en indemnity front Chine which will • togregele 0000,000,000. trwasa _ BIRmatiout lots Premier of Brit. 0ohniabis. tbe Wand latiatinee far Os 0oramooi in Wasbnotsiand• trbo Si. Thomas *WW1 rallinkt ism has 11101110044 044404 Will 411141ad tsar the h tits nom 0 commatir AT Tan Jilto.-IleartiodWittioiti of * R.1 Gardner and itingbove completed the "OW" sale 6t big fat" Itt4Ck4 ing)1164 meni and boutaboki furniture at lot veneerit• lf wit brick of L. Ritnhie a.. okor MICC day, Oct* SS I sistiton. auctioneer McKetiole, P.11 o)f Winfibain for teceiving stolen goods. rs kirstiat Troops, of Hallett, on intone verso*, w rocsived lost week, and is awaiting removal to the otylatio, • to rormi Spectacles or Eyeglasses MOY be 016111it• 116 Ortt&Okiiii er a disfigurernent tie the *mean, ante, *woollier Is the beenty of design and POO* it itf the &seas. W. biers the hoteitt.darlime in spetteeles and eyseiteese; Bat f MOH Ore not ot that dinlar claareeter Which are ebtays Mang their ewes, bin iboro- uehly and ot thoo mutt approved *begin a Add So %la She fasi dna the gloom are fitted in the 111014 rabootiee mimeo,. Ana yen will hove MI OhnifOra. tory boor ilss glass. storsom. Oar obanna ars moistais. Je :Iwo* Lila $4111061/0St J 0