HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1908-04-30, Page 61.0Mr©GI THE ROAD TO FORTUNE. One Boy Who Struck It by Making a Good Job of Sweeping a Sidewalk, "The best boy I ever hired," said the store manager, "Wee one 1 chanced to see once sweeping off a nideoalk. "You know how ninny boys, and ninny men, for that matter, sweep 0 sidewalk. They leave a streak of dirt here end there, stake a poor job of it gout i ally', and pay no attention to the pa.,tr-by. They aro slack and indifferent and they do whatever other work they have to do, you can make up your mind, in just the same way, But flus boy that I'm epeaking was making anothersoft of a job of it. He dug into the corners up by the building and made it nice and trine there, and then, working quickly, too, without losing n minute's time, he swept the sidewalk` absolutely clean; and at the name time, as he worked, he kept his eyes open, had rime thought for other people bosidee himself and some sense of responsibility. He was a worker and a good worker. You know he'd do what- ever else. he had. to do in just the same way. "About three months after that we had occasion to hire a boy, and curiously enough, as it seemed to me, that boy ap- plied for the job. IIe didn't need any other recommendation to me than the work I'd. seen him doings sweeping that sidewalk, and we hired Trim on the spot, and he's been with us ever since, advanc- fng-steadily. "What? No, he isn't In partner yet, but he's getting on; and you can set it down as a simple fast that any boy you see making a good, square job of sweeping off a sidewalk will do well anything he undertakes,"—New York Sun. (Fromm theSpringville ]freeze.) H=eirs pleased to state that \Ir. AVain And 1'110 are back: and at the Eaves, Itoldie. net acorn -.utin. r Moue on \l yds l.e,, imm re,tattr,Irt upon, tech emiely t inch t, ,rnis. it !aridity to 1,3e dll,.ild to 1'wl1l. 00 1,1.4a' 1 11110: . lana n L 1 :1 J? u'I t Bee ill quite limn Ititb ircar,i links, 1 e Bail in' th wl , t'be berry Tree 1,br smithy florid offerings. 1IO111 eiytcl ti•a lr .t 1) nio spout liar been ;a -.0111'1T tai motive hoods. i'le hear of tumorewtings-outl Of yonmc of Springville's choicest bud, case yeti run across (ircon Lawn Don't n,(iudcr why he looks so queer. l' d only that he's undergone ]lis first short hair -rut of the year. —E. 1,,. Unkind Deduction. Mrs. lleeliam—l'm going to give a big part} on 5my birthday, Benham—Who W11 lbs intited? Mrs. Benham—Just my friends. Benham --1 thought yon said !hat you were going to give .t big party. ---Now York :Press. Grammatical Hint. Squng;s—Sar Squiggs, which is right. Poeta pat "es" er id should pat up?„ Squiggs--Whl, "1 should pay up," of COftrto, Sgttaggs-That's what I though. ilow'd it do to apply it to that five kt you take three weeks ago? According to Her Observation. I il-Doesn't it cost a good deal to do as".inueh roller skating at the rink as you do? den—Natal Mom cheap skates there than ,aey place 1 know of Uncle Henry, llnole Henry, what is it sociologist?" ;1 sociologist, my boy. is a person who can inspect a garbage can and find enough material in it for a long lecture on the needs of society." Far From It. I'pgardson—Yost smoke all the time, don't you? = Atom—No; half the time I don't smoke at all. 1 seldom touch a, cigar between een 0;es 01, and 0• a, m. , Masculine Exaggeration, Mrs, Quimby—Arehibald, do you know anything about these people .who are moving in next door? Quimby—All I know About them is that they are people of 00100 0onse- (metier. Two men have just carried in the madam's spring lot, Rewards of Scholarships. "He took a full classical course at cob , lege, did he? Did it ever get him any- thing,?" Well, 11e has°madeseveral bemired' dollars, that I know of, 1inctiting Latin and ei eek names for- potent mistakes," • Had a Monopoly, Hostess (at cresting patty) --Mr, AFeu•. ins seems to be enjoying -h11(0011 better than anybody does." ' Host—Naturally. Nobody else is ran joyieg hint at all, No Room for Anything Else. Dark and Dank. "Well, I d'know," doubtfully said Farmer Hornbeck, relative to the pro- posal of his nephew, a recent graduate 'from an agricultural college. `Meblle there's money in eultivatin' mushrooms, but where could wo plant 'em? They require a damp, dark, dank place to grow in, don't they!" "Yes," was the reply. "And I tell you what, Uncle Ezra; we'll raise them in the parlor."—Puck. Send no your nawoand address for II piecesf J dry to sell att(1qeoteoaob. When sold road us the tp�v1.20 end we wlllsend you thio TWO SOLID COW apad PINGS. Wetruetyoa wltuhe Jewelry and wllleend It all chugespdd. Saud ua your name and add,esenow. STAR MPO. CO.,118 Soy 81„PIGFIDSSPS,11,1.,O.9,4 Another Backset for Reform. The editor looked over the manuscript and handed it back. "I don't like your dialect,” he mid, "But, sir," said the literary aspinut, startled and indignant, "that isn't dia- lectl That's written in the reformed spelling!" Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, etc. Too Many Men to See, "Why is 1t that you don't like to have your husband see Shakespearean dramas? You don't object to his going to musical comedies." "Well, you see, Shakespeare's plays have five acts each and musical come- dies only have two. And I think five drinks in one evening are altogether too many for George. See!"—Cleveland Leader, An Apt Pupil. Teacher (just having explained the 'character of the Pharisee) -And 001', Frank, what do we mean by a hypo- crite? Frank—Please, teacher, a man what says he le what he isn't, but he ain't. • -• ITCH "Laura," growled the Imtsbond, "what Yaws, Pecans !loratokca.and cry teras at have you taken all my clothes out of tttia closet for?" "Now, there's myour g's -o use in tomartin; any filss about it,`t,urge," said his wife, with a note' of defiance in her voice, "1 just bad to have some place There 1. could hang my new spring hat," Defined "Paw, what is a philnsopherl" "Re'sa mat, my son, who elan eat saw -bast and male himself think it's ice cream." Willing to Give it a Trial. Sympathizing friend—You suffer from general debility sometimes, do you? Did you ever try massage?" lits, Skimmerhorn—So; how much de00 it coat a bottle? Getting Acquainted. "lfy dad 1 kin Mel: your dad," said the dirty faced boy. "1 don't know whether he kin or net." sett the nese boy ori the otherside of the back yard fence, ''but 111 bet my not kin outtalk-your'11 Doesn't Feaze Him, "That new preacher you have is a pretty wldeural-e young man, isn't lee?" 'Yep. Keeps right on-preachin' when everybody else is asleep." -- Cleveland Leader. Throe Are a Crowd. "Surely Doolittle doesn't need two Stenographers in his ' business, Why does he have them?" `His wife insists on it, I believe, Just Little precaution" -Puck. A Mixup. Knacker -Did Jones get excuses con- fused? Bucker—les; told his boss that he had been detained at the office, and his %rife that he had been up_with the baby. or erneeaoas nab on humin or snisrlls cued tti et mtautes by wottord's Sanitary I.otleci It agree tett, sold by druggists; Stage Presence of Mind. The Villain (when the. enrtridge failed to explode)—Take that lend pill in your heal -rt, ear-ree you( By George! What a wonderful Intention these new noise• Hess guns ere.—Puck, •-♦ Minard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia. No Chance. "There," exclaimed the chief of deter tires in a fit of rage, "we've no chance on earth to convict that murderer now," "Why not?" asked the assistant pro- secuting attorney. He's made a confession of his guilt." Realizing that all hope of sending the guilty man to prison was gone, the pro- secuting attorney decided to move for hit discharge to save the county ex- pense. , MOTHERS FEEL SAFE WITH BABY'S OWN TABLETS. Mothers who have used Baby's Own Tablets say that they feel safe when they have this medicine in the house, as they are a never -failing cure for the ills of babyhood and childhood. And the mother has the guarantee of a government aualyet that tilde medi- cine contains too poisonous opiate It is elwaye safe. Good for the nen' horn babe or well grown child, Mrs. Alfred Sudtlerd, Ilaldimand, Ont., says: "I have used Baby's Own Tablets for eon- ttipatioi, vomiting, arid restlessness, and have found them a splendid inedi- eine. In my experience no other medi- cine can equal the .'Athlete for little ones." Sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from the i Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Broel- $..,Ont, More proof that Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound cures female ills. Mrs. John Scott, 489 Grand Trunk St., Montreal, writes Mrs. Pinlrltanl : "1 was very much run down in health from a female trouble, was thin, nervous, and very weak, and cnftered from bearing down pains. Indeed I did not care whether 1 lived or died, I felt so badly sometimes. "Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Com- pound completely cured me of all my troubles, 1 gained in flesh, and am free from backache, -female trouble, sick headaches, and nervousness; "I heartily recommend Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound for all women's ailments, knowing what it has done for me." FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For thirty years Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbs, has been the standard remedy for female ills andhas positively cured thousands of women who have been troubled with displacements, inflammation, ulcera- tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, that bear- ing-downfeelhig, flatulency, indiges- tiola,diiiiness 00 nervous prostration. Why don't you try it? Mrs. Pinlilrani invites all sick women to write her for advice. She has guided thousands to health. Address, Lynn, Mass. Against Coal -Dust Explosions. As a precaution against coal dust ex- loswns Professor R'mIR C p aiu as Ilowa y (formerly professor of mining of the University College of South Wales and Monmouthshire), in the course of hit evidence before the Royal Commission elm Mines, said that if the coal dust in a roadway of a mine were regularly strewn, say daily, with a sufficient amount of sails emitaining large quinti• ties of water of crystnllizatiot, of with nmcil larger proportions of the dusts of clay, slate, limestotie, elualk or other substances it would be rendered quite ns innocuous as if it were damped with water. The Name of Black Watch On a Tag on a Plug of Black Chewing Tobacco Stands for Quality, 2273 apormemil Grass to Save England's Coast. Giving evidence before the Coast Erosion Commission yesterday, Dr. Otto Stapf described the reclamation work perforated by Spartine grasses, which, he said, spread by underground aihogts and seed, which was dispersed b'e'tides and currents, and presumably by ,Wader birds. Certain forums es- tablishdd ,themselves easily, and' the roots and bases of the dense chnmpe effectively fixed the Mild; and where they occurred in dense patches they formed a protecting belt for the shore or bank behind them.—London Daily Graphic. •er ENGLISH SPAVIN LINIMENT re- moves all hard, soft and calloused lumps and blemishes from horses, blood spavin, curbs, splints, ringbone, sweeney, stifles, sprains, sore end swollen throat, coughs, ete. Save $50 by use of one bottle Warranted the most wonderful blemish Cure ever known. Sold by druggists, •e► YET GOOD LISTENER. Even the Gond Talker Must be Able to Pay Attention. The most popular girl or woman in so- ciety at the present Dine is the one who listens. She does not necessarily have to be a quiet woman; ,she docs not have to be liete everything which chances to come to her enns,enysMarion Brunet. She does not have to be the kink who site along a wall at a dance. feeling that the per- son who gives her a few turns around the room is oonferring upon her an ever- lasting favor: Neither is she expected to mentally coincide with every one with whom he chances to come in contact; in fact, the very fact that she differs will often show that she has heard.' and appreci- ated what has been said. More than $110,000400 was taken out of the United States by immigrants who returned to their native places last year. The estimate is. that each of the 550,045 foreigners had about $200 with hint. FACTS ABOUT THE ROBIN. I am in reeeopt of a tetter from one who signs himself "F,uglishnutn," and who submits the following questions: "What do they tall the robin hen? Does it belong to the same species as= theEnglish robin? \l i11 the English robin, like the sparrow, lite and thrive in this country, if imported? What in. sects do the robins destroy? Where can 1 get the English robin?" 1 will endeavor to the best of my abil- ity to answer "Englishman's" questions. The so -celled robin here derives, its wane from the fact of its being red- breast oil, It bears no resemblance to the robin in reality; it belongs to the thrush family, its tree name being the American red -breasted thrush, and it is in no way contested with the robin, which is not migratory bird, whereas all thrushes see, '1"hr English robin will not, like the sparrow, lite and thrive in this country. They are imported in large numbers from Europe every year for cage birds milt', You till get one for $3 from Nope & Son, bird dealers, Ton onto. The insects are red -breasted thrushes destroy are too numerous to mention; they are not particular as to what species the insect belongs. They will detour caterpillars, grubs, butter- flies and are not averse to analis when they rune along. By tray of dessert they will finish off with a few cherries or a strawberry.—Geo. W. Gardiner, in Galt Reporter, o -rte --- Our Own Minstrels, lioness-3iistah llobesing, kin wo' tell me de diff once. '?ween de dipplymatio inte'co'se o' fust class powabs an' nine cases o' measles in a culled fambly? Interlocutor—No, George; theta the hardest ne o f 1 ever er I end, What is .the difference between the diplomatic in- lercoutse of first class powers .nd nine oases of measles in a colored family? Bones --De one am de serious affairs of state an' de uddah tan a serious state of affairs. Interlocutor—Ladies and gentlemen, the premier royalist of the western hemisphere. 11. Splilther Reerdrums, will now shag the beautiful ballad en. titled "Darling, Take Your Arm Away; Mother is Peeping Through the Key. hole." USloh's Shiloh Sforac the hfworst coldCure, Cure Cures Coughs and Colds QUICKLY amt® thesharpest cough —try it on a guar- antee of your money back if it doesn't actually CURE quicker than anything you ever tried. Safe to take,—nothing in it to hurt even a baby. 34 years of success commend Shiloh's Cure - 25c., SOc., The Prosperity Convention. Upon the morning after You always tell your wife In point of factyou never Felt better in your life. With the engagement broken, The luckless he or she Will say they are as happy As any one cut be, The cottager suburban 1 -has never any woe; He eats rte will not sell it, He loves the country so. And thus we hold convention And make a mighty fuse To say to all creation ♦', Better Than Spanking Spanking does not cure children of bed.wetting The ' There s a eonstitutional n cause for this trouble. Mrs. 31. Summers, Box 8, Windsor, Ont, wilt send free to any mother her successful home treat- ment, with full instructions. Send no money but write her today if your children trouble you in this away. Don't blame the child, the ehnnees are it can't help it. This treatment also cures adults and aged people troubled with urine dif- ficulties by day or slight. In the Dim Past. Boswell was writing the life of JO 101 - BOIL "111 tackle Bryan's biography," he said, "when he gets through talking—if he over does." Besides, he thought it best to wait until the peerless leader had run five or six times more for the presidency before putting the story of his life and loquacity 'into oonnec4ed forma PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS PA7.0 OINTMENT fe guaranteed to cure any page of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protrud- ing Piles 1a a to 14 dare or money refunded, Ica. A Chance for Us. Their day to wear a smile; They have a chance to view the fray - 0 merry rank and file! To hear the lawyers argue long, And not to dread the fee; The clients now may sing a song, The lawyers disagree. Then let the battle rage and roar, And let them air their grudges, Long may they stand upon the floor, And scrap about the judges. Long may they argue on and fight, Long bicker and discuss; For, while they charge themselves with spite, They are not charging us. Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere, PREACHER'S OPINIONS Rev, P, K. McRae, Forks Baddeck, C. B.: "I always count it a pleasure to recommend the Dr. Slocum Rem- edies to my parishioners. 1 believe there is nothing butter for throat and lung troubles or weakness or run- down system. For speaker's sore throat I have found Psychine very beneficial." Rev. W. 11. Stevens, Paisley, Ont.: "Psychine seemed just the stimulant 0113' system needed. 1 shall add my testimony as to its efficacy at every opportunity," Rev, R. M. Browne, Amherst Head, N.S., "I have often recommended Psycltine since taking it inyself, for it is a cure for the troubles you speci- fy." Rev. Chas. Stirling, Bath, N.B.: "I have used Psychine m my family; the results were marvelous. I have vie- ited people who state that they never used its equal. 1 strongly reconnnend it. - Rev. J. S. I. Wilson, Markdale, Ont.: "1 have taken two bottle of Psychine and an: pleased to say that 1 1101 greatly improved in health. 1 10110 troubled with my throat, but now Ifind it about restored to its normal condition. 1 find my work very much lees taxing. I believe Psychine is all claimed for it. These are earnest preachers of the gospel of Psychine. They know where- of they speak. Psychine cures all throat, lung and stomach troubles. It is a great voice strengthener, acting directly on the vocal, respiratory and digestive organs, thus specially adapt- ed to public speakers. At all drug- gists, 500 and $1.00, or Dr. T. A. Slo- cum, Limited, Toronto. - Malting Sealskins. How many of the fair wearers of seal- skin know how this fur is prepared? in the skin of a dog or cat it will be not- iced that at the roots of the longer, coarser hair there are fine, short hairs, called "under fur." In most animals these hairs are so few that they are usually overlooked. Not so with sealskin. The skin after go- ing through various processes to cleanse it of grouse, etc., is stretched flat with the flesh aide uppermost. A flat knife is then passed over it, thinnin gthe skin considerably, In doing this it loosens the roots of the longer hairs, which are more deeply embedded than those of the under fur. The rough hairs are thus got rid of without injury to the softer fur. Next the pelt passes through opera- tions which soften and ,preserve it, Then comes the dyeing, by which the uniform tint so genrally Admired is obtained. And now the fur is ready for milking up. —Montreal Standard. •-1 Not Knocking Anybody. Lawyer --The defendant in this edge is a lazy, worthless fellow, isn't het Witness sir. I don't want to do the nun any injustice I won't go 00 far as to say he's lazy, but if it required any voluntary work on his part to di- gest his victuals he mould have died of lack of nourishment fifteen years ago. To whom it may amoern: Thie is to certify that 1 have used h1INAlUYS LINIMENT myself as well as prescrib- ed it in my practice where a liniment Wag required and have nearer failed to get tate desired effect, C. A. MING, M. D. Extremes. "Pardon me," said the dowager, with the mole on her chin, "but there le hard. ly room for two of us here if you are go- ing to keep that thing on your head." "0, I guess there's room enough, mad- am," answered the stoup -featured young woman. with the umbrageous hat, who occupied the adjoining seat. "I'm not making any kick about the space your feet take up." Prosperous Cquhman--When I first ar- rived in this torn,' forty years ago, I hadn't a shirt to my back. Old Clubman—Worse than that; you hadn't a tooth ill your head. FORMVI,AS of all the standard patent medicines and toilet preparations now in use; sent( 2 -cent stamp for free list of formulas. Address DR, MERWIN, Windsor. Ont.. Canada In His Element. Greasy Grimes—You look as if you'd managed to git in de swim eomehow. Tuffold Knutt—Yep; I'm a Fust ward floater now. e.► 'Was that 0bcture you just sold a genuine work of art?" "No," answer- ed the dealer, "but the etory I told about it was."—Washington Star. ISSUE NO. 18. DOS AGENTS 15 A1Y'TLD. SAi.ESMEN WANTED FOR "AUTO-, Spray." Best hand sprayer made. Come pressed air; automatic. Liberal Wove. Cov- ers 13roe, Galt, Ont. IIELP WANTED. �I7 AAT10D—STOVE MOUNTERS. BUR' I'C nay -1116m Co., Limited, Ilunillion, Ontario. The Rattler Does Not Warn. This is one reason for the continued ex- istence of the rattlesnake in the midst of enemies who would exterminate it, for, contrary to the general belief, the rattler rarely gives Its characteristic note of warning until actually attacked. In fact, the sharp, ribrnnt ring of its terminal appendage is probably, designed more to assist this very defiance or warning. 111 the first place, serpents possess but the most rudimentary traces of auditory ap- paratus and are practically deaf, the deficiency in the sense of hearing being compensated for by an extreme sensitive- ness of feeling which makes them aware of the approach of moving objects by the vibration of the ground. ' Hunters, trending cautiously upon a soft carpet of moss or leaves to avoid a rattler without disturbing it or receiv- ing warning, and while many snakes are seen and killed by them, it is probable that a far greater number aro passed by unnoticed. All snakes are timid and would rather run than fight, and the rat- tler is notnv' ' 1 mtmg certain destruction by advertising its whereabouts in the brush, —From "Some Rattlesnake Fatlaelee,"'by' Francis Metcalfe, in The Outing Maga- zine for October. !e• WHAT CAUSES HEADACHE From October to May, Colds are the host frequent cause of Headache. LAXATIVE BROW) QUININE removes cause, E. W. Orore on bon, 251, Still Had Them. 'Nue woman of the house eyed him suspiciously. "Yoo'se been here before, haven't you 1" she asked. "Not lately, ma'am," answered Ware- ham Long. ;'You probly reco-nlze me clothes, This is an suit o' ycr husband's you wuz kind enough to give me when I wuz here two years ago." C.W.T. Red, itching, Skin --chapped hands—blotches on the face —scalp irritation—all are cured by rimer Mane 5Entallgre. SHIN SOAP It heals as it cleans. A medicinal and. toilet soap combined. Soothing and antiseptic. Elegantly perfumed. In- valuable for babies, to keep the delicate akin clear and smooth. 250 a cake—al dragiste or sent as at of price. The Chemists Co. of Canada, nonillion. Cow vs. Milkman. A Philadelphia lawyer maintains an admirable stock farm on the outskirts• of the Quaker city. One day last sum- mer some poor children were permitted to go over this farm, and when their in- spection was done each of them was given a glass of milk. The milk came from a $2,500 cow. "Iiow do you like it, boyat" asked ea attendant, when the little fellows bad drained their glance. "Fine! Fine!" said one youngster, with a grin of approval. Then, after a pause, he added; "I wieht our milkman kept a cots," Harper's Magazine. 0 f Mere is no mistaking the superior ity of a tea that in sixteen years has built up a market in almost every part of the North American continent, that has had the moot enormous Increases in sales, year after year, until over 18,000- 000 packages was the immense output for 1907. This continental endorsement of ','Salado" 'Tea proves conclusively their right in offering it to the public as the moat delicious and healthful tea. in the world, Done Already. Irate Father (to hie wile)—"I cannot on - calve, my leve, what is the matter with my watch. I think It may want 0101104110" Litt IP Balletic,' (waking hurriedly, but triumphantly)—"Oh, no, papa dew! I don't i-. m,c a ueous cleaning, ueca"e0 baby and I had it washing in the basin for er•r ■o long this morning." Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff. In the Long Ago. TCardinal Wolsey had fallen, "I was trying to dodge an automo- bile," he explained, "and a roller skater ran into nme." The historian, however, with singular obtuseness, have persisted in placing the Memo on Henry VIII. Now Lk llire Why do you use WOODEN Pails and Tubs, when those made of FIBREWARE are away ahead? They have no hoops—no seams. They will not Teak, water -soak, or rust, and they LAST LONGER and COST LESS MONEY. BUT—you ,must ask for Eddy's Fibrew (1} re All Good Grocers sell it—and Eddy's Matches