HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-09-28, Page 7eliAlatalallantatinpmeraMMIMMIMinielen. theavonlan who- alads her Ueda in Tale lionat mouth, MMus the type of , reckleie women. lalta" bola. •e I • rtealli-re4rneitawOntan is thi, one who Israves Nature day after day, by neglect of the health of the delicate womanly aaagalla "Crime and puoisbment blos- • :ion on one stem ',says Ernerson.. When .1 ante cycle of self-neglect is Cemplete it ; :includes the pains mid enfferings *Inca* ' sta.ee the inevitable penalties inflicted by tra ed Nature. Mae drain which to- • y 35 counted an.. itteonvettieoce, be- ea''';')211" in incaeadilk 4nYn a'aornale and -4011...osive stigma. 'aue passingdepressicm Irratfitaltour grows into ta pert:Anent Mel. r: The timely use of 1)r: PiercesPaiorite -X'rescription will save young women from "leering, as it will cure •those who Ugh neglect tunre beeente clatat_Yas er marriage. No woman who suffers • ;with backache, pain in tae taring .'-'.7.down pains elebilitating drama, ulaera- 7,--aaott or mfeammatimaashonld ,delay an- ENTBA.NOE LiTER.A.T1(7101.- Tilti tot- Gheap Campaign Method*, lowing selections in literate:i front the fourth hook have been prescribed for A. party's recommendation to the •••.• TEE CLINTON NEW ERA the High School Eqtrenceexamination people should be the principlee which of 193I ; 1, Tom Brosvn; 0, Pictures of it umunteine, and the public eer vice It alemerV; 10, The Batefoot Boy; 18, The Hanperformed. Vieion Of aftrat.....-nree reading; 20, The What earthly relation doge the built Vittion of Mina -second reading; 23,0n of Sir John A. Macdonald bear to the His Own Bliudness; 20, From the De- rnetits of the Conservative party's ap. darted Village; 32, MO VP Gently, Sweet peal to the °minter today? talk John Afton:37, The -Bell of Atrit_42, Lady ••,, A. Macdonald's achievement's etand to Clurri• M., irnli' :Heroine Of Yerahoreat t the credit of his "party; hie napie will Alone Has Given This bledietne its Greet 7_,6a abanding' 'ait Pagilinta 430, After i ever adorn tne P011tiear battery otthe Death in -Arabia; 91,14obeet Burns: 94, De:minion, , Prominence Over Competitors Every, The Itide from Ghent to Ala; 90, Cell. The; benefits which Sir John A. Mac- ula and the United States.; 98; Nation- donald conferred uciaon the counts.; ean -Where. Jaime Taa. tone/a:mg selections frotu gait redeive reef:ignition without reeeet- . . . ly rte. kg innetoi'VnirsIn yi:intindg, ewasetreernrecoehnie the fourthreatharare for memorization: tog to the Methode eniploaea . at the Pink Pins lir only in Cana rebut through- ' and sold at an *revise Of $00 per head. 13, The Belle of Shancloo; 32, To Mary meeting in Maguey Halle out the war , rests upou a very eolid hone, ' natal *ay ba steamed up in two words - Dr. II. D. Gill fe giving what time he in Heaven; A Ring out, wild bellet,112 There is no loofa reaebn• why an° en. it u , . vh E i i h h 4 , e r ne merit. e 0 erpr se val a oa- t tti t Ledy Olin e;411 Lead Kindly Li hat' 50; ' • Before Sedan; 73, Thu Three where; 103, To a Skylark; 105, Elegy Written, in 4 Country ChutrnYard- A Great Reputation 'TAKING THE RONS, • Thirty-fottr American honal Olt ye bent ROW EOM Achieved by Oro Wil. entered for the Englieh Derby of 110. J. Slack will hereafter ride for ea° Ham' PIO Pills. I-UW.1one. They laid W. C. Duly $2,1 1••••••••• 250 for t e boy's release. Jim Boden Us been driving a fast Not Only in Canada, DM in Every Civiliz- black gelding on the Brooklyn speedway ed Cottony Throughout the WorldaMerit lately. He went a half in 107 or there - *bout the other day. It is reported that Greyling, a green I trotter and brother to Cailyle Carne, 2:11%, now In training at Portland, Cr., will be brought east this *Tenon. Two cerloads of range home* from the al Morality; -101... Scene frona "Ring be emphasized an his great a, ilir y The reputetion achieved brir DaWillienve Ba m *hi •,iv• th,N0+0,440.00440444.14tP. it The yearly pedal dela:it under the t Its sera top re y e un e ng a but 0.f sir•John A.4. gacdopoid should . illation to Inveettgate a number of ours' ef. , 'f ' teal by this Medicine, end knows taal In heuser, 2:24%, for a bruin with Jack, Zoe %stet:oat it lead' these puree were 2:12%. When ready for the be expleited for the ettventatge et, the brurh, Mrs. Party which is tappet:ling to -Canada otiebs•syser.otbei araiabas hd abaled Gill will hold the reins over Jack. . under the ausplees otalir ClicarletaTnp- •evert ta An effort is being made by 'Cleveland pet. .The exhibition o# the Watt. nes, 'give relief. ` Ralently andther mire _ ' horsemen to arrange for a special race under the circumstanceq, naorerititeu- , cinarreedd'erurnoticeisi:iheoppoiatbsttnno rityot naarwtfail omts, -. On the salenrille track between the three , lous than sublime. 'There lage timetpaaapah ailha ',kali* In waaah .h 00. ' great horses -John ' Nolen, Cresceus end :", Co;oerv$iVe8Wa8$80O,OOO. ThoA a party to honour a worthy name, pitldcerese„and es we sanamuch for the faoles, The Abbott, totake place haSeptember. Liberele have opened many new of. , .t. there Is a time when it ehoula presentit any well bring hope to sufferers else; ' C. H. G. Billings, the Chicago road rld- fioes, added hundreds of miles of 4. its credentials to the people whose where.' ' ' , ' er, has purchase from 0. F. Emery, new mad routes, reduced the postal '12 confidence it asks: , t . • a " '. Mr Walter H. ?Anson is one of the beet' Cleveland, the green pacer Texana for rate to 2 cents, improved the mail-, 4 , There ie something cheapin the epee. krennaresidents Of the northern seotion of road purposea. Texann is a bay gelding service generally, end hotwithstend- tacular plaster din:Jaya On Con:terve. Qtteen's county. He resides in the town of 5 years old by Patron. During the recent 4.44;ither day the use of "Faverite Prescnp- these vast improvements,have prao- , tire p a orate. ey are u w r y a Caledonia, where be beeps a hotel, and ebb races at Cleveland he. finished a close sec - 'tion." Its use helps every woman and X ing acally wiped out the deficit in ' a. great party and an indignity to a great runsa stage 'that tiatrleis ,pessengere and end in two races, making his miles in .7444eals ninety-eight per eent, of all who A ! she postal department. . A name, -Toronto Telegram, Conserve. *lye it a fair ttial. It con s no opium, *so tive. ' athieltilnoeb"oefelntheit31}tominale1174 Mijcivejroph°1111:614 2:12 and atnhde2G:13oOdwoodl (England) meeting - ...cocaine or other narcotic. 4•4400.44aalaaa.;*aanatale.'attaaaaaaaaa4 8eptember 28, 1900 In the lest three year. of Conserva- tive administretion there were defl• cite of $1,910,8E12, 84,158,875, and 4880,551, s total of $5,491,758. In 18964, bettors the new tariff wee foroe, the deficit was 4020,000. an the last three years there have been big surplus.* of $1,722,712, $4,887,700, and over $7,600,000, a total of $14,000.000 atirPlaz. SALT WIEU 'A n:-.4tre CSkt Permanently ' tie• Cttre d by er - ng the effect err my mother, write* Mrs. New School Books Wanted. I • •was in Bridgewater recentla, on whieh 00- the other day the Goodwood Plate hand- - easion he gave a reporter,of this paper the leap a so° sovereignis was won by Lord •E,„,•, following awn, : &WM three years ago he ' 13eresford's Jiffy 11, ridden by J. Reiff. - - - “I oaasoltRigum inInrikaalisalmda • Was teken very ill He bad the best ct '3. Reiff also had the mount on Mr. WhIt. for three years and could'not get anything would be able to return to Ins former work. .• tn cum tad Illeaand Furdocit Blooftilitters. completely cured and havaaratt ntik rittarn medittal attendance:, but made very little ney'o Faisandor, which ran eecond in the progreao towards recovery, and the doctor Fendou.Stakes, tar 2-aese-eldea at -three- • "On taking tbe first bottle-them:wan a told" him there was yery Blahs haps that he • quartersof a mile; . ... . r mit` Chino &it. 'the better stet the me am second bottle weal:finished was The trouble appeared tolave !meted itself H E. 1/ E Ft DIM% in hie kidre've, and for eight wears or more ifthe disease since. he was confined to bull He suffered greet. • . la atutve greet -pita i in. IbIllab ae a ewe was tempted to try yotir sntdieines after 'cIora Arn of Dal s, Jackson Cc,. Mo. " At an early liege of married life I 'wits greatly 'bothered vdth painful periods, alio a trisitble- The author of the "Public School loom drain which rendered me very weak Hiatt:WY et Cenada"Btates in his cloeing %jail unfit for work of any kind. I became .thin there vras nothinfUeft of me but akin pages that over and against the :no- b D tat me &bottle of `Favorit0Prescription. After eninion.tias tnade same confederation, , zrne two more, and after I used those ut• there And bone. My husband came alarmfd and greets- and rlevelopment; Mint, •t e 0- ! e saw the wonderftft effects of that one he got „ "must be placed the tendency of so ParFealn, andel togain flesh ;Map/ of our Yeaug .meitttll leave Can- t' a tarlia40 raattfia:atatela leach ado or home in • the ited States, 'ilitisaaxowletati paradisi'eatno Pierce ainnYdirrioark'oni the inereasing difficulty our farmers z :aerteactireti eineeientee elneripaace tp make .farreleg pay, and _Y e _ Pellets araaapaohaiya the want of a large foreign mark t tot Doctor Pierce's • aadeftedioahe needs of delicate women., • • • vert true throe or four' years ago, un - our manufactures." • While this was I :a der the old Conservative regime, it is 1 • very far froin the -trtith . tedety. Our Dungannon, Oct. 11I5. ; young men are tea longee leaving Can - MATRON AND MAID. • ada to find homes in the United States, for the outlook here is as bright as can Pall Fairs, ••••••••••• Teeswater, Sept. 2520. • Stratford, Sept. 25-20. • Mitchell, Sep'.,. 26-27. . Guelph, Sept: 26.27. . Milverton, Sept. 27.28. Palmerston, Sept. 27-28. Seaforth, Sept, 27-28. •Wingham, Sept. 27-29. Belgraye, Oct. 1.2 St. Marys, Oct. 2-3, Kirkton, Oct, 45. Brussels, Oct. 4.5. • Bayfield, Oct. 4-5. Fordwich, Oct, 0. Blyth, 9 10. • • . -Mrs. Bradley Martin eats her Monday. be found anywhere. • Farmers are no dinners from plates. that are valued at ,langereexpertencing '. a difficulty to 4175 a piece. • '' inake farming _pay; the in:preyed meth- ' alarm Jefferson Davis is a good Greek ode taught under. Government super- 4cholar and her favorite reading is among vision and the improved facilities ,aor 4e cateiacti ofthat tat:gene, a veleme: tnarketing products -better transpor- whIeli iii;Whaii •idviiks aa Law • F,,; a . taaioo and lower rates -together with Mrs. List, the wife of Richard List. Ha- vastly increased markets, domestic and .4enbeck's famous animal trainer, some- foreign; have made the outlook for the 'lames takes her husband's place. she ja farmer very different from what it was aparfectly fearless and else tow a fierde, half a decade ago; and all. of • thita is di- -alion as euccessfully as her husband.reedy Attributable to the improyed _• mro. Ellen sothiaivivaliu.is.t..:ii ..or- business methods Of the present ad='' ?pie llev. Charles Parkhurst of New York, tures are rapidly aining recognition, ministration,- aLestly; our manufaca g ;as a very buy woman, She assists her in the markets of that avarld, thankii to tegeind hi li I his atemerous aud varied , the improved facilities offered 'hy the 'Moths' taking -a ana thoroughly understande , present, C4overzitinatit, while the general *tely branch of the work. Mrs. Iletty Green in a recent Interview baitl:7'llte, idea that the way to Muni- eiaL seccess is a. hard one is all wrong. The.tanuais not rough. It is eaby to lind mitd to travel. People look for it in out tat the way places end so miss it." Tama, the Japanese Wife of Sir Edwin .Ari,c,Id. i18:mid to look like a Parisienne. I .i..S.11e epeaks English iluentlk, but with a rAiglit accent, Her letters show that she ; been- easily abli lulapeherdelf to • !IizigIisb ;nodes of thought and, expression. Mute. Patti •oossessee a queer fad 'Which she has. kept _secret or many ;,yeaTa from thitiblie."'" It at afily a rew yours since thlia e'en:liar fed Or hobby became lute*. It is the.passlon she has r. for daggersand similar weapons. They aure very email in size and many of them a.Mria. DreartiaPatter; fintidenalnint ..aeleier actreei, is a' cukci hunter. Her ihoueethaliterally packed witharnickkneeles from :door to ceiling. Each has its his- , pry, and sem° , memory of the Llifefit Apigin le.ffuliati :Collection 'ilia alias 16 watehnia *lath re:avant; it is I said, the undying affectiens of 16 rajah,. <111 appairance Mita Robert Jaiaidis Ste. niettson is very attractite. She .Weeto • iber silvering hair tit a fashain Of ,'her eown,aimply a loose mass of ringlets. Hee, rbrown ayes alte singularly ;bright: with r:the most direct gaze "imaginable. -Her amanner it the ,easegice Of trankness ena :tithe speaks without the 1:11ghtest effectu- ation. •-Miss Y. R. Baumgarten is manager of '1.he Pittsburg .office of a Cincinnati firm. 'that deals in rank scrap Iron and railroad asupplies. She ia a young iwotnan and `was for years in the office of the corn - any in Cincinnati, where she became fa- - miner with every branch of the business. • She was sent to Pittsburg when a vacan- cy occurred in that office. BEE BUZZES. confidence and commercial stability, :which • has •engeadered by the •cdminon-eense a,nd consistent coarse pursued by the Siovernment, has placed Canadian manufacturers in a position to make the most of their opportun- ities. It is evident ' that our school • books will soon need revising. • • • Living in Glans Houses. Hugh John Macdonald apparently imagines either that the people in the east take no interest in western pol- itics, or that they have marvellously short memories. He has been holding up his hands in a paroxysm of holy horror over alleged irregularities in West Huron and Brockville, irreaular. ities which the Conservativee have failed to wove though last year they -anent a10,900 eff the polilan 'money in a vain effort to ferret out evidence. Hugh John appears to have:forgotten his own election in Winnipeg in 1890. where, although °PO ballota would have been sufficient, according to the regular practice, 10,000 were printed, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, however, all the ballots had been used, and the polls' had to be temporarily closed until more could be printed. The total vote polled for both candidatee was 5,790. pwards of -4,030 ballots which were not found in the ballot box when the 'votes were counted were used in the contests. • These •aretacte proved under oath, and not costing 410,000 to dis- cover, either. THE COOKBOOK. Scramblea eggs; will be more creamy _ If cooked in a double boner Instead of . a spider or flying pan. in !nuking a crust of any kind a� not melt the lard or butter into the floor or your crust will be spoiled. • . • The beet ivay to boil potatoes b to pour off the water when the skin breaks and let them finish cooking in their own , . If a cola ham or piece of bacon Is on • hand, turn 'it ever/ dey What, citi its side' or end, so as to expose each part to the air. Change the plate della. • ' A point to be rerrielnberea in' the broil- ' lig of fish lit thak fish must not be turned while broiling. -Put the inside of the fish .- 'nett to tie teals ad let It cook through. "Iiiirbeo 'den% hold the skin side to the fire • - just. s Moment tt. brown and atm at • . • Heart relief In half ah hour. - A lady in New York Stine, writing of her curo by Dr. Agnew's Cure, for the Heart. says: I feel like one brought back from the alead.so great was my suffering from - heart trontose and so almost miraculous my recovery through the agency of this power- •-ful treatment- I owe my life tO it." -x9 :Bold by Sydney *Jaekson,arugeisteOlinton. The queen bee Matures in 16 dap", the worker bee In 21 days and the drone bee r In 24 days. The contents of the' box, hive, combs, bees and all, may 'readily , be transferred into hives with frames if desired, Bees swami bactiuse they become so • numerous and are crowded for room and because they' have a plurality of .queens. • All surplus boxes should be arranged no ' that they can be inspected readily and re- •. moved from the hive as .soon. as cona Weed. • To reach the greatest number of fivearms, obtainable, feeding must be kept up during the intervals when honey is hot being gathered. • . . • .There is nothing' gained on either side ' by. robbing, as it Is a damage not only to the colony robbed, but also to 'the one that is robbing• : In bee keeping the greatest profit de. - rived :rived trona the honey produced, and when honey le the sole object very little in- - atease is desired. ••The strength of the colony determines the amount 'ot brood therein -and on * large portion of brood depends the %amount of increase. Economy is a Virtue DIAMOND DYES Will &aye Money for Every Horne in Canada. -When timee are bard and dollare Motet), the smart and bright women of our country find that the'Ditoriona Toydif ate important helps in act:no-tiring. By the use of Dig.. mond byes the husband, mother and children can be well and stylishly drained, aitlaongh nearly all the rilothing may be wattlei dyed over. Diernond Dyes ifithe tech. listing and beautiful colons that goods dyed with them canine be too itOtil new. Any (Mel can e re, as the directions are to plain and Sim le the* no isneeded. The 001601 oJ Dianiond D Ileette grow dint; they _ o m - • a- NAWS MN& • William Saunders, Gravenhuret, was struck by .trainMid: killed. at Muekcka wharf etation. • Thuroday, October 18th has been sea eeted as the day\ for general thanks- giving throughout Canada. Winnipeg whale:tale homes are talking of boycotting Neepaweeowitig to that place having imposed* tax of $25 on commercial travellers. amtnence pulpmills, are propoaed for • ineali fade or wash ont, in order 46 secure the hest twat in home dyeing, every we. Children Cry for Imre 'should eee •thit her :dotter or mer. cheat gine Int the loDlaniond,riyee," an •other packigedyre are,poot iraltat/011$, Fart Frances, 02 the Rainy River, a town which will mon be directly cogneete4 Winnipeg by rail, The Victoria Cross has been bestowed •on Sergi. Authtir P. Lindsay, of Strath. eons% Horee,for reaming wounded troop- er in the faoe of a heavy Boer fire at North Standerton on August 5, • Children Cry for CASTOR IA. While &Misr/Joie oil at Hepworth a fine vein of natural gas was struck, which showed a test of 200 pounds to the square inch. This will furnish suf- ficient gas to light the town and run all the manufactories -there; Natural gas also makes it splendid fuel for heating 'purposes. The vein was struck at a depth of 1600 feet, - Cable despatches say that ex -President Kroger will make his headquarters in Breen:1s, A fire at Whitelair's foundry, Woodetook sdlido,dorge estimated between 480,000 and Cordelia Trudeen, s young French-Cana- dian rad, got her hair caught in a rolling machine et Montreal, with the result that the scalp was torn completely off her head. John Smith of Waterdown was bleating atone ander a tree at the quarry on the Galvin fierm.•UsetFlamborel', wben the nee fell on him,„ injuring ale beak so badly that the doctors fear it is broken. Conductor Parker, Of London, hap- pened to that It Wite ptoapesed to •bttilt a new Methodist church in Wing - ham, and sent word to heve _his name entered oti the eubscription list for $26. The rieW Secretary of the Congregra Monet Home Missions of Canada, who is to fill the vacancy occasioned by the yen:Oval of the Rev. A. F. Metvregoe, D. Da to the States, is the - Wm. McIntosh, of Ottawa. A 'ffernieti telegram from Shanghai Melee that the Government has DOE§. yRY . TO la teem eeneta?t pains in the back, his ap- Kipling% characterization: efr the China- for blood and skin diseases." Mien Mead petite became =paired., and hie constitu. Man as "this oilskin mystery" will do .1Ikutam Shelburne, N.Sa. Hon generally appearedto be shattered. until a better Is found. -Boston Record. At tais•juncture he deolded to try Dr. Wil- Chicago is complaining that cattle lianas' Pink Pills and got a half dozen ranches have been started' in some of the boxes. In the course of a couple of weeks residence sections. If beet goes much hceonnoatnierheanoonimtencievdemtheentusien ohistsh lac 74 Is. ranchee in Chicago's root gardens. - higher. we may expect to hear of cattle until he had taken some ten or twelve Louisville Courier-Jo:n=1i - bona, when henot only felt. that hie cure - Devotees to the fashion of wearing high was Complete but also felt that in n11 re. Collars will perhaps -I:4 pleased to learn - epode his health was better than it and that a New York doctor says sue* collars been for years. Slime thst time he has have a tendency to causetonsillitis and been continually driving his eoach between that the disease is now regarded .as fast" - Caledonia and Liverpool, and had not hod ionabie.-San Francisco., OWL the,elightest return of the troubbsanotwith- I• i • l standing that he has to fane at times very s history about torepeat tself a . - inclement weather, that might well bring, China? One hundrecb yearsago the French raised a family dieturbance which on elaturn of the trouble had net his spa the other European 'powers tIndertook to tem been so strongly fortified: againet it "pacify," with the result that the peace through the use of Dr.Williame'Phlk Pille, breakers got together: and thrashed the It the blood is pare and wholeeorne dia. cekes.„. -ease cannot -exist The reason Why- Dr. ,peamars.-Loulerille Mimes. Williams" Pink Fills cure let many, forms . • On the morning of: Sept. 16, 1893, there of ditense 1. that they actdireoilly upon the wasn't.* -legal whitasettler in the (hero - blood and nerves, thus reaching the root of kee strip. Today that same region,' now the dimase. Other ,medioines aot only on the symptoms of the trouble,. and tbM is 'the reason the trouble alwaye returns when you mute these nieduanee. Dr. Williams Pink Pint melte permanent cures in kidney troublea rhenmetisrat erysipelas, anaemia , and kindred diseases. But sure you get the ornate, which bear the frill name Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People on the wrapper around every box. • ' .4 -*444-.44-+++4044.4.4.4.•••••••-•-•-•-e. Mr fronsides, one of the largest cat - tie exporters in the Dominion, Bays that as a result of 'removing the Amerioen quarsnitine, ensured by the efforts of the, Laurier govern- ment, it inoreased the value of the horned cattle in the Dominion by $46,367,100 • fe-e+.•444-•••44-• • . • iaonzi aownio io a process conducted by the agency of tight bootaall the year round. Corn reap- ing ie best conducted through the agency of Putniazas Pain I ems Corn Extractorahe only safe-to:a sure.pop cern cure. Putnatn's Extractor is now widely imitated. Beware of OA poisonous and sore producing ma • stitutemilny ana aengerons Uee and are sold itimpla canto they afford the dealer Urger trona Details of the Canadian and nthet 4 OUSE ALL TOUR PAIRS WITH Pain -Killer. a A Mediate* Chest In Itself. Simple, Safe and QuIcsk Cure fov - CRAMPS, DIARRHOEA, Callan. ' COLDS, RHEUMATISM, _ NEURALGIA. •' • . . • 25 and 50 cent Settle*. ' BEWARE, OF . • f; ,• BUY 0,NLY THE 'CliNUS/S6. ! PERRY' DAVIS' . Oklahoma, knocking: for 'admission as a - - . . -r yielded In the harvest $100,000,000 In "Klondike Gold Ileitis." a., argot chore. Tau* agricultural prodtiets harvest, . apbroleapbe000tku,sttewlfinent14.y_g likeeao'wenhirtel.win.130ckadt Beaonuttimiltdo, . BRADLEY-GARBETsON COMP Ka Canada Business College; Chatham, Ont.,. Is doingmore for its pupils than any other business school in Canada, or perham„ than any other on the continent. How aancyse de this? First -By giving them a practical, not a theoretical, preparation for badness life. Second -The businest public has learned that there is this vast difference between the grad- uates of this school and those of other colleges hence the strong demand' for our graduates which has enabled 254i to be placed in good po Iona between Sept-. 1899, and July 1900, a period of 10 months, The geed work stilt goes on, and bitVi lie,041Pla61,1 'between July lit and atpt. 1st of th,s year, We Will give you half et the list in thiq lame Oild the ether hal later on. Here is the list.- • J. R. Summerfeldt teacher Rider Busineiki College, Trenton, N. Y. C. Parkinson, teacher Mt. Clement Business University, Mt. Clemens, Mich. Fred Ansley, Mechanic's and Savings Loan a Building Association, Chicago, Ill. T. H. Stegmann, Bank of biontreal,Chatha Fred Cowan, Ontario Bank, Mount Forest. Ed. Rouse, bkpr. Sutherland, hums k Co., Chatham. • W. T. Butt% with Armour k Chicago, 111 Percy English, cast. bkpr. Volt, lierpolshein. er k Co., Grand Rapids, Mieh. Guy Lewis, bkpr. B. Wheeler Electric Co., Grand Rapids, Mich. M. M. Maxwell, steno. Detroit Lumber Co,, Detroit, Mich. Barbara Webster, Steno, DetroitlReality Detrbit, Mieh. Edwin Dahlia, Sanburg Furniture Co., Chi- cago, Ill. Arch MeViCar.-Gage Mach- inery, Chicago, 111. Anton.Dewifidt, asst. bkpr.- 'Grand Rapida Electric Co., Grand Rapids, Mich. - C. Vander Maas, Bill Clerk Sears Biscuit Co., Grand Rapids, Alich. • G. M. Maleelmson Canning Co., Chatham. Ella Semple, with Mr Shields, Grand Valley, Ontario. Henry Itarapschulte, clerk G. R. & R. RI, Grand R'apids, Mich. * Pearl Johnson, With Von an -Men Bros,, Chat- ham. Mort Sheldon, Virillis Creek Coal Co., Detroit, Mich. Louis Eolcard, postmaster Nowayge, Mich. Fred Morley, aset. bkpr. Sutherland Lance Co., Chatham. Will Collear(temp.), 01'. R. oftlee, Chatham. Adeline Gingrich, bkpr. H. A. Cone, Grand Rapids, Mich. G. M. Madden, with R. Stacy* Son, iciiii- neapOlis, _Minn. • Marie Meffellar, bkpr. "The Ark", Chatham, John MePhersomsteno. Theo, Goosson, Grand Rapid* Mich. I% J. Schiselor, bkpr. Orillia Lumber Co,* OrInia, ant. • Arthur Baumgartel, steno. G. R. & It, IL, Grand, Rapids, Mich. W. B. -James, steno, Cuyatioga Lumber' Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Rhoda Cole, With Scribner & Loohr, Detroit, Miele Jack Jarvis, temp. steno, Wm, Dray & Solai Chatham Loye Stidston, Merchante Bank, kortage ia Prairie, Man, - Chas. Hanson, reporter "Democrat", Grand Ben de, limit. • Alicb Thoiripeon, steno. F. II. MePhereen. Windsor Ont. with Canada Cycle & Moder (le., Windsor, Ont. . Have you noticed that this is the Only school &clarified an ultimatum to Li Hung in ()ensile that publishes.% list of u ila la ed Cheat& deolering that the Emperor must other schools make Arent eta nis nnvar to be Rennie Attie government, guarentee the glilfsitIrrert6sghfititie pigitilgainbat eppreheneson boa punishment of Prince ed of the eerreetnees of the claim. Results, are Tatra and other leadera of the Boxers, toad widen school Vtl= .togrlY 11 deeiding ail to hattheormeet lamed by •nr Iflehook on inftnenow in the government. renwaiyfere tostu nista rem * distance pro. ladies at MOO per Week, atu for gentlemen $2.50. Oar eaten:gut:is ficknovrledged to be one of this exclucle the doWager•Empresti from all r o Nour patronage. Wo allow 'aided t does not exceed tiR. Oood hoeril. for the continent. It ill Ant ree by Waren:lag entre, has 300,000: Irhabitsults, and It AGENTS. Wark-karicarkidaleiriektiarktrirfrakkartrat Total expendittire in 1896, the last year of Conservative rule, $41.702,. 583; total exponditnre in 1899, tee lest year of Liberal rule for which • complete figures. are to nand, $51,- 542,635; eistianted expenditure for the ournent llama year.$56,312,527. • -Mont:teal Stir. • • — Thai Star suppresses, part of the truth.. is neglects to say that the • Conservative expenditure in the • years named wait ae follows: . • 1888-$42,898-,885 • • 1884— 57,860,861 • lees— 49,183,077 • 1888-. 91,837,563 AGEBLPS' "Th. beitlIfe*cif Her Wiriest,' ha** agent writes bord.Lorna about "Queen. Victoria." Awente make ft*. -dellexa. daily. • . • 13114%*,10,7-0A41!1,141TS9N 9D. ISCrirorLI.4.1rn-1-11$ • AGENTS• WANTED. For a genuine Money -making' position; no „hooka, inanriintospofakesoliemartaverY house a customer. rarratatiars- free. • Write today THE. F. ,E.ICARN:CO., 13,Vietoriai atreet, To- ronto. Canada.: • • . 23.13 AGENTS WANTED. No e?erience necessarY. Permatient PTA - tion. thong terms. . Pay weekly, Stock emalete witlhfast selling specialties, Idollig BROW BROS. CO.. Oe 'OLSON* • +4-41P0-1144-10140/44t1PPO-Y-WWWWt Aug.21-tfr 11.&NE13. The Illolyms Bank Incorporated bv Aot of Perlis:anent 18$4 CAPITAL 112,000,00 BEST FUND • 11,650,000 HEAD OFFICE MONTREAL. Wm. Mown Maannasote Proudest F. W01,23E81.0 Tualue, Gen. Manner. Neter discounted, Collections nude, Drain Waited, sterling and Amerioen minau bought end sold. ante:mot allowed an is. posite, Sprees Bum- interest 'limed ea eums of 41 and up. Money advanoed pr ferment on taeir own. note; with Qin IYIt 1112.:)re endorsers. No mortgage required , H. 0, DREViVit, Maaitger, Mink* G. D, ftleTAGG411.1'. BANKER , • ALBERT ST., - WANTON A general Bau Inge Basilian • transai ted. NOTE$ THSCOUNTED Drafts nue& 'Interest allowed on deposits. J. P. TISDALL. BANKER, OM:NIKON, ONIN. Advances made .to farmers on. their owa. notes atiow rates of intereete "•""a"`" &• general Banking Bueinese transacted . Interest allowed on derosite. Sale Notee bouglia LICENSED • AUCTIONEER • The undersigned islicensed for the county of Huron ana respectfully solicit the patron- age of those intendt having sales. Satisfaction:guaranteed and charges moderato: WM. DUNCAN, ClillitOR. OntsWanted • Oats vianted in eschange for Oat •• meta told the best Molar in the tnarke • a femme :- •• • 11 11010E0444CM for h bustel Oats 15 Ibli Flour (Manitoba Mixed) for 1. 13ushek Oats. Silverivare:Oken Away. . . 'Every nerchaser,•anythie`g that we Bell, be the sinotuat smell or large, gets It coupon and when a certain number is receivecl the holder will be entitled to a piece of ware of their own ehooeing. Come and see the Silverware. Se Wheat, Corn Potataee, &e. OUT FREI!. Seoure teditori now. Write • liu'reeryrneoalrown's Nurseries P.O.. Cnt. Good Better and Emeiwanted., 1 Death or Iunacy seemed the only alternative for well-known and highly respected lady of Wingham. Ont., whit had travelled over • two continents in a vain search fc1r a cure far nervous debility and dyspepsia. A friend recom. colonial corps now in South &frit.% will mended South American Nervine. One bottle go to England as the guests of the ea. helped. six bottles cured, and her own written tion before returning home. The Qtteen lestitnonY closes with them words: ." It boa will present each corps i th new colon. 8"04 lit. -e."--2° • From all over Canada come letters tell• sold by Sydney Jackson, druggist,Clinto0. ing us of thereat henefitsderived tram the ••• use of the D. & Menthol Floaters in 4...4.4•.+4.44..........4,444.+4.4.4,44-6-e• cases of neundgia, rheumatienr, lean beak; . eto, • ' Davie & Levieteuns Co., -Ltd., .aantle teottirers: Automobiles are being tested- with good results in the Freneh army titan. oeuvres, , - The oolireerage• °Wert:raped:xi e • , 1 and inapraved by the al:tuner gov- , eminent. it:creased the export and value of butter, in three years, by $3,623,718 Eyes Nose ran Water,-, C. G. Areher, of Brewer, Ivlainet saya t I Jivq had cfitill 1.1.0151/0 years. Water woul froth brae aays at atime. About four months age I Wiaid. duced to try Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder, and since using the wonderful remedy I have not had an attack. It relieves in ten mieutes." 50 cents. -x7 Sold Ty Sydney Jackson, druggist,Clinton, • The Boer delegat_,es Messrs. Fisch'er, Wolmarans and Wessels, have ad - as essed an appeal to all nations for ; itervention in South Africa. Alexander, Who ehot.Nightwatch. nein Peppier s dog and wounded the owner, wae.fined nearly $200 at W ater- I. fo cn vat ious charges connected with the case. When Rheumatism double man up physiclau and at:Rarer lose heart and often despair of a cure, here's the exception.,_ Wm. Pegg, ef wood, Ou sa•ye: "I Was nearly doubledsife‘ was taken verup y a „ vath r minim 1 got three bottle. (4 tlefd Ire thought we Vete rust rows* ben Sonth Araericen Rhetwaatio Cure and they wino I remembered that mz grandmother cured me. It's the quickest acting medicine ya used Dr. Footle?* Wo4 I ever saw."4,-111 • whermao often said illithsssedhor i woo sad wept wen that algid. She tee: later the third ti<>" 40 began tO I &WA bottle arid !Welt tO iny clad. Sold by Sydney Aologin, drvaglid,Olititov• ut •••anslarleearaOlft++.44444444": The Old Reliaple Remedy for Diarrhont arid Dysentery. grandma Mrs., 'rhos. Sherlock, Ara. ••Prior, .nt., reCently WOW My little threeyears of •F4: right along abd was Nee wit' THE. LIBRARIAN. Don't turn down terrier.. • Don't leave a book "fate down" -4. open. wee • - -• B tiy PIANO Don't borrow books from Private Your --- braries, better ones. Don't buy cheap books if you can afford . AND ORGAN • • Don't merk a book In any' way Unlesil it's your own. you can avoid It. • Don't forget that bookesisee with duet. Whiola is also Clinton headquarters for proof glass doors are best. Don't Aden: cheap book* if you cannot afford better publications, , 31.10Burne3r 00111 that a book up with anything , Don't leM 136rokit t10 One Will treat•Beat tie bigger than a nurovi- ribbon In It. • then. icyc CS 1 4 (UM'S - Bookbuelnesals better than or • . , itreiwiitUleadrierFeak,:.14:cilas orjatootailletlitticart triefliiii,Tvii?irj: ' THAT TOUCIAS T_ e SPOT 1700Velltr8 rastmlso have better and faster sallies men ""elLpsef;240 the line on." "Bre.aktast Dinner and Supper:'•'Canada, . Encyclopae , Toronto nBtoRADLEE•GARRICTSON Co.. Limited: 3IcLEOD'S dia." Books on tbse. Ontfits free to canvassers ' SISTEIIIINOYItTOR, ...., Our lee returned if we fall. •Any one sending ,..• . elteteh and description of any invention wit Weakiind Impure Blood, ipromptlypeltraTiligio°res/ren.i°Uorewe terfwgginuf lAVer tt Iiidney Dismay's, patent" sent upon request. patents secured , nOiCetwithout charge, in Tun PATENT Retain, ' . 'Vernal(' Coraplainte, tie. through us advertised for sale at one expense, Patents taken out throagh us receive venal , VICTOR as EVANS & CO. ..S.-11- Drug Mt, 'or write di..reo. t to: send for aatnple copy FREI,- Addresedetsal:enal; { consultedby bytedmaannudfaztludreelray acui rdcuilnatt J. M.• raoLuon, Godenoh, Ont. . i dm, Buie jiztm. t AttQ:ApTisi,N) 00. ,..,:.0.,,a: • FURNITURE • BROADPOOT, BOX & 00. The iftesay inoresse in our trade is good proof (lathe feet that our goods are righ . our prices lower than tinned other dealers in the trade. Wo matrafacture furniture on a large scale sna can affora to sell cheap. • •If you buy •' from us; we save for you the profit, wbich, in other oases, has to be added in kr' ' the retail dealer. ea • • This week we have passed into stook some of our new -designs. Specie *will not perm • no to quote prune, but come and see for yourself what seeps we have to offer. Remember -ore are determined that our prices sball be the lowest in the trade. UNDERTAKING.' In thie department our stook id complete, and we have undoubtedly the best tuners outfit in the county. Our mums are as low to the lowest.; Don't keep book* on Open shelve* it lit the Glintort Altaic Stare the noted , your books ea you yourself do If you lovil B. Don't forgot that good books ire the beet company In the world 11 read oaths. Call Ana goo ,ii tor o berrin in high CASTOR IA D. McLaohlan ite Gott• Art01414417" and apPr"felyelY` Ilhathane, mete 'grade, durable and Wynn ng wheel. • C. 140ARE1 ouriTori BROADFO, OT, BOX & CO. J. wItztfiest ale -Night and Sunday calls attended to by calling ‘trit J. W. Chidley's, Ounere Direotora residence 7" -SOMETHING FUR NOTHING 1271".":l:o 11"Gew1a44t:1yeit:ieul.. . iTwneffatr-resut ipsas 1 -we gbo : hill eisiLa. 4:: v:VIJ1 5fJI25444(‘o.nrpuudgresia84gtirnessi,iSo 14(* 5119 44 rue mow maitmiyanptlayr, ' lia • -NATIO *a I eat aerated 417.1::0,1r/Nr, WM" r7. Ohritstmai3 PERFUilES and TOILET good's Dainty Gifts for both Ladle" and mon- for Yelling Or Old *Ma Give Pedal:flea if you'd piens the foul sex. The choicest kinds erehere. All the !embus makes—all the desirable odord-- and many kinds pat tip in speoially &Waco tive„Christmas paokagett Our ineortment ofTme Hair Urns ee, Military Drutheat Mirrors, %WW1* ebony mid handsome weeds, hi the • aomplete in the town. And the media eating part to you is that prioes are far be» low what you re been theettetemedito' piry for Sistilar *Mon elerebere. Hs B. comer Chemist it Druggist