HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-09-28, Page 6pu, September 28, I90( . We know of nothing better than coughing to tear the lin- . ing of your throat and lungs. It is better than wet ,* feet to cause bronchitis and - pneumo n 1 a. Only keep it, up and you will succeed in reducing your Weight, losing your appetite, bringing on a slow feller, and, - making every- thing exactl•y right for, the germs of consUmption. Better kill your cough liefore it Ulla; you. ors, • • THE CLINTON ,NEW ERA QUARI.E8‘ HELPED HIM. c Beyond a Doubt, I'That occaaton, When Senate': Quades of Wisconsin Th011efilitla elite TalltintOillYe Wail a FitUdent at Racine college, he had for clesennete a young Mau who vote more attentive to piseetorial • pursette Letter upon letter pours in from every ' than be wan to his studies. Consequently i polut in Coned* testifying to the nuirvel- he relied upon Quarles to coach him at ' eus power of Pr, Pitoherai Backeobe Era. I recitations. - One of tbe requirements ney Teblete to dere both of the younganid- „was an Original May from each member die aged and aged, ane such other troables . of Quarles' Oros once 4 fortnight. The aefinethele oriam in a foillty.Mdlley ealeal piscatorial chura had drawn on Quarlee and they are robot,. iamb a masa of avid* for papere till .Quarles thodght it time to enoe ppm its power to owe theta affilotions call a halt, and one day he refused. His ,beyond * doubt, and shovel the Tablet ie 'chum had a 'bit aslant expedition and the right thing in the right place, pleaded earnestly for one more essay. Title ie what Mrs, J. W Belching, 82 "What do I get?” asked Quarles. Portland Oa, Toronto heater eity : "1 cen- • "Half the ash." Wea the apply. • not Gay too much for Dr, Pitober's ataok. • • "All right," said QUaelee, "ra help Too ache Kidney Tablets liefore using them t , 0 out once More." had n gnawing pain in the, back all the On the afternoonfor lime the fisher- time and an acute pain aornetetbe loine. t inAn otudent took hie plaee. and who he had not so much aching in rne, head se be. Out Eie Had to Pay roe nip auk 01$ was canal he "toed and read in the most tweet my eboulders and in the back of my solemn manner, "Locblelet Warning.", nook, Since using the Tablets my baok le His votee neer changed from start to. as it used to be, and the rheumatism in the • finish, Lochiel and the wizard were one shouldere has disappeared. Formerly when and the same to the reader. The class I did a waolithe I was utterly tired Queries suppressed its laughter, seeing that the Mari,* a bit of energylert; thie morning professor 'never changed a mu:4e, After •did my washing in two homes and I did not the reading the professor asked: • mind is. I have no hesitation in room - "Mr. A., do you wish the class to un- Mending De. Mateo Backache Kidney derstund that you offer this as , was the niOriginal?" Tanlets, for I nevertiad anythtne do me; ae "Certainly, sir. Entirely so," reply. nisyonhgoroeds.d's' of this payee °airiest the "There is a etriking similarity between merits of Dr. Pitcher's Backache Kidney your paper and the PAM of Campbell Tablets free by enolosing two cents wake . en the same subJect. Have you mr read for trial naokage to The Pitcher elect en, Campbell ?" • Thsotrioiento, Ons. Regular eize 00 cents per "Which Campbell?" "Thomas Campbell, the poet." ' Anetene Brink Notes. "No, sia" "If you will come to tily roob2 after the Among themany products of civilize - class is dismissed, e will show you the don which were familiar to the Chinese poem." , • many centuries before they came into "You ' had better ashow it to Joe USOflEurope may be reckoned bank Quarles," said Mr. A,, who realized by not. There is in the possession of "The this tizne •that he had been victimized, Ohl Lady In Threadneedle Street" a and, turning to Quarles, he. said: "If specimen supbosed to be one.of the oldest you get any fish *ado, You DIY for 'em. extant,. dating from the feurteenth eena Understand?" tury of our era, ' • • It Is now proved, however, that paper • Why Rear DOeis Not Curl. Eueh hair ie provided With a gland add a muscle. The size of the glandvarier' considerably In different individuals and !rem any olniertations appear" larger and , better developed in the negro race. Straight hair is always circular in sec- tion and is usually thicker, than curly hair, ' whieli Is ribbonlike and tbe finest human hair being fnet with in the Bush and Andaman races. These •facte lam 'a anost important bearing on the eutieect. .1n order .that the masele may actans an erector of the hair it is neces- sary that the hair Mitt be sufficiently strong to resist' the tendency be bend. If the hair is so weak as to bend before the. action of the muscle, the leverlike tend-' eney is nullified. • , When the hair is fine and ribbonlike,. ' the action of the muscle bends It into a . curve, and this is the reason why the hair _ assumes a curly form. 0 kills coughs of every •"kind. A 25 coni bottle is just right for an .ordi- nary cough; for the harder coughs of .b.ron-- "chitis you will need a SO °.:cent bottle; and for the • coughs of cottsumpdon the one dollar size is Most economical. "My eougheeduced me toamere v,•eketoton. I tried Matty remedies, but thepll failed. After wring the Cherry Pectoral Immediately be - "tan to inrproVe, and three bottles rostored me to halt's. I believe ;Tope mylIfe to it.s 8.113.01 F. Moue" Cot. 7,1808. Ilrowntown,Ve; • `,VOIOES OF aREAT-.0RATORS., 1/Isenr They Controlled Theta. In paseloned Speech. Tired Housekeepers. Henry Clay's reputationaas a great fialAle speaker'. aroeg „tug* .e.roin hie • sonorous voice and well rounded eerie& . , a .gr 0 speaker than he, del& more iti /Mama al which he was theanotit conspicuous mas- ter that ever appearedin AMerican -pol- itics. He always thought, not without , cause, thatlis very Feadinese to convulse e,p atidlenee with amino detracted from Ins lame and gave the solemn, sonorous speaker, like Clay, great advantage witb,„ the reputation makekb. • Callea.B. Smith bad a lisp In his spaegja. ilk ,•' hich, fhowever, was scarcely distin- Bitable in the rapid • fire or his clear, a no utterances. Smith was not mat on the printed page, but as a -popular or- ator on the stump be bed no Superior •and Ow equals. Cassius M. Clay retied like , a railvray speeding over a long arestia but In the rumble hist words were at a little distance indistinct. It was not.SO withAimith.. 4,11 fee....as oon could/ hear theeringing tones of his voice you could aiataieuish Ilia words and follow tae line• Thomas •Corwin 'Who: Was lit r oa bbs thought, although be epole With I much greater rapidity than Clay. George W. Julian spoke amity and distinctly. He •was the best thirster of the VvelipollS of irony end aireasin tee senate. ever pece duced. A bitter word grew terrible as it fell from his lips. ' D. W. Voorhees was the orator of lofty flight and startling simile. His voice could accommodate itself to every change of thought or mortification of feel - lima. He could strew flowers one moment • of revel in the haunts. of desolation and: death in the next. His voice was hie -servant, lied he was more• the actor than 'tlie Morton was an image breaker. When other men wrought fanciful creations ot frail materials, finished in beautiful pet - terns, his merciless logic, heightened by the wonderful depth and force of 1111" 'voice, went crashing through them to make plain the truth which they had °b- emired. The power of his voice Wali B9 great Viet when he titled to rime ails keynotO, -Opeeches, bottling the eiteete open in his hal ote lama not one person in tweel- . 0 0 the thousanal i'fb9 11(10 Wm, kppw • at the time or would afterward belleire tag he wee reeeling rt seeeetillealrelaired oration rather thau epeaking lrom the Itt. ' • aeration Of the hour. A favorite good wish in Ireland bisect to be, •"lilay you live to lit the hen that • wretches over your grave." ABSOLUTE Ste IT DIOrde,red Kidneys bring &env aznultitOde.orpains and aches. How' often woman ve ont before the ay e work is fairly begun and sinkilito it allaia -Stella wow But the housework be done even though the back does ache, and the hese . feels ready' to burst; Them women cenee underetend why they : are never strong, why •,,,.the =night does not bring rest, Why they - -• -•• -are 0119ffatiredi hays no appetite end seem to beatable and aohiis 611111Y:tule lrelerhe konble fa iholitenstougtc. su.00mog froni,the Iddneys. This. delidate little inters of the blood get odd order, and as amain tlieurio isoia and other pollens *hat they might to miry off ate sent ,clt Hari the system. • Thelies no um trying lie gat relief *until She kidney" ete restored to heeith. etiale„st safest;_qpielteet_wayi to ae. • oteattalishatliWbi teataktorlity Pills i --natures' own remedy for all kidney Ohlettlifilianatlerampanents, Mni. Heaths, EL Freak Li_ tile River, Ingb; 'Coe, ,N.B., Moonily wrote sivfollewst have much pleasure in stating that Doan's Kidney Pilishave wondorinuby lmproredrny health. I had beau Buffering with lame beck/lot ianumber of. years and at the limit . began hiking Dotial•FPilla 1 waia1nb • unable to do anyliousework. "I have heed three boxes and Milli Pay ; they have taken the pain out of Piy back and restored my ettencth. X don't think there la liey other Medicine Vial to Doart's Sidney Pius for ldduey troublat.,0 . • • , , ° Maier %rued. • . When Lord Beauchamp, the British Retarder of New South Wales, first ote etilded this aroternMent Armee ,at aydnea, lie mei:tined that at official receptions only guests Of a .certein rank should be permitted to approach the presence through designated doors. To these blue _ tickete were *warded: to other" of in- ferior toold, White. At one Inaction, through some mis- management, an Important public man - received a blue card. while a ,white one wee sent to his wife: When, the pair reached the audieeter clutiribia the lady declined to be separated' from her hos- e!bnlitl er to abandon, the aristocratic blue ranee: - An aid -de -amity endeavored to ceessamon retilan with her and xplain the coMmo- Ceti is I rt. were suffered to mingle together. • Oen thin Would opiate If blue Ana. white al. But the fair one wee equal Octet! ...a:,.. . ,, a . Sloe. Nonsenee. mild she a he press- . \ • t 1 ' ' '',-,' al' - 6 r• sN-- C ed teerware. "Whet do yeit t Oa, fora.. h leidlitz'powdee?"' The lid oollaPsed. , The Effect Was the Isidiee. i ttliiri ROilki9 %lip a fearless 'critic and made .,'Inittly j enemies', '43, able' Malted views. Ve never consideeed the man or the friend in his criticiema It was the work itself that concerned hire, Ile end criticleed, in his fearlese wee, the win% , of a well ittiewtt painter, who was lintel' grieved at the effect. On hearing of the efirrow 'ha lied tatteed he wrote to the tientsieBeknia., artist that he oegretted he =mild not 0 Ltttle LiveiPifls • i% Must Sear Signature of • ',meek more favorably of the picture, bet •sitat"r".1'""...eal erre sierseey, • hoped it would make no difference In their friendship. It le itaid the greet Wrote in reply: Vet Reskin-Neet eat It non you 1 Mull lomat you calm bot t has It trill flake no -die nit no no Mt 11011031. 'a* 1111.10OSIINIS. FOAM/II USW POO CONSTIPATION', Vet SAW* BOINKIXONI IOtCHIADAOKE. lettere In etir ake the Effort, , Pew things worth having come with- out trouble, strife or effort, The best% must be battled for. Neither fruit or dowers can be gathered unless the hand be itteetehea out to ;dna then. So With knowledge and culture; there must be the effort, the teething* out of the Wed to grasp the truth east the sultsovra. money was • iesued In China as early as 807 A. D. • Tease securities closet/ re- i iambic& the *mops French sesignats In 'being nosed upon the estates of she Meg- . dom. The Bank oe Stockholm airtime to have• -ben the O'rst western Institution to adopt a paper currency, but the Bank of England , must have followed very close with its £20 notes, which were issued in 1696,-BankersMentblya —•• - • .• I -1' • " . OroUPB4 °ought( and coicie are all quickly. cured • by Pynyepe,oteria. . • • aesezi: the cough, tamest inetantlyaind, cure; readily the Mose obstinate pole. Manufactured bv • the proprietors of Perry Davnaleani-Kaler. • Thi4 liet of: ...od at•GitIvestini; Texas,. exceeds NoWter Worry.--4ahe them an go :atiotit your business -they do their work Whilstyou are &Mg. yotina Dr. Avenel Lietir Pills are system renovators, bl�od 'purifiers and litiiiders; every gland and tissue in the whole anatomy is benefited and id -mutated in the pse of them. ao doses In a vial, .zo ceitte,a-sr 4 . • Sold be 83 dney 3ackeon, cirnggiet,Clinion . • • • MEN OF MARK. . It Is not Unbent& for the Duke of Wed. Minster's Charity bill to amount to op, 000• a year. . • • Lord Chief juittice Rumen of England It Najd alwaye to have a bet on every im- - portant spelling. 'event • • " 'Ioseph. Chamberlain's amonoehriel not -a fad, but a necessity, . with him. Efet has •Worit one •since• boyhood. • Hugh Z. McGowan, . the Itullanape. lig .mallionairee hes been a fariner, itreet car • d • fiver cabman and police sergeant. .• John L. Sullivan hap .4 score Of strap - hooka fill of ,Clippings made in the daps when he Was the champion .pugilieta Senator Wolcott of Colorado wears the' . fanciest stiletto in the senate. They are Of all colors and of a bewildering variety' °tGdoelseeign.rnet 'Reese' velt deteete jewelry of all kinds and never wears any .except a Wein; gold seal ring on • Which are en. grayed his family ettate • . Potter Paumer wait born a- Quaker ' firmer hi New *York etate and grew up . to early manacled as a keeper berme and cattheluid a tiller of the Boll. • Henry Clews Wide amusement In woad' lug out the moat difficult ch.ees problerns. He. is an, expert at this and generally spendisahlre lebsur. 'linings at the 'deft ixis4 •, • Senator Kyle her the stroniteer"intel voacei that ,is .heard .on the iloor of the Renate. He alwayespeak" clearly and :relenant y. •Each -woe e audlble hi. sib the galleries. .• 'T* • • • Maffei, 'Dietrich, the "gas king'. of New York,li tagaond of fresh flowers .and has a lariat 'bitaket, of them put in II" *Mite office sleeve Morning at a lid . 'of frfaltaaOlotlill. . lUcliard'lifentifteid • itarted in Kitt itt TIOndayiii a painter. He had poor luck ' haatfir,,,ina Afton.. deed. t !vend 1110 .Mealehouris Otitsidet. of restaurant •witse , • • . .d9dpfts4,4 010* tietli. Proddent t Teri rapm vlidereaand, lthough big duties, leave him but little time for -light reading, WheiA ,he does, have an opportunity to Indiegai., Itt *the .readil it book at one bitting. Tone I.i., Johnsen,the millionaire 'single tat enthusiast, made Ile start .In life as an offiee boy Meta old Central Inflamed, taltteaa office of 'Louisville, Kr. EN was One. of the fleet Men in this counter to .lee the value or street railways. •e• eareetor of the .euenswe aaerristin's love for hordes is well known, bnt fevi ttre aware that he was the, firat to oppose We theory .that iwift 'horses could not be raised in the extreme northern states and traprove What he, maintained by actual practice., Boolamin Wblte. i broker of San Francisco, Owns ,iffult he elelpie to be the stub of the pencil With Which. Linalln rewrote his Gettysburg Speech on in en- velope aboard the train, bearing him to the bettlefield. The pencil was borrowed ,from and tater returned to Mr. Whiteei father, who was with the presidential party.. PERT PERSONALS. Virhy doesn't Dicky Harding Davie Cottle to the relief of the- China ettoation? a -Buffalo El:tram. Mr, Willie Wattle Astor didn't come dawn quite a* quickly As the Crockett wen, but the coon didna crawl. -Cleve, land Plata Dealer. It is claimed that Julien Rail% is la - dined to semeathize witb the Chinese., jullan means to lit his mempathiee Nulty revenged. Conlin Castellane mule taught apotne• duel and come off unscathed. t this serf of thing continues, the Goulds will yet iliave came to belt.ve they are Penned "by III luck, ANIMAL ODDITIES. • 44,444.04.,•••••,..,, „ Wheles are never found in •the Of 'stream, • Some snake* will eat ego; others are Inordinately toad of mina Once a breve Man pulled two decayed teeth from the jaw of a lion strappee to a table. , The lion roared In a frightful manner,' but afterward showed its grati- tude to the eurgeon in anany ways. The atia horse alone, with one otber existing fish, the ger pike, possesses the Power which was common to many of the older fishes -that of turning its head independently of Its body. The sea horse can also turn its eyee in &Imola aay di: rection. • •• • Stupefying headaches are oured,the head oleerd and the brein •brightened by Mil - burn's Sterling Headache Powders, They do not weaken the heart. Price 100. and 25o. • ` eAAAMMetitieereiAIWAAA0 Our total exports of agricultural implements in 1896, was $595,277. in 189715 rose to 01,867,228. That le the way the Liberal aariff is • " ruining" our :menufaCturing in- •dustries. •• tokAAAAMAA0,1AAAAAAAANAWOW When a horse picks up a nail in his foot what does the driver; do? Does he whip the limping, lagging animal and force him along? Not unless he wants to rein the horse. At the Ana eign of banana:to he 'tunes down, examines the foot and care- fully relieves the canoe of the lemma& What is 06110 "Weak etomach" is like the lameness of a boreal. only to be cured by re- moving the cause of the trouble. If you stimulate the stomaoh_withewaiskey med- icines" you keep it going Ina every day the ' condition es growing worse. A few doses winietimes of Dr: Plerce'a Golden Medical Discovery will put the disordered Moms& and its rolledorgan" of digestion and nutri- tion in perfect condition. Ninety-eight Unice in every hundred "Golden Medical Discovery" will cure the Worst ailment or- iginating itr abilities of the stomach. It &heaps hello. It almost always mires. To cure constipation use Dr. Eames Pleasant Pellets. They're sure. , • *hat edo Or church -going people . think of thie ? Dancing as an ttvenue to,salvation is to he introduced by IleV • Jenkin Lloyd Jones, putter of All Soul's Church, Chicago. Ppblic dancee are to be held during the fell and wilt - ter in the church auditorium with mu- sic from a full 'orchestra ann a door keeper will.collect 25 cents from each person who enters. Canadians in gen- eral will not thinkable an incentive to Christianity. wits 11RiribirD IN ONE DAY. MUIR rakeLaauvfli7iWQuln1uo TabI�liAIl ' mdroiTti _este, rwef.uGnrod virsimienpaytuixe enis,faoilss el4,4etrxe,. M b. L. IIACPHERSON - • INSURANCE. 'Nan Fire, - Lite,!,RAxclaent, Piate:alss, - JACOB TAYLOR • Clinton. Ont. General Dletrieb :Waiter the The Imperial MEAT MARK. ET. ti-ir.girizirogigrtrorm nplea by Fair de 00.1i tho oople of Minton and vidnity. y have opened up in the atom ent MacKay Block, Ontario &to • where the? elliditop In etook i1 kinds of Fresh. = et)Oke410._Ctireif Connect eats, VerteVosingtilirkliftert yth, itigniltelersoltrt4 Beef Per teetainits Meet, end all articieello• r • a liken* ure, WhiCh Will he deliYeredtO any. Part of the anal. Orders *elicited a Ibe.geed thantage far elf elite. JOHN aCittarON, Manatee T. B. P. CASE & 00. Ants' Senna of Smell. Ante recognize one ;mother easily, When all apt enters a colony which, is not its own, it is put to death Almost !me medlately, A German naturalist has dieeovereci that it 10 by the time of smell that this libtle recognition takee place. I If an ant touches water, itinvariably 1. attaelted. by -Its sisters on its return to i the colony, the water having removed from the lit the special property on WWI* depended the recognition. Experiment proved the statement. Some ants were crushed, and with the mem an ant was smeared and placed in a colony. If the eat had, the odor of this colony, it was well received; if not, it was attack6d at mice. An ant washed with alcohol et 80 de- grees was retorned, to Its neat and was attacked as e stranger. On the contrary, put at one side 24 bouts before being returned to the colour, It -wes welcomed, that length of time bo - Ins enough for the restoration of its fain - odor. DOES :CHILDREN GOOD. have mad De, Low's Worm Byrup in my family and it has always been effectual and has done the obildren good, I can highly recommend it." AIRO Jos. LANonot, Brookville, Ont. It is reported that the American Bell Telephone 0010nainea the Telephone, Tele ra h & ()able Cow any of Ameri- ca, the Western Union Telegraph Com- pany and the Posta Telegraph (Jahle Company will be consolidated into one big company to be known as the Net- ticanal Telephone & Telegraph Co. All tbe lung healing properties of the pine are bottled up in Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. It is the most Bantam:tory remedy for coughs and coldof all kinds. Price 25o, The Government will erect a new postoface at Paris, Ont„to cost $18,090, a' EARACHE CURED. Mies J.J, Johnston, 'unbitten, Alta; Gaya: "I wee troubled with eirsche for a long time and nothing helped me until I need leagyard's Yellow Oil, wbioh • cured me completely." ' AGENTS Wd,A1VrTED: • ....J7.024.14tory Of South Africa," by John Clark a. eorZttigaillTrcridt:; 31;1:, .Vaga 6.4 Toronto,. and 3.- H. Aiken of London. Ont., who has 'returned :-"this week. fulora IV/jet:re trevelliing ngith , fg.ikah for wire hitVe had rvbroel,inflilitlera tr• e: nineteen yeare, giving us aninuaenee advent - Ise itt orootiaing yhotographe and roateelaL re:Z=1T 1 Cal -Igitagiti! ter llluetrated than in any rival work. So ewe are we of this, that we wit mau tree for °r4otri:tiril"Csirt!4:1;12,:i°t= free. Apply World Publishing Company, Guelph, °uteri% • . • Oonfederatton Lifeboat:trance CO for Stratford andOoderi cis* inclueire. All in .ormation relating to insurance satiety given , Money to loan at reasonable rates. • • •Office in Palace 'Mork JOHICW. YE0 HOLMESVILLE, Agent kw 1,11se biAllersteriszt FIRS AstuniAttca -Co. of Manchester, England, whole funds and security are rated at $14,500,000. Also the Mc- Zu.,tor Illuyttat Issuristais Co. Allfelassee of farm risk' and town property taken a lowest retell. .Firet-olass Loan Companies also reprseented. Money to be had from 41 per • cent up, according to nature of security.- - Daily mail to Etolmeeville postaLcard .feteh him • carmow WOOD and COAL1 YARD. Subscriber is prepared. to promptly fill all or. 'dere for Weed or Goal., which will be sold at lattetit tam. Oftlee onXemte Street. at LAVIS. IIMPAZIOROOMere VilatEATLEIr 001rOak,„10.. /VAST, /11-4iME1 !datum w eiendmontry on noneelitilegobes Imreaal broyelesovaggentrairdnoniee. We imam aleir advatibe money to ealarlea XeoPie and retail metishents on BIOney the r own bottle, through our sPe- bial agents, Any amOunt from 510 , in payznsnti to illit borrower. yon. O. Z. WARNER Ss CO., die East Adelaide rite n confidants& we can help Street, Toronto: • All Kinds of Shoes • 1414!t1,n,D3.Se..:tl Twectiethy;;begin1iept. ,4nriiea AL of .11 21- obit' Beettel • st• gut• hhadlar •ffYI larship in College • ' " 1.1"71 : "7":,-)11 :41nr';',•'1" Art, Elooutlon us twid$ a a ornestio &name. modern and progressive., • . '• • Remolike appointments, good board, *beer - fa seems, pp3sonalover-sightin habits, man- ners', care •er room. • - - A residental 'college like. Alma affords _best :conditions ferik Telma lady'e education. The constant aim Of our college:is to com- bine the care of thirmother with the teachers' guidanoe and the pastors regard. • :ruFlyor2111:6 trated catalogue. address REV. 1..Wariaero M.A. Principal Thomas. )nt. • Lake Erie Navigation Co., Limited The quickeztresi;anost.direot • CLEVELAND, OHIO,' Via Pt. Stanley. Thorough fare from Clinton one way 0%8(31; xseettub.rn.$6. Return tichet valid for Special rates going Elsitirdatand return- ing Monday. „ , • Boat leaves Pt.' Stanley on Sunday'', Tuesdays and Thuredays at 11 p.m. and on Satardeys at 1. For thereto endfurtleerainformationapply G. T. B. agents, or write . T. MARSHALL, Vialf. WOOLLATT, - Asst. Gen.PastiAkegt. manager. wrvi, • A SLATE FOR A "SLATER" "Slater Shoes" have their means of WO* fication, distinguishing them from the hordes of nameless shoes, • A slate frame with the name and price in it is branded on every sole by the makers. ',oak on the sole for the'elate, as without it's no, a Slater," , • •' • Shapes that fit the foot and meet fashion's requirements. • .• Dray katiters most reliable *pd colore most auitable. Every pair Cosedyear welted. , a I, • Jackson Bros., Sole Agents for Clinton. Mailheitotisiheite818tagginalia484464. For pure blood, A bright eye and A 'clear complexion, A keen appetite,: An easy digestion And refreshing sleep. '11.1163EC..= mitts' aril's It irOuses the Liver,, Quickens the circulation, Brightens the spirits and Generally, makes life 'worth o.living. Slaty seven years trial. have proved Itto bebeyond quest!lon. the Most reliable BLOOD 'purifier known. 411 --the teading Driigg!sts-Iell-INSTOL1S • A Few Specials We offer this week Good Clean Timothy Seed at $2.50 I new supply of Barbed Wire • ' Grain Bags at $1.75 and $2.50 Also about 50 Oatmeal Sacks at 5c.each Sugar Barrels at 5c each Lard Tubs, 2 handles at 25e. . < Beautiful Japaneese Carpets at 25c a yard. Our Meek °Vienna Sitfinte, And Soaps, large and you will _gild good *trainee, svnlj2gIt will pay yeteta deal with us, Terme wish or produce. Butterand Xlifia wanted • at highestinerket value. Emporium, Londesboro • Aug. filet, NOW . rildfiLfDIJI 04,(:;),Y) 'es First-clasi from, $65 to $80. R ADAMS -- FRED RUMBALL , *I • .4 agons $46. • e 4, Clinton. • Horne Comforts Just Arrived • •. ' ' ' . Lateet,etylee in pada Orate, while amid bedroomaiets, iron an braea bedstead +.44+4+44444444,.............". rug douches, extension tables and dining room chairs. Also 700 feet of new style pito Sons niouldings. Prices low as the quantity syali permit. Tour money back if youe want it. •• es • a 401E1,1_.I.4nNIT„ Myth Central et M rket Vetting Puretased the butchering • busbies° of F. R. Powell I am pre- pared to furnish the people of Olin - ton with all kincle of Fresh and Oared Ideate. Sausage, bologna lard, butter and eggs tilwayakept on hand. ' • IL Fitzsimons a Son. • TiephOne 16; , • 1 ilehateettrli eonferi 'a: favor by parte of the town. 'N. 13,-Perstine having hose for Orders delivered promptly to all i `I'• . at the 'hop. 'iri.i.404.040-esediro‘e400-104. Sp01411114111111109,11.9140110rbi • "curbs, and An Forms of glritt14$9tis)11.a.ci ,••••••. 7 "- A� gd as any andihetter than many are to be men by inspetititl our lanhirler atOOk ofM,nbi1 1VOUIOU vow! Pluldren't Boots end alhoee, roil lints of Vranketo Vallee*. ate., Single arid 00siblelliernaart• Red CederaWhiteCeder, and Pine Shogies always on hand at TIAT-IT6EBLL Clinton Sash, Poor, and Blind Factory s. s. COOPER - - - PROPRIETOR,. General' Buildet„ and Contractor. - This !adore Is the Urged id the cOunty• the'very lateet improved ma. °binary, capable of doing work on the shoriest notice. We carry an extensive and reliable stook end prepared plans, and give estimates for and build all resale ' es of buildings on short notice and on the dotard prime MI wore is mewls* ed in a met:hank:al way and 'legitimation guaranteed. We itell ;all kinds of In. terior and exterior material. ' Lumber Lath, ng es; me. Sash, Doors, Blinds, :Etc Agent for the Celebrated GRATB11.14 • 801110012 DEM:- 'Manufactured at Waterloo. Call and get'prices and abilities before placing vour ordeal learaasa 6 Headquarters for all kinda ef ilardware,TinWare, Iiooks; Glass. White roma and 011e, the celebrated Sherwin "Williams re Mixed paintii, Daley Clhdrn, &Weir Deere and Windom, Blue ',Menne a Wieklerie Oli Stoves, all Made of Wire Penang, Agents for the Antal,. can Field Perm the best few* in the world, tf 14 Horse proof, Bidl proefaHog proof, rig anaDog tiglit, extreme IMO and cold doer nob draw it Oull of shape, it stays where It. put. tbrotstk14,1ktr ii44.CrIftreu" 1.01':41:4t194°V;tilt • • . Irer M. MS lintinent rsrotray esattAs,a04,4041z: Vail an See WattlAnter ?land, Datil pee zeiros. Mt. B. 1. ItalMAL ock, • 1, near eitisma year ascii bad rateable horse Which ' d 000alt Zavlit and itived MS MS !OSA A few Itoyal 4111640411 Clothes Virrinjers, at $2.85 m pamte ig iseount. Lawn OWets )111 ragareelt11 e Applied tie miser. lea reedemetre only trotte and sad hod* betAiddi SO lame Oat it canal n ot standar.. atter %lifts sverythltat rz white they Iffeto a firothelass wringer. Awe, d shades hi teat& t trarindt l'a0or Mt btstkrterit Want td $$$ beidabotEndn Old tri alatnenus the , tsar. ate =erect* d I *Wait& it esteem', and bii$ • oa b` 1.44 riorritrentretr4tigiatineVirelq "4" tl brigrn"Ittrolie/116t *eel &Meg. • e. , • revere teem ,T jitresn. prices to clear out. Only Fire Proof Safe for ,S2 00 nd withont leaving a, • s' biernisttes" t f Owls:re brad and thy entire satisfaction. he never laStab 180bd 4;11614 dr.Z":0A1"..141tVanthlgtiti:biei ins to nes iris had .7000,401 enve,t then Matted Wyk * Ow Any more latitisnem thteugh She *boss softener. Stews, leintystre, arlandBrco' •ilardwarr, ittx „Bap** in:Rot Alt end tiot WaterpleatinAandiPlumbing. lean attatintatd Xsndall'S ROOM Curd not only Matt $0;04dletta ant ad A enrol remedy, CatitratoilArY eeitoern, vonrs tent, r your dattortitg, Stempearat.et60 emetic CLINTON On* ere., or MI .1. now reolun, mom WC 'Iff. a ;