HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-09-28, Page 5!
Septmber 2., UCO
A. salmi that ie doing the beet work in
bueiness education in Canada. Oar resent-
, fieent catalogue give full inforraation,
I Write to-4ay for one. Several (lanai.
dian college* and many large
American schools employ our
Oradnates as teachers. This is one
moue point in our favor. Enter now if
W. J. Elliott. Principal.
Manitoba Al;CI
Excursions' 18th
. '
.‘a 4414/1'
Pare $28, good tor 90 days.
For tickete and infermatioh apply to
I I.
eluirch ehimes
Revs. Crossley and Hunter cowmen.
ced a set ies of revival eery iees at Pet-
rolea on ;Sunday iaet.
Mates and vespers were celebrated at
Sr. Joseph's R. 0, church here last Sun -
Baking Powder. dayA, "InttslimereeWettinegvirl ebit:tg,d in O
tort on Thursday, Oct, Ilth, to be ad.
• dressed by Rev J. G. Shearer, Field
Makes the bread Secretary for Canada of the Lord's
more healthful. Day Alliance. His subject will be "Our
Safeguards the food,
•against alum,
Alum baking powders are the greatest '
rimer -en to health of the present day.
Ice Cream
And Fruits
You will find us headquarters
for Pine Apples, Cocoanuts,
Strawberriee, Bananas,Orangee
•and Lemma as'we will endeavor
to keep on hand a stook of fresh
and seasonable fruits.
Our Soda Water
,71--11E TWO
Just° Now
The outing season is at
hand. Is your wardiobe
equipped for the trip. If not
why not look over our stock
of outing suits, neglige shirts,
hats and caps and other nee-
essary accessories. Its a plea-
sure to show them You do
not have to buy, call and see,
A. J. M011111SH
Boys', Youths' and Men's.
Ready Made Clothinr—
So many people have beeta enquiring at
our store for reedrmede clothing that we
thought it would be advisable to put in a
dock. We have just received a oomplete
line of men's, yotth's and boys' olothing
that will fit the boyee from five years old
to a hundred, They were made by Leib',
Watson and Bond, the noted eeady made
makers of Canada. They use the best
goods and beektrimmings to be had at the
price and are noted for the out and style of
their garments. You'll, he Baited if yell
buy here. Ordered clothing aapeoialty.
The South. African war iapractically over, not GO the war of. Trade and Commerce
it is always in order; we are dill in the front ranks, not on the wounded list. We direot
speoial attention to our new etook of Millinery which will be found. fully up to date
A nioe lot of Ladle' jaorete.
Drese Goode thatifor beauty ana cheapness will &atm any perfion.
Boots, Shoes and Rubbere, a large dock newly in for fall and winter.
--Tessia great variety -viz-ree-JaPan, Young -Hysost,- flongOrin -bulk; anima Mbietil;
Salada, MontoOn and 131ne Ribbon in packages, •
See our Harness -A nioe set of sizigle lamella for $11, and better quality fer $12,
team lines, martingales, breed Orem halters, etc., etc,
We would not ferget robes , and blankete. Tame °Ash or produce. Highest pea
for any quantity Of Butter and Eggs.
Emporium, Londesboro
Pert, 25th, 1900
Li again s up and running in
fine order to eupply the wante
of thirsty. customers for another
• Ice Cream and all kinds of cool
drinke._ 'Pint ohms Bread
cakes and pastry 'alwaye
• on bend. •-
Any kind of fancy cakes not
•in stook made when ordered.
Jas. IlicOlacherty,
Novelty Bakery
And Restaurani„
Telephone No. 1.
Dermatologist, ,Oir 'Winnipeg.
Will be in Clinton for a few days at the
office of the late Dr Worthington, corn -
mewing Friday, Sept. 14th, where
she may be consulted concerning all facial
blemishes, each as Pimples. Black-
heads, Freckles, Moth Patches,
Rte.„ and all diseases of the media 013
Falling and Grey Hair,Dandrufi,
Etc.,Moles. Warts, Birthmarks
,andSuperfluous Bair skillfully and
permanently removed by Electrolgeis,with-
• oat leavings scar or blemish. • Work guar-
anteed, coneultation free. •
Office hours, 11 to 12 a.m. and 2 to 6 It.ne
Fall term in the
Montreal Cattle Market,
Montreal, Sept. 24. -At the East End
Abbattoir this morning quotations opened
comparatively weak. There were no reel
fine cattle offered for sale, while tlae best
stook showed a slight downward tendency.
The arrival's in all lines were Way large.
Exporters andlooal butchers were out in
good numbere, but owing to the condition
of the market and the large assortment to
choose from they were in no hurry to buy,
with the result that trade dragged. Sheer'
and lambs were in fair aemand, especially
for export traee, with no material change
in price, while ualvee remained nominal
with no extra call. Hogs have * look in
with quotations remaining steady for select
Me. Much stook will remain unsold at
close of to -day's market. Following are
the quotations: -Cattle -Receipts, 600
head; demaud light, qqotatione leaning,
downwards; quality of etook fair tte pea;
beet cattle sold from 3fo to 4fo per lb,
whi'e in one or two special instances 4ao
per lb was paid; the medium stook predom-
inating was bought up /slowly at prices
ranging from 30 to ha per lb, while the
common and lean retitle were hard to dis.
pose of at from 2o to 2.3 per lb, Sheep
and lambc-Reoeipte, 500 head; demand
fair; quotations nedninal; ehIppers paid
Re for best sheep, or from $4 to 36 per
head, while butchers paid from no to no
per ib.; lambs sold at from 4o to °4fo per
lb, or from 02.50 to $3,50 per .head. Cal-
ves -Receipts, 75 bead; demand fair; prioes
firm, especially for butt stock; quotations
were from 31.50 to $12 per head. Hoge -
Receipts light, amounting to about 50
head; demand good. Avith prices showing
no material change over last week; large
heavy hogs sold from 50 to 5la per lb,
while for felled lots from, 51 to. 6o, per lb
was paid.
Correoted every Thursday afternoon.
Thursday, Sept. 27, Imo.
Fen Wheat . 0 63 a 0 65
Oats . 0 26 a 0 27
Rye 040 a 045
Barley ..... 0 38 a 040
Peas 0 57 a 0 60
Fleur per owt . 2 15 a 2 15 .
Buttealoose 16-16,p'k'd ct 16 a 0 16
Eggs per doz 0 11 a 0 12
Hay, 800 a 800
Sheepskins - 0 60 a 0 80
No. 1 Green'trim.'hides0 06 a 0 (t7
P t t , .. 0 50 a 0 51)
-Chickens, iter pair .... 0 30 a 0 40
Duoks,per pair ---------0 25 & 0 40
' Geese, per Ib -- ----------0 05 a 0 06
Tnrkeye, perlb 0 08 e 0 02.
Pork, live 5 15 a 5 lo
Pork, dressed 625 a 6 25
Fall Fairs,
Palmerston, Sept., 27-28.
Seilfortb, Sept, 27-28.... , •
NITinghatre Sept. 27-28.
Belgrave, O.I. 12.
St, Marys, Oct. 2-3,
Kirkton, Oct, 4.5.
Brussels, Oct. 4-5.
Bayfield, Oct. 4.5.
Fordwich, Oct, 6.
Blyth, 9.10.
Dungannon, Oct. 11.12.
• Enter any time, ten teachers,
sixty typewritting inachinee, Unex-
celled facilities for sedating graduates
to positione,
• Write fig 'calendar..
• W. B. SHAW, Principal
Bicycle and General Repair
Subscriber having borisht ant the repair
shop ot Mr Win. Downs, Perrin block, le pre-
parelt undertake all kinds of moc'hanical
Oniviring. Being a practical workman he
ill give personal attention to all work ,en:
trusted to him. Soissore, table knives, eto.
sharpened amd repaired, lawn mower!, over-
hauled, vatting box knives sharpeneo, saws 1
Sternmed.-- Special attentioirgiven to bicycle ,
repairs ; bicycles bleed by the hour or day. ,
Orders respectfully solicited, wprk promptly
alten,led to an5 priooa inoderato,
The blacksmith shoP, Orange street,111 also l
still, carried on by n subscriber where a good 1
Praetieal mawill promptli t4end to all
work in this line. ....
pox Akattetifictuttits.
• Wing,ham
Wanted -Any quantity of dri..d apples.
They must be large bright quartets and thor-
oughly dried, Butter 180. eggs 12e. Our stack
of Drees Goods, silke and furs is not suratt,sed.
a. N. KING Wingham
• Wanted -At once 59 girls ald parts house-
work Mt() to *3.50 per week and board; apply
to Mrs Lockhart, 882 Dundee; st. , London, Ont.
Sept 'Nth -U.
rroperille,c1Sabbatio, and how it may be
S. A. NOTES, -Harvest ThankegiV-
ing servicee at the S A. /3erracks ftotn
Sat. Sept. 29 h to Oct. ltd. 8u.bjecte
, for the services ail day Sunday are ° as
followe: At 11 a. Ent, A Voeenant
meeting ; at 3 p. m. Plenty and to
spare ; and at 8 p. m. Necessities to se-
cure a bountiful harvest, Menday,
public eale of fruit and vegetables, etc.
All are welcome to these special
thanksgiving services. Come and
bring your friends,
WILLIS Cracmca,--Commenion will
be held in this church on the last Sab-
bath ot October. -D. (). McTavish read
an excellent paper on "The Wheat. and
the Tares" at the Endeayor on Monday
evening; Mise Lindsay ably dealt. with
the catechism. It is the intention of
this societyto have a „social in a few
weeks for the benefit of strangers and
new students in town, so 'they ruay
make acquaintances.
The twelfth annual convention of
the Ontario Christian Endeavor Union
will be held in Guelph on October 2, 3,
and 4. The young pecp)e's eocieties of
Clinton will be represented by dele-
gates and also by a class of junto' Et
under direction of Miss Howson, who
will take part in the proceedings. A.
T. Cooper is Secretary of the Associa-
tion. Rev. Mr Sheldon, the well
known author and pastor, of Topeka.
Kau., will els° he present.
E, ANNIVERSARY. -The yeung people
of this church are fortunate in having
secured the services of Rev. Dr. Car-
man for this e e at which takes plate
next Sunday, Sep. 30. Dr. Cannon
has foi a long time held the very ina-
poi t ant position of general supprin en -
dent of 1 he Methodist church In Can-
ada; he is frequently spoken of as the
"go -and old roa.n" of Methodism, or as
the noble "old man eloquent". He has
just returned from a tour' in the far
East and will have many interesting
things to say concerning whet he -has
seen and experienced while abroad.
Dr. Carman will occupy the Ratt. St,
pulpy at both morning and evening
set vices and in addition to this will ad-
drese-the junior league itethe afternoon
at which service a epecial piv-
ot:twine of music by the Sun-
day School choir and others and
excercises by the juniors will be g' en.
Set vices commence at 11 a. in., 230 p.
m. and 7 p. m. The young peeple of
this church extend to everybody a
hearty invitation to attend all of these
service. Special music is being pro'.
pared by the choirs.
# McKinnon, dr Co.
More • .
New Goods
Our New Fall Goods are now °caning in thicli and feet. During the last
few days we have been buoy opening up New Drew* Goode,New Millittery,
New tThderweor, New Cloth Jackets, Fur sobete, ()epee, Ceperiaes,
Storm Collars, eta.
• This week we ask particular attention to three depertmente
1st - New lityliela Millinery.
2nd -Cloth Jeoltets, Capes and %tootles,
30, -Fine Fair Jaokete, ()overtime, Neck Ruffs, eta,
Below we quote a few prices which will give yen an Wee of whet we
are dein.:
Ladies' New Felt Hata for early fall wear, in hard' and soft (gowns, in
all the new shades and slisp!ts, trimmed, $1, j 2f. and $1,50,
Ladiee Hats, trimmed to order, in the latest style, or shut nbtioe, trent
• $1,50 to $10.
Ladies' Aetrachon Jaokete, close glossy ourl, lined with satin and Italian
cloth, length from 24 to 84 inches, at $22425, $28, $30, $36 and $40 °
Neck Ruffs,in a variety of furs, trona 750 to $10.
Caperines, &drachma with high storm collar. $5,
Caperines, electric seal and cub bear, 4 tails. 38,
Rook martin and electric' seal Caperines, $10.50,
Sable and'Astrachen Ceperines, 2 heads and 10 toile, very stylish, 03,
Our Millinery Department is now open for the season, Miss Baker
will be pleseed to show you all the latest Paris and New York noyeltiee.
McKinnon 8z Co., Blyth
• W
ny lonog
ienoe of n poor molting stove, It's no
Don't be
er' rwithrthe bicitheer and inoonven-
economy to do so. for the fuel 3 on will nye
in a "Happy Thought" range it wolt1c1
in a short time pay for ite entire cost and
what comfort yOted bay d out of it too. Every.
body who uses it praises its splendid baking
• qualitee, its ease of managemenr‘ind ita
• great eocnomy of fuel, What we would like
be to 'have you call and tee for your-.
• self how the "Happy Thought** is
constructed and learn Just what its &dun -
tarsi are. We can give nearly a !Andrea
names of parties using therct ,in Clinton and
not a sinele. complaint, •
Radiant Home Base Heater
• ONTARIO STREET. -Dr. Gifford will
preach in the Methodist church at Hen-
son on the first Sunday in October and
lecture on tbe following evening. Ar-
rangements are being completed for the
usual Harvest Home serviees of Ontario
St. chtircb,which are to be hekl on Oct.
• 14-15; on the 14rh it is expected that,
Rev E. N. Baker, M. A., B. D., will
conduct the services het e, and on the
Monday evening following u supper
and entertainment will be provided.
On Sunday next the quarterly review
• will be held in the Sunday school;
when addresses will be given dealing
with the last que,rier's lessons by Rey
. Dr. Gifford, Dr. Thompson anti. O. IL
Hollartd; special =Mc by the choir
and male quartette will also be given.
It is urgently requested that parents
and friends attend on Sunday next so
as to become acquainted with the work
done in the schocl, and help to Make
the school a place of interest as well as
of instruction. The ladies of this con-
gi egation are to be commended highly
for the energy they have put forth in
• collecting last week a rood amount
which goes to reduce the parsonage
debt. It will soon be cleared, for when
canen take a hand in any venture
wtth determination, it, will sacceed.
Alil persons owinglehe Arm of T. It. F. Case
& Co Clinton will blindly call at the store and
settle their amounts on or . before Tuesdar.
Oct 2. After that date all Recounts unpaid
wigi,aia '812i:ea in apher hands fer collection,
Farm forSale or to Rent
The undersigned Offers for sale or. to rent
Lot Se. con. 9, Efullott,consisting of 1054 aores,
/80 acres cleared.r.0 scree bush, ,andbalance
rELY cleared land needier pasture. The farm Is
well watered bympring ereek and well. Them
• is about one acre of orchard. There are la
acres of fall wheatoown and 18 acres of fall
plowing done. l7titiii the preathieS there is a
14 storey frame dwellingand 2 barns,onellerS6
andthe other 80x85. ,Goodstabling. -The fermi
is Cranes from Clinton and 14 Miles from Snail
erhill P. O., dhureh.and school. Will be sold
or rentedon reasonable terms. .For further
,partionlars sorb, to.
Sept 28- tf. • Clinton P. O.
General StSrvane 'Wanted
Remember you get a nice
largephoto with every dozen
of our four. dollar cabinet
photographs. This offer is for
a short time only. We do'all
kinds of life size work as
cheaply as you can procure
first class work any place.
• Ali work guaranteed and up
to date.
Call and see our photo
Buttons and Broaches.
DO ERTY, Sept. 8 -tf.
bride's parente. Wrotteter, on Sept. 12. by Rev.
CRAWPORD-In Bullett, On Sent • 23, the
wife of George Crawford, of a daughter.
SNELL-In Hullett, on Sept. 254 the wife
of Wut. Snell, of a daughter.
• WOODYARD-In • Mullett, on Sept, 18, the
wifeof II. Woodyard, of it eon.
ZURBRIGG-In Winerbami• on Sept. 19, the
Wife of M. E, Zurbrigg, of a daughter. '
MITCH-in Wroxeter, on Sept. 19, the
• wife of B. Mulch, ole eon.
BOX --In Stephen. on Sept. 71, this wife of
Alex. Box,of a son,
TURVEY-In Morris,on Sept. 11, the wife of
0. Ttuvey, of a daughter. .
MANNING -In Clinton, on Sept 21, to Mr an
Mi s Batmen. E. Manning, awn..
. MAtinfEle. .
RINTOLIL GARTON-iAt thernanse, Auburn,
, on Sept. 19, by. the Rev. It. Henderson, C. Ain-
. tool, to Miss Sarton, both of Whiteohuroh,
FAIRBROTIIER-WARD-At the residence
Of the bride'e parentio,St. Thomas,' on Sept.
12, by Rev. Danon Hill, Wan, T, Fairbrother,
to Miss Nelle J, daughter of Mr and Mrs
Tien Ward; formerly of Brunie's: '
T W-1/AMILT01.1-At the residence
A. McLeod, B. Win. .linstow,o Sebring.
„ of• iiithebilde'starentel,3;i Sept. 12, by Rev.; P.
WOOD-RAMSA.V-At Rat 1. ..J
eniia . •
, 10, by Rev. W. M. Rochester, F. Wood,
Commercial Master in VVinnipeg Business
College, to Miss Mire Renew, of Bruselehi,
NORRIS-MoVOUDY-At the residenoe of
thabride'slparents,Farquhar.lon Pent. 12,11t.
b orris, to Mille Elisabeth, daughter of Mr S.
McCurdy. •
MACLEAN-SUALE-At the home ef the
- Wanted, general eervent, to whom good
wars will be paid. Apply to MRS. WL
14ub . •
111. 04rBurgess
A. mamma 'erten* or aurae girl wanted, at
anew. AMOY to
Having bought but the well aesorted
stook �f F. Melville, and also having doubled
the above stook, with the very best and
choicest goods, thai money can buy, we
now keep all the grooeriee neceesary for a
first clasetrade, and:are ready and will
take great pleasure in waiting on anyone
'tending in need of the same, We purpose
paying stria attention to bueiness, and., itt
this way hope to Merit a fair Ethan of
your patronage.
•W. O'Neil
Aueetterior to
liaank Melville to
Goads promptio denier.
A Cleveland combination
tandem in first classlcondition.
We have a number [of 'wheels
at $20.00 which each are the
best values we have ever seen.
Do Not Delay
if you.think of purchasing a
wheel as there is two months
of good wheeling yet
Wented e. young si;e7g hoe to *et es ofeee
b°/grt,IVIcre"r °tam at scow,
• 11. 6: G. Andersor4 IL A., (1 Franklin Mao -
Lean, of Toronto to Alma only daughter of
, Dr,. S. B. Swale.'
W41/2-0AMPBBLL-At the home of the
bride s parents on, Sept 19th,by Rev. R Hobbs,
Albert J Waite, of Toronto, te Elle& E.,young-
, est daughter of Duncan Campbell, of Wing.
JA3eIBSON-In. Iiidlett, Huron read, On
Sept. 26, of the late AleX,hitidsdateatt.
yOU to attend the Fcgest I PETRTE-In Egmondville, on the 21s2. Int,
City Business and Shorttand Chlin"Tetrie' "6(169 ""8'
PIONV,PARDEN-Itt ilaborne,on the 18th inat,
College, London, Ont. Prac- Mrs Albert PenWarden, (nee Front') aged 20
rBeewlirail'Eari 71 Yearii, 2 months..
Ltical Instruction in, practical mut, -,ThiTee
swatter, Sept 9, Benjamin B
subjeets. For over fifteen
years we have been in touch vatsrieedlit AlTenlitiriarriarc,sell!
with young people and their "lirt:Entiegellti,rnbizidindtar.1:56thil, Alma
n, aged 8 Youths.
llan0d0dfiiis ft:edquthirOomblIoneitlIB!S8 world
NALL1t-etn Ilan r. l,h John /
Metilg: father of A, McNally, of Blyth,liaged
Every facility at command " p
for aiding young people before soh ef Wm. King, Or wawititost
KThiCf-ln Chicago,on Ny4. Vth, ete
Batt eaMlio43
glove, A quantity of second hand stoves cheap.
•Clinton. ' We will have two full cars of stoves for our fall trade, making ore of the
largest and beet seleoted stook of stoves in Western Ontario, and ear prices ere as low
as the loweet, quality • considerea. A full Mock of Radiate:a suitable for at y size of
Home" for economy of fuel and ease of management, over one hundred now need in
- - - • -tinnally invented none equal the ,gdRadlant.
duced, although new ?Wens are he irg con -
The best that the brains ,oimen ever. Pro-
EarlanHdBros.Hardwart, 4te
Stoves, ruware
Expert° in Hot Air and Hot Water Heating and Plumbing.
The Tonic for Rot Weather •
Our Improved preparition of Reef, ikon and Wine.
There's nothing like it in hot weather, to keep,up health
• and strength; sharpens the appetite, strengthens and in •
vigorates the•entire eviler°, pleasant to take.
One or two,bottles of this excellent tonic will make a won- •
derful improvement in health and strength
. price '75cper pint bottle.
J. E. HOVEY Dispensing Chemist, C1int4
Five special lines of
New Fall Dress Goods
• French Flannels,
The regular 60c line for 50c•
Dress Goods
:Fifty skirt ends in 12 different patterns fancy black
extra value $2.50 per skirt end.
A lot of new mantles, latest styles, from $3, regular
Dry Goods prices.
Shirts and Drawers
The celebrated "Stanfield Unshrinkable" guaranteed',
• not to Ethrink with any kind of washing.
Blankets - • - . -
A few pairs not quite up -to sample, $2 and $2.50 a pair.
and after graduation. 7.60161164 -In 1,,iorriti, oitS•lit, 10 As: Ograig,
We are cloing superior •work. ' aged" ri/4" 4nd "3"nth.'
results prove it. ' ro.Pirrgnr4—ingrel,nainare'resatt aggtined(16471/ySeeaprett "arni
Send for our catalogue and "iratmi4-ingtaisttl oti mondar, sad,.
College. Journal. Stith, Peter Breurtan,ogeaft7 seers,
Prof. William Fleymou: of Tete
.4. W6 woolcultlituti shot himself at the home of ble atteil.
rrit1010%1 in Madoe audit) dead.
Robt. Coats & Son
0000000110•09000 •.....
Bieck or Mixed—Priceg 25a, 400 out 500 a pound,
Ready to viretr ClOthitig
lihoresoe Clothing gives eatisfaction to the wearer. The goods how whioh
they ttre made is sponged and shrunk before being out, Every garment is
well out, well lined and welt nude, We have now a full range el suite and
overooate in stook and will be pleatted to have yen insp.& them. Prices aril
low, quality is high.
W. L. 0131111ETTE, to*ciasiv'bro.