HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-09-28, Page 3• • '444,47171'1,1!1(' "7.1 -77,0,17-7,7A.Piew-irc-Aory, THE ORDEArOF FIRE Be Wise Tow Day P'1.07"7"4, SCARED THE DIVER. • , THE CLINTON NEW ERA das Unpleitiont Experience With 0 . ISan ;Intim; -61***rir, fdYST1FYING arrEs casanKren BY ' , ,-,--. ,,,. • An old deep Nee diver wee relating his . THE ORIENTALS. • 118 11191118S TO UFO . . .....-.H.sea; OXPerlencee rind told of One\ narrow eel [ 4,17 first reel fight Wee oft the Wind. et Demerara in the aaribbeen See, X . ' Pit Vnbltraed-Dr. *locket* Sow This .' Y 17.. 0 11 are Weary, Wornout, , istuant employedenie a 0 nit: .r nworkedl tilt:r ettrugro i vbefe kilts ina Stone.' and Emerging Fenn* the Pune and Describe. the Mi. Ailing or Sick, Use Andrew tan*, whohas written ex- . Oli the lob. I/VW called upon to accept Ston 't with SCOTT'S • Paine's Celery Compound swat* that those Watere Were Infested oil 4 , . 'Vralkintr Ntritis Dare Feet Over Irlana. 0.* work. I Wee It trine loath, tor I we,EMU LS I 0 Isi of Cod Liver teusively on mYttate rituals and strauge With eherks and other large aud denier - human practices), has made a collection . • Otlaflshl bd., being mimed they would • A little coughing le nothing eh. , agreed to do the Worlt end ., g, t perieaces et badracMeeheck and ablest phynicians, veri ot stories that remind one of the ex- Preierlbed 'fiverrnritere by the notreoleit me And my exchequer beteg --theticklinthamakesakes You ' o*itiliegco. lin India, Japan and a num- startedieirrn. cougonce, is some dust; not •"Dciniting ntwiner ons bright Ora survives which is known as the "fire The impularity of Paineie Celery Coto- Ing, I got over the side of the beet, and the least barn). You scratch ber f the south see islands a eastern still ty - • * ' they received the danger signel I began The life isaug powere end seem," Sornetinies it is prefaced witb pound is wide 0111,1 extended; ivirtues of de4; te nom ere lifter admonishing My attendante to Oil 'ail itch, and forget it, This ' incantetions, and it isusually followed Imul n Y. t Me Up ee fast as Btrength would rermit it cough is scratching an itch by a feast.. The religious pert of the Pairie'e Oefery °output:id are landed by to descend. I had scarcely gone 26 feet But the cough, that hangs peremony„ is Conducted by priests. The the OW401)4313010, tite weelibY as well when I saw a 42"8"1111 ill" eatint. . on and comes back, is a sign er ifi of the custom, both in respect tO. AS by the humble sons and daughters a shark within a hundred feet of me. • . ,, .. i . time and place, Is appareatlyN,unknown, of Mit It bee saved lives of all emiditione "Ugh, how I fent Perspiratien broke or an nen that bangs on and at a loss to !pow what t o, If I E /back. 'There is Some- . hilt it is possible that the rite has now of people eller the lailur.ee of honest . and out all over me. and I grew weak. _I was pom s .: detail. Peane'il Celery Compound is more talked up, he might seize Me 1.4 the legeandthin that makes that itch. lost some of ite earlier significance and worthy .pliyokaane. of, disoessed. preeoribed and inquired WO cure them off. Sul had no eilre to inflamation a germ; it's The essential fetiture of the perform- than any other known remedy, anti no part with such faithful servants. -The bed bf gtenes that have been rendered this time whenmen and women kind of a fish I was, He appeared to be g . note, at least from the point of view' of ober medicine ever had 1111011 Strong 8134 OW shark was 'laying to,' calmly watch- alive ; like a seed. in moist warm . the uninitiated, is iffalltieg barefoot over convincing teconioninic, hve km me and apparently wondering what round ; it will grow if you let red or whiteliot by fire, The stones are been Ushered into a season of rapid Iliad in e thoughtful mood and no doubt was it, even in children. that ired in New Eiigland for a risks if swill troubles as rheutuatient, seen' me before. Now, 1 had no ambition preinlaid at the bottom of anexeavatinn like danethey Brons changes, incurs feakful speculating as to whether he had Over Take SCOTT'S EMUL- Rhode Island clambake. Legs are Out neuralgia, kidney and liver complegote, to become acquainted with his sbarkship. ,ION of -Cod Liver Oil. and rocky foundation, and these are then ig. are neglected, The nee of Paine's Celery but I didn't . raise e fuse . with hire- ' , the germ will die. Into suitable lengths and piled over the .stomach derangemente and blood diseases 1.did net like the way he regarded me, 1 nited. Prom four or five bonee to a day campaand will (viol& regulate the nerve'', about it . . . , . ., it -you have not ttiedzit, Fred let Ito fr" le enhanMed .1n this4 mere ee-the prepare- clearimi the blood, banish eleepiessneso, aTtie great fish °Rented tci hate deter- -;54m0re,Ple'ettsiseattietegnble:ta•cseterewiiiits?uiPriTsoerZuo. tion, hi h h of course neural ia end rheumetism and put the liVer upon -semething He began t6 iota sc all dra esti. n, w c as been preceded, * c 5 . andSz.00: g „, by the work of digging -the Pit Or oven ,and itiarieye in perfeet working codidition. nu ens emote, 'My time 'has come, I• ' 7 ° 'and arranjing its reeky foundation. The ' Paine's Celery Compound ie not a patent said matins,. • Raising his head, he , embers having been hastily raked „ off medicine; it is a great phyriolan's pre- started. forward like a flesh. I nerved THIEVES" -SLANG. ' and e redhot or white hot maritime having .soription fully recognizedby . our most myself for the shock, but It was not at . 7 '4714.4,1Vsc ,;" • Fooling The Excellency. %he action of a number of Yankee Malcontents in Dawson 'City in pre- senting an addrees to the 0,reernor,. General setting forth all sorts of al. bi %end a ggroll de Lai andc e et a nt ha e outrages,(2/oos erv1has e who were finding their Yukon scandals sensation petering- out badly. It is scarcely neceseary to examine the dole. ument very closely to estimate its I Value. The statement that "popula- tion had been driven from the Yukon" by harsh regulations', that the Country WAS "Ou the verge of rebellion," and that the people had "suffered worse flair 111=1: g1:1 altI•temittil:'eetijAirsdasoft general reliability of the "facts" set forth, end of the trustworthinees of the petitioners. Against this, howeVer, itmaay not be eat of place to quote the opinion of Father R. P. Gendreete Apostolic Vic- armn theYukon, Who has `lint .0mo Oa. Re sayst--44I, P.M absolntely ' and the OpPosition, but I can say this partial as bettfeed the Goyeentatent, in•defenee of the Yoke))) that I live read the complaints Made in the House of Commons and in' tbe newspapers AS to the adminietration of the Yukon, and fifteeresixteenths are grossly ex- aggerated. It wonld be a miracle i1. here wete no complaints, for it must be remembered that the Yukon is a new country, where everything has to he originated and at ee long distance front the seat of govetnMent, but no exception can be taken, arid the Gov- ernment seems anxious to consider all • jest complaints. Besides, many com- plaints are made by American minere, and it is not prudent to take an'ipepel all that these people say, been 1exposed, severel Men descend into eminent doctors in the treatment of diet:mitts. • me he wait aiming. It was at one Of the Both are Winners. --t- 17 acrbss the stones. In most eases they 4i/offerer-. - . -in the top of .the helmet.. He tiwallosted , Oppositionists. are a superstitions lot the oven and walk more or less leisure- A trial a one bottle will oonVinoe eVerY large air glebeles that ripe- from the vent suffer no apparent • harm. • • • • It at one gulp, then stopPed. In. a, um:, any Way. A prominent Conservative • One of the narratives was presented toinent he began to make bavoluntarY offer- at the Capital, speakingof Hugh John's New Zealand institute in 1898 bycenDdent of the U.S..is Visaing in Montreal. r. Mrs. Grant, widow of the late Presi• ings Aso old leather Neetune, tor,the hub- theatrical -appearance in federal pole T. M. Hocken_ and describes a se ble was.an emetic to him. He seemed to ities exclahned with Ws it great which he witneised in one a s the Pi • 1 isleintire'-ltiberfel;'20' miles smith a Suva. . • , • . . •••••.1m111•••••••••• fl b ti fled With his lunch of cora mind t ke of luck for net he's the Man we oxygen and hydrogen,for he swam hut- want,7for he's never been beaten," A ' Through the co-eperatiou of civil officers Plies =iron In 3 to 6 nightie- riedly away." change is good for eyery man, and the and the steamship company the small One application gives reliefDr: Agnew's chances are good for a consiaerable elan cio Mlienga• thiat- kW possess the change in Mr. Macdonald's experiences Ointment is a boon for Itehing Piles tar won'derful power was persuaded to give . thus respect. By the way, haw will A SUWON A SANK - • ond several mhites .40.pom. Blind.Bleeding Piles It. relieves quickly • _ 0 An exhibition the:Muer) thisinstance f "r Mr dent 8119oed It. - 4 "ernment meteorologist, carried_ it *her- without a rivet. Thousands of testimonials , , , rP -Poled 'the 'iltetcir. One of them, a got- and pennatiently: In skin erupbonsit stands TIVIairr Trial( bv Whist', the re° " Sifton has aliao proyed'Invinci le hith ertoe If therefore, unbroken . success is When these guests arrived . toometer that would register up to 400 t ... you want *eidetic°. ss centn--23 "A run on a bank is a funny thing," ft guarantee of future yictory it is ap- : degrees F. e said the old .banker, who was ta a rem- pticabie teethe mtting xrember as to -, _ • . on the Scene, they fiennd-latindrede of na- Sold by Sydney 401tetin,,dreggist,0110on. iniseent weed. '-9t Will start without the his too Ambitious opponent, . It is to ' Wes assembled in chiergeteristie-Piji ecite ' - - • ' - slightest cause, and You ilaVer • knew be feared that Hugh john has been ill :Thine. The PreDeentions bad been under-- . when to expect it. .It may -be only a ru- advised in time jeopardiling his record; takee leng enough_in advance. to avert . tnor, it may be in the air, e,ndthe deed is the pitcher that goes often to, tbe well ! . . , ...done Many a good bank hits gone to' the ii$ belied to be breken at last, , any *day. ;The °Veil wii 25 or DO feet long and: fi• feat brteld and Was shaped like a saucer. The deepest part of the depression .was 16 feet long: `eleitors saw the iltOneS yet covered ember8. which Were removed in •tlielr presence by means ed long melee bearing love* of: green withese The Liberal Government has met all theexpenditure of the past year, - -including the $2,000,000 for the contingents to South Africk and hes not added one *topper to the debt during the year. • ' • wall eimply Isectiuse there was no way to - , know that 'tileun was la, Drooped; arid there 'are times when the smuttiest bank BEST REMEDY IN THE WORLD, FOB In the world could . not steed, an tiller; y • --e 'CATARRH, ' • ' peeted run. • • ' • ' • • . ,, ., "A•numberof years ago, when I wee' •Mise, /livid° Ma. Kennedy, of Kingston, ; I hi f a bankin N B ettyte--- i'lzhaye reled Catarrhozone Walking beside the pit beiore this stage 44.1.6**P064‘114.1*****-.Y44.44,-**** , the leterier of the 'State, The bank was for Catarrh lincl ithink it in the beat remedy of the proceedings,the man with •the ..in FOOLED THE' SERGEONS itc'gokel. `cenditiett. ind -nerfeCtiy. sena, in the world for that dieemn" . ° Catarrho- thermometer reeogded a temperature of „.,,,;„ „ ,..,:,_ .. , ,,_ _ . ' and we did not •dreanv that our credit zone is a *Ff• aeleati$0 lireatageat,.tlial 114 degrees. Alter the "donee were un- • alltiobtors'Aolu Renick' ,Hemilton. of i !would. he questioned. But one . day, a oar& catarrh; asthma, bronohitiii andirrit., covered he hung his instrukomit out ovot West Jefferson, 0.., after Buffering 18 run was stetted withontwatning, and in- able throat. Very:element. Jena effeotiVit the center otthe Oven, six feet above the . months from Redid laisteliA, be *mild. die ' side° of two hours there WAS a howling , te nee, contain e no deleterious drugs. Oat. • stones'whereuponn the inercury rose to unlese a costly operation was 'nerfOthedi Mel) around the -batik, and we ,reelfzed •arriatmoneis for We by all reliable dreg. 282. The polder wad melting, , and the brit he Cored himself with Booklen's 4roita that we hurl A iterims Atuatiou, to ,eneegiant. *Trial Outfit sent for ita: it stamps instripnentias liable to be ruined if left • Salve, the best in ,the world. Stared "Ir was eiroply irnPossible for in to • to 'N. 0: Pelson &-Cia.egingston, Ont., pro n ion ngerWbat - tinre on earth , 260 cetati a box. Sold bY meet all the detaailds•but I paid out the niteter!* • " ithat ; any lo. . • the temperat ' e oe the stones them- " ail druggists. funds that we had. on hand, knowing full • - selves can onfi be conjectured, but rit. The French army nia,noeuvres were Well that it was a euestion Of only a good ilittoniih to Bart :13Ore ot eken &der s that they were "vrhite taken part in by 97 00Q wen and 2A,000 few minute!' When we, woUld be obliged . • . 11 hot" dud' that. tote iteMett from ' mnall horses. . : . .. . - to lose. . - . • - . ... . * • • • The average ra e . o Inc e e 'Coale betWeen "the stones Could be seen - „::.. ...s ..., ,..: „ "Fleetly the president of the: 'balk . atm a total trade from 108C18 tol„Wati weep. st J4. einunelorecatead. Lbw. GIL ,came -to me. and said in a lair *Meer - -1 '. .SM00,0aitr., !Longo] f th increase._,.from ......_letteing..131taround_theez-..--:.:,. - ---.--7. Two. the Men Who Were to walk , fiSaltilY.-:• Eteleatelly tlenefiebtl to thosefont- years of Liberal '''141bnild you up, iiill'intilie YOU fat and «'g0w ankh longer can We hold out? ' Mo O who are "all run down."' -"Manufactured wiping the beads Of. perspliration front , nal inae.i.ttration, 'Wee At the tate of 835, - Hocken the fire were examiated by Dr. t! 'Not , over ten minutes' 1 • rettlied, Hocken befote their daring net., ' Thor . almost ten tinies greaten wore garlands about the neekkand valet. ' hy thoDavis,&-Lawrence Co,. Idal,;-?- my brow. tow. . . ' 500,UUU, or b Moredyer t erate.14. steadily Indrettainsg.. and there is every po ' Their feet and legs were .entirely liate. - The Chinese Minister at raohc:oit has : • "Celpilse and. deliberately he reached .. Tytttr b.XT.our. dee Texterminationf the B bin, roiled it lengthwise, gem* to the , --e..- . 8 e" a 0titi indication,, that a tenth -mane° of The soles were sat end flexible, showing r ei ed an important edict, which ot - over to the money case, ,piriced up a $10 "a that they had not beep rendered perms. ere the o Oxen, rb present 13 1 will mean a co te nently canoes in any *aye In order to WILL WORE 'AT: NIGHT stove and lit It; then, *Rhea a' gtibier uance Cr this11 en gr .. 11 did oeetia The • the end and proceeded tolight It from tbe -b U ne r tiv Change e th 4 ey , are.given e ° e -II i ' if th th ya et, . mover threaten to detect clieMicals` that .might have been Countlees thorithtiadishave &Mild a blessing of an eyelid, he produced it -cigar, bit off 9 0 • A. "wire" is another term for piekeock- et. A- drunken person is known es a "dem- i:ato One Who tells- tills ia designated an a "heeler." A policeman. In neiforra is mild. to be tn "harness."" A Policonan in dress is • calleb. • Piclipeckete are "clips," and Dinners" - an "elbow." . • ..4F,4`..steiletli!!. tire' assistants,: . " • When a thief has been frustrated in a design, he is said to 'have had a'"1611." • • Te "switch" in for one thief to transfer an accompliee 'whatever Mender he has • !Trete or biding Place in which val- . stables are hidden ,or Stored is known as a "register.".- • • • .. "One Stitch" means one, year in the Pen- itentiari; ,"two stitches": paeans two years, and so on. "A graft" is that .at which a lawbreak, 'er is -meet proficient -49r instance, crackle Ing a ege ,or picking a pocket. , • "To work the ehertr metros to relieve people their valuables tut they either alight from or hoard e street car, The Individual who hes the faculty of feetning the arritgetecet Of a hotine ,•be robbed is knoern as a '"honee prowl." , ' The inateidual 'who an expert in re- moving bills and papers from a purse or pocketbook without extracting the etbeok.icealied :a "weeder." . . • nen a • town is -on fire "- a -"crook" applied ter thie occasion the doctor, did to the body in 1)4 Icing's Now Lim pine. c once, and by returmng to the old not hesitate to Use touch, smell and taste. wbioh positively. cure COnstipation, Slott He licked the natives' feet with truly sci- Headsche, Diszinese, Jaundice, Malaria, entitle zeal. But no•teplanation of what Fever and Agile skis -es Liver and Stomaeh, was to MOW could be discovered. Plaid- troublee. ' rarely . vegetable; never gape ly, at at "sippeleted IsIgnal, the seven or or weaken. Oniy 25 oents at all drug 'toren eight natives Who. tO6 pa n a p ir • formanee 'came down in singte 810 to the The people' of Pane, Ont., are agitating ceased. We didn't even lose the $10 bill, even and thin walked acmes' the stones 10 hove the government oreet a IMW customs as the president was careful enough to house and posit:ace, to replace the burned see that there wee enough left to be re - from one end to the °thee of the pit. They spent less than half it minute there. buildings , deemed " ./ Immediately after they etherged Dr. , , . could find no sign of burning or blister- 501,11th111010160.0 Kidney ours .13VABVING CHILDREN, , Hocken again inspected. their feet, but _ • 2 .,. .. .. hag. . is the Only 14 s) treatment that has proven Thousands of well-fed children are start, - in which the ,pastiage wog made no .iess r i'theso. physical regulators, Hun- right kind. They are thin, pale and deli.. TA burning bill. tariff conditions of 1890, return also to "That move saved•thehienk. The man the okt trade cOnditions of stagnation to whom at that moment I watt handing •,.• and uncertainty. The country is hies balance gasped and then, ebovieg the tcarcely likely to give them thepppor- money back, said he would leave it. It unity. eras the turn of the- tide, and the run Another historian mentions a fire walit Mug tOCOrtVtidlthe evils that are likely ing, simply btu:lento their food is not of the than tire tifneti.'e Mins Teeira Henry re- 5 of testimonials to prove the curative este, Soott's Emulsion will change all counts similarlimidents in 'the Polynesian Ple tit of thi.theeld kidney specific incases this. It gives vim and vigor, flesh and , Journeleand edrIP that her own sister and of right% disease, diabetes, irritation taf form „ , a nlece also walked over the stenos. Mr. the bladder, iefiamrnation, , dropsical , ArraHoustonmatted of shooting Lang picked tip stories of the predict In. tendency. Deal uelay.-22 and ladling another bey nained Ste- n, Where vera -, ': , Sold by Sydney Jackson, druggist,-01inion, phone, Was acquitted at Chatham. Jan, sel wonaeffrlaretended to have done the same thing, although . Laka-Liver Pills are the led` s' favorite corroborative evidence ii lacking. ' , , - • mithartio, as they . do riot gri 9 or peen, An Englishman who ti-lict the eXpeil- ti, 0, Jones, Divisional (Superintendent. noon or weaken or 0111188 t 8 eliPted moat hinieelf, end was accompanied in of the Grand Trunk ItailWay at Toronto, inoonvenience, Price 25o., all druggists). his undertaking by three of 'hie fellow has been promoted to be sdperintencient of eountryinen, turniehes 'Mr. Ling with a' the eastern division, with beedqUerters at • Gilbert Parker the Oanediatt noyel- inwas chola° by the LlOnseryatives 4 Short ae001113t. Be is Colonel Gudgeon. Montreal, in place Of Mr Herbert, who hie -, f 'Gravesend England, as their candi- British retident on one of the Societe ise ' resigned to ecioept a position under another u•-• 6 - Made, Italatea. The glowing stones On road. Mr P. N, Egan has been appointed date for i, . he Onimons. this otcaelon afforded a path 12 feet long Superintendent at, Toronto. SEVENTEEN YEABS'OP TORTURE, The net nt, walking over them preceded 04erant-ae,we,re) of subttitutes for Pain -•II had a bad cough for eerenteen yeare." the ceremony of cooking the ti plant and .„11.111er....., There. lanothing-Ilinet,as .good."-- --weiserldreatull.-0' amiltonrolLaWaviller .......____was--first•-perfortned-'by-wlidest end -hie- Unegnelled for out, 'sprains and bruises. Too. t.Ne dootor or medicine, could cure attendant. They Went down into the internally for all Weal disorders. Avoid it tialtil 00 'year ego I began to ' me Dr. oven, leaving the pit the priest offeted a biter- pan lenyithere is but ono Pain-Killerne, 250. ata 500. King's New Ditor Consumption, hearing brancheof the ti tree.. s 'On substituteli o ng'or tiOeverY cated branch to Colette) Gudgeon, saying, , which -did nits more good then all other Itis truly "r hand my pewee over to you." The at- • ' . medicinet I ester abode It it grand tendril:ft did the Mine to one of the other eure for stubborn CoughslOolda and Throat L troubles " Voativsly cures Con. whites. The. remaining two Englishmen held no ti brenehes, het merely walked behind Colonel Gudgeon. Three of there matted without harm. The fourth, who, by 4 the Ivey, looked backward, after starting, was somewhat burnej, Often brabehetrof fit Were throWn on top Of the stenes in hour triter arid took fife; this Diet affords a hint of the heateh4Yht Colonel Gudgeon ears: "I felt something resembling slight electric ehocks, and the tingling tensetione core tinned -hours afterward, but thet watt all, The tender skin of my feet Walt not sten haidened by fire," Ail such venturee do not result so WO* pfty Several -at:Motto are reported. At Relates, for inetance, the.waikere Were burned etough on one PC0111110)1, to be eefei for liteOeeyie The Brahnian master ' of tereMonlee explained, however, that "the cOiltrOl of the fire was net NO torn* Neter as oath because the image* of the tanetnery bad been defiled by the tottelt of Mohammedans In the crowd." 40. sequently -at tlenarett, *hen sacred imager) wero!earried through the fire end cocoanut Wag tittowtt intro the oven, three litodooe *ho were obserting the epertatio Win against one another and tell lilts the pit. It is Mitred that thel muted uttharmett • iraY11400 hIt ‘ittgitattito le on steriboi tits gamins Waft Brome•Quinine um* '. th.. remedy thet mesas it itenit te stee nay If is sgetkonnesd the* Andrei!" *Sitar*, OSPerial pony pornsitit with the Nor I0464 DON1 CROWD. Don't crowd; thie world Is large enough Pot you es well ine; The doors of all are open wide; . The Mint of tholight is fres. Of an earth's places, yott aie right To choose the -beat you etee - Provided that you do hot tty . To crowd 'some other man. . Whet natter though you ecarce esti count your piles of golden ore, While he can hardly Wive to keep- ilattnt Wattle from the doort Of willing hands and honest hearts Altele should men be proudt Then site him all the tooth he heed* And hetet try to crowd. Don't crowd, proud mile Tour dainty Ole none the lite Ilecanistiredinet in contact With A beggar'. tattered chera- Ilan lovely World wits never ends For you mid Me tiOlVi1 , The metier het right ta tread Whet, ton throne. Don't creed the good front nut Ye hurt Dy toteeting eft tiente bed, But ittio to awry ',WWI room-. The hot tea, rosy be la& De each deers record such ors Tett you nitY *ell be moue; tfisceeeft hit right. Mee each Whet* And *Mir ttk to ow& • CASTOR1 or Mau at Chtitta. end Wig stimption, Pneumonia, Grip, Bronohitia, Astbme, Hey Fever and Croup. Prim 60o and $1.00, Gueronteed. Tett bottles free m *II drug atores. _ c able received from Lieut..001onel Biggar, Cape ToWn, states that MU of the &et contingeot had elected to re- turn toOttna.da within the year of their service, HE /If AWONDER., AU who me Mr Ca.),001liet, of Cherokee, Iowa, to he is eoW, oheerful,erect. Viet:node, Without an ;Who, ociuld lordly believe he •is the earn° men who, a short tinie ego. hmd to sit in a chair, proled up by ellthe suffering latenatily rota en oohing bet ak in. aptly if he tried to stoop All catered by ohronie"kidney trouble, that no modiahlagr helped till he Oiled' lilleettio Bitters anti wae wholly curved by three Potitivgy auto' nacksigie, Nor- VOusness, Loos „of Appetite, all Kidney toublok., Ortiy soo as An drag atom" An explosion of gag at the works of the Standard. Ottettlida1.0innpany, Dee,- eronto, (Matted a Mate that for a time threatened the deetruction of the plant. To ilitterime 1st 01, ftsallitay..-Tha dictum to atop eating because you hem Iran* god* Ibt long stem been exploded. • Dr, Von Styes fitaappte Tablets Introduced 11 not we in the treettMent of stonath Voubtes. It lute pteved thsitone may ent hit fill of Anything *net the meel eld, the stomach le doing ite Ind evetythingtrelishes, and one tablet taloa Work. 6o in , 35 Mate.* „ 13014 by Sydney Iee loom dreggietiOlittion It is reported that Sit Batted) Saton will succeed Sir Oleude Afeedoneld Ise British A.mbeetalor INSTANT RELIEF. Mr Robt. Jennings, . Mansfield, Ont. writes t "I have need one &Atte of De Low's Toothaobe Gumefor severe.toothaohe ranrdre:i.•T ved instant relief, Besides thisit acted as a eplendid temporary filling. ioa ***Arkkarirkirirkirk************ The total iliareASS 11; OW trade of Canada during the entire 18 yam that the Coneervativeswere in officio amounted to $66,006,000. The in- crease in trade during the -4 years of Liberal rule was more than twiee m much as during the entire term of their predecessors in °film, being $134,000,000 1neans that a eity or location is not fer- tile in valuables or that it its best net to ply the trade because of the vigilance of SARNIA LADY Tells How Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills Cured Her Ner- vous Troubles and Strength- ened Her Weak System. Milburn's Heart and Seterloills are tut inestimable boon to anyone Suffering from any disease or derangement of the heart or nerves or whose blood is thin and watery. Mrs. E. Horning, of 115 George Street, Sarnia, Ont., 1. one of these erhose expert - since with thid remedy is Well worth con- sidering. It is asfollowat-u I stra pleased to ree eammend Milbindi Heart and Nerve Pills to Anyone suffering from nerve trouble? no Matter how sevens tar,of how long standing. For years My nerves have beetvin a terribly weak cortdition, but Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills, which I gat at Geary's Pharmacy, have strengthened them greatly and invigorated my system, leaving me no excuse for not making known their virtuee. "I cannot retrain from recommending these pint to all sufferers AO a splendid cure for nervousnest and weakness." ' saffillesi, S TABBIES Doctors find i 0 d re lintlicortd.iii 161.0.1 *ANTICIkp-A. seri ea 40•11 hoses Owe It'l•Pktiliwill let beefeer." The, tri tule dna promise -hie. 4me gives PAW. Note it ttd, it•I P A l•rn'oe vaciare ewe N este a* soh4tieule, 141 ?A 'a se for I tmiti, liqrs ▪ be At 'by irue atmd T,••• 11.0.14411% •r. oSachntrulibill Witutobik.iwif Ar alluded •.• 411 iddrClal !Ai Soo ern* itiAnitclotts is the *Wee t3temw..1 Co.. No ye elpstie• lanset. Now 4 noi;;;;Mierero 01101111 .4,610(1.,i,,14i.).1,1611111i) AVegetablePreparotiontorAs- sitnitatlatthelood 1141400.14011:4 ttodOolloto of September 28, 1900 SEE TI -IAT THE FAC -SIMILE SI9NATURE Porriptes'Aestiongkeeiful-, ness and nest.contains neither Opium.14orpbite- ItOrillherat CYr NAlic °Tic. .7e44arota.ve,rdimuorzr-R Anprd. atracoat.feetw • Z4 -leve firponnint - Sred - Sugar • nowt rany4 _ MEM M•••••••••••• Apettect Remedy for Constipa- lion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea, 1 Worms ,Couvutsiorts,reverisit-; Ress atyl I.40S SLUE lacSunileif,riature.,of afe/-1. NEW 1"0111t. At te morseefre old • 35 Dosis -35 CENTS - IS OZT TUB WRAPPER or. EMI' BOTTLE 0 ()Astoria -Is eat im ia one -she bottles only, /4 It not sold la belle Don't allow anyone to sell you anything else On the plea or promise that it ' Is "just as goOd". and °will answer every pir. pose." Pr Bee that you set 04 -13 -T -0.3.I. -A. ailyat COPY OF WRAPPER. . .. , . simile . ' . ises • .Tho iso- • • • slant= . eft/ Ango- • - , ot ,. • , - wripple.,, 0 .. - . SEPARATING AND sprrING The valoe of the Cream Separator, is . now so well understood that any two. m..sat for its use, would .appear super- . fluone. The followiee will, however, be of intermit. At a trial made at the Mender Daily , School some time ago. the alerages of 48 experiments wi41‘.a g1TQA 911111131 of milk were 100 Tree'rte butter from the Separator, as compared with 59 lbs of butter et•ooa milk set in open plum for 24 boars, 613 lbs of butter when ' it was Set for 36 hours, 73 lbs of butter when it was set for 42 hours, and 76 las when set for 54 hours. It may be taken -for grant- ed that the use of the.Separater gives 25 per cent more arm= than &Wapiti= of skimming, tf von are a rlaiOrnan, 'think over these facts. Can von afford to go on dairy heftiness in which there im a wade of one quarter. Ilny Sharples Cream Separator andeethue secure st1 theprofit that is that is to: -be had in the dairy business. _ W.R.S. machine oapaoity 300 lbs, $75g No.lmeohine on stand capacity325, 590. • Zany terms of payment. Write to -day. W. L. Ouiniette Londesboro. fugar Sugar Just to hand, second oar Redpath Extra Standard granulated and YelloW sugar. We sell in bbl lots efts than wholesale sell in 50 bbls. Special pries irt 100 pound lots arid dollars, TEA Black TEA TEA Green Japan We hieteliiiit 256 tea in town, extra nice Japan tea 20o, agents for Than, Ltd's, Appleton, Monsoon end Bine Ribbon teas in packages. • Exenieite Dinner, Tea. Toilet, Giese end 'Wider little. We expect this, Weds tWo Orates direct from the manufauturere in Staffordshire, England, bought before. the advance of 16 to 20%. We *re selling at old prices, you will nage 25% by buyinp from no. Oall and examine goods and prices before* you buy. • J.W. IR, w - Clinton Exeter lieu AT NO :EXTRA COSI' . kinds of Small Field Seeds, as Timothy, Red and Alike Clovers. Headquarters for Turnip,. \Mangold, Cerro Seeds. Fresh Groceries and Canned Goods. Our speolatty is Tem. Try 3unI60 Teo. Other;varietlea eusb1yae oheap. Bigheetranerket price veld le WM for eggs. Buggies We are selling Buggies for three of the best \dirriage Companies in Canada. GREY AND SONS, CHATKAIL BRANTFORD CARRIAGE CO. CANADA CARRIAGE CO., BROCKVILLE. and the well known BAIN WAGGON. We are sellipg twine made by. the very best makers at reasonable pikes. Also agent. f * Lor the Alexander and Mallotte Oraaat Separator, and -Massey Harris :Bicycle*. Saniples caul* seat at the shop, Masa Sixeet. Geo. La General bunlement Dealer, 9