HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-09-28, Page 2• September 28 MC •••••••••••rnliA,••••• THE CLIN101Y NEW Bali. _ Th 0 Wei/lay Glebe Per an Election Porecast• .Crisp .County Clippings„ ThO Winton' NOW Ere at the The tfanadlatal $1.65 .and a picture of battle Of PanirdeharE We will BOO the Weekly Globe and. Olinton New Era for one year to 007 address in Canada or the United States. together with a plature • of "The Canadiauent the laettle efteardehurg" for 11.05 cosh. Kr HArallton, the one* report- er, who was present at the battle, deooribee the plothre ea n eAeellent 900 The oceelathetion offered i Worth $2. Now is the time to subaoribe. H.11ohnellielllltoll., SOW** • WORTH RERB311.111RING. In 1877 Sir Charles Tupper Pledged his ceputatioo fie a. pitArlicaman that if the neople of Canada would return his party to power he and his associates weolle hr their Poller, within two 'yearesectire reciprocity with the Unit- ed Stater?. ▪ The electors, in MS; took Sir Charles at his word. They returned a majority to Ruppert the policy promoted by iiim, • Did Sir Charles keep his word ? Did he secure reciprocity with the • United States In two a ears, as he sol- emnly jiinibleed 2 - Not a bit of it. For eighteen years, by one device or another, Sir Charles andhis paiticalaspociates managed to relate power in Canada. But vrben they were driven from power, in 1898, they were no neat obtaining Vetipro- city with the Val ed States than they veere when he pledged himself to com- pel it in 1877. Indeed, they were furth- er olf. .,- -Now. on the eve of another general election, we find SW- Charles at fibroids tricks. This time he is endeavoring to ,foot the electorate by apromige that if returned to power he will compel the British people' to again- revive the corn laws -to revolutionize their Wide , In Makes no difference to the trade restrictionist leader that no Plitaie Man In England taken any stock in his promises.He pays no attention • to the feat tiakt Mr • ()hal:Ober-lain has said that no Orange in the fiscal polio of Great Britain, , :Which did not pecvide for:free' ztrade, between alt parte of, the erapire including Great Hiitain, will everbe; considered':bMatilda • stares.. Gathered from ali emcee from the conversation of travellers, from the newspapers and from the general vou. flirter; and feeling of the country, the composition of the irext arliament will be about ea follpws ; Lih. Oon, P•E. IA •Ad ••••••.41,11I10 4 1 N. 8 12 8 ()Mario. 4 444444 4*1•9 50 42 Quebec 45 20 N. W. T 4 B. 0 44 1,444,0-44V0 2 Manitoba 4 e ..... . 0 1 Total 185 7$ • This gives Wilfrid Laurier's govern - Ment a- maJority of 57,-Brandon.Sura. •ft enteehleln. g.-Whai is the total' `amount of the expenditure on :replica 10aount in Mir 'Mond 1899? - • A-$18-,603,000. Q. -What was the hareem in the net debt of the: Dominion inahese three rare? A. --e7,776,012. ta-Elo „that nearly fourteen inilllona worth of public/ improvements were' ob•. Mined for a debt increase of under eight millions? • • : • A.-Tes. • Q,, --What were the capital expenditures In the last three years -under 'the Censer' naives? . • A.-010,844,970. Q. -And whet was the debt inoreese In • these year*? ' ' A.-416,818,892. . • Q. -.Then in this period of •Donservative rale Wisest nearly seventeen minions of an addition to the debt to erasure ten millions of improvements? . Q. -How, then, do the records .of the. two governments oceliptire? • A....-9.te Liberals were sia millions to the good; the Conservatives six and a half xndliona tolbe bad„' difference of •tweive and a hilt millione in fewer of Liberal administretion epee etaree years'', record, "-. • ' Palltleall Pointers* .• - ,.. • We atairieWledga witheiit. the elightes he/Metier% shit Canticle has pas/Oared /dope Sir,W Hired Laurier came into '.pterere•-, It reparee no ditrienne tb--Sii- Charles' that Loa thilieblity, the Duke of Dey... Hon, ringli•Johe Meodeuald. . • .. onehire, Lord Rosebery; and *Wert - *Arai Cenipbell batiteeented the Liberal statesmati..otatotterepudiates• the pro. nomination for -West York and •ws11 posal braes*. forward ,. by WM as. a ruringainiall.*Clerke Waffeoe, Dr: Mon - vote -catching ileVie,O. • •, .- . ague won't feel sore if 'Brother ' Well=e Sir Chaelatrteriataiherit have he fooled should be defeated.. -• .; . , . • the people in1877,i .and again in 1891, A htegelYeattendedliiherri'V meetings when he ita.4 hie associates pretended held' •ao;. ,cheriettetown. •• Peer thonnind that. the -Nt:pited .$40.tee Boyernment • ;people Isere present, • and isneechee Were bad offered .-them reeiprogity,"..which: delivered by :Minastere Fielding, Paterson Itoil:Alta.5leinei the. 17130,0d;Stetteti ten- and str.,140,1111Y7DOles.".. 1 , : eee*tative, afterWartlikithgleci•*aq'•an -- ie‘ S, 00 allegation, whojlk evitjlont . xont/datrole.. ' -,,i)n • eserVatieee • ilavil. ,32emiliatal - And he Wanialarn, once oee,itepst to. 'Maim. Smith, of Ohath met tor tile .Coni - the gulltbility of Canadian,. .S4090, ntenk het .0ePt, • ret$eeen annnunned at the oonventionaluit he .m*0- rile as int • lievetnat tney ,neve, but :to ..cirtern•e •"414.0311-0e •tliat they Pate t hit Made be., indetendent CeaservatiVe• .• ..ii wou,n- it. lo . 'Ls isar-'••:e.:•• - - , -- ' s • ;Ail majprity197.0OPPert. slihn :and ,the Brit •••• • T. i•Execative Of theNorth isle' Obveknnient , would 41.9.4tediately toaRafarni AssoCiatioti waited on *I. destroy. its. present. eyeteeti :And . do jameeMeMullen,, M. P., at Mount Ede - what, all its loading statesmen ettY.galle; •estiand tim ered him the nomination not be done: • ' ' •loathe riding.. gr MeInilein.4cRePted. / pro;lees. 10410. srmritthratteit• of:Past the., Liberate. 'cif ' je:cques ' • :tJartier OlIgnitahle . tallnree :te- toltrity held 'a convention. at Lachine and nominated Mr jer.emle: Deearier M. P. P... Mayor of ',Notre Dame 'de, Grete,,to oppose Mr Monti; M. •P,. at ,the coming ejection. ;, The convention' ter sideuting. a Liberal; candidate for West Brum has been called. loeadonday, September 24th -in Einouir.. ;dine. - It is i,ellogether likely . this •;:iJiihii • Tolotie, *he Present nicauami Will be. go., .ruriourilyeelectild. . - - .• • Bit Hugh John Macdonald has now - - •Tkuly eirlat,A Minna); ili/nier: ative f (Wart/Seed three !Mare meetings in : ie neighboring town and who is a w .oletne, Jassterri Canada, apd of all there has airelinfecturer while in town the other _del. 'teen the same story to tell. Consentet, -iir goniersetioa said;"If the ..Xitheriii, Gosternment•does as- well Ag it has dunes the,peat four years we won't find in7- fault•With them. Thetoin heves another, four yeere of it es ter as I have a gay," Vat and the electore are ' not Iii;eito to *eta for a ahinge. They do not wish the preferential tariff in favor of Great Beitain , altripg. to address the people ,hut ex- 'repteled; they trail never consent to a • Preeeed the eat:Mill" helie• uf h)Vai revive! of the old policy., the old man and, -Conservatives that in him they -had if the old times of depression that lield sway leader who would redeeni`• the' party loner to issq. -Hamit ton Tnneo.• • from its.distrese. After his firet meet. /- yip it was felt by Liberals:that it would . Our estanied contemporary,. the "Mail be unfair to tell what everybodYirriew and Empire," is day by day hitting old •to be the simple truth about the effect leadere of the Conservenve party a either 7, of his first appearance. But now that baokhan8ed elan in ite efforts to duly., a second and a third meeting have announce, with many trumpets, the advent \ been held, ism' that those.who Went to of Hugh John Maodonald,ot e new Lieut, one or another full of hope and courage of Sir Charles Tapper, Sera Ile oft re, have returned to their homes disapa I Poeta phrase that the Oeneertative • party pointed and hopeleile, there is nolonger now hag "a nian Who keeps his word" is any occasion for concealing the undeni- relieve rather hard oraok on the old Con able truth that Hugh John as &leader eervatiee heads as being men of tehem ths in federai politics IS a fiat failure. game thing can not be said. -Toronto, Hugh John is a failure. Those who, Elatardey Night, (Independent.) , • po eagerly waited for him know it and .' s admit it. They have keit confidenee in i he old leader. They are not attracted by the new one. The party hi actually Provincial. C. E. Editor's ••••• Ohm lee Petrie died at hie residence horse and sheep glosses of the North - in Egmondvillle on Thursday morning Of least week. western Vain - ted R Th b d talli new o ere() y If011eae Scott. Oth th The following is the prize list for the Mo re I g on. an' line, Morrie, was blowa over by :the age. 1st mad clipleMAA1 fdenzlee. high Wind recently. Johnston.Of the AM of Cochrane *Se/ anniirr B E. • Britt '.440 dip-. and shorthand so oar Cana- • ifortEST iferA Roadeter and /0 --Stehle% eriy The .best .equitidd imainess & Jcamston marble deldere moViog LUJ - te• • llt froneWingliant to Brussels: Thoraistion, Ja olieb 0ohlt W. tia tho.Foreat aty---Busmesx Yea; filly or ge d twig yeers old, Janthe .T, McNally. father of Airs D. Spicer, , and Shorthand College,London formerly 9f Exeter died at hie 110M0 ilaarliugt tJheriee W, Williameastend - • • •-• White, Rich, Jewell; tilly •or getable In Hanover On thu;sclay week, ad: brood mare, Jelin Home J. B. Large enrolment and strong Leslie Citldr N of flepeall, heti telt- folarooy;• outiehrlaplest, E,s;fttty. faculty. . e salary beng per year. , Jae. aaddlaboree -John-Herr Whitely- ford of 1 Knox av- - en the Poem° `•111"eaehet' NilAgclit Mingle hollse. Dr. Whitely, w.7: TOn3; ttlb $4(.4J f'.:-•itv 4 l'eliir''' h •.' - haied the neat 'fennilloais7410.-.J/ahn EnitX. : . -0 er an Imre ,and;o0ffiffirtankr teekierice Of ingenni. ' 'Vah ErliOlittiiit age, (atfe eon' Seeforth, earion for it 812°11 sideredi E. 0, Attrill and diploma; filir ' The partnerehip ekislting between D. •Dityld-Preuee; 1/09(13 butte, Ja at M. Ewan ind'W:'Iiiires; as erin lege Mak- . Reid: afraid Praiser -Wel Of 1900k, J. M. ,eritin Brussels, has been dissolved. - lipid; female, any age, E. 0. Atttill. General Pire nee -Brood mare. John R. Clarkson.hite of •Seaforth Colle: W. Selkirk]; ill yi 2 years 914. R. Jewell. glate_ , has •• been appointed .itstilattiala - J.; Andrevisr.yearling filly, J. W..• Salk* teacher in the John street night school' -.eld.,u,,apistaltarerellirsgelittna.kaa•lit* in Tpronte. - .. '. '•'-'1.• i• -*.; Old te'SO__sti Toilitili • 1`,"efillkelo; foal of -• • DaSnider, wife and daeghter remov. 1900, J. We5/titteld; inettihed ream, D. Reynolds, J. W. Salkeld, U. W. Taylor. ed from Brussels to Poet Dover last Agribultural- Sem* initrei. Jaime week where the Pr. has purchased a : Chlitholin, J.•!Sitikeld . & - Sem' filly, 2 - large practice. . . . • • . years oki. a, Aothawb„ Glen Bibd; god. . , . Harris Brothers, bear Walton, have, mg, -S'yeat Old', :I. •Salkeld jr.; yearling sold the homestead farm to j.Floueton ' 11' , ill -il. Salkeld, ' Peel Reid; jearileft who owns the adjoining 190 acres, ,x,t, gofelf900irit;,ITa.m.e06: .(zilitithie01.40J-.:WoceVueetittfor:t1 _ price was about $5,700, • . Stephen Plityford, of Dauehio, Mane entore:dr;rifionlb4•°4717$081kteePldh&engt AO on SePt. 10th, Ha WAS formerlyat Heavy. Draught, Ihrported-iStallien, resident on Wrinfeter and WWI et the 3 years OM Or Ove, blirndry 'Br9e.clet 9th Division ()sea there. . , „ • , and 2nd and diploma; breed •mitre,„_Jae Mies Agnes Grieve,* daughter of Win. Chisholm 004.01Pyinat i fi!pl. of lsoos J. Orley% Vegforth, heti been re-etigageit tmb,hoho, . . , • • • . for next year; at an increttee of salary, Flee* Draught ' (hin • flrectLOrood: • • .• . * , . • at 5. 8 Pie, 8, Weet Witwaneehi. . mare, John Tre wartha; filly or gelding, The fine ISO acre farm of Alex. and g years old, J. 4ndreviaa'3. Tiewatthat Thos. Walker, dth line ' Morrie, has freldlog or filly,..yearling, I. Salkeld jr.t been erg to War. Thued, for the sum fboo.4alvyof,4Ir900aug;bthwn ,txr.ewIraorgthnitawaproat4t of $7000,,pesseesion to be given at once. . . ... . .• : •• r enter, 'EA. Hiatt, stPilibta 'aPY age '. R. French, 91 Sealortli, has pnichas- diploma. J, Salkeld & Son: feinale, any ed the Sharp residenee f rein . Mr. ltni- age, diploma, .1.0110.0 , Fore tee, .. i -lard, the recent owner, end intendireca Satar-Leiceeter?aam, a shears and eupyilig it himself. Be paid 0700 for it. toyer Jaineel.Snelt, t Steorge , T,, Clark; W. Jafillerhas perch/reed ,froota21, 'eheal‘thig -"km' '''Tmhes SA0.11' Ve"Y• stand at Bensall, and has reasons '''m 1.3,tnWart; rain Iamb, •P, Stewart, jaMes, .. McEwen, the site of Miss • Smith's' old James Snell, PSaireittiolts$2e4h;.7eparatrOttigevae; , :filtatebolrokeich.fyina the • foundation fel..., A ling , ewes,. taw, 1..1341; pelt ot. ewe t • al s, . • • • 1 b J Snell J ".`,Harr -rani enY age 04 gelidity inorniug there „died al:, I a" eki. shelf, ,dipipiwitv ewe, any age, J. •Ine reindence,•an old /settler, in the 'per- ': SPOIL diploma. . . .. - son of Jaariralg, of•abelth.line, Mor- Oxfordshire p_owr-E.4m; .1 shears =tie: Deceased had ailing for a con.. •erritever;'S. M. Reid; arhildriing-lern,--4'; eiderable One, and was Mostly, coirliae .M.Reid,Paul 'Reid; ram Iamb, 1. H. ed to the house tribeelfehreary.. '7 •:'. ' ltelfrEaul Reid; • sit of ewefa a shears . . J. McArthur leo sole his farm, west ited weer. 7.,..111, ,4- get:VIVI, -gel& pair of Walton; to G. WOOL • The farm is' 1),T, a f4ltng e4i940; INIti Iteld, J. Al. •a goodnne, :with a• imam brick house neldtpair ter eWelatritio,l; M. Reid. P.; , and good:mit-buildings* and :et/Maine,' Rein; rain! •I't3r.klyze: Y...,„.44 Reid.diploma 125 Acme. ' The 'Mee .paid was $7,000, •ewe. any age,/ st• 4.4.i Reid, 410onto. flaceclelv.1,11; ,i:M7, ',1,:":: tiate, .priStressev. . • • 4., • : + • • ..... " ..,., ' 0! ,32,5_ , ).04hr.t.Oovisobei.r:grwDoWtontosTar 413:10.mx yer Irysti•ailde jar, eheerli rarti,,,..ta en Jams.; • ram, • Andrew Boopercliet ehh.....- Grev; halt iamb; Glen iam.. aarnes Snell; -144 of purchased a fartia in • TUFO:airy from. ow..08.e sbors and bydr.:0,7 w. stwIty; rhos. Beane, of ,Detroit. -He paid Ka laire Of sheerlina 'ewes* •G• NV: Sterde. 50c/1011 it. There ie:100 (three. ..Be Will Alert Bros, . . get pose/it/Mon next IllarCh. Mr Hooper •-; . •• ':-. • has,hhen it tenant of Geo. ateDonald't:''' • • .* ": ' • farme..• • . • , i. • ' ''' '' • . Additiolia Local -News . On Sept.10th,Frank A.Woedsteaeller . . oF geld ng, 2 years old,. E. O. Attrilis • -ifikaredit. . • unres of students in good' positions. • ▪ Years of excellent work at carry' ote, ietrighle lipp,r0hehle•that , aheammilSortiamidif,will„ at, this , Ihrtenaotheiltforinded pleas*. tnkt Sir,. ,(3ratelist*ings..ferw,erd m..eppport• of 101t4talini:tet;h&Pliteekin.. OOtteti • • -.• • . . ' flIffeetIOSIN'S.PHIIXRIEl; (Montreal Wilt:lees) t vett Sttc.ftile.4 these Meetitige in large' latt0/....kerit ever to leen whether lIng.lt • J one was )itrely to un to his.fatb., er'sarreat reputation, aud eager. also to afly,oVe of jittxt if they At each or these meetings his entrance.upon he arleafot m wee the signal •for enthuse/ Aastical applause, and big reception on a hundred times wore° off after Meth Budget. thine meetings than if Elegh lobe had been allowed to remain in Manitoba, ......*. Then ardent Conservatives might still have believed in him, and have hoped • •Rtna. Dr. piek?Olio Galt. for his early accession 6 the chief place , in the party. Now that refuge has GUELPH. OCT. 2, 8, 4; disappeared. There are some, and not a few, unkind enough to say that Sir The gathering of the Christian En - Charles Tupper is showing Hugh John dee.yor forces in Guelph, on October 2, to the electors with the prime object 8 and 4, 80 near flow, is full Of, interest ot letting itbekficiwr. just What there to. hirEndettyora In our provinCe. They is in him and what there is not, Bete Wall tome from the • east and the west, haps this is too much to believe, for the north aid the south to enjoy the Sir Charles Tupper cannot be good for rich treat provided for them by the' more than four or five years more at Provincial executive, Every society will send at the 'very lead one dela. mte to carry back the inspiration and impart the uplift experienced at the meeting. Strong representative Cana - 'diesel will be there, Men who are itt touch end living stympathy with 0, E. - Work in all ite departments. The pace gram le an excellent' one ,-. a .drawing - one. Thi e goes without strVi when the most, and it 'should be of little concern to him which of the younger men shall succeed him. Of course, there Is the tromihtlitya et retitadry be- tween Hugh John and the younger Tupder, but then Sir Hibbert is quite ableto take carenf himself, and does not need the benefit of any salami/4r on the part of hie sire, We say that Chas, . Mon, , iferY Aboard, of Ronnie.. the author of "What woutd Jesuit do?" Will be there. Thousitnds will wenbaci Ofttourse the Liberals have had noth- ese him and theme/Ards more will want tbh hi T Ite F B • ar....• ing to do with the improvement in ear ni he v. B. ever, B. Catalogue of eithir course -hew Correspondence asked. " tara wasTERveur„ prinetwit • a •NOT1(1:10.• , • Seem is betel given that anyperson or persona found ou Ing timber or tresposing upon the west half of lot 19, con. 8, Rnlletb, wip be Iiroettauted wording to Ur. GMT, • ..A.esbrrs w.‘ityripp. Serer. men or` women vrante1 'fur positions =Any .big wagea • ‘Erap,..yetent steady or Dart time- APplY L SENNETT, 403 Rich.. mewl St •Loneon Ally 20-8 Velltale 'Pei:sober Wanted For S. 3, led. Aiewnehlp CI sit:lett, Staniar Depettment. Duties to carainence immedia- tely. :Send application, With testimonials, to „ iSAAC•BARR, Bee -Trees., nue 1/1-tf , • Londesboro, Ont. ,• IVOR SALE., • bgiffer.nt*tigelAcititer 'llai441111b5 th°r°. e gr es, all from he !noted sire Eureka, No. 1778. Terms reasonable, SePt,21--tf • WILLIAM GLENN. In 'one of the Collegee in Winnipeg. q Or Itia•naerre TO THACHERS,;-Recen• tt' foemerly welt -Ix -Donn pedllgllSne 111 'amendments to the' behool act permit rural hoards' to opend 8200 a Morris, and Med. Mira: youngest e'er for promottrie ethleficii. Teachers .claughter of Allan' Ranerair, let non. v retiring after. 20 Veer%) abevire 'easy be :were united in the holy bonde9f.matre- meoy, • forgartcel. seittizaptegistrtenti`rariehott ,ereeteterde..- ' The residence of Bishop Ward, St. went!) fientWe requiVed tdethere: Thourae, formerly of Brussels, was the sale thepootors boort •+,01Operay en Scene of a very pretty wedding Wed. atmeation has been thertened from 35 nesday. evening, Sept. la when' holy at) 80 years. matrimony was solemnized between. . • W. T. Fairbrother, street railway con- • - 'awn Wonne.--Frore time to time we ,ductor, and idiot; N. J, Watt, hy es, :Can= 11111; rectorof Trinitr china,'" •- ofreeeitre-la,,,,,,tteraajpreciativeof the value A quiet but. 'pretty fiAdifinig ta0 NEW 44" as a "Way family k •jourual. . Bliss Elsie Neilans in writing pia& at "Lockeley Hall" the home of froth Aye, N. Dakota, •renewing her the bride's parents, on Wednesday, the epbeeriptioth rates "The NEW BEA is a2th Inst., when MimiAlma.only (laugh. aseteod ae MAN' to her; It has been a aer•of Dr. and Mrs S. B. Smile, Wrox: .rerY pooryear in Dakota and harvest etee, was united in marriage to 0, pa is trot near throesh."' Mrs S. Pentland tactertri,"Toiontd, by Rev.. RAO. An-. lit liiffinyherbitpti.-ataiiiked from Kip- tarirebri M.A; • , tia Swan River. Mem, where she • Went to thie week, writes ire "that the On Wednesday evening, Sept. lath, a bappy event occurred at the home weekly 'irate of the New ERA, Will al. of S. McCurdy, of the Thames Road, rwragisa.te looked for as an Rid valued ;Farquhar, when his third daughter, - EliZabeth, and R. Norris, a prosperous 4,000 llonties Macias CANADA. -- ty0Ung farmer of Staffa, were united in Major Dent,. inspector general of re - the. holy bonds of matrimony. The mounts, lets put Made his hisel inspec- teremony was performed by Rev.Colin bon in Lietowel of many horses for the Eletcher. cavalry and artillery service. In all, The home of Mr and Mrs D.A,Oamp. neatly eix hundred horses have beet bell, Wingharn, was the scene of a bought this summer in this district. pretty home wedding on Wednesday The amount thus expended was $(10,000. of hist week, when their youngest The horses will be shipped from Monte daughter, Miss Emma Campbell, was real this vviek in the Cervona and Can- merned to A. J. Waite, book-keeper fling. Altogether Major Dent has pm - and manager for R. I Score dt Son, of chased about 4,000 horses in Canada, Toront,c. Tire ceremony Was perform. for which the War Office has paid ed by Rev, R. Hobbs, . $500,000. In the States nearly 50,000 cavalry horses and mules have been On Tuesday, Sept. 4th, the borne of „n„,,h„...,* Mrs Colwell, near Paisley, presented an animated scene as the 120 guests as.' gambled to witness the tying of the Scuml" ()P 11°B8E11- The gre" matrimonial bow between her estim- scarcity of good draft horses is the able daughter, Miss Martha,and David theme of tate horse buyers; they must Ramsay, a well-to-do young fertner of travel farther to find a good horse than the lst line, Mortis, The ceremony ever before for the past twenty -fire was performed by Revattr Fitzpatrick, years. A practical horseman trays the of Underwood. farmers do not realize trove scarce good horses are or they would be making 11. Mandoo, of Elensall, had recover- more effort to breed better bargee to ed upwards of $100 worth of the goods work on the farm and to eel). The that whereal o'er' from his store sOrile mares have been sold off to an alarm. mOnths ago. A man was stopping at Ing extent. and there are hut few good one of the hotele in Brucefield Ohne' teauie left On ,the farms. Fanners who goods', similar to Mt MeIndoole Dere wisely kept, the best grade end Imre uty Sheriff Grundy, of Godenth, bearci bred draft inares,eays the Chicago Live of this and paid a Visit to 13rocefield, Staalbjournal, are in position now to but the man had left for, parts •un-. have 'reiaod farm learns and to raise known and left the goods -behind him, god drafthorses, • SEED W have a limited &Mount of ,Early :Arcadian Winter Wheat for sale at 'I re.r birabet,_ hue 81—tt . (*. MIDDLETON Clinton. ;FORSAA/E. - • ▪ Let 84, le,telederion OWE...dill), 80 mores IOSSOE's acre. for senool. sate. zap terms end, particular" apple to FRED WHITLEV or .fAMES SCOTT, Sereister, Clinton. Aug' 24,-tf ;•;• • ••. . • . • . ; • • • s Ronne: for _Sale or Rent , A small, triune ammo on Ames steaothekthe railway track) oontainieg one-eighth or an, acre land, with orchard of good fruit trees; rater. •Will-besoldowverrreasonable terma. s`. eatl •:}T;W: litilrotT411; St. 'IP RENT:. *large briek store, next to Harland Broe. hardware. oneof the beet stands in Clinton, plairigatlass .frant, lighted . with .wetylene; gas and fitted inkier groceries ate,: -Rent moil. ttr.„" 4.4":61e•eillf mos_ elnext, •.• . ';'" • . •FOR SA.LE _ ,wwo registered, aged • Pure bred Ltheoln Rams, e0 ram lambs and 20 evre lambs. all 'bred feern the above; • will be Sold on reasonable tering. Apply tcritOBERT*CoLE, lot 82. bon. 10, Mullett. Sept. 14e -lm 1 '• • oLizixos. 0,Auslas w puss, , • cooeswe 5170;exAsc. ' • This estah.isement ie,,int1111 op ration and an drderitilediu tbe. woe "setistren4 yea, Nine trey end granite work a opeolalty. le•oes Properties for Sale or to Let .• .p4ressionalandothereards HOUSE ecnt SALE. 1••••••••.• The comfortable and cogy cottage on joeepir Street, Olinton, recently oecrapied;by Joule* MoOlaoherte,ifi Offered for eels on.very reason Jou MoOtAounialr, OPSITIES IVOR SALE. liar Wel tho pear the rax Mill, 2 lots on 1 Erie Sate rote on Milton St taloa brie* ootthgei :/veitteetrint_n_g°ktrgiiir BdArp, foarhart. .191INURNRYiRetiferdele. • BiOtSlil for SALE or to RENT. On Victoria St., near Oman 'eatery. 800 ;nanny wroonmenomfortible &Mee Wakened tot-tbe property recently oceripled or result Up:0o% Apply et ono tie -- .W. BRYDONE, Barrieter dra..01inton, HMSO 4end 1:17k, tit" ki!tle. The large and oommeelous &Mae pleasanta altueted on lbw= Street, oceutdedby thc en. dereigned is offered for sale ou verereaeonabls t•erns. There leeverYa000mollatien.witiletable, orchard, 40 • • IV. BOWERS, „ Sept 21.1829. . Clinton. Form for - 150 Ores, East half of lot 29, cort.11.Ralletti offered for este.. The farm Jain excellent eon., diti _ton house, ' barn, &o. Apply to J"iiiES OAMPBELL, I,ondeeboro, or to MRS MOGI- RIDGE, Clinton. foreartioulars. Sept. 141M STORE FOR SALE. The prendeee occupied by IL J: Guff, and oonsistipeenf ::,firat class brier store, on Albert Streee crenton, ie offered for ASIO: OE erier term Also Cottage on Albeit Street,: with two lets, stable, and all conviencee. Fartioteare on appication to Mrs W.• Robertaen, Clinton muss 9, W. McGregor, Ormstanees • . • BUSINESS- rit9PERTV roit That desirable Brier Bizeinese Stand on Al- bert St., Clinton, occupied" by'Mt N. Robson, is offered for oleo including rear lot and stable. • The looatton Is OAR of the best in Clinton. The property le free from inountbranoe and title, in , disputable. Price' reasonable and terms to Buttpurchaeer. Apply. ta GEO. STANBURY, Lon- don Road or address Clinton P. 0 • Good infor'Sale) or to Rent. . A good farm for sale or to rent, 150 aore farm .1.;:etvgaggiaizrixozt&caire,et igtok hardwood bush. 'There is a good km= house good out buildings inel a god wes; situated half a raile from the school, • three miles fromrr •ehtirch And _miles . ;rein P.1741:,.1.4.118 all • other eonyspitn. ee.'3,43/T2sTrinditd.rosiBtEgy to ••••Septale-tf-• ; • • ; • Londesborrk Ont. -For Sale or to Rent. • The choice brick house on tbe corner of Ful- ton and Joseph streets. belonging to the estate of the late Richard ,Heyerotelele, offered either ferole or to ren 0, It contort= room, for or*, nary family, is practically a new house, with, all coevenithees, aud-three-tentIrs of an sere of land. if the property is • not sold or rented,. Part oi routed. ,AplilY to, • s , , COATS Exeentor 0 " Form,to Rent or ;Sell , 'Eubsort1L-r effere gaga for wale or to re= his farm of Senores, oiithe grd oon. of Hullett,, being west half of 101 17. Buildinge 'Rittman orchard. plenty of weter,lir mires bush: Soil leeetalase; 2e,miles from Clinton. Possession tramediate. ,Terms reasonable. Parohaser Ian bay elite ow'n time to pay for It.7 Paling ,a small sum down. Apply to NEW -ERA °Moo, or to. - • A.. GINN, Clinton Aug 31-11 .-• -,•• • • FARM FOR NT. , Sakeeribee offers to'rent her farm, being lot 21. eon.14. Goderioh town:I/lip. The tot con- tains 80 sores has geed elzed bank barn and tither hundinget,' bas st goc:d bearing Orthard else feloung orohard, doming into;bearing, is waU vb.-tend and well fenced with .running etreere; =reeve& fan wheat Situated te 'bailee vele idelineaville and MHOS feern Cliir tonei-Fdr-fuithee; earth:Wars airier to MRS. CHRIS SEBBUTT,', GEORGE. TEBEUTT and JOHN JERVIS. oreeeterel.4?)F1141111Pie . reseneble ea those of any esteblienue Aug. 24-11 • The merriage tif, Janet * your:wed daughter of D. D. Wilson, to Arthur Tan Sli.0.-Thoee who have.litac-" •Regner Senripsoe of the Dominion.Lion engines are finding more constant Bank, .Montreal, and'Aironerly of the use for them now than formerly t then Seafotth .branch, took place at xotee. It wee only to run. •the threshing ma- chine, but now. through the introduc- side,thertiehlence of the bridealathea, • moo of. the ea% their peewees are in Seatorth, iast Wednesday'. The cere- mony was performed at one o'clock by, Urgent dernand, especially so at present Rey, yomi /fiddler of the , Thomee"tbhyrforliogolati!sar of' the corn being injured Road) useisted by Rev. F. Et. Lakin, . ,e6eed, 0-21,mtddlifibight. sues are be,,, a touch Of *bleb wits expert. • nittll.ri OOP ill' Of Atka. ''Arrongeti.gautl=rnilkleetrinreht •the only, thing' theti' Wil =4;11;titIttt!,Itig.iit12'frlioililraff="' „ grect2ratirslinten ildir leek day 0 ramisallele; The „stern itigi;"-bf 'tuts is abone uns"clitm *-hhci• man"linent .111Inte end whioli I b 1 - Charles Tupper of erreto. Ill oPi ll to nil. dd tnaereathoronithli$ fifth the ". 4.1 COATS, Townrierk tradrebecaueethe-Statee--liaveaexper.. A., of Christ Ohurch,Londoo, Ragland, • S. n.floOvE.R. dislOs .• TENDERS "VirAN't ' Tenders will be received up to and including the 22nd inst. for the rental for e term of years the farm lands belonging to the Estate 'of the late Jae .Pair, cousiating of and conprising (1) part of lot 24, con. 1, elullett, now in Clinton; (2) Rotith half or lot 28, con. 2, Hullett ; lot 24, concession 2, Hullett, less twenty- acres Rulielt, 10 ta'r BTArtilithOtligtig; oriS, Goderich township, lying -north and east of the L. H. &B.,11. R.; (8) part of lot 1. Huron road eon Gederich township; 8;e acres now in Clin- ton, containing together 223 acres More or less. Terms and conditions made known on application to the undersigned JAMES FAIR,) N. McL.FAIic ' Executors. JAS. scow,' 5 Clinton September18, 1000-2 • Notice to Creditors. • . • In the mortil. of Beale of William Whitely, of the Wage of Londeeboro, deceased.. Notice is hereby given, pursuant to R. S. chapter 120, that all persons having claims aga,theethe estate of William Whitely, late of the Village of Loudesboro, in the County of Pitmen, who died on or about the 271h day of Angest, 1120, are requested to sender deliver to the undersigned the Exeauters of the property of the said deceased, on or before the lilth deg of October, 1000, particulars of their olehns and of the secerrity (if any) held by them duly rent. fled. And notice is also given that after the said last mentioned date, the Executor:4 will proceed to distribute the assets of the said desensod, having regard only to the claims of which tlie7 shall then have notice, ` DAVID MOUNTAIN: 1 A. A. WIIITEte", • Pbteentore. • Ditted at I.:Muleshoe°, Sept. istb, tpoo, s ido NOTICE. • ' • FARM FOR SALE, Subscriber often for gale hie farin contain- inf880 acrestIo7 89 eon. io, Goderioh township. It situated it miles from Clinton, all oieared with firat-olass buildings, bank barn,two story house; all under pasture, has sores orchard-. alsor. never -failing seeing.. The farm is first. eloSig every respect, Also, te aeres of bush, whion Will be sold either wito:the farm or separteese No money required as long as the subsbriber is sowed. Nor Partioidars &Pr ta B. SWATIZEitt OR the promisee. on Olin, ore post office Jul* 84 FARM le0 RENT 'A first -Class farm, being lot No. 7, 2nd con. of Hallett, contains 100 aores,abotit 90 oleared, ao stones or gravel, only drat -Glass clay soils and •well adapted for crops; large barn and other outbuilding*, large frame building for horses and battle; comfortable noun and five acees of good bearing orobeed; 10aoree• of fall wheat. Situeted ntilee from ileeforth, and. the same die tairce from Clinton. '100 rods from school, 1)e milee from aline church, and 23e from Ritiburn. Any one 'wishing -to take it can get the privilege of working 00 11 right away. For further partionlera Apply on the remised letter to Seaferth 11 0. BANC,PA *ni; A Baroam m Land. emant•••••• Here's a Chance. For sale cheep and on eesy terrat-part of Lot 4, Beyfield eetemeitea. Gialetieh townebip 55 aeries. Area to W. SWAT. Sept 7-8m Patteetteleta FarlittoRtat.orterekalo- nuasorlbar *nave 0.47.e toe Me hie farm of Ile *trek eittialred road Teek ti.u.vAttiR cent:tenet a concrete sidewalk along Routh aide tinolensathowts Irtalkete ui Prineees streetA front Orange to Shipley in etenetritir bet* Witn Natio:rig hereby given that the Column Oft= Of ellelonnit eiswro. Oorporotion of the town of Clinton intende to build nee, beak bsklik ST\ Valle the sale town, nri to assess the final mete thereof upon the properties &matted, and not exerapt by mw Trent erioesment. The eetimated cost bf.ethe PrOPosed work Is 6008.50 of widen eum 04.75 le to no Provided out Of the general fun= 61 the Mirtateipelit7. A Court of revision will. be hold on Friday, Sept. 28, 1900 at 8 o'clock p.m., at tho eouneti Chamber, tor the purpose oi hearing complaint* rogeinat the propood aReeeement, or geettetter ' p1 tho frontage meagarement, and any ether Fr/plaint whieli persons Intended rnoydegiro S 7 SW tOgIllitSO1017 taw ienceli an Improvement •too. But this week's returns show that the totel shipMents in cheese for the season to dniefrctm Montreal and Portland are 169,1e5 boxes over the shipments to the crossed the Atlantic recently with' Mr Sheldon and he speaks of hint in the hIghest terms. Mr Meyer (gave anac. ctiubt of Mr Sheldon in the "British. Weekly 'one of the best, papers in Eng - •correepotiding datelastYe4r, while the. 1414 In- Olio e °umber of the ()barite TuPper Wilt' het dram hi -guar' eere • of net -lase from the Port of New York le Slone paper we are informed that "The 1. • -begkrt the fie 0 barteet sognag; the go, e hsesl per:riled? Ittletekt , fair ,fOrt 9.11 At 00 ',These hum ; IP ry' Tit? th rathethid must. have been at their ol only, 126,16i boxo. Those naughti rtht been without effect on Mr fd time opent MrSheldonar society has . -Credential's tlattel•thebtettl•Wieh the get. yet.0 wee,trold ehtmot„too.to for toptotov ,whe W h.tit Tin OIL • on a airriter grow iseioliti„ tott,ter e - relles ee 13e irt all indicattche t the trite it e hla impossible at ''pteeent, to, mativipcir him tir.otttrfdl,e P1'40110010 In r Lau x grrentation 6 -ea, 0 0 t..10:1 re 10 .111 el tosteefaireor:illet 111 rriti: 47 SP tlellt144. .!t " P ;.; 11 ,. M -an aterrilirei,VITkey eigtiribuittneittellar, Faboot,fifteenu feat 'diameter,: kind from .Ithatam art lite/el-feet hi h, With 2x0 inch .heinteksielitibeira gome, at the begithtlatealetit their, porn while -too :itoreepr"eausir to emir le 'the silo, ubstt hy ire r tree they have leattle (.* Illation Sale Of ThorObred Attd ,* Grade Stock. airad ire* befieltriten fsn RISS Weit al Ant *aa Itha eV; 1 4441 .14"k:" litt 1=3 eatatre Wks Ptais • Hoye you Roney to tomst? \INAttAttiMITAWIll,14%0 isatoistAt tot 4,*it re,11,w, ok,14,p0m4 btliitikt Mar kW Wtat" oweett tliwavolammigultmft • kttefl krItj ttodttuTbrolcifirtrotthlta 114113it"tellitt **fel 1;se .p WY3 140 !ortittA1414,4 kt kilti,11 = k Orr* of workinf the interests of choice of subjects since his return. 110 tiotA rahe Connell& 'Of the etipiref Tot btr Mnet &Ye P. be old ess eutte toles el ries ty they Maio* I believe they would get , as oiled Maher, w,ho. doesn believe too" ,,,,,,dd isT ,iii, ,, Beauty" y.. iii Meil 0 the Yen/tees. 0 edtirSe the encour- le -devoting more time to ethical than it, arid ft ig ite the •histhest intereata of 16avt fang/e% niet18 a fltrai* Thu1°11151'1'11'446' ihr ill Pt ttl Mill t' 1 " ' in t by is,hdoernalel:4110,7 'Siren, eitheiNeet eil A : ell, dent AK, 'Mill W I ! 3 Om eletee , agerdea and aid given the Canadian r a li • cheerer industry by the presept Admin. feree of Mr iii eidon's Wonderful par. the MotherlOottnftI that they shotild `0,0—tyl ei,1-.6-e.,---priaagitie-igh.---yr.-or--w-h-0,--141.703311610": fere gee it, Thefilartiettle0 Wm,' in tv:high. km infix Irnairine he in An niv Ati kll I brill oaf It Month:1 nail t ite7307131 11111i• titration has Had nothing to do with ettoitil0- hey to3t it fir in my judittiinti -6 ithibi, bechtv30 he hi getting ratich „.hetter pri. gs„terit-21)111„46romtnl, ,g,t,Ittatist 1,,, the improvement and rapid growth of Win. Shaw, Treasurer of the United t 0.0e tinrieg ale Oflat four or nee years, supposed to ho hire% Sr/items% eiliii smelt, the trade -lb tereild he ebturd to kn. Society, Boetore_ will also be present Pitit'll' °t 6"1111.0 41) lf 11)160.41114e gpeclefir etockett than forinerty, but 10 "teorm rishill aria ola. rt Orel' Shiet 11. nierne, *nog a 'MILT f sat there me be and delight the Bodeavorers with his that Sir °bites 'does Irot rurree Tith I held his benign itilprOliatinfl. and With ' • ... `"".'"- ---"'"- .----` said t wilt eing et good mon, thous, did meting in Guelph. Let every one and rotes to the eopport Of Govern. who Can. tone and enjoy this feast 1 4boubllll Inliell t MCC ail wail produeed - 0 fitid br the Um f 0 good many th lige equally absurd obarroinft addi eager. this View, ut there &Ye been b her he mIke exPellment h6 134:1711(1'41 11(1 ": th"" 1"114? " 1111(1 • nee/edam/ Where fair Oita le soon learn the difference* g y old: freebie tet we, Datil in serif ed to bele =fleeter he 11 ..3t 41 by the voters thie election, • We are looking forward to it splen. r has telth4 0014 candidates, It's the kind ot ab. Provided freelT for a% Guelph hid/ a oi?, curse o e Archbishop ' ran ry for eardity they Oen Saltily stand for to. (Peery one we come other tertni toonster gathering* and looks for A i hetheft nobody rietuntidonepenny tO0 Wank% CAS'TQF ,11 J. Et 9 t 1 - we Ant or. Tern& A inn: 13 Se nie net eV ill emh ;over that eleettlit Wien 33rettit Will re (leen on furnishing :thine el , ollit &age A ego MI 6 ditieettell :if fl tenni oll the ii) 1 f to*it tie 6tor4 onasituvr t Motions% r elerpira._ • te a it A , .1 t.111.••4 REM RAVIN WATCII AND AIEWELRt STORE hat etinnival *lot of tetenelle4 Winkle*, Pellet, Iteltaltielele Ittai,` *lei The IOW goods in Om Meta& Inake *venially ot atting lAventwolos and Y44'01006% tn.* examined foto. NIES $00711 Rartiiiter, Soli:short *43.1 CLINTON: 001100,-4O1lotts Nook, Isaac Street. lIONSYLTO LOAN. We JORYDONIE, BARRISTER, SOLIOITOR„NOTABT •BIJALIO, ETO* Office -Beaver Block. trpotskirip opposite roster's not Galler7 (MINTON omailLgo egAonit Barrister, Solicitor, 1419ter7 and Colivaanaz ornee-ateeesite comerair allra Oratertell ' M. Cid OAIVIERON eitormerlygoi Mame Bolt * Codereld , 13A1IRISTER 'AND SOLICITOR* 011ice-Itagniton SIOBt oppotte Colborne Mouse GODES. • ONT , . DARROW & GARROVV , BARRISTERS, BOLICITORS,.ETO. Oillea-CornerIlionilten SC and the Sister • ethaerlia, Ont. J. T. GArtfroW, tj. Ch • - Othereetenitow.L.L.B PROUDFOOT HAYR, .81ARRISTERS, SOLICITORS; NOTARIES PUBLX1 PnooTone rtt TIM Mthrructr_Oonity, teo, 'e Onlee:-Nerth ste, next -doer toSigital OM= Private run& to lend at lowest notes • of interest-. W. PROUDVO0i. R. C.HAYS. • JOHN RIDOUT. colgrzyANORR, comnassman, ETC, Real Estate and Insurance Agent. Money 10 meematortgage and Note seouritY. --- Moe-ERROR STREET, CLINTON pR a. tIt4EST HOLMES • DENTIST • . (Successor. to Dr: Ti 0.• Brune) , -•- Specialist *,Crewn and 'Bridge Wee*. •-• • -; S. --Graduate Royal College Dental Sur- geon:3;0f thrteriet.Togento.." D. D. 14.•-eirstialassatonea graetuite 01 . AaLDepartment of Toronto Utiversit_t. steel:el attention _paid to Preservation or o Baran's teoh. Will vieit • Bayfield every Monday. . • 0,Elite.ever W..Tarter & floeteehee stem DIOLCINEW ' *DENTIST, OLiNTON Crown end 'Bridge Work. A; ZURICH THE 21ID THIIRSDAN oF ' EACH NOME, . (Vice Hours -9 to b. • . DR. C. THOMPSON1 Physician, Burgeon, Etc. OM= and Roidenen-, ' ' *attentive •street. • . DR. WM.•43RAHAM Licentiate of the Royal College er Photo's= . • London. Itendand. - Moe and Reidderree-e• ' PP.1/204100 ite*C104•11p littirovigiot tit*: 'W. J. R. POWLER. ,Gold 'and Oliver Medalist; first -olio honor greduate of the Ontarto Veterinary , ,College. TREATs niezene or* ALL Orneala Night and day oalis answered at offloe-Dr WortbIngtone1 old siandtorm. Ooinmercial Rote "nit. WM, 0 CNN, L. R. V. P. and Z. it; C. 11. .11-r Edinburgh. Moe -Ontario Oro& Clint= Night cells at front door of re+sidenee on Batten bury St., opposite Presbyterian ohurth. DDn.mum, PEPSI01.47t, flURGEON asoosobser eta, cake and ammonia On- tario St., ospedte English thumb, forraerly go copied by r.ApPleton. Clinton Ont. J DmGRnADUATle OP THEMret of victoria Univere • eity; Toronto, formerlY of the Hospital' end Dispensaries. New. York Cotheee ot the County of Huron. BA7lielil, Out, 114 BIACHALle VETERINAH" IS • Hoztorarriraduateof theOntexioVetegina College. TIMIS SUSUMU.' otdomostiartaa an woe on the most modern and eolentine prize plea Onlee- immediately:tenth orthe New Era Moe, Reside's:3e - Albert St., Clinton. Cell rtinht ordav attetutedto promptly- • ittanaraon moors% „JAMAS 1100T1PL era- henrer Of Marriage Weenie', Libra: Moore • find .theilidenee, Mary sweet. Clinton. JAAIRe oantimr, tow:memo moon or ktanuon =Ana% witoasma niquired 111 rattscone, woman or *BM or rsaratistwreyorsous- Erenareew. Loudon. Ont. -Mee eA ther IlllewartavAk‘swir Ran* Clinton. MONET. TO LOAN. iltrtvnt rtrsro.. tiMet'ildie0 ei-g,th..%troectsarris. .lorr4 to llferaglitrt, M00% t. (404,4 NeWt4011.bee IfEWItER 1•'1011 11&110, ••" rafiSi paseV tar Oeneervakey MIN UM ONT. - AITIVAL FIRE INSIIIIANCR. CO, "Yitt ftattittra l'&4474w1: =OM* *Aka& he*. )14', 111100 rtik:„11,43•Iteelletit,soi elyThors. 'I, Woe, aseaaavae.. rt, ria frIbte flittettre` Lange, Oreffetil .0. batter** W.11.• Ievelnefteas Seafertheatair G. Grieve VierithegP 1.,_4()Aelleperire Dela eenfeetirt Jai n.Tap. ATS.W, litmobrocrid P. Itl.;s1Ohrt Welts Metier* P. 0.7 Taft= Pasoan $eemneld t aftlin B. Mane.% MOM ammo •mise.talasset. Itobert armee. Ittaleek;tionitn.sat- tiA0tstb,.. armee tawereher. vie; W- Mentes** tete. /13,, lergoeeari: uotat.mardiimbdJohlt ti. vere"640,100,,Zittpreakh"vit;iii51;t". agrelitatten **7 of the ithe're naantheralltellakeirrafteeet4$ e alikeett ' •••• a 1 •