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Bee011entend the NM iiro to lit
yotir eriendli*
********natereene. niefePfae******4
Tbe beet editert101110. 041
In eleCtiOn.
nerenrasnen isse
ROBERT oolatee, Pelee/her
evely bOnle Mee breaks are
< ocertieg daily. May be
Table Silverware,
Rings, Pine,
• Watcheis or Clocks,
Whatever it is we're anziogs it ehau
come °tee Way. '
FIRE,- On Monday rrigbt, a,baue. live
tkloch fire wee Mecovered, in the
neighborhood of lier Deed',e residence.
The fire origivated • in his summer
lateleen a ehert nistance from his brick
house. Before help arrived hie aitchen . . .
, .
waif all ablaze and the; e appeared. to be Supplied by the New Bra's wideenwelte aud reliable eorrealtOladents * .
danger of the fire catching on bie new
I !louse as a Wong blast wait thou blow- • **-10~144-**efeetett***.*********************************
ing direetly tovvarde it. A large num- • ' 1 .
Gederleit To*rishIP Myth.
QLINTON, ONTAMO, 8111911E1VMER 28, 1900,
$1p*yeriain advent/fa
t Pee lamina so pew.
17110 NeWe the .:Neighbo.rhood
Additional Local. News
Tern elioneeeeks. --The _gang of men
are now laying a walk inside Of the
trees on the south side of Huron etreet
Takd Care of
That Cold'
front the Conemercial hotel tie Beall
street. There has been A csoupfder. .
, able amount laid this -year. . 4 reetia
°Coe', Name Go Ile. --The big strike
, in the mines and • 4160100 of Fennsyl.•
vania is likely to cause ries in the
, ber had already arrived and by console? t . Duagansion. market. Tee "prose gays that, prices
1 hard work and. the application of intended for twit •week. Noens,-Neleou ,Yeo has gone to I. efearis.-Sarnee Incatfurchie is away will advance very sooneandlikely bard
. ,
water his beautiful residence were ram/ NOTES. -On Sunday, Sept. Oth, John Pertheounty to pack apples for Mr -for two weeks enjeiying hisaeolitleyee coal wilego up to $7 per ton before the
leen' of Exeter. Daring' the dorm of ,eis trip takes in Motored'. Beaton, an d winter is over.
ed, When all seemed entirely lost. It Saunders passed away at his home In Th gtai ee ha e - d
ere ay nig ties a goo _ many eorue of the Imp American daft W. „
took three hours to combat with the Ashetele ; his rem/eine were interred in vanes of glass.were broken by the had. Brown left on Tuesday for Detroit, G. T. It NOTES. -Asst. Supt. Egan
flainee before they were finally subdued .0ungannore cemetery :on Wednesday X, Natal,. who has been teaching at where be will remain for tee winter, with headquarters. at London, hae been
tied. Ur Deeds is quite thwakful feretha et...Bowed be alaaganttritheianterfrieVhe "
aid given him." in time of peril. `abie am tete:dee% : Geo, mania:ten dna son: O. a4110,.8, is leaving in e few days. in to see if the climate vvill benefit his appointed superintendent of the middle I
order trestudy for the Ministry of the health. MSS Stanley. of the America:1i division, wi tie headq um ters at Toronto,
piece is situated about a mile froin of West McGillivrey attended the furl-
. eral of the tate john- Saunders. mee- Charch. of England. Me Richard Wes. Soo, who has been venting at the rest.. and succeeds Supt G U. J anes, who •
Rieke on the Bronson Line, oes to the eastern 'dieter ;at ai superin-
- Borns.- Misses Mame and Malicia, S. . en an eft or er rime in V r ent vice Mr Hubert, who accepts a
who were, u oaring in ttetroleare home Swan -River .where her husband has we are sorre1 to ciaY continues low, with we returne •
home this week. ; position on. another reamed. A. S.
- a little prospects of recover ' Noble '
fora sojourn- vvith their parents eo, IL' started im business ;.?he was accom- i e. . Y.'. 4... 1111 CalIni5d. -Rev Wm. J. Storni mare Begg, superintendent of - terminals at
Reeled by her two chdr
en M •
, tee ee L tt 1 ti
oye s us, ng apmee for note efe
tt John Middleton had the raisfor. hmarY
mouth or 8%. The farmers, en amino t at Nitinat. B. 0., who le sup.1 Port Huron, is appointed assistant eo
of the low price of apples, are making ober.
te a li toTorontoto attend ile
• tOrk who has been ter Some time ne 'e h
Ported by the Epworth Leagues of the Mr Egan. •
* gone
Goderich district, vvill preach la the 1 F r:
the larger pert of tbein into apple -but- /Halloo Strachan's school for a vear. tune to iind a cow dead in hie field tbe
Fair. th d • th b' OnYIE v ti
Y ov invitee -0,n Wed-
• We'reeeir eueh thine° * eagle t Q ate a number attended the Zur.
er, Quite a nurnber took in tioderich air. e Methodist churchr next Sunday, and nesday morning,- line inst ,• Emery
• • *, factoty manner, • Among the number who took in Lou- tite axe not prepare to say.
H Peek's •
J. fierce' .ar, Borne.. will be , given the foe- Howe, of • Belnione formerly Of here,
o er a e su yet of the dieettee
ich fair and the , concert given in the . teedeapent eupdey at sly , • •
lowing Mondayeyetang. TheEpworth died in his 77th year. In 1.$18'he rear-
-ic evening, which wes hp -to -date in all, •mdon FtrrewanaesvMjas 'Lltt.vviei
Our ohargea are moderate - our '4
et respects and reflects great credit upon
. 4 e promoters.Harry Hallidey wears it
tijy°ahran anadite0s.' ''''an'eY
Stanley. Sundayed with emu:enter:ices
on the Bayfield line. Alex Welsh ad- ing on Tuesday evening, when the :farm *oath of Belmont, venere he need
, , tunes townsh p. Be s,
i n eye of e e
emague held a very Interesting meet. ried a Miss Devver and moved to a
services prompt. er Rau died the other day. The
the The infant child of J. WahryYare.
thresh. . .
broad emile, it is te big boy ; congratu- . . age mern ers o t e c urc were in- 18 years. and then relived to Belmont
d • b f h ' h h
• dressea the League at Colea ' on Sun-
' 8 0 b Mr
''" eit big Beason is aboutoyer and the tarm- tattoos army. ur mem er, vited to tette part; the subject was the 8F f his children sur.
years ago. our. o s ; -
• Relines paid a flyine visit to our burg „-.
day evening last taking for his select • •
nein and growth of •Methcdisin on vivre -Mr tele/mete of Ofibton; Mrs R.
Wilethet large or small- it receives - 4
-: ers are busy heeling their grain to , . . eve Wheat and the area"; next ab-
et market. . .
this week. Miss Hambleton, of Luck.
bath ' et BIair 'II dd e he tenth circuit, as ear back as the „Irwin, of Rickney, Mich.; James Hcwe,
all the attention it requires. ' now, is inanainnif the millinery de- evening Ise a r wi a r se . . . .
-. • t he Lea u • her subliect will be one of '
g e , which were rendered beautiful and TEM HAY TRADE. -There is no roan
orate. It was divided into slit parte,. of Clinton, and Emery, of Belmont.
lire are Leaders In our.Line. r.
....MICIIAL MEETING. --4. large aod en- Dungannon to Tweed. Mrs Medd 8,nd er y age, o est member a larger qaantit of ha than does
there be a grand rally. Oer esteemed oldesemernb b Id
M. Pelealmes veered our locality this
• , • ,41 thusiastiameeting of• the Liberals of children have returned,hoine after vie.
partment in J. Hi es' store this season. .
Exeter ' Mr Plato and -family are moving from mrerest "Hew to ncl exeuses"; grand and rewards vvere given to the in this dection at auy rate whohandles
B 010
Jeweler ;41
Asti ----- • • at
BETUBNED.--11. Murphy, of London,
who -spent. some tune with J. Gibson,
.returned home this week. , .
Moven-. Hugh McGregor is erecting
Na windmill Over his spring and intends
to send the water to his barn and sta-
bles. T. Wigginton putting it up.
RECOVIERED. are pleased to
state that Wm. Gotham, who was in-
-die mei. after his return from his tri
to iverpool, is now nearly recoyered.
..lehti Scott, though somewhat improv -
id, is still suffering from his attack of
ehetunietteirie . ,
• Noess.a-We are sorey to record the
-regime* illness of Miss Jennie Browette,
of Bayfield road. S. Johnson, of .Ban-
nockburn. visited his sister, Mrs. R.
Woods, at St. lens, recently. Miss
Bathwell, ht he Babylon Line, visited
'friends on. G en'Lipt), ,tecently. R.
Beeter was held in the town •hall. on iting friends in 'Auburn arid Bly
by membership and oldest member on
1 • z
Yon pima stop your cofea after
the funeral procession starts, but
• YOU can delay the procession some-
. Invobwabbithri:°u13sPelonfg. Dyoruar Vic Is; eghlti 'nag
• Balsam' of Wild eherre
• Bark. We sell this wonderful
. remedy and griarantee its efficiency..
tile best and safest ourernade.
25o per bottle from us only..
Prescription .
lerettr Ste;
th w nig) en g run the circuit; the meeting was enjoyed cembereast hashes exported 2,200 tone teh
PP •
purpose of Maggie Wilson has retur ned from and delights calling on is, Tory
Tuesday evening for tbe b all Th •
li 0 Ell' t' ho i
electing officers and otherwise perfect:- Dakota for two weeks prior to going i 'ie d .
Inv the organization for the approach- to Oalifernia efor the winter; her
ing elections. . Valentine Raiz, M. P., mother will join her in' Dakota. Mrs
the candidate, . was present and, ads -Wm. Douglass, of Millershurg, is horns
dressed the meeting. The folleaving on a visit to her parents. Me and Mrs
officers were elected: -President, Wine Milligan. T. Olwate is rushing the re-
Bawden; Treasurer. Wm. Perkins; Sec. pairing' de his store and dwelling.
.retary, J.G. Sta,nbury; 'Conemitteee-/ Mrs McCaig has moved from Theseelon
Meows Bother, Pickard, McTaggart to our village; she thinks Dungannon
and Levette • . ., is the best place. The Agricultural
Society are making great preparations
NOTES,-Mrs.Wilson,. of Woodstock,
vieited friends here lest veeek, Miss to *Make this the beet show ever held
01 ir h • here.
ara owell, who. as been visiting ni . •
London, has returned home. Will Roes,
of Clinton, yisited hie parents here. , * porter's Fon.
W.3'. Heitman mein Loddon onTues- . e
dee!, atteriding his betaberei 'wedding. Sunnicee-"I" -12101die Newt"' the
Miss Shaw, milliner for the R, Pickard rutin; fellow who had Ill*
Co., left for liensall last weefe a. G. and otherwise severely In -lured in a
leg broken
i saw mill at Porter's Hill in the spring,
Sta b cl L II lle* k
The annualconvention ot the and would have ex ortea more if be
OM 2
ing completion and will be a very C9111- W. C. T. U. for the county of Eturen had been able to secure boat space,' eut atoPlateataerfeekty-Y-W.,_ it****APeeeteenee
was held in the Methodist chuech here e_thie jumbeemat a pienalum- --this year: -• -- - - -- - ' - - .
ora a d II' A b f th
This large quantity was bought at an reetteemeag sauna powder..
average, of &bomb 06 a ton, whieli dries - .e-
nuongt .include co,st of peering or hand- Rep
ort of the Inbind Revenue Depart-,
A Biome' .Tietn.-It was the band ment-Large Quantities of Impure ,
that attracted a •Ierge audience 'to the .
town hall on Tuesdey ,night to "hear . , Reweave rounde-SaletotAiteneele
Fitz dr *Webster's farce comedy, - "A Powders Forbidderi.
The Ittilletin of the Inland Revenue Va.: '
Breezy Time."a The music was fine- .
as 'good, • perbaps better thair that .
partment (No 68) contains saelYees of • 25$ .
which the dyne* band rendered on the aseeples of baking powders barrette ot d,eel-
streets at noon; the play was One round
otlaughter; the specialties introdked ers and reatiufecturere in tbe Daintribin.
Tho alarming is Made 'that 85 -
made great hits. Their musicians alre per cent debase are alum raixtureit, la . ee:
of the best, the dancing. was good, and In view of this large proportion deems, -
again they will get a full house.
the songs • ditto. Should they come powders, chief Amore eledeehteee%oette.
monde that legal 'proceedings be taktM,
death of Mrs. Stineon, daughter a ele
' TIEATII,-We .regreat to learn cif the Reseed parties selling them, en elle ground .
'Upon this reconimendittion the Commie --
that they are unbeelthful &tholes of forel.
John Shobbrook, of the north gravel
teener of inland Revenue has gh/en public, "
rotul, which took place in Monte, Mame
lee thee persofite railing alum powdera
la,st Monday ; the family have reedved
nounceinent of her death; deceased Analyst,
no pertionlars beyond the are an"
W TII:aPririelseeselewe're. made by the Assistant
Mr Al McGill, who fithe dbenme '•
Goderich on Mooday on legal budnese. under went an operation tee loner day,
four medical men being in.attendatice.
The largest crowd for a number of The operation was what le called a re..
years attended the. annual fair on e tion The man wit be tiorne-
Momlay and. Tuesday. The •fair was. a e e • - young . 1 •
big success. ' ' • what lame, but the operation was suc-
' • cessfully performed. .
- A Ben. -Clan Newton was taken ra-
. .•
elltiliett , . e. that by surrise on Tuesday When
Nemeth -31r. and Mrs. Andrew, a about ten o'clock thirty Men assembled.
Oreemore,' Darden (Jo., are vidtieg at' with their sickles and stacking horses
the latter's father,' James Cartwright, and started into his nine -acre field of
„ o • corn, and before sunset they had. the
Wenetsr, of ucknow, spent a short • entire field cnt and storiked up. Mr.
lime visiting . relations on • Bayfield TEACiput Efidadotis-Miss Owning- Newton has been very much hindered
road. The Episcopal church at Varna . bame, daughter of Jae. Catmint:tante,. with hie work this "summer and fall on
:held their .Thenksgiying seryiees last of Belgrave, formerly of Hallett, has account of the sickness of his eon, who -
Sabbath. Mr. and Mae W. Taylor are been engaged for .S, S. Nnee, for. next is still "confined tehis bed as a result of
veining Metier, In Steptien. , ' year. at it salary of $275. She comes the broken bones reeeayee at ma pee.
-* - highly recommended, having had seer- due's saw mill on the 24th of May last.
' • era' Years'exPerience, This neighborly act has shown the
1.0clin.lolo. - OIBTITARY.--AB old settler Of the sympathy felt for the family. and es-
. WEDrattee-A very pleasant etrent Huron road paesed away on Wednes- pecially for Goldie, who is held in high
•oecurred main. niidet on Wednesday, day, Sept. 261.13, ilea the person of Jane esteem.
the 10th inst., at the residence of Mrs Chesney, relict of the late Alex. jam. REPAIRING. -At it 'meeting of the
-Mara McKay, when her secofid. eldest ieson, at the age of 80 years. The de- truetees of Bethel church on Monday
danghter, Miss Catharine A., was unit-
ect in marriage to Alex McDonald, of
Amberley. The ceremony was pet -
formed by Rev. R. Melia:id, B. D., of
Baron church, and took place out on
•the lawn beneath it beautiful bower et
evergreens ib the form of an arch, in
the presence of about two hundred in-
vited guests. The bride wee attended
by her sister, Mies Margaret McKay, of
Metro% The groom was supported by
his cousin, Sas. McDonald, of Pine
River. When congratulations- were
over the company repaired to the din-
ing room vvhere the ta,bles were tastily
spread and laden With delicacies. After
all bad partaken of the geed things
(provided, the yowler people indulged in
•gancies, and were entertained from time
to time by setections on violin, organ
and bagpipes-, and singing, while those
'who enjoyed it, tripped the "light ten-
, taetic toe" to the MU= of the violin,
110TE9.-The Hurmeltiesbytery met
in the church on Tuesday last, when a
call was tendered -the Rev. Mr David -
eon, of Mount Forest, to the Varna and
°Blake churches; the call Was accepted
and the induction win take plaee On
Oct. 21st. Mr Dixon and Mrs Snell at.
tended theefuneral of Sohn Pinning, of
• nerinten on Tuesday, Sas, Aikenhead
crewed and her husband were ant ng it was decided that the church should
the first rosidents Hullett, the la ter undergo extensive repairs. A bee has
having died some years ago, 'Both been arranged for Monday afternoon,
were faithful and strict Presbyterians, Oct. I, to do the outdoor work, repair.
The tuneral will take place today (Fri-, ing the root the fences, etc. Alt inter -
day) to the Egmondville ettmetery.• • ested are invited.
IrOTAlter LIST APPSALS,-Ooort for
the reeision of the Voters' List was Dayfleld.
held at Londesboro.on Inesday, before
Judge Maseon. 0, Gerrow appealed on NOTES. -0. Fergurion has taken a
behalf of tee Liberals and Mr Beck in position on a boat at Port Dover, Miss
his own behalf. For that portion of G. Cameron, of Detroit, is epending it
altillett which is in the West Riding few holidays at home. Rey S. McNeil
the -following changes were 'made :- is fixing up his residence on the front
Conservatives added, 4 ; Liberals add- road. Mr and Mere. Falconer spent a,
ed, 0 ; Oonservatives struck off 7 ; Lib- few days yisiting friends in Brucefield.
era's struck off 4. A party of Brucefield youths and
• nymphs ?eat the first part of Monday
Clew= Kneante-Mr. Henry Liver- night at owett's pavilion, a Whid-
more met with a bad loss last seek by
having three cattle killed on the rale don, of /holey.. who has been spending
road by the afternoon expedite train. a few weeks with friends here, has re-
turned borne, Mr and Mrs J. Elliott,
The fences had recently been destroyed e 111/STAXEN. -We' *
by fire, thus letting the cattle. out ef Seattle, have been visiting fi mode . were e little in error
+ in town; he will visit his brother, Dr, last week when we made mention teat
, when they strayed upon the railroad,
I and met their death. What nuetes it A. Elliott, of Lueknow, this week; Mr Hi 11 tt gentian:me had rented Join)
particularly' unfortunate is the Elliott unfortunately met with the ec- keel.' Ls i'latirr ble.eunr ininncettibeenelmaperoyDa(n)r-
fel'elt cident of haying his foot crushed be- , ,
that one of them was his best !nue
cow; a good deal of sympathy is ex. _tweet' two cars _tIT day before leaving. Gabriel Elliott lute leased tee farm for
preeseci for Mr. Livermore. home. Some Of t e boys spent the af a term of years 1 we wit+ lack turcese
ternoon and night at the Goderich in his new venture and slueerely hope
Pasant/ .Aveeet.--An early settler of show last weak. Miss Marie Whiddon that a fair young girl will be made
Hullett passed away on Monday last, has accepted a situation irke dressinak. happy ere long
in the person of Peter Brennan, ab the leg establietilhent in Ohesley. We all '
age of 07 years. Ile was one of the with eee eeeeeee, AcrunENT.-While Mrs Geo. Weston,
ifirst of Ilulletas settlere, having endi. \ 6 e .11., and another young lady were
Dien. -A. sad eitene happened lad driving to Bayfield the other day tbey
grated from the county of Sligo, Ire- • week week in the death of Willard King, met with an acddent, while turning a
and wife visited this Week at the home 'land, and resided in Torooto for
0. I short while before be took up)and on eldest son of G. Xing, of town. The corner the buggy capsized throwing
of their uncle, Mr Sas, Aiketehead, •e
AGedericb, who le at present very ill. lot 18, con. 5, in this township, where littlefellow complained of a pain in his et.
bee eecupants out itijilring etre Wes -
Miss Mary McEwen, Stanley, was last he wee. , eta was mama to miss side, but die not seem to mind it much, ton so badly that Aware feend neces.
week the, guest of Miss Aggie Hart. and Went ,te,school-.They very some alley to pile twelve ditches in her leg;
• en up but her injuries were idight,
ENTERTAIMIgNT.-0011.tit GI. K. Boy.
farmers startecarheirfall plowing on Wednesdan are - morning and eife
terneon sessions were of a businese
week and ceport it to be a little dry.
Wee Emma -Sundered in Stanley re o? Morris . Switzer and- his -sister nature. In the evening -Rev Mr Rabbit
temperance question. "Tbedisease and
of Wingham veva an address on the
newing ., old acceteaintanoes. Statute annerly of the liquor traffic," which
labor has•been going on this week in was very interesting leased, and of a
Bob Marshall's ward ; the sturdy path- most touchinv nature; be also sang a
mast* did &good act when he left beauttful solo, "Fairest Canada 'of
:the gravelling till fill but anyhow alues" to the delight of the audien.Ce,
some are growling even now, and an
ways will tilethe end of time. Thoraea FIRE. --The Peaceful annebees of the
Murch, of Olinton, will occupy the villegere` were again disturbed Moe.
pit of COWS theme on Suede), after. day mint after -]2 o'clock by the alarm
noon next at 2. 301 We are pleased to of fire, this time it being the old hotel
know Geo aalliott is improving rapidly. at the station, known • as the Emigh
John McFarlane has bought thoenbred hotel. George Smith and family were.
sheep teem tee mowing partfeawbiett living in the bantling at the ante. The
were delivered this week. Geo. Sturdy, 'fire originated in the wing at the south
fah con.. "and Geo. Sturdy,' 7th con. end, wheel. had not been used for some
Mr and Mrs ?eerie and frimidenicniced time. :The fire was fairly steeted be.
eketle.ytitild Wednesday Mr Trick's fore the homily discovered _le, &tie it
piebald is nicely over the distemper, was with greatelifficulty that they got
It is said that Gitabeiel Elliott will short- aria of thew household effects safe, se.
ly take' tip his residence in Clinton. curing only a few, the 'rest beteg be-
(,. Stewart moves from town to Exeter yond reach on account of the rapidly
-Wednesday. fare D. Rees and family spreadieg flames. The firemen were
from Colorado moved into the house on hand promptly" and by earnest d-
i/Ratted by her brother, 0: Stewere feral saved the outbuildings which
Miss -Louisa Tebbett left on Wedpee- -were only e. few feet away. 'This is
clay for. an extended visit to Weeds m the fonah fire in our berg this year.
Stratford and Berlin. The origin of the fireis unknown.
IT WAS Colzre-They tell a story of • -
;a -very -jolly and popular young Man tif " Londesbor
this township, who happened recently Ontritma-Courit G. K. Boyagien;
to be'vitatiog tome ledy friends. As he
Armenian entertainer, hurnOrist and
sat an the buggy yokels with them be- leaver, will give an entertainment in
fore he started for home, it re said that
the Metbodiet church hereon the even.
the mischievioue maidens pulled off his ing of Friciey, Oct. 5 Ma Boyaglan,
hoots and threwthern over a neigebor• cousin of the above, who esceped with
ing fence, where he found theist after him from Armenia, will preach hereon
consider able search. Sunday, Sept., 30, itiorningend even'.
HARVEST 110ME,-.Thearinual Harr. ing. The Epworth League tali bitial
Thanksgiving services will be held in a concert in tbechurch on Friday even.
St. James chortle Middletnneet. Johns ing of this week. eSilver collection at
church, Holinesville and St. Paulo the door. Extensive arragements are
church, Surhinerhill, on Sunday next, being made for a great anniversary of
Sept 30th. The Rev. A. L. Beverl
rector of Christ church, Forest, writ/ toe; day.
ee Bcochiteirtcybwoinn mTheeatratir tihve.
eoaftitchittep.arWishbbeinsMeeelBviecveesrlwy elarest yrnisoiRtt- church at 2 paw. on Monday to cone
plei e arrangements. Mrs. Smith,. of
choignhglryegaaptiporentiavotieidi olavnaduntobedmoultvleat: goer ing at the parsonage. Toronto, sister of our minister, is visit -
this opportunity.
NOTES. -Jas. Woodman hair sold his
AT TUE Soo„ -Mr James Wain% of interest in the butcher business and
'the lake Ettore road, who has been the property just north of the postai'.
the Soo for several weeks, is expected fice to S. Woodmen, who will continue
home in a few days. e Eighteen Yeats the btreinette-at the old stand. Bond
ago he event there and picked out land 'Amason, formerly of this plate, has
for it ermine of his son/es/rho have since been making a few calls in the village;
a:inverted the same into inoculated the, week. Winiain Brown, nearenin.
freen:ts. This is Mr Wallis' second visit merbile, ,has sold his house and lot in
there, and he no doubt finds yery great village to Thos, Shilddick. It genet ally
changes in that, sect ion, happene here that when one property
changee hands there follows two or
three more. Wbo will niake the next
move I' The cour t of revision for 11 ul-
lett Was held in hall on Thurs-
day. before his honor judge Messon.
There were quite it nunaber of changes
made and some' more would have been
if the pealed interetted bad. taken the
trouble to be preemie
A nole,We. One et Godetichi to. ,whom
Were bora three sons, one dying when
young; the tworeinainingbeingelartin
and Richard; the wife is also left to
mourn hie departure. Ile Was teman
well thought of among his bugle circle
ot Mende, end the conetndnity losee
Worthy citizen. rather West officiated
at the funeral. watch took Place on
Wednesday 1:earning at 10 a. in., to the
fluhett 0. cemetery.
NO'rets,--Mrli Adair, of Strathroy,
who has been visiting at the parsonage
for tee past week, returned to her
home on Wednesday morning. The
Epworth League riciet Ag usual on Mon-
day eyening: the tepid "The 'Titres in
your field" was to breve been taken by
T. Wiley but in his absence -115, Wane
found that he had Appendicitis, but
when operated upon it Was found te be
too late, and. he died last Thursday.
The parent; have the sympathy cif the
the other' toner; letly was badly lies -
agien -and hie cousin will hold an en. • ' Westfield. .
tertainreent in the Methodist church 01 -117,0411 -,-The anniversary services
here on Thursday eventng, Oct, 4. Mr. of the Westfield Methodist thutch will
Boyagiate who escaped from Armenia, be held on Ottte7th and 8the Rev Mr
wall tell the story at his wonderful es. Itovirson, of Clinton, will preach Morn -
tape and of his conversion to the child. Inv, and afternoon, and ItereMe McNair,
Ten of the Sabbath school' on Sunday, of Dungannon, in the evening. Mon.
Sept, 80, ektateafternooneervice4 day evening it sacred concert will be
noon of Godetich, an W. H. Kerr,
• tishfisild•
Wsubrue'llurze.- On Weilnesday
evening, Sept. 12th, the home of WM.
Blake, oAsgrove farm" Ashfield, was
the ecene of 0. social occasion and a
greet event in two lives, it being the
Marriage of hie aided daughter, An -
ole McIntyre, to Richard Johnston, of
Aehfield. A,bout 6,80 o'clock the bade,
who OftS8 becomingly attited in a dress
of white organdie Muslin inid bridal
Yell, amended to the 6119410w dining
room amid the etrains of the Wedding
march, which WAS played by her Ms -
ter, Lizzie, Where she Wait given away
iiiveen, and addressee by 'ter Jasper
of the brusaele Poet Mudd will be
rendered by AO Wingham Presbyter-
ian choir, and recitetions by, Mr 8,
Graeae', "Winghene, and the \ biasses
egos temperature hail Wirt raeging from 95 Wilson, Goderloii. Free Will offerings
will be taken at each Of the sereleee.
Do yea meat yourself cooking Meat Wh011,
1.00Aegrem in the elude? lest, the letteidene gave a very even. Notate Uteri Leitaluatt,
tied talk on it Bee, .S. W. An raw, by her father, and Rev. M. Oaten per- of (trend Valley, Were the gueirts of a.
Ana ewe, accompanied by. etre Adele foamed the eereneony. Mise Lelia
of Strathroy, -paid Londeaboro a II in ' Bleke, the bride's little eider, Who acte D' - - -t- -- - ty. fi-eb -II
H MeOlintonleet week Mie A 1
thus are i few palete ticklersl e . sayeefe tale next *ewe, g steeet, After the Wend congratulatione met at' a °14 ereo t° that
/ the gueete sa,t down to Well filled table* ellY en llattivllar het. area. l'h Alma
ley, ef Comber. ill et preterit the gaeet
Atautiod fettlekett, Duck, Turkey, .---- whieh certainly reflected credit on the et her deter, Mrs 3, N. Campbell. A, .
Treltalitfie IA* Peet, Steady Lunch HointeavIlla liestees. The bride received quite it
Belt Silenced 1thtekerat, Lobster* 1 teternygneener, - The annieereery number of beautifal arid Usefill tires» 8,.141101110311pillt a fir days In ctod.
elitat lactated Here, and liondaz Oct. 143, On ftundey, chitty Meek, Twee, etc, until a lige
You ten gee something in the oennea visit on elondiey lest. Quite a nulab g ea ea flow& girl, WAS attired in white err be thebeeNew dr thn6P
noodelleetalireat deal more sPPelleng of OUr dung folks intend tattle riri organdie muslin, and looked Very eta 0 Wh% ehnettogtutttect aanli
Ira bitrri Bardliasai ate* serviette of the MethOdiee eburch and entS• The evening was sienb by the "lett t ittin re • Wealth. -
For •lenderioheis there nothing eicer
swim last week. oho Noble. of Chnton,
b 1 alba held • 8 • d Reedit entertaining thernee f in
4. spent Sunday With hie Wither &mere
, mornitetstan 'Iteenink tenni:me *le be hour, when t ey dispeAed to Melt n e con.
a W. bl . , God 1 h. ill rettbttrti. will take poseeesion In the neer future.
itevire Seedy Intiao if eon 066 Inet*eteneelte eddrese the elren1 eollectione in be. NOTale-ll. ll, Ouberninge htlA $40116 PngettNtATIOlt-The reidlee' Aia la verv no 20111. oy epee* Age, end was s, sou of ths Imo
14.114 BOVORT -Sumer ()oak has
preethe by Rev alter Ayers, of h011ie60 , - pmth• aeed the eicteilloch t• erm and
P'ott Eater/tail and in the ttfternoon
Was well known here and had only
been married for about a year, and her
uptimely death Is much regretted. bhe
was Mr. Shobbrooka younvest daugh-
ter, and was aged ebout28 years.
LIBERAL Roolts.-aThe Liberals of
town have room, opened up above Jae.
McOlachertyee -Semite" Met; iteCortie
mittee Room, to which all Liberals
"Mend country are cordialler in -
see the use of aluin in baking powders,
which, he is of the positive opinionee dan-
gerous to health.
'Professor Rattan, of •WWI aellefea
Montreal, who made a aeries of •experi-
,mente on the digestibility of bread baked
withedu03-powderseis-quotee as -follows'
"The unanimous verdiet of my cored&
menet is that alum powders introdnospio
It form of food of universal use, agente
guested that every supporter of the
Friday evening and it ire-
pwrle:ttagtoiyoed gfoorvernwmeeentt
ing of the Liberals has been called for seeeity of ore digestive ferments. They urgently
vited at Any time. A general coed.
or uorfoni,te rRe: thBemotehi
vein& are detnmental to the funotionel
roust therefore be prejudicial to health.,
end the only /mum is to carefully *void .
consumerq and grocers fire interest.;
Holmes, be in attendance. Other mat-
ters as well as for organization are
to be considered.
roseowser, BtisThinsS 00aateg.-The
fall term of Listowell Bueinees Col-
lege, under the principalship of 0, L
Mutt, formerl of Clinton, has ripened
Chluneer Furroe -From the publish.
ed financial report; of tbe Methoditt
churches on our circuit, we find that
the following amounts were cantabile.
ed :-Bentniner, 1170 Bethel, 1204.12;
Zion, 0193,06; Ball's.07.40; total, Ite312..
58. The total contributions to various
funds were as follows ;-Missionary,
$106; superannuation, 030; education-
Epworth League, el : contin-
gent, $2; general conference, $6; Unit.
ed church relief. eat Sunday echoolaid,
$1; tudentatioe, $2.
Rerrutionre-Winattitedel, who some
time age went to Matatoba,,, with the
Intention of removing there, returned
home on Tuesday. so hd apurposed
taking his family there, but saye new
Ile le glad he did not do so. The hat-
yeet, . he sayte was really worse than
even the papers reported, recent wet.
weather having interfered to much
with work that many farmers will not
have seed. He is about closing arrange-
ments to go into buelnee al/Sarnia. An
industrious, tettiedericioue Winners
man, we are sorry to lose bine and.
hope he may have abundant Outcast,
should he decide on leaving.
Notte.-Alfon GIedhill le building
an addition to his hoes& jams; tiOng's
house is /IOW completed ithd certainly
adds to the imposing appeeranee Of
our hatollet. Mr. Hart, ere is *till (NW)
ill, Threshing is the order of the day,
The League, at Bethel, last Taiteday
evening, was conducted by Rev. Mr.
Shaw. whet, addreeeecl it On 4* Tam. In
ett in this matter. Houskeepers should be
very careful in purchasing iheir baking •
powders, The alum powdere can general.,
ly be dietinguiehed by their low 'price.
They ot bat two or three ciente a pound.
tc make and two soldfrom ten to silent
cents. A pure orestri of tartar powder 10
With very goo& success, having received quite expensive to make and is sold front
application from several ex -pupils of forty to 111 Iv cents.
other business colleges. who have chore •
eh this college in order to cotnplete
their stndy of the theory and practice The Caledonian Portland Cement
of shorthand. This certainly speaks Company's works at Maribank were
well for the Institute at Listowel, which destroyed by tire, with the exception
since its organization it year age has of thee kiln house. The loss laebOut
iningadraetiviietreydriaaidupiarotgortehoes, caonndfledterlownegolyt
°sere ;rand jury at London found it
the public. All those anio desire A true bill in the Siftcar murder case, and
thorough and practical business train- when it come up for trial a sent/ea/in
ingot:meld apply at once for illustrated was caused by Sifton pleading "reit
catalogue, Which eerie a full outline re- eolity," while Herbert, his rte./iodate,
garding methods of instruction, rates plead guilty,
of tuition, etc.W
. J. Conners onnoerintaio
siinsfeornmeerds that htik
°Wawa= Aernuoreernn. - On rea1 krb
elotiday evening at Burke's Falls, Mr. on the new eine/At/re would begin next
and Mrs. A. M. Burchill, recently of week, and he hoped to make such.
Olietori, were presented with it magni- progrese that building operations
ficent diver tee service, suitably tn. could be continued all winter.
graved; and an illuminated address, by
the townspeople and different deriorni- 0. F, Stevena. a Methodiet miesiona.
nations of the place as it gift in reword- rs,,tat Oxford Howie, in a letter to the
braece ot their recent rnarriage The innipeg Free Prerie, dated Sept. 10,
meeting Wes held in the Methodist in_a_akes:_the •followingehocking state.
church, the largest edifice of the kind "'u t "During the late winter and
in the place. and the company filled it ty and thirty Indianearly epring of this year betwen twen-
s of the Saulteaux
to the porch. The chairman of the residing at or near &Hely Lake,
school boxrd presided 'end the prelim. and trading Into Mend Leke, ELB Co'
teflon was made with becoining digiai- Post. died of starvation, Rabbits and
ty by it party of ladies and gentlemen
repreeenting the various- 'dent/Mina- deer have failed these people, and al-
though they eat even the bark of trees
dohs and intereete of the town. Mr.
and so fortb, yet they in e not always
Burchill replied in reeling teem, ate able to sustain life during .the long
addresses were made by the resident winters." Oxford House is a, district of
ministers, all appreciative of Mr. Bur.
Keewatin, and is situated about half -
chill e moral worth, religioue character w.ay.,_betvreen Norway House and York
and success as teacher. The milted
choirs of the place tangsand a progratd e actory.
of secredsong and recition wee green, • ------
A most happy evening was spent, and
the gathering broke op with the dug- ;
• SPeetaeleS
ing of the national anthem, '
Onteriaere..-The following _Which re-
fers to the tete Dougfee A. McDonald, *
notice of whose death Was in lad twine, * .e -k * e
la talon from. the Winnipeg Ofee r or nyegiasses
Prose I -The nears Of the death of *
Douglas Alexander McDonald, a pop. re _ .
ular conernerelal meat of this ettee was .,..* 1114,y 110 either an ornament or
reedited 'With univereal regret yeeter. 5-.-. ontifigurement to the coanten.
day *Mono a Wide circle Of Mande. is. oboe, 0000rdlog to the beauty
Deceased lisd been euffering for some *., of attlan and perfett at of the
tires With Bright's disease, and went ; 006804
to St, ttonifece hoepital about A Week e-
gg*, When lie grew rapidly worse un.* 4
to his death late Stiturday eight, Have * w h We , leee. )he and designs in '
Ing lived, le wieidpea ewe um* epeonelieti Ann 00114600; it*
"DOUR" at he Wel popolarly Celled, i frames are qt. If lb" illing
Wia tine of Its beet known citizens. In en"*"er WnItla ire Slif"/
theetirly cleat he took an totem interest lining their gleam*, abut thorn'
in lacrosse, and Was for some time fleld uttbly sulatentita and ot tbe
-Moats a the Winnipeg bereft/we teeth. MOM approved shripeer.
While net tre actively Idetitlfied with
epOrts of late Years, he has always fol. ma to tbie the feet that the
lowea With keen inteteet the latroeee, ewes are fitted le. the MOO
*dente% manner, ma 'oaten!
hive real itomfort every Mut
. the glee/leg Wrti *OM
Orir charges are It0aOrlikteti
the Wheat." Next Tuesday evening is hockey and curling • compeatione of
consecration, and it good , attendance I each year, end wee a ,,ropetet, member
is desired. We Are gorily to know test of the elevate curliest deb, Hs has
Sack Stevens is yerv ill. 0. MohrloS. been -secretary of the, "Wittnipeg Cater.
while after.the cattle in the field on
ere' atiSeelation fOr *evert.' yettes,
Saturday, stePped on eturitynelecanto ceesed WAS born at Seeforth, Ont., a0
9:opless. er MAY hill'oen $1"11:65"nt hAlf of the I'm And SAhhAtIl School to Markdale Weft friends. We ere Soeiety Of the Methodist church Went te O. atrong feet to hold hitn. rt. 'led. hev Der meeeemee, fee many 'sato
rands. On Monday eventng a tea. glad to Bee Hoy. Henderson out to the home of Mrs ar, Pickett. of Sun- dle ie having A hard time with his mere Preebeteriati toinieter oat that, place.
nloeting will be beta, when eddreeses atatin after being confined to the house shine, on WednesdAY !Ask for the Mir' Wend, Miss F10. Gledhill event few jamei menamod, Neepewe. and
°Wag COOPER et Co. may be expected from Beni!) W, Ayets, fOr eome days. ere. Alephee, iof Otte- pose of presenting Mrs faeOulloch, dim with Rev. Mr. e.nd Mrs, Wilson. 'Lobel% of Detroit, both former
°. W. Andrews of Fullerton, W. Gif. wa, conducted service in the I resbyte- former member, with S. chair and ad. onme.
nipeggets, art brothers of decerteerl.
fd d E
oran. DSmith of . Olinton. An. rlan ehurch lett Sabbath. The helmet (trees , showingethe esteene In which
propriate 011121c by the choir. Admis. cittibike wed Notth Mee ledge No. 2, I. 0, 0. F.,seof
which dacemed was member, .
notioe dot* in Steele's Meek.
of the Apple craw it 8, great Ions to this aged ladysis held, A very pleasant Premier Marchand sf
Oak* id* snitiga .ion 25c and I5c. many In thit section, , time Was await . loot Monday night,
sera charms of the funeral.
6 Gri
Iler Aria (Wolin.
• Sueeeteor to ees„ Reallixtortibe
Seirkitkellikei kkirkirirkridt***11*