HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1908-04-30, Page 5APRIL 30, 19o8 --THE BLYTH STANDARD -PAGE FIVE. THE RIGHT HOUSE Mr . R GROOK, y4 Pil . Toilet `}Sets FAI Fill 1 Dinner Sets Our assortment of Dinner Sets is better than ever before. 11V.4 beautiful the usual scroll and flower patterns, we have some b'autiful scenery, something new end attractive. SPE - �vv CI AL -We have here a few bargains which just arrived. .1 To see thent Is to be oonvinoed, per set only $11, ,. Odd Dishes . FA1 . N 9 E. BENDER, BLYTH PA' ga,,Promanv;;.asom....Primo2Pzir,...m.,..i.-saw-.4 el A RELIABLE STORE WITHWORTHY GOODS ON SALE t AT CAOUIln Aral Pltlela8 FOR OAHU AND FARM 1'1tUUU°N1, , We have several dozen of the choicest Toilet Sets ever chows in 1311th, They include. SMI the newest parrerne and shades, r dieing In price from $1.30, $2, $2,50, $2.75, $3,75, $5, $5.80 up to $0, We now have over 8000 odd plates, cups and saucers, out of which aseortntent you will be able to Lind anything you want. Fancy Dishes Juso as beautiful as ever, only more of them. No matter what your wants may he we can easily suit you. Highest prides paid for Farm Produce. G { r r r ar . r , r r,.. i a 1 i 1? ill tJi%4i' r I? 1 �t ic:l1? r•��'s''1Sf?9itt� ii�.:tl gi � it d:f�S zh : £.: gat ,E l:t, tt,.;..dS i �l;.ti?'s�� �i s: ,:. � ; NI NEWS AROUND TOWN 9 ;sign i3MinE}F ?i,2 'ittii;;aiii'i35 in"sf spans SPRING has conte at, last, FRIDAY of this week Is May -day. THE Main street and Dinsiey street are touch improved after the grader has been on them, BIG delegations left here ast Thursday and Frldal to attend the Conservative and Libe.al conven• tions respectively. BUY MELAGAMA TEA, --Mothers' favorite, money in every package. Price 30e, 40c and 50c per pound, lead packages. Sold by J. II. Bfoor, Blyth. FOR SALE. -Lots 21 and 23, Rel. furs survey, on this property there is a 1 story frame house with kit. chen attached. This Is a rare chance for .anyone with limited means. Apply to Wm Campbell, real estate agent, Blyth. THE assembly held In Industry Hall last Wednesday Livening Was 71 decided success. The tive•piece orchestra ofTony Vita gave an ex. eellent musical program. Trite hall was tastefully decorated and many cotnplimeitary remarks were pass- ed, CENTRE BURIN CoevnwrION.- I'he Uoiservotive executive officers of the newly formed riding of Cen- tre Huron inet at Clinton on Wed- nesday Itnt at d decided t Ball ,I conven sue 1 Clhit"i on flay 14 h to 11. tu(nate 0 candidate for the Legislature, David Cu telon, of Clinton, was elected President, and J. A. McEwttn, of Goderieh, Secre- tary. 'itit undrrsignod le offering for sale to wind up the late Hannah Dick &tate, part of Park Lot Nd. 8, situate on Queen street in tite•Vil lake of Blyth. The property ,con- sists of it quarter of an acre of land, on which there is a frame house with a quantity of fruit trees, This properly must be sold, For full particulars apply to Wm. Camphell, real estate agent, Blyth. A. FooLisn PRACTICE. - Some people wonder why money goes °stray in sending it through the post office without registration The prnetiee is one that should he dis- continued by everybody. If a per- son values his money he should guard a protect It and extra pre- caution should he taken in sending money t¢ outside points. Write Your address distinctly, as too cur- rency taken from misdirected letters at the dead letter office last year atnnueted to $67,61b 59, The wise do otherwise and purchase a money circler. Daxnls.-In iieKillop, on April 17th Wm. Jas Dennis, aged 88 Years and 4 months. McCnAE.-111 BO grave, on Aprii 26th, Wm. McCrae, aged 75 years YOUNG. -In Colborne, on April 27th, Gordon Young sr,, its his 86th year. CLEAN up. SECEDING is well advanced. COUNCIL meets next Monday even• ing. LAST week Luxton 1I111 received a ear of shingles from New West- minster, B, 0, 'i'tsn rain on Saturday was a very heavy one while it lasted. It will do good for the farmer, G. 51. CHAMBERS & Co, will have for side Choice Fresh Lake Trout every Thursday and Friday morn- ing, BEFORE the election is over we wilt he able to present the pictures of the two candidates in North Huy - on to our readers. Hos a cyclone struck my home With disaster on Its wings ? No. but it is just as bad, Angeline is cleaning things. h'oR SALE, -Mr. Wnt, Ross, about two miles north of this village, is of- fering his property for sale, There i� an acre aground with comfortable house and stable with a number of first class fruit trees, ThWW property will he sold cheap as Mr. Ross wishes to go west this spring. Apply to. Win. Campbell, real estateagent, Blyth, or Box„96, Blyth. Pno'rECT Yout TOWN,-Proteet vI nl' own tuwu and thereby show that you ore to it,001' Of prpteetiot. It protection is good for'the'r nation it is good for the town, As towns- people we should favor our town above every other as the growth and develnpnnent.uf it is what will enhance the value of all property both in ttnd about it' Then buy your dry goods;' groceries, drugs, bread and meat, etc:, at home ; have your printing, your 'blackstnithing, your shoemaking done at Moine ; patronize hone in every. instance that you can. Tho success of our merchants and tnechattics means new business houses and -residences, ,additional demands for labor- of various kinds. '1'0 the farmer to first class town affords a better mar- ket for his grain, 0 betted' trading point and such tt town is bound to increase the value of its land, Un. questionably "in union there is strength." Let us protect our town. IIenti is a toughing little ode to the merry widow Hitt, Widespread and, fiat, What Have they got Fixed in your`frame ? Bees, j, Sections of trees; Birds all aflame, l Flowers, Wonderful bowers, Plants in the pot, What Have they put on this hat? Gosh What ha ve they not ? -Louisville Courier-Jourual. 13tevczn riding a the sidewalks is an everyday occurrence In town, The law should he enforced, ON Monday evening of this week a number of young people from here attended an assembly in Brussels, 'l'rtx barbershop of D. Somers, the empty atom next and Dempsey's grocery have received a new dress of white paint from the brush of A. Stienhoff. Tux Blyth baseball club received an invitation to play in Listowel on V1eto'ia Day, but had to decline on account of the league match in Goderieh. A NEW verandah is being erected at the new house of Wnt. Stack- house on Drummond street. lir, Stackhouse believes in having all the comforts of a hone. LAST Thursday Detective Phelan, of Goderieh, was in town on the loolc•out for the soldisr-murderer, Moir of London, who is up in Huron Co. in his effort to escare the pollee, HonESEEaERS Excursions to West May 12 and 26. For later dates and information regarding rstes, tickets and for reservation in tourists sleep. ors, calf at C. P. R, town office, .1., Mcllnrchic, agent. Ttn.nst, will be tt meeting of the Huron County Postmasters' Assoc'. tion in the Town Hall, Exeter, on Tuesday, May 5t1, at 11 'o'clock tt. nt, I). 13. McKinnon, Postmaster of Blyth, is the President ot this asso- ciation. LICENSE3.-Tic West Hr.ren Li• cense Commissioners met in Auburn last Wednesday and all licenses were renewed except Wiigham and Blyth, but were grafted ata Tater sleeting. The Commissioners re- fused a license to a second liquor store at Goderieh and are likely to grant a license to J. Rattenhury at Clinton for his new hotel just com- pleted, Tux lecture in St. Andrew's church on Monday evening was well attended. This was the third visit of Rev. Thomas Wilson and the large audience evinced his pope. laxity. His lecture aid views upon the lite ttnd labors of the tote Rev, Dr. Paton, of the New Hebrides, were much enjoyed. Such evenings cannot help but develop missionary Interest and sympathy among those Wilt) httd the privilege of hearing Mr. Wilson. 'I'nm Elmira Signet of last week has the following local :-The EI• miry Musical Society has just hon. ored and accepted all necessary ap- plication forms from the C. P. R. to fun an excursion to Goderieh on Thursday, June 18th, starting at Guelph nd will take passengers at special excursion rates from all sta. tions west up to Blyth, All tickets will he good to return by special train the same evening, and the tickets issued front Millbank and all statie55 east wilt be good to return Friday, June 19th. The band will: accompany ' the excursion and ft fihonid prove an enjoi'able outing. Watch for full particulars later. EARLY CLosING.-The question of early:closing by-law should be mit into force, or rather the merchants 'n town ought to agree among them.. elves to close their stores certain nights in the week. One solution of the problem is that we think ft nothiig'but fair that the merchants themselves, to say nothing about, their clerks, should have some even." Ings to themselves and 'not have to keep their noses dawn on the grind. stone from early morning tis late at night, week in and week out, year" after year. Those who follow this up during their life in business do not know that they'are living, never having a moment for pleasure or re• creation of any kind whsttever. We feel satisfied that the buying public will bear 118 out in Old and, should the merchants agree to close their respective shops at an early. hour, would govern themselves accord- ingly and do their shopping earlier in the day, All other towns and villages -many of them smaller than Blyth -have been in the habit of closing early for some years, so why should the thriving village of Blyth be 100 years behind the times. Get busy and let everyone agree to close their respective places of business during the summer on certain evenings, starting by May 110, Death Calls Dr. Willoughby. Hong Dt'. Willoughby, minister without portfolio in the Ontario cabinet, died at Colhourne, Ont, Tuesday morning. 1Ie had been ill for some time, Icon. De, Willoughby was born Simeoe County, .Ont., Feb, 2, 1844. Like to Try Psychine "Please send me a bottle of Paychine. I have a child afflicted with tubereulosis, and have been advised to try your medicine by our family doctor, as he says he cannot do any thing more for my child." MRS. H. STEPHENS, Arthur, Ont., July 14, 1007. Psychine cures when doctors fail. Many are sorry they did not try Psychine first. Throat, lung and stomach troubles yield to its curative power. At all druggists, 50e and $1.00, or Dr. T. A, Slocum, Limited, Toronto, He was educated at the Bradford Cremator School and graduated M. 1). at Victoria College in 1867. After serving as warden he was returned to the Legislature for East North- untherland In 1886 and has held the seat ever since. Ile entered the V, M. service as assistant surgeon, 40th Battalion, 1872, and was promoted surgeon 1889. Politically the late 1)r. Wlllough• by hes alwtiys been a Conservative, standing high in the councils of his party. In religion he was an Angli- can, Ile had been a member of the Whitney Government, for the last four years. Oddfollowe at Church. The Blyth Lodge of the Iniepen. dent Order of Oddfellows, No. 366, celebrated the 89th anniversary of the Order on Sunday by attending service in the evening at the Metho- dist church, As no invitations were sent to other lodges, about forty members of the lodge msrehed to the church, Robt. Sloan being marshal]. Itev, S. Anderson, pastor, was the preacher. As a scriptural lesson he read the second chapter of Hebrews. Ile took his subject from the 21st verse of tine 1st chapter cf Philip- pians. "Far to me to live is Christ." He stated in preaching this ser- mon that he would not give the usual class of sermons preached on these occasions, but decided that a gospel sermon would be a benefit to the members as well as the congre- gation and in choosing this text that it might help everyone and they might say as Paul said "For to me Go live is Christ." The life of Pau) was presented to the congregations and showed the results after eonver. sion: He showed the folly of living for either business of pleasure. Hymns were sung that were fs- nines to everyone and the choir gave two excellent anthems, The Oddfellows was founded at Baltimore on April 260, 1819, by Thos, Wildey and four others, These men sowed better than they new for now the organization has roaches in Germany, Australia, he Orient and other countries. There are 1,863,000 members of subordinate lodges, 194,000 patri- areiis, 20,000 chevaliers, 536,000 Daughter's of Rebekah. The object of the order is the up -lifting of hu - inanity, by teacihing. the lesson of benevolence and • charity, and el1- deavoringto live up to the rule laid downby the Prince of lien-" E ye weuldt,thltt :nen should do ut11 you,'do'ye liken iso Unto them",i GHilttcn i'itT185. lieu. S, Apdetso*t ,l sgt'°b'iifday tnoreing; spokeota,t'Obser'vahce of Che Sabbath." Next Sabbath morning the Sacra- ment will be administered in the Methodist ehut'eli. Rev. 1I. 111, Langford, rector of St, John's church, Brussels, is being sought tarter by the congregation in Shelburne, The `Sabbath School and Bible Class of St. Andrew's church will be held in the afternoon tit 2.30 throughout the entire year." 011 Tuesday evening next the Ep. worth Lenguo of the Methodist ohm eh will hold a reception service sifter the cull call ane consecration meting. L,.Ist Sabbath Bev. '1'. S, Boyle concluded his work in St. Pont's church, 11'ioghom, and will move to Chathani wheelie becomes rector of the church there. Last ,Sabbath in 5t. Andrew's 01nv'0Ji, the pastas' spoke at both services ii the interest of the Lord's Day ''Aifiarfce. At the evening set'. vice Frank Everett sang 0 tenor solo imgood voice. A County'.seci'etary for works in tmenectinn ',Pith the Y, M, 0, A. movemUent,had-iteeti appointed in the rr.nn of L, C. Fleming, of Exeter, 0 0) Qn l•l Men's Popular Hats I. 0•• tt✓✓,,11 Battersb 's Celebrated Hats in latest styles, "- y y C)2, in grey, hazel, black, brown, silver grey, at $1.5o, • 0 1.75, 2.00 cold z.25. Q Oo)(0(O 0 O rad O 0 `0 0 0 • �QS 0 0 0 f 0 r• 0 Men's Stylish Boots Albert Shoes, in latest lasts, in patent, box calf, dongola and mat kid, at $4,00 and $4.5o. Faultless Shoes, especially priced, at $1.50, 1.75, 2.00, 2.25, 2.50, 3.00 and 3.50, Marsh's Shoes, in American styles, nobby, neat and good values, at $2.00, 2.5o and 3.00. Men's Heavy Shoes Climax, Williams', Weston's, Cote, Ahern's, all good reliable goods in solid leathers, at $1.35, 1.50, 1.75, 2.00, 2.25, 2.50, 2.75 and 2.85. Trainman and Karn's Cni(dren's Goods These are specially designed and manufactured by children's wear, are good fitters and very sty- lish, at 95c, $1.00, 1,25 and 1.50. Ladies' Puritan and Minerva White Waists The best we have seen at $1.00, 1.'5, 1.50, 1'75, 2,00, 2,25, 2,50, 2.75, 3.00, 3.25, 3.50, 4.00. Ladies' White Gowns at 50c, 75c, $1.00, 8.25 and t.5o. Ladies' White Skirts at 75c, $I,00, 1,25, 8.75 and 2.00. Ladies' White Drawers at 35c, 40c, 50c, 75c. Ladies' Corset Covers at 25c, 35c, 40c, 50c, 75c. > CASH PCSP BUTTER AND EGGS. 0 0 0 • POPLESTONE & CARDINERjo' O� �3� •'S�']C �30 • • TEAS ! TEAS ! TEAS r Try "LIPTON'S" packed only in tine, the flavor is kept ill. "SALADA" in lead packages. "JAPAN" the beet 450 Tenon the marltot. Loose Teas, bis bit and green, mixed to suit the taste. SIVE US 'A GALL Potatoes wanted. iliighest prices paid. Corner Store A. TAYLOR - BLYTH 11e is pi incipal of the public school iii"Exeter, and w111 tlo. doubt, prove a capable secretary, Next Sabbath Rev. J. L. Small, . A., will occupy itis own pulpit and in the morning his subject will be "Christ's teaching in regard to tote Old 'I'estanient," In the even- ing he Will take for his topic "Night scenes of Old Testament --Destruct- ion of Sodonl." The annual Easter ' Vestry of Trinity church was held ,on Monday evening, April 20th, the Rector, Rev, W. 13. Hartley presiding, 51r. Chris, Johnson was appointed Vestry Clerk, which office was made vacant by the death of the late J. W. Bell. Mr. F. Metcalf gave a Rtatement of the receipts and expendi tm'e during the year which showed 'the finances to he in a fairly encouraging shape. Ten days were allowed the wardens to complete their work a nd hand the hooks to the auditors, t nose report was presented at tho adjourned Vestry meeting on Wednesday, April 29th. The election of dicers resulted as follows :-f rector's war- den, 11, II. Robinson ; 3'cople's war- den, Thos, Coad ; Sidrxsmen, George Potter, Chris, ,Johnston, ,Jabez Wal- ker ; usher's, Stanley Buchanan and Wm. Potter' ; delegate Synod, Franc Metcalf ; auditors, Miss 'W. Thomp- son and Dr. Charlesworth, The Vestry expressed its sincere appreci- ation of the services or the different organists, and the eho; r, also for the years of earnest and eflcientservices rendered the church by Mr, Metcalf who has just retired from the office of Rector's Warden, A motion was placed on the vestry book too ex- pressing the sincere appreciation of the long and active interest taken in the church by the late J. W. Bell and the deep sense of loss felt at his devise, and sympathy with those bereft. Colborne. Probably the oldest settler in the township of Colborne passed away on Monday in the person of Gordon Young sr. As early as 1835, when but 13 years of age, he came to Col- borne with his patents and has been a resident of the township over since, 'Phe parents died many years ago and one by one the members of the family until lir. Young was the only surviving member. The deceased was a very prosperous farmer and a worthy citizen of the township. He was 11 life-long member of the Presbyterian church at Carlow and maintained a keen interest in the affairs of the church to the very last, lir. Young had to family of three sons and sever daughters most of whom survive hits and live near the old homestead on the 8th eon. Rev. J. L. Small, of Blyth, conducted til., funeral services yesterday at that home of his daughter, Mrs. Charles McPhee and at Colborne cemetery whore the remains were interred. Tooter fishing season opens on Friday of this week,