The Clinton New Era, 1900-09-21, Page 4• c.•
September 21, 1900 „
s, •
THE CAMPAIGN IN-EURO1N ed, Obarlee and Mr, Foster had ! eqmpese••• woo
Millinery How 0., 00 F rlffis er Clinton il)111 p:iitagibtagehhiliElibc5
both declared thet` the woollen and ' -
The: 111° ' .6"exiMed from the 71Etifi.
Opening Days
successful Mootint
Nova seotialt lit 000e e-egeeem tatn time, bot the prophesy had not
Mews, Illoiniee. 810%1114U materialized ; he had also ProPheeied I
arid McDonald. also.
speak. 4 year% but his preclictione had not been
reaching 10,000,000 in a short term of
about the population of the northwest
' fulfilled. Tupper had also prophesied
Tfturstlau Sept.27 FrillaU 28 anti Saturdap 29 rr°34 th"iglial.
..., f 'when the iron bountiee were put on
with no better Meet. VVhen the Lib.'
1 The canapeign in favor of Laurier
, and good government opened at Olin. eral government took office Sir Charles
.. tan on Friday evening last, when the pwroasphbersoieudghdteprdeosweignhiewhseanidthdeistagrtieffr
town hall was tilled to beer the Hon.
D. C, Fraser, M.P.; for Guysbere, N, S., twaollualdwariltlhowEn; gwiahnedn wtahee hiparuexfeurreantteidal,
speaker of the evening was in good
discuss the political sittuttian, The and
form, and so were hie associates on the the denunciation of the treaties
aGi eedernt haen
Ydestruction followed,
Sir t he hilaeri lrel: pillar °age
platform, Messrs. Robert Balsam M.
•p., John McMillan'M.P., and Da Mac. of our trade' with the latter countries.
donald, M. P., thethree members or
What followed 1' The trade with Ger-
thef three Hurons. On the front seats many increased 4$ per cent. and that
the ladies of Olieton demonstrated that with Belgium increased 200 per cent in
situation and several times lead the ' Manse.) For these Teaser's and many
they took an interest in the political, Spite of Tupper's 'prediction. (Ap-
others that could be cited, the speaker
applause, while among the audience
could be seen a number of earnest Con-
warned his hearers to take no stock in
servatives, who had given Tupper a any •Preffictions that Sir Charles might
make concerning the coming election.
black eye at the last election, and were
The speaker thanked his hearers, and
. preparing to repeat the dose when
next opportunity offered. On the sides was loudly applauded as he .resumed
of the hall were streamers bearing the . his seat. .
al' legends. "Four Years of Peace, Pro- When the chairman called upon the
- , te a . gress and Prosperity," and 0 Increase Ron: D. C. Fraser to address the audi-
of Canadian Trade Duane 18 Years of once the man from Guysboro' was
4 IN 1 Tory Rule. $8000,000. During 4 Years cheered to the echo. Ele opened his
e4.1 of LiberalLule, $142,000,000." The chair remarks by stating thatthis was not
i l was occupied by Jas. Scott, barrister, the first time he had addressed a Clin.
and mathe platform were Hon. D. C. ton audience. He was putting in •his
ras Rob, es eel 1.7 r M c- o days and bdelti ed he couid not' be
• WE open the Fall 1V1illinery Season on the above days with a
play of Pattern Hats and Trimmed Goods which we feel con-
-fident has never been approached for VARIETY BEAUTY and.
EXTENT in this locality: Our display has been selected -with
great care. Paris, New York and Detroit styles are represented
in our showing,and we can promise you a breadth of choice among
the newest and smartest productions of the season, and an indi-
itiduality of taste and color combination that -cannot fail to attract
Evening Recepti6 n_in Millinery, Dress Goods,
Silks, Jackets and Furs.
THURSDAY Evening our store will be open from 8 to 10,, when
all of our Fall stock will be on vieW. Not a hurly-burly of hustle
and effort to sell, but a genial homelike reception. You are cordial-
ly invited to come and see, compare and take notes for the plans
of future buying. If you will derive as much pleasure in seeing
as we will in showing we will consider ourselves amply repaid. A
firstclass Male Quartette and Orchestra has beep. engaged for the
evening and the occasion will be purely social. Corn.e and enjoy
Now for the Last.3
of Our Carpet Sale.
36 inch wide Union Carpet, in good quality and
eesigns, sale te tee. .... • .
inch Union earpet4 balers of reit gold and
white mixed, neat design, reversible pattern,
regular 45c, sale price
130 inch wide Union Carpet, in assorted' light rind
dork ct lors of redegreere gold and white.
mixed, extra heavy quality, our regular 00c
rai vet, to. clear ata, eee•ae.
For the reinaining clays of the Week
Days• you can buy Wool and Union Carpets
for less than Makei.s' prices. We need
the'room for: the display of lgillinery.
• .very piece must°, Come at once if
you wish tosbare in the saving
36 iraa Wide, ell woe!, warrantedelply thread,in
enters of green, gold and white and red white
• and black, all the latest designs, regular 85c r 50
quality to clear at the pre of Union Carpet U
Your choice of all our very best 2.ply wool carpet
in Brussels designs, warranted, 38'inch wide, •
in colors of red and • white, etc., regular 68c
value $1, to go at... ... „ . . ..
• Your choice of all our verY best English Linolemns
380 that are worth to day $1.25 per yard, to go
during the gale at
irobit. MONEY ItAcIll
r2i '11.1 11;2n if fill itl. e
engege a. •
nirD • 7 n putting in vvor
;evalledn=licrui bestof order for Liberalism he went, •He
The Grand Trunk Hallway will
run excursions to the following nelate
and retmn on
Thursdayvitriday, Saturday
Sept. 27th, 28th, 29th.
- Alleteliets sookayboOPtsber19, 1900.
Far o from Clinton to
Port Duran 83•46 Detroit *3 75
Clereland 1141.25 Day City $5•80
Saginaw $15.70 Coiumbas$8.15
Grand Rapids $7.05 Chleago$18.75
Ciatbutate $11.25
Get your tionets at the Up town
oflIce. They will be issued ahead of
time if desired and YOU will ha.170 110
trouble. PfirtieS going west Of Detroit
or Port Huron and waning 'seeping car
accommodation would be wise to have
It seamed several days Madvance,
Railway & Steainshin Agent, ClintOo
Th a &wenn. ' Ontario e. E. Convention.
Gamma Oaranita 2, 3, 4, 1900. •
The fina.ncial statement of the Do- The royal city of Guelph will ex • tend
e wee mg. ti was pleesed to be with the three mew
only •friction being when Arthur Cook bers for Huron, for no three roernbers
undertook to ppm as an authority on from any other constituency, taken all
land values. He was quickly sized up in all, 'added more to the dignity and
and Placed in proper position by Mr ability of Parliament than they did.
Fraser, wheartw at once that a.Philis- He had observed that a distinguished
tine had been delivered into his hands • resident of the town had been on a
and acted accordingly, to the great de- visit to the Maritime Proyincee, end ori
light of the audience, who knew Ar- his return had been telling the news;
• thur. Mr. Fraser also touched upon a papers all kinds of stories about the po-
gentlernao who some time ago posed as litical situation in the Haste (At thie
a prophet of evil to the Liberal party. point the audience, who had evidently
He had triedii• 'a' flying trin-theciugle teed 4F Rittleterd'it Really • Reekonmks,"-
the Maritime Previnces, so became convulsed With laughter and
dizzy that he saw politicarspooks in heartily applauded the speaker.) Con -
the air, In a inbinent of weakness be tinning, he said that flying visits to a
put his hallucinations in print, and get province, were not good things upon
into trouble. He is stin trying to ex- which to base , prophetic claime, and
plain himself and the Guyebero' giant when the ballots of the Eastern Pro:.
didn't help blea a little bit on Friday • yinces were counted it would be seen
minion br the year ending June 20 ripen handed hospitality to Ontario's
shows that the surplus is $8,024,731, in- Endetworere Oct2, 3, 4, and the young
stead of $7,490,000 as previouely. en- people ot all denominations are look
flounced. This is. the best showing mg forward with pleasure to the great
that the Dcminion eerie suede halts his. feast. The president and secretary
tory, midis certainly creditable to the sound "discipleship" as a dominaut
administration of Sir Wilfrid Laurier, note, practical methods in soul win-
ning. The junior superintendent wants
Farm property has gone up ten per to anevver the prayer, "Long live Obris-
cent in vitiate, since 1898. Our °au endeaver"gagivihg "the 4-11hier.
Conservative friends admit it now. svork an impulse that will enable it to
They were convinced of the feet by corner the bay market for Chriet,
Hon. D. C. Fraser, Rev. Charles M. Sheldon, of Topeka,
, Kansas, author of "In His steps," will
The Hensel( Observer says the pros- be there and deliver- addresses on the
pective candidates for South Huron subject of "The open door." ile.will
• are J. luouinare lap.. GeorgeMcEwen else epeak, to the juniors and conduct
and Robert Matordie and a lively open conference.
nomination Will be held: Wm. Shaw, of Boston treasurer of
the United Society of Christian Enderie
evening. that the gentleman's prophecies re-
• maindi in the air'where he had seen
In • openintc the meeting 'chairman
Scott was pleased to see so large an the portents. (Loud laughter.) In
speaking of the Tories the speaker,aw..m.".1..N.Aftaskaskanumailaama
attendance. They were there to discuss
drew a line between the voters and t he impipiripipswerwininv
which party should hold the reins rif
office fee the corning five yeare. Ti.. leaders. Amongst the voter" of the
Tracks to
Book Store
For the new line of Patriotic Scribblers with
songs' on the back. They are indeed popular, some
have scribbling paper, othersifine smooth book paper
and cost only 5c each. A large selection of •covers
at ac A hundred nage book at lc.
• 144 Pencil Boxes regular price 10c to be sold. at
5c. Cooper's Book Store Lead. Pencils, 20c a dozen,
or &for 5c, the best school pencil ever brought to
Sonie New School Books
Public School Grammar , •• 25e
Public School Arithmatic 25e
Public School Geography : . 750
Public School Copics, Nos 1 to 7 each 7e
• English Literature for 1901 -60e
French Grammar ano Reader 1 00
German Grammar and Reader 1 09
Latin Grammar and Reader 1 00
Caesar Bellum 2, 8 and -4 75e
Virgil Aeneid Book 2... . _ - . _MC
De Maistre—French Literature 1 25
Milton's Paradise Lost, 7 and 8 . 50e
Book Covers supplied free with all our school books,
e0OPER & ee
011110114100 41.00.041101
would not detain 'them but would at Tory party were men thorou lily' up
right and honest in action,but tnesatne
once call up.on the local representative,
could not be said of the leaders' sato
Robert liolmes. to address them.
were seeking office to -day. The same
. Mr. HOlinee was received with ap- Tory leaders who sought the confidence
pieties. It was net his intention to en- of Oa country in 1808 uow appeared on
ter into a lengthy discussion of the po- the platform o tf t k' f
a as or power. One
litical situation, as he would have an would think from what they said that
opportunity • of addressing a Clinton the • men who were going about the
audience again before the campaign country now creating windstorms*ere
closed, There were gentlemen on the unwashed angels -who had made this
platform who had more experience and country. (Laughter.) But it was the
occupied more important positions in old crowd of 1898 -even Hugh John
Parliament than he, and to them ' he Macdonald was resusitated for the oc-
would' leave the burden of the even- casion.. It was not to be wondered at
ing"s discussion. Liberals never:feared that Sir Charles Tupper should call in
discussion, for the fullest discussion Hugh*John, or anyone else that the old
always strengthened Liberalism. ' -we baronet might use The speaker knew'
had during the two sessions in the Mr. Macdonald, and while he esteemed
House endeavored to do his duty by him for his amiability he certainly did
his constituents, and had neglected no not admire
him for his strength ot char -
opportunity to advanoe their interests acter or political ability, and thought
and the interests of the country. Dur. . that he should be saved from his
ing the past year a good deal had been 'friends.. Why the other day in Glen-
smdabout West Huron, but he defied gary, the "son of his father".had e0M-
any one to say that he had done any- plamed-to the Highlander's of that
thing personally that could reflect upon county that they had been assailed be.
hie inteetity. It Was quite true that cause some one had said that Hugh
the Tories had set up a contention re- Sohn was a Coward because he had not
lordingcertain ballots, but if every gone to South Afi ice. Such &statement
ballot in dispute'vvere counted against was ridiculous. He -(Mr. 'Fraser) aqua&
him he would still have& strong mar- Highlander from his feet to the crown
rity in his favor. (Loud applause.) He of his head, and gloried in the story of
held the seat honestly, and in the -dolt- the prowess of the Iliehlanders the
ingbcontest he wanted to be the "front world ovetan all ages, but he knew by
--.."`411100111111111.1111.7LINTON •
voe, will be there at the opening, and
Here is a hard one the Tor onto Star
gets off; -"The way the Oppoeition also en Wednesday.
donate' as "the man who keeps his pro- Go to thalloritik st. Methodist church
gear 4ittertuittututo
on Tuesday afternoon and evening;
press is boasting of Hugh John Mac- Ontario will pour out her best talent,
noises suggests that he is the only one and von will hear the leading Baptist,
�f the kind the party time had." and Presbyterian divines, In Chaim -
erg Presbyterian church &Tent Me-
e 1
5 perity and progress evet since the Lib- will delight you.
!rust Oold-S.Tacison" Pag
Fallnxoursion-F /iodgens
Millittery-Nowcombes ...........
•Qiubbing itates-tt Holmes •
Auction Sale -EL Farnham ..
v.watited-Dr0 Genn &
;Notice, --A ..... • I e •
For Seie•-•W,Glenti • • ,• •
Five epeeist imes-R. Coate & V.,
Security in lawing-Moirinnon .85 Co
Office Girl wanted....Now
LieenSd Attotioneer-W Dnncon
it Par --D McLachlan
Still offormg-Eraorson .
Millinory opening -Hog_ gent Pros .....
Twentpotte sold -The w D Fair Co...,
beetonabie footwear -W Taylor 8e San
Weekir Talk -Relater nos .. .. ...,....
/ It has been four years of peace, pros- thedists and. Oongregationa speakers
5 eral Governmeet assumed achninistra- General Secretary Crews, of the Ep-
5 •
5 UM] at °Cava. -WWII! be "four years worth League of Christian Endea.vor,
' 5 more of a, full dinner -pail" as soon as will have charge of a practical confer -
5 t e ele,ctions are ovet and the Laurier erica. Dr. McKay, Foreign Missionary
5 b
5 GovernMtIbt returned, Secretary of. the Preshiterian church,
5 • c rent° Bible training,school, will touch
1 Consereetives can attribute their de- vital questions, Rev. WAS, Wilson,
6 Will prove a great t to the young
These are the reasons to %Uri h thepeeple. President Harris, of ' the To -
8 feat in tire corning electione, and the the Methodist orator, will reply to
8 way an excha ir BUMS up the situp,.•Glielph'etevelcorne, and give atother
tion-"tiugh nfohn travels on his nape addrees, Rev. A. L. Goegie, of Perk -
0,11a nose, sir Mattes on his mgt. and date Presbyterion church. late of the
irronhesiee, and Georae Fester on Maritime provinces, will be a splendid
• hie figures and fictione. acquisition, Rev. S. L, Gilmour, of the
Baptist church, Hamilton, and other
leading workers, have a place on the
Suet the Goderich Signal We it, program.
vraudY, anrrtivamu 91, 1900.
Canna, is all tight ; Canada Was nev.
er arotiperoue; Sir Wilfrid will win
'-‘4111(f My We AIL •
Oharlee Tupper will find it a hard
titan espleining to os alt next. month
in Ontario whet he didn't Say when in
Hon, W. Mitioek made a hit whett
he said that wider the Lilserale Canada
ornicryed greiting time; under Sir
fterleit a blowing time.
Bo " again. (Renewed applause.) He history that there had been cowards
had every reason to believe that every amongst them -less, numerically, than
speaker, would receive a good hearing, in other nationabut cowards there had
ea he believed that in Clinton politics been. He would not say that Hugh
could be discussed without estranging John wasone, but he would give a few
the pleasure of addressing them again incidents in the man's career to show
that the "son of his father" was a
personal friendships. Be hoped to have
before election day, and resumed his man who never etayed, In 1891 Hugh
seat amid bud applause. John came to Parliament at Ottawa.
Jahn eseminase ea y,. v. -teethe meet_ his father being leader of the Govern-
"blowing hot end cold at mice," Sea. Purehatie single railway tickete, and
forth Expositori-The Toronto Tele. then seem a certificate, and you will
gram, Independent Coneervative, hays 'return for one third, or free if three
that the Laurier Government, in their hundred attend. Any one can, attend
tariff ohanges, have gryen the turner . the convention and secure reduced
no advantage and the manufatturer fere. Get a certificate, not a receipt.
everything. The Toronto Mail says Hotels and private hotfoot have made
the mentifecterers have been robbed a tate of one dotter per day.
d f th b fit th far . There le 110 reason why this should
speaker. He was pleased to be with ffient at the time; In 1803, after the
death of his 'father, ne retired, first
them to assist Mr Holmes and to meet
Mr Fraser, The former waii a credit to stating that if any Government at.
his constituency, and the latter was a terepted ,to override the Manitoba
&hoot Act ib vrcruld have his active
giant physically and mentally, erhose
hostility. In 1806, when Sir .Charles
heart within was greater than • the
Tupper was going to die -politically
body without, (Applause.) Be vvas also
and physically -in his efforts to legit. -
pleased to meet his friend Dr. Macdon.
aid, who, although a &der, Was oleo late the Manitoba, School Bill out of
1 existence,. (Laughter.) Hugh John ran
one of triebesb agricultural reptesepta
tlyes kethe House. Canada to -da oe. for Winnipeg as a supporter of Tripper
copied a greater potation than ever be- i-nriteehhise phirdooniteisgeptoo-draiyee. 07,11 tolrt,k,neoepo).
fore in the eyeti of the world, and that
position was due in no small degree to Na, et was not, and yet he was as doge
Lo keepliar his promise as he le to -day,
the work of the Liberal leader, Sir
Wilfrid Laurier. (Lciud applausee et when he has placed upon the statute
a bogus prohibitory law, which isn't
wee difficult when reading the accounte
cf the great jubilee in 1897 to tell whe. worth. the paper it is written upon,
which chariot be enforced, and which
thee it was the jubilee of her *Malady
or of Sir Wilfrid Laurier. (Laughter he has been forced to submit to the
and applause.) Sir Wilfrid, the °peals. courtetattowh4eilephhhies bpaesrtpyuotti:thoettnthevvdieflen:
eer eontinuteawaeraneo of thefiretstateie eellIM
men of the British eanpire. (Applause.) 111101151in Weis eleoted'in 1800,but we's-
unseated by corrupt acts by his friends.
At his own fireside he had asked him -
and then did he come forward as a
self what was the difference between
Sir Charles Topper and Sir Wilfrid brave Highlander and twain fight the
Laurier, and he had answered.that if battle -for a brave Highlander never
one followed Sir Charles' history and rune away ? No, he didn't face the
examined his acts he would always see music; he deserted his post and allow -
the large "1' on every occasion. (Hear, ed a Liberal to be elected by acclaimer
hear.) "I said this" and "1 did that" tion. That action &lone came very near
was characteristic' of Tepper every to cowardice, and if Hugh John pre -
time. With Sir Wiltrid it was differ- sents it to a Highland audience they
ent Ile gave due credit to his col- will not favor his claim. • WI Mandon`
leitettee and the people of Canada on ald hair a right to take part in politica,
every occasion. The speaker ' never but he has no debt. to aesume that he
thought more of Sir Wilfrid Laurier ie the only man in Canadian public life
than when he arose in his place in the who endeavors to live up to his prefes-
Hetilie to reply to Mr. Somalian and stens. (Applause.) The speaker then
made that magnificent plea for unity turned to the progress Canada had.
made in 'its trade and commerce since
and harmony amongst all the peoplee
the Liberals assumed poWer in 1890.
and creeds thitt comprise this Donne"
ion. The language was grand, and the For three years befere 1890 enough
imputed that prompted the sentiments
was of the noblest kind. The English-
man, Irishman, Scotchman, German
and Frenchman should all love the
land frOM which their ancestors came,
but all should join in heartfelt loyalty
to the land in which they lived. The
operator referred to the CaMpalgil tour,
and said that Mr Foster had asked
what benefit had accrued to the Orme.
duin farmer under Liberal rule. Well,
one of the first acts was the establish-
ment of told storage on railroads and
in creameries ter that dairy products
could be shipped to the Old Country
markets. Then, our cattle had been
eeheduled by the British Government
becauee the late government had diso-
beyed the quarantine regulations
against United Stat ee cattle infected
with pleuromneurnonia. The Hon, Mr
Irieher and the Hon. Mr. Dryden set to
work and effected a chancre so that
Canadian eattle were benefitted to the
- extent of fully $5 per head. These were
only memplee, hut they pee good art.
• Sir Vkralfrid Laurier, in person': of
"Imbecile I" and then the skulkere Robert flotraes, of Clintcn. (Loud and
rowed beck to the ship.. When thee
had knifed their captain they thrust prolonged cheers.) • •
Dr. Macdonald was the last epeaker
the Manitoba Remedial bill before the and made a strong and eloquent pre -
people, andTupper was willing to give sentment in favor of the Laurier Ad-
air his life for the rights of the minori-
ty. The Liberal Conservative party Ministration, and also endorsed the -
candidacy of Mr. Holmes, Palling upon
went to the country on their record in
1 and the country rejected them. the electors to give him a generous.
That is the party that comeabefore the surer t when election day time along.
he Meeting closed with cheers for
country now, the same old party. game the Queen, Sir Wilfrid Laurier and the
old policy and same old man and &ewe speakers.
dates. In contrast to that we have the
Liberal record .efxorcetpb: tire ti four eyrareve.
Additional Local News
had a surplus. The Conservatives say
. The regular meeting of tjas W. C. T.
that the Liberals are carrying out the
old*Tory policy. If that. be so, why U. will meet at the llewe °r Mrs °rich, -
don't the Tories encourage the Liberals on 'Thursday, the 27th insterit 3 p. m. '
If that be .Everybody welcome, -
and hold up their hands. The juniors baseball teams of Mineola
so, why is it that the country is now •1 and Goderich played a match here oft
prosperous where formerly -it was de- last Saturday afternoon la Recreation, •
pressed, and that Surpluses exist ender park; the Goderich boys won by a.
Liberal rule whereas the Ceneervatives score of 15 to 13.
had yearly defleits? Sir Charles Tup.
Spacial, MEETING. -The town alder -
per had said, when the tariff S'Samen met by . special request on Wed -
changed, that there would be a Wail nesday evening to attend to several
all over Canada and that our factories matters. The report from the joint
and mines would be closed. One of eommittie of the Council and Public
Sir Charles! friends, a carpenter in Library was adopted. In the matter
Nova Scotia, belieyed the oil baronet's of placing. the granolithic walk on liar --
jeremiads and the day after the tariff on street inside on outside of the trees,
went iato'force was observed taking a„ AA i•A;A„ was wn.A.
the measurements of the Windows of a m'Alt-Dei-vit'-; -AT-A-ac.isIoN.-The ad-
large•factory in his town, so that no jeurned meeting of the comraittee air-
time would be lost in getting ready
the shutter ti which were to be put on vented by the Council and that of the
ublic Library again met on Monday
the outside of the windows when the evening and &rayed at a decisien re-
fectory was trut out of buelness. gerding the improvements in front of
(Laughter and applause.) Fully ten the Memorial Hall. The plan submit -
per cent. of a -reduction had been. made
sae, ted hy Colin. Combe was awed to-
m the tariff and where, hi 1800, '`"' part of the grounds to be kidded, with
duty were paid only Pe were paid
now. By the preferential trade with Aranolithic wa.ks, and the remainder
Iled in with fine gravel. The joint
Britain where $100 were paid formerly committee agreed to this, and it was
only $08,66 were paid now, and yet reported to the Coattail at a special.
Sir Charles and Foster were retailin meeting on Wednesday evening. .
over the ceentry that no change be
been made. Then between 1896 and
today property yalues had increased
in Canada fully tell per cent.
A voice -That is not so. •
Mr Fraser -It is so, my friend; give
•your name•and stand up so I can , see
what mari contrawerts My statements.
To the amesement of every one in
•the large ball, Arthur Ceok, arose and
The annual .pienic of the Willie
Church Mdlion•Band was held on Sat-
urday afternoon, in Mr. Farran*s grove
on the brinks of the riven Ihe • •
weather was particularly line, and
through the kindness of a member of
the band, who, provided conveyances
for the occasion, all enjoyed a drive
to the grounds. The committee
on anausernerits came well proved -
took exception to the statement
Mr Fraser, continuing, said hie au- ed with balls, bats, footballs, etc,,.
and soon all manner of games
thorities for claiming a ten per bent .
increase in land values were the regis- were entered into, including a paddle
in the water, without which children,
try offices, loan companies and land
'valuators who certainly knew more are never satisfied at a picnic. Anoth--
abaut these matters than the indivld- er kind friend provided several prizes,
and these with a good -811PPlY of
ual who interrupted and then he pro -
'matting manner, amidst the laughter ram,- tugs of war, etc, - The -supper- -
contested for in
ceedealto roast Cook in it friendly but midi" were eagerly
and applause of the audience. 1 -feat W" most bounteous, enough and te
estate, continued the speaker, was the spitre, and all went home well satisfiel
basis of wealth. When real estate with their afternoon's outing. ,.. .
was improving in value, times were GIANT VEGETABLES. -This is the
good; when real estate was falling in time for large roots ' many of which'
value, times were had. (Hears hear) will be seen at our fella:dm and eeveral
Under the Liberal Government good of 'very large proportions were brought
to the 14aw Enaeffice be John Dan of
times bad resulted, and the Tory news-
papers were forced to admit that tewh‘ They belie developed a huge-
was never in a naore prosper- size, and would have Atilt grown if left '
nus condition and a man vvith a good itnnatnhaeogronfd.thOe ngeatoef pthoser variety,
pair of hands was never in a better
lah.v. Would it not be an awful rats- Which measures nearly 80 inches in
position to compel a good, wage for his
take to put in Sir Charles Tupper and length (not including the etalk) and 22
his associates to chane all this and inches in girth; the other, a beet, meas.
inotitute a nolitical saturnalia, and a urea 2.5k inches in girib. These are•
consequent injury to the country, such worth seeing, and we venture to so-
rts had wasted previous to the advent that °hr.
claire them.
gardeners have few to out-
s -eel.,
of the Liberal (71-evernmeet. Sir Wil TUE EVAPDXtATolt,-If lb were nob
. - - * for this establishment many apples
money to pay our way had not been
hid Laurier, the great t era leader
the day. A feeling of unrest existed
when the Liberals gob in pewee they .in these netts Would go to uaste or he
collected, and deficits were the order ot hadi .SAICI, when in opposition that
all over the eountry, and the farmers would net need .etatistice to denion- be fed to stock. When calling at the
established the Patron inevereent in strate good timeseethey would feel the place the other day. we were shown
order to redtess evils which had come ood times In their pocketo- and Sir through the industrious place for such
Mud Was right. The good times it is. --0 paring machines are run con -
farmers twee, and did theyorganize could not be felt in the peekete of the tinuously by young lads, 12 women are
in under the Tory rule, Were threw tv
ard pay their motley atergive their People. (Applause.) The bebbleg nitilontnhaer Prnreatahrillinege.-
tkbeet bfuorsythchelpepulenegr
time in preterit, againat existing evils money view now spent for the people
e------ from here they are' laid on elides and`
bad promised to gives measure of re- no member of the Government, or put tit the drier and evaporated before
merely for fun? No; the Government and Cattadiatte could thank God that
O lief ; had stated that, the moulderiz supporter-inethealloutte, hadappropri. about a
peeking'. The ekit's and cores are.
even dried and, sell at New York for
blanches would be lopped off, but h Med one dime Of nubile money to pet. cent a pound and then shipped.
done nothine. The fanners found their (Loud and prolonged an. to France for champagne The good,
labor untemunerative, and had com. vato 080.
bined to right their Mr Wronge.a., plause. Canada was moving on with assorted duff are pecked in 50 lb boxes
the etride of a, youncr Ffiliiitl and politi. and selint different prices. nmeh lower
When 55 per cent of the population dans who Itved in the past should flaring machines run (Ara bushel every
however than last year. Those at the
have wronge to redress, the Govern. not be allowed to hamper its progress, i
mentImusthearken to them or take the In conclusion the speekee called upon 2 minutes, the six machines doing 3001
consequenee. In addition to the unrest the young and old men of West, Huron every day. Mr °Me informe us that,
in the eountry there was untest in Par. 4,,„ he has bought 3845 bushele paVid
named, The now mot in Jamey, tfl stand ot Robert Helmet until .,....
15c per hundred poundelor them
blade at t eloolle Wag foulght and won
1808, arid within MX dAys there Wag a coukt have gpf, a qtlatItifff for Ille per
and State -aft the loriet were wont to call mer ,,bor of vrb
crisis, The -noble Conservative Ship of trn 61°Cti" tiar, Welit miron had a
orn it Might be proud
er , 1 h,, ,„,,,h * thie week,
hundred. 1= bushels have been pared
her--- riding along in all het *pimp and Ala hoped 011 eIeetd3t h g *4 - e" Attend to the kiim and &ism He
A night forte is kept on to
tr. You pay your money and you not be the best tormentor; Ontario late swere to Mr. Foster e questions. Again, titer other entlatituatibiet were won or I ha* been in this busineett for oyee
take your ehoice- Meet sensible and ever had, and there is every remon for ske moon as the Littoral Govertunent AR* dor when half the crew mutinied and lost, to hear that Vent Huron was true A doaen years. Amine boo bon no
lateniaerie peetee svm eohejude /rasa . 'ethane such, further information can mimed °Moe the depreeeion dierien)ear Ie
ft ft the ship. The old eat:than when
, Telitons,,, to Liberellem and hnd sant to Ottawa I ebeeper but the sample in %wart the
this thet both awes bnyo been treat. be had zrem_the eetroAry. td)14.00oper, ed i manufrictories were enlarged, and tn deserted celled them
belt lie ever handler.
ed feirly end headway. °Hilton, or le. J. M. Mesta , Guelph. longer hon‘at increased waysiresuit. .,
. an6ithily oral'ed back that he Wall an
II all able gild eoturcientious supporter of
,.. .,