HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-09-21, Page 3-
Rose Cegblan will head a YandeVille
MM. Ryley's "The hlYsteriolle Bu. Nerves?
company !lead season.
Me". is soon to be used in London. -
Alice Neilsen is the only prima donna '
who will head an opera. company next • heir Conclitouneter.
itabel Gillmangoes to London to take I mines the,State of
Part in "The Casino Grirl" at the
How Are Your
. .
IShaftesbuty theater. . Your Health.
vie.. la to have an independent thee- ,
'ter. the Probatoritun, for unacted playa
of unknown authors. and arry B.
Paine's Celery Compound
Reginald De Keven Pl
Smith are busily Orate opera or JeromengagedSykeou the new is 4 Nerve Medicine and
fe e, ,
'Nerve Food..
le opera, composed by klozart in /708,
when he was 12 yetu•s old, will be pro •
duced atthe Faris Opera, Comique. It Makes Sick People Well.
_ ..
Sidney Bracy, a Mug English singer
"Bastien and Bastienne," a light corn -
-- •
d comedian of some note, will make Too many people are ignorant of the fact
first appearan e in this country as that the nerves regulate the blood supply
Y. -Owe in "The Rose of Persia" next through tbe body. The condition of the
fall. - --: nerves should therefore claim our best at.
• Eleonora Dose is thinking again oe tention.
founding a great classical theater in If the nerves are out of repair the result
Rome, an art theater in which oborribie is loss of sleep, irritability, depression of
pbtegraphs of modern life" would not spirits and lassitude, all of whieh are the
be eeeo. . beginning of Serious ailments and diseases.
• Paine's Celery Compound is a nerve
Mies •Jessie Mackaye, the new come-
dienne of the •De Wolf Hopper compa- edioine and nerve food as well as a part.
ny, who has attracted so much fatten- lit:. of theWhen used., z . removes
blood. Wh 't
the nerve centres all irritAbinty, and
tion, is ,a relative of the late Steele by supplying abundant •nutrition to the
Mackaye, actor and dramatist,
nerve. tissue secures healthy action through -
It is said that Sarah Bernhardt In her out the :servos system.
tour of America with Coquelin net sea- ..When men and women are -worried and
sou will receive $1,000 for each perform- overworked in the home, workshop, store
once and a percentage of the receipts or office, and find it hard to get sleep at
above a certain aliment In addition, all night -when the need -up brain gets no time
her expenses will be paid: for repair, nothing so refresh's% strength -
Adelaide Thuriton, who for the past ens and gives vigorous life asraine's Celery
two seasons has been playing Lady Bab- Compound. It • is the food for brain and
hie in "The Little Minister," being the .nerves. • •
first to follow Maude Adams in that part, Paine's Oelery Compound is the &idiom -
has been engaged for the role of Madge ledged chief of -all medtoinee for the ore of
Chiselherst in "The Greatest. Thing In diseases due to nervous weakness or to ft
the World," • foul condition of•the blood. VI is the one
real remedy knoun to -day that never fads
to benefit. Get Piline's Celery Compound
and only "PAinee" if you would be well
• tine streog,
• Keep your life insured.
Reply. promptly to .all letter%
Shun a lavreuit as you would ii rock at
Young Man Astonished the Clerk' In
a Bank by a Feat of Balancing.
As a business proposition it pays tabe
. A Young. man from a wholeshie house
-polite:•• • _down. zon. the...40r . ;front • .presented• a:
As a•,. choice -between -evils- -clroar- check .atone of the blinks .the other day
neither. •••. •_ ,•_, au d while the money was being . counted
Tell the truth about your goods. merit out Amused himself by balancing wine on
Wins generally; truth always. • the narrow edge of the paying teller's
Never Invest 'where the element 01, window. Finally he performed an as
elnince or luck governi•the returns, •• .tonishing feat. He first balanced a sit
Meet your bills .pronaptly and make ver .dollar so it stood up on edge, .then
your collections with equal proniptness. . placed a half dollar edge to edgeon top
Do not Imagine that a mere business. of .it and completed. the -pyramid with a.
acquitintaoce is interested in your gains bright new quarter. His manipulation as.
and kisses. . . • • • • - -.. .. ' • he deposited' the coins one on the other
• Do not suppose.that any one IS more In was beautifully delicate, and the specta- .
tereated in your welfare than you your- cle of all three standing without support
self must be. • ,• . •. made the .teller'ereyes protrude ,•. •. . e from their.
Never gbu•
lance at a siness man'e• boolm socketg .• •1
or papers w.hich .may•accidentallY be left "Why, that's perfectly•amazingi". he
• . • exclaimed. ' "I wouldn't have believed it
open before you: . • • • •.., • . •co , r• uld he doneThe other. attache look -
In general the busiiIesis equilibriuta is ed and marveled. '•
everywhere maintained. You can't hay a -
"It taken a steady • nerve to do it," said
good horse for a dollar. . . the young man carelesslY, and, sweeping
Always keep your, tenaper, . but have
sense enough to know when you are In; the coins with a dexterous •grab, im 'drop -
stilted and spirit enough to resent ii. , .pect-them into. his pocket. pickedup . his
money and strolled out. It was not a
Learn to know the distinction between busy hour, and after he was 'gone all
friendship and intimacy. Seek to have •.hands began balancing silver, or, rather,
many friends; but mighty few •Intiinates: trying to: • The thing was as fascinating
By far the greater.'portion of the bust, as tile old "pigs in elover" puzzle, because
nese of the countryls done on credit. It ' one could come so near without doing it,
you impair or. lose your .feredit, .YOu are Nearly 'everybody siteeetled in balancing
with the hopeletia minority. " , ' - the firstdollar, and a, few -managed to
Call' on st_bisinees man at business poise the 50 cent piece for an infinites-
times only an polely on business. Trans- imal, breathelscinatant, but It always fell:
act the swam and go About your own, hi downagain, and 'that was as far along
order to give him time to attend tehis. as any one could get For an -hour or so
' there as silver all over the floor, and
.the bookkeeper had to make god a dollar
that rolled into a crack. •Next day the
dexterous young man sauntered. in with
'another check. •• •. .••
• "We• •were alt trylng tbatbalancing
Welt of yotiris yesterday," remarked the
The next time air. Astor tries te sneak: teller as he handed crier., the bills, "but
Into ,bigh . society he will. have a compe- . none af us ould do it You're right when
tent eimperon.-Milwaukee Sentinel. • : you say it takes steady nerves." . .
yirilliam Weider!' Astor went to Au* • '"Y -e -s,". replied the young man, pin-
tria to get away from English society, : ning, "and it's also facilitatAci by a little
and that same • night there was a severe •,thoemak,,,100, ,,,i,,,„, 0,, the dge ef .the
frost, accompanied . by gnaw. in man*
parts of the empire. •
Well, Mr, Astor can now mist oC a lot THE ONLY C1JRE FOR CATARRH.
of the impecunious blue blooded leecbee _
who have been fattening on. his. prodi- Mies Lizzie Lanford .of 858 Market St,
gality. But, really, •doesn't it look atm ff Chioago.I11.,says : "I have -been a constant
he had sold 'his 'birthright' for a pretty offerer from catarrh for twelve years.
poor mess of pottage?-(.. e „in Daring that time I bare toed most of the
Dealer. . 11" land 1:1-- known remedies for ciatarrio but can safely.
William Waldorf A• stor, writhing tin. say that Caterrbozone is the best. It has .
der the reproof adminietered by' London'* dured•rae. It is very photons and effeatiye
'lamed set," has fled to Germany. • Xt is in ita use. I shall reooramend it at every
hoped that Our German frietids will re; opportunity to ••rny friends," Catardee
• member that his inome Is the only thing zone is a guaranteed cure. Sold by ail
American about Me .Astor. --Denver Re- druggist% Trial outfit sent to any address
publican. - for 10o, in stabs's% N. C. Poramt & Co.,
•Kingston, Ont,, proprietor% • •
i With regard to Mi...- William Waldorf • •- ••• - ••.
Astor, we ow this' side st the water can- Archibald Campbell, M. P., who has
not insist too • strenuously that . br the • representedlient since Ii367, recently
laws of England end international com. reeeived a - petition signed by many
ity, to quote .0ilhert's once familiar hundreds of -the electors asking him to
phrase "Ile Is nn Englishman." again allow hie name, to be placed in
, nomination. He has, however, declin-
ed the Battering invitation.
THE onyte. •• Latta -Liver Pille are the ladies' favorite
,., • cathartic, as they do not . gripe or pain,
Marriage Is like mining -a great thing spoken or weaken or cause the slightest
when you strike it. inconvenience, Price 25o,,, all droggiete.
. . . . c
. . It Is alw,ays .easier for any woman, to How Hormars Cot the Name.
please a man than the one who le mottled •'losers do • not derive their ' names
to him. . ' from any sort of a warm or cheer. The
•rrobably 06 one ever mourned for the name is from the Weyer word houtzar;
dead In a manner Mitiefactary_to aiLlibt_meaning... the ..,tw-entiet le- - .1-Ittaier% '•• ni
- - triellfis•----- -' . ' - ' .. - . :: cavalry' soldiets, were first confined to
Some people have good ilia they can't Hungary. In 1445 the crown passed a
boast about -the .gootl- luck Of not yet law compelling the peasants to supply
Wog fond out. . . one man out of every 20 of their num.
.The real clever people are those who her, and "that mitt a horseman, to the
recognize the Importance of occasionally army of the state. The first hussars
letting on that they are fooled. ' were recruited from the inhabitants of
' So many new things are put up in cans the immkse Hungarian plains -strong,
every year that it is getting easier ever' , hardy fellows, with sinewe supple - as
day for men to live comfortably without ' steel, who tiPent their life in the saddle.
vibmeS around.
Eritish IPensf owes. •••
We have noticed thAt the announce- ,
ment of an engagement always comes An Officer who loses a limb or eye at
from the brideli family and that the ' ono reeelveis a. sum equivalent to a
groom's family are the most skeptical, • Year's pay end the price of an artificial
• limb. ' A year litter he only be granted a
permanent annual pension, graduated ac-
• vio' tieLous TIMES* , cording to his rank. A lieutenant gen-
Jo • ' end receives. 6400, a major general 6850,
• The nineteenth century bide fair to a colonel MO, a major 1200, a. contain
pass into eternity under a deluge of - 1100 and a imbaltern 670.
blood. 'There are evidatik froublevil •
• times ahead.
NO114/011.1111111•101Dyspopebit, Indl.
it any other nattan has any- ,loa ot lo .
- grievanee ageing anybod$, now is the ligsgeono and kindred &limes% take wings;
bef et the heeling qualitio of South Americo
time to make known the Wt. A. War or °r
1-leryine. ,O 55 Hoskins-, of porhinu Ont..
Fero more don't •matter. -Baltimore Amer- took his preacher's advice, followed direetioris,
--Ilan. , ... • • ' and waS cured permanentlrof the %Vora& form of
'TWIxt railway horrors, wars and ill. Nerroui Ptostratioa mid Dyspepsia. He has
• tors of wars and 1u:reseeded thunder- recommended it to others with gretifying results.
Storms the r victins of heed disease istando It's a grad nerve buildate.40
but a torry thence in these thrtas...-Phih Bold by Sydney :rickson, druggisi3Olinton.
adelvidtt, inauirer.
mieTANT Itt rat. - . 44444-44+4441144.44+++
• .
William Waldorf Antor•nove very near-
ly fulfills the 4efinition et a men without
L country. •
Mr WU. Jennings, Mattedeld, Ont.,
. writes hive need one bottle of Dr. !.
LOWS Toothache Gum for severe toothache
and tveived initant relief. Beside* illicit
114$11F.S11a spI.ndid tertattOtari SWAM =
Fria 100. •
I t Is feared thiti the Wind iltortil of •
ottodttt *ow* has dote the Apple bur-
nous ouch injury. :e+444+1/44444444.4.4"
Mr i
ironaides.one of the lirgest °At-
tie exporters: in the Dominion, says
that H a result of removing the
Austrian quarantine, secured by
the effort' of the Lilted goat&
mem, it increased the value of the
horned atilt: in the Dominion by
A "Ore" is another ternt for pickonck. 4' • •
A • drunken venom is kwaven4g; a "dom.
• One who taps tills la, doignated aa a
• 431;17ri"
• o iceman In uniform la said to be In
A policeman In Civilian dress is called
an "elbow,"
Pickpockets are "dip," and fanners"
or "ateliers" are assistants.
When a thief has been frustrated in
design, he is 'said to have bed a "fall."
To "switch" is for one thief to trmisfer
to an accomplice whatever plunder he has
ocured. •
• A safe or hiding place in which val-
uables are hidden or stored is known as
• "One stitch" means one year In the pen-
,itenthoy; "two atitchea" naeane two
years, and rm.,. on. •
„ .
'IA graft" .fis that at which a lawbreak-
er is most profielent-for instance, crack -
Ing a Safe or picking a pocket.
"To work' the shorts" means to relieve
people of their valuables as they either
alight from or board a street car.
The individual vrho has the facility of
learning the arrangement of a house to
be robbed is known as a "house Prewl."
• The individual who is au expert in re-
moving bills and papers from a purse or
pocketbook without extracting the pock-
etbook is called a "weeder."
"Whea a town is on. fire" a "crook"
means that a city or location Is not ter.
tile In valuables or that it is best not to
ply the trade becalm» of the vigilance of
• the police. -
• That OuttIng Aoki that arises from
the stomack and almost strangles, is caused
by fermentation of the food in the stomach.
It is a foretaste of indigestion and dyspep-
sia. Take one of Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple
Tablets immediately after eating, and it
will prevent this distress and aid. digestion.
Ott in a 1Ket, 3 cents. -a6
Sold by Sydney Jaokson, druggist, ()Rotor,
Little onporinnity to Eight Flame's,
but Useful In Other:Wars,
A. stranger went into the engine house
• In Lasalle •street and asked- questions.
Atter he was enlightened he said to his
• informant: ' •
"There have been some changes in the
'business since 1 -was in it. I reckon ,yoti
never heard of the' Touse volunteers?" .
•, The informant never had,
• "Tense is the name of the town,
spelled T -a -o -s. • It was 'a lively place in
its day, down in the lower end of Bob«
• anan county, Mo. -county that St. Joe'e
in. It was a volunteer outfit, the com-
pany was. We had a band engine, and
our dhiform was red shirts, blue nankeen
breeches, red top boots and oncloth caps.
You never see any caps like them now."
"Have many ema?" •
"Not to fires. ' There wasn't but one
fire in the town in two years„ and that
was a haystack." •
"You hadn't much to do, then?"
"Didn't wel We was in demand all
the time. Touse waii a great place in its
day for runaway couples to get married,
and, as the capta10 of the volunteers was
the justice of the peace he always called
out the company to be present tit the
connubialities, at he called them, and
there was no marriage until we got.there
Sometimes there was a dance after the
wedding in the public square, and the
• bride had to allemande left and sashay
-, with -every member of the volunteers be-
fore she did with ber husband. '
• "Then we used to have foot races on
the Fourth of July, and whenever there
was a county fair we were the ones alto-
• gether lovely. In the winter time, when
• the circuit rider came to town and got
up a revival, we always turned out, and
if the sinners didn't come to taw as lively,
as they should we wouid pull straws to
see who ;would go up as mourner's; and in
that way the revival would be prolonged.
„It was alwaye understood that the doe
trpulled the short •straw had the priv-
ilege of batter acksliding athe season was
• "There were no secret grders In Touee
at that time, so when a "prominent cid-
sen kicked the bucket, as we said of a
man when he died, the Touse volunteers
turned out and planted hina.with Masonic
or Odd Fellow honors, according to the
wishes of his friends.' There was no
hearse in the town, so We put the do-
-coxed on the engine. If his friends want-
ed Masonic honors over WS grave, our
captaire would toot the trumpet; if it was
Odd Fellow honors that Was demanded,
we rung thobell, and in that way strati:.
• gets in Touse alwaye kuoveed which way
the deceased had affiliated, aci to speak,
in his life. There wasn't much in Tose
Shut the volunteer, didn't tail a hand
kidney Duty. -It is the particular
function of the kidneys to filter out poisons
which pass through them into the blood,
Wheo the kidneys are diseased they cannot
do Mir whole duty, atid should have the
help and strength that South American
Kidney Cure will afford in any and all
forms of kidney disorder. It relieves in 6
hours. -4 •
Sold by Sydney aiokson, druggist,01inton.
eanadlan apples.
It la estimated that the apple crop of
Canada this year will be the greatest
in tbe hietory of the country. Last
year 280,000 barrels were shipped out
of Montreal, but that was a WW1 Ng.
ore compared With 1.7.,!: when 892,00
barrels were shipped. °If the prices
keep up, it is expected that this year
nearly 500,000 barrels will be shipped -
at all events the figures can go that
high if the prices are not so low as to
knock the trade on the bead. •
In his speech at the manufacturers'
banquet recently heti, B. E. Walker
warned apple men against indulging
in smart practices of any kind in the
apple trade, and nearly everrirdluen-
bat voice in the country, at one time
or another, has tendered similar advice
to apple packers. The importance of
the matter cannot be doubted.
The United States commercial agent
at Stanbridge, Quebec, in a recent re.
port to his Government refers to the
same thingin this way: "Up to the
meant time Canadian growers have
not packed their fruit in euch shape as
would make it attractive, and while
the apples might be just as good as,
and perhaps better than, the United
States product, the price received for
them in iltrope has beenbelow, the
figure received for the hitter.' rt
would thus seem to be not only noes-
ettry to pack the apples honestly'. but
attractively-tarefutly in neat barrels.
It would be well if each apple inower
could feel that he is en exporter, glow-
ing fruit for the foreign market, and
the future of his orchard depends to
eisme extent nimble:001f. It does nob
matter which' local buye be sells to --
the local buyer is but s, handler, and
he it really selling to the British'buy.
a, who wants good fruit that will
reach him in good condition.
"1 had ringworm on my head
for nearly a year.
"1 consulted three doctors
but derived little or no benefit
from their treatment.
"I 'then commenced to use'
Burdock Blood I3itters,
"Besides takitig.it internally
I washed the affected, parts with
it and when the bottle was
.finiehed I was completely
Cured." Elsie Slaght, Teeter-
ville, Ont.
Burdock Blood' Bitters cures sores,
• ulcers, boils, pimples, eczema and all skin
eruptions- of the most chronic type. It
makes the blood rich and pure; drives all
foul material from the system and builds
up the tissues of the hody
▪ •
An overproduction ofdrones is very
Objectionable and should alwaye be pre.
Deo require plenty of water. If
supply is not clove at hand it should be
Every beekeeper ehould have a supply
of ready made combo on hand to be used/
as needed, .
During the process of coustrueting
combs they should be noticed often, and
if any COMba ate found to be out of place
• they should be straightened.
• Strict attention mutt be given to re-
move eectious as soon au they are
completed and add empty ones, alWari
keeping the ones nearest full in the upper
tier. ,
• Bees are not liable to attach comb to
cloth, so that cloth divisions between the
frames Perve as a guide. A. board cover-
• ing should never be placed directly over
the frames,
The best article to produce smoke When
used In the bee smoker is dry, rotten
wood that has become in a manner
spongy and light. A.Imost any kind of
wood will do.
Infertile queens will produce drones
and nothing but drones. ''Such drones
are not fit for breeding purposes, but
shoal(' all be deetroyed. Keep the apiary
rid of them,
Mir:hobshas experienced the firt
frost this season. •
A Ennis* Story About 'Camille
, Snell/4 tbe Composer. .
Camille . Saint-Saens, i the brilliant
Feench composer, an extremely . near-
qghted man, was at a large armlet gath-
ring in Paris one evening when the host
asked hint to play something. • lie for a
• long time' refused to do so; but, being
earnestly 'pressed, he took his seat at the
piano. His hair was tossed back,- his
eye gleamed with excitement, Now he
• would bed over the piano, then he
• would throw himself back, and all the
while his fingers would run over the keys
as he extemporized in the most brilliant
fashion. The company. were delighted.
After an hour pleasure gave place tp
• weariness, •Two hours afterward some
• ot the guests. began to:leave:. Their ex -
'amine quickly became contagious, and 13Y
degrees nobody remained in the room ex-
cept the *master ef floe house (the hostese
bad long since gone to bed).
Sidut-Saens, more inspired and more
tumultuous than ever, • utterly uncon-
scioug of the incidents around him, play-
ed on ea %est and as frenzied as ever. At
• last, about .2 a. m, seeing Saint-Saens
• playing with more ardor than ever, the
master of the house, completely . over-
, coMe 'with fatigue, became desperate and,
laying his hind on the composer's shoul-
der, said, "I beg pardon, my dear sir, but
pray are you not a little fatigued?" .
Saint-Saens replied, without leaving the
piano, "not in the least," and, to show
how fresh he was, etruck into it new im-
provisation 'with wilder enthusiasm thau
ever. The host gave up, stole out or the
room and went to bed. At daybreak
Saint-Saens rose, gravely binged to the
tables and chairs and went home, com-
pletely ignorant that the cloaks and te
bles had been for houreys en)y.
• enee.
• The Maid of the Mist"
• The story of how the famous little
craft the Maid of the Mist shot the whirl-
-pool rapids at Niagara falls is an inter-
esting one, The Iboat, as has been the
custom of her successors, was used •to
carry adventurous visktonum the.NiAga-
, ra rive as near to the falls as was possi-
ble, On June 15, 1.867,.her skipper, hav-
ing beco:me financially involved, received
word that the sheriff intended to Seize
his boat. He concluded to foil the Min -
Ions of the law by shooting the rapids
•and prevailed upon two other re'cldess
spirits to accompany him.
•Those that witnessed the feat were
• thrilled it the sight. As tbe Maid pawl-
• ed under the bridge she gave it long leap
downward and was almost buried from
view in the foaming. waters. Sloe arose,
however, with no great damage and flew
into the whirlpool, a mile below, which
was comparatively easy of navigation.
She finally sailed down into the smooth
water below Lewiston. and escaped front
the sheriff. The chances for successfully
• cotopeting against the fury of the rap-
ids are said to be 50 to 1, and the feat is
recorded as one ef marvelous and Unpre6.
edented daring. '
A Silent Trio.
The fifth Duke of Devonshire told hie
brother, Lord George Cavendish, were
noted for their tadturnity. ()nee, when
traveltng near Yorkshire, they were
• shown Into a three bedded room. The
curtains of one of the four posters were
drawn. Bach. brother in, turn looked in
• and went to bed in another of the three
beds. Toward the doe of the next day's
posting ooe brother aaid to the other:
"Did roll see ivbat Waal in the bed last
of Cod LiverVil is the means
of life, and enjoyment of life to
thousands: men women' and
When appetite fails, it ,.re-
stores it. When food is a
burden, it lifts,the burden.
When youlose flesh,it brings
theplumpn.ess of health.
.. When work is hard and
duty • is heavy, it makes life
• It is . the thin edge of the
wedge; the thick end is food.
• But what is the use of food,
when you hate it, and can't di-
gest it?
Scott's Emulsion of Cod
Liver Oil is thefood that makes
you forget your stomach.
If you have not tried it, send for
free sample, Its agreeable taste will —
tl,rAin flirt *SOWN Oh arils tt.
150o. and $1.00 : all druggists.
The Westerner's Tale,
In Arkansas along the road I etopped my borne
• and spied •
An old gray haired man, who sat mid mins or.
• av'ry side.
• It, looked as„if a cyclone had passed o'er this lone
• . ly
-And so. 1-asked-thistaair, and thus-MTold to incMa tale;
• "No, stranger, 'twan't a cyclafie that wiped out
• this little town.
• One day a chap named 'Burly' Meade blowed in
an settled down •
, Here in tide place an started up a whisky joint,
• an that
• Was 'g'inst, the doctrines of the town, an so we
told him flat.•
"We also told him • easy if he didn't go. some
His place would Journey skyward by the route of
dynamite; • .
• But. Stranger, how he fooled us, an he turned u;
mighty pale • •
' When next day he hung a sign out. 'Nitroglycerin
. Per Safe!'
"Well, we knew in ifst a minute•that to blOw him
: up 'ud be
To ale° blow ourselves into the realms of mys-
An he'd been runnin yet; would this here 'Burly'
If there hadn't been 1 feller in the te•*6 what
edulda't read!"
It Seldom Is, at All Events.
• An Atchison girl fell into the lake re
wetly while out boating. Site was afraid
her mother would scold and explained
her Wet garments wheti she got home by
saying that she went in swimming and
was so modest she wore till ber clothes
in the water. The explenation was en-
tirely satisfactory. • •Slodusty can't be
A C. -good
Pres 44140on.
•or mai
lir 4 trritti ,„,„A co* el bur Noe* that it t•P'AN'S sin
sot hoofit onnvro von a.. d pAnnt I.re. 0e gives
relief Ntar e *mu 0 1r A %; tmecere stt4
wept 1'I V..301 1 A ".r r•Irl, InUt
No 1.1 it. ,,S 411'10 0'0". C.,`Ittle:1 11111 ti..1132t
100', 41‘4•111 * It .11.111104. 4. 0 ufitresa t.o 4** (*obi
**twat...et 0.401.0* beer..s. co No•nKw**
kneel, N.* V reit,
Septentber 21, 190C
Whlt is
' v• 4* `X*, ‘`• ' ' •
/ \\
Castorla is for arrti and. Children, Castoria is a
harniless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops
and Soothing Syrups. It contains neither Opium,
Morphine no other IsTareotieoubstance. It is Pleasant:: -
Its guarantee is thirt-y years' use by Millions of"
Mothers. Castor's destroys Worms and allays Feverish-
, floss, Castoria cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria• ,
elieves •Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and.
Flatulency. Castoria assimilates the Food, regulates.
tire Stomach and Bowels ofInfants and Children, givinghealthy and natural sleep. Castoria is the Children's.
Panacea -The Mother's Friend.
• Castoria.. Castoria,•
“va.t.oa is an excellent medicine tor "Castor's Is so well adapted to childreno
children. Mothers baye repeatedly. told me that I recommend it as antrerior to any pre, -
„of its good effect upon their children,” scription knoven to me..”
O. OSGOOD, Lowell, Mass. H. A. ARCHAR, M. D.:Brooklyn, N. . O.
• •
.....imirsiirtA""AlF.,Q: 7iiirAinivic:: New vonirmanniaiimusu
. .
The valUe of the •Cream Separator, itp
now so well understood that any argn-
m.tat for its ose would appear super-
., fitness. 'The foliowing will; however, be.
of infereat.,
At a trial made at the Munster Dairy
School some time ago. the averages of
experiments with a giyen quality of'
• milk were 100 lbs of butter from the.
Separator, as compared with 59 lbs of
butter from milk set in open pans for 24-
hours' 60 lbs of butter when it wae set
for 36hours, 73 lbs of butter when ib.
was set for 421*urs, and 76 loe when set
for 54 hours. It may be taken for grant-
ed that the use of, the Separator glum
25 per cent, more oreana than any system.
of skimming. If you are a dairyman,. •
think over these faols. 0a13 ion BMA,
to go on dairy bosiness in which there.
ip a waste of one quarter. Buy. a
Sharples Cream Separator • and thus
seoure all theprolit that is that is to be.
had in •tbe dairy business.
W.H.S. machine capacity 300 lbe, $75;
• 140.4. 03'116131mi-0o .8 tandes pacity825, 190.
Easy tering of paymeot. Write to -day.
W. L. Oliimette
Sugar Sugar Sugar
Just to handy second oar Redpath Extra Standard granulated and Yellow -
sugar. We sell in bblclots as than wholesale sell in 50 bbls. Special prioe in 100 pound/
lots and dollarsi.
We have best 25e tea in town, extra nice japan tea 20o, agents for Ititm*
JAI'S, Appleton, Monsoon and Blue Itibbtin teas in packages. •
Exquisite Dinner, Tea. Toilet, Glees and Water Sets. • We expect thisi
week two orates direct from the manufatatirers in Staffordshire, England, bought before. -
the advenoe of 15 to 20%.'We are selling at old prices, you will *save 25% by buying_
from tie, Call end examine goods end prtoes before you bey.
J. W. IRWIN. •- Clinton
Exeter Flour:
All kinds of Small Field Seeds, as Timothy, Red and
Alike Clovers. Headquarters for Turnip, Mongold, Carro
• ▪ Seeds. Fresh Groceries and Canned Goods.
Onr specialty laTeati, 'Try our 15o Tea. Other:oriel-lee equally as cheap.
Highestrraarket prioe paidIn clash for eggs. •
We are selling Buggies for three of the best Carriage,
Companies in Canada. •
and the well known •
We aro selling twine Mak bhe very best makere at
reasonable prioes.
,laso agent for the Alexander and Mellott* Orem 1
Seperator, and Massey Harris 1145yoles. Sample. WI 1* MIL
at the shop, Isaac Street.
Geo. Lavis,,
General Implement Dealer, ellataar