HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-09-21, Page 28eptembez 2i, ISO( nah`• to bit 'Wailed 01 Stlidant ltha ' ("Catinda Business College U. Clifford Elation wee *laminated be \ TILE CLINTON NEW ERA risp County Clippings to chino, to become commander of the It loge coulter:Won of Brendan Liberele allied throes there, le Pieeented III the end will lel °pleased by Tn. Rugh John September Magazine bomber of tbe MoDoiald• . Howell evaporatene etute abetted abee Oettoon, together with nutty other pie - The eeeleaeLaa of g. 4. je. parte ration% and will be run until the IMOW turee relating to • the present eriels in read ee member of Lbe reanitoee Lege faller, over 23 bends are employed. Ohina. $3 aeyear. The Outlook Cone ielatere for t3t. lionifalie beet been received ....James Canniuge merchant, Kippen, pany, New York. fornietly veer Genliing,e. formerreeident of Birtbt • oy the Speititer. i has gold out his entite business to Dow It is announced that It. 1., 'Ward- l 64° HO* °f °r°°*artY* d 4 dead hrone of *the citv reeks a chant at Far uhar ifelfieeagoltist FriderWeekt 0..tere ohothomo cot, . ,on, the present iteriabereevill rep esent O. 3 low of tto 014044 or oursemehaue and the Conservativeit of Lisgar in • the iiTit.bab,etrie*cialtattittehheroimetet eitale'l deceased •left' 13iith fer Chicago. Ile was forneerly it, member "neemess deveveneots, doting the last term reeiniefe Dominion electiong. were offered excellent pasitionebeforecotuplett erbursday. - - of the -arra of Rasa & Kingeede the Up their courses. We have supplied. the bare Blest 64'0 Coneereatives Met at • tan I a e or bee, Wati nuatilMOVely Mejdostuan hae eel& hie -farm 11-4 ONO a la *MO Y. 'ko fele!, -eoeverage concern oe tim continent wit 80 Markdale Oli Thursday to nominate a, On Monday or lest Week :there ,4„111, 13elgsla fsoolltrriie Mr • t his home Ith Obi of Mortie esti o waii the Bookiteere end Stenographers, Results ere Sproole, M. eh,e present mem-1 TT settler in the person of Jae. Oiltig, s•r, Ea NVewarooeh, and nag 42 /ears of 4 I' e. . . fl Winter Wheat tor welt tkbr bush a the tint o apply when Coe come to divide Where to bike yew, eimice. 147 cities, town and. vIlliage in Canada and. 'Newfouediand; 20 eenrities rn °uteri()) Parr Sound and mil/Atoka. Manitoba, Atberea an atit Mates of the Dialert Were rev:melt:a last ,yem. Our quarter-conteryeession ope Sept 4 Good 'boned for gents at $2,Ciliper week, and tent eee8 to ateden s Om a dietance. Ner the lined college catalogue in elenees, write, • D. McLachlan & Oct., Chatham. ent, ifor ladlee VI, e raweilway are to Me ea - Unto• mci-404 FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 21, 1.900, ROW HE BLOWS. AO*, Me Blair is the. latest "nnitit :glaring illustrat ion or coeruptien end incepacit thee, Sir Charles inpper Over steer. The oilier day, it was Mr 'Tarte. and a few theya before that it. eves Sir Wiltrid Laurier, Does Sit Sk Charles really expect that the eleo- tots of Canada can he influenced to vete in his favor by Buell meaningless Tepetition of+, strong language et. The oreople of Canada have seen Sir Wilfrid -Laurier and his colleagues take bola of the publin business of the Dominion and attend to it hee, business -like way, 'There were abuses of long standing to 436 recteel, and there were 4139r (ant mew problelts to be solved. Except Tenet prevented by the 'brute major- ity" in the Senate acting under Sit • Charles .TupPer's instructions, the: Liturier Government has satisfied the wishes of the people. The gold fields in the Yukon district tied to be °peeled eip, and the taut ier Government did it, • 'without iropesing &War Of , expense won the tax -payers of Canada, the royalty and euetOtris paying iliore than enough reventie to meet - the bilis for constables. judges and commissioners. Still better resents. would have been .achieved but for the blocking ,of the Government's Twilit ,Lake railway. echenie by Liverpasti and Bowell. Red that gore through our merchants, manufacturers. and ranways would have made lat ge profits in. producing and transporting eupptiets for the min- ers, instead of seeing that lucrative trade controlled by Seattle, - Tacoma and San. Francisco. The Saltier Gov - 'tenement secured the coestriiction . of the Opole's Nest Pass Railway, :thus +opening up a home merket in the Koo- tenay mining' district for the grain and meat produced in the Calgary dis- trict; and by the terms of the bargain subs t Intial reduction in elenteeiten Pacific rates to the apt was secured. :thus rue ting hundreds et thousandtecif dollars into the hands. of the Canadian farmers, ' The Goverrinielit extended the Intercolonial Rtilway to Montreal, and weak, thd WIMP elephant pay for it keep, I; stead of running it at an annul,' loss as a mere feeder of the ‘Canadian Pacific abort line frcen St. John lo Mont eal. The Clcivernment pusluel the St. /reverence -coals to -completion, and the result is that there is renewed life in the shipbuild- ing trade, while capitalists lock 'fOr- ward to steedy business moving the . grain of the west te market over the all Canadian route. The Government gout it speedy end to the 'race and re- ligione agitation by which -Manitoba -was Afflicted so long Sir Charles -Topper's remedial bill was a hector in "the political situation. These are not eillusu•ations of corruption or incapat- lity. • When the impartial elec t or thinks of them, he will decide that a GoVern- -.merit which has done so much good • deserves a further trial. . • The Liberal Government hal shoo a -that it is po4sible to increase the public revenue, while lowering the burden of taxation, and fleet has been acetone -relished without damaging any menu- • lecturing dusiry. Our factories me busy because our fanners have money to spend. When the OonserVatives :were in power the farmers werescratch- ang around to get enough to pay their tnortgege int rest. Sir Wilfrid Laur- ier went to ngland three 'yeare eget with a me sage of friendship and a eternise of preferential trade.' He fol.. owed that up by sending essunence 10 -31the British army engaged. in the South • ..African war. 'While Sir Charles Tup- viper was insisting that there should he en° trade concessions to the mother ',country without stipulation for a quid limo quo, Sir Wilfrid Leerier SO pcirm- liarized latnada in Greet 13rittin tuat our kin beyond the eeit, ate clamor- ing.for a chance to buy Canadian bac- oon and butter. The result In ri he tables of our ikport trade, which is -only limited by our produce. If Weis a sign of corruptiott and ine icapacity, the people want More of -what, Sir Charles Tupper howleagainete The day bait gone by when, the people ef Canada could be starepeded by wind and bluster. Eyen. Oonseryative pro. efeeinnetel,ItelitleirmaknoWeretd.feeLthat. "the .leauteer iiinerrimene deserve% sup- port for thenooti thieve, it has acebep- mitened, nedd to"erhereff the Abed eff thteonntry is the mein eorieideration will see to it that Sir Wilfrid, Leerier atid his faithful and capable colleagues are not lied out of the reWards they bevel so richly earned. Itlattiliton The. yearly postet detteit under the Cooservitivat Wee $ti00.0,'00. The Literali hive optimal 001.1t new of. ewe, ridded hendreds of melee of It new mail routes, vectored the postal *e rite to 2 outs, improved the moil Porto istierally,iud,notwitbetand- these vita inanrtiVeliiente,lie,ve pree. Ing Otani wiped. out the deficit in e -the postal (*Arbroath •,PreessionalandOtheresrd AMOS SCOTT Barrieter, tiolieltorr Wee., CLINTON. • oporce-Itiliett enook, row Strode The best equipped business atorotto• moat , and shorthand school in Cana- da is tha Forest City4Business. and Shorthand C011ege London SEED *ItaA,T , Large enrolment and " strong faculty. • Itundreds of studentsin good positions. • ' The petition against. the return o • f 01 the 2n4 00004 Mor to Mr, De -video'• r!°'. • • 81. ' WliSS StItherlatid, of Rlyth, haft ills • - lettetiMi4diesex in the Leoislative as. The plaot of the defunct Wineilren Wien of her pleolographIc businese to • Aug 01-0 0 (1,. DLETON inton. ()apt 't P. Ro been • at; mernber for of ;13.elinore, for $3,1Ca. serab)y was diemissed at rename, joernel was removed. thie wee to R. Brewer of firmest ls -whet WANTED* The p, a le Me' uthol Plainer ie the Mote London east, where the',Inertnieeor, .644 at:toiktrotaies*i4o. He hatebt'ren ' largely sold in Canada, yor backache and BeSileltzloate ;1011 PPM- 0•/°17'eft)ce" k' Bi:3°144°'•f°F•--`,""''YI11,114 iefiltrittrWeT.Vrelrhrielltiter iII • dei t hia all musouler paha there a toning nue] 10 On Tuesday last the hank barn' on parrt Die ape w liximalliErttes eh - Davis tie bovrtnce Co., lite., nakere. I was destroyed, by fire,caused,by eparks lerft ‘vhieb Iv 11 be under the 1441"•ge" went, of .L.Ar- McAleer. • „ campeitto propnet le the legitie I from a haul it.. Each pleeter nii air -tight tin, 26o. the farm of T. outs, $rd line, Monte, malting weektryisits GO his Blyth ga niorett et.:Lon en, oat, Jule ee-te .ron sALE. mete eon of t ne et1011 Who collated Mrs Annie Smith, who has beet nye During be <peite week F. S. Scott, of , his election chickens before they were ing with her deughthr, Mrs Norman EresseletdieeoSed of two 100 aorefarms 1teep, corbel,: Goltlerialt towiehiIi, 80 Ves bittehed. This is Wind the Toronto Matheson, Luclitnaw, passed away On 00 tho Oth line Morrie.. The A. Grant rani u‘iiiir &air ea& Aultify or World heti been doing for some time Sunday morning week. orf4Pv4 1.4 CM. O., Watt bought bY JAMES WORT. Barrister, (ninton. Vihn Ke g the same line late of lug' 24-tr Nothing ehe that appears n a leeIvenifollrKtheell waensta wintfe boBereusasemisordiwnill Yfi':9 House1-0 -11 PdaBiatn' ne‘ wapapers is quite so yellow as their family have nearly all settle •In, •aegreerlar9aPellYetWebaeseeSsetalette,28.' cir , • the political dtspatches that are sent Manitoba. tamale:aro° Wise james st.(watrosoes.tahne down ft Oln the west to the °wiser"' Thos. Dennison, who moved to J37-76- Jseatepoodene of plitehete was the buyer at railway tracik mama -haul, one-eith h, live jouruals of Ontario. • • Years a excellent work at its credit. Catalogue of either course free. Correspondence asked. W. WESTERVELT', Princip*0 i n a t Michigan, foe tiee eum of $3.M3. The• .or Hent acre land, wit orobarci o good • ruit treee, eels from MORillop about two years water. Will he sold on very reasonable terms. The Liberals of South Middlesex will ago, died on Thursday after a lingering Thoe..Etallantenet 13riteeeli, received tat, n'it2tx mas•AOHN I.ANTON, Victoria St hold then- convention at Delaware on illness, word erotreScolland that his mother Dt Friday, 28th instant, when a candidate ..J.N.Petclue, a htlythhas bought 1144 Peseed wile' en the 2St.h- of Aug.' for the House of 'le/autumns will be se` the livery business of Jas. 'Moon and - Her nilidell nall" was Elizabeth Mc- leo el. Die expected that the present taken nessession. He will still continue Dtmgeli‘ She was h"rs at °len"' in member. M 111.e0-tigail, Win oe the te ' •1803. waking bey Oi years of age at the .41s veterinary practice. it rut iturno Us cboiee-,„„.,„ The contest between Mr N. W. Row- bge'rmigebt re-mtneOlduisikoecYaitedLuactkttyreilbho:vd,, ell and. Mt W. F. Maclean; M, P,, a s by the belt,of his engine, at the shingle he one of the most. interesting en the mill, breaking and striking him on the province. Both are good campaigners, and each will make it keen fight for 'Km' • • victory. Liberals are very _confident The demise of David Dottie on the that Mr Rowell will ei4ry the riding, t 2tul inst., carne as a great surprise to the community, He was 70 years and By arrangement between the- particle tie decision petitions protesting Local elections 10 In aur- in Winnipeg Centre Westbourne, Delor- vi.ve hOtithe old. A wife and sou im' • ' ane, 'Russell, Kildonan,Beantiffa Plates, Geo, leicOarin,8th line. Morrie, -bought Rosenfeld and Birtlehave been withdrawn, - the fine 125 acres of John McArthur, paying ' The deetruotion of prteperty in Pekin SVfor the same. ° PoO litical Pointers. Watson Is the Liberal nominee for Enekoka and Patty, Sound, Lill, McClellan Wats chtieen as the tibeeal candidate le VVteee Teterboro, The petition itgaind the 6turn ta 0. A. Orbiter, P. P. in Bait AWN °1 Atitritnea atilt" Thiirate ' , 4 , f';;Vo gni** Mot. for Ste John. city, t IlAil *SE appointed Settee& in plates of 43enittor Wave°, reggae& La. Petrie annonnose that Ink .Wilfria %miner will make unimportant *dams in Montreal withinittra itext fifteen 404 It is expected that the coming elec. *Ott see the diettppeartioce of Sir A.dolphe Caron from political lifa laugh d'Ofin Macdonald will attend the OlOneervative picnic at Wingham .00t) tlin•22lido 4/01. Prior and Thomas Katie, M. Meet* again nominated by the 'Plated* rot,. ootairottm, , •Tho, °mot, Grey CotteerratiVe can. Aelidatt for the loCelhenst is the prieetth extentber, ItEsTatette, flit X. Lave% harriater, of Smith's Ooneervittive chola all .00sialkitin the Oomxnons in North Deeds I Add, OtenVillei has ee: ee fi 's h • • his gives the purchaser 325 acres tow.. ll•' Chioeseoolejeetione betetli.e-stildierie fall.die 'Forestee 'The brItlairthernifetirtildijih Omelet er decease, She As sister to the tete Mrs Jas. Mitchell, 12th eon. of' Grey, ' Thomas Dennison paid nattire'Sklebt, passing Away. very peacefully. Ile had been ailing fax About Ilyears, lee came to M.Keep township 32 years ago , *here he resided•Until eaving the far na a year ago end editing to Brussels. Be is survived by Mrs Dennison (who was a Miss Freckelton. of.. St. Thomas) two someand four daughters, Mrs S. Merritleld, Winghami, attende4 br!norinouse of howeiave the wart -loge 01 her sister, .Miss Louie been e rippe , vs y oxe y Whic.b wibe capably handled.Small,. at the home of her pirents, of the eelief expedition, o 8 Ay wee an injure s in tee ot kir and Mire G. Small, and the .• '‘ • ' cap. Re is now in his 871h year, and groom, Rev. J. P. Johnston, B.A., who Seaforth Fxpesitor: The Liberals of hes been in the eneploy of J. D. Ronald was indite' ed into -charge ot the Met West Baron ire if we can judge from this . .-.,-. - . , , . • ear co years, Presbyterian church, Tilbury. aonyen lore,' $ g ng p , dis. play a spirit and determination wbioh pre- T. Gibson, the popular. salesmab' of 'Jas. Blackbrougb, of Anaconda, Ogee hard, united work, to he crowned by the teoroyeieh Cheese -Factory, sold the Montana, has purchased • Mil; Sohn ulthoete victory. They have a good cause; last half of tbe Angdst make of cheese White's 100 -acre farm, lot 42, Con 3, a good candidate, with all the odde in their --MI in all- for 11 1-6 cents per pound. Oast Wa,wanosh, for $1030, , Arch. favor, and there to no moon. why they This is an extra high price. • • • • Gordon of the B. line, Tnrnberrly has •shOuld not . • '• enjoyable ei4iiet took lace at • has sold flfel-flve acres to 'Robt, Stenlee WORKING OVERTIME. 'Bight bour laws are ignored by, , thoo 'Walesa; little workers -Dr. . King's New the marriage of his daugleter Winnie net's Turnbarry rota. The Entine Life Mr: Millione are always. .at work, to Edwin latices, it prosperous young farm in the same township has been farmer near Beimore.. - sold to jets, Hooper for $5500. T. 'night and day, Curing ,Incligestion. 0111011S-. 0 of Alex. Gardiuer, litteKillore fairFWiarmtkp:perttispalefit6lIdsehemiss etaormselPrroitrily3pa. ness, Constipation, Sick Headaehe and all _ On Wednesday, Sept. 5, a iiretty stemeeffs Liver . and Bowel troubles. home wedding was solemnized 'eet the Easy, pleasant, %%feet:etre. Only 2fo at residenc when hie eldest daughter Miss Annie, An explosion which might have been Mb drug otores the resilience of O. ;Rayner:it, rey, on ton . of East . Watvanosh for $2.49. Wednesday week, the occasion being James Grayhas itterchased jno.• Gen- • e• • • • • • tided in marriage to Rev D. B. fatalebut was fortunately not attended jn:lin:tent of the Weat Baron Idberale in brussels Post: We commend the good aisie Ete Sc.. D., of Hotilton. On irriday night of last week some 1 by (reticule results, occurted, in W. 1/. the re-noMinating of Robert . Rohner; Willis's she store. Seaforth, on Fri - The Clinton New EASas their standard. , M ... ._. , . of unknown persons entered the stables day mottling; The atetetelitte gas ; bearer, fn. tbe, short time he has been in of Peter Stewat t, con. 3, Tuckersmith, machine, used for lighting the store, the Hoist) be has demonstrated the Fosses. ane stole aline new eat of harness; , had gone out of order. .1."altaititig the siou of qualifications very essential to an they then visited Thos. Robertson'e, gas had all been let out, Mr Witlis Pa, P:, and we believe that he will he re. and Eito le it halter. I went into the cellar with it lamp, when tnened for another term. . john Mutre,y and his tee° boys, of I let scorched ;Atoll the head, and Mr Tuckersmith, nave made a threshing 'Ditcher fluttered in a similar manner, l there was an explosion; be was slight - HIS WORDERPITI, Nravr . Alone sustained Editor F. I•L Higgne, of Henry Chesney, they threshed 420 '. cellar door was blown ,pft, and some record. One day recently, on the firm • but neither were seriougly injured; the of Seneca, Ill., when all *Mora and bushels of Dens in five hours ' . TueSdayweek Lae-ant:1 I windows were broken. ..'- . . . medicines failed to oreieve his pain' from ' At noon'on Lormet, yotingest, daughter 'of Mr at 4 piles, Then Buokietes Arnica Salve wholly cured him. Infallible for Injuries, Pains fare Alex. Davidson,. was quietly Mar-, ' nhommatio'lloints.„-Ivirs. George. or Bodily Eruptions, Cure gtiaranteed. ' ried to Herold Edwin Cherry, Chicago, Smith, 6e charron street, Point St, Charles, Only 250 a boe. Sold by all druggist% 0 ' ' by Rey Neil Shaw, of Egniondyine. • Que., says: "Rheumatism in my joints • For months the Conservatives kept up a The real estate belonging to (he late Gwr. BiteltereBrussehe was offered for —"''' -"" — le' ca_i_uledm.inssoLsizt.ff,..erlings that words cannot, howl for a chance to have a naixiber of eleStion oases inquired Into. The Govern- sale 'by auction, The lot at the rivtr. b I 'took four bottles ment appointee a commtesion, of Judges went to Reeve Thomsen for 6105; the of South 4morican Rheumatic Cure' and am ok lot was bought in for. others with as good results. Think the a well woman. I have recommended it to and °lobed ii with the fullest powers and 1.3 .1. gave it ample sow,. Rave' the Tories • 0 °e, et" ting ri bre:tight in their cheroot? Not they, The -ce"• -"eller at . 37 treatnient nothing short of a wonder."-zo wished for inntary; they Wanted a 'Chance; the 5th inst., at the residence oft:7,14),o- t° squeal -to pretend they bad a grievance. nerd; Maitland Valley rant, neer hell- leemeeeeneeneemeseenete400MOVVtiAe The pp, blio see through, their pitifully el, when their daughter, eV tuifred, watt entail gemee-Remilion Times, Otir :tote exports- of agreneturee • • are se silent as Mi0e. Why? .They never . An important event took place on Sold by Sydney Jackson, druggist,Olinton. ye The Liberal. Government haermet e- all the expenditure of the past year --encluding the $2,00,0oo for to', oaatiegeate to South Aides, and * bee not ridded one copper to the debt daring the year. OoMmermal travellers are an observant elites of men in regard to politics as well other batten and their opinion in regard tO the prospeoes of a political party are therefore valuable. Ttey alone seemed to hove imaged the sentimeate of the country in 1878, for at the time the Ooneervetive leaders did not expect to get lute power nor did the Liberals expect in go out. At present they seem td be very generally of the opinion that the Liberal Governmett is attain to win whenever it °boom to go the country,--Teronto Star . BRAVE airs PIM. I married to W. E. Lucas, a weleto-do implements in .1808. w .s $596.277. young tarmer of Bellmore. • ,• in 1897 ll rose to 01.807 2•13, Tent Another of Wingliam's ptominent is time way the Liberal tariff 1.9 young Wen, J. T. Kohnes, has left the 40 ruining" our 1,1011olao‘urm.; i0. ranka.of the bachelors and joined the Allis choice was Miss Minnie Wellwood„ hovommowommokoviwww4ffotoclu-triee, • noble. armyof benedicts. The lady of • •of Plarristmer In Me•moriam. I T. Bielbet, who has been a tenant ofWritten Jl ....-. . the Dickson 200 -acre %eta, lith eon, of uie:mg remembrance of Mra Eliza Hughes who died at Lord( 'Moro, on Sept 1st, Grey, for some years, will leave next 1C30, byherzeice, Mince). spri,pg, having purchaeed tbe Pitalrov ' 10 acres on the 8th line of Morris. Lt She has grus far away and earth's mansions forsake', is stated that T. Davidson, a resident Shouts fraisheo. life's joinmey in childhocl be - Of llth eon., bar; bought the Dickson • Barg:Pathway bt osangled with thorns is be• it farms for $110..539. • • 1 hhad her. A, pleasant event OeMirred at the res. We's conflict is past and the victory ki won, idence of Frederick Rossiter. Loncion,t, she is ottleareeep.but our sobiteentiot wake her, When his daughter Lydia leaircloth, 4 Not lost, though her deer form be laid in the of Brumfield, . ' Tertatis who took her, and he will reetore - . • Was married to J. 4, Boyce, formerly teteeeete, belt week was the nineelago He easher, only calla beck the sweet boon that he Of MisiffliaelehcheeSoneee '11.0ielson oopulereybOng ledy of ,feeelor th and Thenlmest, loving heekt, tin the brat* Of thy fourth dittrethter of t and Mrs Alert. Victim' le etote*Ole, Wee old loos ander Dayidsop, to Harold E. Cherry, Three•Glinrsteranitth7 tlttaititalh the lie_leeethrouge trouble% and feel the resnite hi loss iiprititeobaeltache, nerbousnerire histamine of Evanson, lit .el a foraierresident of Seaforth, but now, t''''...oileangels reioice deira Mul that returneth, 'Vee Flamm' weep o'er the dark chilly tomb. f f Th Y El: -4, lif b ' 0h1`01414 II° ie all eutedowe and don't oare wheeler be 1, took nretyfr°°1. bush , ti,...r..90.1...ae.,4, we 51.02...,_. "Lw!,41,101-167,,;,. . -. - • . . I, W, • Gardner,: of Trial/Met Itiche "Wirer, he arm 2 - .°6' i$44 'floul rr''''' "m•-tria we -les, -.-this-...),m-wprra., ti!, yyont Wesegrimeey thcoae'ain:Other,anci know thee toe tire,d run aeon feeling, but, eleloarto t • t t, Bitters, Isre ituit the thingfor A Man" Writee On Tivoli Week,' the barn on the Ferevrett. deatifeteeotlieee though anguish eie, lit:rawer ate% -I% bi-a-re to' glee nie hew` trt'redi ith the etetaOt.16*°11* not 314; aial•alear"r6itellig"0 intotheohelir illgithiV103` moor iota goo& sppotite olio mobil threshed. a colt and nine p gir the , bon d take. I pan not eat setythiug hive a new lease on life." Only, 600. Every hettle eintrialteild by all druggist& . Fifteen eeafitegOi W. T. Mem. int.R. P., a stalwart.C3nsarvativei•tedeento$ the riding of 'Wait Middle:tett for Otte eitiely. In 1887, he had a rnajarityof 105;itt 1891, obe ,of •, 460; but, ite •1896ethie wai' tall itiptA Out, • and W, S. CAlvert, Me T., * Liberal i dofefited W. W. Rooms by 841, Under notelet oonditione, Watt Middloe* is Consetvetive by a majority of 100, but W. S.Oilvert„the sitting member. is a Mighty pepulaternan, and the oompaign bound to develop a aloes light. ,IN THE 34we or A LION. Thergellantrielejet Swett* toile of being khooltedientsidess by it LiSO that letretstiM hie Out. His graining itilottptiketa tha JON! of deatlx Is Only equelialoy Diettintee New Discovery kir ContaMption, Whl101A hie sintra thotearide teem desperate Throat and Dung tratiblee,`..HAll detitere ima toy wife would oon die bf MineettititiOnNritei L. 0. Overstreet, Of Mtn, Tina, but your wendertul medioine templet* eared her, and saved her life." Stitiefa4tron guaranteed by all druggists who give trial bottle glow:geed by all druggist.. This total thereinto in the trade of tletlide during the entire la years that the flonairvatiets were in °Moe attmunted to 10643,C:3,000, The in. drew in trade due the 4 your* of lathed tufo woo mori eilf 'MC* tinning thenIlrwarm tif Omar Prederielekere hi ow, bang oi,304o00,000 managed. to *Wife it Vett of 'Jones an " soMO,httirticits04. ' . , - dial °•:1:1:ni ';'400"1::::nleO:fnib:417.00c' 34")eaelle14,11 t3tta"di".11.F45: .? ': -.' ' " ....- ii -with den y tiir the ,paet si*. MOnthit.P - ' , ":,''',,Pitti* FiritAinteipt.• .,', was baiiitin blethiatO endparne,to Mor- -.e.; via gig 01 0.4.44,t444.iiii4id.; one rie *years ego top ,Pandlord•towtil f.h.tWoitIV beedatweilinileidria.n'e *hip, , OX`ftird. count*. ; ile leave. ofri !ficoiiiiiiik tai• fgAti ec110,cke; can - '10K , ',' ;,.• , , • . - a' .1 1 1 fresilited.lnAte, esgt**41,4t, about widonent412'children to mourn their, •11-01* My' le . pqr. an, ofithe town, con. Si ,Wockerthalth, lolingtillgniw 1, ' ItlYe ee t eie te .frOM. 'Slyiniplv oftreet• to Itoht.kcVety,,hascsoittliis farniiitt lithrilelidhrte a L44 1100(004k4•110llseff. '‘nOntalne•It!brieln, house and -geed beta; •IkereVeeeshe, ti the' loot a estimated at ton, ,Theotteeti emetegeseletetatitineeeneo' etIodteeeeir, ifilet tote Mir tfl,gailttit *tattoo 'barn;tbet:Oticti'l paid. war. 45,850, ' Mr '',1e,..J.euu t $ taion ii 1 ,:• q ' 11 ' 'Hamilton -keet,sold his,. farm. tti. `bie. : ' it is intposelitle tit present to say to beighbOr.-Itunna Morrie,tor 415,8tolt Me ii,Vrbat extent thin wig. ha covered by in. Morrirsold his 60 Ito* nth* MIMS:" Wtlaratien• ' 2., ' , on unininyinoridnkryinjnetuninto.- 3:heed are about ou -n0111001 planeli ;tet hierieltridence .ettPltildereittleief Env `burned dttrt'. ' i'-' ',' ".',* ' ' ' : ne. in the- 'perstnti tif JriiiderriettleV ,Of • s': ‘,11;.,fileeteribler OfoonotOr, • tile Whittle; . liet had been ailink hra is " „-fr.t. . ,,1,- • considerable tiro, and wet thootly cow' .'„1.44ionelt'cliitrozoOodoottot, Sealk fined. tti,tho ho ohne, Febrtnity,.; 1.061 - born, 94 n - to the ,astate Other Tv4i 'Ofigk' - '.:t 44-4 on 090.14,o44,t, ex. late Ya_niep , gi „*3113 014,,,,br 40,,,,At tion;'; lit. rt par eel. bentaming era, atortet,'Ve t ' welilitge, eta, , was par.. -chatted by T. McLean for $2,600. The second pared of In acres,wtte scold to 141. Sande fox$100. !! ' . • ' ' 4' iI • Statute" Dickedn' is wod mit k.k farm' Itt rOrey Wear. le. 44,1 1 1. oolb;roont141y;earriarmweittirgo'itt;h;ottrysobolotitlyzkvittlit*Ifirti.53tvordliol 1, .611terottpar:desrthtaaT6ottlithaiiai. .1.160thas, ...•,. fiN101 '4-41'hOP udo,.4otAtoopiokaa t a, '44t1,..eiretit 000s:tithe -*hart trent. One; every tocetti;Otettiner itrana, Aleitth it,,and,"destrotition .0v..erY /antic htal a:looney loalt.that.enft. • not aVroltretilniti‘esitatayoutintatibreasettlutsf.aoikr tvalveatoti.:- The storm has -.10fther helpiese„ arid r ettiOken .fOlhanit. &unveiled to* I talent our. Vde world,thr tracenrate cpunt, thli Mind bfe,;teirC the tol. ber-klihki thea(orra MOO* watt*. ow' 3,11111eril Mice in Howdah nitkimiti 416111, f°1" "'et' 80 rim*. 'Of 111. wotdd moth 51C00 In Galveston, i strikincportrolt oft Xtiokt.Marshol The finonobd kow wi I no doubt bo ow)* Count You woddormo. now On blo wow ton millott &Otto* tboir o mis '11'0 . RENT. A large brick store, next to Eleeland Bros. hardware. One of the best slair's in Clinton, plate glees front, lighted with acetylene *gas,. and well fitted up for groceries eto. Rent mod.• mate, Applcto HARLAND BROS,. Olinton, was u Sept. ti-tr .FORSALE Two registered,' aged pure lod. rLincoln Rams, 20 ram lambs and 20 ewe lambs, all bred from the above, will be sold on reasonable terms. Apply to ROBERT COLE, lot 02, eon. 10, Gullett, • Sept, 14-1m • . Female Weaeher Wanted . For S. S, No. 8, Township of liullett,lunior Department. • Duties to . commence immedia-. tiny. Send apolication, with testimonials, to Aide . Londesboro, Ont. • *Have you. Money :to Invest? We Sake large mid sinali antountri depoeits for inveettnente, and give the.best of geourite, and pay 12 pm centper annum, payab`o quar- terly. Companies. also promoted, and patents bought and sold,. Call•or write- • . • •0 et Ve welter= et 00 • Financial, Loan atul Inveetinent Agents, •43 Bast Adelaide St., Toronto Miss Carol- NeuTombe, • TEACHER FOR PIANO, • . And pupils prepared foe Coneervaeory cootie, •IelLINTON. ONT. TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be reeei,feduP to and including the 22nd inst. for the rental/or it term of years Ike farm lands belonging to the Estate of the late Jas . Pair, consisting of and conprisbig (1). part of lot 24, con. 1, Hallett, now in Clinton; (2) man half 02 lot 28, con. 2, Hallett ; ISP lot 24, concession 21 Millen, less twen• acres 1.4.) eart of the southerly half of lot .25, con. 9 Hudetti, 10 acres; (e) that part of lot 85, con. 10, Goderlok township, lying north and east of the L. H. &Bolt R.; (0) part of lot 1, Huron road con Goderich township; 133 acres now in Olin - ton, containing together 225 acres more or lees. Terms and conditions made known fon application to the undersigned JAMES Feint') • N. MeL.IPAItt, ' Remit:dors. JAS. SCOTT,) , Cliton September 18, 1900-2 Notice to Creditors. .174 the Matter of .h7state of nitwit %tidy, �j the Village of 1,onclealioro, deceacetl. Notice Is hereby given. pursuant to R. S. O. chapter 129, that all persons baying claims ageinst the estate of William Whitely, late of the Village of Londeshoro, in the County of Huron, who died on or &maths 27th day of August, 1E03, are requested to sender deliver to the undersigned the Executors of the property of the eakideceseed, on or before the 16th day of Ootober, 1E00, liartivolars of their claims and of the security (if 'any) held by them duly vere And notice is niso given thrit after the said last.mentioneti date, the Executors winproceed to distribute the assets of the said deseastd, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice. MOS A. A. WHITELY, 1o, DAVID MOUNTAIN, f '''te‘u""'s• Dated, at hondeeboro, Sept. ffith, 0'). Im NOME, Reflects hereby given that the Council of the Corporation of the town bf Clinton intends to construct a concrete sidewalk along south side of Princess street, from Orange to Shipley 131 the said town, and to mem the final costs thereof upon the properties berientted, and not exemply law from sieriessment. The mated cost of the proposed Work is 00140 o which sum $114.76 is to be provided. Out of the general funds of thelfunioipality. A Court of revision will be held on Fridry Sept, 28,190D at 8 o'clock p.m., et the corm t Chamber, for the perpocul of hearing complaint, isgininit the propoesid assessment, or accuracy of the frontage me/inurement; and any ether ' complaint Which n4111°110 interested may dee;re to make, and 'which is by law cognizable by the Mid Coort, Dated at Clinton -61e Itith day of 8ept.,1900, W. COATS, Town Clerk ...APPRA144/0„ WATCH AND O 'JEWELRY :SittiliE .Thst seeeiVed" lot of nevi:13eitei- . trickles, Pulley Belte•Ringle Brat*. Jets, etc. The lateet goods in the ,market, We make *deity 01 ttin •Sereetables and EyereIlaseete ; semiretired- free, Oril•kniktkOrk41ikli406%****A•Ailtik** Total OX ndittriti leet„ leer of tiertatireirde, $41,74. 118,14 tOtalexiAnditnreiti 1899, the lett Yee& of.Diberal xele :for etbleh eseinplete figures are to hand, . 442,684; estimated expenditure for tho current flood v*1.'06,8004 -Montreal Stan. 11; Star ouppr000r vort ot tha• truth, 15 negligent to say that *bo Consertitive tetpancliture fn the yeoro Aetna *MI tie tendert 14811-164O;808,086 etitteee /10860,841. 188- 49,108,071 • 1888.", 41,811710415 Properties for Sale or to Let HOUSE von sALE. The cornforte,ble and cosy oattagieon Joseph Viititta leitt: err:AV& ittleTnneveir/rettaitil- able terms. • JOHN BleCaioneerir, PROPERTIES If Olt $A.LE, For sale, Iota near the Flax Mill, 2 iota on Erie Sto2 lots on Milt,on St also a brick cottage with frame kitg000 bit, d water, good orohard, on t.oplying to JOHN RIDOUT, Clinton t JOHN HENRY, Rosendale. Manitoba. ' O HOUSE forSALE or to RENT.' On 'tribtoria St, near Oman Faetery. $300 will buy a roomy, comfortable house with good lot -the property recently occupied by .3'ranig„, 'Upshot'. Apply at once to - W. BRYDONE, '• • Barrister Ste, (Menai. House and Lot tor Sale. -The large and-commocriodirliffieeeffieleinentr situated on Huron Street, occupied by the un- eersigned.iii differed for sale on very reasonable terms. There ifieveryaccomodation,witb etable, orchard, ere . • • W. DOWERS, Sea 21,..18119, ()Anton. Farm for SaNco. - .• Wit .111RYDON11,, Amatims=4,,Sca.acaToN, ,NoTART PITBDIO, OTO. Offitie-Beteyer up -store, %vow. theterer Pilot Oillery =AWN CHARLES SEAGE.Jt: ...powwow, *motor, NOtare and 03neerance Onien-Oppectite Colborne veloderiek • • 50 awes, Easeha' lf et lot eaecii. 11, Ilullett, ie. offercl for side. The:farm is in excellentcon- • diger', house, . barn, • Ito, Apply to. 'JAMES 'CAMPBELL, Londesboro, or. t,o MOS MOG; • RID.G11; Olinton, for vartioulats. Sept 141m r STORE FOR SALE. The premises occupied. by R. J. Cleft, and. • comtisting.of a iirst claim brick store, on Albert Street Clinton, is offered for mice on easy term . • • • Also Cottege oh Albert Street, • with two lots, citable, atid all oonvlenCett.Partionlare •on appication to Mrs W. Robertson, Clinton nrilars 01 W. metarersor. Constance, • Me Cli CAMERON (Formerlyeof Cameron bolt Jr Canter* AND SOLIOITOR4 Oftice-nemilton tippoilte Voltiorne Seto. GODRRI0ii. -ONT • oARRovy 8L.GARRoVw ofratfaersuo, somorrouo, ft= office-conter mammon SI. and the Ocluar Ooderieh, Ont. •• j. T. Gamow, et, O. Ones, Getnow.leleet PROUtiFOOT 84 HAYS, ,Fultworints, souarroits, Noisires Ptremo , FRODTQRS IN TSB MARITIME COURTi• apa, Oilio* North at., next door toSIgnat 'anted Private Fueds to lend at lowest notes of interest - 'W. P1101.111FOOT. R. O. NAYS, BUSINESS TEktitiERTY FOR That deelrable Rd* Blueness Stand,on Al- bert St, Clinton, occupied by Mr N. Robson, is offered for sale, ineluding rear lot and stable. The location is one of the oest in Clinton, The propmty is free from incumbrance and title in diseute,ine. Price reasonable, and terms to suit uter -r. 6tiFtctftr Loi - don oi2deecl°r- GOOd Fam m for Sale or to Rent. . . A good farm for sale or tarent, 150 acre farm for sale or to rent, being lot 14, con. 18,, Htdlett, 180 acres under cultivation, the balance in good hardwood burth. There is a good frame house good out buildings and a good "well ; situated. half a mile from the school, three railes from a • church and 41'j miles from Blyth. Has all other convenience. Terms toothlessly.Ai-ply to WALTER RIDDEr, Sept 0-42 Londesboro, Out. POP Sale Or tO Bent. , • I The (Melee brick house on the corner of Ful- ton and Joseph streets, belonging to the estate of the late Richard Heywood, le offered either for sa1+3 or to teat. It contains rcom for ordi- nary family. Is practically a new honed, With all conveniences, and three -tenths of an awe of land. It the property is not told Or rented, Part (nit will be routed. Apply to W. COATS Exedutor 0 titan. fottrin.to Rent or Sell Eintacriber °Here either for 'sate or to rent his farm of 50 sores, on the 3rd eon. of Huliett, 'being west half of lot 17. Buildings fairomall orohard, plenty of water,le aores bush. Soil first-class; ei miles from Clinton. Possession immediate, Terms reasonable. Purcbasee can have his own time to pity for it, by paying it small Bum. down. Apply to NEW ERA Officso, or to A, GINN, Clinton Aug 31.--tf • rARIti FOR RENT. Subeetiber offers to rent her farm, being lot II, con. 14. Cioderich township. The Jot con - talus Siatirect has good sized bet* barn cold other buildings, has it gond. bearing orchard. taso a young orchard coming into beaxina, is wall watered 'and well fenced With ruining stream; .ix itotee of fall wheat Situated ie labels from Holtoetivilet andel miles, Rona 0110- ton. For Metric& eartioulers apnly MRS. ORRIS TEBBOTT, or GBORGX TEBBUTT and JOHN JERV/S, executors, Helinerrille. Aug. 24,-11 FARM POO SALE Subscriber Offers for !ale his latin contain- ing 80 acres, lel 80, emale, ettideriehtoWnship.: Itle Situated11 miles from Olinton,011clectred with first.olesi bttlidiegb, bank barn, twoitory, honeeeall Wilder VIM ttre, h&afl iteiee orchard; atm& neter-failing spring. The terra is -first- outsell) eeery teapot. Also, 84 sores of toisb. villeh Will be sold e that With tb. fanm or sepeente. No manse required as long MI the enbscribet le *loured, POrtartrehleed *Par tar.% SWITZER, on the premises, or Clinton Post oilirte July 642 VAItrit To itia4T, ef Int Ott, entiting 100 an iis4 ont tete , tome lielefloetNoeltify nnini no stottel 11114!•010e 001/1 end well ,cedaptect Or exonef herge•hator Ana O other 'nen/tiding* lente. frame Wilding for berates Mid tattin; ecitatiorteVieiliteum, and Ave Wire* of Noted heating 'OIOnardVlniteree of fall wheat. Situated 5 Miles from fleaferth, end the serail _dietetic.* from Clinton, In rods from school, I% miles front Alum church. and 1,2% from Kinburit.( Antonewnielting to toke O it can ;pt. the privilege of trekking On it right away. • For further particulate Apply on the Arend**. orE=ItZb/ litter tet Sectfoeth P O. FRANCIS. Ri.E. 'JOHN • RIDOUT. • — A CONVEYANCER, Oommesnonts,. rya. , • — Real Mate and Insurance Agent. Money tO „. -iendietlifortgagamad-NOte seenr117.---, - Office-BURONSTRAlleT+ CLINTON •DS,, G. E,RNAST HOLMES • DENTIST (eeticesser to Dr. T. 0, iyitee) Specialist In Crown antl Bridge Work II, D. $.-Graduate Royal College Dental Sur - O gems of Ontario'. Toronto. • D. D. S.,g-Firat-tilass Honer greduate Of DOE- tal Department of Toronto DuiversitY. Specie' attention paid te preservation. 'of thildrenetee,sh. Will • vieit Bayileld everyMonday. r Office over W,Taylor &Son's shoe' store. DR. AGNEW. DENTIST, ,01,INTON Orown and Bridge Work. AT ziyiunit TEM 2ND THURSDAY, OP ' P.A Cir MONTH •• • Offlee to be' • DR. C. W. THOMPSON • Physician, Surgeon,' Me °ince and Residence-- )'•1‘ Rattenintis Stra •• DR. WIVO.•ORAHAM Licentiate of the Royal College of Phyaidiens London, England. • 901be end Residence- PERRIN'S BitOcli, Pp Stair* • • Successor to pr. Turnbull, WJ. R.FOWLER,, • Gold and 'ffilirer CoMedueaglise.t. Snit -class •hotter • graduate of the °ataxia Veterinary TREATS DISEASES OF AtIt inestit•s Night end ' dae calls answered 'at ofiloe*Or • Worthington's old stantEdoo. Commercial Hote • WM.GUNN, L. 0.0. P. and L, B. 0. S. Edinburgb. Oillee-Onteelo Brest Clinton • Night Calls e.t front door of residence on Retten bury St, tipposite Presbyteriee oburoh. •rut. a'. W. 811417?, PlIESIOTAN, litIIECIEION •s-RAsootteheur, eta, office and **Menet On- tario St., opposite English church, rotenone 00 °aphid by Dr, Appleton. Clinton Ont, DSTAXECURY, GEADVATE _Or_ TAR Medical Department of Vittoria Calvet- mity. mint°, termerly of the Hospitals and Dispenearies, Now York,_ Coroner a the County of Harm nallield. Oat. E . enacsarat. stransoh v., • sonerarteraouateof theOntertovetetine Clellege. Treete rilidieestitee adores/abated in mete on the tnoet modern end solentine prise pies (dace- Briniediately Youth oftneliew Ent Odle* Residence c-,Alitert St, Minton. Oita • night *Idol ettendento Promptly ikirARIUMIE LIOBRSI,JAMIII3 SOOTte BR. 4.114. Issuer of Mirriager401311360,Libtarl mein and Redden** Mery street.oentott. • tjA• KB8021t3g0filithifolarli2811103114, No wane*** twined lil NSLIIIINCOME,. MEMBER OP ASS'S 0111 11 • P. Z. IL, Provincial Land Surveyor and Civil' Engineer, Tioneori, Ont.-eOfftee at ente fittiWitreti Grocery •litete."Olinten. • MONEY TO LOAN. O PItIVATE,VMDE4. At lownitesonitratrelaesmortgapea. APP17' to G. D. MoTaggart, March eo-te Olineon. eat. y CLINTON idA,E1EILE WORKS, 00Elows ono OVOIcitho, " Nett to Obtiutoridof /Conti. ton estaUlsbnient ia intuit op ration and so orderfilled 10 505100. ineisteato InetA emit . tery *rut granite Work a apeolalty. Priem • reeonible as them *fatty eeilblistroe, t , P. soorsa,: mato*. A Bargain in -Land.. scollop ,1AUTIJALFIkE oistmocit r* 4.(lhanee, ••• ***** Ptit sale Cheap and On buy terms --part of I.bt 4, Ilayneld Ommession, Ooderloh toe/0161p; 66 aorta. Apply to . SCOTT, Sept 19.8ta ° Brucefleld-. !blend fa Partit toltent ter sale • •eis. 04,4- l4ttlyloribirealtire5 Utter te rent or for egle, kta tdmof /AO, eadtteed.'eti She Illtrat ern titliatattittiteit ieeai horn • ch1idrenb&ror itz it *ha CASTOR IA. I rtia" rAttit zsotiAirnii-VoWit ritOliltart ONIAZ INSURED i•! orinatitel 3". /3.11oretab. Preeldent•Ritimal 090 awl, HI r, vios.preeldent,X=13 kt,Infaiwrictt"' tor%t Lowe* Seafortit P.O. ittkikt_Infrits "24 60140tatt John a. eget a \ 0•013.7.to,b1,13qaprec. hi?pttsmteeetth°tthdloOd41.11P. ;John watt, Ho eon P. 04 *nmkriitobert ainutukti":n4arlork; . McMillan. Ett; zio.. , °latrine t J. 1 otillittltjAolati It, lgyidaut, 9rth• ,,_,'" etwke ii Mad «TOM Mow19oo, auditori Partlet deitherus to s Ado* Issoutil tte *Ow tot otber Mmsln..s veal, be Pronnini, , on ap0wtISe te areg eif Shp, warns05511 A Sdreariel, eirres0C Wes 00000,