HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-09-21, Page 1•4,4.-?•
The Clinton, New Era, the best local paper in the County of Huron, tb the end of the year, for 250 cash. Subscrib
IteCentneend the NW Bre to
:vour friend*. •
1101.408, Palalleher
'evoy home little breaks era
urriiig daily. May ?e. ,
Binge, Pinar •
Watches. or Clocks,
Whatever it is were anxious it shall
mime our way. •
We reFair sash things in a sitis-
faotory minuet.
- Oar oharges are moderate —our
- SOrViCOS prompt..
'Whether large or Small it mollies
all the attention it requires,
We ore Leaders In our Line.
And Optieiau '
From the oxpesiter.
The residence. of William Otidmore,
fLencloa Road; Tuckereniith, near MP,
ten, WM the scene Of much merri-
ment on Wednesday evening, the °mi.,
...sion being the marriage of hie daughter
ktrane, to Edward Laly of Seaforth.
' The tereniony was performed by Rev.
John- Ball, of Kirkton, and was wit-
nessed by a number of the intimate
trieridg and relatives of the bride and
groom. The bride was most handsome-
ly gowned, and vras attended by her
sister, Miss Susie, while ,John Daly,
brother of the groom, was the grooms-
. man. After the ceremony and congra-
tulations were over, the company sat
..*down to a mostsumptuous wedding
supper, and the evening was pleasant-
lyspent in social amusement. Mr and
Mrs Daly came directly -to- their home
in Seaforth. The young couple are
very popular in Seaforth, and their
-many friends will unite in wishing
them all possible happiness in their
• married life. 'pg. many handsome and
• costly presentii WicelVed by tbe bride
fully testifio the Very high esteem
in which she is held bV them. •
NOTES. —Mr and Mrs, Sac.Chesney, of
„Rippen, spent Sunday last' with vela-
tives here, Mies. Alice Taylor, of Rip -
pen, sPent a•few days 14st week with
her brother here. Mrs L. Dale return -
•ed, home on Mondav after .spending a
week with her slater, Mrs Campbell, of
' Miss Mary Rugg', of Sea,
Miss. Ida Stevens, Tuckersmith, s eat
foil spen t fast week with friends 'pre.
Sunday last at her home here. The
many friends of Mrs Alex. Jamieson
will be sorry to learn that she -is ser-
iously ill, with but 'alight hopes of her
recovery. Wm. Stevens had a bee last
Week, shingling his house.
BABY Dam—We eympelhiee with
the Parente., Mr and Mrs W. H, Lob,,
in the death of their Infant child oti
Thursday_ week, The funeral took
place on Friday to Holvaesville ceme-
tery, many friends attending',
Aeonsatir..-...The son of John Elliott Supplied by the New Bree'ir WIdstairareite and r‘ellable correspondents
fell off a wheel the other day,alislocat—
ing hie arm ana fracturinfr bedly. strfr-V-if.2144rahoPPaltd-enfatauff-a*
lintOn- New. Era.
The News of the Neighborhood
e itt e fellow started 9 at goodrt• .1.:,; .. •.20,1, odgkrien, , , .! ;2••:1$ ,.•
speed and the heel St. Helens •
ot.hie boot caught ' rue nra.—Tbe ' attendance at the NOTith.-4.1iss,Mery Clark has gone! Surnmerhill -4 spent Sunday and Monday am a guest.
Noseta—Illiss R. She Clinton, 1
: in the chain, amusing int to tomble, fair w4i fully as large this year as on to Goderich tri..A
1 etudY_Tor her eenior . NOTES.—fl. Forster and I. Snider of the Misses Andrews. On Wallies-
.' 100;i0neti A. Lastratanits.:For fifty M
fty previous occasions, but in some re- matribulation. Rev. r Anderson, of
Huron road, close to the boundaries of ones. Less interest is taken in some Of yin's church on Siteibath inst. Mrs- Nira Williams,
;Ivere engaged part of last week filling clay evening the LeaXiae held their ice
silos for 3, Hill. NV. j. Nesbitt and C. cream social; the weather was very un.
years O hotel building has etood on the spects the Eillow was not OP to former Tiverton, occupied the pulpie of Cal -
of the Maitland; they favorable, but A good time was epent
Goderich; formerly an extenelve busi- the departmentel and. there was a fan. Hetherington and daughter, miss lee. are hustlers, ne they • can fill a 004on by all, on excellent program was rata
nese was done here, but for several hag elf in exhibits, The ehow of stack, ele Contemn and Miss (Stacie Mather- silo in an 'after noon, with good corn tiered. B. B. Fair lie on the sick list,
1 years the premises have been unoccu- etc., was good.'
sou were among the number from to work on. Rev A,. Stewart and wits!, Miss Martha Key' hag returned home
pied, and now the building is being ,Atitinintl, LETTER SQL—The Postal around here, who lenient week on i of Clinton, called'ousieveral in this vi -after Visiting he+ bimr"r• N!" J. Barber,
. torn doWn, department tuts, on the request of It. trip to Manitoba. Miss Roe, Murray c‘m
initY on Wednesday. uf -.lest „week. of Robb. Mia Turnbull aud children,
Holmes, M. P, decided to erect anoth- has lseen laid up for a few weeks, but ea
/ .. at , erdropietterbeirfortheaceonamodation. we hope to see her able to be around he, of Clinton, were guest° of Mrs T. J. Mrs J. Wanless.
rs (Dr.) Agnew and Mies' Hattie Les. of Seaforth, are visiting her other,
ville. took charge of the League of the uhlic. It will he laced at the again soon. Mrs 0 Durnin had a bee Lindsay° on Wednesday week.
Cole's on Sunday eyening, taking for -
his subject "the broad and narrow
way.''' Mr Courtice is a nice, *may
speaker, and was listened to attenstee*
ly by a fair audience; we hope to have
the pleasure in the near future of again
hearing him.
liatnaina —We understand that John
Elliott, of the Beylield lige, has rented
his first class:arm to a Hullett gentle.
man for a term of veers; we cannot
tell the nature of Jack's intentions, but
wherever his lot is cast he will always
have a warm spot in theatffections of
his neighbors, as he is a mind fellow
FARM Botrearla--.We understand that
Robert Oolclough, of the Baylield line,
has bought the farm of Walter Stew-
art, Parr line, Stanley, for his son Jos-
eph: The farm contains 50 acres, with
good buildings,. and.. was lactught, for
somewhere an ' the neighborhood of
$2,500. Mr Stewart will retire to 'Var-
na to reside,
The hest adeertleing
in this SectiOn.
run.—Tbefiletuth Huron Agriculturs
al 'how held here on WedneedaY was a
° financial emcees, every department be-
ing well represented. The show of
horses woe the best that has been seen
here for years, The weather being
fery flae,there was a large attendance,
Amnion Satir.—B. Switzer, tot 89,
con. 10, has instructed auctioneer T.
Brown to sell by auction, .without re-
serve, on Saturday, Sept. 29, hie large
quantity of farna stock and imple-
ments; alsis. a quantity of household,
furniture and other effects' too numer-
ous to mention. There will also be of-
fered for -sale at the same tine% acres
of choice timbered tend, being part of
lot 72, Bayfield line, Terms of sale on
stock and implements—sums of $O and
under, cash over that amount twelve
months'oredit on approved jdiut notes;
discount of five cents on the dollar
on credit amounts.: For particulars of
articles see bills.
' NOTES.—Ben Anderson, Toronto. is
holidaying under the parental roof on
the Bayileld line. A number in our
locality attended the court of revision
at Rolnaesville on Saturday, when a
the Judge. Those gent en if we
'number of complaints were before
may call them so, Who calle'd at a
neighbor's dwelhng at rather a late
hour the other evening, the worse for
liquor, so We are -told, have' lowered
thernselees in the ' estimation of any
respectable fatally. (leery, did Jack
get left in London the other evening,.
ftichard Peca and his deter, Miss
• Emma, nf Stanley, spent Sunday at
Peter pole's. James Switzer disposed
of an excellent •two-year-old colt this
week, for which he realized the good
sum of 6115. Mists Emma Jordan, of
Subdayed with acquaint-
ances on the Bayfield line. Peter Ccile
is having his stables" paved and cern-
entefl this week; Mr Williamson he,s
the job,. and ia a first class man; what
the canny Scotchman (beg , is always
done well. • '
CoaNnia.—Messrs Samuel and lames
Woodman, who have carried on the
butchering business for some time,
have dissolVed partnership, James
Woodman retiring &Mu the business,
which will be conducted by Samuel in
WEDDING.—A very pleasant and NOTES.—Missillinnie Thompson, who
• happy event took place at the home of has been visiting Lucan and London
Mr aline last. week,' it being the mar• friends for the past week, has returned
tinge of his daughter, Olive Maud, to home. Herbert Mogridge, west °fake
lihories Wm, Treble. Miss Cornish. of village, has purchased from Chas. Els-
Pine. River, was bridesmaid, while the ley, of the base line, his 100 acre farm.'
groom's brother, Samuel, aided him in paying for it 64,900; he takes possession
the ceremony, which was performed on Nov. 1. Bernie, the 5-montheoll
• by Rev Mr Shaw, in the Presence of a twin son of Mr and Mrs Geo. Stevens,
huge number of guests. Both the died 00 Wedn0edg,v. J. D. Ainslie, of
young people are natives of tine town- teamington, whose wife is visiting her
-ship, both are exceedingly popular, and sisters bete, spent last week with her;
the hearty congratulatrons and good while he was here they had a family
wishes of a large circle go with them gathering at the old homestead. Mr
'in their journey through life. Hiles and wife entertaining his six sis-
ters' and their husbands; a meet enjoy -
Bast iiitatsranosh able ' time WAS spent. Warred (Trisp
WEDDING.--, A happy event took \ \,‘ has gene back to the tailoring in Sea -
place at the home of W. Sutherland forth. Thos. Bell defe for Owen
IBA week, when his youngest daughter, Soundoand Manitoulin Island on Tires,
Mete Catharine, was married to George day morning, J. Lamont, after a
*Wilson, a young farmer on the bound, . lengthened visit, returned to Manitoba
ary. The ceremony was performed, by on Thursday. • S. Woodman, as path -
Bee ma. Uwe, nokahe contracting master, is mending the ways of the
parties are well-known and. 'eery highly week. Th7btriidgehbetvgeetel.: t
Orgaa actory corner,an should wog° on Tuesday drawing stone for the Picarto.—The union picnic in connec_ ' High Court of Justice.
a very'great convenience to that par- foundation of her house. Mr Murray tion with the Sunday School of at,
Limier locality. - Court opened on Tuesday last week
has returned from his extended trip up Peter's church, public school, end con -
Main( orf Has. Gout,.—The death the lakes ; Mies Tenn met her father gregation of St. John's' Holmesville. before the Honorable Justice Fee uson
of Caroline, wite of 'Wm. Gohl, Brock at Seaforth On theWay home. Among which was held on the grounds of Geo. 'Following is a list of the grand j Vora;
et., occuried on the 15th inst., after a those who took in the London Exhibi. Hill on Friday last, was in every WaY Hugh John Bell, McOrostie West VVawanosh,
long illness from a complication of tion were Jessie and Lizzie a success. The •eather Wae an that
foreraan; Richard* Armstrong, iVforris;
troubles and a great deal of suffering. Rutherforr, Jas. McDonald. W. S.M.c• could be desired, and lavge numbers of JoClinton; • Robert Carrick,
The deceased was in her thirty-eighth Crostie. D. B: Murray and Thos. Tay- old and young were on the grounds Ashfield; W. C. Davis, Hens:ill; David :it
year, Besides her hueband,.she leaves lor, Mr McGee, who lately returned early after dinner. During the after-. Dunbar, .East Wawanosh; 'john D. 4c
four young boys who will Imes a moth- from British COluarbia, was visiting at noon footbsII, baseball and swinging Henderson, Tuckensmith; Joseph Law, I
er's care. Thoruneral took place to W. E. Gordon's this week. Mr and were indulged in' b th
tt; W. Ball, Goderich. Capt
Take Care of
That Coid
Peter's1. c urch where service was Mrs Miller -and and Miss Wilson, people,•while older ones epent a pleas-
yuunger W. ming, Carlow: Arch. Stirling,
Staril; Thomas, Siixipson, McKillop;
conducted by Rev, Father West, and from near Wroxeter, were visiting at ant time in social chat—(we believe
thence to the Roman Catholic cisme- R. J. Wood's this weee. 'Denver] Mc- some young ones did too) --After all ANV rii Snell, Usborue.
terv, Colborne. . . • Donald, of Grey township, was visiting had partaken of the good thinks pro- Askwith vs. G. T. R, Clinton Electric
NOTES.--,The.Saltfo_rd salt Mock is friends in this vicinity last week. Miss vided in abundance bytha ladies, rac- Light Co., and the G. N. W. Telegraph.
,having a brick chimney 75 feet high T. Rutherford, of Algoma, is, visiting hag was indulged in by all chaise's, Cm; (particulars of which we gave last
who has become seriously ill for some R. Holmes, paid a visit to our burglast eizes awarded were pretty and Tielea.
put up, Veterinary Surgeon Clara, at Mr Todd's'. Our esteemed 'member, a'from aprons to full beards" • assesising the atatuages at $500, but Phone 2
week) the jury' brought in a verdict %-
time past, is reported to be improving.
MIS Az Williamson viasiiiincireddOwn
by a rig and severely inj tired Tuesday
evening, Buchanan& Son hare con-
tracted to build a two-storey brick yen,:
eer dwelling On Newgate street for Ed-
ward Aelieson, Who intends to Wove to
town from Goderich township. .On
Wednesday evening Win. Trowbridge
and Mies &nine Murray; both of De-
troit, Were mairlea at the residence of
James Buchanan, jr.,-by Rev Dr. tfre,
D. D. The council,. at a special meet-
ing, Considered the proposition Saf E.
Livingstone. Blyth, whose sawmill and
handle factory were recently burned,
to locate in Goderich, .for a bontis'of
85000, • but decided to do nothing at
present; they are also considering the
proposition of Alex, Megove, who le
forming a company to purchase and
operate the Ogilvie mill.
FORMERLY Or tionerucar.-11. P.
O'Connor, the great criminal lawyer,
and a prominent and popular citizen of
Bruce county,passed away, at his home
in •Waikerton on the lath inst. Rebut
been out horseback riding on Sunday
previous, his horse sturtabled and fell
• '
the funeral procession starts, but
Ballealti of Wild Cheri*
vvhst by stopping year coughing
nyoown obsyntdheelanyeethore puroroe.ssivonosez
•EsaYroku.osn't stop yoer coffin after
••We sell this wonderful
remedy and guarantee its efficiency.
It is the hest and safest ouremsde,
25o per beetle from us only.
• Drug Stott
week.Mrarainrdook,,,Of Jercknow,,Ja . LandAtuchappreciatedby-the;win4—f4w. . . yyyyyyyyc,
judgment. wAs_..eeseryad. ee Jappinapf __ - .
• y spent a
en for the establishisnent of a brick and rriost enjoyable day, and hoping for a
tila teed near St. Helen's which' is repetition of these "good ti '
success. The 'Harris mission bandpur-
-ViSiting at -her eon's, J. Murdock, of tiers.. As night drew near began to 'The ease Must Robert Rae,' Brute -
this.place. There are steps being tak- depart feeling that the had
eels, for theft of 864, was tried and ae-• evening was imasionary night with the
roes on the - • . Y A who had a
quitted. ' ay.. ' • • Y. p. 5. 0. E. ii
. Church Chimes evening interesting and profitable were
pose holding their Than koffering meet. HoltuesvIlle nreient and worked from hand to baud; •
NbrizEt—G Acnesoo returned from eeryices at the House of Refuge last -
. . Reyalr Wade conducted the regular. T
mg in Cabin church on Sept.25th,when ,he catechisin study, guided by Miss
Rev. Mr Anderson, of Wroxeter, and Indian Head on Tuesdit and r po ts a Stand& ' ' T ' a '
Y. • • L. Lindsay, dealt with the one tr e Ha-- .
Rev. Mr Ross, of Brusselt. are to give ing God. he scripture lesson, con -a
much needed, mia will likely prove a breeky fleas of Maitland. part in !milting the exercises' of the •
good time; the car was lisposeg oil, ex.
an illostrated lecture, w ich Promises cepting a team of horses, 'which O. L. t� be very rood; Miss Berry, of Luck- d t d that Miue e ere an
- a g other things,th t God will hold '
Etta How ducted by D. C. McTavish taught,.
second daughter of Rev. W. 0..
now, is to assist with the program. • Fisher -will sell. and is expected :borne son,
next week. ,2W. B. te ester' fin d Howson, leaves shortly for Toronto, urns s.a:aountable for the aneedv and per- '
' ' . " • . silo Tuesday. ..6irs Gre:ii is on t e Is • ' • • • - • •
I: i• li: where she enters on the work of a billing te the extent Cif our knowledge '
Dewitt Oii Mtge RtryinAtz,.—ThefOl. day or: tWO at FLElford's, J Halstead The W. C. T. U. of Huron '0o. will lowing, from the London Advertiser, . erfjoyed a week at the London fair and bold their annual convention in Blyth forts made by the Presbyterian church
refers to a lady well known here:— with friends in the city. The League on the 28th. Rev.R.HObbe will address to relieve the 'needy," in this ease the
"The wife of Mayor Frederick G. Ruth- picnicked at 139,yfleld. last Saturday' and the evening, meeting. A recitation Indians of Manitoba aid ° the North-,
ball died about five &cloak Wednesday . had a most enfoyable time, thougia the Will also be given by a young lady who lasst,was then ably outlined by lare.R.
morning at the family. residence, cor- • boat ride made,Will so sick he could won a silver medal at a contest given first Presbyteriao work amona them.
!Wm. Reference was made to the
um' of Dufferin avelibe and ' Picton Si. not eat any supper, and much sym. ' by the W. 0. T. U. in Goderich.
Mrs RinnhalPs death win; not entirely pathy was felt.as the table is where he being in 1888, by key, .,as. Nesbitt and
Unexpected, as for Over a year She had and a few others shine. Mrs J. S. An impressive confirmation service his two able colleagues John McKay
suffered from a complication of Couttice, who ,, has not been well for t-
wee held on Tilesday weekatSt.Augus and Geti. e t An Indian Settlement •
When Bishop McEvay, of London, on the Sas a chewan, here the thrive '
troubles of the heart and the internal some time,is improving. Ira D. Pick- a ahaisteeed the right of confirmation mg town o peace Albert now stands, •
4:agape, and for the past thirteen weeks ard arrived Loire' from his bicycle trip te nearly forta candidates, Seren was 'selected as the first field of opera -
upon him, causing such internal inju- her illness had been 'serious, The lin- last week and Oscar Forster this ty. eek,
mediate came of death was hernort- priests 'waisted in .the service:, among bons: The beginnings were sitall and
ries is to cause death. Hamilton Parke hinge of the brain. Mrs Ruenball was Fairt.,A number from here totals in .theni was Father McKeown, whom his the work was encompassed with great
O'Conritir was born in London, Ont., Goderich fair Wednesday. John To, former parishioners were delighted to difficulty, owing to the restfesensigrat-
In 1844. His grandfather, who was a in her 45th year. Previous to her mine
ciao she was Miss. 'Agnes Aikenhead, wartha swept everything in hie class, meet once more ' : my chareoterof the Indians, BY and
Oath* the red ticket!or mare and foal: j
captain in the 96th regiment, came to
The fo haTing Sill. aPP ars n by other openings were made and eth-
tattaadala maa and sawed in thotoun_ . of Breeefleld,anii,,, f with,her htzehand,
ty Of Middlesex; his father was subse: _ elle had lived in London for the past 19 driVer. Many express themselves •Sts
pinted in the fair. the "attrac- Guardian:— Mrs piage• qeswes to ei-
press her sincere then.ks to many kind,
it 0 i the
ebt time the Presbyteriart church con:
er laborers appointed OM at the pees.
Wire'Veitorar ix orit6. for° ayeriraila
years. She took an active pita in the awl
trole some 28 nassilane in Manitoba, and
quently Clerk of the Division Court at vaziow,
,TeeirWater. B. P. O'Connor reeeived interests of . St. Andrew's ,"
ti nijli? stand Out • rominently, while sympathizing friends, wita ave send
the Northwest in the hands Of 62 miss
sducatiion at the Goderich grammar
hie 'church, of which she WAS a member, f b . P
bereayem . i na iee . Although excellent results
the agriccutinal part a a out oa •• 11- her letters in the time et sorrow an
i b 1 ' t I
!school and at privataschaols, anti en. and was connected with various char- deed, we know three young ladies ed the vvork among the
ent These comforting letters
tri the Commons. Mr. O'Connor was, .St. Andrew's Chin eb. MurraY Gibson missienary at Nitinnat, B. 0., gave an experience.
d she have rfefiew
:ally entered Upon the study. of law: ities. Socially.she was a great favor ite
and she will be greatly missed in many who wheeled im. and were so discour.' were very much appreciated, an adult Indians, yet it is 'from the work
He was calledlto the bar of Ontario in circles. She a family of three d that•liad it not been for a kindly trusts her friends •will accept thisex-
op behalf of the young that most can
1878, and was appointed Qtreen's Colin. - ' :We d.bachelor and his wa on the forneession of her thanks LLS a. substitute
be .eXpected. The Industrial school
sel by the previncial eoVernrosnt in at. borne. Mayor Rumball and famil .
Fred, Jack and Miss Daisy, all living nifirti e b n th a g t
g t av een o e roa ye . Y apersonal reply.
• system is sloinirnauch-to.,solsaa-the In-,
rif mayor. of alkerton, which office Women's Missichary Society, of this art spoke for a few minutes on behalf
ing year he was elected to the Ontario he filled in 1880 and 1881. The follow- • t .,
classes of citizens in t heir ead bereft,' e- -,
E. IL Seaters was 'in current year:—Pres., Mrs Gifford:. 1St address on the subject, which will 'un -
church met and elected officers for the of Indian missions, and promised an
, Legislature for South Bruce, to 011 the men -. . ....„
vice. Mrs S. °rich, ..2nd vice, Mrs . doubtedly.be 'appreciated by all. Mr .
, vacancir caused by the resignation of London on Tuesday, and attended the
'dedication of Miss Gunn, missiotiary draws; or. Sec.,. Mes E. J. Couttiee; work in the Saskatchewan district
Walter Manning; Rees Sec., Mrs An- Stewart spent some time in Mistiott
R. M. Wells upon the lattoes elevation to the Chinese in }triad' Oulunlhia, in Treas., Mrs Jas. Steep.—Recradr ator,e, some years ago,. and can speak fronl
Brucefield. - list Mundell, Of Orneshili, 'Vent a
. H. „,..tleeconess. • • of theirconditionand of our ability to
relieve hem. The history of the ef-
189a His firsVublic posttion was that will have the deepest Sympathy of all Otraanin Se. —On Tilesday week the dian 'problem. In closing 'Rev.A.Stew-
A Dohertg Organ Birthday.
Special to *. Atte310 Trades:. New York, Sept. 8,
Cranroze, Ont., Sept. 1, 1900.
The Doherty Organ celebra,tes its
birthday in December, it being just
twenty-six years ago that its manufac-
ture was commenced.
The Doherty is claimed to be the only
,organ made in ()made, whose name.
management or proprietoeship has
never heein changed,and is now claimed
to lae the largest, roanufactory of or-
gans uoder the British flag. It has the
added adva,ntageof continued develop-
ment by :he Same tirogreereive Cana-
dian musicians. Doherty Organs are
considered by many as leaders, on ac-
count cf their . posseesing beautiful
cases, rich tone, and consequently are
Western in London last week. Mr tmboarebdeesstlitglieart8haiTehviser,yeaDr .1hAer R.
and Mrs Sots Ketchen, of Wingham, Gramm Sept. 10, 1900.
were the guests of their nieces, the
Missee Chrysler, on Tuesday. • The without our knowledge or consent, but
The above was sent to New York
many friends of Miss Biggins will be we are pleased to say it is true every
pleased to know She is better again, word cf it, and .we thank D. A. R.,
Mr Plewes still keeps a little better, whoever he may be,for his kind, Words.
Qnite a number of coin silos were SInch men should be prized in any corn -
blown down in the wind storm s of rcuoity, W. Dot:rearm & oo.
la 80.ek. Mkt Mary Murdock re.; P.S..—The DohertyOrgan is genera Ty
turned on Tuesday fi mu visiting rel.
at i ves in Se Thomas. Prank Murphy,
ntsndori., visiting at the home of
John (*Ibsen. John Snide! and John
Rattenbury. wheeled to London lest
week. Aire Watts, Clinton, visited
this week at the home of Mrs Thomas
-Simpson. „ • -
returned to the Legislature bylaccia• returned home on Friday fi,om visiting
'nation at the general election in 1883, address at the League on MondaY
friends in Loodoo. Mies Lizzie Ratters- evening, which was greatly enjoyed.
and was re elected in 1 and 1890. ECe bury hair returned from a leek with
Tau Cantelon is consider.
he married Jane 'Watkins, fourth
took an active part in the debates in
the House on the Liberal side. In 1875 friends in Goderich, Dr. Gunn. Clin-
ton, was in our town lest Monday. R. authorities rh aTy TchheoseSnalvaasttre aedgi:linVeetrYthge°Padstaeshttitcoarondpacanny ofstacnraacku8P-
G. Simpson. one'of our enterprising (Wee for the celebration their an- . men with the rifle. Last week he at -
daughter of Allan N. McLean, of To-..
SIOKNIESS.VV.M. Graham returned
last, week trona his trip to Liverpool.
Since his arrival home he has been con-
fined to his bed with a severe cold con-
tracted while crossing the Atlantic; he
is improving. Mr e john Avery still
continues; in a weak state of health.
BARN BURNT.—Early on Sunday
morning the barn on the farm belong-
ing to W. Piewee of Brucedeld, on the
4th con., rented b'y John Johristoieivas
struck by lightning, and bueped to the
ground. Everything WAS destroyed,
including this year's crop. , There was
no insurance on either the building or
the crop, . •
NOTES.—Mrs D. Fletcher, of Minna.
dope, Nab, acCompanied by her two'
youngeet, children, arrived here last
week on 13, visit to her father, john Gil-
inour; she repotte wet:weather and a
eonsevuont difficulty in harvesting and
hreabing the grain. Nell McGregor
.seteemed.• They Start their new life the village an e an or! air
under the most favorable circumstances finished. and?, read for travel • this a
and with the good wishes of all. week, Mies, ou uime te hes gone to B
Toronto to resume her studies. There r
Benfaillsr. , is no junior teacher in S. S. No. 8 yet-, d
• _.,,, Mrs Steven and family, after a few V
NoTss.--Little Velma Wileon, or months/ yawing, have returned to a
Dakota, is visiting her grandparents, their home in Manitoba. Mies Rachel
Mr And Mre S. Hiatt. The stone work Young hair gone to Whitby on s, visit; a,
ander A. Gledhill% noose is being put she accompanied her eider Clara that p
10. 'UV and Mra M, J. WlisPti Passed far on her Way to echo/kin Belleville. a
„ through the Village on Friday. Mrs McCaughey left for New York on f
nd wife have gone to the county of
ruce this week to visit friends and
elatiVes. Duncan McEwen, wife and
vighteeBessie lefc on Thursday to
Jolt old acqueintancee in Bruce county
nd to attend the wedding of a niece. -
Stanley council met on the 171h Mete
11 the members being present, Corn.
laine was made by William Argent
gainet the action of W. W. Ferran in
encing in the street on Dinsley ter.
• Thursday motning. Several farmers r
are putting coming floors in their n
,Wity stables; R. Snell la putting, a cement en
well under his driving ehed. Another yr
car of Queenoton cement arriged. at c
De yea =yourself °Omani! mem when the statiott this weak. en all *ante can f
ace, and the clerk was instrueted to
otify Mr Ferran to have his fence re -
rived forthtvith. Mr. Wiley% bonds
ere accepted, and his appointment as
°fleeter confirmed by bylaw. The
ollowing accounts were ordered to be
rad: D. Campbell, $12.75, for bolts iind
$4he toMper Obis:Won ringing Wen 95 be eupplied. p
spikes for bridge.; A. Mustard $62.65
for W4141101? POttion'of cement areh and
timber for Lottdieir ros,d. Next meeting visiting friends in London.
- Orgsidale,
to 100 degreet in the oluide 7
WHEN ANNIVERSARY. $— The Methodist
church has recently* been renovated,
You Oat get something in the canned adding much to the bouts, of the in.
• eioede hue * emit 04 mere IPPeining ? terior. Lest Sunday Rev. Jasper WO -
Berg are few palate 0i:titters; " son, of Goderich, preached eloquent
and instructive Velment to large and,'
411MattodelliChello Dna. fence. The church choir and Mae Pat-
elkitgue. kle 11404 lifetatig Ltitlei* tenon, Auburreadded much mak-
Bar, natteed Mlieksrel. Lebstera leg the services intereeting by their
441ilerdbltar Shrimpt Sardines, ate. eengs, On Monday &conceit of a high
For eaeaahthea gum, h, nothing moo order held;W.Anderson preeiding.
than Devilled Addresees were.. given by Re,. Mr
Whaley, of At. Helens, and Reg, Mr
TOUR, DriiSERT McNair, of Duirannon. Sorbs by Mr'
Attnetrong, Lucknow; Mr McLetin,
Dungannon; F. Oamisbell and bileri
IS Mang itgag 106antannnna Switzer, Lionnybremk; violin solos by
T*91000; 11611tY iell$130h dlifetant Mise Crozier, Dungannon, tod a recite -
armor. tion by Mitre Johnston, of Lucknow.
'0Or14g $ I
Kvery taken by the eboye talent
nit 44 co. wits wottgegivgd and hivhly appreel.
OtibitotiSttiew sot iggio Gtaron as their candidete, Milieu Carr, on Moodily lest. 1 of the Ate hi UltithOWho Opt* hold As primosts olives by the British la
. ,
ated, Pmetteds
deturies fiettriettikak. ure. 'ellrillser Baker and eider, Irene, r. swoon's crop, in fait, ovorything on 'With $88, in1800, adecrettee of 944.
at -
merchants, was In London last. week. nual harvest Thanksgiving festival, tended a shoot al- the Busch house
Mrs McInnis, of Seelnaw, visited her Saturday, Sunday, Monday and. Tues.' grounds, Detroit, and came away with•
mother and other friends in this viten- day,Sept. 29tla to October 2nd. We a good many prizes, Out of 18 events
its% B. R. Higgine was in London on are informed that the One honored he was successful in nine. The prizes
Friday: Mies Mary Gibson. who has custom of meeting together to publicly were somewhat small owing, to the
been visiting friends in London for offer.praise to God fa. the bountiful great number of experts in attendance.
some time, returned home last Satur- blessing of the year ls to be again re- Fitt' secured over $80 and a vase as a
day, Miss Ella Graham attended the vived in a eactical Ivey, The Salve.- trephx. We congratulate Our young
NOTES.—Mie Cook, who has been in
Algoma the past three months, vial&
Ing her daughter, Mrs Dunbar„ return-
ed on Wednesday evening to the home
of her son, W. &look. Bliss Botham,
Mitchell, Wheeled to the village on Sat-
Orday. Frank (look and Bert Steven-
son attended Goderich fair on Tueeday
sold Wednesday. John G. Cole is vei-
ning his patents here, lifter an absence
of twenty yeers; doubtletis he will see
many chaeges the old home; he
looks to Wilk, in Kansas agrees with
him. Mies Stanley, of Sault Ste Marie,
granddaughter of Our worthy poste
master, is at present vielting Mende in
this neighborhood and elsewhere,
Misties-W-AndreW end McCully are
of council on Monday, October 201.11,
NoTsi4—Thank Granville, of Port
ter ostfield. Frank, paid hie relatives A ehort visit
recognized as being a creation ,apare and spiritual upliftint of the forlorn, been decide to bringron a 'member of
t ioniste will receide as a token of grati- men on hiesuccece.
tude to God's gine in kind as well as ,
cash, aeything in the posseseion of Om. bum SPORTS. The annual
the merchant" the farmer, the grocer sports of Clinton Col. Institute Will be
or the druggist, would, if offered, be held in recreation park on Friday,
"thankfully received" and be turned to Sept. 28th. An excellent program hes
good account! in the,intereste and sup. been preOered. and . the various 'com-
portofthe unique organization,the mem- mittees will do their best to make the
beta of which work so vigorously and event a success. Owing to the fact
ncotinuously for the amelioration dein, that in other years the •program has
theme and sorrovv, and for the moral been too lon for the afternoon lute
front all others, as it differs from all the tallen and the ou est. They are • eeents at 10 a. m. he- program for
others. .1t, is so euperior to everyother determined to let/'no grass grow undee the afternoon,. will inelude a football
organ as to be beyond the range of their feete'until the antici?ated auccess game betweth Gedetich; 0, L and
01(0611100mi. of the Harvest Festiva is assured. Clinton C. I. teanrie for silver medalie
• 11 19 distinctly an art ideal prodtic, The are busy collecting contributions The commencement will be held in the
and of Kowete, fruits, , vegetables, and, in town hall on Friday, Nov. 16th, partice,.
tion. lb has served to improve
'promote music throughout the world. facc- any saleable article' of produce. Wars of which will appeafiater,
This, no doubt, accounts for
$ -z- our They are aiming to raise pm, The bar-
. , ,
large Balm at "Toronto Fair' this this year,
Which exceeds any former year by racks will be tastefully decorated for
naliteEci IlOyEthWe Wilson,
neariv a half More. the special services.
Theig Organs were on exhibition, es
moral, at the Western Fair,and formed 7:
one of the prominent exhibits there.
The Free•Press thus tam the exhibit:
"A -prominent feature is the display •
made by the Doherty Organ Company - a
of 011eton, The Doherty organ to-
day commands soda) Attention as the
finest example of the organ maker's a
art, It is dletitictly an art product, •
and represents the bight*, standard of T
excellence, The profession *Units ,
that it ie the recognized leader in the
world of organ building. The Doher-
ty is the standard of comparison for r,
Makers and purchasers, The Doherty -
be your choice if you are detet-
mined to have the beet—none to good R
BATTERMMY ST. — Next Sunday
vening's service will be especially•in
he interest of young men. The nester
will consider that strange question
'elan a man separetehimeelf from him,
elf,"andyoung men who do not usually
ttend church are mosteordially invit-
ed; the Ifermou will be on a new line
f thoughe, and will prove interefiting
nd helpful. Mt HoWs011'a morning
ilbject will be upon "The religion et
horns. Carlyle." Good music and
right services, The Epworth League
f this churrh hold annivektery
erviees on Sunday, Sept: 80th, when
ey,Die Citt man, General Superintend.
nt of the Methodist -church of Oferuida,
111 preach. morning and evening.—
ev. Elowson had four invitetione
at the price—none better at any price.
The Doherty is an ideal Canadian ot,
glut wlth AO honourable record of a „Y
Nrerxii.—.Mrs W, Elliough is At Titer'. the titan week, Messrs A. and W. Be- (Dater of a eentbrg, and le Owned and r
trityleiting her sOn, W. A. KillougEt,of dard and sitter were renewing &equal*. puittatnrinoftrotouarednalbayneinawtihvoeiboourtindedlortte.
gOteionutopt , 011/44.pinnnuebentldoenntire rank! trine& on FridayndSaturday. Rey
3$ Court is at settesent awitY attend. blieltieland Who thoighb enoulth "
anniversati eeryitee held ste Donny- ing checked, Al3 30/4 hati Reettrea Uttar? Oreantio WI ilKaPhi 110 is
and t'A I. Mimeo made a short pit Rant and h....am eha...hrtese of the exhi it in
blind Man and hie daughter in the
gehoolhoues on Friday eyening, Mre RieV/0 ti
Etllinrriost BAZittifiln...--The Labor Q
I, McClinton le spending a feW doe tut& elfinner,,—We were Informed Day committee teald 15,289 ticket') for io
with. her den hter, Mrs it Morrieb, of that Gem Graenaladei who Ivrea at the Tabor Day demonstration se Tor. M
o preach elaewhere than in his own
idelt on Sunday, Oct. 71h;he accepted
tie of them, stud goes to Westfield, on
he Auburn cire u t,wh ere he will preach
eniverrary gervices, morning and af.
ethoon!—The League hekt ite annual
eception to students ea Tuesday even,
combininje the occasion with an
dress &ore, Ker. Dir Shine mission.
ry Nitinnat. B. 0. The *We mu/
cootie are destroy.. our brave volunteers presen the t,
gecond contingent with rine of their '"
A large number from here attended the Ing a 13116616E1'
log portions of cernfleldir, but they are ad
succeee, 0, Garrett, of Bullett, spent larri number, jr„ °merlon and wife th 11 attellt is the Dohertt ot
brook unday, -Which was st grand be
Sunday et NiOatripbell's. gone et turn- with friend
London a
etteied by the paetor of the church
her attended the concert, given br the With friends in London the other got, the main building.
nd an interesting address Of an home;
ration given by Mr Stolle. &lee,
one Were rendered. by the 3utdor
etartett tiolo ' Mrs Chown, ()rarity
lo by M ss Corn , and Quartette by
re Chown, Mrs March, Messrs Sibley
Goderich. e Mideretend that Darla nerearn but works o ono about 2 Onto Exhibition and hey. pidd the as- rt
nd Murch, Refreshments were after-
McCellagh en family intend moying toiles fr`otri the yin? had Ido barn eociation $8,056 ISO for them. The tote'. w
Oh A WM neer Walton in the tie/01dt- berried on Friday n vrith 11 thi Pair recei tot ere 10168.56 as COM
0 I
awls served, all ineking the *comfort
plement one.
bly Coning LEhnele chose V. of iflinityre tailed on thee mends, the thi place exeept the hens*, The Ciariet Lord Roberto report* Met ism° 33001
Wittde Orttritelt.—The next Sect*.
total *style* Will be held during the
tter part of Oeteber. Leet Monday
To tbe busy men an %our.
ate watt& is a necessity—
not &littera as genie' Neon;
to thank. To utilize every
MOMent ef precious tinie,
to meet Irani, keep lip»
twine:note, in fact to be
simnel on tirrte twig magi
beve a gnoe width. Drop
in and 105 ni talk Weteinie
• to yon; we ell Ptedieet
watch repeirem end yeti
can hevethe lieneiltof tar
20 yeerie exeerietioe with -
telt charge. Xf you have
watch whit& tieedri obese,
Mg, hes any part broken
or loot, or one Which has
been mined by ineoilipet.
ent workmen, bring rite us
end we Will telt you Rat
*hat it wrote and whet it
will Olt you,
smith onset sires