HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-09-14, Page 8° THE CLINTON NEW ERA Septe ber 14, 190t. • and has e»geged Mr Kearney, of • .New um.. VkVtit a rTiEl 4116tttrill•rn?ErgifitiLi! j'Aud°n" who " a PratePal?nal art"t. "IDAX' 88e 2' 19°{3. ing nerirly beskete for local trade from N:egaro, district the latter part per these dave. Caotelon reeetv- the nuMber of Contract s t bey are at- tending to, and have had a gang of ten men employed for some time past; tbie . and Oroll are still yell busy with LOCAL NOTICES. of last week. The prices are about the week they have been finishing up coil - m *itring DAILY Peaches, plums, graPsli same-Plittne 60e to 70e, peaches 40c to tracte around Blyth. The collegiate- / pears, ote. Calg T/a11.00N BROS. (10c, pears 15e to 20e, tomatoes 20c, and board. meets on Monday evening next Fall GoQd dime in the most modern style. hi the place to get a thorough knowl•Eige dress cutting,. aiso patorps out and dress mato, are•-.• Dream Opitiag,-Medd's dress outtIngparler I eggs, llo to 12o, a grapee 25o. datry the rulin rices butter, 10o to 17c per pound, an g P for its regular monthly meeting. In • the other day he earl the crop this 004VerSation with a well-knowri farmer Rich°11"' RIChelleu° Rlch�llfU Luaar,,-A oftee uf interest to the we have had for thirty vastly's; we ouna Imre • b" * f full Opera Rowse? Sept. 15. Grand Trunk and the proprietor of the • Every department in our ig store is electric light plant was up in the High perhaps better grain yields but as a had, says he, "better yields °VIVI Ana to overftowing with choi,(38 1.L +1fall Dry ZOWil OPia. Court of Justice for hearing at Goder., whole the crop is an exceptionallY gOod ich this week. The Plaintiff, Mt Ask- one." Our large etaff of correepondents TraN113.-At a regular meeting of With, of near Manclaester, sued for are doing good service; they would he !Goods No stone . has heen unturned or the public library board a resolutio n damages sustained a few year e ago OY surprieed to know how anxious their Wa$ unanimously pealed, thaokluet R. a guy .vire on Ina of therste at the budget of newt; are loOked for by thoee ed on a. waggon, and coming into con.. county and also by those who have re. mr tact with this wire W.te jerked off his sided in Heron, but new many miles lines an.0 we never commenced a season 1.4ISTOWEL BUERNESs seat to the ground, the churn being away. At the regular *wean of the trouble stared in selecting the var ous 1;11=7 for a donation of hooks to. thcif catae Yards in Clinton. e was eeat- Who reside in the various parte of the • • • • Roberi son, Mgr. thimidian Typevvriter or gsehogotd..torti ietcArTag.ret;igl'oe A. 4. Pattison and sectiA nfrn CnYZ gerald, solicitors for A. Graham. side- - to your advanta,ge tb.am we are to -day. iget:gffe better able to supply your Dry oods Exchange,TorontO,states that, the new Grahltm, A. McGarva and Marsh Was received from Fitzgerald & Fitz - that it waS too loW, contrary to law. Wmgham council a communication quartets.' Of the List owe]. Business Col- 1Vlor lot for the electric li h , Good. Dress.Goods Business " Dress Goods are moving Out; quickly these days. Choice and fashionable materials; dependable qualities, a big assort- ment and downright good values are bringing lots of Dress goods business to our .counters. We are showing the best assortment of the popular lioraespuns and Tweed suitings in .. ., tOWD, Sidthis ek opened up a big shipment of handsome . . Black Dress Stuffs (the fam.ous "Gold Medal" goods) in suit- • ings and fancy skirt materials.. These with goods •already opened gives 'us a stock of Black Dress Goods that you'll not find equalled in towns many -times the size of Clinton. These • are some of the popular lines. . . . All wool Homespun sultings, water- . 54 Jnoh Ron3espun for nits or se par- '""'• ' ial that will give exeellent wear. A ate skirts dark colors, heather w oe se.eution of the popular fall got. xxiixtures in grey, blue and brown. A am • oloriross • , . . .. IP ‘' Skirt $2.75, Suit Per 3•Xo ' Fac,ney silk and wool plaids,hand- • ' some col r ooinbinations in hive, • =green, red and brown shades, suit.' .... Ver fin Homespun suiti cs o Due two sin f3 e, a pure wool, Y el alik 11 II- '4 • able for waists • . " Roniespuu suitings, 54 inches wide ' fawns, greys, blues, browns, green • • ' ..,good weight. will give execllent . . and black, will make very stylish, costumes $5.00, $6.50 ands. 1.1Iy wear, shades of grey and brown. .-. nil 6? Very special value, per snit leogth .gelrir„Goa.l Medal” - ' serge all pure wool, ' ' • Leffler( cloth suiting, 'lull or bright _ b finish, good weig t and limn cloth, hard worsted finish, will not hold 4 ' r -shades of blue, grey, fawn and ' ' dust, real good value, blaok or ,.. 50r brown, .per enit.....$3.75 and . . tc:•:,`-'1 French 1- annels ,'... • ., ,,,,, .. . • Kee walk contractor, was read, claiming • t and Everett for tbe I., R.; and the $1 lt,'0 for extra filling in connecticn This speaks Well for the enterproie plaintiff had Jos. Wheatley aria others. with the walks laid thts ear; also $30 L'stowel. I / Graham Shipley, barristers, Brawn- *yid ea5 per owe work two crose. ton, were counsel tor the electric light company, Lawyer Nesbitt • for the G. ings; the letter further stated that if MET TO OONEER.-A cornmitt eefrout ram Beacom, Johnston and Oombe, T. R. Ed. Oampinn for the G. a satisfactory reply was not recelared the council board consisting. of Alder- a•na Hon. J, T.'Garrow for plaintiff. ptbroec:medat Inignst woof ueldiaibme;tathkeenintaoyto,ercobvaede and the public library board, met on judgment of $500 daramtes was given. Monday evenine• to confer nbont im, submitted the letter to the town solic- proving the appearance of the tnarket ' • itor, who had writte.n Mr Graham's square. Different opinions were ex- NOTES. -Dr. Cook, son of PeterCook, whetters to the effect that the $30 pressed and discussed, but nothing de- of town, took charge of DV. Shaw's crossing would be paid for as soon as finite was settled iipon,and an adjourn- practice while he was away with the matters in connection therewith had 'went was made until next Monday 'bowlera at Walkerville tournament been adjusted and as for the balance of , last week. • Our thanks are due to Dr. the claim Mr Dickinson would accept evening. Aoiew'for the large and pretty boquet service of writ on betelf nf the town. • Comm EViorrtil: - On Wednesday of &Jim flowers he kindly gave us for awe (latter and S. L t t are to be. next. the 10th inst., the marriage mit. de1/4.k; the doctor is a successful commended forthe wav bey are re - of Mies Flora Duncan; eldest daughter florist, and is noted for his,productions 'pairing the crossings in 1. -VL them of W. Duncan, and:Neil •McNair, Oran, of the beautiful. The shipments from up With the new walks; hose already brook, will be solemnized; Miss Duncan Olintein depot have been light the past repaired are excellent. Frein art ex* will carry away. the good wishes of a week; Cantelon & Wallis shipped one change we learn of an item of interest large circle of friends. Another event carload of lambs for the Don 01:3 Tues- to friends of a former Clintonian of interest will be the wedding of two day, one of hogs for the same place on "The home of Mr W. Kew, G, popular young folks of town on the MOnday,andS.Smith 5ofcaatleonMon, agent, Whitechurch, was the scene of same day, who will make their resid- day from Seaforth yards, W. East is a happy event on Wednesday week, ence here. preparing to put a stone foundationbe. when his second eldest daughter, bliss neath his house. Operator Briggs, of: Annie, Was united in marriage toj. PAID DEARLY Fon THEIR Frei.- Winghatn, is here taking J. J• 14c- Skelding, of Shelburne. Miss rollick, Sometimes fun is dearly bought as was Geire'splace at the freight. office while drees-maker Of Rensall, Was at Medd's learned by the two young Seaforth fel- he is away on his wedding trip. There cutting parlors this week, taking up lows who drove their horse over the is no doubt but that the Paris Rapes- ;the new titilOr;fflYstern of garment cut- granolithic walk in front of J. W, Hill's ition and the coming Pan 4roerioart to ting. VVeighmaster R. Welsh' tells us grocery. Rather than face the marls. be held in Buffalo' had' a dampentrig,that he is kept busy weighing apples • trate and have the matter made public effect'ai orc Karcin CentritlyAie this evaporritoil on Weitiosday af they thought it abetter and easier way year; at present it looks'as if the ditect- ternoon there were over 25 - wagon to put up $10.00 and ave it settled 'off ors were not going to hold oneibut why loads weighed, and these were all bend, • not hold a horticultural fair? &cord tuoi(iinAt ba, Datil& Town at 15 coots per. • THE Mattrtwr VERT Duet.. -Apple I ut tit . a • Of mi yet:. t year at. this lime p eoe v ce on e nes ay n ght,owing to e. the Mayor on Monday for disorderly ing somewhat disabled by. the severe large quantilleci were purchased in the eonduet in Clintonon .he 1st; the mat- wind storm the night Peevious. • MOS orchards and modern twice paid. A ter was settled by a fine of one dollar W. Bryclone will be at home to her number.of these barreled last.fall were and costs. chits. Hale entertained a friends on Thursday and Friday after! tedtirrilZiote:)Plta:edunvvtilu:rr1ct esttaairld as Friday evening.. the bachelors had Elf isdealing'gating. havoc with the thin Molter of his gentleman friends on miens of next week. The Western IIVANWAIWW VONWWW A Cup and Saucer FOR 15 cents A Child's Cup, Saucer and Plat FOR .10 cents These are two Specials equal value.to which we . have never before had. the opportunity to offer you and we venture to say. you have never before had the chance to buy. This is especially so in the case of the cup and saucer which has gilt tracing and neat floral design on each, is a good shape and quals ity. In brief it is about the same goods as we have sold many times at 25 and 30c. We started this °week with a big quantity but attime of writing it is greatly reduced. If you are interested come soott and see them. In nearly every'case to see is to buy, ,• The W. D. F4IR,00,4Clinton. "Often the Cheapest--7Alitays the Best." NWANYWWWWWIMMFAM WPARIVYYMINA • 1111411/41re.111111,111AVINI/811" %%SI alting (ive • ' •ion, of Kincardine, has taken a un s. he ee rc lg • pl n ryitoiuotiligsvinitehnJoarciLsownliBtrvoesr.13 uA %Tele was dealing out half rations on the er . buyers have dor' no buying. to epeak W d d i - • • French -Flannels ' promise to be among sides e dealerspa, en mete and a good time. The Chief game warden e o e trains these days, therehy - 6,411,011sil ' favorite fabrics for fall and white- - thereby.lost thousands of Collars. The - of the province es* the attention of the mails being late. The Grand Jery waists, Dressy, serviceable. comfortable, they f mer is receiving 50 cents per barrel gamethealers, commission merchants visited the House of Refuge op.' Wed- . . . ar just now but they must be good sound g • end others'engaged in the bnsiness of nesday; they. found everything in tip- Jt- sure • to. 'be very popular: At present ohr aptdes. , " ' buying and, selling owe, that it is top shape, which speaks well of Mr and 41 . ); assortment is ve7y large. , . RIOwilioEw.-Resideiit's of Clinton' • necessary for them to procure licenses Mrs -French, false Newcombe wishes NA will remember the fine 'perfornianees to engage legally in the business. A tolet her ..pupils know that she still ' 'Fine French Flannels, all wool,navY' , Very fine French 'Fishnets, hand- . given by the Lyceum Co, hist season,' great number are taking in the West- continues her rnesic teaching; that she ' ' light blue, green and black ground • . I BOIne designs and colors, he newt ' and particularly the artistic work of, ern Fair at London this week; the goes to London frequently doe e not in - with assortee stripes or apots of jik, est patterns we can buy and extra ..0 . .6 e Mr D'Oize AA Shylock and Othello. %Mr railwaysissued return tickets at tingle terfere with her class.. i The residence, - white Or other °entreating color OW good 'quality ' re from Septeniber 7 to 14, on Ontario street,just east of the Pres - and on at special rates on excorsicip days. byterian. Manse,' which Mrs Mogridge • • urclay, the 15th, in an elabwate pro- . • rappers cavaieir period of Loui8 XIII of France gives Mr D'Oize every sdope to display duction of Richelieu. This play of the his fine dramatic ability, and as he la Supported by a 'much strongercompany • eautifal costumes and elaborate "th We. opened. this week some new flannelette member the date Saturday Sept 15 from. good. materials and the pa,tterns are all new Reser• . ed seats at Jackson Bros. a he and. up-to-date. Wrapper buyers will be.interest- manai•eiterit of the Richelieu produc• , • tion hos decided to hold the curtain ed in hem. , until 9 o'clock, so . as to give the hive nese men of Clinton a chance to attend • scenery, the procluption will be the wrapperS. .They are made in the latest fall styles best seen in Clinton for years. Extra quality quality Wrappers; made of •American Wrappert,tte, e. large assortment ot new patters, darkcolorings $1.50... 1.75 Lows wrappers,made of fineAmerioan Wrapperette,dark colors good weight and newest etylee, sizes 82 to 40 .......... . . . ,1.740 The New Millinery . Our roilljners are busy preparing for the formal opening the exact dafe of which we will announce next week, but not -too busy to attend to orders wanted before °miming time. If you want your 3/Iillinery early they will be glad to show you , what are newest styles for fall. ' As in former seasons you will find us right to the front with Millinery that is correct . in eVery particular. New .styles as they appear will be found in our showroom and what you find us snowing you may depend us being abgolutely right Our Linen Sale These reminders of the money Baling chances our linen sale. affords. . • Bleached and Unbleached Table Damasks 48 Inch hall bleached Table Damaelt 611 Inch hleaohed double Damask a good cloth for every day use,will good we;ght, floral pattern with wear Wb11. For lisle of Brookfield an_ border, a 75o (sloth. For sale of linens •....«... WU Brookfield linens •....• •-• 56 Inch ball bleached table Daraeck, • 66 Mob bleached double Damask, •'41m*-• heavy weight, good patternii, with heavy weight and fine quality, one border. For sale of 13'rookfiele of the bast linen values we have 25e ever °old, regular $1.25 cloth. For buena 60 Inch belf bleached table Damask, • 64 Inch half bleached Damaek,bright • very fine quality, handsome pat- ' finish, firm cloth, the kind you pay tow regular 503 cloth, For pale nn_ 60o for in- most stores. _Per sale of Brookfield linens ..... Iinte of 33rookfield linens ... .. • sale of Brookfield linene • *Alapkins at Money Saying Price*• Double Damask, full bleaohed table eigths Ready.Made cloths. lie.misoine peisterud, border '10 Dozen Damask Napkins. 18x18 ell around, good weight and line inches, good patterne, quality that finish, 2x2a garde, regular $3. For n d 5 will give good wear, regular $1.15 ' The seine quality only2x8 yards, sale of Brookfield litienS. ••• • • • • • • -4•1 to 01.25, Voi sale sof, Brookfield 83e regular $3.50. For tale of Brook." oa Huang • litila linens . • • ...... • ... ' . ' ' • • -' • • 641"V 9 Dozen Napkine, 23x23 inohercgood, 10 Dozen Damask Napkins, Vet/ weight and wearing quality, heavy• " Inches, full bleached, abort weight, weight, good range of patterns, reg - field linensregular 81.00. For sale of Brook- nada ular $2,50. For collo! Brookfield 1.70 ...,....„ uuv linens 50c, 85c 406 • Towels and Towellngs auk tOwels, half:bleached, colored herder good weight, *capital betl., Linen Huck Towels, extra large elm • 22x48 inehes, red borderot splendid iment towel, made to sell at '25o 4 pair, For sale of Brookfield linen towel for general family not all regulerly at 18 to 20o each. For glee • • .tre will *Ili limitea 4111611th, Ogle Elsie irt Brookfield linen 2 for.... xi-) 'at 3 for svu‘' 14 Inch linen greats dour, red cheek, • • lisat‘y Waight,regular 1Qo and good Heavy ToWeling, all pure linen WM give eXeeltstit Wear. Por ritt PCIIr Mie 61 Br()afiela ne I Of Brookfield ........ .... _ °I4 116.614461644444:14144444•, 44.4644446.$444.,44.44.46 Itn Extra Etargalti. We were fortunate enough to get the 13rookfield Spin- ,ning Co's samples of bleached and unbleached table damasks, which we are selling at a fraction of their value. • ' 150 :Semplee nriblesebea table i /5 Saiiiples blatuthed damasks, damask, wize 18x27 inehettihein- very fine qualities, sole 18x18 tmed, they make good dielt to*, ifiehele hemmed, they. make si# for giant or °tine, and will .aapitat bible iiipliin for nom- outwear 44 ordinary toweling No, von choletrof lot 3 for two Or threstimett over, °boleti OU 401$4444444.1414.4444044044+14.4) the performance. LAID AT. REST. --On Monday,. Sept.. ;10th, Lottle, relict :of the late j. L. Doherty, passed away after a prolonged illness, at the home of Mis Chialev, Ism° street, at the early age of 33 Our August inducements helped us to nearly double of ordinary sales during the past few 'weeks, and we have still a few lines that will interest every shrewd buyer for the next ten days. - • LIBERAL DISCOUNTS • ,. ON ALL SINNER GOODS In the meaUtin3e we are making extensive preparations for a big fall trade. • Our stook for the approaching Beason will be probably the largest and best assorted stook in the county. School begins next Tuesday -September 4t1i- • and your boy or girl will need a pair of new shoes. • Remember we -are head-, • quarters for school boots, and we will make it worth your while to give Wm a call Friday or Saturday. We are out for business with genuine bergains. A call solicited at the old reliable Cheap Cash Store. • , , A much latger area than usual is being recently boneht, from Mrs T. Oibbings, la • • . ' '• " is three inches above the ground, and the import:int and•financially good po- places where it has been put it early it From Hailey newspapers we learn of looks well. For a long time Clinton Bittern that Gelitge A: McLeod,.eon of We Ta3r1Or & SO114i $ sown this year to .fall wheat; in some le being overhauled and repaired. My 'sggs taken as Cash has ha.d two shaving parlours. and now R. McLeod, of Clinton, •holds to that• ca.sh and One Price opened up in the Hodgens block district court of Blaine county; Idaho, ' '' , a third has been addee; John Medd has far-off state; he is deputy clerk in theInenranee office at the store 114Viie/%4VIIMS4/110411%110% lir - the otliCe fornierly Peopled by Jac(in ob and in political life is Shcr etary of the Taylor) .on Ri,tteabory atreet east • Peopla party' for the s .me county. MI 1 ' I II IIMINIIIIIIIIIL . . . , • .• . . . . .• . . • . . . . . . , . .• . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . .MMITItt/tttltiMittIttITIMMIMIMIMIPMMIPPIIMMIMITTIMPIttrtrittIMM-.: • • • . -41111 • "401 • 111111.... • years and two months. Deceased had 11." -- been a resident of Clinton for a temp eter--- ber of years, and was highly thought of • by by &tiller acquaintances. A daugh- ter of the late joseph Ohidley, who died about six. years ago, she was mar- • ried to the late J. L. Doherty about eleven years ago. • Her husband died in December litst in Tennessee from decline, whither he had gone In hopes • of a betterment of health. Mrs Daher- tyleas been ailing since the spring, it beingiattributed to her constant atten- tion n waiting on her husband. Two sisters and a brother ate living yet, and her little son Willie. • and much sympathy is felt 'for the lone little fel- • Tow, -bereft ef both father and mother. • but who will be looked after by a kind grandmother. The funerel was held on Tuesday afternoon from her moth- er's residence, Rev A, itttewart olllciat- ing at the servicee, while jar. Scbtt, • Jas, Pair, W. P. Spalding, 0. Cooper, • W. Brydone and Dr. Agnew acted as pall bearers, WEDDING NIWTIAL8,-Atiother one of those sensible pretty lime weddings WAS solemnized on Tuesday at 11.30 a. m . when Mice FlOssiel only daughter of Mr and Mrs A. 0, Pattison, became , the wife of .T.J. Maguire, the cetennony being performed by the pastor of Rat- .teutturySt Methodist thurcbg Bev.W-4 G. Howson, in the presence of a good- ly number of invited guests. -It was a very pretty wedding, the patlor being Most beautifully decorated. The bride entered upon the arm of her father and looked charming in her navy blue :los- turtle and carrying a shower boquet of flowers. The brfdesmaid, Miss Sadie beard, was prettily attired, and atso carried a shower boquet. Ed. Rowed. of the G.T.R., performed like functions for the groom, Immediately after the i oer91110.11Y , a reception WAS,- acCorded ' them and congratulations extended, after whleh it well spread dejetiner was bat down to in an adioining room, which was very tastefully decorated with flowerand prettily arranged, The bridal couple left on the afternoon train for their wedding trio, going to Toronto, Montreal, then to Chicopee PalleeMass.iand Buffalo. The presents received were exceptionally valuable and pretty, including many from dis- tant Mende. Both bride and groom being residents of town are very pop- ular aMOng the young folks and highly thought of. Mr Maguire is operator at the freight offices and is always very courteous and obliging to all who may have any businese with the Grand Trunk; tie is the right man at the right place. We are indeed pleased to know that Cliuton will dill have Mrand Mrs oc- Maguire e0111)Y a house on Victoria street; our ' niontret ire, as they will E that their journey through life may be Withelare with those at their friends, a long, prosperous and happy one. The ont.of.toWn guette Were: --Mrs J. 8, E Stygall (grandmother of the bride) and Mr* JAI S. Stygall, of Buffalo; Mrs M.O. 1 Patton (grandmother of the bride)., ' MIE41 M. O. Patti*" of Toronto; Mr* A. Neil, of Stratford. Mr mitt Mrs Me- 11110.-- 11110-- dB, • . • ser.- 411111411144% a. • i Nol.i.airoorr tett Allom•-• 411110.••• 111.1"•• 111▪ 10••• dill•••• 111110.• OWN. • .--41111 CLO THING '‘ 7:0741.4.410 -4* -••••-•-•-••••••••+••••••••74•••••••••••••••••••-•••••••410-64 •••011P • +OP. t." Vit. • - .. . ... . . . •. ..+1111111 -.era ....... ..• I. • . ..... q* . .;;/ We carry one of the most complete stock: o;:i. : n.."e.:31‘2PC1°..oll'lar.to2lbe found outsKle the cities. All the neW 74' 1.7t„,1 FRONT 21 21 shapes are here and you can get size!, from 12 to 18 inches. We cony good goods, goods that we can recommend ancl our prices are no higher than what you pay for inferior goods. • eol.ored7Shiels On Saturday next we Will offer 50 Colored Shirtsra the balance of our summer stock at 75c &pleas.' Thesel good's were sold at $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 and at the above figure are certainly a big snap, sizes run from 14 to 163. Buyers should be on hand earlya • because there is a pick amongst them. • ititeEC-AVDMor•• 'IP • ... ... . ..... ................. .••. • . ....... ......... . ... ...... • ........... 08; .,f•_Ot• 1111 qtri a t 411 Neithe of Ninon; Kate Mebon. aid, of ostron. e Shoe Departmenta • • We have suceeeded in getting another 100 pairs of our Celebrated Plow Shoe which wo sell at 85e a pair. a We have beentoia bunklreds of times that nothing equals them for the money. and the big quantity. we sell backs this statethent tip. Jut the line for a knockabout shoe., a the New !"Rational" Slater Shoe No other shape placed on the market by the Slater people has had stich &Ian as this new shape. There seems A to be fitting qualities about them that just suits the averag9 foot. We have all sizes in widths I) and E. The price is $8.50 and you eau have them in tan or black, Ali Repairs on Row and Shots promptly attended to. 0000 SMART BOT WANTED TO RE TRAINED AS SALESMAN. *-= TO SRE izo tilehilles. . PtickeltI,t 'ethane was gOod lablitter. * "