HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-09-14, Page 6- • $eptember 14, 1900 acki There is noth- ing so bad for a cough as cough- ing. It tears the tendermembrane of the throaeand lungs, and the wounds t h u $ made attract the g e r ni s of con: sumption. Sapp your cough by using the family remedy that has been curing coughs and colds of every kind for over sixty years. You can't afford to be with- out it. Aye her 4rt°e;(1) loosens the *grasp or your cough. The congestion of the throat and lungs is Teinoved;, all inflamma- tion is subdued; and the dough drops away. Three sizes: the one dollar size is the cheap- est to keep on hand; the 50c. size for coughs • you have had for some time; the 25c. size for an ordinary cold. ...For 15 yeare I had a very bad cough. The doctors and everybody else thought I had a true case of consumption. Then I tried Ayer's Cherry Pectoral and it oniy took a bottle and a hall to care me.' •, F. Maalox Mihwita, Oct. 28, Camden,1•7.3t. write the poster. If you have any • complatat sobaniver and desire the • belt 'medical advice, WOW the Doctor fre.iy.lia,AS'I.Attrags.yen. Lowell, Blass. • WICK PUN PLAY, The King of all Kidney Med. Moen. • IsDr. Pitcher's Baekaohe Kidney Tab- ," let, A medicine designed purposely for e the kidney and bledder. One that once used holds a steady kletee in every heart ee and household, Curing the terrible pane,. aohea, sorenees, and nervousness 'mused by be k ”ft saved a, Government Deteetive'vo Ione Irt a Street Duel. George T. •Bell, for years a Tex ranger and later in the employ of t government secret service, earries mar of six knife wounds and Seven bull wounds received while on duty as ranger for the government. Possibly t most thrilliug .experience through whi he passed was a duel on the streets Tuceon, A. T., in that teener) palmies days. Bell had been instrumental in roundi up and capturing a gang of counterfet ers known as the "Shang Brooks" gau They had, their "mint" up in the Pello eillo mountains in the Gila riyer count All were sent to the penitentiary an ,had been released elm Brooks, who e caped. A warrant, indoreed "dead alive," was placed in Bell's) hands f service, He located Brooks in a saloo in Tucson and, walking up, notified him that he was under arrest. . Shang glanced patronizingly upon Bell, for he was 6 feet 2 in his stocking feet and a giant in strength. Then he an- nounced, "'Sonny, you'se 'II have to grow some." He had half turned from the bar as he spoke, and Bell did not know that the movement was. shielding his hand as it crept to his pistol. Some one in the saloon yelled a warning, and instantly there came a shot. Shang reel- ed and then sank to the floor with a bul- let through his abdoraen. Bell had fired throughrhis coat pocket. The wound was fatal, though it did not at once cause Broot-i) to lose command over himself. Pulling himself together, the desperado drew his weapon, which lay beneath him, and was leveling it at Bell when, the de- tective sent •another bullet through his pistol wrist, ending his ability to do ham. Re died a few hours later. • Though Bell did not know it at the time, Brooks had two companions in the town, Jack 'and jim Styles, brothers. They heard of the shooting and decided to avenge the death ef their pal. Later in • the day as Bell walked past a general store in the frontier town some one yell- ed, "Look out, Mr. Bell!" Turning like a Hash, at the Name time drawing his re- volver, 'the detective saw. Jim Styles on the opposite side of the street. Be sew smoke issue from Styles' weapon, and a bullet seared his temple. Jim Styles con tinned shooting, his brother Jack, on the same side of the street with Bell, coming • to his assistance. One shot at Jim Styles laid that worthy on the ground. Jack Styles gave a yell of anger as he saw his •brother fall and advanced toward Bell, firing as he came. The two, men paused within ten paces of each other, and there they emptied their weapons, Bell had no knife, and when Styles saw this lie gavea yell oftriumph, ossed his revolver from lajD and jumped p with a bowie kniFein his hand, . The two elosed in eot pee each her. At Styles' first ilash of the knife Bell' side tepped, though the ocaint of the knife made a paitiful wound over his right yebrow. Another. 'vicious thrust he par - led, though the keen weapon laid open his left forearm, pierced his upper lip • necking out two front teeth. By this line the two men were upon the ground, Bell 'beneath his antagonist. He heard orcie one call his -name and another mo- ment felt something strike his side Reaching out, his hand fell upon a pistoh sigh of relief followed this discovery, nd he plaeed the weapon full against tyles' chest just as the letter raised his nife for a last thrust. Bell pulled the rigger and sent a bullet through his eart. Both brothers lay dead, and Bed faint - d from.lose ot bionr1 THE CLINTON NEW ERA bl • • • 1 isootiling ek bladder, troubles of the aged, and the - of nightly troublee of illaildhood. A medicine t euro, gide, and Ideation* in effect. One thrtby ite singleness of purpose appeals ng to the common sense of every reasonable t- thinking individual. A medicine always) g• backed by written proof like the following: it- Mr Fred Inoeon'19 Cherlea St., Toronto rY. • annotion, says,—"Latterly I had beau suf. d ,fernag from a constant lameness in the e- ' email of toy back, and much of the time it or was accompanied by a dull aching acme or. my hips. My kidneys were not right I n know; I had much annoyance froin the secretions. I wasnot getting any Wan ; the remedies which I had been using seem- ed to be unable to rernove the difficulty. Nearly two months ago I heard ot Dr. Pitcher's Backache Kidney Tablete,and got a bottle. I am pleased to say that I had attack the right thing at lest. both the /staleness Rome the kidneys and that grind, ing pain in my back were removed. My kidneys wererinvigorated, and I am recom- mending the Tabletato my acquaintances." Any reader' of this paper can teat the merite of Dr. Pitcher's Backache Kidney Tabletsfree by enoloeing two canto postage for trial package to The Pitcher TabletCo, Toronto, Ont. Regular size 50 ,cents per bottle. I mystery soiveuAn old sea captain who had navigated . his ship many times round the world,. 8 persisted in maintaining that our globs - is not a globe at all: but a flat surface. e No arguments, derisive or painstakingly r .educational, could alter his opinion one Jot. Some one said to him once:•k "But if the earth is nit you say, cep. -t tain, there must be an.edge to it, Prow Is it that no one has ever tumbled over _the tige?" "Why, of course they, have," he an- awered triumphantly. "That's where the A ships go that are reported 'missing." a The) Capitol itetnnda. k The rotunda of the capitol at 'Washing- ton is 96 feet in diameter and 180 feet a high. It is a eirculas hall in the center uf the building and contains eight large e historical peietings. The great dome overarches IL • . • -4.-• • A Dressm2kers Duties The Turnip. - . • • • 'Turnips come. from India. The Tonne 1. from "turn" and "nep," words of an - ..lent °Mein meenine eomethine entind. SEVEN YEARS IN RED. • "Will wonders e'er cease ?" inquire the fl lends i)f Mrs S. Pease, of Lae, Terme, Kan. 'They knew she had hebr unable to leave her bed in. Beven year on nerniint of kidney and liver trouble tietyvas prnstratian .und.gerierel dehe ity; tint. • Three bottlee of .Electric BO -ters enabled me to walk," she write, • "and in three months °I feIt like a nea• person." Women suffering from heed ache. backache, nervousness, sleep'es- -mess, melancholy, fainting and din; spent) will find it a. priceless ble5sing, Try It, Satisfaction is guaranteed. 'Only Mo. at all drug stores. • - nice and Matcher. An Investigation extending over a pe. rigid of nearly three months was made by the inspection department of a Bostott, fire insurance company in order todeter- mine whether Are can be caused by rats or mice and matches. The tests were tarried on in a cage made of iron pipe„ IcoVered with galvanized iron netting, in -which a tin box partly filled with cotton waste vrari placed lot nest. Rat* siad mice, Miley or Referal at ti time, were • confined, for longer or ihorter periods, within this cage, in which sulphur matehes, parlor niatehee „mid safety metehee were alio pineed. The creatures were alternately fed -ad • allowed to go , - • hungry. During the experimenta with the mice apparently noneof the wilitChea 'Were glatitted,* but two of the iafety snitches Were carried by them into their k nest. On the other hand, the rate ig- 1to nited the sulphiar matches by gnawing • them, which is indleputable eeldence that k' cabmen sallphur matches- can he ignited P byrtlits. • - or Are Such as to Cause Backache domp•monsmos A Toronto Dressn aker has Found a Positive Cure and Gladly Tells -About - Those whofollow the arduous oocu. pation of dress- making or mitring love troubles of their own. Hunting flawing machines all day long, bending over work that requires the greatest of care, these are the things that have made many a IWOM Mal exclaim, "ever time I take a ditch with my needle it memo am though I am piercing my own Mick." - But thee. Who suffer from barikeibe,-- headaohe, psdn. in the,side Or any derange. ment of the kidneys will be glad to knovr thitt elite ika remedy that never fails even in the won't oases. It hi Dols Iiidniy AN EFFECTIvE REBUKE, • Now General Lee fiet an Exposed Point Properly Fortified. The late Major General Harry Beth -was the only man in the Confederate army whom General Lee tailed by his first name. Lee addressed even his two sons as "General." Heti" had been the friend or his youth, and Lee loved and trusted him profoundly. Yet his love did not cause the commander in chief of the Confederate army' for a moment to • forget his duty, as is shown by an inci- • dent described in The Century. One day before Petersburg Lee rode up to }reties tent and solid, "Harry, I should like to ride down your line." Heth was much flattered at the pro - 'nisei, and as they rode side by side he pointed out positions of danger and van- tage. Suddenly they came upon a place •of math Amportanee where for several hundred yards there were ne fortifica- tions. Surprised, Lee turned to his friend for an explanation. -ffeth said that he had ordered defenses for this spot and httd su ()Bed th • h d, ••lee th737 are completed at once, Harry," said Lee, and, turning his horse, he rode back to headquarters. After a few.days the general again ap- peared at Heth's tent with the same pro- posal, and the delighted officer sprang to 'his horse. Arrived at the ill fated spot, to Beth's dismay it was found still open. Without a word Lee turhed toward his tent, motioning Heth to follow. Dis- mounting, the oonantander in chief seat- ed himself, and the subordinate stood, wondering what his punishment would be. Lee spoke in his kindest tones. "Harry," he said, "that horse your wife rides worries me more than can tell. He kicks' and fights the bit till fear he will either break her delicate wrists or pull her arina out of their sockets. Now the best way to take the edge off a nerv- ous horse •is to give him- plenty of exer- cise—regular exercise—morning and night, until he quiets down. For the sake of your wife ail well as yourself, I beg you to !flake the experiment, and I know of no better place for yeu to ride the horse while taming him than just up and down in front of that gap I ordered you to have closed until a good beeastwork has been completed. Good evening, sir." The rebuke was given kindly, even af- fectionately; yet the retipient declared that he never slept a wit* that night, and for days, afterwtird telt as if be had been beaten With a club. Mrs. oyler, the will -known dress. maker, 224 Bathurst St., Toronto, Ont., - geve the following etatement of her export - !Moe with It: .,,, "For Immo Hine suffered a good deli from weak back, a tired feeling, and tilting and achee itt various Wig Of Ina' WY. Sinoe here used Doan'e Kidney,: rifle the pains heve left; 111e, my booklet. got stronger nd theicidney troubles hate been oorreoted. " Thit tired, dull, dtoWeY feeling that Used oome on me him now gone, and I am happy say I hive not Unto well in year!, as at regent." Doan'. Kidney Pills cure backaolut, lame weak beck, Bright's dinettes, diabetee, ropey, nist before the eye*, leeti of memory', henmatism, gravel and urinary troubles of a - r 1 THE SMELL OF THE ONION. Due to the Presenee of Sulphur In the vegetable. It is interestiug to make inquiry late tbe cause of this unfortunate quality of the onion. It le simply due to the pres- ence in some quantity of an her mineral Matter in the bulb—sulphur, It is this sulphur that gives the on its germ killing property and makes the bulb so very useful a fnedicinal agent at all times, but eepecially in the spring, which used to be—and :still is naany places—the Ranson for taking brimstone and treacle in old fashioned houses before sulphur tablets came ieto vogue. Now, sulphur, when united to hydro- gen, one of the gases -ot water, forms auiphureted hydrogen and then becomes a foul tvoll nigh s Witt coin - pound. The onion, being so juicy, has a Verrlerge per&iitlig,e of water in its th- ieve, and thise,pOrabining with the sul- phur, fortes the strongly scented and of- fensive subetatice called rulphuret of al- lyle, which -is found in' all the alllume. This oulphuret of «allyle mingles more especially with tic' volatile- be iiromittle oil. of the onion. ' It is hientleal with the inalodOratat principle found in asafetida, which hi almest the symbol of all smells that are Misty. The horse radish, so much liked With. mot beef for its keen and biting prop- erty, and the ordinary raustard of our tables both Owe their strongly stimu- lative properties to this same sulphuret of allyle, which gives them_ heat and a eridi ty, ' but not an offensive erne% OVI, in to the •differeitt arrangem nt th an o e oronte, Ont, Thie bringe tie M it most eurious filet • E •!. • " in nature. that meet strangely, yet Moat ring or The Do "IV PO Co. atoms In their volatile ofl ANIMAL ODDITIES. certainly, conetructs all vegetable vole- . • Cenuine Caller's - --V It costs for food about 630 a week to keep an elephant. The Western part of Percia is Inhabit, ed., by a species of camel which -is the PYgMY Of itS kind. It is allOW 'white and only five tet high. I The horse thet sleeps ie standing po- Iiitien rate one leg at si time, depending 'I on the other three to wedeln the weight of his body. The habit is a ,dangerotte Littl' see.- one, e Liver rills.. The eointeon house Mouse, when it has onee been caught in a trap and es. came, eannet be caught 'Again by anY "dust Bear signature, ot trap ever invented by mati. Itats are less eareful atid tornetimee, fall a second time. .40-62ie * see ParAluille Wrapper MOW. Vier Muell luta as Sag • VI take ste slot. , en FOR HEADACHE., , no FOR DITTINESL fp* OILIOOtiltit FOR TORPID LIVIL 0011STIPATION. ' FOR SALLOW SKIL MR tilt COMPLUION siterinumusi War lawkeperpottegym, I %WOW lfatild$44141.06 ROADACHE4 POPULAR SCIENCE, ambid..0 The' titer Miter, the middle atar ot the handle ot the Greet Hear, ha* a brillistn. ey 100 times that of the eun. Many comets will be leen during the twentieth century. The most ititereiding ' la Met seen in 1836. It le due I In 1910 or 1011, I It is asfkrtained scientifie clet the air reeietaface to a railway trEetinthef tav rill& VI:411411ml sin eltithrfy nitLlinto Iles hotir aL Water id the ;evilest of all eiffistaneee - to hetit, with the single exceptiou of . hydrogen gat, The easiest two Are tuer. tall and Med, which *tend itt this te. on nearly' the 'Sante fotatillit. tile one in eveetl'e- the ae--e poaes them 111', 'vol•Wth:n gie7 ;re °trial; aromatic esseneet of cloves, oranges, lemons. cinnamon, thyme, rose, verbena, turpentine or onion, of exactly the Same praportions, which are 83% of carbon to 1.1%, of hydrogen, and obteins tattle vast seeming diversities that our taosttils de- tect in their scent einiply by a different arrangement of the ntome in oath vege- table oil. Oxygen Altera aorae of these hydrocarbon, aulphur others. Tne Imperial, MEAT MOOT. • •• , • • ,terzirvrttnt,irintevitigx !IN! they have Opened upin the dere formerly occupied. by Fair & 00.11 Maegay Block, Ontario Si., where they' *indite?) in stOokall kinds of Freak, Cooked, Cured -and elditionod Mesita* irVatotrocigtritgig,1"4Prtitelm1410; ett, ettiminee Meat; and Mumma ex • 7 laartetia.h1 tiate711,11Nd=faigi "r Ibe. gee& Mn *brit tented, JOIIN SCRUTON, Manager tr. R F. CASE. & Com 01•INTOlt Plil Sense.—ft Mande to reason that Dr. Agnewei Little Liver Pills will crowd out of the market many of the nauseeua old-thners. A better i;nedicine at less than half the price is all the argument needed to keep the demand what it has been—phe- nomenal—so doses to cents. They cure Sick Headache, Biliousness, and allay all stomach irritatIons,-,5 Sold by Sydney Jackson, druggist, Clinton literal Bookkeeping. The Chinese, are perhaps the most prac. • tical people on earth. A curious system of moral bookkeeping adopted by many shovrs this feature of the national char- acter in a. very curious light. There are books inculcating the price of "virtue," and In these a regular debtor and creditor account is opened, in which fin individual charges himself with all lie bad acts and credits himself with till 'his good ones, and the lialance between the two exhibits his moral position at any given time, At one place In Chine where there was, no inn I slept in a room with a coffin vvhieh had. been unburied for five years because the geomancers bad not decided on- a lucky site or dete for the intermeist, and for the whole time incense had been burned before it- morning and evening.--• Prom Mrs, J. 5'. Bishop's "The Tangtze Valley." It is said that when Hot!. S. 0, Pat- terson ran ' as it Conservative in West tlurcua, Dr. Montague made the boast, "we will spend 1)25,030 to elect him," and that nearly the whole of that,,etirn was spent. . A modern weapon in the Watte for houlthe—If disease has taken your citadel of health, the stomach, and is torturing you with indigestion, dyspepsia and nervous prostration, South American Norma Is the weapon to drive the enemy from his stronghold "at the point , of the bayonet," troneh by trench, but swift and sure, it always wins.— Sold by Sydney Jackson, druggist,Clinton.' Large orders for supplies for the Im- perial and Indian troops in'Shina are being filled in Canada. - A CAR ) We, the undersigned, do hereby agree to refund the money on a twenty•live cent bottle of Dr. Wills' hnglieh Pills, if, after using three-fourthe of contents of bottle, they do not relieve Constipation and Head. ache. We also warrant that four bottles will permanently 01413 the most obstimate case of Constipation. Satisfaction or no pay when Wills' English Pills are used.0 IL J3, Combe, Chemist & Druggist, Olin - ten; J. E. klovey. Dispensing Chemist, Clinton; Watts & Co., Drogettnd Piledioines Clinton; Sydney jaokson, Druggist, Clin- t C. Matthews'of Toronto, saved a Lindsay lady bather from 'drowning at Lindsay by plunging in to her resale she bad sunktie. was TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY. TakeLaxative Orem° Quinine Tablets. All , druggists railed the IMMO if it fails to cure 2Srts. E. W. Grove% Elevator° is on each box. . b. L. MACPHERSON Fire, • Life, • Accident. agate:GA.1as. ' Ovvlok, - Memoir BLOCK, CLINTON JACOB.. TAYLOR Clinton. Ont. General District Agent tfor the 04nfecieratiOn Life Insurance Co for Stratford and Goderi ch, inclusive. All in orreation relating to insurance gladly given Money to loan at reasonable rates:. • Offlice in Palace 'Bled( JOHN W. YE0 • • THE MAIL SHOOTS. . - wonderful Stories They TOE In Oa Els Skyseraperi. A graphic Idea of the number of people housed in a great modern office building aud of the amount of business transeeted in it naight be gathered from watching the naail shoot leading down from the upper floors to the mail box placed in the hall of the building on the ground floor. Here for example is it great building with 1,000 rooms, of Which there are now occupied about 800, the number of per - sous in the building, including tenants and their clerks and bookkeepers) and stettograpliers and typewriters and other employees, uumbering about 3,000. A town of 3,000 population woutd send out daily a considerable mount of mail naatter; the tall building has a Population of 3,000, not made up as the town's popu- lation would be, of people of all ages, front children to old age, many of Ahern not writing letters, or writing infrequent- ly, but practically made up of adult; only, most of them having. occasion to Write many letters and all of them writ - lug more or less. It is probable that the mall matter 'sent out daily by the people assembled under this roof would equal if It 'did not exceed that sent from city of 25,000 people. The shoot in the big building; with an opening through which letters may bo dropped on every floor, has on the ground floor,. where it ends in the big mail box, a glass front; through that stretch of the shoot the letters can be seen as they fall, to disappear at the end of it, in the end, And they are always falling. They can- not be heard, but they may be seen all the time. If one stands in the- hall of the tall building and -looks aroUnd, out of curiosity, his eye is sure to be died by this mail shoot, with the silently but con- stantly dropping letters. There may be intervals- of seconds when they do not own., but limb Werra* labs. they de *emir, are of but a few seconds duration and often they come in flurriee, like great snowfalls chasing one -another thickly. ' TO' stand and watch them gives one a new idea of the number of persons hous- ed under- one roof in the modern tall - building and their manifold busy occu,• nations. ° • • AGENTS WANTED. For 'Story of South Africa," by John Clark Ridpath, L. L. D., Edward S. Ellis, M. A., .T. A. Cooper, Managing Editor of the ,'Canadian Magazine," Toronto, and J. H. Aiken, of London. Ont., who has returned this week from 12 years' travelling in South Africa for mi. We are the only Cartclinn Publishers who have had it branch Itt South 'Africa for nineteen years, giving us anima ense advant- age in procuring photographs and material. Our entherahip, letterpress and engravings are superior, and Canadlan onti ngetttu bet- ter illustrated than in arty rival work. So sure are of thi , th t comparison oUrprospectrus to anyone »mess- ing a rival prospectus. Circulars and terms free. Mains World Publishing oompauy, gaga)), Ontartin • ALMA. LADIES' eeLLEGE. Twentieth year begins rept.10th. 13roadly planned competent staff ova° Do uruthr ee ,stmhnoo sir loons xt:ihnd! o at rhipteachers.iue0Sucehao; • 'es-, , • . estie SoleAxnete', rnEodieerr ai°13.nd progreSsiVe. ' Homelike appointments, good board, cheer- ful rooms, Personal over.sight in habitrs. man- ners, care of room. A Midental college like Alma affords :best conditions for it young lady's education. The constant aim of our college is to com- bine the -care of the mother with the teachers guidance and the pastors regard. For illustrated catalogue, address: Rev. N. I. Warner, M.A.. Principal, July 20-8 St. Thomas. Ont. • • . • • •• • • • take Erie Navigation Limited The quickest end most direct HOL ESVILLE • route to Agent for the Marcagerge, flue Assmoutor CO. of Manchester, England, whose funds and security are rated at 214,500,000. Also the Mo- Em.,toe MumnaaInstaisnen Co. Alliclassesof farm risks and town property taltena lowest rates. First-olase Loan Companies also repreitented. Money to be had from 41 per cent up, according to nature of security.— Daily mail to Holmesville —ipostal,card fetoh him 156 t9111.11tIt. SONGS neatly printed and bound In one volume, grand eollection et Minkel GM% sentimental. Path. 'X'sVighttra RoonnonamollantssanTsigtolt.;Torentaaes.' • CLIIVION WOOD and COAL YARD. • Subscriber Is erepared to promptly 011 all or- dersfor. Wood or COM. which win be sold al lowest rates.. Oftleeo_n Isaac Streek_at1.4918. IMPLEM_ ENT . W. WEBA.TLE1 • THE vA1511.01119:1C149WS u. ° INOIANWOMANSBALM) ASA PAATIlitIENTPIEDICINE, CIAONEY? )00 OlOO'Or 08214htiodlt hgteohrorm 9601 J,a ntd e weepy 468essiarta : eet,t0tiuelitiyne: ei*attwAse.gkrfo.n r roe 1 411Mon°o, nurle6i. rithcir cl VEnitt:Ac4081:: it* 3; 'a nt' rbauoemer :331 e, wt tie ne‘r borrower. o"m*10 t ,8h olp treat, Torontd CO, -est Adelaide All Kinds of Shoes CLEVELAND; OHIO, via Pt. Stanley . Thorough fare from Clinton one :way 33,50, return $6. Rotuma ticket valid for one month. • Special rates going Saturday andreturn. mg Monday. Bost leaves Pt. Stanley on Sundays), Tuesdayis and Thursdays at 11 p,m4 and on Saturdays at 1. For tickets and further information apply G. T. R. agents, or *rite T. MARSHALL, WM. wooLLATT, ' Asst. Gen. Pima. AgL Manager; Walkerville, Ont, lee ' • • -0-0-4-•-•44-44-4••••-•-•-•-•44-4-4044-0-1* Central Meat Market Baying'purol-tat1 1the butchering bluffness of F. IL Powell I am pre - to furrtieh the peopleo OlintchrWith afl kiladit of Fresh and Oared 'Meant,' Saffitage, bologna, lard, butter and eggs &twat% kept on hind, R. Fitzsimons it Son. Tlepbone 76. Orders delivered promptly to all parts of the town. 1'L0,—Persons having howl for shipment will confer a: favor by loving word at the shop. PAP. tipavins,,FilnabonooMpfkribi • Curbs, `and All Forms- of .• Larmoness Yield to • LOOK AT THE SOLE If,you look at the sole of the shoe you're buying, and the name and price appear thereon in a slate frame, depend on it being a "Slater Shoe." This is the registered trade mark and a point of distinction. Beware of the "just as good." 12 foot -fitting shapes. All reliable leathers' in black and fashion's shades, very Pair 099.4*r. w.94.csi• '-'=";•••••"'" THE SIPR SHO,S50.1) Le. OM= Jackson Ilros„ Sole Agents for Clinton. • -,,,,•*•.,',.......e.e.rvve,""e•e•-:•••••.1.-. For pure blood, • A bright eye and A clear Complexion, A keen appetite,' - An easy dtgestion And refreshing sleep. 11".111.3Eig.M ris‘tol's Sarst /rills It arouses the -Livery I. Quickens the circulation, . Brightens the spirits and Generally, makes life worth living. Shety seven years trial have proved It to be beyond queetIon, the most reliable BLOOD purifier known. 111, the. leading Btu gists sell .11,1IIST011 ,S11(1SAPARILLA. ' 4IIERMIne.o.aaisaionmairas A Few Specials We offer this week Good ...Clean Timothy Seed at $2.50 A new supply of Barbed Wire. 4' Grain Bags at $L75 and'$2.50 Also about 59 'Oatmeal Saks at 5c each Sugar Barrels at 5e each Lard Tubs, '2 handles at 25e. 'Beautiful Japaneese Carpets at 25c a yat.. ' Oar stook of Teas, Sugars and Soaps, ie large and ydu will lind good values; among them. It will pay you to deal with as, Terms °Ash or produce. Butter and Eggs wanted at highest market Yana, Emporium, Londesiaoro R ADA MS Ang. 81st, 1900• Buggies 1 Wagons First-class from $65 to $80. $46 FRED ItUMBALL, - Clinton -HOme Comforts Just -ikrived tateet styleitt parlor. suite, white enamel bedroom Bets. iron and brawl bechiteada• trig ootteshed; extension tables and dining room chitin. Also 700 feet of new style pia. wtharnetraitrldinge. Prices low as the quantity Will permit. our money back if rate • , Jr. JR. 001I)Et4ir_41Elloiro • Etivt,h Olitlitau Sash, Door, and 131ind FaotorY. - S. 5. COOPER- • PROPRIETOR; General Builder and CoPtrPft9!.. This faotory hi the latgeet in the ciennty, and his the very latest iMproved mite chinery, otipahle'of doing work On the aborted notice. We terry an eglaniffive and reliable etook and prepared plena, and giee eetlinatee forend Wild ell elan, es of buildings on Short notice and on the closest pricee All work is supervise ed itt a ineohatiicel way and eatisfaction guaranteed. We tiell �fl kinde of in- terior and exterior material. • Lumber Lath, .Shingles, Lime. SaSIt) Doors, Blinds Etc Agent foe. the Celebrated GRAY/BILL SCROOL DESK." raenufaciurea stt Waterloo. Call and get prices' end estimate* before placing *oar &dere( • Ael/oodlas any unilibotter than many kte to be scan by inepeoting onr summer *took of ftlen's,1! Wotoen's and Children's Boots and Shoes. at" Pnll linea ot Trunkii, Vallees, atc.,, Sinale and Oonbie Earne$S. n. 0. nea 'Naar, White Codar, twa Pine Riungles atwayet onlhand at 'MITCHELL Works tie:mouth ef'ctires minden . liteleised by the best breeder% and hor.semen. eve here. Price, $1 six ler Si. As a Migrant tor MIMI"' Inc It has no equal. West tome,'Ontatio; tea, Dee. 14, 1808.• 011.SEIMALL co. Doke BIM year ago I hsd valuable hme oIthloa Sot tams. took Mtn to thO'Vetethotty /Surgeon Who pronounced it (remelt Pestle and Mayo me 111.11e hope, although he applied. at Almrp buster. Tills made matters enty worse aria not none Wants- so lanto that 11081118 not Stand ite. Astor trying everything in my power. g trent to &neighbor and told Mtn Anent theome.Tre nave Inc sue et your hooks mid etUdied it eerentny Mid no. ing received to do the utmost in fever, of mybosst, went to the neared g store and 0111 /. et youtlipavin cure and spoiled it striotty according to direetIone, tore 11>5 11,11 bottle WM used i nonee 1 infmororement, • and *heft the seventh nettle lens about half >,a4. my hafts was 'Oompletrly mired Mid without leoviort a Matelot on him. Atior costing treatment I Vrttlq3 Ad borne geed Mkt(' /MOM Mtro) ghtwArk wtth Ing to See 81 11.1>51 Offlected aenre.1 their started teowolor the horse herd 5118 to entire asustsetlen he never Show/tarty mom lameness thrungh Miele minimal.. 10'> tome:end Kendall's AllMiriCtIftl 81,8111 excellent, hut via a. tAMOdy, fo)41 ths.11- »1/tp• eeneern, veers truly, TkITTEN. Ask year druggist ror Mendell's awl* Core, also ska Trektilite otk the iforsoNe tho, hook ftte, r.ddrete IMA 11.•J, kINCAti, COMPANY, iMOtlik4 Mut. Vt . s 6, ard ware Readqttartera for all kinda of Hardware,Tinwaris, Nailte'Looke,Hitigett, Glass, White Lead and 0110, the celebtated Sherwin tWilliabli "ready mixed paints, Daisy Churn, Screen DOors end Windows, Bitie 'Flame Wioklees Oil Steven, ell kinde of Wire Pending, Agents; for the Anted. oan Fieia Pence the beet fence in the World, it ze ilorite proof, Bnllt' proof, Mg proof, Pig and Dog tight, extreme beet and cold does net .• drew it out Of shape, it steys where it's put. Call and. See it A few. Royal. American Clothes Wringers, at $2.85, while they last, a first-class wringer. A few odd shades ready mixed paints at a big discount. Lawn Mowers at reduted prices to clear out. 1 Only Vire Proof Safe for $OO. - ar and logikto Stoves. miwaro• Irarameilardware) 'to Experts in Ha Air and Het Wiitet iteittinKand Plumbing. CLINTON,