HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-09-14, Page 57',"^(7r ••11; ""1.1.r1111117111110 d WI -1M TWO 0-7$ Just Now Required The *outing season is •at hand Is your wardrobe equipped for the trip. If not why not look over our stock of outing suits, neglige shirts, hats and caps and other nee - 1 Boys'. Youths' and Meles • THE CLINTON' NEW ESA Additioual Local. News NOTES. -Among the orders issued we notieed the followinir in re- gard to the 83rd (Huron) Regiment: - Paymaster and tionorary (tape S, R. Hays is RI anted the honorary tank of Ready Made Clothing I major. BGIATI3 FOOT/ULT.-A Meeting our store for ready made alothing that we was Collegiate Institute "line a men's, tbyv:tit08 and a, complete ' pese o gan ter (talcial f�r thir PI; Mock, 1.(rat thought4,ewrld be advisable to put in ft ; on Wednesday thattotr dt.h Tbhosyys 'wforrooma ul)fis°vdYeB itz+, el:1140111dg ertei:lorthaheeic3eraws5 of sueeri,esttiezt.eazr milaogwvegr:reiloalieiticdsauenvdal Id (pond , the noted reeagy Liss6olict: 1 TfoittrX So many people have been enquiriug at Cor.r. oeutside clubs and goods antt/ beor Canada. inTghoe4 1;iestatahe best Wen anIgaotoer paerlitahtgrchAarereaonfeamneuetwa e made for the essary accessories. Its a plea- are noted for the out and EArtileLlioef Zovelti the terming ,of a team to look . a garments. You'll be suited if )•ell after% Interests of the 0. I. am . sure to show them You' do istg and r, not have to buy, call and see. " here. Ordered elotlailig a'spealalt ong yr. the kickers this fall. The following of - Additional Local News. PAM/ SOLD. -Ben. Switzer, ot lot 30, 10th concession, Goderich township, has seld his excellent 80•Itcre farm to hie bits/that*, Sem, Switzer, Clinteli, for the sum of $4500. The new octane will remove to it in about a month. and its present occupant intends t,. live in Goderich for a time, and thee way leave Canada for Michigan. He will hold an auction sale shortly. Ben Will be greatly *Mimed in this township, where he holds a warm place in the affections of the r enple, aud their best wishes accompany him, AN AUGUST WEDDING. --The tllow ing from the Beaton World tefers to the marriage of the daughter of Jamee Aitken, formerly of Clinton, and later of Hensel', who is well known here: - flatlet: weate elected for a term Pres., - "On Wednesday morning the liorne of 1, J. MORRISII 001AAAVVVVV0AAAAAAANVOAMA Ice Cream Confectionary And Fruits• You will find us headquarters for Pine Apples, C000anuts, Strawberries, Bamtuas,Oranges- and Lemons as we will endeavor to keep on hand a stook of fresh and seasonable fruits. Our Soda Water Fountain Is again a up and running in fine order to supply the wants of thirsty onstoraere for another season. The Cream and all kinds of cool drinks. First class Bread cakes and pastry always on hand.. Any )(intl. of lancy..cakes.149t in stook merle When ordered. Jas. McCiacherty, Novelty ;Bakery And Restaurant. Telephone No. 1. eeteepereoteertoteemotowstototieetrettOots• PHOTOGRAPHS. A. J. HOLLOW/VI E, M. McLean; Sec.-Treas., A.E.Arch • . James Aitken was the Beene of a quiet ibald; elitpts R. Macpherson; Curator, :inddesptregyughhtoenor,e mwieoscld Bing:017,h, "wit ft: Klett; Field Com.,• S. Baird, J; Mo - Ewen, hi. McMordie. Tao STOW/I - Blow breezes blow frorA in its element on Tuesday night •Business change but artillery and pyrotechnics were • .• not heard nor seen. The wind went I am retiring from business in Qlintoo tr,t a terriblevelocity and we have heard and in doing so wish to thank all who have patronized me so liberally as I was ever oareful to suit enetomere •preperly.' I ask all my old cnetomers and many new ones to give my successor $ aontienance of their patronage, rersons indebted to me will please pay up by September. 21s1 ao aa Someone was Mean endugh to attribute to avoid debts, being placed into other that. -the big wind storm was occasioned hands for collection. •ht the little group of political talkers-. that half the fruit was blown down be- sides doing damageotherwise,' Kepple Disney's stable being biotin down. It must have been a slice off the hurrican that created such terrible calaroity. in Texas and down in the Sonehern States . P. Melville. •Haying pun:ill:teed the above •grocery business and good will from Mr Melville,I desire to inform the public that they will find in the stook everything that is first eines and up to date. Opening day is on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 8 I will endeavor to please all customers and merit the patronage •given previous. Persona wishing groderies, °rookery, glass. wear, eto will be suited to call on the Hub grocery. ' Gooas deliyered. iRizeksztlii. • , GROCER Remember you get a nice large photo with every dozen of our four dollar cabinet photographs. This offeris for a short time only. We do all kinds of . life size Work . as cheaply as you can procure first class work any place. All wortparanteed and .up to date. 7:4 Call and See out photo Buttons and Broaches. • F. G. Burgess Goderich Fair SEPTEMBER 18 and 19. NONY. OPEN Fall term in the CentralBustuesSeollege Toronto • , • • Enter any time, ten teachers, sixty typewritting machines. :Unex- celled facilities for assisting graduates to positions, •Write for calendar. W..H. SJF1A,W, Principal ' GIRL WANTED. A general servant or nurse girl wanted, at once. Applyto MRS N. M. MCLEAN. Clinton. General Servant 'Wanted Wagted general s Sir Charles Tupper and his band -who were over at Montreal sporting and working their way west.. Hultort's GREAT rata -The biggest fall show of MO for this section will be the G, N. W Exhibition at, Goderich, on Tuesday and Wednesday next. The prize list is several imndred dollars in Advance of last veer, and the speed tests, our in number, promise to de- velop lots of fun tor lovers of good horses. The track lain No. 1 condition, and the grand stand, rebuilt this sum- mer, will accoromodate an immettse crowd. The poultry list is second only to that of the county winter show, and the "-chicken crank:kJ. in full force„ The fruit and root crops prom- ise to make a display unexcelled an the history of the fatr. The popular Ma- rine band will furnish music each day and evening, and 'amongthe attrac- tions will be Edison's Moving Pictures, including South African battle Scenes and other views just nowof special in- terest. A vielt to Goderich next week -will be doubly) enjoyable, . . DIVIsIoN COVET.- Only two cases were on the docket at the court on last Saturdays but only one was aired before Jildge Doyle, who presided, and the auditorium was used instead of the council chamber as formerly. Both cases were in regard to horse deals. In t lie suit of W. A. Connolly vs. L. Pea- cock, Hullett, defenclant, for a claim of $25 in a horse transaction. A judg- ment of nob suit was returned at; Oath- tift did not appear. The other case , proved interesting and lasted for Sec.- eral hoins. The plaintiff, J. Leslie Ottawa, entered suit againse Jas.' , Me - Connell, con, 13, Hullett, for the recov- ery of a cow. The plaintiff had traded a horse valued at $60 for a cow valued at $50 and $10 to boot. The horse was delivered but defendant would not de- liver •the cow the next (ley, claiming thee the horse's leg Was broken when sold. Besides the principals in the ease being examined I. Leslie, sr., was call- frnsplainfiff and Mre'll/cCeimell and C. Howson, V.S„Auburn, were witnesses for the defence; J. E, Blacken, V S., was called for professional evidence. W. Prondfnot acted for plaintiff and Hon, 3. T. Gamow for defendant. Judgroent was reserved. ervant, to wh0133.• g0.011 wages will be paid. A.pply to MRS. Wp.I. DOHERTY, • Sept. 6 -tf. Venriale Teacher Wanted Per B. B, No. 8, Township 6f Ilnllett,Innior Department. Duties to commence FORMERLY OF' CLINTON'. -• A few tely. Send application vrith testimonials, to weeks hgo men NBW Fru of the death of Miss Lillian WiisOn,. daughter of Sam 'Wilson, (formerly of here)and a grand-daugh ter of Peter Straieb. The following item was- taken from the Charles Oity,Iowa, Citizen of Aug,- 80th, which refers to the sad event: -"The community was shocked on Thursday last to hear of the death of Lillian Wilson whose pass- ing away. came so titiexpeotedly to her many friends. After hgeegraduation. from the -Wet school LilWa had a long arid Painful illness, but the last few, weeks rate had been growing stronger and she gave every promise of length of days and a beautiful and noble wo- manhood. $he could not, however, withstand an attack of acute append'. eitis and passed peacefully away A.ug, 23. Though born in Canada, a good share of ber life was,Spent in Charles City, where her sweet, winning .ways won for her many devoted friends. • She was one of the graduates of the last class in our high schools and as a student her work Was faithfully and meritoriously done,. Her brothers testify to her patient end loving spirit in the home and those who know her best testify to her strength and beauty of character. She was a member of the Congregational Sunday School and of the Endeavor society connected with the smite chutch. She will be sadly missed by all who knew her, and the funeral so largely attended showed the esteem in which she was held. Th floral tributes were many ancl-beentifue SAM 014 ItANSAS IIORSIM-It Was a large attendance at the auction sate of Kansae ponies held at Farran's barns, Victoria street, on Monday. From far and near,including the local, horsemen were present, J', W. King arrived here last week with two car loads of these ponies, and unloaded. one containing 23 head to be disposed of here. They were all likely looking animate but, of course, were unknown untietried,so lit the sale the buyers Were ,somewhat canny. If the horses act well we be - tion wee made in the Ang 31--tf 16.11° WANTED -Eggs Me. Butter 18c. Th•e sale still gem; on for three weeks, with the obese E. It. rates Ask those who have been here . how they like their parcels • tf • GI. E Wingham. Good Farm for Sale or to Rent. 'A good farm for sale or to rent, 150 acre farm foi• sale or to rent, being lot 14, con. 18, Hallett, 180 acres under cultivation, the balance in good • hardwood bush. •There is a good frame house While at the fair do not fail to see the genuine bargains we are offering in Bicycles. We will not carry any over if low prices will sell theta. - • good out buildings and a good. well; situated halls mile from the schbol, three miles from a church and miles from Elyth. Has. all 9ther convenience. Terms made easy, ApplY to WALTER , Sept 6--tf • Londeshoro, Oat. Hullett Court of Revision. Notice is hereby Vven that a courtw.111 be Do Not Wait held, pursuant to t o Voters` List Ad, by,Ills County of Huron, at Londesboro, on the 25th 'day- of September;1000, at 11 o'clock, to hear and determine the several complaints of errors and omissions in the Voters' Lid of the Munici. polity of Mullett for NCI All persons having business at tho court are required to attend at the said time and place. bated the 6th da of Sltember, 00 . AMES OAARBF.LL, 0 ork Till spring and pay 25 per ho said Municipality. bept. (1.4t. cent inore than you can buy Rieyeie and General Repair • RSON'S.. n SaboOriber having bought ottt the repair EME. BICYLE shon.oLliiir Dewnei Perrin Pared to undertake all kinds of mechanical MUSIC HOUSE. Goderieh iepairing. Being a praotical Workman he will give Personal attention to all work en trusted to him. Scissors. table knives', etc. aliarpcned and repaired,lawn mowers, over- hauled, cutting box knives sharpeneo, saws gainrned. Special attendee given to bicycle repairs; bicycles hired by the hour or day. Ordera respectfully etilloited, work promptly attended to and prices moderate. The blacksmith shop, Orttugo street, is also atili carried on by nubstriber, where a good practieal man will promptly attend to all work in this line. • AI.13ERT SIBOLEY, el.11910N. for now at Manitoba AuG Excursions 1"h Parc $28, good for 90 days. foo: For tioketa and informatich apply to %As-I:JACKSON, AGEINT Seed Wheat Fall Term Opeus.SEPT, 4th STRATFORD, OT No less than eight large bUsiness colleges hieve.applied to no Within the past AIX weeks for out graduates to tak e positione as teachers In their eight/obi. AM mime as five bminese arms have applied to us in one day for office help. This is barely the best (lobed for you It pays to prepare for profitable, progressive and permanent,employment. Oatalogtze frets 1?1/.. J Elliott, Principal, AkIIE TURKISII REID lrariety is a Kansas wheat of excep- tionally good milling qualities and we have imported a ear direct frora that state, To those who wish 0 try some of it for seed we are sell. ing it for $1,00 per bushel w h ottani cost free of duty. "r Ss. N. FAIR, ninon mins.* LINTOIst MARKETS Careoted oar /Initials), afternoon. lievo the purchasers have struck good bargains, but the.re is a feeling abroad that ranch horses have sulky waye,and do not go Well in harness. A delay Was Made at the beginning of the sale, and Mr. Xing was obliged to take out a li- cense before be could act upon authori- ty, the auctioneers in this district talc, ing exception. The -auctioneer was up to his busineett and handled each horse well, fifteen otthe bunch being gold at figures ranging from $41 to 11 , or an average of $54; The buyers were R. I Fitzsimons, it black mare from French stook; J. Beatty, Brussels, it pair of sorrels:3. Morrison, Mullett, bay mare; Harry Cook, Greitteleh township, two black colts: Connell, flullett bar n t Mr re ler ot ts an spir u colt; S. Mitchell,. Exeter, bay Celt: Geo. the course of his rernarke he promised h_diatla, Psres411,1,es. Moth Patched, Clinton No. 2, 17-16. LAMS, grAy Ware • T. Connolly, Tuck. that as s3M1 he thia parish was able ter xate44 gul ameeime et the mein n8 • Pallin and Grey ilatir,ttandrlift, Clinton hui two rinks. No. 1 convoy- RILTY-At calumet, Mieb.,_on Sept. 1, the wife of .7, D. 'City,. nee Miss Hattie Trwin, 01 Clinton, of a 0.1111011tOr. CHISHOLM-In Leehurn, an Aug 27, the wife Of John Chisholm, of a daughter, OLUTTON-At Leeburn, On Sept. 14 the wife of A, glutton, of SOO. HART -At 268 Sumach: St., Toronto, the wife of Wm.. J Hart, of a son, STEWART.-In Stanley, Sept 12th, the wife • of Adam Stewart, of daughter. • MARRIED. XAQUIRE-PA'.9,91$011-At the bride's home (Minton. on Sept. 10, by Rev, W. G Howson J. Mognire, of the G. T. It. freight ollice: to Miss Florence G., only daughter of Mr and Mrs 4.0. Pattison, Q. T. agent, Clinton. DA,LEY-OXIDMORIE.-At the home of the bride's parents,Londen Road, TUokersmith, on Sept, 1.,Edward Daley, tc Miss Gracie, claugh• ter of Mr and Mra Wm. Oudmore. MIT.,LS-HER-•EY-At the residence of the bride'e father, London, on Aug. 29, by Rev. 0, O