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HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1908-04-30, Page 4JAS.McMURCHIE
Sale Notes R specialty. Advanoes made
to farmers on their own notes. No
additional security required,
We offer every aoeomnodntion coir
eisteat with sate and conservative
banking principles.
To loan on Real instate at lowest rates
of interest.
Persons wishing to sell will do well to
Aloe their property on our Inst for
sale. Rents collected,
Of till ktuds promptly attended to.
We represent the leading Fire and
LlteAesurauoe oompautes,and reaped.
fully solicit your account.
OFFICE HOURS: 10 A.M. to 11 P,M.
Business (cards.
P.\G1 Po',R —TME 1;I,1I'H STANDARD•—APRIL 30, 1908
Eltltlt g tattbtw t4
Barrister Solicitor, Notary, Ete. Sue -
mentor to d, F. Blair. Office over Stan-
dard Bank, Brussels, Solieltor for Metra
politan Bank.
Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public,
Etc. Undoes—'1'hoae formerly occuppled_byy
hissers. Cameron and Holt, Goderioh, W.
Proudfoot, R,C, ; 1t. 0. Hays, G. F. Nair,
THURSDAY, APR, 10, 1908
0. E. LONG, L.D.S., D.D.S.
Dental Surgeon, Graduate of the Royal
College of Dental Surgeons. An honor
graduate of ']Tonto U1iiversity. Office
over James Cutt's store, Pretoria block,
Blyth, At Auburn every Monday 9 ars.
to 3 p,m.
W. .1. MILNE, M.D.0,1I.
Physician and Surgeon. M.D,O.M., Col
varsity of Trinity College; M.D., queen's
University; Fellow of Trinity Medloa
College, and member of the College of
Phyefulans and Surgeons of Ontario. Cor-
oner tor the County of Huron. Office, one
door north of Commercial hotel, Queen
street, Blyth.
Blyth Livery
Sale Rabies
0 00 00 00 0
Dr. J. N. Perdue, V.S.
a 00 00 00 0
Pirat•olasa Home and Rigs for lire at
reasonable rates.
Best of accommodation to Commercial
Travellers and others requiring rigs,
Veterinary office at livery stable,
Auctioneer for Huron County
Terms reasonable. Sales arranged for
at the uliioe of TUE STANDARD, Blyth.
teat ord, qtr
is the leading business training sohool In
Western Ontario. We give e thorough
practical training on commercial euhjec a
Isaac Pltman'e Shorthand. Touch Type.
writing and in commercial and rallrosd
operating, Each department Is in the
hands of experienced instructors. We
&saint students to podtions. Our gradu-
ates always succeed for our courses are
the best. Get our tree catalogue and
learn more about us, You may enter
ELLIOTT & McLACHLAN, Principals.
People We Know
Lice Drive
Setting Hens
From Nest
Miss Kate Barr, of Goderich, is
holidaying at her home here, -
Mr, N. B. Gerry was on the sick
list during the pact few days with
hie old trouble,
Dr, R. 1'. and Mrs, Field, of Brus-
sels, were visitors with Dr, and
Mrs, Long over Sunday.
Mr, and Aire. S. T. Plum and
Mester Ernest, o1' Brussels, were
visitors last Sunday at tin home of
Air. N. 13. Gerry,
Last Wednesday AL'. A. W. Rob-
inson and Dr. \V, Sloan were at
Wroxeter attending the funeral of
the late T, 13, Saunders,
Airs. Wm. Richmond and Master
Melvin returned to their house in
London after a holiday with relit,
lives in Blyth and vicinity,
Misses Margaret and Luella Cur.
rie, of Wingharn, were visitors at
the home of their uncle, Mr. arid
Mts. Wnl. Robertson, on Sunday,
Mr, Robt. Sloan spent the past)
week at his home here, He is busy
looking after the farm his brother
and he bought in Goderlch Town.
Mr. Baxter McArter has been un-
der the (lector's cart.. ILs ninny
friends will wish him a speedy re-
covery back to his usual go,xl
heal th.
Mr. John Kennedy arrived back
from the Canadian Soo. }lo reports
that the labor situation is serious up
hi that country and hard tittles are
in evidence,
Misses Geraldyne McEwan, of
Alma College, St, Thomas, and
Nettle Brown, of Brussels, visited
the latter's sister, Mrs. J. Leslie
Kerr, last week.
Those from town who were in
Wiugham last ]friday attending the
Liberal convention were :—Alessts.
A. McKellar, W. Stackhouse, F.
McPherson, C. H. Reese, A, Carr,
W. Jackson, N. (`uming, J. L. Kerr,
A. Creighton, L. Hill, A. W. Robin-
son, Dr. Sloan, W. Bell and G. Pow.
Last Thursday the following gen
tlemen ntteaded the Conservative
convention in Winghnnl as delegates
snd alternates, Dr, Long, Joseph
Carter, John Wilford, F. Meteelf, J.
Barr, Thos, Cond, W. A. Carter, .T.
Emigll, A. Elder, 1', Haggitt, J.
Brothers and H. 'Poll, Messrs, Thos.
Coad and Joseph Carter were Ap-
pointed chairmen of No. I and 2
divisions respectively.
Pulls So Hard on the Stomach
It Must Have Help
The stress an 1 strain of the atr0nnous
life in both city tied country makes'
stomach troubles. five people suffer
today wheat one did ten years ego
with sick headache, dizziness, flatu-
lence, distress after eating, specks be-
fore the eyes, bloating, nervousnesei
sleeplessness and the many other
symptoms of ipdigestiot,
All who aro suffering with stomach
troubles, and that means at least two
out of three in Blyth and other towns,
should use M1-o•na stomach tablets,
Nothing else is a8 safe, yet effective ;
honing else can be so thoroughly re-
lied noon to relieve all troubles from'
indigestion as Mi-o-na.
So reliable is Alio-ua that J, M.
Hamilton, with every 50 cent. hox he
sells, gives a guarantee to refund the
money unless the remedy 11(108,
1t is expected in two or three weeks
n branch of the }]nine Bank will open
un in Belgrave, Its head office is in
Salvation Army Praise
"1 feel it my duty to testify to the
benefit 1 have received from the use of
Psychine. While travelling In New On-
tario conducting special meetings I con-
tracted a very bad cold, which eradnel-
ly developed into Bronchitis of the
worst form. I was advised to try
Psychine, which I did, and after using
but a few bottles I was: completely re-
stored to health. I recommend this
wonderful remedy to sufferers from
Bronchitis and other troubles."
Later: "I wish to add that my voice,
eines using Psychine, is stronger and
has much more carrying power -than 11
had before I had hronelitis,and the
vocal chords do not tire with speaking."
P. TILLER, Capt. Salv'0. Army,
Ann St., Toronto, Aug, 18; '1007.
Throat, lung and stomach troubles
cured by Psychine; also incipient eon.
gumption. All druggists, 50e and $1.00,
or Dr. T, A. Slocum, Limited, Toronto,
And chicks are left to die in
the shell, This Is an every
day occurrence that need
never happen if
Is sprinkled in nests before
putting In the eggs. Exetr-
minatee lice Instantly. "Bet-
ter than anything neva
tried" Bey many of the largest
poultry tnuelere. Large pool:•
age 25c, For sale et
Dr. W. J. Milne's
White City Drug Store
Any quantity of Eggs and
Butter at the highest cash
A number from here attended the
Conservative convention last Thursday
and the Liberal convention on Friday
in WIngham,
The following is the report of the
promotion examinations of Union S. S.
No. 17, Belgrave :-1'rorn Jr. IV to Sr.
1V—Isabella \Vightuan (honors),
Grace Clark, Sr. Ill to Jr, IV—Dun.
Ferguson. Jr. 111 to Sr. III—Canner•
on Geddes, Albert Tasker, Sr.Il
jr,IIl--H 'd Geddes(honors), Ann'
r tit ,v( ou ). hie
Crydges, Isabella Ferguson, No -loon
Stonehouse, Lae 111'ydges, Greta. Arm-
strong;. Jr. Ii to Sr, II—Norman
\\'ightnlnn, Kathleen Owens. Miss
K. Marshall, Teacher:
On Sunday evening hast Wm. Alm.
erne died at the ago of 75 years, He
had been in frilling health for the past
six months: In the early winter blood
poisoning set in in his right foot which
wits amputated. Ha recovered from
the operation very well and seemed
likely to enjoy years of life, but on
Ao,'il Zit 10104 a 11411 and gradually
0111111 until the end which calve peace-
fully on Sll,ldat' faol. He was 000 of
the oldest settlers in the neighborhood
and was highly respected by all. Rev.
\V. H. Hartley conducted the funeral
on Tuesday, which was largely Attend-
ed especially by RI. men in the neigh•
On Wednesday of lost, week at cue
o'clock, at 1110 residence of James mid
IL's, \Valker, Scott attest, Winghatu,
a very pretty weddinu Wes 8olemeizel1
the contracting parties helm; their ell.
es daughter, Miss Edith Walker, and
0. P. Carlisle, 0. T. It. agent et Bel -
grave. The caretnony was performed
in the drawing room, which was peer
tiiy decorated with ferns and mit flow-
ere, under tun arch of smilax and ferns,
lie v. Dr. Gundry, of St, Thomas, a for.
'nee pastor of the Methodist (Llureh,
MIR the officiating clergymen. The
weddinglierrh was played by Miss
Al Min, of Teestvarer, cousin of the
bride, The bride MIS rnurried in her
travelling snit of navy blue chiffon
broadcloth, with CI ea111 Oriental lace
blouse over aillt. During congratuba-
tions ll solo wits rendered by Alias. Olive
Mason. A number of invited guests
yvere jtrE9en1 and the bride received
meet, bea,utiful and useful ,presents.
A1' a 01 Mrs. Ca'lislo lett on'the it(ter-
noct trgnn on a (1111 10 Beftal0 and De-
tloi1 ,on their return will take up
house p ilg at engrave,
Miss Quarte, o{`0o$erich, is the guest
of friend)) here, ` '
Alias Jessie Wistinman, of Clinton,
spent Sunday with friends here.
Mrs, Ashley preached a splendid ser-
mon Sunday- evening to a large con-
John and Mrs, \Vey month, of Blyth,
visited the latter'$ mother, Mrs, hill,
over Suhday.
Mr, and airs. Coventry, of Wing -
1111111, visited the latter's sister, Aire,
Edward Bell, this week,
Artie lirunad0a, who has been in
Gnash toe the 10t0t six ileal 104, SIRS
secured a uositi0n in hernia aid will
leave for that place May Is',
Tho Crndlo. -
JonNS'roN,—ln \VLlgham, on April
22nt1, to Alr. and Mrs. Iran
Johnston, tt daughter. ,
The Altar.
CARJ,ISLE--WALKER,-At the resi-
dence of the bride's parents, on
April 22nd, by ]rev. Dr. Untidy
of St. 'Thomas, AL'. C. P. Carlisle
G. '.P. it. agent at Belgrave, to
Miss Edith, eldest dnuyghter of
Alt'. and Mrs. James \Valker, of
Winghaut. `
DIVJSi(N Court, Thursd4ty, May
11th, at nine a. 01.
The Sea('ortll 130wlers had their
first game ol'the season on Good
Friday ofteraoou,
Victor DCa11 has been appointed to
the position o1 secrelary•t'eosurer of
the Boderleb Baseball club,
The Owen Sound Lawn Bowling
Club have decided to hold their
first annual tournament on June
30111 and July 1st and 2nd.
The \Vinghan Baseball Club and
the Citizen's Band have under con.
sideration a proposition to take part
in 11 Victoria Day celebration at
Lietowcl on Alay 25111,
Tile C. L. A, District Committee
have Arranged the groups for the
cowing season, District No. I, 1n-
termedinto series, the tennis are—
Seuforth, txoderich, \Viegham, CIIn-
ton and Alltchelh
A meeting of baseball enthusiasts
tons held in the Parish Hall, and the
Winghatu Baseball Club organized
for another season, The following
officers were elected ;—Hon.•Pres.,
A. 11. Musgrove ; Vice -Pres., J. A.
Taylor, B. A., ; President, G, IIanna ;
Secretary, W,, McKibben; Treasurer
T. G. Workman ; Manager, 'P, Ale.
Lea n.
The following officer's were elect.
ed for the Huron League ; Hun.
President, 0. H. McIntyre, M. I'.,
South Perth ; hon. vice-president,
Hon, Nelson Alonteith, minister of
agriculture, South Pert11 ; president,
J. A. AlnoDonald, Mitchell ; vice.
president, J. J. Morrow, Fullerton ;
secretary -treasurer, J. Carmichael,
Dublin ; executive committee, one
member from each tenor, The
schedule will be as follows :—
—May 28—Alitcbeli at Smith.
May 30—Fullerton at Dublin,
June 4—Dublin at Mitchell,
June 6—Stitff't at Fulborton,
June 9—Mitcheil at Dublin,
June 13-AFullarton at Staft'n.
June 18—Staffs at Alltchell.
June 20—Dublin at Fullerton.
June' 20—Mitchell at Fullerton.
June '27—Dublin at Stela,
Idly 4— Stan. at Dublin.
July 9—Fullerton at Mitchell.
SEALED TENDERS Addressed to the
undersigned And endorsed "Tender
far Dredging' will bo received until Fri•
day, May 15, 1008, at 4,30 p. m., for dredg-
Irg rututred Rt the following places In
the Province of Ontario :—
Burlington, Blind H ver, Beaverton,
Cullingwood, Cabourg, Goderloh, Hamlb-
tou, Kincardine, Little Current, Midland,
Meaford, Owen Sound, Nigger and Tele.
graph Wands, Point Edward, Penetan-
,culshene, Pott Burwell, Pert Elgin, Pio-
'an, Irmdeau, Sualmorstowe, Thames
R ver, Toronto, Thornbury, Trenton 1181.
..or and Dark Clint et, \vauhau•;hot e,
tV'nrtotl And Winnfield Beefs.
Tenders will not be considered unless -
made on the form supplied, and signet
yeti the actual signatures of tenderers.
Combined specification and form 01
tend, r inn be obtained at the Department
of Pabile Works, Ottawa, Tt lidera must
Ire-ude the towing of the plant to And
from the works, Only dredges cm he
employed wh'uh are registered in Canada
u• the tittle of the filing of tenders, Con
t'an'ors must he ready to begin work
within twenty days after the date wt
h&r' been notified of the acceptance of
their tender.
An accepted cheque on a ohsrtered
hank, o,tvshle to the order of the II dote -
01e ;,he Minister 11 Pnhltn Works, for
.lx thousand donate 00000), mutt be de.
posited as secar(ty for the dredgtrp
which the tenderer drays to perform li-
the Prt 0' need Ontario, The ehtgcetvhl
he returned in case of non-acceptance et
The Dera't.mentdoes not bind itself 0,
accept, the lowest tie any tender.
Be order,
Department of Pahlle. Werk.„ . ,
0! taws, April 23,100p,
Newspaper's will not he paid ler tilt
advertlo1" lltif they Insert it without
authority front the Depattmcnt,
Let Us Supply Your Wants
We constantly endeavor to give our customers
to serve them honestly and generously', to make
Emu Sale a Bargain SaIe
We believe that by so doing aro make their our friends
as well no wen as patrons, and profit therely, To use
en old and hackneyed expression, as applied
We Strive to Please
Let us prove to you 1 hit it's the truth at our store,
�r rTI
Subscribe for TIME STANDARD,
What the Kidneys Do
All the blood in the body passes
through the Kidneys every three min.
The Kidneys filter the blood,
They work night end day to daily
remove a1)001 500 grains of impure
Maier. If they foil scone part of this
impure matter 18 loft in the blood,
bringing on pain in the back, headache,
dizzuneso, irregular heart, but, dry
skin, rheumatism, Reeve], dropsy, de-
posits iu the urine, 13001105 Kidney
Pills make the filtering right and ovoi'-
ceme Kidney trouble.. Hundreds of
Huron County residents have found
this out,
Mrs. Win, Scott, of Main street,
Blyth, Ont., says : "Although 1 had
tried numerous remedies I could Tied
little or no relief for the painful and
annoying backache that had so fre-
quently bothered ate, The secretions
were tcnnt and the urine was filled
with sediment and scalding. Head-
aches w0r0 frequent and pati caused
me au addition 1 lot of suffering, Aly
hock would often he so weakeord and
painful that I would be rumble to smolt
aver, Booth's Kidney Pills were ad-
vvertisedat Mr. Hamilton's Drug 81 ore
and procuring a box I commenced
treatment. They benefited me from
the liras and it was a (10111arativeiy
chart time whet' the kidney secretions
bed been regulated and the urine had
cleared. My back was relieved of the
pain and I have felt much bettor and
stronger than in a long time previous."
Sold by dealers', price 60 cents. 'Thr
ft. T. Co„ Ltd., Fort Erie, Ont„ sole
011n9ou agents.
60 CENTS gets THE STA NBA CD till
the end of the year for all new sub-
seribel'h in Canada. 11 you want
cheap reading look at our clubbing
Tile Standard 81 00
The Standard and Weekly Adver-
,. 1 05
The Standard arid Weekly Wit:
neer ....., 1 80
'filo Standard turd Wut-k1y Globo 1 85
The Stondord nod Family Herald
and Weekly Star 1 70
'life Standard and Weekly Mall
and Empire 1 85
The Ste nbu•d and Hamilton Semi-
weekly 'Times 1 80
The Standard and Weekly Lies
Press 1 80
The Standard and Toronto Week -
1y Sun 1 80
The Standard and Hamilton
The Standard and Toronto Daily
Star 2 25
The Standard and Toronto Daily
Notes , 2 25
The Standard and Fa'ther's Advo
1xte...,,,,,, 2 80
The Standard and Daily Adt'er-
tieel' .,. ,., ,,, 2 50
The Standard and Evening Free
Press 2 75
The Standard and Toronto Daily
World .,,................. 825
The Standard and Deily Free
Press 8 50
The 81,nda•d and Evening Globe 8 50
The Standard and Evening A1ail
tool Empire 8 50
The Standard and Daily Mail
end Empire 4 50
The Standard and Daily Globe.,, 4 50
Send all subscriptions direct to
Do You Need Furniture ?
It w111 pay you to conte and eco our large stock. This mammoth store, o btbl Ito
05Q0 feet of floor space le filled with the moat heautlful, b,ig1Iest and best lot of
Fbrniture, Cunene-, darpets, Rugr, Linolecros and Ger,trnl H> Furni,birge !hat
money can buy. Our prices as pared to the lowest point, 10(1.101 aid with quality.
Our guarantee goes with 'every article. Your money back If dissatisfied,
rai Wire
We are now offering to the purchasing
at $3:00 per hundred
or $2.90 for cash.
Those having' intentions of building fences this spring
should see our stock before going elsewhere.
Hardware and Tinware - • BLYTH