The Clinton New Era, 1900-09-14, Page 3FORCED TO, CONFESS.
Remarkable Instances of ,Aeknovvl-
edgment of Guilt by Ferri°los Who
Were Not Suispeeted a Danger That
Exists For All Wrongdoers.
"Ile went to the authorities and told
the stery a his crime quite in spite of
himself. His conscience proved 00
strong, for him, and, though there was no
risk a the police tracking him, it com,
yelled hies to give hirnseit up."
,, observed a judge in a sensational
tn rder trial. The criminal had escaped.
. }re was .not even sespected, and he had
plenty of money. Everything was in
readiness for his departure to a distant
land where he had bought a comfortable
busieess. But on tho very eve of his go -
lugs on the way home from saying good-
- by'So 'tTorae friends, his conscience played
him false, and the convictioti seized upon
him that he must confess. This danger
exists for all wrongdoers.
, A painful impression was produced in
a big country town a year or two back by
a voluntary confession made by one of
its most respected inhabitants. From
being a small shopkeeper he had risen to
accumulate wealth, and a crowning honor
eeemed to have been bestowed upon him
when he was elected to a high local office.
Instead it in a way proved his undoing.
He had something on his mind, and now,
feeling himself to be unworthy of the
good fortune that had come to him, he
felt bound to unburden himself.
He accordingly went to the proprietor
of a local newspaper, intending to ar-
range for the printing of a confession.
Tbat gentleman, astounded at the oth-
er's seetning madness in unnecessarily
branding himself, refused to insert the
matter. But the man • was not to be
thwarted. He called a meeting together
and there calmly announced that he had
originally started in business with cap-
ital that had been stolen. Naturally he
thus did himself immense harm, but he
had the satisfaction 9f being at peace
with his conscience.
- In tt big London establishment a strange
, . . .
scene was recently enacted. A lady and
gentleman alighted from a carriage and,
eptering, inquired for a certain depart-
ment. Seated at the counter, •the pair
were inspecting some goods when, look-
ing round. the lady turned pale.
"Have—have you made any alterations
in your premises since a few years ago?"
she asked of the assistant,.
"Yes, madam," answered he. "This
used to be the book department."
The lady seemed about to faint. Her
• husband was‘greatiy alarmed. '
"Don't stop me. Send for the man-
ager," directed the distressed woman.
When that surprised individual ap-
• peared, the lady told him how some time
. before she had on three separate days
stolen books from the counters there.
She calmed down 'when permitted to pay
for the volumes and to contribute double
their value to the provident fund of the
tirm. . •
One of the most dramatic eonfessions
ever made occurred in Australia in a
church during a service on New Year's
eve. Some years previously an old farm-
er known to - carry much money on hie
person had been murdered on that very
day, and Lsertain minister, who had
been a l'1,f41•3fig , friend Of his, always or
the annteary of the dark deed made
-some pub, ic allusion to ,the happening.
On this occasion, to the horror of the
congregation, when the death of the old
man was refereed to an individual sit-
ting in the midst of the people gave a
sudden. cry ,and, rising to his feet, said
solemnly and -distinctly, "I killed him."
On the .matter being investigated thin
turned out to be true. The man was one
of a number who had been employed to
search for the missing farmer. He found
him partially stunned by a fall and ,was
tempted -to rob him, knowing that the
deed would be attributed to others. The
old Man, however, regained his senses; a
fierce struggle ensued, and the farmer
was slain. The murderer had never
troubled at all about the affair. But the
young woman to Whom he was englieed
perenaded him on this night at the. end
of the year to go to cherch.s and it was
there that his conscience got the better of
"People come in here and confess to all
sorts of things," explained it police sta-
tion official. 'Many of those 'confes-
sions' are false, more particularly those
made undee the influenee of drink. I
knew 'Of one woman who" whenever she
had indulged too freely would entne in
shedding Copious tears and aecuge her-
self of .having thrown a neighbor's child
into a canal.
"One miurconfessed fit•st end Committed
the deed a ftetward. Very tmetendily he
walked in and said he gnve himself 11p
for smashing a big plate glass •window.
The charge proved , n Nee one. but the
next day he Was brought in sober, having
been caught in the , act of breaking a
large window of n draper's shop. ' On
her 'night out' a young servant girl once
enme timidly* hist ' inside the doer and
asked to be taken ttp for poisoning a cat."
The misappropriation by a certain, so-
licitor of the trust money of his clients
Was 'brought to light in a most extraor-
dinary mauster. • The man had very clev-
erlystolen thousands of pounds, and only
• at his death would the fact have become
known. He entertained very extensive;3,
and was usually' a light hearted host.
One evenitig; however, he had a etringe
depreseiori of 'spirit& �e told his Wife
he intik go -to hie rOOra or he should be
compelled th so something that would
tally him. He lieparted, and his wife was
doing her best to make up for his ab-
sence when, Pale and shaking. the unfor-
tunate Man stalked info'the room.
Addressing his Wandering guests, he _
said: "I can keep it to myself no longer.
, This house, my•horotee and earriages, the
*Me g '.;:' ette been drinking. everything
ight with Money thet I have
stolea ' Anse who put their trest in
me." Ilis conscience had blurted out the
fatal truth. and he was a ruined min.
The Nearest They Had.
Mr. Choate went into a Twodon book-
shop to buy a copy of Dante's "Inferno."
The clerk departed to seek the book, but
boon returned to remark:,
-•••••• "1 am very sorry, tett we haven't got
',Inferno,' by MC. Pamte. We've get
'Twente Years In South Africa,' by Ce -
11 IthOdes, If Ora would' do."
"And, feeling," concludes Mr. Choate,
"that that was practically the same
tliing, I took the book." -
Easiness women not only make good
WiYes, but they often make good hits -
hands out of tomemighty peer rtiaUrid.
5rhought It munt Ostitt
/vicar:W*2i, ot Dunnville,
saYs of almost MINIadoue euro trots
heat diist by Di. Agnewll Cute for ths
Barri us Until 1 began taking this remedy
&pelted iit My lite. 1 had heart failure and
einem* prostration. Oro deco gave me quick
raid and Otte bottle Ottred Mt The sufferings
of yam were dispelled like initgle.H...3
i8old by tiyaney jaokson, dtiggiat,Olinten.
Paine's Celery Compound
Prdmpt and Permanent Cures.
When women are afflioted with sleepless -
nen and the many ills arising therefrom,
they should be 'aware of the fIfft that • they
can, by their own efforte, otolitrolard ban-
ish.all troubles,
By the use of Paine's Celery Compound
the impure filocid thatunderetines theetom-
itch and the reryous system can be puri.
fired and enriched andThe number of red
corpuscles inoreased. Sleeplefisnees that
mimesmuch of the nervous prostration
anmeg women is a trouble that Paine's Cel-
ery:Compound never faint to cure.
• Paine's Celery Compound by its well
known nourishing powers enables the ner-
ves to get back their control over the oir-
oulation, so that the blood supply becomes
greatest where it is most needed, as in the
stomach after eating, and least where • its
pretence cap only do harm', as in the brain
when sleep is needful.
If weaned, worried, weak and nervous
women desire, full health and a happy life,
we tit ge them•to give Paine's Celery Com-
pound a fair and honest trial. Paine's
Celery Compound has a marvellous record
of rapid and permanent cures that em-
braces every oity, town and village in . onr
large Domipion. No other medicine is so
frequently 'prescribed by our best phyd-
Mans ; no other can so surely:meet the at's
mente of afflicted women. •
Servants In Clana.
• In China a rich man gets as many
servants as he wants. and yet he pays
them no ,Wages, while the commen pen..
ple have .to pay them well. Even then
they ere hard to get, for the reason that
the emplOyee of the rich man can make
more than triple the ordinary wages in
Repudiated. .
• 41 understand, sir; that you referred to
me area dog."
"No, sir; you are misinformed. I con• .
eider a dog man's troest and most faitia.
ful friend."•
Pyrotechnic birds are made in Naga.
saki, Japan. When a light 'is applied tc
them they .sail through the air, flutterine
•their Wings and performing other bird
like antics.
New. York is said to. have 7,500 barbel
shops and. 25,000. barbers.
. .
Two Yesars Abod.—" For eight years
I suffered as 00 000 ever did with rheuma
tism ; for two years I lay in bed; could not
so much as feed myself. A friend recom-
mended South American Rheumatic Cure.
After three doses Leonid sit up. • To -day I
am as strong as ever I was."—Mrs. John
Cook, 287 Clinton street, Toronto. -2
Sold by Sydney Jackson, druggist,Clinton,
Toa may talk about your rambling walk
meadoSta greasy green, • •
. You may ten about your strolls 111 1013117 tam•s
nut the vralkinethaVs like talking,
That stimulates the brains,
• Is on the eity pavements hard and clean. •
When the click of heels upon the brick,.
n• asphalt or the stone.
, Sounds a rapping, tapping. tattoo la the cant,
It sets a willing chord a.thrilling,
• And the drooping Rata cheers,
liaislag ui about the drum and drone.
. 11,55 souid that makes the pulses botmd,
Tbat football music clear,
• And its absence brings oonletimen a lomat*
I1 ends et feeling o'er us stealing
01 a human interest nigh,
Making life and all its pleasures doubly. dear.
--Frank Farrington
Mr fronsides, one of the largest cat-
tle exporters in the Dominion, says
• that as ts result of temoying the
American quarantine, secured by
the efforts ot the Laurier govern-
• ment, it there:Used the value of the
horned cattle in the Dominion by
It took 13 heats to •decide if matinee
race at Milwaukee recently'.
According to an expert; The Bondsman
is pretty nearly' the kingpin unmarked
&otter on the turf todiy.
3. W. Colt has purehased for $1,500
the 0.year-old cheetnut horse Three Bars,
Wagraer oat of Voltic. The hone will
be &Voted to the•jumpIng game.
Sweitzer; a eon of Secretary, Was the
first horse to get a record below 2:15 In ,
California this year. Ile won the first
heat of the Brat race at Santa Rosa in
2:13%. '
When Mont trotted in 2:074 at Santa
Rosa; Cal., A. P. Spreckels had the sat-
itsfactien of knowing that two mares, he
bted have recorde of better than 2:00.
The Other le Hulda, 2:08%,
Captain Tuttle, a GOshen horseman,
has had great success in Auntria. Ile
has Solid moat of the horses which he took
over there with him last wiper, besides
winning several Important wee.
A. statistician has computed that Amer -
Ice n harnene horses will this year race
for tstakes and pursea representing an
amount something over $2,000,000, $55e
000 of which comes from Neve york.
Bet Madison,. by ,Iatteit Madison,
2:173) took a reCord of 2:30 as a 2 -year-
old In 1803 and never got below that
mark Until a few daye ago when she
started at the San Joe (Cal.) meeting
2:14% cuttlitir the mark down to 2:1314
2:15% and 2:173,‘
In a recent work out, Rat 13, 2:041,4;
Free Bond, 208; Fanny Dillard, 2:0814i
.Laralle, 2:124, and Sidney Pointer.'
.2:141/4, etarted from the wire In a bunch,
At the half mile pole Sidney stepped
taWaY from the bunch and finished in
2:0814, last cannier at 2:01 gait.
IlattlestIgn, the bay gelding which ap-
peared to have a Atte thing In the 'M.
and IL at Detroit and pulled up with a
cut tendon, etarted In the 2:25 trot at
Witideor, Get., without a publie record
and trotted his first winning Mile in
2:14114, cutting the mark down to 2:18%
?n the third heat.
Children Cry for
Only half a century ago Japan was
opened to the world, and now It in taking
a hand in teaching civilization to China.
—$t. Louis Ololte-Democrat.
The superintendent of Wet Point de-
serves unqualified commendation for the
firm stand be has taken against haziug
and congratulatiou for his insistence
against it to the point of abolition.—Bal.
timore A.reerican.
The oecretary of the nary has selected
as names for the six new submarhae boats
the following; Grampus, Shark, Pike,
Porpoise, Adder and Moccasin. These
are wor* fish in the PAQ than ever were
Chicago must reed the world' a armies
• In all future conflicts. Germany and
Great Britain may furnish the big guns,
but Chicago must supply the food, with-
out whiola the guns and munitions will
be useless..
The first winnau coroner nas just been
appointed in Kansas. Woman succeeds
as an Inquirer. This Kansas feminine
coroner will know how to put her ques-
tions. She will have more freedom tban
can be allowed in the investigation of or-
dinary neighborhood ,matters.—St. Louis
Post -Dispatch.
Gutta percha Is the milky sap of the
Isonandra guttaf trees of the East Indies.
Cinnamon is the inner rind of the cin-
namon tree. The bark of the young
shoot is the best.
Neatsfoot ha the fat produced in the
preparation of the feet and intestines of
oxen for the market.
Linseed is the seed of Sax. They are
*Smooth, shining, brown, oblong and have
a 'whitish, sweetish kernel.
Emery is the fine particles of a mineral
(emery) and is prepared by heating to a
high degree and cooling suddenly with
water and then crushing.
Cream of tartar is the refined crust or
sediment formed in the interior of wine
vats and wine -bottles, existing priruarily
in the juice of the grape.
. Madder is the root of a herblike'
growth. It h; about the size of a lend
pencil and much longer. It is cleansed,
dried and ground. It is a dyestuff.
Bread keeps better in a Wooden, box
than in one of tin.
Meat should always be cooked with
the fat dovnaward.
When a recipe says "one cupful," you
may be safe in using half a pint.
To test milk place a drop on the finger
nail. If it stays there. the milk is good.
If it runs off, like water, don't us* it.
Liver should always be parboiled and
wiped • dry before frying. This not only
keeps the juice, but softens the flavor.
A good way to extract the juice from
beef for those who require thet nourish-
ment Is to boil the beef on a gridiron for
a few .rninutes and then squeeze with a
lemon suueezer. Add a little salt.
Faulty Kidneys. --Have you back-
ache? Do you feel drowsy? Do your
limbs feel heavy Have you frequent
headaches? Have you failing vision?
Have you dizzy feeling? Are you de.
pressed ? Is your skin dry? Bane you a
tired feeling? Any of these signs prove
kidney disease. Experience has proved that
South American Kidney Cure never fails. -6
Sold by Sydney Jackson, druggist,C3inton.
When Eawton Was Seared.
Major Putnam Bradlee Strong, who
was on the staff of General MacArthur
In the Philippines, says General Lawton
confessed to being afraid once in his life.
That was when he was riding with his
12 -year-old, sloe Manley past Paco ceme-
• tery, at Manila. It seems that a Mon-
tana detail had just buried a comrade
• when a California burying detail came
up. Somehow they failed to get car-
tridges and asked the Montanan for some.
The latter had nothing but ball car
they'll do," said the California
"Ready, firer came the order a me-
ment later.
The bullets went whizzing over the
grave and over the stone wall, on the
other side of which was riding Genera/
.Lawton, his head only a few inches below
the wall. The bullets made a breeze as
they went past. "That was the only time
I Can remember being scared," said the
generel later, "but my boy spoke- up and
said: 'Papa, le this like being under real
.fire? If It is, I like it.' "—Array and
Navy Journal.
A marvel ot cheapness, of efficaov, and of
promptitude is contained in la bottleof that
famous remedy, Puinern'e Painless Corn
gxtrootor. It goes right to the root of the
trouble, there mots quickly but so
ly that nothing is known of its operation
until the corn is shelled. Beware a sub-
stitutes offered for Putnam'e Painless Corn
Extractov-safe, sure and /Wakes. Hold
at druggists.
He Had a Reason.
• Mother—Why, Tommy, you don't mean
to say •you took a second .plece of pie
when you were visiting, do you? Why
did you do it? '
Tonimy—I Juot wanted to show them
that I was used to havin plenty to sat
when 1. win; at home.
•Iron Neat to Good Gliveranseatt,
Next to good government there is noth-
ing so important to the business welfare
of any progressive nation as an ample
supply of iron and Stability In its pries.-.
1 Mrs. lames Carr,
I•°ORES •,frCaelv.i:Misit4ts:
SCROFULA "My little boy, two
., ° Arida hallyears old,
was in a terrible) con.
clition and suffered a great deal from
scrofulous sores. My husband bought a
bottle of Burdock 13lood Bitters for him
end gave it to him, and by the time he had
finished the second bottle th'ere wee not a
sore to be iteeno On account ot this won-
derful Cure I can honeetly recommend
13.B. IL to all who suffer from any dittease
arising from had blood."'
Mr. Oliver y. Murray,
CORES cliarlottetown, P.M I.•
writes a* followst
BOILS. . "About six months*
I wits troubled *with
+0101111.111111111111111* paten:I boils, for which I
could get nothing to core me. AA a last
resOrt I tried Burdock Mood Bitter*. Orra
bottle completely rid trie of boils, and my
health Wall never better than at present.
Ile Expeeted rt.
Abraham Llueoln wits once retained to
defend a man charged with stealing some
hams. At the trial the accused himself
gave some very damaging testimony,
whicb !so alarmed Mr. Lincoln that he
went' over to his client and told him that
any further effort to clear him would he
useless. The accused insisted, and Ur.
Lincoln wade a short plea to the jury -
The charge of the court was very clear,
and there was little doubt that the de-
fendant would he convicted. The juty
was out only nye minutes and returned it
verdict of "not guilty," Mr. L'ncoln
touched his elient on the shoulder and
asked him if he expected that.
"Why, yes," he replied. "Eleven of
them fellers helped eat. them bams!"-
Magnificent Teeth.
A man went to a dentist and asked
him to "take a look at his teeth." The
dentist did so and seemed full of admira-
"What do you think of them?" asked
the patient.
"Magnificent! Magnificent!" was all
the dentist could say.
"Then you don't find anything to do
to them?"
• "To di) to them? Why, there are four
to be pulled, six to be filled and three to
be crowned!" said the dentist.—Scraps.
Will Make You Sleepy.
• "A novel remedy for insomnia," saYe a
Philadelphia doctor, "is to try to pictare
to yourself another person asleep. The
more clearly a sleepless sufferer can do
this the stronger becomes the subjective
feeling of drowsiness."
Seeking Information,
A.pplicant For Situation as Parlor Maid
-.Should I be expected to nand things
at lunch, madam, et do you etretch7—
In Iceland the native's dinner usually
consists of dried fish and butter.
Mr Robt. F. Gray;of 250 Clarence street;
London, Ont., says: "I believe Catarrh•
ozone will produce a positive -mire tor
Catarrh. After using it a few times re-
lief was an taunted fact. The disagreeable
dropping in the throat soon lessened and
the penal passage became tolerably free
and the breath became less disagreeable.
Calarrhozone is an ideal treatment and I
hope it will find•its way into the hands of
many affected ones" Catarrhozont is a
guaranteed cure for Catarrh and •Asthma.
Sold everywhere. Trial outfit sent for- 10o
in stamps by N. C. Poison & Co.,Kingston,
Ont., Proprietors,
• rite
"Yes, he °oasts that he has liver: neat
ly 70 years without ever having bee:
inside of a bank."
"What is he, it hank director?"
"I'm sure I must have met you."
Sbe sald end looked me o'er.
"Oh, yes, we were engaged last year
And aka one, before!"
One Mares Theory.
Smith—After all, what would we do
without doctors?
Brown—Pntronize drug stores less, 1
imagine,—Cbieago News. " •
A Urn vvback.
rull oft originality
Makes people shrug and smile.
ror it must naturally be
A trifle out of style.
e7Wash1ngton Star,
,But what is. the •use- Of. food,
. It is •the thin edgeiof the
geLiverss tciot otcl is, i
wedge; the thick end s food.
when you hate -it, and cdn't di -
of Cod Liver Oil is the .means
of life, and enjoyment of life to
thousands: men women and
stores it. 'When, food is a
burden, it lifts the burden.
the plumpness of health.
• duty • is heavy, it makes life
When work is hard and
When. youlose flesh,it brings
• When appetite fails, it re
n of . Cod
sEthmulsioefood that makes
you forget your stomach.
If you have not tried It, send for
free sample, its'agreeable taste will
surgC16141.B6WNE. Chemists;
Toronto. •, ,
50o. and $1.00; all druggists.
est.ern Fn1r, London
September.6th to I5th, .1900.
Entries elose Sebtember 5th.
The rdost complete exhibits from Farm, Forest and Factory. New and startling
special features, Chariot races by imp ted Grey Hounds, Balloon Ascensions, Double
Parachute Drop by man and lady celebrated Gymnasts, Aerial Artists and Acrobats.
The armored tram s attack on the Boer etrongholds, and •many beautiful set devisee
Suecial trains over all lines each evening after the fireworks. Send for Prize Lists and
Programs, •
ILfe.-001... WM. M. GARTSRORE, J .A. NELLES.
President. secretary.
• The Great Northwestern Exhibition
Only two daysobut they will both be hummers Nowaste time
Everything Begins at One o'clock on Tuesday.
The leading County, fair of %rot= t.rtlzsiDir —
tario, held in the healthiest and prettiest The great farn2ers trot or parse.
town in Canada. It has the finest fruit ,
tlisplay in Ontario. • Prizes $30, $20, $15 and $10.
No other Comity Fair has so good a Snick
or anoh well arranged and commodious 2;20 Pace ttnci 2:16 Trot.
grounds and buildings.
Music esoh day by the Goderloh Marine 2:30 Paee and 2:26 Trot,
The best opeecling program offered in 2:45 Pace and 2:42 Trot,
the county. prima mom
• Entries (except for speeding) clue Sept, 16th. Drop it oard for a Prize Lid,
JamEs MITCUELL, Secretary.
Prima 050.00,
For raa
wAmTrott'..,A esneOf Intl %earth fest it'11"A`N•C wilt
ilet benefit, They b.inim• tam sitsi pot4Otte,1115. clue ewes
Stilrf.. Nett t4.• It PP A 3 3 WI nadt•me *OA
Wept 514 rYA ft. 3, to lot $ keou. 0.4E
be hen et Any Ong %woe.. 104 4 ,Kuttlit cnaaltdlhotiMtil
tOelitiortisii wet. N. hi.01*.1 ..• ler,* s.
atvwari.4 o the alpha. ehenntat Cn, va'ft
Ikt*et, Now V•itS.
4.)!Illtpat,i1)104(111.0.y.,..,IJAI,11.,11110 111114,E I
similating theToocl andReg uta -
tilt the 3umnelts andBowels
Promotes Digestion,Cheerfui-
ness and Rest.Con tat ns neither ,
pionini,Morphine nor Mineral.
September 14 190l,
• s. ----
• • •
Pamphin Sad-
.dinire lead •
ftreoneffr. :roe& .
• 114 treed -
Jerg;• r .
raw. Harty;
Aperfeet Remedy for Constipa-
tion, sour Stomach,Diarrhoea,
Worms ,Convulsiorts.Feveriph-
ness andLos OF SLEEP.
• TheSimile Signature of
• 14 tiAr YORK ;,
•-. EXACT COPY-Dr-MIRA lelsen.
Oastoria IS put up In one -size bottles only. It
is not sold in bulk. Don't allow anyone to sell "
you anything else on the plea or 'promise that it
itt "just as good" and "will answer every pars
pose." ' Srxr-See that yoe. get (1 -A -S -T -0 -R -I -A. •
Th. fao- -
ZeSe/g 11"11-. -
The value of the Cream Separator, le
now ee well nnderstood that any argu-
ment for its nee would appear super-
fluons. The following will, however, be
of intent& • •
At a trial made at the Munster Dairy
School some time ago, the aserages of
43 experiments with a given quality of
milk were 100 lbs of butter frorn the
• Separator, as compared with 59 lhs of
butter from° milk set in open pans for 24
• hours, 66 lbe of butter when it was set
• for 36 hours, 73 lbs of butter when it
was set for 42 hours, and 76 los when set
for 54 houre. It may be taken for grant-
ed that the use of the Separator gives
25 per cent more aream than any system
of skimming. If you are a dairyman,
think over these facto. Can von afford
to go on dairy business in which there
• is a waste of one quarter. Buy it
Sharpies Cream Separator and thus
• secure all the profit, that ie that is to he
had in the dairy business. •
• W.H.S. machine capaoity 300 Das, $75;
No.1 machine on stand capacity 325, $90.
Easy terms of payment.. Write today.
•Ounne te
'V L
• t
• • •
Sugar Sugar Sugar
Just to hand, second car Redpath Extra Standard granulated and Yellow
sugar. We sell in bbl lots ess than wholesale Sell in 50 bbis, Special price in 100 pound
lots and dollars.
We,have best 20. tea in town, extra nice Japan tea 20o, agents fcrRam
Lars, Appleton, Monsoon and Blue Ribbon teas in packages.
Exquisite Dinner, Tea, Toilet, Glaee and Water Sets. We expect this
week tWo orates direot from the manufacturers in 'Staffordshire), England, bought before
the advance of 15 to 20%. We are selling at old prices, you will save 25% by buying
from us. tall and examine goods and prices before you buy.
J. W. IR vulg.,
Exeter Flour
- Clinton
• IT NO EXTRA cosr
All kinds Of Small Field Seeds, as Timothy, Red and
Alsike Clovers. Headquartersfor Turnip, Mongold, Carr°
Seeds. Fresh Groceries and Canned Goods.
Our specialty is Teas. Try. our 15o Tea. Other:yuletide equally es:cheap.
HighesPnaarket price:paid in cash for eggs,
'Buggies •
We are selling Buggies for three of the best ; Caniage-
Companiesin Canada,.
, and the well known
We are selling twine made by.the verKbest makers at
reasonable prieet
Also agent ,tor the Alexander and Mallotte
Seperator. and Massey Ean Bicycles; Samples can be
at the shop, Isaac Street.
• Geo. Lavis,
•General -Implement Dealer) Clinton,